Lyrion - Squeezebox Bugzilla Archive
Squeezebox Bugzilla Archive
This is a static collection of archived bugzilla tickets from former Feel free to use it if you feel the urge for some archeology.
Reporting new issues
If you have an issue with your Lyrion Music Server (aka. Logitech Media Server, Squeezebox Server, SqueezeCenter, SliMP3) we recommend you join the community on .
Formal bug reports can be submitted on our Github repository . Please only do so if you are certain you have found a bug. Check with the community first.
Bug list
This is poor man's bug search. Hopefully the search engine of your choice will soon provide better results.
3 : there are not enough bugs in the database
4 : Browse by Genre returns tracks in wrong order
5 : Short Clips lost on single play
6 : timestamps in mail archives are broken
8 : MP2 Playback broken
9 : Bad state while in player plugin list
10 : Really love to see native AAC playback
11 : 802.11g support
13 : Internet streams will stutter
14 : Add support for mono, 8bit and other sample rates, left/right swap
15 : dhcp fails with Mac OS X network sharing DHCP server
16 : Low bitrate (64kbps/22050samples/sec) stutters.
17 : JVC IR codes are unreliable
18 : WLAN scanning doesn't restart properly after initial scan
19 : WLAN scanning doesn't restart properly after initial scan
20 : Elapsed/Remaining Time wrong for FLAC files
21 : Burn CD button
22 : Add to playlist when shuffled shouldn't replay already played songs
23 : GenreCache decouple Artist/Band/Composer
24 : Squeezebox and SLIMP3 sync drops end of track
25 : FF on a FLAC playlist produces audible click
26 : Unpause broken
27 : make the transcoding to HTTP streams able to be specified in the URL
29 : Audio dropout at beginning of tracks using Squeezebox digital outputs
30 : Server does not appear to respect start/end times tags used by iTunes
31 : High-8 ASCII characters not displayed properly on Squeezebox
32 : pause squeezebox for a long time, then not be able to restart
33 : smart bandwidth limitation, transcode only when necessary
34 : names with multiple leading articles can cause confusion
35 : MediaCenter compatiblity
37 : sync POWER commands too.
38 : add support for the TCMP tag.
39 : reduce volume during ffwd/rew
40 : make random work more like the radio
41 : fix web titles albums and artists
42 : try to put single quotes in a title format and bad things happen
43 : Hide the server settings only
44 : browse by new music
45 : scroll speed preference
46 : the location URL on the song info page should be a full URL
47 : press rew while paused should take you to the beginning of the track and not unpause
48 : inverse IP blocking
49 : name the current playlist if it's from a saved playlist
50 : efficient access to timepoints within long files
51 : split artists by / (per the ID3v2 spec) and enter them separately (optional)
52 : disable audio for some synced players to act as remote controls
53 : show unique icons for songs, playlists and folders on the right (both player and web)
54 : add an entry to play current album when browsing album in web
55 : filenames and tags containing asterisks are dangerous
56 : single search result for global search
57 : make a way to specify double-height custom characters for plugins
58 : the right side of the web interface should indicate power off state
59 : ALL ALBUMS for Browse Genre
60 : Unicode Tags are not supported
61 : Add support for the (c) character
62 : checkboxes to perform delete on multiple items
63 : deleting an item in the playlist jumps to the beginning.
64 : Reduce memory footprint
65 : Windows service should run as high priority
66 : power off from web interface
67 : Browse via CLI
68 : option to disable id3 tags altogether
69 : don't stop if the playlist has a bogus song in it, just skip over it.
70 : Song files referenced by CUE files shouldn't have metadata in the database
71 : bad m3u files (with bad volumes) shouldn't hang server
72 : allow a scheduled rescan
73 : make sure genre cache and tag cache are in sync
74 : don't make the current item a link
75 : group together album information in playlist view
76 : add gentoo instructions (see note)
77 : make it possible to move songs in the current playlist (to any position, to the next song)
78 : Option to ignore album in navigation
79 : start the server, play the whole mp3dir, wait a long time before music
80 : volume normalization based on ID3 tag and itunes information
81 : collapse and sort by album
82 : sort multi genre albums properly by track
83 : remember scroll position in web interface (see note)
84 : add alarm clock to web interface (player settings)
85 : fix progress/current song/time display at song transitions - Live365
86 : sort by problems when artist name is same as album name
87 : add rendezous support on win32
88 : add the ability to stream from the HTTP server in wav, aiff, ogg, shn, etc...
89 : direct number entry while browsing unsorted lists
90 : show spinning cursor while in large font mode on player
91 : Make the (EN) skin more stylesheet friendly
92 : we don't reshuffle when loading a saved playlist
93 : add browse by album cover
94 : add support for itunes start and stop times
95 : when opening and seeking in MP3, use parser to make sure that we've got byte accuracy.
96 : Enhanced Security: Access without server admin rights
97 : make a player specific option for transcoding bitrate
98 : notice and cache the bitrate for radio stations based on the icy header.
99 : sort by user specified values and/or display format
100 : add all albums should sort by artist first, not genre.
101 : show some feedback for ffwd in double-height mode
102 : http proxy support
103 : make web interface lists sortable by title, artist, year, genre, etc...
104 : pressing add/delete/play while browsing in trackinfo should do the right thing
105 : control sleep timer from web interface
106 : make other tags available for display format and/or more meta information and appear as artists
107 : HTML/MIME mail on list digest
108 : fast forward feedback needs work
110 : AIFF to MP3 transcoding to SLIMP3 has problems
111 : When playing files with incorrect times, browser refreshs constantly
112 : sort albums by year
113 : DHCP doesn't work with Alcatel Speed Touch Router
114 : static "click" on analog ourputs when starting WAV files
116 : if you uninstall itunes on Windows, the slimserver gets confused.
117 : Incoming streams don't set $client->streamformat
118 : Songs longer than 99minutes corrupt the VFD display
119 : WAV and AIFF scanning doesn't work properly
121 : shuffle by album always plays the same album first
122 : Invalid response code when doing remote streaming (with fix)
123 : Add support for the Compiliation tag that iTunes adds
124 : Support perl regexps in searches
127 : iTunes Volume and EQ: Question/enhancement
128 : Server unconditionally sets non-MP3 streams to 44.1 kHz stereo
129 : Covert art does not cache the 'not found' state
130 : End of playlist display stuck on "Now Playing"
131 : http://server/stream.mp3 returns wav data
132 : right before a song is played, we should reload the metadata from it
133 : System-installed modules load first
134 : the default language should be set to match the user's language
135 : Include YEAR when listing ALBUMS for ARTIST
137 : Build cover art filename from ID3 tags
138 : Add WOL support to SliMP3 Firmware
139 : UI flashes old information on song change
140 : Playlist starts at top of list when pressing down to access next song
141 : Incorrect Track count
142 : Make rating available to player UI and Web Interface
143 : Mark songs as explicit?
147 : Autostart threshold should be adjustable
148 : system preferences gets bolloxed when upgrading
149 : "Digital output level is fixed" loses (3.5 mm) analog output after volume change
150 : Server not available warning displayed too often
151 : syncing a stopped player to a playing one doesn't restart track
152 : firmware should detect duplicate IP addresses
153 : mDNS on Panther Server seems to cause main mDNS to fail after time
154 : forgetting connected SliMP3 hangs 1-19-04 nightly
155 : parsing cue sheets treats time offsets incorrectly
156 : Play skips forward "random" seconds after resuming play from fast forward
157 : Only some cover art show up while browsing artwork
158 : Sorting by Artists is not alphabetical
159 : Mp3 tag database caching doesn't work
160 : Playlist problems with tracks on remote server
161 : Show an explicit warning about marginal or insufficient signal strength.
162 : the separator group is not the same in every language.
163 : Browse by Compilation feature
164 : redundant declaration of DISC, DISCC in infoCacheItems
165 : optical sync delay causes brief initial dropout with mp3 material
166 : Navigating into music library folder does not detect changes
167 : Browse by Genre change
168 : synch via remote
169 : Add resume capability
170 : MoodLogic settings disappear
171 : Script error in Fishbone Skin
172 : New profiled/activated MoodLogic songs aren't recognized
173 : mp3 cache errors
174 : 30 minute mp3s play indefinitely
175 : using sort order makes pagination unusable
176 : casecache can't distinguish between artist and album
177 : PCM audio is inverted
178 : Add support for MPC (Muse Pack Compression/musepack)
179 : shn doesn't work on windows
180 : support IEC61937 datastream on SPDIF (for DSD, DTS, MP3, or whatnot)
181 : Up-to-date detection of folders and files appears broken
182 : Add support for ID3 tags in AIFF and WAV files
183 : Playlists-within-playlists display incorrectly
184 : typo in NBMU skin
185 : Feature request: Add HEAD command, Last-Modified and E-Tag headers, respect for If-Modified-Since and If-None-Match request headers to webserver component
186 : iTunes library does not work on Linux
187 : add feature to change local timezone in server
189 : Sync lost between players when powering off one of them
190 : Unable to play MP3 files with CUE files present using UNC musicfolder path
191 : wav/cue combination ends up with static being played on some tracks
192 : the command "display ? ?" doesn't return the text on the display
193 : doc bug, Technical documentation of server (cli)
194 : NBMU missing basic artwork display capability.
195 : SlimServer service stops with errors are a few minutes
196 : If a squeezebox unexpectedly disconnects, then reconnects, the audio should be restarted.
197 : add "All Subfolders" link under Browse Music Folder
198 : Playlists with title information overrides ID3 tags. Make this optional.
199 : Display bug in Current Playlist for compilations
200 : add feature to specify whether albums or artists are shown immediately under genre
201 : Right pane is unresponsive
202 : Customer request: MP3 passthrough on S/PDIF
203 : AIFF parser doesn't know about AIFC files
204 : make squeezebox not light up when server is not present
205 : add feature to crossfade
206 : screensaver doesn't kick on if you play a song with repeat off and song ends...
207 : Randomized-by-album playlist always starts with same album
208 : title format under player settings contains ancient information, needs to be updated
209 : cli commands like "playlist play" returns when not yet ready
210 : MP3 Radio Stations need tw o 'play' attempts after SlimServer restart
211 : Missing tracks in playlists should give better feedback
213 : repeating playlist when synched
214 : Resume after long pause broken
215 : Squeezebox screen doesnt blank when server is off and a remote control is used
216 : Genre-All Albums-Album not played in song order
217 : Support for multi-value ID3 v2 Genre tags
218 : Sound drop-outs when streaming FLAC files to Squeezebox
219 : "#" doesn't display right with double-height display
220 : add option to make plugins available from the main menu on the player
221 : Streams being incorrectly identified
222 : add support for monkey's audio .ape format
223 : add WavPack support
224 : add support for Open System WEP authentication
225 : playlist ordering broken for multi-disk albums.
226 : Latest Windows XP Service Pack 2 release candidate does not cooperate well with Windows service
227 : Music folder scan skips some file paths
228 : Filenames with double quotes "skipped" by server during playback
229 : SlimServer v5.1.2 not seeing contents of playlists
230 : Native FLAC Decoding at Squeezebox
231 : Genre>All Albums>Album Play problem
232 : Startup fails with RPM install on linux: mkdir /usr/local/slimserver/Cache: Permission denied at /usr/local/slimserver/CPAN/Template/ line 377
233 : scrollPause and scrollRate value and description flipped in web UI
234 : search for * intermittently puts -> character in search string
235 : add support for itunes music sharing/rendezvous DAAP
236 : make m3u files with backslashes from windows systems parse cleanly elsewhere
237 : artfolder default complains that it doesn't exist
238 : using the XML with Linux seems to be broken
239 : web interface refuses to allow port 80
240 : Browse by Year
241 : sorting by "sort order" tag fails after restart, works after rescan
242 : Can't browse a music folder whose name contains a '&'
243 : Can't seem to upgrade from firmware version 20 to 21!
244 : Determining the presence of a client device
245 : IR REW can't backtrack to previous tracks on SLIMP3
246 : Issuing pause from CLI doesn't update screen immediately
247 : add support for WPA security over wireless
248 : http://server:9000/stream.mp3 is several seconds behind 'real time'
249 : http://server:9000/stream.mp3 allows client to buffer mp3 from the 'future'
250 : http://server:9000/stream.mp3 seems to cause some clients to disconnect in between songs and when skipping songs
251 : Allow plugins to load/unload 'on the fly'
252 : Report Raw IR codes via CLI
253 : Nx FWD and RWD work incorrectly for single file MP3 w/ CUE Sheet
254 : Squeezebox repeats end of track when sync'd
256 : Add sync/unsync command to CLI
257 : sound ends early when 2 SB sync'd and shuffled
258 : scan time summary
259 : Synchronization should use fine-grained network clock
260 : add support for FLAC streaming over http
261 : Incomplete album track listings for large MP3 collection (Win2k)
262 : make plugins accessible through web interface
263 : HTTP client hangs, creates huge file when opening MP3 stream
264 : Support for EAC CUE sheets for WAV file tagging
265 : Scroll speed has no effect on 'big' font/display
266 : Bad syntax in Ogg Vorbis transcode in convert.conf
267 : Upgrade to 5.1.5 changed display for streaming radio stations
268 : Artist tag not displaying correctly
269 : add feature to toggle whether iTunes-disabled tracks show up in Slim Server
270 : Option to disable or removal of FLAC -> MP3 default transcoding when streaming to wireless Squeezebox
271 : Transparent http Proxy Cache problem
272 : title of streamed track is missing in 5.1.5
273 : streaming audio skips under 5.1.5
274 : Transcoding mp3 files results in intermittent problems accessing web interface
275 : Power button crashes server when players synced
276 : Squeezebox (v21) continues playing after switched off (5.1.5 server) if used while another Squeezebox waits for firmware upgrade
277 : Resume from pause broken
278 : Resume from pause still broken
279 : SlimServer not scanning library automatically
280 : All Folders hyperlink does screwy things on IE on Windows
281 : Stream breaks on Netgem i-Player
282 : When you change title format to omit 'by Artist', by artist still shows up
284 : In firmware 2x, a brief snippet of audio from earlier in the track plays at the end of the track
285 : If a specific transcoding can't be done, the server fails silently
286 : add support for jumping to a specific position within a track
287 : Plugin name does not follow changes in language settings
288 : Listing compilation discs under "Various Artists"
289 : Playlists restart 40-50 seconds after starting
290 : Albums added to currently active playlist sometimes added twice
291 : SB UI should indicate MP3 vs. PCM playback
292 : 5/3 nightly: windows installer pops up with several errors during install process
293 : The SliMP3 clock drifts
294 : Songinfo URL is incorrect
295 : tag splitting doesn't work with sort order tags
296 : Add native support for Real Audio streams
297 : Add support for Real Audio streams on Windows and MacOS
298 : Add support for WMA streams on Windows and MacOS
299 : Leave rescan button available in Server Settings when iTunes is in use.
300 : calling id method with phantom client shoudn't crash
301 : Can't locate object method "offset" via package "Audio::Wav::Read"
302 : Home Menu Customization doesn't work
303 : creating a big playlist with the play button gives no feedback in double-height mode
304 : Create a way to have a power on audio announcement
305 : Add option to specify sort order of album art.
306 : Multi-disc albums appear to be shuffled, not playing in order
307 : crash in 5-12 nightly
308 : changing skins causes pages to load with little or no content on them...
309 : add support for iTunes 'Group compilations when browsing' feature
310 : syncing sb and slimp3 breaks time remaining display
311 : network connection timeout too low
313 : Wireless signal strength display on the server
314 : Volume control in web UI is inconsistent with Squeezebox's
315 : Player settings config file
316 : slimserver dies if you try to view songinfo and no player are found
317 : Web Access to SlimServer causes synced Slim/Sqbx to load new playlist
318 : Make web links more dynamic
319 : Import Plugins
320 : COMMENT keyword in "Title Format"
321 : cue sheets no longer parsed
322 : Slimserver does not play at all
323 : TCP streams randomly break
325 : Diacritic characters breaks browsing by music folder
326 : Add option to remove songs from playlist after they have played
327 : password protected web interface conflict with windows UI.
328 : After pause-play from web-ui is track restarted, but progress bar remains at old position or jumps to random position
329 : customer request: ability to rate songs through SlimServer
330 : reloading Handheld skin can cause unexpected behavior
331 : implement wake on lan with Squeezebox
332 : Support alternate syntax for enhanced metadata in cuesheets
333 : MP3 frame detection needs to double check at the end of files.
334 : Add support for IR keyboards
335 : Client disconnects while paused
336 : Problems with page loading when transcoding
337 : Remember the name of the playlist that was last loaded.
338 : Need to include oggdec and flac binaries for major platforms
339 : Warnings while loading a large directory
340 : Dropouts when playing uncompressed.
341 : SlimServer.exe fails to start if Handheld skin is the default skin
342 : wma mp3 * * comes out byte swapped on windows
343 : songs requiring transcoding fail unless lame is installed
344 : formats disabled even after lame installation
345 : mov123.exe causes a large CPU spike at startup
346 : iTunes network streams broken
347 : select alarm clock playlists from remote
348 : Inconsistent navigation for artists with only one album
349 : artwork fails to retrieve images from AIFF and Apple Lossless files
350 : Artist tags with / not handled properly
351 : Some D/A converters cut off the beginnings of songs that are not at 44.1khz sample rate
352 : DHCP supplied subnet mask is not shown properly
353 : Have the server version string indicate (daily mm/dd/yy) or (cvs mm/dd/yy)
354 : Add (artist name) to album view in web interface
355 : Provide "save-over" capability for playlists
356 : option for 'now playing' display for radio streams
357 : Debug logfile refresh needs a pause button
358 : WMA transcoding selection isn't sticky
359 : UTF8 tags in FLAC files not displaying properly
360 : SqueezeBox should support FLAC directly
361 : slimserver leaks memory when playing radio station
362 : .shn filenames truncated at dots
363 : some mp3 streams crashes slimserver under Mac OS X
364 : IPV6 Support for SB
365 : browsing should allow for multiple albums with the same name
366 : Music library scan can't handle directory that's all whitespace
367 : Request for enhancement: Home Menu Customization
368 : "Group Discs" doesn't function
369 : Windows GUI takes a long time to start
370 : Loop in browse function due to wildcard
371 : Detect and report misconfigured duplicate ip addresses
372 : Elapsed time display way off
373 : Home page links get messed up when switching languages.
374 : Rendering glitch in web UI for Mozilla/Firefox
375 : Alarm settings too hard to reach on web interface
376 : Music folder path should be fixed per platform
377 : Playing an album adds tracks in genre order before track order
378 : Add all search results to the current playlist
379 : Add ability to search by other tags, such as comments
380 : Automatic playlists
381 : Unable to Map Shared Drives to Slimserver when Run as Service
382 : trying to download a file when there isn't a client connected can crash the server
383 : Warning while using shoutcast, not calculating base correctly when parsing playlists
384 : while entering text on the remote, it should behave like a nokia...
385 : Shoutcast plugin: Recent stations aren't recorded for players that don't have a human readable name assigned.
386 : Allow music selection using 'predictive text'
387 : Files with same ID3 album but duplicate track tags are ignored
390 : client object attributes need expansion
391 : Slimserver startup conflict with HTML::Entities
392 : [Feature Request] browse by album enhancement
393 : %20 encoded spaces visible when adding Album
394 : Text Entry / Nokia Style
395 : Delete character under cursor when moving backwards
396 : Play button does not power on player display
397 : Firmware puts up partial message just before boot
398 : After firmware update, quick flash of update available message displayed
399 : Blackouts on clients after Searching for Songs
400 : Strange behaviour on browsing artists whos tag has a '*' in it
401 : SlimServer Crash Via Shoutcast and SoftSqueeze
402 : writing out cache db can stop the music.
403 : slimp3 & squeezebox sync seems to be off.
404 : Player sometimes reboots when switching from MP3 to PCM output
405 : SHOUTcast plugin - add a way to force refresh of stations from
406 : streaming through HTTP proxy no longer works
407 : remote streams do not use the convert command logic
408 : 5.2.0/1 rpm install fails on useradd error
409 : Default player Brightness not remembered on update
410 : Dropouts with wireless squeezebox during rescan
411 : multiple artists tags break on details page
412 : Firmware >23 needs one Slimdevices IR code before recognizing JVC codes
413 : Crash during music scan
415 : mov123 doesn't seem to work on Windows 2003
416 : Digital outputs are not immetiately locking on 44.10 on uncompressed streams
417 : can't setup the listening port 9000 for the HTTP server: Address already in use
418 : #EXTINFO ignored
419 : Timeout when streaming to squeezebox, etc. when remote is shutdown without stop/pause.
421 : Multible Items In Tags does not work with album filed
422 : Duplicate album names cause albums to be lost from view
423 : MoodLogic selection from the remote crashes SlimServer
424 : songinfo download link crashes server if no client found
425 : Using 'Download MP3' option in a network Drive or NAS
426 : Squeezebox periodically loses server
427 : Move 'Show Buffer Fullness' from a global server setting to a player display mode
428 : Individual scroll rate/delay settings for large and small fonts or a ratio of ~2.
429 : Show 'inactive' players.
430 : Display recieved bit rate.
431 : 'Test' mode for recieved IR codes.
432 : Make home page more customizable
433 : 'Multiple Items In Tags' should be able to split on words
434 : Server crashes when pref is set with backspace in it
435 : if ~/Library/Logs does not exist on MacOS, Start Server button fails to function
436 : can not enter a 2 for the first digit of an ip number
437 : Bug and new feature request: multi-level user/password system
438 : Folder names with line-end spaces are ignored
439 : FLAC files with embedded cuesheets
440 : Fishbone skin will not load in IE 5.2 on MacOS
441 : Named pipe with a known audio extension hangs server
442 : timestamps for events in slimserver.log would be useful
443 : Slim::Control::Command::execute( $client, ['playlist', 'add', $url ] ) fails once
444 : cachedir default not properly set on Unix
445 : setting a scroll pause of zero causes things to lock up.
446 : Browse artwork ordering is case sensitive
447 : make cuesheet parsing for flac files work by default
448 : Make Web Skin configuration depend on Client IP
449 : slimserver software won't run on new 10.3.4 OS X install
450 : APEtag on Musepack files seems to go unrecognized
451 : Infodb doesn't remember moodlogic mix caches
452 : multiple artists in vorbis comments
453 : "new version available" many, many times
454 : My title format is adversely affecting Browse By Folder
456 : Streaming low bitrate audio can result in long buffering times
457 : Default skin-Squeezebox Home link from Technical Information loads frames within frames
458 : plugins added to home menu leave blanks in the menu if they are gone
459 : Some languages display bogus dates & times...
460 : add support for skipping albums
461 : discrete scrollPause for large font.
462 : problems with DHCP that do not meet specs from RFC 2131
463 : Illegal division by zero at /PerlApp/Slim/Formats/ line 65.
465 : After several track skips the Squeezebox reboots when playing flac files
466 : Support for ID3 BPM Tag
467 : clearing of "Artwork" format string not accepted via web interface
468 : setting "Artwork" format may cause problems with flac files that contain embedded cuesheets
469 : sort order tags being ignored again
470 : Synchronization causes the currently playing song to restart.
471 : Hooks for playing/not playing notifications possible for re-nicing?
472 : Playing m3u playlist triggers backtrace
473 : MP3s Occasionally Popping
474 : Multiple problems with INPUT.Text
475 : Use of uninitialized value in repeat (x) at Slim/Display/ line 56.
476 : slimserver 5.3.0b1 text size control inverted
477 : now playing screensaver scrolling restarts
478 : Synch'ed boxes reboot
479 : Feature request: Shuffle
480 : crash with graphic display module
481 : create an INPUT.Bar mode
482 : multiple radiostation URL's in an iTunes playlist and then pressing play
483 : "Browse Songs" causes crash with iTunes Library
484 : class vfd::setcustomchar displaying character name
485 : severe loss of IR remote sensitivity
486 : handheld skin has lost link to default skin
487 : Track ordering in Fishbone using FLAC
488 : Volume pops when going from 39 to 40 and 40 to 39
489 : Single Album FLAC w/cuesheet fails to play tracks at > 60 minutes
490 : search results in handheld skin reset the selected player to the default
491 : Random slimserver crashes
492 : flac files w/ embedded cuesheets appear as "playlist" when browsing music folder
493 : LWP & FTP
494 : Support for inactive IR mapping files in preferences.
495 : if in large text mode, squeezebox software update--press and hold brightness for firmware update is not readable
496 : Default Skin: Re-start after "OFF" on web interface
497 : Need to turn off optical digital output LED when Squeezebox is 'off' ('standby')
498 : FLAC CUESHEET index points past one hour seem to wrap
499 : content type is being stomped (again) for flac w/ cuesheets
500 : Alter menu structure of player UI
501 : Windows service stops
502 : Support for conductor (TPE3) frame as an ID3 Artist tag
503 : Problem with UTF-8 encoded ID tags
504 : status_header doesn't load properly in Camino, Firefox, possibly other browsers
505 : Removing last song in playlist causes weird display
506 : Jerky animation and audio dropouts with repeated screen change 'long line' scrolls and horizontal navigation scrolls when streaming uncompressed audio.
507 : Have a preference for a confirmation dialog when adding to or replacing a current playlist.
508 : popping back to settings menu shows blank lines before scroll.
509 : More consistent behaviour of 'Play' button; particularly when using "jumpback on wake"
510 : add timezone awareness to clock setting
511 : shn's doen't work on mac osx
512 : Zapping songs from playlist always selects first song
513 : Minor playlist textual bug
514 : Difficulty editing entered text
515 : slim server dies when adding multiple albums to playist
517 : server and player settings disappear when changing skins
518 : very poor performance and conflict with iTunes
519 : Non-standard characters display incorrectly in playlists
520 : SBG display mask corrupt with FW ver.34
521 : /html/controller.html broken for some button modes
522 : Moodlogic request from remote crashes server
523 : Delete function loses playlist tracks / NEW FEATURE IDEA
525 : Add option to omit single-track artists when browsing artists
526 : Year Limiter Plugin
527 : irmap preference should not use absolute path
528 : Would be nice to detect and possibly add exceptions for SlimServer in new XPSP2 firewall
529 : Add feature to disable re-buffering at the beginning of each track when syncing
530 : Slimserver crashes if you exit a search
531 : add support for high-bitrate (free form) MP3s with bitrates over 320kbps
532 : In larger (full height) fonts have the horizontal scroll move one pixel at a time.
533 : persistent stuck bits in graphic display
534 : Erronous Display of FLAC Files with International Characters Displayed
535 : Mute causes crash
536 : Files with ` or " in name cannot be transcoded
537 : slimserver crash when d_cli set, using my client script
538 : internet radio stations from iTunes playlists do not load properly sometimes
539 : No display updates on doublesize track change
540 : No track scrolling in single size nowplaying screensaver
541 : Remembering position within a song within a saved playlist
542 : Wireless Signal Strength option is gone from View Current Settings menu in fw 37
543 : OS X: crash when opening SlimServer.prefPane
544 : After several track skips the Squeezebox reboots
545 : Add capability to automatically restart an audio stream from persistent playlist when player reconnects.
546 : with any character display, scrolling is broken when 'Now Playing Information' set to anything but nothing.
547 : Playlistname in display
548 : ID3-tag with BPM
549 : random as well as shuffle
550 : Strange entries in Slim Music Cache
551 : Server reconnect
552 : DRM'ed WMA files should be skipped
553 : WMA DRM protected files
554 : Stuck in loop searching for song
555 : Restarting playing of WMA
556 : Dropouts even when buffer is at 99%
557 : Support of ID3 "TIT1"
558 : First album in album shuffle always the same
559 : Automatically remove bogus tracks from playlists
560 : Slimserver is scanning music directories it shouldn't
561 : Volume always returns to mute
562 : No Mute button in the Slim web console
563 : unpausing from web interface causes box to play even if it's off
564 : Add ability to play brief messages without disrupting playlist
565 : Buffer fullness dosn�t work always.
566 : Installation if slimserver.exe running on desktop fails
567 : Moodlogic playlist are missing
568 : WMA VBR shows 0
569 : When there is conma "," or period "." in the file name, SB cannot display after it.
570 : Tray icon for service
571 : Transcoded files cannot FWD / RWD
572 : "Download" link on song info page is always a file:// URL
573 : SoftSqueeze navigation causes track playing to jump back to the beginning
575 : Song Count is doubled, with Moodlogic enabled
576 : Server got stuck in shortcut-folder-loop and dies
577 : artwork file search should be case insensitive
578 : Cover artwork images broken when fronting SlimServer with Apache/mod_proxy
579 : Sony RM-VL1000 UNiversal Remote
580 : browsing a shortcut goes to root directory
581 : Flac w/ Cuesheets doesn't play correctly
582 : setting scrollrate of 0 will crash server with SqueezeboxG
583 : Music Folder setting is case sensitive
584 : Make current time an option in 'Now Playing'
585 : additional "time to rescan" triggers
586 : Determine if player has graphic display from the CLI
587 : Scroll long text submitted with the CLI "display" command
588 : PLS & M3U files have file URLs when they should have paths...
589 : Transcoding WMA files fails when filename contains $
590 : directory lists only first artist in WMA files when they have two or more artists in the tag
592 : MPC file genre is ignored
593 : "Undock" in the fishbone skin fails for second player
594 : Clicking "Play" in web interface does not always turn on player
595 : convert.conf file has bad parameter for ogg to mp3 transcode
596 : Display total duration of a playlist
597 : library does not recognize my multi-disc sets
598 : Gaps inserted between tracks when 2 or more players are sync'd
599 : Musepack files not getting tags read
600 : Live Music Archive: Can't connect to server
601 : enable wildcards in album art setting or automatically choose art by size/resolution
602 : Server process hangs but does not quit
603 : WMA DRM Protected files - see bug 552
604 : Do not show DRM protected WMA files in browse
605 : Incorrect song numbers when using MoodLogic
606 : add some text to 'Player Not Found' screen for troubleshooting/suggestions
607 : multiple music paths
608 : Scan 100% processor
609 : Playlist add while shuffled replaces Now Playing display
610 : add support for Musicmatch
611 : Service stops randomly
612 : Change "_" to " " in Guessed Tags
613 : Change in root folder of a windows drive isn't detected
614 : Cannot display text on squeezebox using web based URL CLI
615 : Zero pad track numbers
616 : Specify sort order without using sort order tags (TSOP, etc)
617 : Sending a "display" command via CLI will stop a paused player
618 : Enhances security - user-account
619 : [PATCH] Add support for iTunes compilations
620 : add feature to disable http referrer security change.
621 : Songs in album incorrected sorted when they have multiple artists
622 : Asterixes in album title cause SlimServer to crash
623 : cover art sorting
624 : MP3s may be decoded with a data rate not supported by S/PDIF
625 : Add "unsynch" button to Fishbone Skin
626 : Add persistance to search drop down box
627 : Add switch to clear log file when server is restarted
628 : track restarts over and over when search display is on screen using the remote
629 : SlimServer refresh interrupts audio when using SenseMaker skin
630 : CLI doesn't handles all commands, needs empty \n to flush
631 : Volume control error whilst Pitch control is displayed
632 : Live365: Old title info shows when scrolling
633 : Artwork not searched for Flac files w/ CUE sheets
634 : RadioIO channels (port numbers) incorrect
635 : hitting play on Squeezebox Home / Browse doesn't play stuff.
636 : Change name of web interface
637 : Playlist in SoftSqueeze
638 : cover art in Fishbone looks odd
639 : slimserver shouldn't respawn failing converter
640 : Squeezebox display goes blank after pressing left arrow
641 : Add ability to auto-upgrade firmware on Squeezeboxes
642 : make it so that the trailing slash on URL when accessing a different skin is not mandatory
643 : add support for redirecting audio from sound card line in(or out, or app audio output) to players
644 : Transcoding remote WMA or ogg streams through LAME doesn't work on Windows
646 : WEP key index
647 : Incorrect sort order for FLAC songs
648 : leave brightness unchanged when entering screensaver
649 : Allow Assignment Of Screensaver For Off Mode
650 : Allow Assignment Of Screensaver For Off Mode
651 : multi disc albums don't sort properly when queued
652 : Jump To Next (Or Previous) Track When Removing From Now Playing Via Remote
653 : must be root to run slimserver
654 : multi-disc problem
655 : Problems with loading external javascript lib (scripts.html) in fishbone theme (read on for the easy proposed sollution)
656 : Last track in external FLAC cuesheet is dropped
658 : support for proxying RC5 remote control signals through xpl
659 : Options -> Set Music Library Folder does not trap invalid folder path
660 : wake-on-lan support for Squeezebox?
661 : Artist +1 displayed as 1 in squeezebox and web UI
662 : Silence MP3 does not honour bitrate limit
663 : Provide facility to set lame transcoding quality setting
664 : iTunes Playlists won't go away
665 : Read "Compilations" flag from iTunes
666 : RSS News Ticker should ignore HTML tags
667 : Screensavers should function when player is "off"
668 : RssNews plugin crashes on Perl 5.6.1 - Undefined subroutine: utf8::decode
669 : Allow Sleep Option to Stop Music Rather than set OFF state
670 : SB will not retry SS locate after initial attempt on boot
671 : Slimserver bug with .m3u playlist format
672 : .mp3 required in streaming address
673 : RSS Ticker activation freezes Squeezebox/large text on slimp3
674 : No audio output from Squeezebox
675 : Installation of SlimServer resets logon account
676 : 5.4.0 does not always show artwork images from id3 tags
677 : RssNews Plugin crashed when feed contains items with id attributes
678 : tune in page: trying to tune in to any station causes script errors
679 : tune in: asx parsing when there are unescaped special chars (&) in the playlist cause mayhem and havoc
680 : Stopping searches
681 : internet radio should be usable via web interface
682 : Playlist reference only flac file with multiple tracks, not tracks
683 : Playing FLAC files from directories with a $ (dollar) sign fails
684 : RSS Feeds do not scroll on power off screensaver
685 : Server settings repeating themselfs in WEB UI
686 : "Now playing ... Moodlogic mix" text shown in MusicMagic mode
687 : SlimServer truncates config file on startup
688 : Indicate when config file can't be written due to lack of disk space
689 : Analogue output volume too low
690 : Extracting titles from URLs in M3U should be smarter
691 : Server Crashes on "Undefined Subroutine" error in Nov 26/27 Builds
692 : No remove from play list option on handheld page
693 : Incorrect track ordering on multi-disk sets
694 : Not refreshing the currently playing track
695 : Artist Sorting / Listing Error
696 : Missing Song in Server
697 : Keyboard shortcuts and shell integration
698 : Problem with forward / rewind scan
699 : Sampling rate problems with OGG radio streams
700 : SlimServer truncates ID3 tag info when headers include repalygain info
701 : Can't clear playlist using remote by holding down ADD
702 : convert.conf does not use $QUALITY$ setting uniformly
703 : sleep timer suggestions
704 : getting many reports of the Rescan button failing to find new music
705 : Undefined string: FEC
706 : redundant registry lookups from slim.exe
707 : odd behavior occurs on OSX when multiple copies of the same song in different formats exist on the system
708 : browse music folder INSANELY slow and cpu intensive
709 : add support for "browse composers"
710 : Feature Request: Weather Screensaver
711 : XM Streams
712 : Server stop with the following in the event log.
713 : Support for streaming XM
714 : XM Radio Streams
715 : Feature Request: Weather Screensaver
716 : REQ: command to return pathname of currently playlist
717 : Using external cuesheets results in duplicate entries in the db
718 : parsing cuesheet in flac tag
719 : [patch] add a --playlistdir option to
720 : flac w/ embedded cuesheets are blank in "Browse Music Folder"
721 : Shoutcast plugin writing directly into /
722 : CVS: 0 reported as invalid entry for Audio Startup Time
723 : Attempting to save playlist to a write protected directory gives incorrect error message
724 : add to playlist feature request
725 : No off time for alarm, no weekend exception, no non-repeating alarm
726 : Set New Player Defaults
727 : Scannable Radio playlist
728 : Letter *T* appears after *M* in Browse Artists
729 : provide equalizer settings by song
730 : provide custom "fade" playback
731 : allow playback of song to begin and end at defined times
732 : Squeezebox fails to negotiate new IP lease from DHCP server
733 : Problem saving playlists containing mp3s from cuesheets
735 : duplicate URLs in a playlist cannot have unique titles
736 : RPM includes binaries that aren't useful
737 : listen 1 induces CLI API change
738 : Searching behavior is poorly designed
739 : Request: option to show year with 'browse artists'
740 : Browsing playlists by artist/album
741 : (Apple Lossless?) Genre info not collected when not using iTunes
742 : Alphabetic indexing of "browse music folder"
743 : Mute through fade_volume does not work
744 : Auto Detect iTunes folder and library not working
745 : Extend iTunes support to include UNC paths
746 : Loss of digital lock when radio station loses connection or is stopped
747 : RadioIO loses lock often; poor re-start
748 : CPU usage renders the PC dead
749 : [patch] Display cache
750 : Gap between songs while using FLAC
752 : Windows XP shortcut links crash SlimServer (SQL version only)
753 : DSP in audio chain
754 : disc number tagging on multi-disc sets in the form 1/2 produces warnings
755 : CPAN/arch-less distribution would be useful
756 : setup links broken when running on port 80
757 : Specify multiple music folders
758 : CSRF vulnerabilities in Web UI, non-Referer test needed
759 : Closing apostrophe character in news feed crashes slimserver
760 : Automatically assign SlimDevice Player Names
761 : WMA lossless (and reportedly other WMA formats) play in mono!
762 : Squeezebox reboots at random intervals
763 : Selecting Play from Browse Artwork doesn't work
764 : html output gets cut off when special characters are displayed
765 : album art not displayed when 'Articles to ignore' enabled
766 : LAUNCHcast support
767 : The CLI doesn't allow you to query for the current display mode
768 : Unable to play an OGG file with a very long name?
769 : Rescan causes server to crash
770 : itemsPerPage param does not work for album lists
771 : browse artwork pwd list has extra album param
772 : browse year pwd shows DBIstore hash instead of year
773 : Split service ports for webserver and streaming music
775 : Improved handling for multiple copies of the same track in different formats
776 : Don't reload both frames when switching between squeezeboxes.
777 : Squeezebox pitch change does not work correctly for pcm streams
778 : Names of plugins in web interface uses output of getDisplayName directly
779 : Performance issue - on new SQL Code
780 : mov123 crashes when playing all .m4a files
781 : Create playlists with relative paths, not absolute
782 : left / right speaker volume
783 : wireless signal strength display doesn't auto-update
784 : Inaccesible files cause high CPU usage
785 : Radio stream url entry on web page does not pass client-id to protocol handler
786 : menu_browse_artist key binding messes up menu structure
787 : JVC DVD codes from Echostar Dish Remote don't work on SB
788 : Plugins documentation should include Folder/ stuff
789 : itemsPerPage=-1 == BOOM
791 : Problem tuning in to Internet Radio stations
792 : security: CLI should require authentication if HTTP does
793 : SqueezeBox / SlimServer Integration
794 : Search + drill down to album not working
795 : Web Interface Bugs - alpha pagebar
796 : Web Interface Bugs - songcount
797 : Web Interface Bugs - browse playlists
798 : Web Interface Playlist
800 : playlist commands broken
801 : Feature request: Identify client by name and not ip
802 : Changing display size to large on slimp3 with RSS feed screensaver crashes SlimServer
803 : ogg tracks cause the server to die with an SQL error
805 : Blue Screen of Death on Win 2003
806 : password for web interface
807 : FW V1 shows no MAC addy
808 : Rework template processing to be more effecient.
809 : Changing Font Size from Slimserver doesn't have effect
810 : Birate lower than 128 wont play MP3 (Digital Only)
811 : Cannot play internet radio at 128K bitrate
812 : Cannot connect wireless
813 : Setup fails to show available SlimServer list
814 : Fails to connect through a router
815 : Crash after each song
816 : Static progress bar and remaining time
817 : independently adjustable delays for right & left channels
818 : tone controls
819 : UPnP support via SN
820 : importing problems
821 : browseID3 playermode broken
822 : Moodlogic features and playlists missing on restart
823 : Strings mangled in EXE build
824 : images don't show up in plugin webpages
825 : per-user profiles
826 : Music dropouts hourly due to tag caching
827 : Squeezebox should retry after losing wireless connection
828 : [Developers] DHCP/Slimserver overload - needs change to firmware.
829 : Feasability to include absolute polarity management in Slimserver/Squeezebox?
830 : USB output for external DACs on Squeezebox
831 : default bitrate limit server setting
832 : request ability to turn off clock when in Standby mode
833 : Volume changes are delayed
834 : headphone jack overdriven
835 : add support for monkey's audio image link files (.apl)--similar to cue sheets
836 : flac files with cuesheets are not working properly in 6.0
837 : date/time display corrupted when using chinese windows OS
838 : Gapless MP3 playback has "gaps"
839 : L/R Channels Sometimes Reversed w/Optical Output
840 : Albums are duplicated when using MusicMagic Mixer
841 : playlists detected incorrectly as files first time.
842 : Using Source::OpenRemoteStream stores url in DB
843 : Proxy address entering
844 : view artwork with song playing
845 : moodlogic playlists are misssing
846 : browse playlist shows no artist
847 : Multiple albums shown for collections
848 : duplicate genres where capitalisation differs
849 : double artist and composer shown
850 : Lost playlist.html in frameset when accessed via NAT.
851 : Can't use parameters containing spaces in CLI
852 : Musepack files aren't being read properly.
853 : adv'd search switches chosen player to default player
854 : fishbone search should default to simple not adv'd?
855 : Cannot find server
856 : 99% CPU
857 : slimserver dies under debian stable
858 : Slimserver does not play tracks sent from MusicMagic
859 : stream metadata changes song title permanently
860 : fishbone advanced search frame target issue
861 : Adding new albums to player with shuffle by song does not re-shuffle
862 : allow search by range of years
863 : Can't call method "id" on an undefined value
864 : Tracks in the playlist lose their links
865 : Incomplete Album listings
866 : date of file on songinfo is today's date, not file's date
867 : 6.0a1: Delays when skipping tracks
868 : browse by album crashes slimserver
869 : muted playback
870 : itunes db problem crashes windows service
871 : Pressing add while displaying an album in song info causes the server to lock up and hog CPU
872 : Home / Browse Albums list scrambled
873 : Browse by folder sorting shows empty folders first
874 : Browsing large directories is very slow
875 : Browse Folder in web should have an alpha pagebar not a number page bar
876 : SlimServer crashes when changing groupdiscs option, which does not work
877 : Squeezebox old display large font doing strange things
879 : Adding new albums to player with shuffle by song does not re-shuffle
880 : Upgrade to DBD::SQLite-1.08
881 : Alphabetic inconsistencies
882 : Title and Artist not displayed in "Browse Artwork"
883 : Now Playing playlist not always saved correctly
884 : Scrolling large font causes server to stop
885 : ending time missing for files referenced by external cuesheet
886 : trackinfo->album shows empty.
887 : Changing language on latest 6.0 nightly causes server to crash
888 : Changing language on latest 6.0 nightly causes server to crash
889 : service slimserver restart doesn't stop the old service
890 : string for choosing WPA encryption during setup could use clarification
891 : wireless network keys probably should not be shown in view current settings
892 : wireless network name string can overlap with the actual name in view current settings
893 : wireless signal strength display issues
894 : 'Connecting to SlimServer...' string could be elaborated on
895 : going in to Browse Playlists causees a long delay
896 : Browse by artwork halts on accented characters.
897 : hostname on 'Select your SlimServer:' gets cached or something
898 : visualizer doesn't know left from right
899 : distortion at the beginning of FLAC tracks, for up to 30 seconds
900 : visualizer lag when playing flac
901 : channels swapped and 1 sample phase shift in analog output stage
902 : (insanely) low bitrate mp3 internet radio causes one channel to buzz
903 : visualizer appears to hang at the end of a flac file
904 : ending time missing for files referenced by external cuesheet
905 : DATE tag used in vorbis comments is more specific than YEAR
906 : if a small visualizer was enabled, standby clock screen is shifted left
907 : pressing buttons while player is in standby makes things blip on to the screen
908 : bounce up and bounce down animations still not implemented
909 : posible enhancements for entering wireless network encryption options
910 : Browse Music Folder pwd links are blank
911 : Mono .wav file plays fast - Stereo .wav is OK
912 : Only A-Z no �-�
913 : Load playlist with Umlaut doesn't work
914 : composerInArtists preference ignored in playlist views
915 : inconsistent 'all' options in browse menus
916 : Search results shouldn't show * in query
917 : When in Browse menu, pressing PLAY or ADD should play or add the item selected.
918 : included pony
919 : Show new track title briefly when track changes on blank screen saver.
920 : Show new track title briefly when track changes on blank screen saver.
921 : Album artwork display order not strictly alphabetical
922 : repetitive 'squeezebox2 firmware is up-to-date' messages
923 : album artwork images getting truncated or not shown
924 : advanced search javascript error on IE
925 : songs referenced by external cuesheets won't play
926 : some screensavers malfunction
927 : files with embedded cuesheets and external cuesheets produce strange listings
928 : "Any..." in advanced_search.html needs translation
929 : Crash when viewing current settings but connected wired
930 : Static IP address choice not sticky
931 : Browse Playlists not working in SlimServer
932 : TCP connection limit does not work and isn't needed anyway
933 : Player locks up when trying to connect to an 802.11a network
934 : Squeezenetwork configuration issues
935 : "Time Zone" setting for Squeezenetwork overflows to the right
936 : bottom line scrolling animation doesn't use new technique
937 : Shoutcast error messages are too fast to read
938 : Selecting the "Screenshot" menu item "locks" the box.
939 : "Standby text size" item "bumps" to the right
940 : Method objectFromUrl appears to be undefined
941 : Crash in the middle of the night (possibly RSS News Reader)
942 : Live Search song result missing artist and album links.
943 : flac playback stops after a couple of seconds
944 : skin override falls to EN on a case mismatch
945 : can't use web interface while scanning at startup in 6.0a2
946 : Add option to search by composer
947 : mysql: SlimServer needs to reconnect on lost database connections
948 : Browse artwork by artist
949 : Playing flac, hitting fwd multiple times locks up flac decoder
950 : SlimServer doesn't deal well with album names that end in "..."
951 : choosing ExBrowse2 skin causes IE script error
952 : Artwork-reading with %ALBUM does not work in 6.0a2
953 : Assigning static ip kills SB2
954 : SB2 messages dont' fit properly in the excession skin
955 : deleting a track from earlier in the playlist causes player to display wrong track
956 : Crash in
957 : SlimServer crash on rescan if inaccurate windows shortcut in music folder
958 : Connedting to SlimServer... stays on forever
959 : Softsqueeze uses 100% CPU time
960 : Firmware should update stored SS IP address
961 : default 64bit/128bit WEP and WPA key strings should have null value
962 : enhancement: Scan for SlimServers option on setup menu
963 : Max volume should be unity gain
964 : Occasional reconnects (possibly associated with FLAC playback)
965 : fw update needs hard reset
966 : Can't set the DAC clock to 32KHz
967 : Audio pipeline should be 24-bit throughout
968 : SB2 does not connect automatically after a powercycle
969 : Squeezebox resets when playing
970 : can't disable CLI in web interface
971 : song details omitted when opening song info from a search (old search only, advanced works fine)
973 : clicking play in web interface on an artist that only has one album puts tracks in wrong order
974 : rpm install refers user to http://localhost:/ (leaves out port number)
975 : upon install, UI says 1 album, not zero
976 : softsqueeze with server 6.0 is optimised for 5.4
977 : older version of softsqueeze applet with slimserver
978 : softsqueeze fonts look wrong with server 6.0
979 : disabledPlugin keeps adding pref
980 : Very high dropout rate when playing back on 10.4
982 : Can't locate auto/DBI/ in @INC...
983 : Unrecognized Token error in SQLite during initialization
984 : now playing information isn't updated
985 : now playing display web settings don't match remote settings
986 : locale en_US.UTF-8 will crash SS when using perl 5.6
987 : Live Search/Manual Search confusion
988 : backspace in Live Search doesn't refresh
989 : Live Search ignore search within words pref
991 : Does not appear to ignore songs disabled in iTunes
992 : Web and player UI not updating - 03/09 nightly
993 : special character not sorted properly in web ui artist browse
994 : Need to add FLAC/WAV transcoding prefs UI
995 : SS v6.0b1 scanning library glacially slow
996 : missing mysql server crashes slimserver
997 : $ds->objectForUrl(Slim::Player::Playlist::song($client))->title() returns stream name instead of songtitle
998 : Visualizers should reset themselves when the player looses connection or power is pressed.
999 : Analog VU causes stream to slow down
1000 : difficulty obtaining DHCP lease from WRT54GS v1.1 fw 3.37.1
1001 : difficulty obtaining DHCP lease from WRT54GS v1.1 fw 3.37.1
1002 : crash browsing into music folder with remote
1003 : SB2 has wrong name for server
1004 : SB2 will not scan local network for servers
1005 : unset tags shouldn't stomp on tags that are set
1006 : Now Playing does not update on SB screen
1007 : Playlist view: empty "by"
1008 : artists are not de-duplicated for different capitalisations
1009 : Menus not functioning correctly
1010 : SB2 connects to SqueezeNetwork even though a SlimServer was selected
1011 : Selected Playlist Publication
1012 : Need to add ppc-linux Perl 5.8 binaries (for LinkStation users)
1013 : Now playling track does not update when scrolling
1014 : SONGSMATCHING is missing from strings.txt
1015 : add ability to connect to ad-hoc networks
1016 : squeezebox should detect if a server's IP address has changed
1017 : discovered ssids appear below the "Enter network name" line
1018 : Need to connect to SqueezeNetwork with DNS
1019 : Get old-style fonts and graphics working on Squeezebox2
1020 : Improve the font used in setup
1021 : If DHCP fails, give user the option of self-assigning an address (AutoIP/linklocal)
1022 : Need ability to choose your region for wireless
1023 : Add direct connection to radio stations for SqueezeNetwork
1024 : Syncing doesn't work correctly for SB2 in a sync group with SB1
1025 : Audio stops after FLAC track
1026 : Implement gapless playback for MP3
1027 : Mute does not work
1028 : Reconnect bit not set in HELO message to server
1029 : Server should send STREAMINFO header with FLAC stream
1030 : FLAC decoding parameters could be improved to avoid bug
1031 : Visualizer screensavers should show now playing information optionally
1032 : SB2 will not play music after switching servers without rebooting
1033 : trying to save a read-only playlist causes server to crash
1034 : radioio: urls that are saved into playlists show up with albums and artiss in web
1035 : % in search is turned into a space
1036 : Search for words rather than search for substrings
1037 : Server crash on parsing cue file
1038 : Every time a new softsqueeze is opened on the PC it is IDed as a new player
1039 : Selecting playlist causes duplicate entries in database
1040 : creating and playing large playlists much slower than v5.4.1
1041 : images in software should be of squeezebox2
1042 : complaints of zlib being missing on several os's
1043 : Too many splash screens for Squeezebox2
1044 : Client-side animations should only use the server-specified width
1045 : IR blasting support
1046 : player font settings need to match player type
1047 : server crash related to visualizers
1048 : make a player the primairy player
1049 : installer does not import music folder info to server settings field in web gui
1050 : no browse buttons for folder fields in web ui.
1051 : Web interface needs to ID player on settings tabs.
1052 : "Small", "Medium", "Large", and "Huge" fonts broken.
1053 : Ability to cycle through multiple screensavers.
1054 : Ability to set number of repeats per RSS channel
1055 : sendFrame function missing in player module
1056 : Now Playing does not update when songs change
1057 : Softsqueeze2 should play nicer with SlimServer 5.4 and 6.0
1058 : sb2 pops if left unconnected for a long time
1059 : Web interface hogging CPU
1060 : Links to Album and Artist missing in Now Playing web page
1061 : Ogg Vorbis Support in Firmware
1062 : Slimserver Crashes when Launching Internet Stream.
1063 : Can't view all results from multi-page advanced search
1064 : Server crash when browsing: FLAC title tag?
1065 : web UI graphic for SB2 model
1066 : PDA / Handheld skin problems selecting album in 6.0b1
1067 : All Songs Called '1' on Browser Interface
1068 : Visualizers avialable for setting on SB1 even though they aren't supported.
1069 : fade_volume broken
1070 : after firmware upgrade from 3/12/05 (v6), player does not push sound to stereo
1071 : To many artists listed (started in #995)
1072 : no indication in UI of 8s limitation for transition time
1073 : SenseMaker Skin buttons behave erratically
1074 : slimserver 6.0b1 - wrong song title displayed sometimes
1075 : Cannot show 'time remaining' on now playing screen
1076 : upgrade to 6 beta - oh dear
1077 : can't choose squeezenetwork on SB2 startup
1078 : MusicMagic Player prefs
1079 : error message when going to Settings->Information->Player Information with a slimp3
1080 : more intuitive error message or detection for wmvcore.dll being absent would be nice
1081 : implement ffwd/rwd scanning for flac files
1082 : Handheld skin / Search Music crashes server
1083 : Playing items from autocomplete search results broken with multiple players
1084 : Problem with accented characters in id3 tags on FLAC files
1085 : Slimserver daemon fails to start in FC3
1086 : Slimserver crashes on connection to SoftSqueeze
1087 : Non-livesearch searches, album results don't work
1088 : Selecting iTunes menu from SB crashes server
1089 : ID3 tag display error on Squeezebox
1090 : no notification when auto-advancing through playlist. Bad statistics
1091 : Album -> Songs much slower through web interface than on squeezebox
1092 : after setting alarm time, popped all the way back to home menu
1093 : iTunes scanning performance far worse in 6.0
1094 : check boxes missing from settings/timezone
1095 : make version checker use async http
1096 : auto restart on crash
1097 : wireless SB2 defaults to transcode to mp3 at 320kbps by default if LAME installed
1098 : make 'digital output volume fixed' option work with SB2
1099 : Slim Devices Picks -> Slim Devices Picks -> ...
1100 : song info mode
1101 : Building Large Playlists
1102 : No sound on first track of playlist
1103 : add support for WPA1-AES
1104 : crash while setting alarm clock
1105 : HDCD decoding support
1106 : Missing convertPath in exportFunction
1107 : crash when adjusting volume from alarm clock menus
1108 : .slimserversql.db (and conffile) always owned by group root
1109 : add a command line option for the location of the db file
1110 : ensure resetting to factory default works by ship
1111 : Only last track in FLAC file is correctly indexed (with cue sheet)
1113 : number keys on remote select wrong playlist items
1114 : Mono MP3 streams only play out of left speaker
1115 : slimp3 control with remote doesn't seem to work any more with 6.0 versions
1116 : Load only playlists from iTunes XML
1117 : 6.0b1 won't start on i686-linux platform
1118 : browse playlist not showing with itunes & no playlist directory
1119 : Mixed format collection, all tracks appear twice
1120 : Network Perl modules no longer working on v6.0
1121 : enable user to search for artists and albums, not just songs
1122 : playlist caching
1123 : Server crashes (core dumps) on certain album
1124 : 'Now playing (jump back on wake)' does not change with song title change
1125 : Not able to ffw mp3 on sb1 or flac on sq2
1126 : New default values for scroll rate and scroll pixels
1127 : Installer hangs after clicking Update
1128 : Clicking on the letters of the alphabet doesnt jump to album beginning with that letter
1129 : Fix xmlTelCanto skin
1130 : album characters displayed incorrectly in playlists
1131 : prepare_cached fails at server startup
1132 : gototime behaves erratically
1133 : Wrong count of albums and artists as compared to iTunes
1134 : Lazy load xPL module.
1135 : Slimserver 6 (2005-03-18) UTF8 problem when changing tracks
1136 : crash switching from wired to wireless in setup
1137 : ExBrowse2: Error browsing directory with "+" in its name
1138 : Add Support for DISCNAME Tag
1139 : swedish character in filename
1140 : Can�t run my script after upgrade from 5.4.1 to 6.x
1141 : crash when hitting Now Playing after changing buffer fullness settings in web interface
1142 : add more granularity to Now Playing Information
1143 : Genre is not updated if tags changed and rescan happens.
1144 : Composer tag overriding artist tag for other songs by particular artist
1145 : change playlists is not working with only one option in main menu.
1146 : 6.0 b3 Crash while playing some music - formatting
1147 : SlimServer can cause problems with network firmware devices (for example packet8 VoIP service) because of UDP arp packets to disconnected slimp3 client
1148 : SlimServer can cause problems with network firmware devices (for example packet8 VoIP service) because of UDP arp packets to disconnected slimp3 client
1149 : Different Perls are being used
1150 : Tracks added to db via 'browse music folder' have ALBUM in all caps
1151 : DateTime screensaver does not work on SB2
1152 : SlimServer execute with the user argument creates log and conf with incorrect and unusable privileges.
1153 : Don't run intensive tasks while music is playing.
1154 : Duration not being respected by Slimp3 in 'display' command
1155 : Server rescan having more trouble with Ogg tags
1156 : script error when browsing music folder
1157 : Softsqueeze fails to connect via SSH on subsequent connections
1158 : null track request?
1159 : sb2 firmware update could mention sb2
1160 : Problem with shuffle modes
1161 : SliMP3 players do not work with Slimserver 6.0!
1162 : sessions expire, even as you use SN
1163 : when restarting server, old clients remain connected
1164 : bad file name in playlist crashes server.
1165 : display ? ? returns HASH...
1166 : Slimserver 6 doesn't read COMPOSER tag from flac embedded cuesheets
1167 : Plugins show up on player even when disabled
1168 : starting with no DB and __$MAC playlists may not scan
1169 : Playing items using player Browse Artist menu/remote doesn't work when TSOP (sort order performer tag) is different from ID3 artist name
1170 : 6.0b3 crashes at startup in line 111
1171 : Playlists folder not automatically created on Mac.
1172 : Composer appearing when doing Artist search
1173 : minor visualizer performance issue when bridging and using lots of bandwidth
1174 : proxy settings interfere with localhost
1175 : WEP and WPA don't work for some APs
1176 : crash while doing firmware updating
1177 : Connect to SqueezeNetwork appears momentarily in SlimSever selection menu
1178 : in setup allow user to specify server ip address
1179 : plugin compatible debug
1180 : merge track list handling to common code
1181 : slimservice must gracefully handle multiple versions of firmware
1182 : wma stream doesn't play
1183 : default gateway address doesn't get cleared after factory reset
1184 : sb2 setup allows some dumb ip addresses (immensely trivial)
1185 : tons of errors reported after performing an SB2 firmware update
1186 : syncing a stopped player to a playing one doesn't restart track
1187 : Need a way to retain additional/custom fonts during upgrade
1188 : iTunes playlists now have spaces URL encoded
1189 : Play counter is incorrect after fast-forwarding
1190 : Analog outputs only give left channel
1191 : firmware.html page for updating squeezebox1 is broken in 6.0 beta
1192 : playlist errors when starting server
1193 : Bogus coverart can be cached by the browser across database wipes
1194 : Mozart Forever, Always station from Live365 crashes the server
1195 : update of elapsed time and progress bar somewhat erratic when ffwd'ing through FLAC
1196 : chirps and squeaks when ffwd'ing through mp3 files
1197 : settings -> Standby Text Size is broken
1198 : errors reported after "punching" left from SB2 home to setup menu
1199 : Not really playing after pause then load
1200 : implement magic packet wake-on-lan (wol) with Squeezebox2
1201 : analog vu meter, digital vu meter, spectrum analyzer screensavers broken
1202 : graphics get seriously messed up RWD'ing FLAC and leaving it in that state
1203 : Resetting... not shown anymore after firmware update
1204 : volume display on SB2 disappears a bit too fast
1205 : possible UI enhancement: option to center date/time in the middle of the player
1206 : Include artist in 'new' albums
1207 : Graceful way to end one playlist and start another
1208 : Playlist display in Safari: edit playlist on all the page
1209 : The "Multiple Items in Tags" feature doesn't show multiple artists.
1210 : Shortcut when editing playlists
1211 : new formatting in 2 steps works - not in 1.
1212 : Adding item to playlist does not update properly
1213 : Folders with leading space create "%" in browse musicfolder pagebar
1214 : SlimServer not recognizing new library additions
1215 : Display of album name '* ' crashes the server
1216 : Volume Resetting With New Song
1217 : alarm sounds with & in the title don't work.
1218 : Alarm sounds show ugly HTTP urls when played
1219 : DHCP client woes with BEFSR41
1220 : Now Playing list in web interface doesn't always update correctly
1221 : alarm clock snooze does not respond
1222 : Feature Request: support DISC and DISCC keywords in flac vorbus tags and embedded cuesheets
1223 : service crashes when you try to go to player preferences when streaming through stream.mp3
1224 : Failure playing mp3s on 6.0 w/squeezeboxG
1225 : Crash on 'player settings' for remote client
1226 : Parts or full albums missing.
1227 : getting reports of Wipe Cache messing up the song database
1228 : font size gets reset to 50/50 after sb2 firmware update
1229 : visualizer doesn't show up after an sb2 firmware update
1230 : sb2 firmware update really slow sometimes
1231 : Browser refresh causes AAC cut-offs
1232 : SoftSqueeze stops responding.
1233 : playing slimtris while playing audio can cause distortion
1234 : would be nice to show server hostname and ip in settings->information->server information
1235 : addLinks() not working for plugins
1236 : alarm clock time entry a little wonky
1237 : pressing play or add while using slimtris usually flips your piece twice
1238 : removing songs from playlist with add button can be annoying
1239 : "Browse Music Folder" from player fails on non-ASCII directory names
1240 : Playlist for Radio Paradise crashes SlimServer
1241 : Shuffle (song) -> Shuffle (off) goes back to beginning of playlist, not to current song
1242 : First song skipped on play in random iTunes playlist
1243 : MusicMagic mixes do not play on remote client
1244 : Enabling RSS Newsfeed crashes the Slim Service
1245 : display duration does not work as documented
1246 : Fishbone cosmetics
1247 : Live365 causes SlimServer Service to halt
1248 : Artists containing special characters in iTunes are missing
1249 : Pause changes volume level
1250 : Accessing player settings via web interface crashes slimserver
1251 : Windows tasktray icon
1252 : please to include QuickAccess plugin by Felix in SS distribution
1253 : Current playlist not displayed correctly when skin is changed
1254 : crash in Slim::Formats::parse
1255 : Problem saving 'now playing' information for player
1256 : iTunes tracks dropping out of database
1257 : same error repeated many times after syncing an sb1 to an sb2
1258 : volume syncs even when sync volume is explicitly turned off
1259 : filetypes settings now showing transcoding
1260 : Now Playing in Web Interface does not correctly display the currently playing track.
1261 : SB2 Turns off when slimserver connectionis lost
1262 : Choosing "Player Settings" on web interface while using Winamp crashes server.
1263 : ExBrowse2 + Browse Music Folder: no Page 1..n links
1264 : send some default client host name to DHCP servers when requesting an ip
1265 : audio gets distorted sometimes when player is laggy
1266 : Large Playlists cannot be saved
1267 : 'New music' doesn't include artist info
1268 : ffwd with mp3 on squeezebox1 broken in r2819
1269 : WEP not working for the SMC2804WBR.
1270 : add support for Open System WEP authentication
1271 : Softsqueeze2 (SB2?) elapsed time not reset WAV streaming
1272 : Shuffling with Internet radio playlist crashes slimserver
1273 : Skins don't updte current track highlight
1274 : Text field to specify tags to browse and/or search in (artist related)
1275 : Text field to specify tags to browse and/or search in (artist related)
1278 : itunes playlists coming up empty or not at all
1279 : is Use iTunes off by default?
1280 : Could we hide Server Settings -> iTunes? Or put it somewhere else?
1281 : titleFormat 'TITLE' includes artist and title together
1282 : compatibility with WMP 10 M3U playlists
1283 : New Music 'play' adds all albums sharing common title
1284 : Add 'musicmagic' create icon to search results
1285 : Slim::Player::Source::songTime($client) returns strange data
1286 : Squeezebox no longer displays (Disc M of N) for multi-CD
1287 : band / orchestra tag overriding artist
1288 : 6.1 trunk Flac cuesheet parsing broken by Michael's 3/31 rev 2822 modifications
1289 : Playlist stops at track boundary
1290 : can't get cuesheet from invalid flac files (was: flac produced from eac won't parse)
1291 : playlist displays wrong album
1292 : album and track info incorrectly generated in status_list.html
1293 : 'mkpath $CacheDir' will not allow server to start
1294 : Crashes and odd display behavior when displaying "smart" apostrophe
1295 : keyboard shortcut to copy causes ExBrowse2 to play
1296 : Composer / Artist Mixed Up
1297 : Missing next/previous links when browsing large music folder
1298 : Album year not shown with fishbone skin
1299 : Incorrect first letter links in Browse Music folder
1300 : Incorrect first letter links in Browse Music folder
1301 : Selected Browse Option still inconsistent with browse results panel
1302 : SB2 loses connection if ethernet cable is disconnected in bridge mode
1303 : Server crashes with Mysql as back-end
1304 : current song in Now Playing gets shifted sometimes
1305 : implement bass and treble equalizing options for sb2
1306 : Get duplicate artist entries when using artist separator characters
1307 : RSS Reader being banned from Slashdot
1308 : Can't set effective group at startup
1309 : Can't set effective group at startup
1310 : Default debug mode in nightly builds
1311 : Squeezebox2 FLAC decoder needs REPLAY-GAIN type capability
1312 : clicking download link on some songs in web interface crashes server
1313 : add iTunes-like party shuffle
1314 : clicking on download playlist downloads an empty file called status.m3u
1315 : Apostrophe in file name or ID tag title field causes duplicate record
1317 : digital output volume fixed option shouldn't say 'better analog quality'
1318 : Artists Duplicated when Tagged by Different Programs
1319 : Images Not Cached in SS Web Interface - Performance
1320 : make low volumes lower
1321 : Alarm clock CLI support
1322 : Asynchronous extended CLI
1323 : Add support for new 6.x browse modes to CLI
1324 : enhance access control in Server Settings -> Security
1325 : Charset selection in CLI
1326 : RSS Plugin adds itself to screensaver menu even if disabled
1327 : Buffer Fullness Display Not Working among other options
1328 : Synchronize capability appears broken in SlimServer v6.0, v6.0.1
1329 : Incorrect (wrong) song playing on Squeezebox player
1330 : new music should work on creation date
1331 : "no method found" crash in Class::DBI::Object::Has::Been::Deleted
1332 : List New Music ordered by Creation date
1333 : Default2 skin song info is light grey text on a white background
1334 : Genre->Artist->Album navigation is slow
1335 : First Track Name displayed incorrectly
1336 : cue song urls in playlists prevent original song from being set correctly
1337 : when sb2 requires firmware update, web interface links to firmware.html
1338 : Turn SqueezeNetwork back on in firmware
1339 : current rss feed not set
1340 : SB power (on/off) on Web UI does not track actual state of SBs
1341 : ExBrowse2 skin catches F11
1343 : 'Point your web browser to to configure your server
1344 : Segmentation fault on Mandrake 9.0
1345 : 20050409 6.1 nightly: trying to access playlists from webUI crashes server
1346 : Duplicate genre entries when accented characters are involved
1347 : Consolidate "Wipe Cache" and "Rescan"
1348 : moved plugins need to clean up old ones.
1351 : S/PDIF enable signal stuck "on" in latest firmware
1352 : Incompatibility with One-For-All Remotes
1353 : SlimServer crashes on entering browse playlists
1354 : Allow lists of track id's in the playlist control command
1355 : Duplicate tracks in cli status command
1356 : New extended search cli
1357 : Using COMMENT in Title format doesn't work anymore
1358 : Accented characters are displayed wrong
1359 : playlists deleted in itunes still show up in slimserver after rescan
1360 : cue sheets show up funny when browsing music folder
1361 : if ~/Music is an alias (not a symlink) on OSX, slimserver won't start
1362 : MusicMagic Moods
1363 : Problems with iTunes Party Shuffle plugin
1364 : mime-type for Monkey's Audio incorrect
1365 : mono ogg files are played twice as fast
1366 : mono ogg files are played twice as fast
1367 : needed to reconfigure (with same settings!) for other OS
1368 : Support playback using replaygain tags
1369 : need more resolution in volume control at low end
1370 : removing Now Playing from player menu creates weird behavior
1371 : Enable album art on Squeezebox2
1372 : Resolve paths through symlinks and aliases to a canonical path to avoid duplicates
1373 : blank entry in music folder (was: slimserver crashes - Can't call method "titlesort" on an undefined value)
1374 : Accented characters not displaying properly on SliMP3
1375 : strange display behaviour on SB/SliMP3 (non graphical)
1376 : Add 'last played' and 'times played' info to db
1377 : Server dies when clicking on Player settings
1378 : Allow bypass of "Common Album Titles"
1379 : Slim Server music database - browse artist/album error
1380 : got trunk r2965 to freeze up and use 100% of cpu
1381 : SqueezeBox 2 not able to join madwifi wlan
1382 : $client->currentPlaylist() not updated with synced players
1384 : Duplicate artist entry when name contains accented character
1385 : wireless SB2 gets dropped from airport extreme and can't get back on
1386 : Live365 to use INPUT.* modes for browsing
1387 : Current Playlist shows song info from stream at time of click
1388 : browseDB at track level doesnt' use titleFormat
1390 : Import and Use Song Ratings
1391 : Remote has become too sensitive
1392 : PodcastBrowser and unknown encoding
1393 : Tracks have duplicate entries.
1394 : 96kHz sampling support for SqueezeBox2
1395 : Cover art not displayed when a folder contains an EAC cue file
1396 : Missing line of pixels
1398 : display artifacts on SB2
1399 : slimserver should write the pid file before changing uid
1400 : Optionally display little symbols for repeat / shuffle modes
1401 : Stopping OGG playback makes sox process use 100% CPU
1402 : Background progress indicator in "Full" display mode
1403 : Crossfade option: start new song at 100%
1404 : Softsqueeze: Authenticated Proxy Server support
1405 : http headers are not returned in v6
1406 : enable remote admin of squeezebox
1407 : Shuffle by Album takes WAY too long
1408 : Firmware downgrades sometimes hang.
1409 : add support for roxio RXP playlists
1410 : static from SoftSqueeze when it's synced to a hardware player
1411 : softsqueeze stops playing when synced and playing flac
1412 : No information on track available through properties
1413 : UTF8 characters not displayed correctly in player
1414 : support to handle server running as a user without a home directory
1415 : slimserver puts html files in ${cachedir}/usr/local/slimserver
1416 : Play own music from computer to SB1 makes "quirkes" and jumps
1417 : Podcast plugin forgets added feed
1418 : Can crash server at will with volume button
1419 : playing this station crashes the server (r3037 trunk)
1420 : problems connecting to 3com AP
1421 : Crash when attempting to play a radio station
1422 : Problems with accented characters in podcast plugin
1423 : Still an issue with accented characters
1424 : cursor should return to start of playlist at playout-stop
1425 : sb2 froze - needed hard reset
1426 : Client-side decoding of tracks from whole-album Flac files
1427 : Sorting of iTunes playlists incorrect
1428 : Unpausing by clicking on a new track.
1429 : *Please* consider adding Artist field to Album/New View
1430 : Squeezebox changes MAC adress after power switches
1431 : SB1s constantly lose contact with server
1432 : now playing shows wrong information
1433 : now playing display wrong
1434 : SB2 missing end of FLAC files
1435 : Delete all but currently playing track from "Now Playing"
1436 : Page breaks in Browse Artwork
1437 : Thumbnail not displayed with alternate .jpg file
1438 : Pluging appear in Browse Menu list, even when disabled
1439 : Alien BBC 'cache' setting appears in two places
1440 : sysseek causes crash while playing 'net radio
1441 : Option to disable automatic iTunes scanning
1442 : "New Music" artist display not accurate with various artist disc
1443 : Jumpy display (only on browse albums)
1444 : Browsing an artist's albums in player UI unnecessarily includes artist name
1445 : Powering off players should cancel sleep
1446 : MusicMagic plugin eats memory and cpu
1447 : add support for pre-emphasis option for FLAC cue sheets
1448 : softsqueeze fails connection to server
1450 : Add hardware buttons to the Squeezebox
1451 : Volume on remote controls stereo receiver
1452 : volume drops from 40 to 7
1453 : WIDE CHARACTER ' server crash
1454 : FLAC: 8 bits per sample not supported
1455 : FLAC: Block sizes 8192 and 16384 not supported
1456 : options for automatic playout on connect
1457 : Won't advance if song added to playlist while last song playing.
1458 : If Artist name contains diacritical char it gets repeated in the playlist
1459 : Playlists should be kept in the DB, not the filesystem.
1460 : AsyncHTTP everywhere.
1461 : Irregular Date/Time Update on Powered-off SBG1
1462 : Show list of unreadable files.
1463 : Use ALBUMARTIST tag for Various Albums
1464 : slimserver crashes when given m3u file for an internet radio stream
1465 : fails to compile when using slim.exe but not using activestate
1466 : save playlist link disappears
1467 : browse albums doesn't save last position
1468 : Make Slimserver close and reopen its log file on a given signal
1469 : Lost connections to clients during iTunes playlist scan
1470 : intermittent lag in player UI mostly on windows
1471 : add capability to web interface to collapse an album of tracks to one entry in The Current Playlist
1472 : add a counter to The Current Playlist in the default skin
1473 : Multiple albums using DISC & DISCC tags does not work
1474 : Directory scan ignores lots of files
1475 : disabled itunes tracks require wipe cache to re-enable
1476 : setting pitch above 110 causes audio dropouts
1477 : Audio stops if quoted display command entered via telnet
1478 : JVC remote codes broken on SB2
1479 : Squeezebox losing connection to server via remote
1480 : Musicmagic per-player config
1481 : In XML Skin, all playlist entries are the same as the current song
1482 : WAV CUE files start playing on first track always
1483 : if current playlist spans multiple pages, current song is not on first page, it doesn't load the proper page
1484 : status.xml reporting incorrect song names in playlist
1485 : Javascript Error loading postback: undefined -- Default2 skin in Safari on 10.3 or 10.4
1486 : "High" Unicode characters cause Slimserver crash with SliMP3 player.
1487 : Customize font size when using Spectrum Analyzer screensaver
1489 : saving a playlist can crash the server
1490 : Use of uninitialized value in Buttons/
1491 : Malformed UTF-8 character (unexpected continuation byte...
1492 : Slimserver fails to start when using Solaris 10 service framework
1493 : stale data in current playlist
1494 : Upload facility
1495 : audible lame status
1496 : serv command should send BYE
1497 : Browsing music folder is exceptionally slow; causes server to become unresponsive
1498 : Back buttons don't always go back
1499 : add support for apple lossless on OS's other than OSX and Windows
1500 : XML skin returns extra / for cover art URL
1501 : d_mp3 debug option from web interface gives error
1502 : Synchronization Problem
1503 : BBC World Service (Windows Media version) won't play
1504 : link to csrf help points to localhost, should be relative
1505 : It's too easy to change the configuration of the Squeezebox!
1506 : WPL playlists with relative paths cause the server to crash
1507 : rescan not picking up new items in the music folder on Windows (itunes not involved)
1508 : flac files made by dbpoweramp don't play properly (massive distortion)
1509 : Error messages at startup
1510 : Slimserver terminates when attempting to play Live365 station
1511 : Error message generated when Shoutcast station is selected
1512 : Installing over 6.0.3 gives startup errors
1513 : Play other songs in album doesn't work in some case
1514 : Live365 Internet Radio not listed in Radio section of GUI
1515 : Auto resizing of Artwork
1516 : search on the player crashes slimserver
1517 : Subroutine new redefined at
1518 : Can't play and recognize tags of songs with Japanese titles
1519 : separate itemsperpage for browse and current playlist
1520 : status.html does not always return content-type
1521 : non-standard genres do not work
1522 : Digital Sound Filters Enhancement
1523 : server crashes whenever web interface is loaded
1524 : skinnable html for livesearch
1525 : Safari player playlist displays only with full refresh
1526 : Display alarm sign
1527 : Signal Meter
1528 : slim.exe service maintains high CPU utilization after WIPE CACHE
1529 : jump to letters in Browse Music Folder look messed up sometimes
1530 : SoftSqueeze gets disconnected often through high latency network connection
1531 : Now Playing sometimes does not update
1532 : disabled plugins added to prefs repeatedly
1533 : d-link di-514 rev.b1 fw1.03: intermittent lockups
1534 : slimserver crashes trying to play an ogg stream
1536 : Audio Startup Time delay is sent before every playlist item
1540 : Synchronization playing each song twice
1541 : AAC files "hiccup" during playback.
1542 : RSS News connection problem
1543 : pressing/holding play on Now Playing to save playlist gives an error
1544 : Feature request: Environmental Sounds plugin
1545 : URLs display during Connecting... message and on Now Playing list
1546 : live music archive plugin on squeezenetwork: number buttons don't jump
1547 : bounce up and bounce down animations are backwards? for everything?
1548 : Artist, Album and Genre should be case insenstive
1549 : Drop articles from artist name
1550 : Numeric keypad jumping on Playlists menu is broken
1551 : if shoutcast is broken and you try to go in to it, player seems hung or something.
1552 : RadioIO HTTP URLs are visible in title area of song info on player
1553 : Sleep goes silent and then a minute later it turns off the player
1554 : Animation glitch when moving RIGHT off of home menu
1555 : Screensavers sometimes don't kick in.
1556 : Language setting doesn't do anything.
1557 : Live Music Archive: Pressing number buttons has bad behavior
1558 : Pressing search button should say "Coming Soon" briefly
1559 : SqueezeNetwork should be searchable
1560 : Should be able to preview visualizers by pressing RIGHT when choosing screensaver
1561 : play rate from 0 to 1 does not restart play
1562 : Can't find a good alarm clock sound
1563 : Perl Interpreter fails when a playlist with relative paths is selected
1564 : Syncing 2 SB1 syncs with a delay (-> echo)
1565 : frieght train spelled wrong in alarm sounds
1566 : Ability to "save" one alarm in the sb2 itself
1567 : Safari crashes when using the search feature of the server interface
1568 : changing the alarm clock time using the player ui is terrible
1569 : AM/PM reversed on main menu string for Alarm Clock
1570 : signoff from squeezenetwork doesn't stop playing audio
1571 : pressing Now Playing to cycle through display modes seems to lag up the player pretty bad
1572 : Unable to add Podcast feed
1573 : bounce animation repeats to muchly.
1574 : add menu option to force rss refresh?
1575 : if i sign off squeezenetwork, i can't seem to get back on to it without power cycling the player
1576 : time format settings are confusing when a time under 13:00 is displayed
1577 : player volume gets reset to 0 if you power off/on when snoozing
1578 : cappuccino spelled wrong in Alarm -> Alarm sound -> Music
1579 : brief dropout in alarm sounds when they repeat themselves
1580 : Connecting or reconnecting to SqueezeNetwork should wake the player from the screensaver
1581 : Sci-Fi sound in Alarm -> Alarm sound -> Misc doesn't play
1582 : CURTRACK written but not used for saved playlists
1583 : Missing display update in Podcast plugin
1584 : Inconsistant use of composer tag
1585 : MusicMagic icon not available in Search Results
1586 : live music archive won't find any bands and won't work in general
1587 : italiano localization missing?
1588 : sometimes after signing off of squeezenetwork, sb2 connects to some random server
1589 : Connections to remote streams/pls files not being closed.
1590 : songinfo.xml does not return correct information
1591 : AAC Using FAAD2 and Synch
1592 : Fast forward / rewind rework
1593 : Sci-Fi alarm sound does not play.
1594 : Clock stopped updating last night
1595 : Playlist will not advance
1596 : metadata errors during scan
1597 : Add current selected playlist to alarm clock selection list
1598 : on windows using slimserver.exe, can't go to other pages of the current playlist in the web interface
1599 : Horizontal digital VU meter
1600 : CallerID, Slimserver and Roku
1601 : Additional "preamp" volume control for use with power amp
1602 : plugins that fail initPlugin should NOT be disabled permanently
1603 : Mix from remote does not include seed song
1604 : Problems with "Guess Tags"
1605 : Problems with "Guess Tags"
1606 : Bridge Network feature
1607 : Analog VU screensaver should show now playing at start of each track
1608 : iTune playlists have blank tracks
1609 : execute method crash on startup
1610 : r3291: Rescan creashes slimserver
1611 : ExBrowse2 has JavaScript error in Firefox 1.0.4 deleting items from current playlist
1612 : ExBrowse2 throws JavaScript exception in Firefox 1.0.4 when clearing large playlist
1613 : particular FLAC file causes SB2 display to get corrupted and sometimes overwrite nvram
1614 : Error message after every track plays
1615 : crash in slimp3 support, probably rss related
1616 : Live Music Archive Plugin should use new scrolling UI on player
1617 : Screensaver brightness should be independent of power on/off brightness
1618 : Need (1 of N) on setup home
1619 : On Press and hold brightness to upgrade screen, pressing LEFT should take you back to player settings
1620 : "Problem: Can't connect" with error 4 screen comes up immediately sometimes
1621 : Songs added in reverse order when using All Albums
1622 : 6.1 nightly - 27/5/5 & 28/5/5 - default skin SB power button glitch
1623 : Issuing rescan/wipecache when rescan/wipecache is in progress confuses server
1624 : ID3 Tags not showing
1625 : iTunesUpdate plugin crashes SlimServer when --daemon option set
1626 : Device should not blank during initial setup
1627 : RSS blocks on DNS failure
1628 : Trailing spaces in artist names can never be removed
1629 : wpa fails with draytek vigor 2600 series routers
1630 : new command to remove duplicate files from playlists
1631 : Home Menu settings changes all of there order ?
1632 : Foreign language problem
1633 : Shuffle by album error
1634 : SlimScrobbler causes Slimserver crash while playing
1635 : reply-to addresses are not being set to the mailing list addr
1636 : Searching for artists doesn't search display name properly, uses sort order instead
1637 : savePlaylist plugin always enabled
1638 : Can Softsqueeze open remote port 9000 as a local port?
1639 : Can Softsqueeze open remote port 9000 as a local port?
1640 : Can Softsqueeze open remote port 9000 as a local port?
1641 : windows service crashes when browsing album then artists
1642 : spectrum analyzer screensaver pushes on but doesn't push off
1643 : Screensaver (Stopped) player setting missing in SlimServer
1644 : firmware update clears current playlist
1645 : SB2 display doesn't power off when server is not present
1646 : suggested buttons for SB case
1647 : suggested remote control changes
1648 : suggested hardware simplicity changes
1649 : suggested FFWD/REW changes
1650 : plugins sort in server settings is case sensitive
1651 : Tracks being repeated when synched.
1652 : 6/9 nightly 6.1 firmware update problem
1653 : Web interface broken
1654 : No Album displayed in now playing on Squeezebox
1655 : Files with CUE sheet filtered from index
1656 : Live Music Archive plugin doesn't support ADD button
1657 : RSS News Ticker scroll should end at the end of the item, not at a fixed time
1658 : Need a "Welcome To SqueezeNetwork" screen to push by when connecting
1659 : Pressing PLAY when should work for contributors as well as artists
1660 : Add To Favorites should be first item in track info screen
1661 : Track info mode needs (N of M) on top line
1662 : Browsing playlist should have name on top line, not filename.m3u
1663 : sample rate changes too soon
1664 : Broken feeds should be skipped in RSS screensaver
1665 : excessive cpu usage by sox.exe
1668 : WPL playlist issues - crashing and malfunctioning
1669 : setting username to 'squeezebox' in Server Settings -> Security breaks audio
1670 : feature request: browse music by custom tags
1671 : ExBrowse2 skin keeps giving me an OK dialog box
1672 : Duration is not being read from Apple Lossless files ripped in iTunes 4.8
1673 : statically entered IP address does not appear on home menu after disconnecting
1674 : Request for web interface skins that display track time
1675 : when screensaver is set to analog VU meter, sometimes display just ends up blank
1676 : Force scroll on sb using remote control.
1677 : can't get AudioFeast plugin on our web site (beta) to work?
1678 : Navigation anomaly?
1679 : Browse Music Folder should include Last Modified Date
1681 : SqueezeNetwork signoff fails if SquuezeBox2 can't find local SlimServer
1682 : Squeezebox PIN settiings screen needs new text and should be more prominent
1683 : Artist 'Infinity' mapped to artist '0' in db
1684 : background visualizer comes on when stopped
1685 : spectrum analyzer screensaver pushes on, but doesn't push off.
1686 : Server should reduce player state and stop display updates on player disconnect
1687 : Enter WEP key alphanumerically
1688 : Need a "Do Nothing" screensaver
1689 : Alphabetical Index in Browse Music Folders is incorrect
1690 : multiple issues: cpu usage and uninstall problem
1691 : Slooooow; uninstall?
1692 : Restarting SN shouldn't stop player, lose station title.
1693 : feature request: IR out port for IR control of other components
1694 : Need scanning feedback on home page of web interface
1695 : Feature request (from Bugzilla Bug 1678: Navigation anomaly?)
1696 : When browsing by year, would be great to see artist name as well as album name
1697 : add support for a distributed / master clock for better synchronization
1698 : Alarm for weekdays only
1699 : Service stops Web interface becomes inaccessible
1700 : Per-directory config file.
1701 : Don't add playlist file contents to playlist when adding whole directory
1702 : checking formats could be more optimised
1703 : ISO-8859-1 accented file/directory names
1704 : "Greatest Hits" Albums confused
1705 : Undefined subroutine crasher in (with patch)
1706 : Artist tracks with defined Genre and No Genre are both sorted under defined Genre
1707 : Playlists with '#' duration notiation aren't parsed correctly
1709 : Track with accent crashes Slimserver
1710 : bogus center text on screen during animation
1711 : Permit setting the browser window title in prefs
1712 : Browse Playlists via remote, .m3u files have url-style escaping
1713 : Loading up Browse Playlists takes way too long
1714 : Playlist names have url style escaping (eg %20)
1715 : Browse within artist reveals non-artist tracks on compilation albums
1716 : Artist and album names have url style escaping
1717 : All tracks are repeated with invalid path
1718 : Whitenoise output when syncing players
1719 : Playlist edit or overwrite crashes slimserver
1721 : SB2: Add support for full length WPA-PSK keys (up to 63 chars)
1722 : Internal Digital Surround DTS support no longer works
1723 : visualizer doesn't work when you change songs from the web interface
1724 : favorites page doesn't respect browser width like all the other pages do
1725 : slimtray.exe ceases to launch a web browser after a reboot
1726 : crash in 6.1b1
1727 : playlist, add command broken in 6.1
1728 : Playlist sort order changed
1729 : Enable playlists to be used as seedings for Musicmagic mixes
1730 : KQED stream from iTunes (quicktime format) won't play
1731 : 6.1b1: skyradio doesn't play but it works fine in windows media player
1732 : crash when using high speed ffwd
1733 : Browser launched from tray can come up before service has started.
1734 : right pane refresh during player selection
1735 : Scanning (corrupt) playlists adds albums, removes years
1736 : Some tracks have no title after rescan
1737 : MusicMagic and Browse Music Folder
1738 : "Coming Next" listing
1739 : Next page links within Browse Music Folder now lose track of selected player
1740 : Playlists can no longer be in folders
1741 : Slimserver crashes loading podcast for Make blog
1743 : Automatically stored "Now playing" playlist miss umlauts
1744 : Edit Zapped Songs playlist crashes Slimserver
1745 : Screensaver data still sent when player brightness == 0
1746 : UTF8 characters (like e acute) in Name turn into garbage
1747 : status.txt?p0=display... broken
1748 : Add no longer works from "Browse Music Folder"
1749 : Add support for indeces (subdiving tracks)
1750 : Song Info and Alarm Sounds menus don't use new scroll method
1751 : CRASHER: Press left to go into Choose Playlist For Alarm
1752 : XML request crashes SlimServer
1753 : Choose Playlist for Alarm list needs (N of M)
1754 : Browsing playlist, press PLAY, should play entire playlist starting at selected song`
1755 : SlimServer doesn't work with Firefox/Mozilla with pipelining enabled
1756 : Song titles missing in Now Playing playlist after rescan.
1757 : save playlist plugin doesn't use db.
1758 : Deleted iTunes Playlists Persist in SlimServer Database
1759 : from 7/2/05 nightly build Playlist pointing to FLAC will not play
1760 : tray tool does not detect SlimServer running
1761 : sliderBar function does not allow for changes in bar graphic size
1762 : FLAC External Cue Sheet Support - v6.0.2 OK, v6.1b1 Broken
1763 : Native WMA Support in Firmware
1764 : browsing into natural sounds takes 10 seconds or more to load
1765 : Non-functional header links in ExBrowse2 skin
1766 : New Music -> All Songs shows wrong songs
1767 : Browsing New Music -> Any Artist shows incorrect info on top line
1768 : Play/Add to Playlist link on top of MusicMagic mix list
1769 : organisation of iTunes' podcasts in SlimServer
1770 : Browse New Music - All Songs list errors
1771 : SlimServer 6.1b1 quits itself less than 30 seconds after launch
1772 : Selective rescan
1773 : Browse into Natural Sounds, says loading, fails to update when done
1774 : Browse music folders does not show special characters
1775 : Livesearch should be case-insensitive
1776 : "Multiple Items In Tags" option not working for album titles
1777 : Show more feedback when trying to play a bad URL
1778 : make web interface work better with FireFox pipelining feature
1779 : Browse Years - Add artist to album listing
1780 : lLive 365 Internet Radio appears in browse menu list, with Plugin disabled
1781 : Wrong song title attached to songs in db
1782 : Default screensaver (stopped) should be None
1783 : can't seem to play Live365 on OSX 10.2.8
1784 : radio streams play command could use rework from server side.
1785 : list of favorites on homepage list is too long
1786 : Problem with accented character
1787 : Spectrum analyser becomes blank.
1788 : Problem changing brightness with remote
1789 : restriction in Slim::Utils::Misc::crackURL
1790 : Enter search query, press PLAY, should play all matches
1791 : Scanning forward/backward does not work with WMA files
1792 : Alarm clock setting time is still US format
1793 : show lyrics on songinfo page
1794 : edit single playlist item on Web interface
1795 : Dead link on home page
1796 : Translation needed
1797 : Wrong Sorting Order in "Browse Songs"
1798 : 'Radio' button in Touch skin goes to playlists, doesnt let you browse internet radio
1799 : Slimserver 6.1b2 crashes on updating MySQL
1800 : Touch skin could use some work
1801 : support cuesheets that reference multiple files
1802 : Playlists containing Windows parent directory navigation broken
1803 : update too early moving to Settings from main menu
1804 : Problem when Adding from "Browse Music Folder"
1805 : need a list of bogus metadata to ignore
1806 : Problem with "double" genre in 2005-07-11 6.1b2 nightly
1807 : Playing all 'New music' actually plays entire music collection
1808 : Settings -> PIN page should show SqueezeNetwork URL
1809 : implement IR blaster functionality with SB2
1810 : Symlinks to artcover is displayed in BMF
1811 : Playback of ShoutCast Radio Stations works only on the second press of PLAY
1812 : Wrong Behavior when Jumping through the Song List with the Remote
1813 : Wrong linking of "all songs" at the bottom of the hierachy during browsing
1814 : confirmation email should come from
1815 : Missing/wrong German translation
1816 : Articles to ignore when sorting artist names
1817 : Screensaver oddity
1818 : add sanity check version check
1819 : SqueezeNetwork connection timeout is too short
1820 : 24/48 audio files (WAV or FLAC) not playing on SB2
1821 : Softsqueeze BODY frames (used in direct streaming) have extra padding
1822 : Trying to use SHOUTCast now crashes SlimServer
1823 : Popup menus and text fields need to use the same text style at the body text
1824 : play other songs in folder pref seems busted
1825 : file urls get munged when playing other songs in folder using browse music folder and remote control
1826 : bad playlists can put slimserver into an infinite loop
1827 : Need buffering feedback
1828 : SB2 reveals WPA/WEP encryption key/password in plaintext
1829 : More info on the accented/special characters issue
1830 : Squeezebox 2 cannot connect to Linux Access Point
1831 : Web UI player synchronized indicator
1832 : Spectrum display feature request
1833 : Spectrum display feature request
1834 : Could not delete all RSS Feeds in Web UI
1835 : Podcasting for the Squeezenetwork.
1836 : Undefined values in $osDetect cause warnings on NetBSD
1837 : DHCP Server not found on Actiontec GT701-WG
1838 : editing playlists not possible
1839 : add support for AAC+ streams
1840 : When browsing by year, no need to display year in listing
1841 : InfoFormat-based artwork filenaming no longer works
1842 : LiveSearch display issue when you delete the search term
1843 : Ignore Unchecked songs info is confusing
1844 : When displaying "can't connect" supress visualizer
1845 : crossfade and gapless does not function properly when synchronized
1846 : Directory Name with 2 underscores at the start do not show up
1847 : m3u playlists are doubled when scanned by slimserver
1848 : Tracks in playlists are displayed with their DB title, not the playlist title
1850 : Feature request: Brightness timer
1851 : case sensitivity in suffixes
1852 : Crash reported
1853 : disappearing playlist makes alarm fail
1854 : Remote streaming RETRY_TIME could be adjusted to match bitrates and/or OS pipe buffer size
1855 : incorrect cue sheet interpretation
1856 : can't play any music scanned from iTunes Library
1857 : Duplicate tracks and missing tracks
1858 : Explorer Buttons Visible
1859 : Jerky sound with some 24/48 FLAC files
1860 : Volume & Tone control disappeared in fishbone-skin
1861 : Play and Add to playlist images not displayed in MusicMagic playlist in fishbone
1862 : Crash during library scan
1863 : Unchecked items showing up blank in playlists
1864 : playlist scans do not follow symlinks to non-.m3u files in 6.1.1
1865 : Wrong version in SQL/mysql/dbcreate.sql
1866 : Please add perl modules for new MIPS-based LinkStation
1867 : Crash when rescanning playlists only.
1868 : Corruption on character displays - line 1 appears on top of doubled line 2
1869 : synced music doesn't start
1870 : Web interface to favorites
1871 : Request for better tray icon
1872 : Animated Menus - difficult to read at speed
1873 : Ability to specify track start and stop time in playlist via web or device UI
1874 : Allow for certain songs to be flagged as "do not play".
1875 : Browse Album Art has Missing Tracks
1876 : Out of memory crash on first run after upgrade
1877 : Artist wth accent causes incorrect/duplicate entries in browser
1878 : Setting Alarm At 12:00 am defaults to 12:00pm
1879 : Synchronize Squeeze network Favourites with Slim server
1880 : File uploading feature requested
1881 : Enhancement: Support APEv2 Tags for MP3s
1882 : Shoutcast plugin does not use INPUT.list for navigation.
1883 : Download track from slimserver, incorrect filename
1884 : Crossfade: don't do it with DTS files
1885 : Squeezebox won't play rest of directory if new track is selected while another track is playing.
1886 : Show Now Playing info briefly when skipping track forward/backward
1887 : enhancement requests for mugicmagic plugin
1888 : clearing player playlist deletes saved playlist
1889 : Squeezebox2 fonts should be antialiased
1890 : Array preference is not created if it doesn't exist
1891 : "Now playing - playerid" playlists should be hidden from user
1892 : rescan playlists removes iTunes playlists
1893 : Version 6.1.x rev 3829 won't start
1894 : Server stops streaming on database requests.
1895 : Non-ASCII characters mangled and dropped when scanning directories
1896 : Server gets caught in infinite loop doing a scan
1897 : SB2 shows wrong number of tracks
1898 : Installer should run service as installing user.
1899 : wpa fails with netgear fwg114p
1900 : m3u files located in music folder can cause recursive scanning
1901 : now playing scroll when graphic equalizer screen saver is operating.
1902 : Flag songs for later addition to playlists.
1903 : Remove support for Windows.
1904 : Default2: Browse Music Folder Page Links Broken
1905 : ExBrowse2: Clicking [+] or [> Icons Plays Entire Collection
1906 : Compatible init script needed for SuSE
1907 : slimserver crash
1908 : tracks appear 2 or 3 times in Album listings
1909 : Need to be able to synchronize a player to another w/o interrupting playback of first player
1910 : reword help text on registration page
1911 : More ffwd/rew enhancement ideas
1912 : natural sounds don't seem to work
1913 : Browsing by artist also lists tracks with artist as composer
1914 : Implement Browse By Year for Player UI
1915 : press/holding play with remote to save the current playlist doesn't create an m3u file
1916 : Text in "Multiple Items In Tags" breaks the handling of WAV files
1917 : Ability to customize the number/type of 'Now Playing' options to cycle through.
1918 : character display corrupt with large fonts
1919 : Large fonts on SB1 broke
1920 : SoftSqueeze won't start, gives error message
1921 : Browsing artists should have option to exclude artists who only appear as various artists
1922 : Playing everything can be very slow
1923 : Foreign language display switches to English when text size set to "full"
1924 : build-perl-modules fails due to missing AppConfig
1925 : microsoft mn-700 router dns proxying makes sb2 fail to find squeezenetwork
1926 : randomly giving error messages in all languages
1927 : moodlogic song mixes broken in Web Interface
1928 : SN needs to like firmware 16.
1930 : slimserver dies with "Can't call method "namesort" on an undefined value"
1931 : Problem with 6.2 rev 3868 and MySQL?
1932 : slimserver stops responding when attempting to play mms stream
1933 : Menu Transition leaving some Information screens does two pushRights
1934 : Idle Stall: UI Stalls When Browsing After SS Idle Time
1935 : attributes missing from webUI musicmagic mix list
1936 : scheduler::remove_task removes all
1937 : Update current time with seconds during setup
1938 : MMM doesn't generate mixes based on ALAC/AAC tracks where artist, album or track name has accented characters
1939 : Feature Request:: Clear playlist with remote
1940 : there should be no features in the help area
1941 : Additional 'Disc' level when browsing multi-disc sets
1942 : Show all tracks for an album on a single page
1943 : Rotating SlimServer logs
1944 : Not auto-starting at boot time on Mac OS X 10.4.x
1945 : Artists with entire albums with same names have their albums grouped together as a various artists
1946 : please make error messages when failing to connect wirelessly more intuitive
1947 : New Various Artists feature is ignored after a rescan of the database
1948 : Customized "Various Artist" identifier does not work
1949 : Squeezebox and Web Interface behave different for artists having songs in Various Artists albums AND No albums
1950 : New Various Artists feature does not correctly work with the "Mutiple Items in Tags" option
1951 : Searching should be able to search TRACKARTIST field in db
1952 : "Browse Songs" and "Search for Songs" on the Squeezebox show also matching album and artist names
1953 : add ability to change the name of a favorite on squeezenetwork
1954 : can't see station bitrates when connected through squeezenetwork
1955 : Single Artist Album wrongly recognized as Various Artists
1956 : auto connect to squeezenetwork when slim server offline
1957 : current track should be clickable
1958 : Library Scanning Problem with duplicate roles in SlimServer 6.2b1
1959 : radio stations should be able to be paused, rewound and forwarded.
1960 : Windows service fails to install during installer sometimes
1961 : using shoutcast browser plugin breaks saving playlists as well as some skins
1962 : weird url crap shows up in default and fishbone web interface after playing internet radio
1963 : Feature request: Browse Artwork - split pages alphabetically, not by page number
1964 : Various Artists - Band Won't Stop Working
1965 : Various Artists albums sometimes not getting picked up.
1966 : Browse by year in web interface is empty
1967 : BrowseDB not keeping last selection for Artists and Albums
1968 : Tracks with accented characters missing after iTunes rescan
1969 : Illegal bullet character in Default, Default2 and NBMU skins
1970 : Browse Genres -> Jazz -> Various Artists via remote locking up slimserver
1971 : Visualizer periodically freezes when playing a remote stream transcoded to flac
1972 : Playback incorrectly skips to next track
1973 : Using delete icon in playlist editor web page causes server crash
1974 : Build Items Per Pass wrongly implemented in
1975 : Allow Shoutcast "Recently played" to be added to "Favorites"
1976 : Make SB2 analogue output polarity a configuration option
1978 : Unmatched ) in regex... at Slim/DataStores/DBI/ line 1659.
1979 : High bitrate station breaks up.
1980 : Add confirm deletion popup for playlists
1981 : Player loses current position in track when turned off
1982 : Wrong list of Albums for Artist
1983 : Empy list of years
1984 : "sort by song information" doesn't seem to work
1985 : add support for aac in firmware
1986 : Problem with browsing whole-album flac files with embedded metadata cuesheets
1987 : 100% CPU usage while running SoftSqueeze
1988 : Synchronization group does not persist across server restart
1989 : "playlist save" code in breaks CLI
1990 : Directory name beginning with numeric causing confusion to library scanning
1991 : Bjork Med�lla, characters misread
1992 : Softsqueeze flaky with Live365 streams, Squeeze Network sound streams
1993 : Browse By Year display blank for all items
1994 : Renaming a music file occuring in a playlist results in no album/no artist entries
1995 : Bogus artist "1" appears for tracks w/no artist
1996 : Enable MusicMagic seeding directly from the "now playing" list.
1997 : URLs display as title on SB instead of real title for some internet radio stations
1998 : Unhardcode SlimTray targets
1999 : MP3 playback seems to work only for 44.1 kzh sample rate
2000 : Server crashes when selecting playlist for alarm
2001 : CLI returns %3F plus other data in responses intermittently
2002 : enabled() should NOT call initPlugin()
2003 : Cannot disable "Include Band..."
2004 : Squeezebox2 left at "Connecting to Server..." after power restore
2005 : Database problem with Various Artists and accented characters
2006 : Don't use CBR for transcoding
2007 : Hits albums all being lumped together - a Various Artists bug ?
2008 : Allow (DDNS) hostnames in allowedHosts
2009 : Prefs file lost - reverts to defaults
2010 : Unicode problem in 6.2.x releases (Simplified Chinese)
2011 : 6.2.1 2005-08-23 could not connect to SB2, and caused player to freeze.
2012 : Add Internet Radio support to the CLI
2013 : Improve display/displaynow commands
2014 : Generating a MusicMagic Mix from the album level using the remote crashes SlimServer.
2016 : Rescan playlists only clears all other music from library
2017 : ID3v2 tags in Oggs don't work
2018 : Player Remote Keys sometimes bounce
2020 : tells me my player is not connected
2021 : getting a player on your SN account is confusing
2022 : customer reported that all of his squeezenetwork favorites disappeared
2023 : album art displays incorrectly when two album names by the same artist are present
2024 : extra missing search results
2025 : song name comes up blank when playing some WMA internet radio streams
2026 : Problem with special characters in folder and file names
2027 : Adding Tracks to the playlist stops the currentplaying song
2028 : Database cache fails to return loaded item
2029 : DHCP client stops working after power cycle.
2030 : Search kills slimserver
2031 : Trying to play new music crashes with previously playing playlist
2032 : Multiple "COMMENT=value" fields in FLAC metadata crashes Slimserver
2033 : 6.1.1 fails to find files due to casing in tags?
2034 : Songs duplicated in playlist when using Browse Album with cue sheet
2035 : password reset form mail contains bogus url
2036 : squeezenetwork activation security issue
2037 : metainformation wrong in mysql/dbcreate.sql in 6.1.x
2038 : The database should keep MusicBrainz IDs
2039 : IR remote / Power on / Wake on Lan / Firmware 18
2040 : Duplicate (aac/mp3) genre and artist entries with accented characters
2041 : Add option to ignore ID3 v1 tags
2042 : Browse Playlists no longer allows tree navigation
2043 : Interface with StationPlaylist (automatic playlister)
2044 : Rescan setting should use popup menu, not check boxes
2045 : Random mix plugin ignores count.
2046 : Random Mix plugin UI issues.
2047 : SlimServer crashes when trying to play music via Browse Music Folder on SBG
2048 : Library scan should not scan playlist files
2049 : Random Mix URL's/links should have player= included
2050 : Browse Songs navigation link
2051 : Make SlimTray installation optional
2052 : crash in prefs: Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /usr/local/slimserver/Slim/Utils/ line 424
2053 : Music summary is missing some spaces
2054 : you can't add a playlist as a favorite
2055 : When using "Multiple Items in Tags" option albums are incorrectly treated as VA albums
2056 : Several problems with VA album handling (Track Artist) and proposal for a new approach
2057 : Accented characters in Vorbis Tags are resulting in problems with VA Albums
2058 : Something strange with Multiple Items In Tags
2059 : Unicode support during Spectrum Analyzer screensaver
2060 : http://user:password@IP:Port doesn't work
2061 : Browse Music Folder chases symlinks too soon
2062 : Access to Pandora from Squeezenetwork
2063 : Downgrading shouldn't crash the server.
2064 : Incorrect title and titlesort in tracks table
2065 : FR: Stream format indicator on SB2
2066 : Various Artists and the ALBUMARTIST tag problem?
2067 : Music Magic Mixer doesn't generate playlists based upon seed tracks in 2005-09-03 nightly
2068 : add menu option to stop network activity after pressing OFF
2069 : Scanning music directory remembers deleted songs
2070 : - not allowed in playlist directory name
2071 : no object method unblock in
2072 : Skipping songs with national chars when starting from playlist
2073 : alarm clock: volume bar in 'set alarm volume' doesn't work
2074 : internet radio gets out of sync
2075 : Various Artists and TSOP Support
2076 : Crasher when starting playback on second player
2077 : alarm clock fails to play selected playlist
2078 : Slimserver crashes when starting playback
2079 : Display shows nothing after power on
2080 : WMA / ASX streaming is broken with v 6.2.b1
2081 : SB2 fails to respond to remote when Slimserver busy
2082 : Add Pacific/Honolulu to the main timezone settings on squeezenetwork
2083 : Artwork not displayed in 2005-09-06 nightly
2084 : handheld skin refreshes and restarts a song when using pocketpc
2085 : Using remote 'add' to end of Playlist causes Playlist to restart
2086 : Rename RSS Feeds in the Web Interface
2087 : Rescanning too often.
2088 : Default2 skin problems (r4189)
2089 : switching languages causes blank entries on home page
2090 : Album names that match track names don't appear in Browse Albums
2091 : Hardware buttons sometimes miss presses or just stop working altogether
2092 : Brightness is broken
2093 : Volume knob doesn't behave well.
2094 : press and hold of front panel buttons doesn't work
2095 : Gap between songs with the Apple lossless (ALAC) files
2096 : Configurable RSS Newsfeed titles
2097 : Request for narrow width "full" font
2098 : Pausing confuses SBG whilst fast forwarding or rewinding a track
2099 : crash during scan
2100 : need to document unicode font installation
2101 : Database recreation on each restart with subversion r4203
2102 : when changing skins, buttons do not reflect current playing state
2103 : Rescan library stops slimserver
2104 : Search in Handheld is broken/ugly
2105 : Timed rescan kills slimserver
2106 : Help link has changed to Home
2107 : Sort order of "Browse Songs"
2108 : Internet radio station as a playlist
2109 : mov123 on 10.4.2 fails
2110 : Server crash playing remote urls
2111 : Crash when playing an MMM generated playlist while server still scanning
2112 : Slimserver crashes when adding internet to regular song playlist
2113 : dhcp secs field not set by squeezebox
2115 : low sample rate / bit depth / mono files fail to play with SB2
2116 : Browse Music Folder doesn't catalog artwork
2117 : dhcp secs field not set by squeezebox
2118 : would be nice to have an alarm indicator on the display
2119 : can't play this one wma stream with sb2 and latest nightly (9/13)
2120 : Scanning never finishes, runs out of memory
2121 : Each Artist In A Compilation Album Listed In It's Own Album
2122 : Various Artist appears always when doing a search by artist
2123 : Inconsistent behavior when viewing albums from song info
2124 : Clicking on artist name shows too many albums
2125 : Fishbone playlist not showing track (by) artist (from) album
2126 : Some cue sheets don't work well with Various Artist albums
2127 : SB2 doesn't yet support the WMA Voice codec
2128 : various artists albums with disc numbers are not grouped into the same album
2129 : scan should ignore files with leading ._
2130 : make it so you can see 'Artist - Title' in New Music
2131 : Artwork Scan as an importer
2132 : sb2 won't DHCP
2133 : Add equalizer function to slimserver
2134 : Ability to adjust headphone jack output levels independant of rca jack
2135 : Some playlists parsed as type 'unk' instead of 'mp3'
2136 : A compilation 2 disc set has multiple entries under Browse albums
2137 : Slimserver 6.2.x rev 4319 crashes (and burns) on initial scan.
2138 : Problem upgrading MySQL schema to v16
2139 : 'Off' mode should display blank screen
2140 : Allow specification of SlimServer address by DNS Name
2141 : crossfade not updated between server and sb2
2142 : press play on an album or playlist does not start playing
2143 : Various "Various Artists" issues
2144 : Incorrect sorting for tracks with DISCNUMBER tags
2145 : Crash while changing tags during scanning
2146 : browser refresh timing configurable per client
2147 : Browse song info -> Artist -> only shows one album
2148 : User names should override names from stations when displayed in favorites, etc.
2149 : Need "View Log" button in Windows and Mac GUI
2150 : Make timestamping of log entries optional
2151 : Sleep after current song
2152 : new audio format passthrough
2153 : custom transcoding using directshow filter
2154 : Font cache sometimes fails to load
2155 : SlimServer gets stuck in read() loop
2156 : case sensitive playlist names a problem on Windows
2157 : Add a 'sync all' button to web interface
2158 : CLI request hangs server
2159 : Large library music scans freeze machine
2160 : add support for DTS, AC3, etc. in a manner other than WAV pass-through
2161 : album tag behaviour
2162 : playtime statistics show the least often played tracks
2163 : Save Playlist plugin is case sensitive causing problems in Windows
2164 : Use ARTISTSORT values where appropriate for display text for browse lists
2165 : Clicking on artwork from currently playing track
2166 : Advanced Search form always has -1 results before the list
2167 : Browse artwork by Genre/artist/title
2168 : Multiple genre tags in flac crashes SlimServer during scan
2169 : Player fails to move to next item in playlist after resuming a song paused near the end.
2170 : Better breadcrumb navigation in web ui
2171 : Add 'Back' links to all browse mode pages
2172 : Missing spaces in Default template
2173 : Need a way to delete saved playlists through command line interface
2174 : SoftSqueeze Install Error withour Soundcard
2175 : SlimServer fails to play selected mp3 files.
2176 : Deleting playlists using the REMOTE should be possible
2177 : Confirmation before overwriting an existing playlist using the remote required
2178 : Display list of existing saved playlists when saving a playlist
2179 : ID3 tag changes ignored by Rescan Music Library
2180 : Support ID3 refreshes on subsets of the music library
2181 : system audio streaming
2182 : Garbled character display on browser and player UI
2183 : Slimserver will not play internet radio playlist from Itunes
2184 : Safari Refresh generates new MusicMagic playlist
2185 : Entity problems in RSS & Podcast feeds.
2186 : Cosmetic bug with default skin interpreting diacritic characters in flac embedded and external cuesheets
2187 : Browsing music folder to flac files or cuesheets lacks an "All Songs" link
2188 : 404 Not Found: mood_wheel.html
2189 : Playlist get broken (contains numbers)
2190 : Change first Now Playing detail displayed ( right click in Player UI) from Title to Album
2191 : Now Playing Setting change by Add to Playlist next
2192 : Browsing for artists does not show all albums of this artist (no VA albums)
2193 : MusicMagic (1.1.6) playlists created via Player UI crashes server immediately after first track.
2194 : MusicMagic (1.1.6) playlists created via Player UI crashes server immediately after first track.
2195 : Tracks played directly from MMM Application (v1.1.5 and 1.1.6) occasionally halt and stutter.
2196 : Slimserver incorrectly interprets UTF8 encoded 0xA0 Non-breaking space character
2197 : crashed when clicking on album name in search results.
2198 : Playlists intermittently broken, display with track ID rather than name
2199 : Exbrowse 3 "Internet Radio" link redirects to an external site
2200 : add ability to modify options under browse music sub-menu
2201 : Move to DB based playlists makes it impossible to exclude music from library.
2202 : 100% CPU usage every minute with musicmagic
2203 : Albums with more than one artist being listed many times
2204 : port missing in startup text
2205 : Shuffle only tracks with a minimum rating
2206 : using IE on Windows can result in inability to add more rss feeds and podcasts (firefox works)
2207 : Need to periodically check radio feeds and generate a health report
2208 : With MMM enabled Various Artist tracks are split across multiple albums
2209 : Default Skin "Clear Current Playlist" has gone all funky in svn 4444
2210 : play other songs in folder adds subfolders
2211 : Strange return from "<playerid> mixer volume ?" query
2212 : SlimServer should save podcasts for playing again later
2213 : Cosmetic: An even number of albums in library causes Slimserver to assign too many contributors to tracks from whole-album flacs
2214 : Playlist stops when resumed after power off and on
2215 : "ž" U+17E(0x9E): Latin Small Letter Z with Caron in flac filename prevents Slimsever from scanning tracks
2216 : bug in redirection (HTTP response tag LOCATION) in asynch http
2217 : mutliple async http requests can't be issued at the same time
2218 : "<playerid> mixer muting <0|1|?>"
2219 : Genre scanning completly broken for whole-album flacs with embedded cuesheet metadata
2220 : Errors opening filenames with special characters (iTunes)
2221 : MAC address bug w/DHCP when bridging enabled
2222 : Crossfeed Plugin
2223 : RandomPlay crashes when there's no client connecte
2224 : latest nightly clicks between tracks on a SliMP3
2225 : Fishbone skin: change default search type
2226 : Rhapsody: early stop on 409/412 error
2228 : Clear database & rescan needed to detect genre changes
2229 : Random web ui to show 'stop random mix' when mode active.
2230 : Fishbone: no "Home" link!
2231 : unwanted composer shown in ARTIST track info
2232 : SqueezeBox2 setup menu says "Connect to erver" (sic)
2233 : Modification of non-creatable array value attempted
2234 : Artwork display problems
2235 : More flexible browsing
2236 : Minor display issues with Fishbone skin
2237 : Home link and Browse Selection pull-down issues
2238 : Search Music displays large gap between hitcount and results
2239 : remove slimp3 updater from slimserver installer
2240 : Random Song Mix and Alarms not working
2241 : Auto dimming is broken when screensaver is set to none
2242 : DISC number is not displayed
2243 : Look for new and changed music - scan never completes
2244 : advanced search: add ability to search by filename as well
2245 : Music sometimes stops playing when used in alarm mode
2246 : Make showBriefly not exit until all text has been displayed
2247 : Album information is duplicated in playlist info in web interface
2248 : Multi-disc albums, all discs get assigned the last disc number of the set
2249 : make it so playlists within music folder are not parsed as actual songs
2250 : Interpret Replay Gain tags as generated by J River Media Center
2251 : Buffer fullness shows negative sometimes (softsqueeze only?)
2252 : Can't save any changes to prefs on Server Settings -> Plugins
2253 : Live Search doesn't display results in pages correctly
2254 : Server & Network Health display reports syntax errors
2255 : Songs on Statistics page don't contain clickable items
2256 : make sb2 fail over to fixed ip address for squeezenetwork if dns fails
2257 : Minor Fishbone skin issues in build 4536
2258 : Every day Alarm Clock problem
2259 : Random Mix fails to stop on playlist "play" and "load" commands
2260 : "0" character in 6.2 is a different width, messing up the clock display
2261 : Can't browse to track or artist from MusicMagic Mix browser interface
2262 : Auto log off/on via html or server
2263 : Alarm should be ch
2264 : Song Statistics
2265 : Genre listed with no matching entries
2266 : rescanning icon
2267 : No tracks play after music library rescan
2269 : search for non-existent string crashes SlimServer
2270 : Live365 crashes when accessing its web page without internet connection
2271 : Can't play any various artist songs
2272 : Drop outs at the beginning of every track and sporadically throughout tracks.
2273 : Add to playlist restarts current album
2274 : Station Playlist plugin enhancement
2275 : osx: mov123 fails to decode when the user SS is running as logs out.
2276 : add support for playback of DRM protected WMA files (PlaysForSure)
2277 : make SB2 fall back to a static IP address for connecting to Squeezenetwork
2278 : Treat mult-disc sets as single album is broken
2279 : Tracks with multiple artist tags show repeated artists
2280 : Add support for configurable "media button" keyboard shortcuts
2281 : add support for text to speech with rss feeds
2282 : Disabled file formats added to library/database
2283 : MAC corruption
2284 : fast forward / rewind
2285 : no artist or multiplied artist in database for tracks with composer
2286 : Not always detecting end of track
2287 : Swedish Unicode characters not working
2288 : Can't associate with network if SSID isn't broadcasted with WRT54G
2289 : Replaygain volume adjustment fails during ffwd/rew
2290 : null crash in latest nightly
2291 : Space in MusicMagic Mixer filter name causes playlist generation to fail
2292 : Remove [% PERL %] block from RandomMix page
2293 : Extra track info shows info for wrong track
2294 : Problems playing all songs by an artist
2295 : Add Menu Items to browsedb mode
2296 : Browsing an album in "New music" shows the songs for all albums in "New music"
2297 : Sync between two SB is not saved, should be a preference
2298 : Changes to replaygain tags not picked up by a standard rescan
2299 : Add auto volume levelling at playback
2300 : Daily alarms not working (again)
2301 : Secondary DNS server do not work.
2302 : At boot time, player may connect before DHCP has completed
2303 : Prefs upgrade script needed for RandomMix plugin
2304 : Flac files, inherited tags
2305 : Server crash on selecting album title after rescan.
2306 : switching players UI update
2307 : Flac files : songs appearing to have "Size 0"
2308 : make number buttons on remote work like they do in browse music, when in playlists
2309 : New Version of iTunes Breaks SlimServer
2310 : SlimServer should have a user preference file
2311 : Incorrect Artist sorting
2312 : Make keepSlimServerInMemory() configurable
2313 : Overwrite playlist called "Untitled" crashes SlimServer
2314 : Volume zero when player paused
2315 : Browsing deleted files causes SlimServer crash
2316 : Group discs broken for VA albums
2317 : Request to support 'Album Artist' Tag from J.River Media Center 11
2318 : Screen goes dark after 10 seconds of not connecting to SqueezeNetwork
2319 : Don't crossfade successive album tracks
2320 : Browse Years crashes
2321 : Playing a New Music album adds all new music to playlist
2322 : VA Album is split when tracks of the album are saved in a playlist
2323 : playlist files still causing scanning issues
2324 : WPA2+AES fails with wrt54g with latest firmware
2325 : RSS feeds - add checkboxes to toggle on/off
2326 : some wma streams (from look like they're playing but you get no audio
2327 : ExBrowse 3 doesn't show Random Mix options
2328 : Random Mix breaks the Now Playing song information
2329 : Sample Rate for ogg vorbis files is shown as 0.0 kHz in Song Info
2330 : Initial connection to wireless network can be unreliable
2331 : FAQ questions in Default skin are tiny in Firefox
2332 : cancer
2333 : Removable (temporary) music folders
2334 : Now playing index off by one after unsyncing players
2335 : Cuesheet + flac image stopped working starting 10-16 nightly
2336 : XPL enabled causes "Insane number of timers" crash
2337 : SVN 4722 breaks embedded cuesheet scanning
2338 : Problem accessing player settings
2339 : Revision 4721 causes flac album titles to disappear
2340 : Add support for fixed digital outputs setting in SN.
2341 : problems communicating with Music Magic Mixer
2342 : WMA Convert Error - Check File Types
2343 : Replay gain/volume adjustment settings missing scroll indicator
2344 : Patch for softsqueeze brightness
2345 : Sync Group preferences can leak preferences
2346 : Softsqueeze Audio Dropout Please
2347 : Starting rescan clears playlist
2348 : On Mac OS X, perl process hogs cpu bandwidth when itunes music is played
2349 : Unable to play certain tracks
2350 : Blank album names appearing at the start of Browse Album list
2351 : Reloading playlist frame causes actions to be repeated
2352 : Exbrowse3 needs a Random Mix skin
2353 : Now playing info wrong after a random mix is started
2354 : --prefsfile fails if preferences file does not exist
2355 : RssNews - adding file: urls
2356 : WMA stops at end of track
2357 : Brightness is always off when launched
2358 : Cannot change current formats
2359 : SlimServer 6.2.0 crashes when trying to build database
2360 : browse by artwork - configurable sort order
2361 : Statistics bars in handheld skin
2362 : Minor Fishbone skin issues
2363 : Albums breaking up in multiple parts
2364 : Error 404 when trying to access album art via music/current/cover.jpg/player=...
2365 : graphics stutter and freeze when playing AlienBBC streams
2366 : WMA VBR incorrect bit rates shown
2367 : settings -> alarm menu shows you incorrect options
2368 : wma internet radio station problem (wma voice)
2369 : intelligent path handling in playlists
2370 : Default time format for US time zones should be 3:20 pm not 03:20 pm
2371 : Selecting Year when browsing by year adds entire library
2372 : compilations in same directory get split into multiple albums incorrectly.
2373 : playlist play CLI command slow / doesn't play
2374 : Settings/Alarm Clock menu items display wrong text
2375 : provision to select and play a podcast from the Slimserver Webpage.
2376 : Various small artwork problems
2377 : Slimserver hangs on WMA radio play
2378 : geekport button input
2379 : Slimserver 6.2 Only plays one track from playlist
2380 : Cannot add tracks to playlist in web UI after changing tags
2381 : MP3 Replay Gain Tags not seen by SlimServer
2382 : Tray icon tool-tip says "PerlTray" instead of "SlimServer"
2383 : Tray icon tool-tip says "PerlTray" instead of "SlimServer"
2384 : Audible .aa format support
2385 : Re-count of albums / songs / artists on the home page causes dropouts
2386 : status.html (partially?) not uf8 encoded
2387 : Stutter or bounce on fade on pause.
2388 : Support for international characters when searchng with remote control
2389 : Automatic plugin sequencing
2390 : EPG plugin using xmltv
2391 : WMA streams don't work
2392 : Multiple composers with one matching the Artist causes track/album to be categorized as "Various Artists"
2393 : Single artist albums appear under Various Artists
2394 : Please allow choice of Display Font for SliMP3 in v6.2
2395 : itunes playlists come up with hex nomenclatures for special characters
2396 : Albums with files in different directorys result in dublicate entrys in album list
2398 : Still named Squeezebox2
2399 : Album artwork not found if vorbis tag has UTF-8 characters
2400 : Limiting slimserver web interface on a per user basis
2401 : S/PDIF enable signal stuck "on" in latest firmware
2403 : Descriptive plugin text
2404 : Particular unicode character in title crashes server
2405 : Scan track order should have no influence on scanning result
2406 : Clicking play on a new album does not reset current track number
2407 : Transport Error 404 with ExBrowse3
2408 : WMA's do not play on original slimp3
2409 : Settings help text should indicate dynamic behavior vs. rescan required
2410 : Missing tracks in Slimserver database when adding new songs to iTunes
2411 : Playback of album starts not with first track
2412 : Playlist title incorrect with Perl 5.6
2413 : Add to specified playlist
2414 : Display and remember current playlist namve
2415 : Remember current playlist name when saving a modified playlist
2416 : SlimServe Scans Playlist when going Home
2417 : Indexed FLAC titles blank - 6.2.1 - 4926
2418 : Various Artists category empty on SB2/SB1
2419 : Interational characters in playlist filenames
2420 : Albums that contain a band name (TPE2) tag are being listed twice
2421 : Unable to set Weekday Alarm settings on Player
2422 : sound glitch on pause (SS 6.2)
2423 : Genre will not show 70's 80's 90's etc
2424 : Duplicate and out-of-order albums in 6.2.1
2425 : MusicMagic broken in 6.2.1
2426 : quick jump to arbitrary song position (exbrowse3 or others)
2427 : "touch" skin doesn't automatically refresh status
2428 : Exbrowse3 shows an empty listing for Live365
2429 : more deliberate Loading of entire library on top level Browse Menus
2430 : crash in nightly build 10/29 Class::DBI::Object::Has::Been::Deleted
2431 : Volume adjustment for Internet Radio
2432 : Playing songs using CUE files broken
2433 : Web based tag editor
2434 : The current playlist information and pages information disappears
2435 : does not correctly check perlBinary - patch included
2436 : Ad-hoc uses b only?
2437 : No Artist if the DB if the artist is also in one of the composers
2438 : SB2 stops working each night
2439 : Random Play plugin should have a "Press RIGHT to stop adding songs" entry in the player UI.
2440 : Another unblessed reference
2441 : Add possibility to run external programs
2442 : can't get this wma stream to play while using squeezenetwork
2443 : KCRW Santa Monica stream in Slim Devices picks is out of date
2444 : TrackInfo Crasher
2445 : TrackInfo Crasher
2446 : ShoutCast NULL URL -> Crasher
2447 : Live365/Alarm Clock Constraint Failure
2448 : customer reported: digital volume control being fixed no longer affects sb1??
2449 : Preamp Volume Control feature should not show up on SB1 player settings
2450 : Picks plugin shows urls instead of titles
2451 : using 6.2.x branch or trunk, podcast error comes up every time i start the server
2452 : mms:// stream fails to play with direct streaming
2453 : Auto Vertical Line Scroll
2454 : direct streaming: playing KEXP from iTunes->Radio->Public causes SB2 to hang hard
2455 : Slimserver Crash: click "next" after end of .pls file
2456 : Multiple artist sorting broken
2457 : X-Playerduration header has the wrong value
2458 : "version" command no longer available
2459 : Squeezebox2 hangs at end of track (after pausing???)
2460 : Toggling play/pause alters the value of "X-Playervolume" header
2461 : Scan crashes slimserver when database is MySQL and file is a wav
2462 : ExBrowse3: Browser sluggishness
2463 : Squeezebox2 crashes while scanning MP3 files (not FLAC)
2464 : browse artwork broken when using handheld skin from windows mobile
2465 : can't seem to play any SHOUTcast streams under shoutcast -> all streams
2466 : wpa fails with netgear wg302 access point
2467 : Slimserver stops after pressing 'play' button.
2468 : Artwork broken for album FLACs
2469 : if trying to play unsupported files (WMA, OGG, etc), gracefully fall back to legacy wma decoding method
2470 : album art suggestions from a user who has been using it for a while
2471 : multiple titles for each URL not possible
2472 : Titles replaced with mms// address
2473 : Group Discs broken
2474 : Can not access MoodLogic
2475 : Problems with filenames containing non-current-codepage (foreign language, double byte) characters
2476 : Power Button Functionality
2477 : incorrect sorting with multiple entries in ARTISTSORT field in 6.2.1 but not 6.2.0
2478 : Player text size for repeat and shuffle
2479 : composer/band/orchestra show up in search when they are disabled in artist list
2480 : Slimserver service restarts
2481 : Need to hit play twice to start streams
2482 : changing pitch during playback breaks music flow
2483 : support pitch command, deprecate mixer pitch
2484 : Implement key correction as an option
2485 : Looping scans
2486 : Remaining time display glitch after FFwd
2487 : Better approach to Settings help
2488 : Loading a playlist with wrong mp3 links crashes the server
2489 : Browsing to "statistics" page crashes SlimServer
2490 : Enable mac address security level
2491 : power sync problem
2492 : Podcast title not shown correct
2493 : Player name while browsing?
2494 : refactor Slim::Control::Command::execute() to lookup table
2495 : No A-Z links in Handheld skin
2496 : Slimserver no longer plays .m3u playlist files outside playlist folder
2497 : Poor performance - Very slow to list tracks in an album or playlist
2498 : uses RCS keyword for version - breaks when imported into CVS
2499 : Fishbone Volume Bars misaligned
2500 : Can't start SlimServer
2501 : Shoutcast stream parsing error
2502 : Display Slow To Change Using Random Mix
2503 : Server stops with the following in the event log.
2504 : attempted to unpause a stopped stream
2505 : Web error: There is no ":" skin, try http://server:9000/ instead.
2506 : Remember directory path from Browse Music Folders
2507 : Test
2508 : WPA2/AES connection failure with D-Link DGL-4300
2509 : Errouneous grouping of albums with commom title
2510 : "Now Playing" out of sync with what's really playing
2511 : All artists listed twice after "look for new and changed music"
2512 : can't properly associate with networks using 108mbps turbo g / super g / g nitro modes
2513 : Server stop during rescan.
2514 : Problems connecting wit WPA2/AES with Linksys WRT54GS
2515 : WPA2/AES with Netgear WPN824 does not connect
2516 : Random Mix: Dynamic addition of songs should be optional.
2517 : wpa2+aes fails with airport extreme v5.6
2518 : add smb client functionality to slimserver
2519 : Ignore Unchecked Songs in iTunes Not Working
2520 : Server fails to start
2521 : Squeezenetwork glitches.
2522 : Server & Network Health invisible in exbrowse3 skin
2523 : Partial rescan by selection of subdirectory
2524 : Player not found when using Maxthon as web browser
2525 : No tracks listed if song (album) title exceeds 64 characters
2526 : Add a way to enter browse folder when playing a song
2527 : Some MP3s do not play (hang at start)
2528 : AlienBBC and Favourites
2529 : problem playing a url
2530 : sb2 and sb3 fail to connect to 802.11g networks when Super-G / turbo is enabled
2531 : Artist looping in web ui
2532 : Unicode entered in input boxes in the web interface is mangled
2533 : Now Playing doesn't match the actual track if the first is skipped through
2534 : "All Songs" in Fishbone
2535 : <playerid> playlist genre/path ? commands do not work and can kill the telnet connect
2536 : Dowload files in playlist or music folders
2537 : Pause/Unpause stops track if paused for more than a couple of minutes
2538 : Allow searching for items with in a playlist.
2539 : Brightness dims when holding down button for firmware update
2540 : Brightness dims when holding down button for firmware update
2541 : Errors with Softsqueeze links in slimserver web interface
2542 : rescan not finishing?
2543 : New Playlist zapped
2544 : Improper VA album classification for artist name that starts with a '
2545 : Alphabetize Common Album Titles
2546 : Disable "Common Album Titles" Groupings
2547 : Extra space in the Handheld skin after track fields
2548 : "Multiple Items In Tags" modification interrupts play
2549 : Artist is sorted by ARTIST tag, not ARTISTSORT tag
2550 : Fishbone - Cannot reset bass or treble
2551 : Prevent songs being played twice in random mixes
2552 : Music stops playing after each song
2553 : Multiple Album Tags Not Possible in Slimserver
2554 : Missing songs are not skipped over when two players are synced
2555 : Article sorting ignored in 6.5 nightly
2556 : Browsing into new folder doesn't scan with readTags
2557 : SB2 dB volume control causes digital round errors
2558 : Extending zap playlist tagging
2559 : Use of genric tags confuses DB build (I think)
2560 : Bass/Treble options seem to be broken in Fishbone lately
2561 : Periodic loss of wireless connection
2562 : Blank album names appearing at the top of the Browse Albums list
2563 : Incorrect sorting of alphanumeric characters in album display
2564 : wpa fails with buffalo tech wbr2-g54s
2565 : add firmware support for WMA lossless codec
2566 : Unexpected behavior playing from top level
2567 : ActivePerl path error on virgin xp machine at install time
2568 : empty playlists in playlist folder do not appear.
2569 : pressing and holding FAVORITES as described in the manual does not work as described
2570 : Selecting Moodlogic from web page return ARRAY()
2571 : brightness reverts to brightest if you dim while playing then scroll
2572 : Artwork not constrained in Default skin
2573 : Use of uninitialized value in
2574 : Artist Not Showing in Web Interface - itunes tagged
2575 : Gradual volume ramping for Alarm function
2576 : slimserver service doesn't install properly for 6.5
2577 : ExBrowse3 appearance issues on split-scanner branch
2578 : Default2: skin bugs
2579 : Artist Not Shwoing in Web Interface
2580 : Add option to indicate album art priority. Art Files vs. Art Tags
2581 : sb2/3 firmware chokes on this mp3 file, plays static
2582 : Feature request: alarm volume ramping
2583 : Multi-disc tracks improperly sort in the server/browse pane
2584 : a report of mp3 files that play properly with 6.1.1+fw15 fail with 6.2+fw26
2585 : Sox causing 95+% cpu usage
2586 : Background noise streaming AAC from Linux-based Slimserver
2587 : remember me
2588 : button disappears if you make your font too big.
2589 : mms: is displayed sometimes. it shouldn't be.
2590 : User specified stream titles should be preserved
2591 : Slow searches on 6.2.1
2592 : When saving a new playlist the playlist is saved in addition under untitled.m3u
2593 : BBC Podcast problems
2594 : Number keys skip some list items in Browse Music Folder
2595 : add bidi support for languages that are read from right to left
2596 : factory reset leaves "password" instead of blank wpa and wpa2 password
2597 : when overwriting a wpa or wpa2 password with # buttons, first position is skipped
2598 : RSS in foreign languages
2599 : Counting artists with tags "artist" & "album artist" set
2600 : Database schema incorrect concerning bitrate/seconds. Noticable only with mySQL strict DB checking
2601 : New songs are not all added
2602 : Squeezebox locks until next track
2603 : Squeezebox locks until next track
2604 : Browse Music Folder Sorting: Folder at top
2605 : Scan crashes for playlist ref to WMA file that has a "WM/URL" tag set to
2606 : live365 stops slimserver
2607 : Ease switching Squeezebox between multiple SlimServers
2608 : Slim/Utils/ seek() assumed to return file position
2609 : unicode text in Polish looks very bizarre on sb2/3 display
2610 : More schema issues - upsets mySQL with alphanumeric blank years ("") and probable incorrect field def
2611 : add ability to hide itunes playlists on a per playlist basis
2612 : Hierarchical Playlists - Add support for playlist folders from iTunes
2613 : add ability to show only specific genres when querying for shoutcast stations
2614 : Multipoint Storage
2615 : Strings.txt format
2616 : Live Music Archives problems
2617 : if the path to your music folder contains high ascii characters, the server can't read it
2618 : Problem with changing volume on handheld web interface on Palm OS PDA
2619 : Shoutcast - manuall refresh from player broken
2620 : SB3 sitting on two ip addresses. Assigned dhcp addy and one other...
2621 : Command Line Interface failure
2622 : Fishbone skin: frame bug
2623 : Problem with tracks that have no 'album' metadata
2624 : Favourites missing from display screen
2625 : Enhancement request for 'custom search' columns within the SlimServer database
2626 : option to show year with 'browse artists'
2627 : playback problem with mms streams
2628 : JVC_Remote
2629 : Player info - Reports squeezebox2
2630 : server eats too much cpu; slow rescans, music interruptions
2631 : Wireless signal strength, setup parameters - difficult to change & VPN
2632 : Cannot add MoodLogic playlist with remote.
2633 : Browse genres and browse music folder broken in Handheld skin with svn 5305
2634 : squeezebox v3 cannot connect to 2wire/non-broadcast SSID
2635 : Slimserver crash when playing mp3 file
2636 : Server crashes if Favorites button pushed when favorites plugin disabled
2637 : Searching for composer with the Player UI shows an empty album list
2638 : All artists of an album are shown in browse artists although ALBUMARTIST is set
2639 : Need useful error message on MacOS pre-10.3
2640 : 94% cpu stall during rss news ticker
2641 : Windows EXE stops (crashes) when scrolling artist names in UI
2642 : Album not auto-detected as a various artist album
2643 : SB3 alarm clock only plays one track
2644 : Shuffled playlist does not play from the top
2645 : None screensaver on SN should be blank.
2646 : wma files created by Media Jukebox 8 don't play in sb2/3 firmware
2647 : Multiple selection (checkbox, radio button) player UI should be consistent on both SN and SS
2648 : When you switch languages, it show the language code, not the word
2649 : Slim Devices Picks should be available from SN web interface
2650 : Mp3 song freezes SB3 at same point in time
2651 : Gross distortion with FLAC files - ReplayGain
2652 : Browsing music folder shows wrong items and becomes unusable
2653 : "play other tracks in album or directory" enable on the fly.
2654 : Choosing to play a .lnk file crashes the server
2655 : Add more advanced track positioning, e.g. random access
2656 : Initial scan can delete entries from genre_track
2657 : Empty album title in slimserver.log and trackinfo structure.
2658 : Title of remote streams should be able to be changed in _updateMetaData
2659 : Crash in Slim/Formats/ due to possible module conflict
2660 : Maintain current brightness when connection to server is lost
2661 : Enable remote, ssh internet access from an sb2 firmware to a slimserver over wan
2662 : Empty genres when browsing
2663 : Strange IP address/settings
2664 : Alternate Date/Time between RSS Channels/Feeds Display
2665 : unable to connect with WEP if key index other than 1 is selected in router setup
2666 : can't play this internet radio stream through squeezenetwork, but it works through slimserver
2667 : Clicking on an artist with a single album should bring you to that album
2668 : no genre data on tracks generated from external cue + flac
2669 : each album has one extra track on external cue + flac
2670 : Server rejects UNC paths as invalid
2671 : Show Song Info Automatically
2672 : auto-detect for slim picks directory
2674 : Wrong Frame selection from the Song Info icon in the Fishbone skin
2675 : No results in the manual search
2676 : XMLBrowser crashes on Podcast Play
2677 : SlimServer stops shortly after SB3 starts playing file with Japanese id3 tags
2679 : External USB storage, for PC-free operation?
2680 : Advanced Search: Return artist and album matches
2681 : Client not found for slimproto msg
2682 : AAC/ALAC Artwork stopped being displayed in 6.2.1
2683 : Only one alarm triggered, when there are several at the same time
2684 : Implement De-emphasis
2685 : Uncheck "start automatically" doesn't work
2686 : Date/Time screen saver not working after firmware upgrade
2687 : iTunes playlists do not show up
2688 : Player turns on automatically (when it shouldn't)
2689 : Rescan of library causes duplicate track entries in albums
2690 : Display intermittently corrupted on power-on
2691 : Squeezebox 3 and SlimServer Now Playing Display
2692 : Chinese RSS feed fails to parse
2693 : slashdot and bbc rss entries don't work lately
2694 : update installation.txt in tgz distribution
2695 : Trim trailing spaces from SSID and keys entered with the remote
2696 : Recognise additional contributor type "performer"
2697 : Allow alternate Orchestra and Ensemble tags for "band"
2698 : Extend "Advanced Search" in Web interface for more tags
2699 : Widen list of tags for browsing in Remote UI
2700 : Allow User Defined Tag for Browse and Search
2701 : Need ability to browse multiple tags in flexible order (Multi-Level Browse)
2702 : Song titles are displayed incorrectly for WAV filenames containing Cyrillics
2703 : Changing web server port results in no audio
2704 : DB scanning fails to find directories starting with double underscores "__"
2705 : SB3 player hang/lockup when using >>/<< buttons in web UI
2706 : SB3 player hang/lockup when using >>/<< buttons in web UI
2707 : SB can't play when synched to another SB that's powered off
2708 : Add a record feature to internet streams
2709 : Random Mix -v- iTunes
2710 : Use GD to create thumbnail cover art images, then cache them
2711 : Shuffle mode repeats tracks
2712 : forum post mess up threads in mail client
2713 : In Default skin, add option to add track to top of playlist
2715 : several reports of player hanging on squeezenetwork after changing firmware revs
2716 : sb3 can't connect to access point built in to bsd
2717 : can't play this list of internet radio stations from iTunes
2718 : SlimServer crash
2719 : Interpret flac Replay Gain tags as generated by J River Media Center
2720 : Initial scan can delete entries from genre_track
2721 : Add support for Slim Devices picks in web interface
2722 : Add support for Slim Devices picks in web interface
2723 : Shouldn't show mms: URLs
2724 : Bonjour support on Windows -- SlimServer config settings
2725 : Squeezebox/Slimserver misses end of song
2726 : Date/time screensaver doesn't use same language as menu/web interface
2727 : SB3 Player freeze when choosing SqueezeNetwork
2728 : Unable to connect to 3com 3CRWE754G72-A
2729 : Cannot connect to SSID Broadcast
2730 : Getting allocated 169.254.x.x addresses
2731 : Volume Controls don't work on web interface
2732 : squeezenetwork activation email says Squeezenetwork Beta in it still
2733 : Advanced bitrate search
2734 : Not receiving tags from streamed media.
2735 : Add pagebar functionality to the CLI
2736 : Divide by zero in
2737 : make debug options persistent (saved in prefs file?)
2738 : Please add a vendor-class identifier field to DHCP packets.
2739 : Save playlists does not update playlists
2740 : report of unreliable wireless connection with wg602
2741 : radioioclassical no longer shows track info
2742 : Playback freezes in several cases
2743 : Enhancement: Squeezebox to work as IR Repeater
2744 : Track details shows only first of many Genre values
2745 : SQB fail transition from playout-play when paused
2746 : Wake on LAN - PC returns to standby after Power Save period
2747 : SUSE shutdown does not work
2748 : setting pitch above 110 on an SB1 causes audio dropouts
2749 : Add pitch support to SB2/3
2750 : MMM importing fails to decode unicode
2751 : aacPlus Radio Streams
2752 : CUE sheet navigation under Browse Music Folder
2753 : For certain queries, CLI returns invalid answer half of the time (every other response is nonsense)
2754 : SlimServer doesn't see iTunes playlists
2755 : Can't connect to shoutcast thru Squeeze Network
2756 : Random Mix Of Songs Not Working
2757 : option to not follow symlinks or duplicate awareness with symlinks
2758 : CUE sheet support is broken (File now plays, but navigation impossible).
2759 : Music will occasionally be queued to the wrong player, depending on UI state
2760 : "none" screen saver should be called "blank" when setting for powered off.
2761 : my brightness settings are recently going bonkers
2762 : server crashes when i tune in to this station in the web interface
2763 : MoodLogic plugin causes SlimServer to stop
2764 : Cue files, only plays first track with SB2's (SB1's ok)
2765 : Squeezeboxes settings on are lacking
2766 : You have to add this content to the network
2767 : Slimserver rescan crashes on files with bad artwork tag
2768 : no response to IR when playing
2769 : Web UI for editing favorites
2770 : Random albums with duplicate entries
2771 : Fails to remove old album when an album is renamed
2772 : Hard to spot currently playing track in default skin's playlist
2773 : SlimServer crashes while scanning library - needs validation for paths greater than 255 characters in length on Windows
2774 : Always Hangs When Trying to Play
2775 : Missing space in tooltip text when browsing artwork
2776 : Songs in Collection Albums presented in alphabetic order by Artist when browsing Albums
2777 : alarm clock not working
2778 : cover art page should point to placeholder graphic directly, not send same data for different urls
2779 : Adding songs to playlist when in shuffle mode reshuffles entire list
2780 : SVN 5507 causes crash and breaks artwork
2781 : wpa+tkip fails with Thompson Speedtouch 580
2782 : Internet Radio Station Pause Fails
2783 : Duplicate track names with iTunes and ampersand in artist or album name
2784 : Socketwrapper - problem duplicating output socket
2785 : WPA2+AES fails with Cisco AP1200 w/v12.3(7)JA2
2786 : Crasher in 6.5b1 revision 5546 while rescanning
2787 : Random plugin stops playing at end of generated list
2788 : CLI returns incorrect UTF-8 string
2789 : Getting unknown artist/album/genre in XML from browsing songs
2790 : Slimserver won't read through a Windows Shortcut for playlists
2791 : Slimserver not updated with music loaded through iTunes
2792 : rescan appears to do nothing but wipe library
2793 : Smart Gain - Unexpected behavior when gain value set to 0dB
2794 : Case Sensitivity Under Windows
2795 : Problem with mp3 stream from LastFM on 6.5
2796 : default interface problems in 6.5
2797 : Music dropouts. Flac to wired SB1/g
2798 : implement forget command like other commands
2800 : executeCallback - send an event if a client reconnects
2801 : Enhancement to Preamp Volume Control setting
2802 : crash in trunk when using softsqueeze
2803 : Can't save modified Playlists
2804 : Can't save Playlists
2805 : Support file types settings for multiple conversions
2806 : Music stops after about 60 mins
2807 : squeezenetwork lag issues
2808 : Provide function to browse the music folder without the performance impact of cache bypass
2809 : Spectrum Analyzer should use logarithmic frequency bands
2810 : web interface playlist doesn't refresh properly when changing players
2811 : Entries removed from genre_track with more than one playlist
2812 : Entries removed from genre_track during playlist rescan
2813 : Rescan with playlists take long time
2814 : Curly Apostrophe in Genre Title Renders Incorrectly
2815 : Live365 Search mode doesn't properly remove right arrow in search text
2816 : MAC addresses resetting on SB2/3
2817 : 6.5 will not start
2819 : All mms streams are unable to be played by Slimserver
2820 : Massive and sudden packet lossage.
2821 : SVN 5516 & mysql causes crash on scanning
2822 : Search Music results: First line on top of search text box
2823 : 6.5b1 crash bug, any version, on startup
2824 : enhance 'the current playlist' manipulation functionality
2825 : CURRTIME in TitleFormat broken
2826 : BBC RSS feed is broken
2827 : Add CLI support for "Various Artists"
2828 : Unable to rename an RSS feed
2829 : Random Mix not appending
2830 : MusicMagic Exporting songs takes hours...
2831 : add menu option to force rss refresh?
2832 : make a way to lock favorites so new ones don't accidentally get added
2833 : Can not see network drive
2834 : Multiple device playlists not displaying correctly in Web UI
2836 : handheld skin--artwork disappears when pressing next or prev on status page
2837 : slimserver doesn't handle error condition correctly when unexpected XML
2838 : Separate title format for web interface
2839 : New file syck.dll (added in svn 5711) breaks ActiveState Perl on Windows XP
2840 : Crash during scanning when using MySQL
2841 : "Browse Into" Song info does not work if Artist tag is empty (FLAC)
2842 : Server does not start on 2006-01-19 & 2006-01-20 Nightly builds
2843 : Playback of OGG files results in digitial white noise
2845 : stations names not listed in display
2846 : KQED is not able to play beyond the initial promo file
2847 : Wireless connection to SMC 2804WBRP-G and SMC 2804WBR (older model) fails entirely
2848 : PLAY.FM stream cannot be played through "radio tune in"
2849 : sb3 says it's an sb2 in settings -> information -> player information
2850 : server crashes due to MySQL foreign key constraints
2851 : custom types, strings, convert inconsistent
2853 : PLS playlists saved as "Unicode" on windows do not appear
2854 : Cannot authenticate with d-link di-624 using WPA2 personal
2855 : 6.5b1 replaygain info for mp3 files missing
2856 : SB3 complete lockup using netgear dg834pn router
2858 : can't access itunes setup page - error in url?
2859 : user requested: columnar interface like iTunes to control music playback
2860 : Unable to play some WMA streams
2861 : Upload/Download of files from Slim Server
2862 : Exbrowse3 playlist limited to 100 songs
2863 : Different interface per Web Client
2864 : alarm settings page for a player is broken
2865 : server preference pane does not work on new Intel Macs
2866 : can't play these two mms streams using squeezenetwork
2867 : customer reported problem with favorites on squeezenetwork
2868 : server crashed after big search
2869 : add discrete daily alarms for players connected to squeezenetwork
2870 : Viewing second page of to-be-saved playlist jumps to edit mode
2871 : Need to warn users of broken plugins after upgrade
2872 : Same as bug 2759, but with the Handheld skin.
2873 : this mms stream plays for a minute or two then quits
2874 : url encoded '&' (%26) in track name causes $client->execute(['playlist', 'insert', $track]) to fail
2875 : Selected skins should be tied to the individual browsers
2876 : Shoutcast plugin should store recently played stations in the DB
2877 : CLI support for lyrics
2878 : CLI support for genres
2879 : CLI support for contributors
2880 : Turn shuffle on/off per alarm
2881 : db schema not being updated
2882 : Connected but just silence wnycam and wnycfm
2883 : r5917 crashes - missing Win32 file(s)
2884 : [ and ] bad in filenames, using CLI
2885 : Player stops playing in middle of playlist
2886 : SlimServer can't open some iTunes-produced mp3s
2887 : SlimServer freezing for 60seconds
2888 : SlimServer freezing for 60 seconds
2889 : Dropouts
2890 : sleep cuts sound early, but then continues
2891 : "repeat 2" ignored if set late
2892 : Can't login via CLI
2893 : Lower minimum brightness
2894 : iTunes playlists not in visible on slimdevices #3
2895 : Slim menu system - instant access to itunes podcasts
2896 : Scanning into the song with the number buttons
2897 : Power spike when playing APE with WAV conversion
2898 : With MySQL foreign key constraint fails during rescan.
2899 : Fork process to rescan library
2900 : audiodir config setting stomped by itunes_library_music_path even when itunes is not used.
2901 : WPA Personal not working with 3Com 3crwe554G72
2902 : Exiting slimserver still leaves process slim.exe around
2903 : Problem connecting when connection blocking is enabled
2904 : Split settings pages into main/advanced
2905 : can't associate with zoom x6 5590 adsl router
2906 : Cannot load songs from playlist that contain non ISO-Latin1 characters
2907 : WPA fails on Lancom 1521
2908 : Now playing number keys are blocked when showing current song
2909 : Number button navigation fails when on Now Playing current song
2910 : Play album + pause + unpause = stop after current song
2911 : asx playlist pointing to mms stream won't play on sb2/3
2912 : rtsp internet radio stream doesn't play
2913 : Firmware 29 wireless connectivity
2914 : Browsing artwork/albums/artists/etc. pages are all bold & linked.
2915 : rogue high ascii characters randomly show up while entering a long SSID manually
2916 : fallback IP for Squeezenetwork is now wrong in sb2/3 firmware
2917 : slimserver crashes when scanning itunesplaylist
2918 : Only show largest file if duplicate exist
2919 : can't connect to belkin F5D7630-4A with sb3
2920 : sb3 fails to connect to westell versalink model 327 from verizon dsl
2921 : CLI returns no text data
2922 : auto power off (sleep) at defined interval
2923 : increase volume with ramp up on alarm
2924 : Attempting to edit a radio stream entry in a playlist causes slimserver to crash
2925 : MP3 live stream playback will hack audio output in Fw29
2926 : squeezenetwork not support non standard us charters.
2927 : month and day not translated to german
2928 : Radio NRJ dont work.
2929 : Problem: Can't open file for (song title) in 6.2.1, works in 6.2.0
2930 : Podcasts and some internet radio inaccessible - XML parse error
2931 : Recan new & changed does not pickup new artwork
2932 : Temp Files are still exist after finished playlist
2933 : RSS Feeds Cause Now Playing Information to Stop Updating
2934 : Various Artists doesnt appear in Browse Artists in web interface if there are no other artists
2935 : Server crash trying to edit playlist
2936 : SlimServer doesn't automatically restart - Windows Service Setting
2937 : WPA2 fail with SMC Barricade G 108mbps WBR14T-G
2938 : this wma vbr file seems to not be able to play all the way through.
2939 : Renaming a playlist saves a copy to disk
2940 : Editing names of items in a playlist does not save the amendments to disk
2941 : XMLBrowser: Get additional details about streams
2942 : Rewind does not work immediately after a track advance
2943 : Alphanumeric keys do not function correctly in Browse By Music Folder mode
2944 : Silent gaps introduced into audio output (esp. with WMA VBR)
2945 : MusicMagic causing duplicate song entries
2946 : valign = "middle", not "center"
2947 : slimserver does not find (alienbbc) when it is installed in the Bin directroy
2949 : using scroll wheel on the mouse on when logged in can screw stuff up
2950 : playing favorites in web ui is hoaky
2951 : shoutcast now lists aacplus streams that SB2/3 can not play
2953 : Enable a Windows-type "Browse" function to assign location of Music Folder
2954 : KQED - Now Playing data not appearing on webpage
2955 : Jam FM - Bad playlist
2956 : Web UI hanging repeatedly
2957 : button presses should be better queued
2958 : iTunes reload interval should be set to 0 for new scans
2959 : music and playlist folder should be blank when iTunes enabled
2961 : Pandora empty station list UI bugs
2962 : Pandora "creating station" message hangs around
2963 : URL displayed as title for some streams
2964 : SlimServer should provide feedback about scan to user.
2965 : Crash using ffw on alienbbc prerecorded entry
2966 : Press and hold brightness when in player setup locks machine
2967 : Display nice error when we can't stream something
2968 : Display current version/build and a changelog
2969 : More use of strings.txt on website, open up for translations
2970 : jvc dvd remote trips firmware update when pressing/holding ffwd
2971 : Pandora station list in web UI
2973 : Favourites titles blank on SN home page
2974 : Can't Connect using WPA or WPA 2 with SMCWBR14T-G
2975 : NOKIA770 doesn't show player POWER status
2976 : Albums with same name - tracks get merged
2977 : Browse Artists - shows blank entry if only one album with no name
2978 : pressing play on playlist should change to 'now playing' screen
2979 : nok770 displays bottom bar in middle of screen
2980 : Wrong clip plays
2981 : Slimserver crashes at file info point
2982 : SB2/3 only displays track 1 for album when advancing
2983 : ability to goto 'next' page of artists instead of using letters
2984 : Audio data TCP throughput issues
2985 : WMA transcoded to WAV truncated (not gapless)
2986 : favorites_list.html is missing line breaks between entries
2987 : "Articles to ignore when sorting" and internet radio
2988 : Artwork on album page should have a reasonable maximum default
2989 : WPA / WPA2 not working with Motorola WR850G
2990 : dolby digital flac files do not playback gapless
2991 : Request bodyscript hook for Fishbone skins
2992 : Allow new favorites/feeds to be inserted at any number
2993 : auto reconnect after lost connection to slimserver
2994 : endless reboots with WPA
2995 : Allow AsynchHTTP / SimpleAsynchHTTP to get response headers as array
2996 : Multiple FLAC DISCNUMBER tags causes indexing failure
2997 : DHCP/Auto-IP is very unfriendly
2998 : "malloc_failed" error message on SB3 when modifying router settings...
2999 : Server stops running when you manually update your firmware...
3000 : Add support for podcasts and the Podcast plugin
3001 : SB2/3's hardware WMA decoding will not play Sirius streams.
3002 : Gaps in high-bitrate WMA VBR files
3003 : Favorites / ProtocolHandler URLs don't make it onto $client->playlist
3004 : Favorites / ProtocolHandler URLs don't make it onto $client->playlist
3005 : Hash ref being passed to string() for Alarm
3006 : rtsp URLs (and others) still making it into the system
3007 : m4a files created with iTunesencode (3rd partycli itunes encoder) don't get picked up
3008 : Creating a Moodlogic instant mix causes an error
3009 : Nokia 770 - clicking album art adds to playlist
3010 : Browse modes paging broken for all but first page
3011 : Unicode characters in Database
3012 : Unicode characters and CLI
3013 : Natural sounds issues
3014 : XMLBrowser/RSS ticker needs real entity support
3015 : cannot compile perl module YAML-Syck-0.28
3016 : MySQL FK issue.
3017 : Live365 data type causes crash.
3018 : web UI: selecting "Browse Artists" goes to "Browse Albums"
3019 : synched players do not advance to next song
3020 : Confusing "Press RIGHT to" message in random mix menu
3021 : Improve time zone handling
3022 : Natural Sounds should be in OPML
3023 : Natural Sounds menu should list all sounds
3024 : add ability to introduce a gap between tracks
3026 : Playlist name and international characters
3027 : Seeing multiple instances of "Insane number of timers"
3028 : "All Quartets Stereo | web" keeps getting into the DB.
3029 : Strange LMA / Settings crash.
3030 : .flac & .ape mono files play at double speed
3031 : Slimdevices services stop
3032 : Wireless Bridge / Firmware crash
3033 : Support backwards playback
3034 : D-link DI-524UP
3035 : Pressing play on "Press PLAY to hear station" in Pandora shoudl show briefly
3036 : Buffer fullness pref. problem
3037 : MusicMagic API Playlist Generation Flawed in 6.2.1
3038 : Server crashes after playing a song on first startup.
3039 : URL fragment causing repeated crashes.
3040 : DNS timeout too short
3041 : Wireless Connection problem - Linksys WAG54G - V1.02.9
3042 : Dropdown for Server Settings not working 6.5b1 - 6322/FF 1.5
3043 : Favorite button works even when player is off.
3044 : Lyrics do not display with line spacing correctly.
3045 : Change in 6318 introduced new bug
3046 : VA artists incorrecly displayed in Browse Genre
3047 : Disabling analogue outputs (and other effects) for files requiring digital passthrough
3048 : Build admin tool for controlling front-page boxes
3049 : Too many player settings.
3050 : Random Mix uses too much resources
3051 : Favorites don't appear on front page until visiting Favorites page
3052 : Web playlist displays old tracks
3053 : Server crash during browsedb
3054 : permanent "skip" lists
3055 : Failure to open preference pane in OS X over iMac Intel Duo
3056 : add enhanced support for radioIO premium content
3057 : SB2 claims ethernet is unplugged when connected to switch, but not hub
3058 : Add search field on results page on admin interface
3059 : Transition between tracks causes audible artifacts
3060 : Pandora: loud 'pop' just before song start
3061 : Show song length in Pandora
3062 : Error message after signing up with existing Pandora account
3063 : First press of Pause per song just mutes
3064 : Remaining Time progress bar should be inverted
3065 : change sox binary for linkstation bins?
3066 : XML Browser request should be cancellable
3067 : Pressing REW on remote goes FWD
3068 : alarm set a few minutes into the future doesn't go off
3069 : Explicit namesort values can be overwritten
3070 : When the alarm goes off, the screensaver should not kick in until the user has hit a button
3071 : Web interface becomes inaccessible after a while
3072 : small bug in newest LMA plugin
3073 : Artists containing special characters in iTunes are missing
3074 : RPC Plugin broken in Windows slim.exe build
3075 : wpa and wpa2 fail with Draytek Vigor 2800VG
3076 : Levels should be normalized from Pandora
3077 : pandora history list
3078 : Missing error for empty directory on play
3079 : Home / Server Settings / File Types: changing setup does not work
3080 : SB3 Hangs every day since loading 6.5 beta
3081 : Message subjects altered by mail gateway breaking threads
3082 : player frame refreshes without any delay sometimes in firefox 1.5
3083 : Firmware isn't being pulled out of the proper directory.
3084 : Hide Pandora URLs everywhere
3085 : Move "Add station to favorites" to Now Playing menu
3086 : downtime notification of squeezenetwork via sb display
3087 : create handheld skin for squeezenetwork web site
3088 : Live365 Crash
3089 : Shoutcast Error - can't connect to remote site.
3090 : need ability to change a user's password
3091 : Pandora stations not advancing after each track
3092 : Nested ASX playlist support
3093 : Firmware 35 hangs
3094 : SN Timer issues
3095 : Perl pins cpu at 100% when importing .ape file.
3096 : problem opening WMA radio station
3097 : Wireless connection to T-Sinus 154 DSL fails
3099 : SCALAR crasher
3100 : Bogus IP / URL
3103 : More advanced screensaver setup options
3104 : XMLBrowser should add track names to tracks when playing
3105 : Pressing ADD in Live Music Archive plugin does wrong thing
3106 : Add search/create station in SN web interface
3107 : Cosmetic issues with Time zone setting
3108 : mark bad files
3109 : wpa and wpa2 incompatible with Netgear DG834PN
3110 : problems connecting reliably to Netgear DG834G V2 fw3.01.25
3111 : cover art cut off in SN web interface pandora now playing page
3112 : Files with no "DATE" attribute are not added to library when using MySQL
3113 : static in left channel when playing back 32kHz mp3 file
3114 : Attaching same-IP clients to same SN server to enable Sync
3115 : Synced player -> SN -> Sign-Off, crashes SlimServer
3116 : this mms url doesn't play on SS or SN
3118 : No vertical scroll bars visible
3119 : Can't update slimserver on a Mac named "slimserver"
3120 : Mistake in Owners guide for Squeezebox V3
3121 : relay wireless connections as well through bridge.
3122 : incorporate tripath amp chip
3123 : ExBrowse3 skin display error
3124 : ExBrowse3 skin display error
3125 : audio stuttering issues with firmware 35 related to buffering
3126 : rescan with Moodlogic enable causes 100% CPU forever
3127 : New Timer code causing crash.
3128 : problem with javascript with default skin--customer reported
3129 : ID3v1 chosen over ID3v2 when "disc #" tag is used
3130 : Undefined Favorite / Null track request
3131 : Crash with Pandora
3132 : Does not appear to search for best access point
3133 : Release notes link to change logs is broken in windows installer
3134 : "Now Playing" screensaver doesnt always switch to the "Now Playing" page
3135 : Large Size Now Playing with Elapsed Time
3136 : Pandora web UI "track advance" control stops music unexpectedly
3137 : Using the remote, if you've exceeded the "skip limit" the "FWD" button starts the offending track over
3138 : Accented characters show up OK on SB display when on now playing, but not when searching
3139 : Genre Object does not seem to populate name
3140 : Players without names should just be called Squeezebox
3141 : Unable to type characters "crsvx" in to certain text input fields.
3142 : RSS Feed URLs being shortened
3143 : Screensaver mode/assert error.
3144 : Unable to "Browse Artitsts" by first letter when named in Unicode
3145 : RSS feed failure to parse
3146 : Squeezebox cannot connect to 2wire 1700hg in WEP-open mode
3147 : Feature Request: Change refresh time on RSS feeds for local hosts...
3148 : Poor rendering in Opera
3149 : Pandora: pressing FWD and PAUSE in quick succession behaves badly
3150 : Signon screen displays "You are already signed in as ."
3151 : Difficult to listen to arbitrary radio stations
3152 : gain setting for files without replaygain
3153 : Incorrect error handling in Audio::FLAC::Header
3154 : unchecked songs in iTunes added to playlists after rescan
3155 : Only first page of playlists can be seen
3156 : Firmware Appears To Become Corrupted
3157 : Make PIN easier to find
3158 : Add Pandora blurb and link on auth response page
3159 : New Music bug if duplicate album name exists
3160 : can't play this internet radio stream through SN or SS
3161 : Need more aggressive auto-retry for internet radio
3162 : p0 in web url without a dispatch handler prevents "generateHTTPResponse"
3163 : IE doesn't display netcontrol player controls
3164 : the last 10 seconds or so of this WMA CBR file do not get played
3165 : rss URL ending in .php fails to parse
3166 : Accounts -> Language displays too many "English"es
3167 : Java certificate expired
3168 : can't stream this station?
3169 : Incomplete localization for some languages
3170 : gradient alarm volumes -- customer requested feature
3171 : ability to specify a maximum alarm duration (customer requested)
3172 : Live Music Archive player interface is not good
3173 : ipod integration
3174 : add and document discrete transcode labels for ALAC and AAC in convert.conf
3175 : Crash trying to browse real audio files
3176 : Request -- Tivo-like pause
3177 : Request -- Skype plug-in to pause/mute SoftSqueeze
3178 : rss feed fails to parse
3179 : Unable to display Shoutcast Station List in Slimserver
3180 : tracks freeze at end when played via command line "playerid pause 0" command
3181 : Not playing url - MMS only stream
3182 : Random Mix plugin will not show 2 upcoming songs
3183 : Problems parsing XML from shoutcast
3184 : Rescan leaves Squeezebox2 in odd dimmed state
3185 : Automatic "handshaking" fails for SB3 in wireless ad-hoc LAN
3186 : add support for 24 bit 96khz flac
3187 : failed attempt to play internet radio stream on softsqueeze
3188 : Treat multi-track compositions as a single "song"
3189 : mov123 crashes on .m4a (Apple Lossless) - songs don't play
3190 : Third party DRM WMA files should not show up in browse music
3191 : Third party DRM WMA files should not show up in browse music
3192 : Browse music folder not working for FLAC w/embedded cuesheets
3193 : playlist with http urls - not possible to play because of empty value
3194 : Resetting the router caused SB3 to lock up
3195 : Display all Pandora stations as choices for alarm
3196 : Unable to name playlists in Unicode
3197 : Pandora has 'Add new music to station' menu
3198 : SD pick url for Otto's Baroque is baroquen.
3199 : Can't connect after sleep
3200 : Slimserver crashes if playlist folder is set
3201 : Playlist scan fails
3202 : need Local::Hebrew modules added to CPAN directory
3203 : Add a "Radio Tune In" option like we have for SlimServer
3204 : internal inconsistency: event should have been found
3205 : Add support for native ogg decoding
3206 : Search music page has invalid link for album under "Songs matching x"
3207 : Volume adjustments (soundcheck) in Apple Lossless files not used
3208 : Favorites button works when "power" off
3209 : Squeeze Network and Foreign language
3210 : can't use double quotes (") in Server Settings -> Formatting -> Title Format
3211 : server gets stuck after skipping or stopping from ogg-File
3212 : List a count of the number of songs contained in each artist/album/genre when browsing or searching.
3213 : Use number keys on remote as shortcuts
3214 : Press and hold down 'Shuffle' on remote for Random Mix by Songs
3215 : Constant communication error
3216 : Constant communication error
3217 : Add .ogg streaming from slimserver
3218 : References field too long
3219 : DHCP timeout/assignment of local loop IP is user-unfriendly
3220 : Rhapsody: Adding artist doesn't update Now Playing properly.
3221 : All library tracks duplicated if a music folder is specified AND MusicMagic is used
3222 : SlimServer sending music to wrong player with Fishbone on Firefox
3223 : Slimserver Crashes, SQLite 3.3.3 in FC5 incompatible
3224 : One Genre missing from Advanced Search drop down
3225 : 3-29 daily build partially breaks Web UI
3226 : Player "freezes" after reconnect
3227 : Automatic refresh causes 100% cpu and music stops for 1 second
3228 : Video output to help near-sighted people
3229 : Add COMPOSER to "Title format" choices (Home/Server Settings/Formatting)?
3230 : rpm should add service entries to /etc/services
3231 : stutters Mac Mini Intel 6.2.2
3232 : Consistent Crash with MIP 1.6b3 and 6.2.2 nightly +Trackstat
3233 : don't show splash screens after a firmware update
3234 : Softsqueeze refuses to play some songs...
3235 : Inconsistent behaviour when clicking on track name
3236 : Too easy to enter SqueezeNetwork by accident
3237 : Alarm time discontinuity Monday morning
3238 : Streams should display time remaining if that information is available
3239 : backing up in a playlist causes Slimserver crash
3240 : make let you choose what type of rescan
3241 : add support for custom ir maps using squeezenetwork like you can with slimserver
3242 : If an RSS feed that has moved is requested, SlimServer fails to retrieve the file from the new location.
3243 : Audio glitches when pausing and resuming
3244 : Memory leak when playing live stream
3245 : Accented characters and artwork filenames
3246 : wpa causes SB3 to disconnect from Motorola SGB900 every 15 minutes
3247 : CLI titles command takes excessive time with large library
3248 : when playing live365 streams on SN song names never show up
3249 : DG834GT 1.02.04 fails with firmware 37 with WPA enabled
3250 : report that when a large playlist is used as a favorite, playing the favorite causes significant lag
3251 : m3u playlist does not get scanned when you rescan playlists
3252 : UTF-8 encoded characters in path confuse "Browse Music Folder"
3253 : 4/07 build fails to install on windows XP
3254 : Common album titles with group multi-disc albums as single doesn't work
3255 : alphapagebar links miss targets in browse artwork
3256 : Deletion of playlists on "clear library" rescan
3257 : Firmware 37: WPA-TKIP fails to connect to D-Link DI-624
3258 : Crash if a Net::DNS::Resolver object couldn't be created.
3259 : Request: announcements-only list
3260 : Add password protection to the Squeezebox setup
3261 : SlimServer fails to run on Fedora Core 5 machine with SELinux enabled
3262 : Crash on rescan when album moved/deleted
3265 : Auto-upgrade setting too sensitive to repeat on remote
3266 : View Current Settings should just be "Current Settings"
3267 : Setup Refactoring / Wizard
3269 : possible solution to allay Squeezenetwork vs. SlimServer confusion
3270 : "Panic:" error referring to perl58.dll at run time under XP
3271 : Template engine doesn't handle UTF-8 characters correctly
3272 : Can't call method "chunks" on an undefined value at /PerlApp/Slim/Player/ line 559
3273 : reduce the slimserver debian package size
3274 : power off SB, power back on and hit play playlist resumes, but only one song
3275 : After upgrading to an Intel iMac cannot play OGG files
3276 : removing artist from playlist by clicking X removes entire playlist
3277 : Changing Auto Update Setting Very Difficult
3278 : slimproto compression
3279 : forth interpreter
3280 : Feature request: MLB Gameday Audio
3281 : WPA & WPA2 flakey with Netgear WPN802v1 (V2.0.6.0 firmware)
3282 : Playlist is deleting first song at save ...
3283 : 6.5b1 Plays only first track on SB3
3284 : Should be able to unsync when other player is off
3285 : 6.5b1 Plays only first track on SB3
3286 : slimserver doesn't recognize CUE files generated by "cueconvert"
3287 : slimserver doesn't correctly recognize multi-track FLACs
3288 : Handheld Interface - Next Button in Status Page Not Working - Palm Browser Problem
3289 : Brightness prefs can change when brightness pressed on upgrade screen
3290 : Slim Devices Picks: WFMU geographical correction
3291 : Fishbone skin current playlist frame missing
3292 : Play artist plays by tracknumber instead of album
3293 : Clear database & rescan doesn't really "clear"
3294 : Search, Random Albums, group by Artist - multiple albums with same name
3295 : Support for Chinese Unicode fonts.
3296 : song cuts on LMA
3297 : Random play always continues in random song mode after restart
3298 : Need to log failures where the WMA streamin server doesn't support HTTP, only MMS
3299 : Playlist changes applied to wrong streaming player
3300 : sox failes under 10.4.4
3301 : Playlist Setup shows URL instead of Playlist Name
3302 : adhoc networking broke somewhere along the line
3303 : 24 bits / 48 kHz FLAC files do no play continuously.
3304 : crash when playing radio station mms://
3305 : Difficult wireless connect for cold SB2
3306 : Full rescan triggerred each time the service starts up
3307 : When Browsing By Artist, Albums Are Not Sorted By Year
3308 : Podcast plugin fails to start when slimserver runs as a service
3309 : Port RSSNews to SimpleAsyncHTTP
3310 : Music Stalls with Fw45 - 6.2.2 Apr 23 nightly
3311 : shouldn't be able to rename/delete iTunes: playlists
3312 : Volume not displaying correct in Web Interface
3313 : Coverart stored in id3 tags aren't recognized any more
3314 : RPM fails to install on Fedora Core 5
3315 : init script fails to stop slimserver on Fedora Core 5
3316 : Add 'Bookmark this song' to web UI
3317 : mp2 replay fault
3318 : MusicMagic: Songs with national chars get duplicated
3319 : Database builder won't index the library - "bad file descriptor" - Kurobox
3320 : Too many special characters in a WPA key causes a malloc_failed error
3321 : Album art for any album listing
3322 : Manually setting compilation status doesn't work
3323 : Problems with skins and multiple artists
3324 : Album art scaling
3325 : Playlists always start at last track played
3326 : some ape files with ID3v2.3 headers are not parsed properly
3327 : Em Dash not displaying correctly on SqueezeBox
3328 : Exbrowse3: Playlists containing Internet radio links do not behave like regular playlists.
3329 : Slim Devices Picks: BBC station names
3330 : FLAC files with duplicate ReplayGain tags rejected
3331 : favourites button on softsqueeze
3332 : Audio plays back at 44.1 KHz with 48Khz FLAC's when decompressing at server
3333 : 6.2.2 Plays one song then stops playing
3334 : 6.2.2 Plays one song then stops playing
3335 : Latest release not seeing entire ITunes library
3336 : Now playing incorrectly updated when switching shuffle on/off and synced
3337 : Browse Genre -> Artist : not respecting Compilations
3338 : Multidisk compilation albums not working
3339 : Hebrew text appears reversed on Intel Mac w/6.2.2 or 6.5
3340 : Asia/Hong_Kong is one hour behind
3341 : Incorrect Genre tags
3342 : Remote MP3 stream format not recognized with SB2?
3343 : Player UI Re-Architecture + New "Song Menu" contextual plugin managment.
3344 : Crash during scan
3345 : support alac in hardware
3346 : Server crashes when playlist is selected for the alarm plugin
3347 : SlimServer service fails to start after upgrade
3348 : SlimServer service fails to start after upgrade
3349 : SlimServer service fails to start after upgrade
3350 : Browse Artwork doesn't recognise Various Artist albums correctly
3351 : Composers included in Artist count when browsing by Genre
3352 : Favorites don't play using remote, but do from the Favorites web page.
3353 : No Artist/No Album
3354 : fast scanning can cause slimserver to grow uncontrollably.
3355 : Group songs together when ALBUMARTIST tag present
3356 : Clicking Display under Player settings crashes SlimServer
3357 : Flac files neither indexed nor played
3358 : postinstall scriptlet only partially honours SLIMSERVER_USER
3359 : 6.3.0. nightlies from 29 April - 1 May missing slim.exe
3360 : SB3 became SB2 after flashing FW48
3361 : SHOUTcast seems to only give me 24-30 results no matter how i have it set
3362 : Live365 and session IDs
3363 : Prevent Live365 URLs with SessionIDs from being saved as favorites
3364 : playlist parsing is still not quite right
3365 : Certain Cue files don't work
3366 : Net::IP and File::Slurp missing
3367 : Some random Japanese radio station doesn't play
3368 : Holding brightness for firmware upgrade causes "update_begin: bad state"
3369 : Automatic refresh causes cascade of errors over time
3370 : Squeezebox selection drop-down not 'sticky' under Opera
3371 : better presentation when connecting to internet stream
3372 : Rhapsody tracks from compilation CDs break Slimserver
3373 : Intermittent "Applicaton is busy" message
3374 : There can be long pauses between Rhapsody tracks.
3375 : Some albums not resolvable into tracks by Slimserver
3376 : Rare: possible spurious 'source does not seem to be available' message
3377 : Slimserver cannot skip multiple broken Rhapsody tracks
3378 : Rhapsody tracks must always be re-added to a playlist
3379 : bad interaction with Firefox extension(s)
3380 : display name of shortcuts inconsistent
3381 : Fade in/out locks up Squeezebox
3382 : Cant control Squeezenetwork with a pda
3383 : Placeholder Bug: MMS only URLs
3384 : Streams stored in favorites don't work
3385 : Integration of MP3tunes Locker with SqueezeNetwork & Slim Server
3386 : fresh install stuck in startup
3387 : Convolve short FIR filters in firmware
3388 : skip on stream causes reset
3389 : Random Mix scrambling playlist, not deleting played tracks
3390 : file mod time should be checked right before playing and rescanned if changed
3391 : upgrading slimserver often causes problems
3392 : multiple genre tags for ID3v2.4 (null separated) not supported
3393 : Request for slimserver browser title change
3394 : change wording of "wpa2 (aes)" to "WPA2 Personal" in setup
3395 : Names with non-filesystem safe characters cause problems with artwork
3396 : AAC/M4A HTTP streaming does not work
3397 : AsyncHTTP somehow broken?
3398 : SlimServer will not allow PC to go into hibernation
3399 : playing saved favorites using remote is broken
3400 : FLAC audio dropouts on wired SqueezeBox 1
3401 : Sync broken in Random Mix playback
3402 : When Use iTunes is enabled, often no (or limited) content is seen
3403 : Slimserver crashing when trying ot play mp3/any audio (BSOD)
3404 : Playlist pane not updated when player is changed
3405 : Slim Devices Picks: Resonance FM genre
3406 : Change to "Group Disks" kills server
3407 : Possible Wireless Card Problem
3408 : ID3 tag teader length changed in trunk/server/lib/Audio/FLAC/ I
3409 : SqueezeNetwork activation emails not being received
3410 : error about perl58.dll sometimes comes up during windows install
3411 : Wma file only plays part way
3412 : Slimproto asserts no client
3413 : Intermittent / stuttering radio playback through SB3
3414 : Message "Failed to retrieve RSS feed" for some RSS feeds starting release 6.2.1
3415 : Random Mix only plays one random album in "Random Albums" mode
3416 : Crash in SimpleAsyncHTTP with XML plugins
3417 : Option to skip CUE sheet parsing
3418 : Mem Leak while playing ripped music
3419 : disc number field not working properly in FLAC tags
3420 : Need to add module Digest::SHA1 for ppc-linux support
3421 : Squeezenetwork radio stations don't play (Stockholm)
3422 : Wrong file format information
3423 : Internet Radio -> SHOUTcast -> Genre -> R&B fails to parse
3425 : "...the included ethernet cable...."
3426 : Slimserver auto-refresh causes inaccuracies in UI song reporting
3427 : Playlist support broken in 6.3.0 (playlists disappear)
3428 : Duplicate tracks after rescanning; immediately after downloading updated Slim Sever
3429 : Add way to get playlist names with non-latin characters
3430 : IR interaction between two adjacent squeezeboxes
3431 : DNS resolution not working on some Windows systems
3432 : 'Welcome to Squeezenetwork!" section overlapping "Best of the Week", same with Account Information
3433 : inconsistencies on some pages with the 'Squeezebox' cell on the top right
3434 : Problem reported with radio paradise mp3 stream
3435 : title format wrong on player when browse playlist
3436 : Softsqueeze plays lower samplerates too fast
3437 : Patch: Maps J. River's MC "Disc #" tag to "DISCNUMBER"
3438 : ReplayGain broken in 6.5b1 7458 nightly
3439 : Incorrect tool-tip for MoodLogic icon in Fishbone web interface
3440 : "SlimServer is still scanning..." comma misuse
3441 : Korean characters do not display via internet radio streams
3442 : my $command = "$Bin/"; won't work on Windows
3443 : DBIx uses wrong socket to connect to MySQL
3444 : Browse -> New Music -> Album Name, press PLAY creates empty playlist
3445 : WGBH Classical stops playing
3446 : Transcode pipe processes not terminated
3447 : Artist displayed should be the AlbumArtist when present on non-compilations
3448 : MySQL errors on startup
3449 : R7658 crashes
3450 : Use fixed width characters for data entry
3451 : During data entry, move cursor after some timeout
3452 : Up/down arrow should cycle through characters for last key
3453 : Can't locate object method "forceCommit" via package "Slim::Schema" - crash
3454 : Playlist entries all labelled with playlist name
3455 : WMA Convert error - check file types
3456 : Scan for new and changes misses ID3 tag changes
3457 : feature request: Browser UI to display content of txt and image files.
3458 : 6.5 (split-scanner merged) browsing issues
3459 : Generating MoodLogic instant mix from remote does not work
3460 : some compliation albums aren't handled properly with new scanner
3461 : mysqld command line on Windows
3462 : Accented characters in filenames show up wrong
3463 : Add link to the SlimDevices Forum
3464 : Optimize Slimserver UI for a resolution of 720X486
3465 : Search fails with unknown table contributor
3466 : Web Interface only shows Squeezebox
3467 : Can't play playlists or New Music using remote
3468 : Playlists aren't alphabetized on player or web UI
3469 : Alarms broken in nightly
3470 : Playlists with spaces in name
3471 : MySQL Issues
3472 : Unable to startup slimserver due to SelectSaver dependency
3473 : Uninitialized value warning at first startup
3474 : AutoLoader scanning errors
3475 : Pandora SN trailaccount: add countdown for 'days remaining untill account expires'
3476 : Discrepancy between Squeezebox and Softsqueeze
3477 : Clients plugin not found
3478 : High freq Noise from analog section
3479 : Separate title format for "Now Playing"
3480 : Pressing PLAY or ADD on an intermediate level in a hierarchy should just move right
3481 : firmware compiler
3482 : Music folder defaults are insane
3483 : object method "symbols" not in
3484 : Rhapsody tracks don't use the Now Playing display format
3485 : Crash browsing to a genre from song info
3486 : Slim Devices Picks -> Server Freeze
3487 : Browsing into an album from song info displays all albums
3488 : zapped songs-> no display, no response from remote
3489 : Random Mix doesn't add additional songs after the first n have been added
3490 : Can't locate object method "mergeVariousArtistsAlbums"
3491 : search-> entry-> no display, no response from SB3
3492 : track details fail to appear, SB3 display stutters, no exit.
3493 : Incorrect time format displayed: h,mm,pm (12) diplays as (h,mm,ss,pm (12)
3494 : Scanning just part of music library fails
3495 : Scanning from command line reports various errors
3496 : track.bitrate being reset to 1bps as the track plays.
3497 : Advanced search with 'artist' field causes crash
3498 : Crash when browsing rhapsody server that has gone away
3499 : iTunes scan broken in 6.5
3500 : Browse by Years reports only one album per year
3502 : Download link on track page doesn't work anymore
3503 : "Now Playing" playlists always inserted, never updated/deleted
3504 : change Use Musicmagic/Moodlogic setting causes crash
3505 : Short fwd followed by long rew on remote causes SB3 reboot
3506 : UPnP blocks if it can't connect to an advertised service
3507 : Rare: on XP, Slimserver uses all CPU and memory, then crashes after new SB is connected
3509 : Browse/Search->Artists faulty: Plays only 1 song and doesn't add all to playlist
3510 : Check for bogus XML before parsing / set timeout for parsing.
3511 : Check for valid XML/RSS feeds
3512 : "Illegal mix of collations" when running scanner
3513 : Rhapsody sync sometimes fails due to Rhap server 403 error
3514 : Duplicate songs listed in the Squeezebox Music Player server list
3515 : path issue on clear_schema.sql
3516 : Clicking sound between songs when WAV 48K is streamed as Flac
3517 : BrowseDB player issues
3518 : Older playlists not showing up after upgrade to 6.3
3519 : SB2 turns off every 30 minutes or so
3520 : ID3 tags not parsed when APE tags present
3521 : Slimserver ends songs before they're over
3522 : iTunes playlist not available with 6.5
3523 : Add support for xmlUrl attribute in OPML files
3524 : alphapagebar doesn't handle unicode
3525 : downgrading from 6.5 to 6.3 causes crash
3526 : multi-disk compilation albums appear duplicated.
3527 : Location not displayed in song info
3528 : Crash when trying to play an album from New Music
3529 : All Songs returns incorrect artist/album songs
3530 : Scanner should be started with the same perl as the slimserver
3531 : Billion 7404VGP router possible incompatibility
3532 : overlapping & prefs not staying set.
3533 : OSX Will Not Start SlimServer
3534 : 6.5 playlist play no longer handles xml playlists
3535 : crash when looking for bidi text
3536 : search results in blank, locked display
3537 : Browse -> Artists -> ArtistName press PLAY plays nothing.
3538 : Browse -> Artists -> ArtistName -> All Songs, press PLAY, plays whole library
3539 : Browse Albums list is not sorted
3540 : Browse Artist letter links don't always jump to the correct page
3541 : Various Artists link initially missing in Browse Artists list
3542 : wma meta data should use system_event_queue
3543 : Slim Tray stalls on 'Slimserver Starting' on new Windows install
3544 : slimserver dies during browsing
3545 : Using the remote disables the knob
3546 : slimserver won't play wma - transporter
3547 : when transporter connects to slimserver the display is not initially updated
3548 : Cycle through menu by pressing the Search/Browse buttons
3549 : Buffer drains empty near the track end
3550 : SS Crashes due to
3551 : Radio Tune In adds stream twice
3552 : Rhapsody no longer plays after player has been on a long time
3553 : SlimServer scan goes into an infinite loop with a directory named " "
3554 : Feature Request: Music IP library import with filter
3555 : Son of 2347--Rescan deletes playlist
3557 : Volume sometimes muted when increasing/decreasing volume
3558 : Browsing a No Album link always returns all songs that have no album
3559 : Library Statistics broken
3560 : Clear and rescan broken
3561 : slimserver sometimes sends wrong list length to knob
3562 : too many knob updates
3563 : The word RIGHT
3564 : The word RIGHT (in setup)
3565 : Transporter Splash Screens
3566 : Browse albums is not alphabetical
3567 : flac optimisation
3568 : flac optimisation
3569 : Now Playing and Visual buttons are mixed up
3570 : The vumeter is not displayed
3571 : browse button confuses the menus
3572 : bump up/down for one position list using the knob
3573 : Web::Pages::BrowseDB - orderBy not working yet
3574 : Many songs won't play in 6.5
3575 : "Play this song" and "Add this song to the playlist" on songinfo.html don't work
3576 : Cursor doesn't move after entering punctuation char or using up/down
3577 : A handful of suggestions/comments
3578 : Rhapsody imported M4A track crashes Slimserver on scan of library
3579 : Playlist save/editing issues
3580 : slimserver sends 'knob' commands to SB2/3 players
3581 : Emply playlist triggers infinite loop in code.
3582 : Various artists setting blocks selection of other artists
3583 : database crash
3584 : display test plugin does not render correctly
3585 : Specific rhapsody track causes a loop in the scanner
3586 : server crash access player display settings on the web interface
3587 : transporter does not automatically connect to slimserver on boot
3588 : Compilation flag is ignored for "no album" songs
3589 : Parsing for File:// URLs under windows fails when drive letter included.
3590 : Draytek 2800vg wireless connectivity issue with Squeezebox
3591 : Flakiness recognizing multiple Slim Servers on network
3592 : Ability to name SqueezeCenter
3593 : Moodlogic Playlists are missing
3594 : Library empty - have to browse EVERY album to add it
3595 : Upgrading/downgrading between 6.3/6.5 perilous
3596 : All Songs for an artist selects ALL the songs
3597 : Add/Play links missing for XML Browser Station detail pages.
3598 : SHOUTcast search issue
3599 : Live365 crash
3600 : Artists of "no album" songs are listed in browse artists list
3601 : Slimserver crashes when deleting a deleted playlist
3602 : Dynamically-linked mppdec requires libesd, which is not always available
3603 : Play album or artist from SBUI broken in 6.3
3604 : UNC paths converted to mapped drive letters when run from console
3605 : Cannot connect to AirPort Express using WPA2
3606 : scanner.exe eating memory
3607 : track titles set with setCurrentTitle no longer displayed
3608 : Crash when random mix alarm fired
3609 : trace log file filling up with lots of warnings
3610 : Music skips when changing tracks whilst using CUE file
3611 : Playlist prefs for Alarm Clock
3612 : Null track request ! - leads to slimserver ceasing to respond to connections
3613 : Some jump-to letters jump to the wrong letter
3614 : Some jump-to letters jump to the wrong letter
3615 : Some jump-to letters jump to the wrong letter
3616 : Multiple players will not stay synched correctly
3617 : Browse by artwork crash - data too long
3618 : Squeezebox 2 & 3 reboot, never begin playing music with 6/20 (and earlier) nightlies...
3619 : MusicMagic Importer doesn't appear to create new track with attributes
3620 : Still a small gap or small click between tracks coded in FLAC
3621 : Browse Prolific Artists, feature request
3622 : Implement broadcast packets for sync unpause
3623 : SB displays incorrect Browse Results (vs. Browser Interface) using GENRE
3624 : Pausing a Rhapsody track doesn't work the first time
3625 : Confusing message indicates discovery failure
3626 : wierd 6.3 crash: Can't locate object method "rs" via package "Slim::Schema" (perhaps you forgot to load "Slim::Schema"?) at Plugins/ line 342.
3627 : synchronization broken in Softsqueeze 2.5
3628 : hit play on any RSS feed causes SS to crash
3629 : Browse Artist "play" should sort tracks by album, track number
3630 : Bad UPnP packets crash slimserver
3631 : SS Crashes on scanningProcess invocation in
3632 : Can't see multiple Artists, Composers & Genres in WMA
3633 : ALBUM tag will not be scanned during clean scan
3634 : Scanning a big collection scanner.exe running out of memory
3635 : iTunes plugin will always active after updating a previous installtion
3636 : Smart Gain not working
3637 : Non-blocking UPnP/SOAP access
3638 : OSX uninstaller needed
3639 : Crossfade on skip next/play
3640 : Random play not working correct on first use after service restart
3641 : Duplicate WMA tracks - Flac files not picked up during initial installation scan
3642 : Sort by title function for favorites on SN
3643 : scanning of WMA files fails
3644 : setup allows WPA passwords less than 8 characters in length
3645 : Transporter won't play 96kHz FLAC as the first file
3646 : SB3 will not connect with Mikrotik Routerboard 532 w/ R52 daughterboard.
3648 : Player playlist not deleting entries correctly
3649 : "Forget this player" forgets wrong player
3650 : /usr/local/slimserver isn't in @INC
3651 : Some ALAC files don't play correctly on Windows only
3652 : Group compilations, Various Artists and WMA files
3653 : Dependency on lbstdc++.6.dylib prevents playback when no DevTools installed
3654 : Can't play albums via browse artist or browse genre
3655 : Slimserver Path Missing from @INC
3656 : 6.3.0 Logs filling up with backtraces
3657 : Missing Graphics Seen in Fishbone interface/noted in Logs
3658 : Duplicate (Compliation) Albums Listed in Albums, New Music, Album Art
3659 : Slimproto Backtraces Filling up Logs
3660 : DHCP bridging does not work sometimes
3661 : Scanner only loads music that is referenced in playlists
3662 : Disc # = 1 ignored in multi-dics sets
3663 : @ sign in radioio username causes failure to parse on squeezenetwork
3664 : Size mismatch on PRIV when scanning mp3 file
3665 : itunes podcasts menu item lost
3666 : split scanner cannot update podcast genre
3667 : Tag problem when both ID3v1, ID3V2 and APE is present
3668 : Tarball Install Wouldn't Run As-is
3669 : Albums with utf8 chars listed multiple times
3670 : LastFM fails to load unless installed into SlimServer package
3671 : SlimScrobbler fails to load unless installed into SlimServer package
3672 : Random Mix: 'Select All/None' also changes 'Add new items...'
3673 : scan setting per music folder
3674 : Playlists lost on rescan
3675 : Can't edit playlist entries
3676 : Song Search on SB comes up empty; works on HTML interface
3677 : Much lower signal strength reported
3678 : Requests for Handheld skin
3680 : [REGRESSION] "perl --daemon" fails outside its own dir
3681 : [REGRESSION] symlinks are improperly URL-encoded
3682 : [REGRESSION] symlinks wrongly display target instead of source name
3683 : [REGRESSION] cannot browse symlinked directories
3685 : Playlists interferes with last album scanned
3686 : Browse Music Folder Dirs that are Symbolic links have null names
3687 : Playlist crash with Rhapsody content
3688 : Pagebar offset incorrect (off by one)
3689 : Rev 8229 of mergeVariousArtistsAlbums breaks scanner with mysql permission denied error
3690 : cannot change squeezebox name in SB prefs from SN, also content busted up
3691 : Final album appears first
3692 : don't thrash older servers
3693 : dead "discuss Archives" link
3694 : Control Connection Congestion
3695 : Use lower bitrate limit as default for streaming clients
3696 : Random Mix stops if last track fails to play
3697 : UTF-16 playlist doesn't parse
3698 : Look for new and changed music finds doesn't find new music
3699 : When the Composer and Artist are the same, duplicate tracks created in playlist
3700 : SlimServer 6.3 not compatible with Squeezeslave
3701 : Debian package missing dependency libio-socket-ssl-perl
3703 : Artwork View no longer supports removal of "placeholders"
3704 : 'Browse' lists always start at top option..
3705 : Fail to read track called "0"
3706 : Slim Server and rhapsody Crash
3707 : Pane refresh errors don't recover
3708 : Major dug with duplicate albums and tracks
3709 : musicmagic crash on flac w/ internal cue
3710 : Still some Album sort issues
3711 : Not all FLACs/MP3s play
3712 : "inesthetic" jump between songs while using soft squeeze and some music files
3713 : Regressing to fw55 requires a factory reset to hear audio
3714 : move up/down in edit playlist flaky
3715 : search for an artist, find it, press play, songs don't play in album order
3716 : Albums listed twice when using Image files / CUE sheets
3717 : Bug fix 3402 broke scanning of accented characters from iTunes
3718 : Clicks while connecting/disconnecting from Squeeze Network
3719 : Case sensitive artist lookup
3720 : alphapagebar displayed on album page
3721 : Sqeezbox 2 stops playing after a view seconds with Firmware > 28
3722 : Slimserver stops intermittently and does not restart
3723 : Browsing genres with VA artists broken
3724 : Intermittent: Downgrading from fw57 to fw55 causes slimserver crash
3725 : CLI "play" command doesn't clear screen
3726 : 403 forbidden error while trying to add/play music from handheld skin
3727 : Unicode genres are duplicated between MP3 and FLACs
3728 : revision.txt not installed with .deb installation
3729 : Can't play all music for a specific year
3730 : Remember view mode in different contexts
3731 : Rhapsody tracks/artists indexed via browse artists/albums, but not accessible from said menu
3732 : Problems with Unknown year
3733 : Many albums duplicated in 6.3 with MusicMagic
3734 : Repeat doesn't work with only one song in playlist
3735 : Not all songs are MusicIP mixable with 6.3.0 and 6.3.1
3736 : player select drop-down on Handheld skin is broken on main page
3737 : @-sign and/or '!' not allowed in WPA-PSP TKIP key with Asus WL-520g
3738 : "status" returns stringified hash as album name
3739 : Scanner unable to read Chinese characters in directory name
3740 : Fade in/Fade out doesn't work
3741 : Request for Scanning process to Include POPM ratings field in mp3 files
3742 : Upgrading to 6.3.0 causes web interface to not load
3743 : fullscreen operations on softsqueeze allows the window to drag & nav icons to not hide themselves in woodgrain fullscreen mode
3744 : crash saving player remote options
3745 : After SB firmware upgrade: report succes of upgrade in localized language.
3746 : lock code randomly set during firmware update
3747 : Problem with sort order when playing from Browse Music Folder
3748 : Factory Reset sometimes locks SB2
3750 : Numeric page bar missing links
3751 : Now Playing jumps ahead on SB1
3752 : FW58 cannot find Slimserver if static IP is used.
3753 : Slimserver fails to advance to next song in playlist
3754 : Squeezeslave loses sync
3755 : Advanced search on genre crashes
3756 : Advanced search returns 1 page + 1 track
3757 : Choosing 'All Songs' from within an Artist search does a global song search
3758 : Basic search problems
3759 : 'Years' list missing 2006 in 6.5b1 (post-merge)
3760 : If Music folder is root - wrong Folder will be saved
3761 : Playlist will not show special Characters
3762 : Playlists will not played in order as stored
3763 : Change 8454 causing crashes
3764 : convert.conf should probably be marked as %config(noreplace) in specfile
3765 : Radio URL with password does not longer tune in
3766 : SelectSaver module gets unloaded and breaks IO::Handle
3767 : symlinks to dirs kills scanner after "encountered a second time" error.
3768 : duplicate contributors
3769 : Duplicate band entry in Browse Artists
3770 : SS on Infrant ReadyNAS cannot play apple lossless or wma lossless
3771 : Crash when backtracking Browse by Year hierarchy
3772 : can't start slimserver
3773 : crash in trunk nightly 7/17: Can't call method "filledRectangle" on an undefined value at /usr/local/slimserver/Slim/Display/ line 262.
3774 : crash in trunk nightly 7/18: Compilation failed in require at /usr/local/slimserver/Slim/Music/ line 60.
3775 : VA artist is MIA
3776 : Dublicate breadcumb links in browse Years
3777 : throwing errors in log
3778 : Squeezeboxes don't always reconnect
3779 : Request for "Recently Played" feature
3780 : Artist links lead to all tracks in library
3781 : .BMP embedded in songs is not scaled properly in gallery view
3782 : Artwork issues with Handheld skin
3783 : TPE4 tag does not display
3784 : Auto-sensing Power Amp will never switch off when Squeezebox is connected
3785 : Ability to mark iTunes playlists as 'don't use'
3786 : Browse Genre contains ARRAY(0xnnnnnnn) entries
3787 : Spurious page link "letter" in Browse Genres
3788 : Alarm settings don't allow the selection of an Itunes Playlist
3789 : Podcast Browser broken in 6.2.2 and 6.3.1
3790 : Sort players under settings on home page
3791 : Give access to unseen players' setup
3792 : statement handle DBIx::ContextualFetch::st still Active
3793 : Can't play "All Songs" from search result page
3794 : rs232 port settings
3795 : rs232 flow control
3796 : MMS Stream won't play
3797 : New Music section of web interface under linux playing everything
3798 : Can't append a track to a playlist if the playlist already contains the track
3799 : Player links not updated when player is changed
3800 : Multi-Discs albums will not show correcty in web interface
3801 : Playing a song from a saved playlist will play the whole list
3802 : Option to browse albums starting with a random or last seen page
3803 : changing 'Maintain Client Playlists' setting crashes server
3804 : Mandriva RPM install ignores /etc/sysconfig/slimserver owner
3805 : Statistics page does list only one song
3806 : Various Artists: Incorrect album, song, artist counts
3807 : Using "All Songs" as seed crashes the server
3808 : "Connecting to wirless network..." message no longer times out
3809 : No scanning (FF/RW) with Ogg
3810 : gallery view text shifts around in Firefox
3811 : Artwork from just 1st album displayed when tracks from multiple albums listed
3812 : playlist play command does not play m3u playlist
3813 : Multiple presses of Browse button confuses menu
3814 : iTunes "No Album" shows up in addition to non-iTunes "No Album"
3815 : 'Various Artists' displayed instead of ALBUMARTIST when COMPILATION=1
3816 : basic search crasher
3817 : Allow menu hierachy configuration for SqueezeBox
3818 : Selecting 'Use Moodlogic' causes scanner.exe to scan for a Long Time
3819 : Settings ending in a number aren't set
3820 : DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Table 'slimserver.years' doesn't exist
3821 : Can't reinstate Server Settings: File Types
3822 : Podcast plugin crash slimserver
3823 : crash entering player setup
3824 : TRACKARTIST (and ALBUMARTIST) problems with MusicMagic
3825 : Artwork file is not displayed
3826 : FW59 displays connecting to server..... permanently when Slimserver is unavailable.
3827 : Turning on a synced player restarts current song
3828 : Additional feedback needed when access rights are wrong on folder
3829 : browse by artwork order pref should be browse albums order
3830 : Albums with CUE Sheet/Image showing up twice
3831 : help->faq open in new window
3832 : Play All Songs on Player search
3833 : Clean install crashes with undefined value in
3834 : assumes that which exits with an error status
3835 : Cannot not group Various Artists
3836 : Multiple Items In Tags setting doesn't catch 'albums'
3837 : Digital Input plugin should only appear on transporters
3838 : Clicking Album->All Songs loses first entry from the album display
3839 : Transporter: Allow the timeout on the volume button to be disabled via a player/web pref.
3840 : Gaps in gallery view on Pocket IE - handheld skin
3841 : Thumbnail artwork not displayed properly after normal scan
3842 : Playing a magic favorite has some problems.
3843 : Undefined subroutine &Slim::Networking::Async::Socket::UDP::msg
3844 : Synced players - problem moving track past 'now playing' track in playlist
3845 : File .../charsets/?.conf not found; Character set '#33'...
3846 : RSS feeds scroll unpredictably
3847 : my.cnf permissions not explicitly set; MySQL ignores the file when world writable
3848 : free error; mysqld shutdown before committing db transactions
3849 : Can't find DHCP on Linksys BEFW11S4 v2
3850 : Some cover art is not resized for gallery view thumbnails
3851 : SqueezeBox3 v59 sends ASCII string as DHCP MAC address
3852 : static blips on sb3 in some mp3s
3853 : playing genre favorite plays songs in track order
3854 : Tracks split across several duplicate album names
3855 : Impossible to add a favorite
3856 : Harsh noise in transition between 48kHz and 44.1kHz Ogg Vorbis files
3857 : Feature request for Transporter-- Polarity Inversion
3858 : Nokia 770 skin has no Rhapsody button
3859 : genre favorites play via player, but not via web interface
3860 : RSS newsfeed screensaver kicking in whilst browsing
3861 : Search crashes slimserver
3862 : Browse "Music Folder" alphanumerically
3863 : Trying to browse albums by artwork crashes slimserver
3864 : Transporter audio testing
3865 : RPM fails to install on Fedora Core 5 with SELinux
3866 : Multidisc albums in different folders not recognized as same album
3867 : misdisplay of scan type.
3868 : Using Browse Music Folder to scan for changed VA music
3869 : holding play button (rather than a quick tap) while browsing music folder, doesn't play
3870 : Nokia770 skin doesn't show tooltip for unknown album artwork
3871 : Softsqueeze ignores 'stat' command
3872 : 110V relay constantly toggeling
3873 : Motion sensor in remote
3874 : fishbone skin does not refresh playlist correctly
3875 : Slimserver 6.5 8806 and squeezbox lockup when running slimserver in the background.
3876 : Slimserver and internet explorer windows
3877 : Volume control display only appears very briefly when AlienBBC stream connecting
3878 : SlimServer_v2006-08-06.exe fails on startup
3879 : Left and right analog out channels swapped
3880 : need checkbox in Current Settings to turn S/PDIF outputs into word clock out when in passthrough mode.
3881 : Recent nightlies fail to complete firmware update
3882 : album sort order pulldown not persistent
3883 : Slimserver crashes when switching skins
3884 : press and hold buttons on transporter front panel don't work
3885 : transporter: needed to allow slimserver/plugins control the knob parameters.
3886 : press and hold buttons on transporter front panel don't work
3887 : Fishbone skin keeps "forgetting" styles in 6.3.1
3888 : Scanner stops scanning after 120 albums
3889 : Browse playlists section is empty after rescan music library
3890 : mysql related crash using browsedb
3891 : audio stuttering issues with firmware 55 (see Bug 3125)
3892 : SlimServer initiates clear/rescan on its own
3893 : changing sort by pulldown kicks you out to top level
3894 : Volume button not picking up current volume
3895 : Player Model not correct for TP
3896 : initial scan doesn't do anything
3897 : Left pane of web interface should auto-update upon recognizing new client
3898 : 'Now Playing' in web interface shows Artist and Album twice
3899 : Softsqueeze: Can't reliably fast forward/rewind through the playing track
3900 : Pressing and holding a number button selects favorite but does not play it
3901 : Web-based "Simple Search" causes server crash
3902 : Infrant ReadyNAS NV playlist crashes
3903 : no tracks, albums, or artists are Music Magic mixable
3904 : Audible glitch when pausing
3905 : Should Squeezebox IPs should be automatically added to allowed IP addresses list?
3906 : Sort By pulldown has no effect on sort order on lower levels
3907 : Support client side animation at same time as scrolling
3908 : KEXP uncompressed stream does not play with direct streaming.
3909 : When saving a modified playlist the button shouldn't be "Rename"
3910 : Alarm switch off glitch
3911 : Browse Years has years listed with 0 albums with 0 songs by 0 artists
3912 : Browse Method for viewing tracks not on albums
3913 : Slimserver skipping over songs - readlen undef
3914 : 'Play other songs in album or directory' broken
3915 : Softsqueeze animation on screen 2 clears screen 1
3916 : RSS feeds display incorrectly via Infrant-Slimserver
3917 : Search box should be on SlimServer home page in default skin
3918 : Album Gallery View 'Sort By 'Alpha Indexing incorrect
3919 : Album Gallery View 'Sort By 'Alpha Indexing incorrect
3920 : Multi-disk album mixed with single disc album of same name
3921 : Alpha page bar does not show Hebrew characters properly on Windows
3922 : Pandora stations names incorrect for some stations
3923 : Playlist stalls on resume after being off
3924 : Radio Stream Map - Locator for Terrestrial Radio Streams
3925 : Query Artist and Album via CLI shows wrong data
3926 : noises at the end of track when playing wma lossless through wmadec
3927 : WPA passphrase screen very sensitive to knob control
3928 : remove dead data when doing on the fly scanning of updated tracks
3929 : Many internet radio stations in SD Picks by City do not play
3930 : Player freezes part way through shuffled song on playlist
3931 : Implement a 12v trigger for amp turn-on or a hook to do so through the IR or RS232 port
3932 : add discrete IR codes for selecting shocker digital inputs
3933 : back up prefs and database when upgrading slimserver
3934 : xilinx chip sometimes gets unprogrammed/corrupted
3935 : new css based default skin does not scale well in some places
3936 : Master bug for Slimserver/Squeeze Network UI integration
3937 : Install POE::XS::Queue::Array binary module
3938 : Functions in Slim::Player::Client should be class methods.
3939 : Slim::Player::Client is gross
3940 : Web Access button always goes to port 9000
3941 : show Front Panel ir option in settings only for transporter
3942 : Unable to play streaming Internet radio with 6.5b1
3943 : Factory test: Front panel
3944 : Factory test: IR loopback
3945 : Factory test: Digital Input
3946 : Softsqueeze skin updates
3947 : Don't enable the ac power during setup
3948 : musicmagic 404 error
3949 : musicmagic - only 1 track mixable, duplicate album listings
3950 : Add ac/display power control slimproto command for transporter
3951 : Web settings headers should be consistent
3952 : scanner and server priority settings belong on the Performance page in settings
3953 : Transporter: Knob on home menu is touchy, skips over items.
3954 : Knob does not work with INPUT.Time
3955 : WMA Lossless file has different bitrate reported in Slimserver than Properties
3956 : CLI player preference queries are flapping
3957 : Browsing jumps to start of list after track selection
3958 : SB display goes black on setup errors -- Instead, show the error
3959 : Provide option to disconnect from current Slimserver in SB menu
3960 : Add graphic indicator to denote branches in SB menu
3961 : Add countdown at Welcome message on startup
3962 : Moodlogic importer fails to scan playlists
3963 : Audio needs resetting after using Digital Inputs
3964 : date/time screensaver only uses one display
3965 : Multi-bitrate WMA streams get misreported bitrate in display
3966 : Cannot play other songs in album
3967 : long-dead servers continue to haunt server list
3968 : Unable to connect to SlimServer.
3969 : beta ogg vorbis streams kill audio output
3970 : Text scrolls on entry to Now Playing
3971 : New feature: Perl and mysql version info display on server settings screen.
3972 : Null-delimited lists in ID3v2.4 text frames
3973 : Transporter front panel buttons don't work with SqueezeNetwork
3974 : Analog output doesn't pause without stutter
3975 : Moved fading over to SqueezeBox
3976 : Add repeat and double click button handling for front panel
3977 : CLI command "time ?" does not return the right time at the beginning of the tracks
3978 : Breadcrumb trail incorrect whilst browsing various artists during full scan
3979 : slimserver_safe doesn't work when /bin/sh is not bash
3980 : Initial WMA stream request sometimes gets truncated
3981 : Firmware won't play alternate WMA streams
3982 : Problems with internet radio streams
3983 : Browse by Genre Breadcrumb Broken
3984 : This one needs to go to eleven
3985 : Comments causing parsing mistakes
3986 : Create symbolic links from within Slimserver
3987 : Fix width of 1 digit in threeline font
3988 : bumpUp/Down to scroll bottom of screen only
3989 : debian package breaks with mysql-server-5.0 v5.0.24-1 now in testing
3990 : Factory test: measure clock rate
3991 : Web-based XMLBrowser for SN
3992 : PLAY button shouldn't pass through when waking up idle screen saver
3993 : Strings refer to Squeezebox w/o Transporter
3994 : Option to invert display
3995 : Support artwork for internet radio stream
3996 : Unable to map different actions for single & hold keys
3997 : All modes should be real classes.
3998 : Multiple genre tags cause duplicate genre entries
3999 : Double album names after scan, SlimServer UI
4000 : slave (spdif) clock settings are incorrect
4001 : Feature request, simple 'jukebox' style user interface
4002 : Plays only part of an mp3 if mp3 is still being downloaded (podcast)
4003 : DAC mode should be called "Audio Source"
4004 : Optional stream Vorbis without transcoding on ReadyNAS NV
4005 : Add Favorites to Browse menu in player UI
4006 : Crash during 4:00 AM automatic rescan
4007 : Crash on Windows XP with -d_sql and running as a service
4008 : UI controls of some skins do not resize with change of font size
4009 : screen2 display does not update while screen1 is animating
4010 : Need option for S/DIF or AES/BEU digital output
4011 : Entry of WPA key 5555... is difficult with knob
4012 : WMA GUID's ignored by firmware
4013 : in setup menu, audio source selection seems random
4014 : Transport Errors occur upon attempting to play deleted MP3
4015 : Web setup corrupts screensaver settings in player UI
4016 : 6.5b1 (9193) missing Artists in "Browse" lists compared to 6.3.1
4017 : web interface pause button dead in 6.5b1
4018 : dependencies on Ubuntu linux
4019 : SB2 plays wrong track ,says it's playing correct track
4020 : Request a way to tag albums and artists to get sorted first
4021 : build-perl-modules hangs on YAML-Syck-0.64
4022 : Windows Media (built in) appears twice in File Types menu
4023 : Multiple Artists in tags do not show up in SS
4024 : Artist name is not shown in Squeezebox display if ALBUMARTIST is set
4025 : Apple Lossless Files not playing
4026 : WAV playback only works for 16 bits 44.1kHz
4027 : Duplicate tracks - every track being listed twice per album
4028 : MusicMagic automatic reimport never runs
4029 : Knob improvements
4030 : Add voltage to status command for transporter
4031 : Crash when enabling Network Health with no players
4032 : MusicIP 1.6 + SS 6.3.1 not finding albums/not mixing tracks
4033 : d_scan output in log.txt
4034 : fails for 2006-09-01 nightly
4035 : some preferences lost upgrading from SS 6.3.1 -> 6.5b1
4036 : upgrading from SS 6.3.1 -> 6.5b1 on XP all preferences are lost
4037 : server settings -> network/security changes have delayed effect
4038 : Can't install two SB3 firmwares at once
4039 : Musicmagic (Musicip) not reloading
4040 : L&R analogue audio channels appear swapped
4041 : Crasher updating player settings
4042 : Pressing play on a song found under New Music doesn't play the whole album
4043 : Ignore trivial metadata
4044 : fishbone skin: RHS does not refresh when digital output is fixed
4045 : How do I get Slimserver to work with my Iomega NAS
4046 : would like option to choose between direct to player and served from server streaming
4047 : GUI Pandora: visual indication if station in list is shared.
4048 : 9397 causes crash
4049 : Searching for accented characters doesn't work
4050 : iTunes crashes SlimServer on startup
4051 : Latest F/W causes slow response (> 10s per key pressed)
4052 : Navigating to another album under Now Playing displays last track, not track 1
4053 : SB2 shows "Squeezebox2/v3" when turning on in single line mode
4054 : Add way to have additional information on songinfo.html or song info mode
4055 : Perl Interpreter failed?
4056 : System scan continually with Moodlogic Enabled
4057 : Database treats special characters inconsistently
4058 : Adhock network: When PC switches off, display on SB2 has message "Can't connect to wireless network"
4059 : Browse Genres > GENRE level don't work when group compilations set
4062 : exbrowse3 crashes server
4063 : Manual search play controls for album results don't work
4064 : Broken ogg file causes playlist to get one behind
4065 : Updating the playlist in the web interface does not update the knob
4066 : Scanner runs non-stop with MusicMagic enabled.
4067 : HTTP server: Address already in use
4068 : Analog VU Screensaver crashes Squeezebox
4069 : Double-clicking systray icon tries to print instead of launching browser
4070 : File cache world writable
4071 : Band Names in mp3 Tags don't always work
4072 : Navigation in "Browse albums" doesn't quite work with non-album name listing
4073 : Add player dialog - string missing
4074 : Replace Squeezebox with Squeezebox / Transporter
4075 : Displayed number of favorite to be added is wrong
4076 : DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Unknown column ''
4077 : CUE files YEAR and GENRE not always working
4078 : Random mix does not always work with sync
4079 : Browse Years ignores pulldown sort order
4080 : Transporter digital inputs should be treated like a song
4081 : Need visualizers when using digital inputs
4082 : Installer should backup existing plugins folder in update installations from <6.5
4083 : player_chooser_list can be problematic with long player names
4084 : Invalid Directory
4085 : 6.5b2 no longer shows SlimServer version number at bottom of 'basic settings'
4086 : 6.5b2 no longer shows SlimServer version number at bottom of 'basic settings'
4087 : Slim::Player::Source::gototime seems to leave Player progress bar in wonky state
4088 : web interface skin appears unusual by default, Firefox only
4089 : background update for current song
4090 : now playing screensaver doesn't kick in if you are on another song in the current playlist
4091 : ??? displayed instead of track date on Web UI and also date on SB/SS
4092 : Multiple radio stations in a playlist don't work
4093 : crasher: Can't call method "isPlayer" on an undefined value at /usr/local/slimserver/Slim/Player/ line 310.
4094 : Display 'bits' go blank briefly when screen text begins to scroll after a push.
4095 : Volume sometimes found set to n.5 after upgrade
4096 : Misleading error message trying to play unchecked file types
4097 : Power off DAC text
4098 : Wrong time after scanning through a file / scanning short songs jumps to next track
4099 : Playlists with multiple radio streams don't display/load
4100 : backing out of connecting to a server does not close connection
4101 : Help -> SoftSqueeze page does not detect Java in Camino on OSX 10.4.7 on Intel iMac
4102 : should have mention of RS232 interface under Help -> Technical Information
4103 : items under Help -> Technical Information should open in a new window possibly
4104 : link to FAQ under help shouldn't put ?player=[MACADDY] at end of url
4105 : clearing all current playlists and stopping playback when initiating a clear/rescan is REALLY ANNOYING
4106 : flac playback failure should be more graceful
4107 : Two player VERSUS mode SlimTris for Transporter
4108 : Digital Input plugin should only appear on Transporters
4109 : Alarm playlist selection does not appear to stick
4110 : Incorrect display with browser refresh after adding Internet Radio station from playlist
4111 : disable visualizers and volume when using digital inputs on transporter
4112 : Plugin architecture needs to be gutted.
4113 : block mode may leave display on one screen
4114 : Slimserver ignores certain jpeg files.
4115 : Rhapsody UPnP server doesn't always show up
4116 : "Rescan done" sent prematurely (before rescan is done!)
4117 : RPM deps are broken - fedora core 2
4118 : RPM installation on Fedora Core 5 broken.
4119 : Using the remote does not update the knob position
4120 : Changing from one encryption method to another often requires factory reset
4121 : fw needs indicator that hitting 'right' will change a setting
4122 : Current Settings -> Slimserver shows wrong server
4123 : "Turn Off DAC" formatted unusually
4124 : Entries with non latin characters cut off
4125 : Slim Devices Picks should be first on SlimServer home page.
4126 : Manual changes to playlist files are ignored or discarded
4127 : need to handle cr only line endings in pls parser
4128 : malloc error
4129 : No display of cover thumb for current album in playlist in Fishbone skin
4130 : art thumbnail is gone after audio tags are altered
4131 : SlimTray should use Win32::Process instead of Win32::Service
4132 : Upgrading softsqueeze can lead to garbled fonts
4133 : ExBrowse3 Skin - No Library Display
4134 : 6.5b3 web interface crashes Safari 1.3.2
4135 : WAV format files play incorrectly.
4136 : CLI input parameter charset management
4137 : Sort the list of radios returned by radios query
4138 : tar files expand into new "server" folder
4139 : CLI - Non-ASCII chars (e.g. '�') in filename broken?
4140 : Problem with the scanner parsing cue sheets in6.5b3
4141 : After using the remote the knob performs a demag cycle
4142 : ExBrowse3 does not work with Safari
4143 : Failure to scan iTunes 7 music
4144 : Need volume control on player-only DAC mode
4145 : Display station name instead of album name in overlay text visualizers on transporter second screen
4146 : Incorrect library stats and bad artist links - problem with compilations?
4147 : OSX Softsqueeze application icon should be transparent
4148 : Background visualizer should only be displayed when on Now Playing or if music is playing
4149 : Display buffering feedback on Now Playing screen even after IR
4150 : Duplicate album names, tracks not grouped correctly
4151 : Slimserver can't play iTunes 7 tracks with artwork
4152 : WPN802 firmware other than original release, Squeezebox fails to connect via wireless
4153 : Browser refresh causes a change in playlist
4154 : Ethernet bridging capability does not work for 10Mb only types of devices
4155 : Album thumb of the current track in the playlist does not appear
4156 : slimtray should install the service if it's not already installed when starting
4157 : Server IP address should be displayed along with version information on basic server setup pages
4158 : Slight high-frequency roll-off on one channel
4159 : second screen needs to be blank when prompting for software update on transporter
4160 : fails to connect to existing MySQL instance
4161 : add a way to add a pandora station to your favorites in SN web UI
4162 : RSS Feed titles aren't shown in favorites page until you click edit
4163 : password emails should include user's name in to: line
4164 : Home page body text doesn't reflect new organization of setup
4165 : new player registered on SN doesn't see new favorites until a disconnect/reconnect
4166 : stream status (connecting, buffering, etc) should be included in Now Playing screen
4167 : Press and hold FAVORITES needs to work wherever you can play something
4168 : Live365 plugin fails in 6.5.0
4169 : Core Plugins need all non EN HTML paths removed when upgrading from pre-6.5
4170 : FOUC when switching tabs on favorites page using safari
4171 : Default2 redirect to Default.
4172 : broken top level links and old skin settings in slimserver should redirect to the
4173 : press right to add to favorites option disappears once you've used it, until you restart server
4174 : add playlist as favorite option does not appear to exist in Default skin.
4175 : SoftSqueeze detected as Transporter
4176 : Installation.txt doesn't make explicit some MySQL dependencies under FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Solaris.
4177 : can't switch out of problematic web skin
4178 : Live365 stations don't have a note symbol
4179 : Fishbone skin killed Safari 2.0.4 usefulness with Slimserver 6.5
4180 : Support for iTunes 7 downloaded artwork
4181 : softsqueeze 3 skin problem refuses connection to Squeezenetwork
4182 : Alarms Page does not render in Mozilla Browsers
4183 : Mouse Cursor Disappears over Softsqueeze interface
4184 : Some albums don't show the MM mixable flag
4185 : Basic settings music library left blank does not scan itunes folder
4186 : webinterface (server settings) not responding because of denied connection to
4187 : Browse button should be disabled until we have something to browse
4188 : CUE-sheet can't be browsed in player, OK in web interface
4189 : mp3 file playback gets truncated
4190 : xmlbrowser transition problem
4191 : Live365 Search has missing strings
4192 : IE doesn't refresh status
4193 : album (no album) a mess
4194 : Alarm Clock (Enabled) should be "Alarm Clock (On)"
4195 : powering on with remote displays player name on second line, rather than welcome to squeezenetwork... when text size is large
4196 : Live365 search for a short string causes strange display
4197 : upgraded to 6.5.1, (9960), old firmware version (transporter15) not deleted
4198 : Can't delete player from my account
4199 : Player Preferences should be Player Settings in the web UI
4200 : Clicking artist after viewing "all songs" crashes server
4201 : Deselecting all genres in Random Mix creates invalid SQL query, stops SS
4202 : KCRW stalls on SLIMP3 but not Squeezebox
4203 : alac crashes
4204 : Re-playing a playlist starts at last track
4205 : sleep function with SlimServer 6.5.0 in Fishbone skin
4206 : Failure to transcode AAC encoded files with long file names
4207 : Less than 2 title formats in server settings breaks player title format strings
4208 : Screen 2 of Now Playing is not updated immediately when track is changed by fwd/rev etc
4209 : JPEG compression/quality level for server-resized artwork is too low
4210 : Brightness determine by time
4211 : Can't find content in playlists after upgrade
4212 : SVN revision 10016 gives root warning even if running as non-root user
4213 : Slimserver can crash due to display being deleted from client object at forget time
4214 : CUE-sheets with multiple FILEs handled incorrectly
4215 : Artist not displaying for WMA lossless files
4216 : All Applelossless file only play in 1/2 of volume after upgrade from 6.3 to 6.5
4217 : Empty ALBUM tag is improperly filled
4218 : Empty YEAR tag is shown as year "0"
4219 : advanced search for year should also display albums
4220 : please produce PowerPC Debian package again
4221 : 6.5 crashes on artist breadcrumb
4222 : Menu limits displayed entries beginning with 'Z'
4223 : Switching off the DAC and digital outputs on v6.5
4224 : add support for iTunes 7 "Album Artist" feature
4225 : Make setup code and RSS/Podcast verification async
4226 : SqueezeBox Now Playing in Web Interface not updated correctly
4227 : SqueezeBox Play/Pause indication incorrect
4228 : Fishbone skin status doesn't update from an empty playlist
4229 : Corrupted Album Display
4230 : iTunes Compilations Incorrect
4231 : Incorrect Artist Count in Album Display
4232 : Playback does not resume after player is switched off
4233 : Stream "breaking" between songs, causing player disconnect
4234 : Rhapsody: UI does not show album / artist along with tracks
4235 : Rhapsody: UI issues
4236 : SlimServer 6.5 doesn't see tags that were fine before
4237 : in Help > Internet Radio there is a dead link to Settings
4238 : Search finds some songs by title but not by artist
4239 : CLI does not appear to support UPnP/Rhapsody
4240 : Request for Audio Feedback during Setup (for Sight Impaired users)
4241 : new css default skin inserts playlist name next to 'the current playlist' looks weird
4242 : changing the name of a player while it's playing audio causes a skip
4243 : Incorrect "No Album" Indication
4244 : Artist is the main folder name
4245 : Pressing PLAY on top level browse pushes right
4246 : localhost:9000 blank due to case sensitive file system
4247 : Request to have knob set to volume by default at power up
4248 : If a stream disconnects, SN may not notice.
4249 : Can't get "button menu_browse_genre or menu_browse_artist" to work
4250 : All XML parsing fails under slim.exe
4251 : Old version templates cause interference with updated HTML skins.
4252 : Artist in album but not listed in Artists
4253 : Option --prefdir doesn't work when run as service
4254 : Installer does not open Vista firewall
4255 : Request for device tracking for purposes of theft recovery
4256 : Windows utility to enable logging
4257 : WMA Lossless
4258 : WMA Lossless Volume Leveling
4259 : Fishbone never refreshes playlist
4260 : SB3 remote not simulated
4261 : slimserver appears started when it's not in Mac preference pane
4262 : Make Pandora auto-convert from REGISTERED to COMPLIMENTARY a visible step
4263 : Unicode: Unable to play music file located in directories named using non-English chars
4264 : slimserver.conf should not be public readable
4265 : Alternate Choice about Ignoring Leading Article
4266 : Bitrate limiting does not work for MP3 streams
4267 : Compilation album artist inconsistency
4268 : Random Mix crashes slimserver
4269 : Artwork not found - Embedded Artwork Error in WMA lossless
4270 : Server Information on SB - two items muddled up
4271 : SlimTris bug with proposed fix
4272 : Genres to be selected in random mix are numbered not named
4273 : Request: Sleep option for "Let last song finish"
4274 : Request: Weekly or Once option for scheduled scans
4275 : Scanner skips files marked as hidden in Windows
4276 : Accented / special characters in cue file name
4277 : cannot connect to any internet radio(shoutcast,live365 ,slim devices picks,etc.) i keep getting message "failed to parse,not well formed.
4278 : Blank album names after rescan new/changed music
4279 : Browse years with tracks without ALBUM tag
4280 : random mix plugin doesn't gracefully handle several unplayable tracks in a row
4281 : Mix do not work with accented characters in filenames and paths
4282 : Slimserver crashes on sample MP3 files
4283 : "browse artists" view is missing VA artists
4284 : Scanner,exe ends abnormally with error
4285 : Use GeoIP to look up country and present default time zone during initial sign on
4286 : SlimServer 6.5.0 on RAIDiator-3.01b1-p1 is painfully slow.
4287 : custom map settings invisible if no custom map file
4288 : player PIN wording inconsistent between player display and
4289 : Fade on Pause sounds unpleasant
4290 : does't work
4291 : if you change the http or cli port, mdns doesn't update its advertisements
4292 : pressing and holding power on remote when not connected to server causes weird behavior
4293 : Move to using Log::Log4perl to replace --d_* debugging.
4294 : Provide Feedback from the scanner as to scan progress.
4295 : Add exceptions as error handling mechanism
4296 : Problem parsing FLAC file embedded CUE sheets containing frame numbers
4297 : Music playback out of sync with display / time remaining.
4298 : See if cache can be improved by using the database or other means
4299 : Slimserver crash after upgrade to 6.5
4300 : SN activation URLs are long and sometimes cause problems with dumb e-mail clients.
4301 : Track firmware versions connecting to SN.
4302 : momsense stream from radiotime causes a long hang before playing
4303 : Second WMA stream in playlist not used
4304 : select a music source menu only lets you see the first 3 options
4305 : information left on right display after pressing/holding left arrow
4306 : "I'm tired of this song" button
4307 : user reported bug
4308 : customer reported issue: automounter on osx fails because we try to find absolute paths
4309 : Sort genres by name in Random Mix
4310 : display keeps saying can't connect to slimserver after computer was shut down
4311 : White noise playing 48/24 FLACs decoded by server
4312 : Short Click (white noise) at beginning of tracks
4313 : Softsqueeze won't play MP3s using Java MP3 Plugin
4314 : Noka770 skin shows question mark icon for "All Songs" at browse albums level when in gallery view
4315 : Validate RadioIO, Live365, Radiotime accounts when entered on website
4316 : Adding radio station as Favorite creates 'Empty' favorite
4317 : Random mix loads to wrong player after player change
4318 : slimtray.exe: when slim.exe runs in userland a dos window comes up when external decoders are used
4319 : Better display of settings in one line mode
4320 : Incorrect sorting: <disc><track><title> in menu item "Songs"
4321 : Information menu items transposed
4322 : Digital input does not come back from pause reliably
4323 : Album with multi CD's listed individually as separate album
4324 : 'Do not look for artwork' option no loner available
4325 : Overlay does not correctly encode non latin characters
4326 : Cannot synchronize players on live365
4327 : When Softsqueeze is selected "Transporter" is displayed.
4328 : Enhancement request: Headless / No GUI / Minimize to system tray option please
4329 : Firmware Upgrade uses power off brightness setting
4330 : Playlist names charset mix-up
4331 : Musicmagic Error - Cannot seed from mood
4332 : sine wave output trap (3 on remote) removed from firmware at some point
4333 : Mixerlinks taken out of browse years
4334 : Need a way for user to find a command or setting in web UI
4335 : Remote streaming replaygain
4336 : Scanning missing nearly half my music
4337 : Transporter knob UI user feedback
4338 : MusicMagic => MusicIP
4339 : Connection to Internet Radio Stations fails
4340 : Frontpanel buttons not working properly
4341 : Browse Artist lists VA albums for artist even when 'Group Compilation Albums together' is set
4342 : Accessibility: Add "alt" Tags to graphics
4343 : Provide quick access to the search facility
4344 : Infrant user cannot see existing playlists
4345 : Rss Ticker - screen always clearing between items
4346 : Browse Folder -> crash
4347 : update function call for Mixers
4348 : Salling Clicker is broken.
4349 : Playback of podcasts cause SlimServer to crash
4350 : "All Songs" and "Search" Bug
4351 : change to idle screensaver when playback stops during Now Playing" screensaver.
4352 : Server crashes on second page of search
4353 : Unexpected browse results for various artists / compilations
4354 : SqueezeBox stops playing unexpectedly
4355 : Rescanning "new and changed" empties playlists
4356 : German localization error
4357 : add an option to not show UPnP servers under browse
4358 : RSS News Ticker broken on 6.5 and 6.5.1
4360 : Checking DisplayType in CLI returns wrong result
4361 : Albums with same name but different artists are wrongly grouped together if "Treat multi-disc sets as a single album" is set.
4362 : Additional user configuration for replaygain
4363 : A way to tag playlists to get sorted at the beginning or end of the list
4364 : Pandora dual-screen text display sync issues
4365 : crash while using RadioTime
4366 : ALAC pop / click / snap between tracks from XP SS 6.5.1 10311
4367 : ALAC pop / click / snap between tracks from XP SS 6.5.1 10311
4368 : add album/artist metadata for radio/rhapsody streaming
4369 : songinfo download returns 404
4370 : click at beginning of new playing
4371 : After power outage - Slim::Player::Source::errorOpening line 569
4372 : Live365 presets don't play via Squeeze Network
4373 : Podcast playback halts after last 10 seconds
4374 : Knob displaying last item twice+ after deleting playlist entry
4375 : Lyrics do not display with line spacing/breaks correctly (part II)
4376 : accessing log.txt causes a crash
4377 : Album Display index letters wrong
4378 : SlimServer / SN web page: memory leaks, increased handle usage
4379 : Enhancement: player searches all columns
4380 : Scanner creates duplicates of the same album.
4381 : Transporter digital input is interrupted by wireless drops
4382 : Now Playing Empty shows on both screens
4383 : SlimServer web interface destroyed when accessing mmw wma stream
4384 : Song clipped at end of transcoded MP3 stream
4385 : Radio streaming not working
4386 : Artist search produces 'Empty' playlist for compilation artists.
4387 : Upgraded database different than clean installed database
4388 : No embedded album art displayed
4389 : Following genre link on the Nokia770 skin Now Playing page crashes SlimServer
4390 : enhance 1-by-1 artwork feature in Touch skin
4391 : Softsqueeze cannot play certain FLAC files
4392 : Exbrowse3 skin display problems in Internet Explorer 7.0 RC
4393 : Dark Skin displays albums in Gallery view in a single column
4394 : Server crashes when Alarm kicks in
4395 : Database appears trashed on Squeezebox2
4396 : Make good use of "screen real estate" on Transporter
4397 : disable album art all togther in 6.5.1 and on
4398 : Softsqueeze connection with SlimServer is lost after inactivity
4399 : implement digital pass-through for transporter
4400 : Add support for kerning TrueType fonts
4401 : @INC no longer includes Plugins Dir.
4402 : If music library unavailable duplicate album entries created
4403 : Alphabetisation error: By after Br and before Bu
4404 : No thumbnails shown (generic icon only)
4405 : Rhapsody/Upnp browse only works on Default skin
4406 : Need tag priority spec
4407 : Logging crash on startup
4408 : MoodLogic errors with MoodLogic disabled
4409 : All fonts lost
4410 : Slim "proxy" network model, especially for SqueezeNetwork
4411 : SoftSqueeze 3.2.1 freezes and reverts to previous display
4412 : Debugging settings are not persistent
4413 : registerParser api not working - breaks some AlienBBC streams
4414 : Server crashes at the end of a track - every time
4415 : screensaver does not come on after album play
4416 : Slimserver crashes on rescan
4417 : Loud noise on analog outputs when Transporter is powered up or going through setup
4418 : Ogg Vorbis streams crash player
4419 : Live365 logs out when trying to access Preferred Acct. station
4420 : need a better way to play all tracks from a mix
4421 : Pressing play when displaying a track title in the playlist plays Track 1
4422 : MusicIP playlist containing files with accented characters generates duplicates in Slimserver
4423 : Crash on full rescan during a disk defrag
4424 : Squeezebox timeout for connect to Slimserver is too short
4425 : Alarm "snoozing" anamoly
4426 : WOL Magic packet on SB power up (not just coming out of standby)
4427 : SlimServer sorts with ID3v1 tag, but displays ID3v2 tag
4428 : Playing through CLI without adding to the database
4429 : 6.5 service crashes (stops) sporadically
4430 : loading Text Display on all player types
4431 : Scanner fills up FileCache, causing disk issues and slows scanning speed.
4432 : Purge of FileCache stalls slimserver for large collections
4433 : Web search fails to find artists that are part of compilations
4434 : Article ignoring is broken
4435 : Miscellaneous playlist display errors in new version
4436 : No AES output when wordclock signal is disconnected then reconnected
4437 : Navigating unsorted lists with the number keys doesn't work
4438 : Allow usage of numeric keypad
4439 : Slimserver application crash
4440 : remote button "play" and playlist behaviour
4441 : Weather Screen Saver when connected to SqueezeNetwork
4442 : Enhance Crossfading with dynamic count-back point
4443 : Show "Thumbs up" rating when playing a song
4444 : 24bit 96khz stereo tracks play at half speed in Transporter
4445 : tracks from album in multiple directories appears as multiple albums from browse artist/album
4446 : Current playlist page in Nokia770 skin doesn't show multiple artists
4447 : lowercase tooltips
4448 : Nokia770 now playing controls have lowercase tooltips
4449 : Double Button Presses in SoftSqueeze
4450 : With the Nokia770 skin, the genre hyperlink on the track info page doesn't filter by genre
4451 : Enhancement to provide more plugin-friendly interface for creating mixes
4452 : Display all tag data on song page
4453 : Display text does not match song listening to Live365
4454 : Data too long for column 'musicbrainz_id'
4455 : Now Playing Display for Browse Music Folder mode
4456 : Improved VU Meter scale calculation for replaygained tracks
4457 : Nokia770 song info page doesn't delimit multiple artists with a comma
4458 : Nokia770 now playing page does not support multiple genres
4459 : feature request: SlimServer to be able to read tracks from single album in multiple directories
4460 : Web interface loses artist name from display when song is played
4461 : Various Artists link in basic Seach doesn't open page
4462 : ID3 tag information ignored by SS while APE tags are present
4463 : ReplayGain on 24/96 FLAC not supported
4464 : musicmagic crash using mixerlink
4465 : SB3 can not connect to Belkin F57231-4 Wireless G+ Router
4466 : Wrong sorting order in "browse songs" list at the player
4467 : Add for remote radio streams displays "Connecting" for long time
4468 : Music Library not updating with Itunes 7.0.2
4469 : duplicates in music library with TPE2 & shortcuts
4470 : Artwork NOT recognized when the track names include Japanese
4471 : When I try to play a track from the Live Music Archive, it crashes SlimServer.
4472 : Playlists display incorrectly after rescan
4473 : SlimServer stops with WMC (UPnP?)
4474 : Error executing 'INSERT INTO Playlists ... foreign key constraint fails
4475 : Move "has artwork" msgs in scanner log to debug level
4476 : browser specific stylesheets
4477 : RandomPlay uses very slow queries causing music to stutter
4478 : 1-by-1 artwork non-functional
4479 : 24-bit SPDIF output for adjustable volume and replaygain
4480 : Crash after clicking "Live365 Internet Radio"
4481 : Default player names should be human readable
4482 : WRT54G V7 no DHCP with SB3 Firmware 64
4483 : Softsqueeze hangs when stopping and restarting stream
4484 : ID3v2 tag using TPE1 for artist (band). eMusic or iTunes caused.
4485 : Artwork files are not picked up in unicode-named folders
4486 : Scanner.exe crash (reproducible)
4487 : Single Flac + External CUE sheet not displaying correctly in Album list
4488 : Roku SoundBridge Firmware 2.5.174 hangs SlimServer
4489 : File scanning / parse errors with Guess Tags and folders
4490 : handling of tagging
4491 : tags and no album
4492 : updated information in gui of webserver?
4493 : behaviour of 'repeat' and 'shuffle'
4494 : an enhancement request: add visual indicator on SB display that scanning is in progess
4495 : Problem on Slimserver's Music Player Display
4496 : Memory leak causes slim.exe service to crash every day or two
4497 : Error decoding some ogg vorbis files natively
4498 : Advanced search for compilation album shows all tracks twice
4499 : wma files with album art attached not showing up in SlimServer
4500 : flac files with embedded cuesheet - Error Unrecognized type flc!
4501 : CLI crashes slimserver
4502 : CLI can't set brightness
4503 : Slimp3 and Transporter sync problem
4504 : Duplicate tracks
4505 : Album Sorting (by Artist, Year, Album) incorrect for Various Artists albums
4506 : Installed MySQL service isn't stopped or started by SlimServer
4507 : Touch skin needs to work in IE
4508 : Cannot install - Multiple file source file corrupted
4509 : Support for canonical artist names
4510 : Would like support for 802.1x and/or WPA Enterprise for wireless/wired authentication
4511 : Show default values
4512 : no way to save/name a playlist in Nokia770/Touch skin
4513 : SlimServer should ignore the iTunes COMMENTs: ITUNPGAP & ITUNSMPB
4514 : misc enhancements to Nokia770/Touch skins
4515 : Pressing knob too quickly after downrating a song fwds to next track
4516 : Enabling Playlists Breaks Search Results
4517 : Crash on loading remote.html link
4518 : accuradio streams in picks don't work
4519 : wma stream plays via Squeeze Network but not SlimServer
4520 : Ticker display mode continues to show same text on Transporter
4521 : RSS feed idle screensaver does not cycle through feeds on Transporter
4522 : MMS-only streams don't work even with wmadec
4523 : Can't Rescan from Squeezebox
4524 : Error adding tracks through Browse Music Folder
4525 : Podcast-xml with enclosing url starting with "Http" instead of "http" fails to play
4526 : Browse Years in descending order
4527 : Search never picks up all tracks
4528 : Favorites Should be Per user
4529 : Slimserver crash... DBD::mysql::st execute failed
4530 : Error 1140 from
4531 : The word "Disco" in multi-CD albums will cause displayed name to omit (Disc X of Y)
4532 : Accessing player settings crashes the server
4533 : snow screensaver overlapped by VU meter, briefly
4534 : Web interface breaks when playing station from Live 365 and Radio Playlist plugin
4535 : Cannot tune in
4536 : player search -> all songs plays nothing
4537 : Easier setup: Don't ask for DHCP
4538 : Easier setup: re-think Auto-IP
4539 : Easier setup: choose local SlimServer automatically
4540 : Easier setup: don't prompt for region
4541 : Merge SlimServer and SqueezeNetwork home menus
4542 : Easier setup: Advanced setup menu
4543 : Giving commands to absent players plays on another player, rather than being ignored or erroring
4544 : 6.5.1 lost gap, songs cut off or truncated
4545 : Random Mix Genre List Not In Alphabetical Order
4546 : documentations needs updating to reflect recent changes (plugin api, web interface & more)
4547 : Softsqueeze doesn't run on Java 6 due to an IllegalArgumentException
4548 : Changing case of directory names makes them non-browsable
4549 : dirsFor HTML returns html wrongly for OS
4550 : titles command find playlists & playlists search broken
4551 : Problem with playback of AC3 and DTS from DVD (48kHz) through SqueezeBox
4552 : Strange interpretation of cuesheet items
4554 : More then one DATE tag gives gibberish results
4555 : tracks are associated into albums by filesystem directory, not by album title
4556 : Improved settings API
4557 : Ethernet bridge fails after a couple of minutes
4558 : Server crash in Slim/Networking/
4559 : SlimServer Uninstall doesn't delete process mysqld.exe
4560 : Want native aacPlus support in my Squeezebox
4561 : Server Crashed during Scan
4562 : 96/24 flac issue with the transporter
4563 : Some live365 radio URLs stop squeezebox from playing any music until it's power cycled
4564 : Audio/Device is unresponsive while SS is off-line
4565 : Look for new or changed music does not pick up new art
4566 : Using "Resume at power on" does not continue on power on
4567 : How do I stop my Transporter from trying to connect to Slimserver when PC is off?
4568 : Guess Tags do not work reliably
4569 : Latest 6.5.1 nightly produces frequent stuttering in local music
4570 : 'Bridge Network' setup option vanished
4571 : Play All (artists/albums) includes previously played podcasts
4572 : Pressing Play at "Browse Artists" does nothing
4573 : iTunes files are not picked up
4574 : file named "#41-.flac" not index by SlimServer, and doesn't play via music folder
4575 : Errors in "Getting Started" page after Install
4576 : Some OGGs playback with lots of static
4577 : crash when loading web ui
4578 : Accented characters in playlist entries don't rescan correctly
4579 : Bonjour fails to initialize
4580 : Brief burst of high volume noise when switching digital inputs
4581 : rescan at launch
4582 : ALBUMARTIST causes problem with ARTISTSORT in single album FLAC files
4583 : Allow knob to control volume by default
4584 : SlimServer should support ALBUMARTISTSORT
4585 : Rhapsody (upnp) does not work with firmware 69
4586 : Renewing the DHCP lease causes gaps in the audio
4587 : Add new status command 'o' for audio underrun
4588 : Single song FLAC file + Album cue sheet = odd behavior
4589 : Apple Lossless file won't play in Slimserver
4590 : SlimServer fails to add to playlist for "All Songs" results of search
4591 : Softsqueeze does not function with Java 6
4592 : Remove "Lossless" to mov123 setting.
4593 : Slimserver desktop icon pops up error message - awaiting other translations
4594 : My alarms no longer activate
4595 : CLI support for Browse music folder
4596 : CLI custom playback status
4597 : CLI favorites notifications
4598 : Better CLI scanner access
4599 : Some ASX files not properly parsed.
4600 : Reduce cpu hit of playlist refresh
4601 : WMA file won't play with "built-in" enabled
4603 : Genre and Artist missing from song info page.
4604 : no warning when can't create playlist because lack group write perm
4605 : Allow IR input via headphone socket (geek port)
4606 : "Start automatically" choice at install doesn't take
4607 : Radiotime -> 590 news radio from preset menu (SS) does not play
4608 : some ogg streams don't open in SS or SN
4609 : WMA station crashes Squeezebox
4610 : 24/96 flac encoded files skip and sound poor
4611 : Add a "Set to Defaults" button to Server Settings
4612 : Unicast IPv6 works in only one direction through SB3 bridge
4613 : playlistcontrol change tracks sorting
4614 : SlimServer 6.5 12/20 nightly crashes when alarm goes off
4615 : Running system mysql finds wrong errmsg.sys
4616 : Wrong Artist in Database
4617 : Rhapsody "Request Forbidden" error
4618 : FF & FR do not work for Apple Lossless Files on Transporter or Squeezbox
4619 : Problem with Turkish songs (unicode issues?)
4620 : Add an option to disable the reading of tags
4621 : Downloaded Rhapsody tracks not showing in SlimServer web menu
4622 : Move scrolling logic to SqueezeBox firmware
4623 : Multiple artist tags not scanned.
4624 : Add ability to distinguish tag TPE2 as Band or AlbumArtist
4625 : artists cli query does not always return an artist for tracks in compilations
4626 : Display Artist Photo if no Cover Art for Album exists
4627 : Search missing Cover Art automatically
4628 : Multi-disk albums with same name incorrectly combined as a single VA album
4629 : For albums with ALBUMARTIST, track artists don't have any albums listed when searching for track artists from the player UI
4630 : Wide character crash when streaming a file with Unicode tags
4631 : Adding music via Browse Music Folder doesn't generate artwork thumbnails
4633 : Browse genres page bar and sort order are broken
4634 : Not slave 96kS/s external word clock
4635 : Nokia770 server-resized artwork changes
4637 : Albums with songs from multiple years are not display correctly in Browse Years listing
4638 : Some radio stations fail to play on synced players
4639 : Player output dies after trying to play a particular MP3
4640 : Problem discovering multiple servers on one host
4641 : request ability to name/rename Favorites
4642 : can't get slimdevices picks or Shoutcast Genres or Top 500
4643 : Patch for Alien BBC for wait wait don't tell me
4644 : Various artist logic error (at least with musicIP enabled)
4645 : Add "Play Next" button to Handheld browse views
4646 : Year on song info page isn't a hyperlink with Nokia770 skin
4647 : Nokia770 song info page doesn't use server-resized artwork
4648 : "server settings" in crumb list is not a link
4649 : Icon on systray still exists after uninstall.
4650 : Sometimes double clicking SlimServer desktop icon brings up error page from Microsoft.
4651 : Sometimes double clicking SlimServer desktop icon brings up error page from Microsoft.
4652 : Problem with pathFromFileURL and # character
4653 : Right screen does not update during button tests
4654 : harden server to common crashes
4655 : Feature Request - A new way to display song info on the SqueezeBox
4657 : Apple Lossless files ripped using Max will not play in Slimserver
4658 : Add support for WMA pro
4659 : FWD / REW (to seek) while streaming ogg locks up playback with poor error
4660 : Tool for migrating prefs to 7.0
4661 : Introduce support for accounts
4662 : Audio cutoff at beginning of AAC playback
4663 : Random Mix Freezes when Starting/Skipping Tracks
4664 : Squeezebox 3 uses incorrect MAC address in WoL Magic Packet to wake Slimserver behind a bridge using proxy arp
4665 : APEv2 tags supercede id3 and id3v2 tags
4666 : Fold Rhapsody song info metadata into main song metadata
4667 : Feedback when pressing PLAY or ADD on stations or Rhapsody songs should be consistent with the SlimServer UI
4668 : Can't PLAY or ADD a Rhapsody artist
4669 : Need "Starting with" before initial letter lists on Rhapsody
4670 : make brightness static unless brightness is pressed
4671 : Sometimes, SlimTray icon disappear after reboot.
4672 : Squeezebox/Transporter should not display connectivity errors when turned off
4673 : Brief flash of full-brightness text when slimproto connection is closed
4674 : Comment tag in WMA file does not display in Slimserver
4675 : Most buttons in the web page looked greyed out (inactive).
4676 : slimserver services would sometimes stop while the web interface is being used.
4677 : Cannot synchronize Transporter with SB3 using built-in Ogg playback
4678 : Localize DateTime screensaver
4679 : Slimserver won't start
4680 : SlimServer's web interface is too slow on RedHat Linux
4681 : NPR-style URLs no longer work properly in 6.5.1
4682 : SqueezeBox 3 not responding to PowerOn IR code while in Wake-On-Lan state
4683 : Use latest version of alac, since current version chokes on some files
4684 : ogg/vorbis internet radio crashes SB3 - "out of decoder memory"
4685 : SlimServer 6.5.1 - Slimtray shows SlimServer status incorrectly
4686 : SlimServer mangles Vorbis tags containing the equals (=) character
4687 : Scanner Error
4688 : gives permission problems in 6.5.1
4689 : 6.5.1 debian release
4690 : Slimserver 6.5.1 fails to start in Windows XP SP2
4691 : Scanner.exe crash on .cue file with certain path depth / length
4692 : folder with extension treated as file
4693 : Moving right in to year at song info level doesn't work
4694 : When "Composer, band and orchestra in artists" are disabled, song info items for composer, conductor & orchestra are displayed but show "Empty" when moving right
4695 : Touch/Nokia770 skins improperly refreshing artists
4696 : Player not found
4697 : Playlist empty
4698 : FLAC files no longer working with SLIMP3
4699 : GD crashes slimserver when bad JPEG header encountered
4700 : ID3v1 tags not being index at all
4701 : Title in Now Playing page goes by server setting for title format which may include artist and other tags
4702 : NDR2 wma stream doesn't play via Squeeze Network
4703 : Live365 does not show up under -> Browse
4704 : Incorrect spelling for Monday in Norwegian
4705 : Transcoding failure: AAC files with long filenames
4706 : Selecting "Stop Server" from Slimtray should stop Mysqld.exe
4707 : Forcing transcode to MP3 results in a bit rate of 0.
4708 : Compilations bug with various artists - STILL not resolved in 651
4709 : Hash characters (#) in music library directory names make contents unplayable
4710 : AIFF & WAV id3 tags no longer read by Slimserver.
4711 : RandomPlay drags down the system after going through whole library
4712 : 88.2kHz sample rate content plays at half speed, 44.1kHz possibly.
4713 : Add database configuration to server settings
4714 : DNS handling does not raise error if dns name is invalid
4715 : Error in gapless play of flac
4716 : Album with cue file only plays last track (is it to do with DCP flags?)
4717 : Scanner.exe crashes on files with very long filenames
4718 : HOME environment variable not available on SuSE with startproc; RPM installer doesn't work well on SuSE
4719 : Thumbnail not created
4720 : Rhapsody crashes SB3 requiring power cycle
4721 : Add support for Channel4 Radio streams
4722 : Navigating by Album/Artist Improvement
4723 : Ogg file wont play
4724 : Random Play
4725 : Don't list all artists for compilation albums
4726 : Formatting settings ignored in browse Ablums
4727 : Live365 "Batteries & Beer" station makes SB unable to play music
4728 : Alarm Volumes inc-/decreases in steps of 2 or 3
4729 : Start transcoding processes at same priority as SlimServer
4730 : Echo from CLI when next song in playlist
4731 : Show Buffer Fullness has ghost spectrum display
4732 : upgrades and fixes for 7.0 in Nokia770 and Touch
4733 : Squeezeslave seems broken with 6.5.1 slimserver.
4734 : Squeezeslave will not run as a background process correctly.
4735 : slimp3 logo missing for tan style in fishbone skin
4736 : Softsqueeze on Windows doesn't accept command-line options
4737 : Basic search: empty search should say something
4738 : 22khz and 11khz songs no longer play with 6.5.1 or sound poor
4739 : Early morning weekend alarms never happen
4740 : Automatic Bitrate Limiting?
4741 : Add GENRE results when performing a search from the Web UI.
4742 : Socketwrapper kills transcode processes without warning
4743 : MP3 song wont play
4744 : Live365 presets looses first preset on preset list and substitutes a random one at last position
4745 : Playing any file format other than mp3
4746 : End of Song is Clipped Off when playing an AAC file
4747 : Slimserver does not start on Vista
4748 : Slimserver web interface won't open on Vista
4749 : Setup crash when entering static IP
4750 : gapless mp3's don't work for pcutmp3 tracks
4751 : SoftSqueeze counter display
4752 : "SlimTray.exe --start" brings up a missing URL message.
4753 : Fishbone Skin improvements
4754 : Browse experience broken: Group compilation option is not consistent
4755 : Solo albums are tagged as compilations / extended tags are not used
4756 : Slimtray incorrectly reports server status on Vista-64
4757 : player cookie sometimes gets set wrongly
4758 : Don't show Digital Inputs on web home if the current player isn't a transporter
4759 : Power On Resume should work with power disconnect and restore
4760 : Players not doing FF/RW while synced, although display says otherwise
4761 : Language problem in Norwegian
4762 : slimtray.exe doesn't release file handles
4763 : mysql DB does NOT exit from task mngr when SS is shutdown
4764 : Display not updating to current track playing
4765 : --httpport command line option cause server to die
4766 : .wav files cut off at end of song.
4767 : Random play should not alter shuffle flag, only ignore it.
4768 : squeezebox shows URL instead of artist/title metadata for Icecast Ogg streams
4769 : New music not added using browse music folder when a playlist has same name as folder
4770 : SlimServer unable to maintain persistent radio playlists
4771 : Unable to connect using WPA2 to a Netgear WNR854T
4772 : SlimServer install wizard reports 6.5.1 while installing 6.5.2
4773 : WMA lossless file will not play
4774 : wmadec can't convert 24bit wma files retaining the 24bit word length.
4775 : Off after... feature
4776 : Playlist is empty after 24 hours.
4777 : Cannot get URL to play with Squeezebox
4778 : Slimserver wont start when MovieLink software is installed
4779 : SlimServer web interface fails to load after connecting a player to 7.0a1 on Ubuntu
4780 : support for 88.2 KHz sample rate
4781 : Playlist for new albums empty after rescanning
4782 : Adustable timeout for wake-on-lan/server detection
4783 : Problem playing a url
4784 : No SlimTray at all.
4785 : SB fails to display error message if WEP password is incorrect
4786 : Automatic Replay Gain
4787 : OSDetect::dirsFor('Plugins') not correct with 7.0a1 unstable debian package
4788 : playlist *album commands queue two instances of each track
4789 : Search only interface
4790 : PlayLists only shows the added folder, not the songs inside.
4791 : Need confirmation before deleting an album from Library
4792 : Allow for "Play All" for an artist
4793 : Allow for "Play my Top-Rated songs by Artist" in Rhapsody
4794 : CLI alarm documentation example incorrect
4795 : Streaming reconnect fails after forget player
4796 : Advanced Search for duration less than 180 seconds returns all songs
4797 : Advanced Search refactor: clear/reset and date formats need rework.
4798 : Advanced Search drop-down selection options lost after searching
4799 : Redundant display of track# in the Playlist screen of Handheld skin
4800 : Slimserver 6.5.0, 6.5.1 and 6.5.2 will not scan / rescan on Opensuse 10.2
4801 : Two albums with same name getting combined into one
4802 : Use of uninitialized value in concatenation
4803 : Scanner crashes on 'Rating' flac tag
4804 : player reboots each 20 seconds when buffering
4806 : occasional popping noise when using external word clock
4807 : SlimTray icon does not exist.
4808 : In the middle of installation, there is an error message from SlimTray
4809 : SlimServer uninstaller leaves SlimTray running
4810 : Panic message from SlimTray.exe while installing.
4811 : Problem to Login with Live365 VIP account
4812 : Rescan done callback not called in all situations
4813 : Rhapsody - can't go to tracks page 3 or higher
4814 : Add ability to specify a directory of tracks that can be played without being added to the database.
4815 : squeezebox does not play 22.05 kHz mp3 files
4816 : SlimServer does not stop
4817 : last 10 seconds of sleep are loud, blip from next song (mp3 & m4a)
4819 : Mono Single Channel Ogg Vorbis Files Do Not Play Natively
4820 : SlimServer 6.5.2 does not play this particular .ogg file.
4821 : Transporter with ReadyNAS keeps going into "PAUSE" on it's own
4822 : Create a new playlist via CLI
4823 : Disc number higher then 255 may crash the scanner
4824 : behavior setting: filter genres at album & track level broken.
4825 : Web Interface does not start.
4826 : Newly added albums won't stream from slimserver.
4827 : Cannot stream 32 bits wav files.
4828 : add support for regional languages ("English (US)", "Español (Mexico)", etc.)
4829 : SB powered off - screen saver does not work - display is black
4830 : Squeezebox reboots mid-song
4831 : Rewrite Live365 plugin as SN OPML service
4832 : Windows update-forced reboot loses current playlist
4834 : After Switching to digital input device will not play music without a complete reset
4835 : current playlist is reshuffled upon reconnecting a player
4836 : Rhapsody UPnP server doesn't show up in SlimServer (Rhap 4.0)
4837 : SlimTray report SlimServer running while it is not.
4838 : Random songs plugin not working after restart
4839 : Sometimes cannot get into Server Settings.
4840 : Sometimes SlimServer Web UI does not get back to "Home".
4841 : Gap when repeating this track: flac, 24 bits, 44100 samping, stereo, 440 Hz
4842 : Time remaining on Transporter panel is not right when repeating the same track.
4843 : Stopping SlimServer from SlimTray doesn't stop SlimServer
4844 : "Unknown String" on the SlimTray menu.
4845 : SlimServer does not automatically start after install.
4846 : Suggestion: A button to select all logging functions in "Debugging" page.
4847 : PlayList Add function does not work on both CLI and Web UI.
4848 : Web Interface fail to start.
4849 : Default time display should not include seconds
4850 : Apple Lossless file plays in iTunes but not in Slimserver
4851 : Artist view in Web UI replaces national characters with ? sign
4852 : down arrow moves song to 2nd position in playlist
4853 : "Start Auto.." button does not make SlimServer auto start after reboot.
4855 : Alarms produce unpredictable behavior
4856 : Firmware update whitout remote
4857 : WMA stream doesn't play "Error: No items found in playlist"
4858 : WMA stream doesn't play "Problem: Can't connect to server for"
4859 : SlimTray: After install, auto "run at login" is checked, not "at system start".
4860 : 6.5.2: SlimServer does not start automatically after reboot.
4861 : Checkbox for creating QuickLaunch icon in installer does not work.
4862 : Cannot stream the following ogg stereo tracks natively. (No transcoding here.)
4863 : SlimServer Web UI does not refresh after scanning music folder.
4864 : Cannot stream the following wav tracks with 11025 sampling rate natively.
4865 : Cannot stream the following wav tracks with 24 bits and 11025 sampling rate natively.
4866 : Cannot stream the following wav tracks with 16 bits and 12K sampling rate natively.
4867 : Cannot stream the following wav tracks with 24 bits and 12K sampling rate natively.
4868 : Cannot stream the following wav tracks with 88200 sampling rate natively.
4869 : Custom labels for digital inputs, and ability to put them at root level of menu
4870 : Option to use Fade when Skipping >> to Next Song
4871 : Adding playlist of existing songs with accented chars create new entries in database
4872 : Installer: Error creating INI entry in Logitech.url
4873 : Error creating INI entry in Logitech.url
4874 : Artwork only scan
4875 : SoftSqueeze 3.3 hangs (with Slimserver 6.5.2)
4876 : AAC support broken with OSX 10.4.9 upgrade
4877 : Shorten files option in Slimserver not needed any more
4878 : Wake on Lan not available with FW76
4879 : Wrong sort in database for "Greatest Hits" albums
4880 : Request for day of week only in Long Date Format list
4881 : Can't add songs to a playlist using the Save link in the playlist window
4882 : multiple roles for same contributor removed from contributor_album table
4883 : Multiple GENRE and ARTIST tags are not being read
4884 : enhancement: realtime audio compression
4885 : Otto's Baroque: fails to connect
4886 : 24/96kHz FLAC files are distorted
4887 : Move up/down links are not html escaped
4888 : Drop down menu in Server Settings and Player Settings page does not work -- not going to selected page.
4889 : SlimServer unable to recognize non-numeric track number tags
4890 : Search Music hang
4891 : "Play this song" and "Add this song to playlist" links are not always visible.
4892 : iTunes scanner problems with case in filenames
4894 : ytuytu
4895 : No audio output
4896 : Squeezebox fails to play many songs
4897 : SlimServer 6.5.1 won't start
4898 : Some users must disable Vista's UAC
4899 : SlimTray's stop SlimServer option doesn't work on Vista
4900 : Roles in contributor_album Database will be overwritten
4901 : Problem with shorten shn playback on Mac OSX on Intel
4902 : BMF doesn't show shortcuts pointing to drive letters
4903 : New AirPort Extreme N not working with Squeezebox1
4904 : Mail -> Forum gateway for 3rd party hw list is broken
4905 : Error while opening web page in Vista, "Can't open [path]: Permission denied"
4906 : Browser frame of Fishbone skin has nothing. Not usable.
4907 : Dark Skin: Song Info not visible.
4908 : Dark Skin: Some text overlap.
4909 : Skins: Default, Light, ExBrowse3 look the same.
4910 : Fishbone skin: Some texts are cut off.
4911 : Nokia770: not supported with IE
4913 : Touch: "All Songs" link in Music Folder does not work.
4914 : Stops playing any source after switching from digital-in to network
4915 : Moser: There is no Shuffle "On" link or button.
4916 : Alarms don't work.
4917 : After deleting a track from Music folder, the track is still in the Browser frame.
4918 : Add possibility for several rescan tasks
4919 : SoftSqueeze crash - verified 3 different systems - SoftSqueeze dumps you to desktop
4920 : Repeated firmware upgrades/downgrades causing crashes & factory resets
4921 : SlimServer does not start: 7.0a1, build 2007-04-17
4922 : When PlayList is empty, Download brings up a blank web page and gets stuck there.
4923 : Play a song from the browser frame clears items on PlayList.
4924 : Nice to have: Up and Down buttons for PlayList on Dark skin
4925 : Artist doesn't display when Artist = Composer
4926 : Mac Installer & Preference Pane still shows 6.5.1 should be 6.5.2
4927 : ID3v2.4 date tags ignored
4928 : flac files show up as being Bitrate: Xkbps CBR in song info
4931 : doesn't work for previous releases
4932 : $bitrate: Argument "\x{31}\x{36}..." isn't numeric in numeric
4933 : SqueezeNetwork does not reflect Rhapsody Price Increase
4934 : Volume display in web interface shows 1-11
4935 : Stopping SlimServer brings up error message about MySQL.
4936 : Player Settings: Display: All Scroll settings: Need to reboot SB for changes to stick.
4937 : Cannot log out of SqueezeNetwork
4938 : Add support for FLAKE file format (FLAC offshoot)
4939 : 6.5.2 only 'sees' itunes half the time, also patch confusion in server settings -> itunes
4940 : Error! url:[0] is empty or a track could not be read
4941 : New music limit not working
4942 : group discs setting will not group multi-disc sets as a single album
4943 : Mysterious Universe Podcasts stopped playing after 24/04/2007 ???
4944 : Using "playlists delete playlist_id:$plid" deletes songs from disk!
4945 : iTunes Artists not showing up in search
4946 : Plugins strings are not found
4947 : Search does not search '0'
4948 : AOL Radio with XM - uvox protocol compatibility
4949 : 7.0a1 cannot install over 6.5.2. Cannot replace slim.exe.
4950 : Nokia770 song search results are missing album information and hyperlinks
4951 : Transporter freezes often on SqueezeNetwork
4952 : date and time plugin incorrect language
4953 : Menu Option "Start SlimServer" replaced with "Starting SlimServer..."
4954 : Music & Playlist directories do not take at install.
4955 : items per page preference off by 1
4956 : server title format can affect player title format
4957 : A number of artists missing from my browser artists list
4958 : After install, SlimTray indicates SlimServer is running. It is not.
4959 : MP3 file that works in Foobar2000 causes Squeezebox's audio playback to hang
4960 : MySQL timeout error
4961 : Factory Reset: There is one misleading screen at the beginning.
4962 : Debian nightly build packages should use ~svn.NNNNN in version number
4963 : InstallShield: Hebrew: Some translated strings are not Hebrew.
4964 : Ability to add Rhapsody to top menu of player
4965 : Server settings -> interface -> artwork folder, misspelled
4966 : Error "Bad string Stop" when you right click Slimtray
4967 : Skins: EN, Bagpuss, Purple: Some texts overlap.
4968 : Win Installer: Missing: CheckBox to auto start SlimServer upon reboot
4969 : Last albums are not displayed
4970 : Server settings -> interface -> artwork folder, not working
4971 : Itunes Reload Plugin doesn't work
4972 : misspelling: server settings -> Network -> Web Proxy
4973 : With Nokia770, browsing using 1-by1 Artwork does not show "Various Artists" for VA albums
4974 : With Nokia770, browsing using 1-by1 Artwork does not show multiple artists
4975 : Debian slimserver.logrotate should run weekly
4976 : InstallShield: Hebrew: Grammar on some sentences are not right.
4977 : Localization: Hebrew: page is still in English.
4978 : KIOT 96.5 in San Francisco should be KOIT 96.5.
4979 : Composer tag makes SS incoherent
4980 : Unreliable alarm clock, makes squeezebox freeze
4981 : Swedish letters not alphabetized correctly
4982 : URLs in comments are truncated (and lost) if they contain a search term.
4983 : Hebrew web interface broken
4984 : Uninstalling Slimserver does not remove Slimtray.exe
4985 : Unable to stream some stations on the internet through SlimServer.
4986 : Nice to have: Brief description for each d_XXX log in the Debug page.
4987 : It would be nice if the "Getting Started" page stays a little longer after install.
4988 : Squeezebox 3 crash
4989 : Request for added HDMI connection
4990 : SlimTray's menu does not pop up any more.
4991 : MP3tunes Random Mix plays only one track if "Shuffle by Song" is on
4992 : Slimtray Tooltip issue with non-western text on western regional system
4993 : Installing in specific language should start SlimServer in that language
4994 : Copyright date should be 2007 in source files
4995 : Localization: Hebrew: Uninstall pages are in left to right format.
4996 : Don't install placeholder files for license.txt
4997 : License.txt file display incorrectly
4998 : Gateway: Non-ascii subjects need to be encoded
4999 : Forum->mail gateway generates From: address that looks very spammy
5000 : "Live Music Archive" Screen Not Localized
5001 : "Staff Picks" not localized
5002 : "Podcasts" not localized
5003 : "Radioio" window not localized
5004 : Radiotime window not localized
5005 : SHOUTcast window not localized
5006 : Player screen has some non-localized strings
5007 : Rhapsody menu not localized
5008 : Change Password window in Accounts & Music Services Not Localized
5009 : My Players window not localized
5010 : Misc. items on timezone/firmware version screen not localized
5011 : HTTP Proxy screen not completely localized
5012 : "Display" tab's windows not completely localized
5013 : "Audio" tab not completely localized
5014 : "Menus" tab not completely localized
5015 : "Hide Menu Items" Sub-tab in "Menus" tab not completely localized
5016 : "Remote Control" tab not completely localized
5017 : "Natural Sounds" sub-tab in Alarms tab not completely localized
5018 : Favorites window not completely localized
5019 : "Display" window not completely localized
5021 : Odeo window not completely localized
5022 : "Add Your Player" screen not completely localized
5023 : MP3 Streaming message not localized
5024 : Incorrect localization due to concatenated strings (was: Incorrect German in "Browsing Albums" window)
5025 : Incorrect German in Advanced Search window
5026 : Pandora screen only partially localized
5027 : Favorites Screen not completely localized
5028 : "Select Player Font" dropbox not completely localized
5029 : Incorrect German on Security Settings windows
5030 : "Si" on Alarms page drop box should be accented "i"
5031 : Add a new role for contributing artists
5033 : Stopping Rhapsody station still consumes bandwidth
5034 : Getting event log errors , debugging errors, symptom seems to be artwork missing
5035 : Prefs migration fails when started as root with --user and --group options
5036 : Sometimes the Nokia 770 skin is blank when streaming internet radios.
5037 : Getting Started page has wrong version.
5038 : AAC gapless playback not gapless
5039 : Mac Preference Pane Displays Hebrew only if Chinese Language is Secondary Language
5040 : Hebrew Preference Pane Usually Doesn't Show Up
5041 : "Now Playing" Mesage is Displayed in Gibberish for Hebrew
5042 : Text should be right justified on Hebrew version of Album page
5043 : Error window in Hebrew should display string left-to-right
5044 : Missing space in Hebrew Favorites window
5045 : "Getting Started" Selection in Hebrew version not translated
5046 : Titles not completely in bold on Hebrew iTunes window
5047 : Right parenthesis needed for Hebrew version of server settings window
5048 : Extra period on main window for Hebrew version
5049 : kbps on Network Settings page should be on right side of drop list
5050 : 64 and kbps separated on Hebrew version window
5051 : Make boxes bigger on Hebrew plug-in server settings window
5052 : Hebrew strings on status screen overlap play icon
5053 : Button on Windows Installer screen should be on left side
5054 : Replace left parenthesis with right parenthesis on Hebrew Technical Information window
5055 : Mixed English-Hebrew line should be right-to-left, not left-to-right
5056 : Weekday alerts should be on Sundays in Hebrew version
5057 : Drop down menus should have scroll bar on left, not right on Hebrew version
5058 : Unlocalized "ex:" string seen on Hebrew version
5059 : Main page in Hebrew should be right-to-left
5060 : Browse Lists not working with Hebrew and MS Internet Explorer
5061 : Text size options not localized
5062 : Hebrew string appears incorrectly on player UI
5063 : LiveMusic window needs localization strings reordered
5064 : Install Logitech English version of license.txt for localized Windows installations
5065 : SHOUTcast: Sometimes some links are changed to other stations.
5066 : Transcoding non native file formats fails on windows if certain security software is installed
5067 : Offline storage causes database corruption
5068 : English displayed during install on French Mac
5069 : Installer for Mac Displays Right-to-Left Languages Left Justified
5070 : Button on Hebrew Installer should be on left side of window
5071 : English characters swapped on Hebrew installer
5072 : Slimtray menu items should be right justified for right-to-left languages
5073 : slimserver_safe logs to /var/log/slimserver.log (while server logs to /var/log/slimserver/slimserver.log)
5074 : Mac: SlimServer: DNS failure
5075 : Upgrade flac binary to latest version
5076 : Support for flac PICTURE metadata block
5077 : music path does not work in Fedora core 6
5078 : Return the black/silver skin to Softsqueeze
5079 : Rhapsody "Connection Timed Out" errors
5080 : Live search doesn't display artist with albums
5081 : On Debian, look for files in /etc/slimserver
5082 : On debian, look for plugins in /etc/slimserver/Plugins
5083 : Some Zurich stations fail to play
5084 : 6.5.3: Getting started page still says 6.5.2.
5085 : Remember password for more than one wireless network
5086 : Play by artist includes composer data
5087 : Hebrew charecters not showing properly in SB
5088 : Hitting right too soon after marking a song as 'don't like' does something unexpected
5089 : SoftSqueeze Skin
5090 : If no local DNS server is available, bad things happen
5091 : DLNA (UPnP) Server Support
5092 : Wake-on-LAN does not work from Transporter
5093 : Nokia770 skin on Nokia N800 shows a vertical scroll bar and the page footer moves bottom of the page when scrolling
5094 : Pausing track after transcoding has finished causes rebuffering message
5095 : Comment search is broken
5096 : Localization: Dutch translation may have errors
5097 : Cannot install - install clobbered old version
5098 : Installer will only allow music on C: drive
5099 : Provide search facility for Help (FAQ, Technical Info, etc.)
5100 : 6.5.3: In album, click (+) for All Songs adds some radio links to PlayList.
5101 : Song title on SqueezeBox is one song behind what is being played.
5102 : Sometimes SlimServer sees this song as silence.mp3, displays it as 3 songs.
5103 : Very short tracks: Player streams too many files to the player
5104 : "Now Playing - (SqueezeBox IP)" is on the playlist.
5105 : a typo in slimserver web interface
5107 : Request for different Album Art icon when art is unavailable
5108 : Track artist roles become artist roles when COMPILATION=0
5109 : Add a sort by Genre, Artist, Year, Album
5110 : Fresh install of slimserver 6.5.2 does not connect to database
5111 : Duplicate song entries from playlist using UNC paths
5112 : Allow multiple plugins to register buttons in same mode
5113 : Delay analog output relative to S/PDIF output
5114 : feature request: longer than 30 second buffer for internet radio
5115 : feature request: mode for very aggressive retry for internet radio
5116 : SB3 loses connectivity while in standby
5117 : MusicIP and soft links
5118 : SoftSqueeze forgets SlimServer hostname
5119 : Replaygain with positive gain setting can cause clipping
5120 : Get rid of musical note in Now Playing display
5121 : Accented characters in Genre broken in Random Mix Web Interface
5122 : Some new Norwegian translations and updates of old
5123 : Switch to Squeezenetwork link missing in some skins
5124 : Inconsistent volume
5125 : Use Full sized font for Shuffle & Repeat settings
5126 : Vista: Server Settings: Rescan does not take new folders
5127 : server settings -> plugins pull down menu doesn't work with Internet Explorer
5128 : Socketwrapper errors when using LAME
5129 : Snow plugin suffering from global warming - doesn't load
5130 : "Look for new or changed music" causes duplicate "No Album" entries
5131 : Browse genre: Count of albums in genre is not limited to genre albums
5132 : Terminology: "Logging" instead of "Debugging"
5133 : Track Replaygain wrong, Album Replaygain ok
5134 : Need to collect user location for Radiotime
5135 : International characters in music folder
5136 : Playlists not saved in folder, lost at rescan
5137 : Crossfade + Sleep = Ugly volume jump
5138 : Cover Art not displaying
5139 : When shuffling by albums with Rhapsody, SB3 plays only one song repeatedly.
5140 : Replay gain override in Random Play
5141 : Scanner progress indicator reports malformed times if scantime > 1 hour
5142 : Scanning Progress page displays mal-formed UTF8 album titles
5143 : View log file from web interface
5144 : Scanner dies/never complets updating library: DBD::mysql::db commit failed
5145 : RandomMix strangely passing to RandomSongMix from RandomAlbumMix
5146 : HTML-encoded text appears in Playlist pane
5147 : Jive: The text on the wallpaper should be cut-off before the radio button and scroll when selected
5148 : Add functionality to allow home automation systems' control
5149 : DateTime screensaver: Show alarm bell in a 24h context, not calendar day only
5150 : Write directly to NAND flash during upgrades
5151 : Factory reset is performed on upgrading
5152 : Use redundant u-boot environments
5154 : EEC on NAND flash
5155 : Squeezebox crashes randomly since updated to v6.5.2
5156 : Synchronized players produce distorted audio when playing external streams
5157 : Text Entry Scrolling [Jive UI]
5158 : After --rescan, moved music still in DB with its old location
5159 : Album thumbnail lost when music file mtime changes
5160 : Debian plugins path needs updating after Slim/Plugin/* reorg
5161 : Independent albums with the same name are joined when set "Treat multiple disc sets as a single album"
5162 : Customer requests additional repeat function
5163 : feature request: additional repeat function, move on to next folder
5164 : SlimServer lockup with AACPlus radio streams and stop button
5165 : Option not to filter genres at album and track level doesn't work
5166 : Scanner crashes with multiple ALBUMARTIST tags
5167 : Playing this OGG internet radio stream hangs Squeezebox
5170 : Scanner dies/never complets updating library: ERROR: DBI Connection failed: DBI
5171 : Squeezebox reverts to Setup Menu if connection to SqueezeNetwork is lost
5172 : Synchronize Volume should work like Synchronize Player
5173 : äöü change to strange characters
5174 : Squeezeboxes/Transporter should have an auto-off feature
5175 : compiled mDNSResponder requires GLIBC 2.4
5176 : Transporter playback pauses unexpectedly between tracks
5177 : Add support for iTunes new sort fields
5179 : SlimServer crashes on startup on Chinese/Japanese Windows
5180 : Live365 Preferred Account - Adding to favourites not working
5181 : Unable to connect to wireless network after firmware upgrade
5182 : Alarms changing
5183 : Norwegian localisation issues
5184 : Server Settings music folder does not accept UNC path
5185 : player chooser no longer works on nokia n800
5186 : scanner progress doesn't show in Nokia770/Touch skins
5187 : Partial thumbnail cover lost when "look for new and changed music"
5188 : SlimServer should report more accurate bitrate for Ogg files
5189 : Web interface does not open.
5191 : FLAC file: Changing artist's name puts two contributors in the SlimServer. Cannot get rid of one.
5192 : Sleep function from web interface
5193 : CSRF security flaws return
5194 : Slimserver cannot play a Favorite that was added through Tune In URL
5195 : Favorites do not work with Internet Radio.
5196 : I18n: Chars corrupted by Search
5197 : I18n: Strange shortcut links in Artist view.
5198 : 24/96 via SPDIF output on Squeezebox
5199 : missing double-quote in HTML/NBMU/pagebar.html
5201 : Not all colors work on a osx
5202 : Jive crasher
5203 : SlimServer does not start
5204 : Selecting a different language does not take on SqueezeNetwork
5207 : I18n: Corrupt chars in Favorites
5209 : Compilation column remains as "NULL" with a compilation album.
5210 : Now Playing & Time Incorrect On Synced Players with RandomPlay
5212 : DHCP setup fails
5213 : 6.5.3 wireless Sync w/Vista = plays one song then stops
5214 : Nokia770 skin doesn't respect available browse menus
5215 : SoftSqueeze and favorites on SN
5216 : Clear library and rescan everything fails first time
5217 : First file in iTunes library is not scanned into SlimServer
5218 : iTunes playlists scanned but not visible in interface
5220 : Music stops while listening to Rhapsody
5221 : Set Player block/unblock mode through CLI command
5222 : Remote Settings > SSH does not update root password
5224 : Internet radio and music service providers should have logo icons in the web interface
5225 : timeout setting in ScreenSavers/settings.lua causing fh:read() to fail
5226 : if clock time has not been set, don't bother displaying an incorrect clock
5228 : Nokia770 skin not using large album images
5229 : Apple Airport Extreme not supported
5230 : Backlight brightness ranges should be lower
5231 : second startup screen is offset and has some junk at the top
5232 : free your music startup screens missing second part
5233 : Reduce boot time (was add progress bar on logo screen to show progress of boot sequence)
5234 : Text lines are too close together in album browse items
5235 : text entry widget scrolling is backwards
5236 : Strange behaviour with _some_ non-latin characters
5237 : Even if display remains on when docked/charging, we should dim the key backlight
5238 : text on full screen overlays should be centered below icon and have both large/bold and small text
5239 : Brightess bar should have white portion grow from left as screen gets brighter
5240 : background images should be per-player, rather than per-remote
5241 : Cosmetic issues with song info screen
5242 : Going right into a song on the playlist should go to song info menu for that song
5243 : when a long item is selected in a list and the > is visible, the text should be clipped
5244 : Now Playing display of internet radio station should show both station name and song metadata, if avaiable, together
5245 : At boot, the bootloader should light up the key backlights immediately to give feedback to the user that it's turning on.
5248 : Debug Log settings should be browsable
5250 : As you scroll through languages on first power up, the hint bar at the bottom should change languages
5251 : Need a way to see full size cover art in song info menu
5252 : Lost Cover art cache with music on external drive
5253 : different flavors of clocks should be listed as separate screensavers
5254 : Shuffle by album should always play tracks in album order
5255 : CLI muting
5256 : 7.0a1 cuts off a little bit out of track of mp3, 16 bits, 11025 sampling rate, stereo, and 440 Hz tone.
5257 : 7.0a1 did not play OGG file of 16 bits, 48000 sampling rate, mono, and 440 Hz tone.
5258 : 7.0a1 does not play OGG file of 16 bits, 8000 sampling rate, mono, and 440 Hz tone.
5259 : 7.0a1 does not play OGG file of 16 bits, 11025 sampling rate, mono, and 440 Hz tone.
5260 : 7.0a1 does not play OGG file of 16 bits, 12000 sampling rate, mono, and 440 Hz tone.
5261 : 7.0a1 does not play OGG file of 16 bits, 16000 sampling rate, mono, and 440 Hz tone.
5262 : 7.0a1 does not play OGG file of 16 bits, 22050 sampling rate, mono, and 440 Hz tone.
5263 : 7.0a1 does not play OGG file of 16 bits, 24000 sampling rate, mono, and 440 Hz tone.
5264 : 7.0a1 does not play OGG file of 16 bits, 32000 sampling rate, mono, and 440 Hz tone.
5265 : 7.0a1 does not play OGG file of 16 bits, 44100 sampling rate, mono, and 440 Hz tone.
5266 : 7.0a1 does not play OGG file of 16 bits, 48000 sampling rate, mono, and 440 Hz tone.
5267 : 7.0a1 does not play OGG file of 16 bits, 88200 sampling rate, mono, and 440 Hz tone.
5268 : 7.0a1 does not play OGG file of 16 bits, 88200 sampling rate, stereo, and 440 Hz tone.
5269 : 7.0a1 does not play OGG file of 16 bits, 96000 sampling rate, mono, and 440 Hz tone.
5270 : 7.0a1 does not play OGG file of 16 bits, 96000 sampling rate, stereo, and 440 Hz tone.
5271 : 7.0a1 does not play WAV file of 16 bits, 11025 sampling rate, mono, and 440 Hz tone.
5272 : 7.0a1 does not play WAV file of 16 bits, 11025 sampling rate, stereo, and 440 Hz tone.
5273 : 7.0a1 does not play WAV file of 16 bits, 12000 sampling rate, mono, and 440 Hz tone.
5274 : 7.0a1 does not play WAV file of 16 bits, 12000 sampling rate, stereo, and 440 Hz tone.
5275 : After installation of 7.0a1 message: 404 Not Found: settings/server/wizard.html
5276 : Windows installer doesn't purge old Plugins folder when updating from 6.5.x
5278 : 7.0a1 Cannot play the following OGG files.
5279 : 7.0a1 cannot stream the following WAV files.
5280 : Web Interface: Opening page is very messy. Unusable.
5281 : SlimTray disappears when clicked.
5282 : home button shouldn't work during initial setup?
5283 : Sometimes the artist's name shows as No Artist in the web interface.
5284 : SlimServer's database cannot read some tags in some ogg files.
5285 : Duplicate albums and missing tracks when importing from MusicIP
5286 : Incorrect album counts in library
5287 : Artist link from basic search results ignores gallery setting
5288 : File .../charsets/?.conf not found; Character set '#33'...
5291 : Need to display MAC address in UI
5292 : Timestamp values of some tracks seem to vary from Windows to Windows.
5293 : Wait one second after last pop-up action before hiding.
5295 : Search button in search does not work when used from N800
5296 : MUSICBRAINZ_SORTNAME - not supported but in code?
5297 : Unable to enter "I LIke It" on Quick Mix Pandora songs on Slim Server
5298 : 7.0a1 over 6.5.1: Cannot start SlimServer after install.
5299 : /var doesn't appear in the path browser
5300 : Cannot tell slimserver to use cover art files instead of tags
5301 : Volume control should have fewer steps
5302 : Volume should be adjustable by scroll wheel
5303 : All buttons acts as select button on Volume Settings screen
5304 : I cannot listen Yle live radio on the internet
5305 : Wraparound scroll wheel
5306 : Remote hangs when slimserver is restarted
5307 : off-by-one bug in text entry widget (beta remote)
5308 : windows larger than 240x320 don't update properly
5309 : text input doesn't do backspace properly
5310 : delayed startup
5311 : Remove music folder and playlist folder choices from windows installer
5312 : gallery browse does not work in Touch/Nokia770 for Album
5313 : Enhancement Request: Set the volume at 8 or 9 as default after install.
5314 : Add playback sounds (was Don't play sounds when pressing fwd/rew/pause/play/volume)
5315 : Cover art on popup takes a second to load
5316 : pressing PLAY on artist search results popup with wrong text
5317 : Searching for artist "abb" finds all artists
5318 : searching requires a minimum number of characters
5319 : rebuffering overlay needs work
5320 : You should be able to rotate through shuffle and repeat settings by pressing go.
5321 : need a Now Playing screensaver
5322 : when switching players, show spinning arrow until new menu can be drawn
5323 : at the end of entering ip addresses, there should be no empty white column
5324 : Slimserver should run with group permissions from /etc/groups
5325 : Volume controls do not work or are unreliable
5326 : Enhancement: Shape of tip boxes are not as cool as rest of Jive. Look like there are more past the bottom.
5327 : "C" in "Connecting to such such router" is cut off.
5328 : Track's info page: Several strings are cut off on the right.
5329 : Jive hangs after pressing on 'Choose a Player' option.
5331 : Jive connexions to slim.exe detected as "worm" by Norton AV after reinstalling SlimServer 7.0
5332 : Accented characters in Filename are not read by Scanner
5333 : Jive: Holding the REW button does not rewind the current song.
5334 : Holding the FWD button on Jive does not make song fast foreward.
5335 : Jive: Keyboard self tests: It is not intuitive how to complete it.
5336 : Holding the Play button at start up does not enter self tests mode.
5337 : When DHCP fails help text is displayed wrong
5338 : On radio rebuffering, feedback is overkill
5339 : Music containing special characters does not appear.
5341 : Favorites not showing up in Nightly (file not found)
5342 : Track played too long: mp3, 16 bits, 8000 samling rate, mono, 440 Hz tone, 10 seconds
5343 : Music containing special characters does not appear.
5345 : Can't start playback of Pandora station in Web UI
5346 : A Squeezebox firmware update sends bogus showbriefies to Jive
5349 : Soft Jive: Nothing happens when a shoutcast station is selected. No error message.
5353 : Internet radio stream playing shows double popups on Jive and beeps
5354 : EVENT_UNUSED for vol/pause/fwd/rew should fall though to SlimBrowser
5355 : Jive search should have a history
5356 : Browsing long lists doesn't work well
5357 : Jive audio ticks should happen when you press a button, not when the server responsds to the press.
5358 : I'd like to see 'now playing' information in the bottom line.
5359 : Home double click should take you back and forth between now playing and your current location.
5360 : text scrolling is way too slow.
5361 : Songinfo window for radio streams should show stream info.
5362 : I can't turn off players from Jive
5363 : Slimtray.exe does not load -- SlimTray.exe Entry Point Not Found
5364 : Now Playing should jump to currently playing track
5365 : Should be able to view extended track info from Now Playing screen
5366 : Should be able to customise the top-level player screen
5367 : Remote Settings under Settings is unnecessary
5368 : Clock should be set automatically
5371 : Need more instant feedback at power on
5373 : Include updated key lock artwork
5374 : Suspend Jive when the battery is low
5375 : Implement soft buttons
5376 : Don't waste space on Browse screens when there is no cover art
5377 : auto scrolling of text needs some timing tweaks
5378 : Squeezebox Controller should be able to wake up server
5379 : Press sleep, then power on SB remote will crash jive
5380 : Currently playing track's title info is broken
5381 : Restarting slimserver leads to 2 identical players
5382 : No beep on flickr applet transitions
5383 : Pagination support for XMLBrowser
5384 : MP3tunes Track Listed as 0K (zero K) bitrate
5385 : No Album Art Display with MP3Tunes
5386 : Sound effects volume adjustments
5387 : Screensaver should exit on pause/stop
5388 : flickr screensaver should have black background
5389 : home directory in /usr/local causes selinux warnings
5390 : Using wrong WEP key during inital setup gives misleading error
5391 : "Forgotting" network screen is missing icon,
5392 : Once I entered a bad WEP64 key I was unable to connect even after fixing the key
5393 : Change player name (and possibly other text entry screen) alphabet order is incorrect
5394 : Volume and transport controls don't work when in Remote Settings
5395 : Wallpaper images should be renamed and grouped
5396 : Left arrow from Now Playing list bumps left
5397 : Now Playing screensaver should be the default screensaver for when playing
5398 : Shuffle icon not visible until I turned off shuffle and turned it on again
5399 : Reword volume adjustment settings text
5400 : Player info screen should not display arrow unless you can go into one of the items
5401 : Scrolling text should have a few extra spaces betweent the end of the text and the beginning of the text when wrapping around
5402 : Text editor needs button indicators to show how to use insert and delete of text
5403 : when editing player name from jive, the existing player name should be pre-filled in the text editor widget
5404 : Now playing screensaver should have larger album art
5405 : Artists with single tracks show up in artist list
5407 : Review jive_input for utf8 support
5410 : Display errors to user (network, etc)
5411 : screensavers should be disabled during firmware upgrade
5412 : put percentage complete of fw download in center of window
5413 : keypad backlights should fade as soon as jive is placed into the charging dock
5414 : Too much transparancy gets confusing
5415 : Volume update should reflect the target volume, not actual volume
5416 : volume behavior is still kind of wiggy
5417 : Should mute show up in status bar?
5418 : Windows binary does not correctly url encode quotes
5419 : Enhance ability to re-sort the Now Playing playlist
5422 : pressing home button while on home page no longer takes you to now playing
5423 : "none" screensaver should allow screen to dim while docked
5424 : Pandora sync - display wrong if you change station on another player
5425 : SDL needs to use a monotomic clock
5426 : Sync the system time with slimserver
5427 : Need option to turn off backlight when docked
5428 : detailed clock screensaver time text should be centered
5429 : Some screensavers should exit when you pick jive up
5431 : Date format : example date : may be ambiguous
5432 : Random mix plugin no longer at menu top level
5433 : Playlist : remove song from list.
5434 : Album will not play
5435 : New music has more than 100 entries, broken scroll bar
5436 : Web Interface fails when Digital Input Plugin is disabled
5437 : Add "Controller Info" to Server Settings (in Slimserver 7)
5438 : Can't enter a custom SlimServer on another subnet
5439 : Remote Setting brightness faulty
5440 : Remote Setting brightness faulty
5441 : Uninstall: Many files are left behind.
5442 : Ubuntu: Character set "#33" is not a compiled character set.
5443 : Difficult specifying desired sort order (national characters)
5444 : Random Mix status doesn't update in non-continuous mode
5445 : Clock in statusbar is not updating
5446 : Scrollwheel activity does not quit screensaver
5447 : No screensaver ticked off in selection menu
5448 : FireFox: SlimServer setup wizard is blank and (almost) unusable.
5449 : After successful setup, Jive reverts to setup if you replace the battery
5450 : "Setup is complete" screen freezes
5453 : Music Library Scan Says "... ( of 0)"
5454 : Jive does not connect to non broadcasted SSID's
5455 : Deleting a character on encryption menu
5456 : Implement FWD button to skip to next page in setup
5457 : Clicking left from "Choose Language" aborts setup ... needs additional options
5458 : Holding down Home/Power button takes too long to power off
5459 : live365 playlist play command queues but doesn't play
5460 : Now Playing screen should change window title to Stopped or Paused depending on playback state
5461 : Need an error screen when slimserver or squeezenetwork isn't responding
5462 : Need an error screen indicating that there's no network connection
5463 : Move SoftSqueeze to "Other Services" within SlimServer 7's Maestro UI
5464 : Need to tweak text when presenting the user an upgrade
5465 : cosmetic problem on unlock keys screen
5466 : Jive should ignore wheel movement and when locked
5467 : Choose Player should include players not connected to server and allow you to set them up and/or choose music source
5468 : After rebooting I had to choose my network again.
5469 : Software Update menu is empty
5471 : Switching players sometimes results in blank home screen which requires reboot
5472 : Currently selected network should be pre-selected on Networks setting screen
5473 : HOME button doesn't take you to Now Playing when on home screen
5474 : Should "debounce" charging detection.
5477 : Need a System Maintainence screen for Jive when SN is down
5478 : Default screensaver time should be shorter
5483 : "Player Name" setting tweaks
5484 : Back button disabled in software update setting
5485 : song info page cosmetic issues
5486 : Pressing FWD when paused should start the next track.
5487 : Now playing screensaver shows same text twice on some radio stations
5488 : "Repeat off" and "Repeat current song" option doesn't stick
5489 : don't ignore wake up button presses.
5491 : Jive: Double bytes characters shown as question marks.
5493 : Pandora Artwork Doesn't Change When Press FastForward Button
5495 : Warning message when battery is low
5496 : Need additional date/time settings
5498 : Need "Turn on <playername>" and "Turn off <playername>" on jive for SB3, Transporter, etc.
5499 : Choose Player should only appear when there are multiple players to choose from
5500 : Allow argument from to be passed to through
5501 : Motion sensor should have some hysteresis
5502 : wireless icon should not be empty when connected to wlan
5503 : Time on status bar doesn't update while in charger
5504 : Slimserver loses database connection.
5505 : slimserver can't find iTunes .xml file sometimes
5506 : SlimServer does not see tracks downloaded from SpiralFrog at all.
5507 : Need ability to rescan music library from Jive
5508 : Server Settings page: Sometimes the "Save Settings" button is in the wrong place.
5509 : Debian ustable package broken on Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty)
5510 : No indication of SlimServer crash on Jive
5511 : mismatched language between jive and SS messes up jive settings menu hierarchy
5512 : Player Settings page is not too users friendly.
5513 : "Home" page via "Player Settings" page is cut off on the bottom.
5514 : No Playlist update when adding tracks.
5515 : Can't load Player Settings in Web Interface
5516 : Network Status: SSID text does not scroll
5518 : reports of clock screensaver lockups
5519 : SSH Menu Screen Text Pop-up [period removal]
5520 : Problem with Brightness control on a PQP2 Jive
5521 : delay with skip fwd/back on Apple lossless files on Windows.
5522 : Some words overlap on the 2nd page of settings' wizard.
5523 : Need a clear playlist and save playlist at the end of the playlist
5524 : Network Connect / Error Screen should display MAC Address
5525 : It should be possible to disable direct stream
5526 : Bad error message with Rhapsody and slimserver
5527 : Rhapsody songs are not added to PlayList via SqueezeNetwork UI.
5528 : Rhapsody via SqueezeNetwork: Nice to Have: "Play All" and "Add All" buttons.
5529 : Album art display makes scroll by Album painful
5530 : Squeezebox locked up after leaving then going back to SqueezeNetwork.
5531 : SqueezeBox cannot find the SlimServer it just left.
5532 : Screen Saver-Flickr Transition
5534 : Slimtray icon: needs additional option for "Never auto-start"
5535 : delete soft button on text entry should act as a backspace
5536 : When updating SlimServer setup Wizard does not get current Music Folder
5537 : Random Mix missing in My Music
5538 : Browse should become My Music
5539 : SlimServer cannot play this song.
5540 : Shut Down-Power Button Timing
5541 : Favorites has redundant menu placing
5542 : Status bar time format inconsistency
5543 : need a way to disconnect from a given slimserver.
5544 : "other services" should be "Extras"
5545 : typo in software update help text
5546 : Use player name on Settings Info item
5547 : Home menu order needs tweaking
5548 : Boot sound is cut when sound set to none
5549 : iTunes menu settings disappear upon restart; occasional bluescreen
5550 : Add option to auto-play a radio station
5551 : Add option to "lock" a favorite, preventing deletion
5552 : Music scanning should wait until wizard is completed
5553 : Add "play this station" to menu when selecting a radio station
5554 : Menu items with no action associated with them should not have a > at right
5556 : Sync players from Jive
5557 : Should we remove UPnP
5558 : New skin's layout is wigged out
5559 : Jive now playing screen saver doesn't work with Rhapsody
5560 : Rhapsody search via Jive does not work
5563 : Music Source setting needs a check to identify the current music source
5564 : Wireless Networks should be Wireless Network
5565 : "Screen dimming" should be "Screen Dimming"
5566 : Jive inside Charging Station: When full, the symbol is half battery.
5567 : Can't save interface changes for Server Settings
5568 : SqueezeBox: Unable ot uncheck "Repeat off" radio button.
5569 : Stuck on Wireless Password screen
5570 : After Software Update, Jive reverts to "Choose Language"
5571 : Cannot fast foward music played from cue sheets.
5573 : UPnP access causes web interface issues, lack of error messages
5574 : Cosmetic: Wallpaper Mod's
5578 : Setup wizard is not yet localized
5579 : r578 on jive does not boot
5580 : Sometimes, name of PC with SlimServer is wrong.
5581 : Enhancement Request: Can SlimServer stream movie sound track?
5582 : Additional menu item: 'System Summary' screen
5583 : Additional button trap: Back button for Settings
5584 : Add support for Mac aliases in Music Folder
5585 : Cosmetic: Screensaver Clock Edits
5586 : Flickr Screensaver Error Popup
5587 : Settings/Information doesn't display anymore
5588 : add uptime to About screen
5589 : Cosmetic: Screensaver Content Order
5590 : 'switch to squeezenetwork' appears as an option under internet radio, all skins
5591 : Choose Player list not updating dynamically
5594 : SSH login password font is ambiguous due to its use of mixed case among other things
5595 : Play Other Songs In Album - player setting?
5596 : Cosmetic: Text Alignment
5597 : Badly interpreted '+' character in email
5598 : Review UI changes for "About" screen
5599 : Tag "<span>Album<span>" in frame page "title"
5600 : Alternative/remove icon for "All Songs"
5601 : All album weirdness (unclickable, no tooltip)
5602 : No albumart in genre browsing
5603 : Album art collapsing with default skin
5604 : The following modules failed to load: YAML::Syck
5605 : SqueezeNetwork plugin logs SN password to server.log (Debian package)
5606 : Array options in Player Settings not updated after Save Settings
5607 : Debugging settings not shown after restart
5608 : Alignment of drop box in Server Settings incorrect in classic skin
5609 : Clicking on iTunes Settings gives 404 error, MusicIP also.
5610 : ResetDisplay method failed
5611 : Going to MusicIP Settings goes to page not found from Extras page
5612 : Mouse Cursor "disappears" when over blank area of new default skin
5613 : Remaining time is negative
5614 : Random mix buttons don't work in default skin
5615 : Server Settings Music Folder mangling network location names
5616 : Windows only: "Prevent standby" button misbehavior
5617 : Extras settings links go to Player Settings pages
5618 : Delete non-working ExBrowse3 skin (maybe more)
5619 : Player control popup window not large enough
5620 : Stopping SC7 leaves MySQL and mDNS running
5621 : Default skin player chooser resets on server restart
5622 : Delete from playlist not working in Random
5623 : Incorrect SLIMSERVER_HOME in rpm package
5624 : /var/log/slimserver not created by rpm
5626 : SqueezeCenter sometimes does not start properly
5627 : Artwork not displayed in Album list for 1 album that has artwork
5628 : Artwork not displayed in Album list for 1 album that has artwork
5629 : LastFM MP3s break audio output of pre-SB2 players?
5630 : Generating a MusicIP Playlist appears to leak memory in slim.exe
5631 : Problem with WMA files read from a UPnP media server
5632 : No way back to prefs from "Previous Scan Details"
5633 : Random Mix doesn't show active playlist in new default skin
5634 : Use player cookie instead of url param
5635 : InfoBrowser doesn't always display a title
5636 : Long tag display problem
5637 : MusicIP takes hours to complete
5638 : SqueezeCenter should write prefs to ~/Library/Application Support/SqueezeCenter
5639 : Save buttons in the default skin not always visible
5640 : SlimServer/SqueezeCenter name change issues post install
5641 : Default Skin, dual scrollbar on playlist track listing.
5642 : Service will not accept command line parameters
5643 : Service will not accept command line parameters
5644 : Make it possible to run plugin without PAR during development
5645 : mixer (build 561) does not return elements when accessed via player
5646 : R616 - Classic clock is 4 hours ahead of other clock/real time.
5648 : Battery symbol transition time from high to empty too short
5649 : Bug in album & artist index for non-english text
5650 : Two shortcuts: SqueezeCenter and SlimServer are both on desktop.
5651 : Year label on song info screen needs to be moved
5652 : Mac Prefrence Pane does not work in 10-02-2007 nightly
5653 : Play/add button missing on first row with large artwork in Safari
5654 : Save and Clear buttons flicker in Firefox when playlist is empty
5655 : Microsoft spelled "Mircrosoft" in Getting Started.html
5656 : Harmonise copyright notice
5657 : After a night, SqueezeBox, connected to SqueezeNetwork, stopped playing songs.
5658 : Turn wireless icon blue if device can't connect to SlimServer/SqueezeNetwork
5659 : SqueezeTray disappears from Task Bar when right clicked.
5660 : Pause button on Jive should start playback if player is stopped
5661 : Favorites: need to be able to add favorites with Jive
5662 : jive crash while browsing
5663 : cmdlink behaves different in Nokia770 skin
5664 : Brightness Default Setting
5666 : Dir with a recognized suffix added with a wrong content type
5667 : Firmware update required message not displayed in default skin
5668 : Add control panel window to tray application
5669 : album artwork handling
5670 : No stop button in new default skin
5671 : Now Playing in Random Mix aligned correctly in header in Classic skin
5672 : Wrong directory display for internet radio for SC V7
5673 : Server crashes when Webproxy is specified but not available
5674 : Updated Classic Clock artwork
5675 : Updated Digital clock artwork
5676 : Default skin - artist and year not displayed with large artwork
5677 : Default skin - dragging 'current' song leaves ghost music note images
5678 : Default skin - inconsistent drag & drop indicator behavior
5680 : Don't let Richard go on vacation
5681 : Settings upgrade of boolean attributes doesn't work if default is On
5682 : Unit Tests: failed 01pod.t tests on line 49.
5683 : Unit Tests: Can't call method "error" on an undefined value at Slim/Utils/
5684 : Change text in Nokia770 skin for removelink
5685 : No "Pages: 1 2" button in Fishbone's album popup
5686 : Two sequential umlauted characters are not displayed correctly
5687 : Suggestion: Font size preference for default skin
5688 : Rescan progress info on SB display is incorrect
5689 : rescan progress - final results display is confusing
5690 : Installing SqueezeCenter still uses the SlimServer DB
5691 : logfile pipe semantics broken (SlimServer_trunk_v2007-10-03)
5692 : RadioIO: hard to read browse list
5693 : Can't browse podcasts
5694 : Pandora Radio - PARAMETER_TYPE_MISMATCH
5695 : Can't play music in Live Music Archive
5696 : Rhapsody Direct Error
5697 : PWD info missing when navigating through Music On Demand menus
5698 : Can't refine Advanced Search criteria
5699 : "No Search Results" displayed in Advanced Search page
5700 : Lyrics not displayed neatly
5701 : Undocked player panel window is too small
5702 : Player panel remains visible in web UI when "undock player panel" is pressed
5703 : Synchronise option page is unreadable
5704 : WebUI stopped functioning after attempting to Sync two players
5705 : Now Playing screen behavior depends on state of Squeezebox at Jive boot time
5706 : mDNSResponderPosix competes with Avahi on FC6
5707 : SqueezeCenter keeps a lock on Cache\MySQL folder
5708 : AlbumView icon missing
5709 : Clear playlist button fails to clear the current playlist if the power is off
5710 : It is not possible to play all songs found from a livesearch
5711 : Styling issue for Search boxes in new Default skin
5712 : Advanced search for an exact duration doesn't find all occurances
5713 : Problems with Advanced Search on Year field
5714 : Advanced search for songs with/without tags
5715 : Advanced search for songs modified after 01/10/2007 froze the server
5716 : Drag and Drop currently playing song item glitch
5717 : Missing artwork thumbnail in album list
5718 : File Types cannot be re-enabled in SC settings
5719 : Problem with CLI sync command
5720 : Gapless MP3 not possible if file has CRC
5721 : Ubuntu: SqueezeCenter started before the user is logged in.
5722 : Unit Tests: Slim::bootstrap failed the Pod Coverage tests.
5723 : Unit Tests: Slim::Control::Request failed Pod Coverage tests.
5724 : Automatic Unit Tests: Failed test 'Pod coverage on Slim::Control::Queries'
5725 : iTunes compilation support
5726 : Auto Unit Tests: Failed test 'Pod coverage on Slim::Control::Commands'
5727 : Blank home page when trying to display New Default skin
5728 : Styling issue for search results in My Music > Search page
5729 : Styling issue for search field in My Music > Search results page
5730 : Search results page links are visible on advanced search page
5731 : Starting and stopping SS7 spawns 2 scanner.exe processes
5732 : Hang attempting to connect to MAC-filtered network
5733 : Unnecessary updates during live search when key modifiers are pressed
5734 : Same track reported twice in search results page
5735 : Some songs are reported to have a duration of 0 seconds
5736 : 7.0 RPM install script problem
5737 : Skin Styling issues on IE6
5738 : Current Playlist count is incorrect
5739 : Additional vertical spacing after the currently playing track
5740 : Switching language doesn't correctly update the playlist
5741 : Current Playlist area overlaps with playlist options panel
5742 : Play and Add buttons overwrite information in the song information panel
5743 : Setting default webproxy using environment on Unix, registry on Windows platforms
5744 : Search button doesn't work in IE7
5745 : SqueezeCenter WebUI unresponsive after an aborted search
5746 : "Azureus" appears above "Albums" in the classic SC web page.
5747 : "Azureus" appears above "Albums" in the classic SC web page.
5748 : Browse by unknown years can display songs that have a year tag
5749 : Can't bring up mixer menu on an artist or album
5750 : Live365 search doesn't find station name
5751 : Can't set a playlist within the Alarm plugin
5752 : Player Settings - Remote Controls - no way to set
5753 : changing repeat settings doesn't immediately update on status bar
5754 : Mac Installer does not open Prefrence Pane on Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard
5755 : Interface doesn't update correctly
5756 : Add support for Drag and Drop within playlist editor
5757 : Do not start screensaver if cursor is spinning
5758 : scanner.exe generates errors.
5759 : Now playing screensaver for pandora - clicking center button should always goto thumbs up/thumbs down
5760 : Upon Install: SC Wizard: 2nd Page: Cannot connect ot the web.
5761 : Behavior after thumbs up or down - Pandora
5762 : SqueezeBox display is stuck after SqueezeNetwork came back from maintanence.
5764 : Artists from compilation albums appear to sort incorrectly when there are Sort Artist tags from other tracks in that album
5765 : Cosmetic issues with Now Playing
5766 : Slim::Web::HTTP::fixHttpPath doesn't look for content in the right order
5767 : status bar clock no longer updates
5768 : "Player not found" dialog needs to be improved
5769 : Albums "letters" not all highlighted
5770 : Double Click behavior when selecting a track
5771 : More redraw/refresh problems
5772 : Remaining locked in the WEP-64 key entry screen
5774 : SqueezeCenter name is truncated in the task manager
5775 : SqueezeCenter remaings "Starting..." when automatically run at login
5776 : Inconsistent behaviour of web volume control when no player found
5777 : Install - Music/Playlist Folders, Music IP usage do not default from 6.5.4
5778 : Install - hangs/fails to fully paint language options screen until mouse movement
5779 : Old 6.5.4 icons for play, add, and MusicMagic used after install
5780 : Select Player missing player names, showing on only MAC address
5781 : Mac SqueezeCenter won't start at boot when 'Start At Boot' option selected
5782 : 'disabled' library statistics appear wrongly in default skin
5783 : Extras configuration can return invalid HTML error
5784 : Error loading Information Browser page
5785 : language screen scrolling can cause layout and text problems
5786 : Can't have checkboxes or radio groups mixed with other types in a window
5787 : Block clock screensaver is too low contrast
5788 : Block clock screensaver doesn't respect 12/24 hour setting
5789 : Default skin - Playlist artwork switch
5790 : layout and text messed up on volume popup
5791 : need a facility to aid users installing background images from their computer
5792 : Tune In URL UI
5793 : SoftSqueeze page needs help
5794 : Feature set
5795 : can only input time as 24h
5796 : mini-icons not showing up on target platform, but works from jive desktop
5797 : Cant edit local entries in playlist
5798 : Can't add the same song more than once in a playlist
5799 : Changing the sort ordering option on a list of albums loses the album list
5800 : Player buttons not updated when player is off
5801 : Collapsed player panel sometimes shows wrong info
5802 : Should prevent trying to save a new playlist if current playlist is empty
5803 : Saving a new playlist doesn't provide a delete option
5804 : need a spinning progress indicator during searches
5805 : Non-obvious icons in new skin
5806 : Firmware updates should be pushed to player
5809 : Plugin installer mechanism
5810 : Browsing Playlists displays Favorite # option
5811 : Players without power buttons, like web streaming, shouldn't have power buttons in web interface.
5812 : Delete Favorite reports Insert Deleted
5813 : Live Music Archive album not playable
5814 : Playlist not updated
5815 : backlight won't turn off when in docking station
5816 : Brightness settings don't work that well
5817 : scroll wheel does not run smooth
5818 : Gap: There is a gap between two mp3, 16 bits, 8000 sampling rate, and 440 Hz clips.
5820 : "Free your music" screen stays until button press
5821 : Web interface quirks when using Firefox 3.0 alpha releases ("minefield")
5822 : Unlike desktop icon, SlimServer SlimTray icon of still on taskbar after installing 7.0a1 over 6.5.1.
5823 : Basic iTunes support fails -- 'use itunes' setting does not find music
5824 : Make it easier for beginners to set up new remote stream
5825 : Playlist Save/Clear area a little messed up in Safari
5826 : Windows install hangs on last few nightlies
5827 : sleepStartFade causes slimserver to hang
5828 : mp3 stream
5829 : mp3 stream
5830 : Connection timeout with many plugins installed
5831 : APE tag processing isn't listed in the ID3 tag version
5832 : Live Music Archive Browsing
5833 : log4perl error messages when scripts return to the console/shell
5834 : Default skin graphic sizing
5835 : need select all/select none genre button in RandomPlay
5836 : choosing a mix from RandomPlay should send the user to the current playlist menu
5837 : Playlist not updating
5838 : Returning bad data to illogical request
5839 : Song order for addalbum makes no sense
5841 : Alarm menu shows tick boxes wrongly as you scroll
5842 : Can't play all songs from favorites
5843 : Track names in favorites not displayed correctly when added to current playlist
5844 : Long URL's displayed in current playlist song titles cause wrapping
5845 : Bad return value from CLI query
5846 : Track order from CLI query is incorrect
5847 : when entering text, keep the cursor near the last letter as you enter.
5848 : Slim/Utils/ too picky about plugins strings.txt line endings
5849 : tagged genres lost/overwritten after MIP-enabled scan
5850 : Setup wizard: Reword "invalid"
5851 : Setup Wizard: Don't say "If you selected a local music source..."
5852 : When I hit the play button,the whole list will be played, starting with the first song in the list, not the chosen one.
5853 : SlimTray Displays Bad Characters in French
5854 : Different font sets cause "bitrate" display to be cut off in Now
5855 : unable to read an album with a single song.
5856 : "Bitrate" display cut off in Now Playing
5857 : Back button needed on Server Settings -->Extras
5858 : Cookies on stream requests
5859 : Duplicate album and song after rescan on a couple of albums
5860 : more mini-icons needed
5861 : Initial 'Now playing' (and others) isn't correct when you turn on
5862 : Now Playing screensaver doesn't have enough room for long track lengths.
5863 : Now playing screen saver does not use 'live' details
5864 : My Music is inconsistently ordered between Jive, web and Squeezebox
5865 : Random Mix needs better user feedback
5866 : Volume buttons don't work in the Favourites menu
5867 : Startup banner timeout doesn't seem to work?
5868 : Now playing screensaver doesn't always show album
5869 : Notification gets 'stuck'
5870 : 'No album' art isn't handled properly
5871 : Numeric key selection not correct within Browse New Music
5872 : Encode::Detect not working
5873 : No resize of cover art in squeezecenter's right panel
5874 : set operating system timezone along with time
5875 : LMA concerts in favorites show up as function refs
5876 : Random play
5877 : Scrollbar position can overflow the well
5879 : Jive firmware downloader should respect setting for checking for updates
5880 : SqueezeCenter will not start as a service
5881 : Display image or "artwork" for artists
5882 : can't build Encode-Detect on new linux install
5883 : Song info ui (web, player, jive) should use text descriptions for file types, not 3 letter codes
5884 : Running produces different results than scanner.exe
5885 : can't use jive.ui.Window.setTitleWidget method from within SlimBrowserApplet.lua or JiveMain.lua
5886 : unable to log in to web if username/password authentication enabled
5887 : JHB unresponsive after enabling password protection in SC7
5889 : podcasts not organized in itunes
5890 : Version 7.0 Song Buttons not always displayed
5891 : need facility for adding custom wallpapers
5892 : Browsing small genre list doesn't report "n of n" count
5893 : Server & Network Health Help page
5894 : settings -> password doesn't work
5895 : Undocked player panel not high enough
5896 : If anything goes wrong during creation of main menu items, remote is unusable and not obviously upgradeable
5897 : keypad backlight stays on
5898 : Bad display of a specific foreign character
5899 : Proposal: customizable sort-by file
5900 : Extras reset to default after every upgrade
5901 : Previous Scan Details has unexpected nav links
5903 : NET START squeezesvc does not start SqueezeCenter service.
5905 : SetupLanguage help and title bars get mismatched after scrolling up and down
5906 : OPML list editing problem - Favorites and Infobrowser settings
5907 : Usability - Home on breadcrumb trail in Infobrowser Settings Edit -loses edit
5908 : Stopping slimserver doesn't kill mysqld and mDNSResponder
5909 : Make Default skin the default - even on upgrades
5910 : SC Settings Wizard: iTune is checked when iTune is not installed.
5911 : RedHat: Settings Wizard: Browsing for library does not work.
5912 : Settings: Title Format descriptive text
5913 : Favorites start at #0
5914 : Default Skin: Settings don't open in a tab
5915 : Favorites that point at a URL that is invalid cannot be deleted in player UI
5916 : Navigation after deleting a favorite from the PlayerUI
5917 : Loss of highlighting after deleting favorites from Web UI
5918 : Can't resolve slimdevices names
5919 : Jive appears as "null" in the DHCP client list.
5920 : Migrate existing sync player settings to new units
5921 : Library scan does not work on my NAS
5922 : If the player you're viewing goes away, Jive should go back to home menu
5923 : RedHat: FireFox: Settigns Wizard: Cannot browse to the music folder.
5924 : 7.0a1 over 6.5.1: SqueezeCenter does not start auto after install
5925 : RedHat: SqueezeBox cannot connect to min requirements PC.
5926 : Rhapsody Direct track search produces "Error on page", songs won't play
5928 : Display of current playlist buttons in default skin
5929 : RedHat: Invalid error for audiodir and playlistdir path
5930 : Saving Player Settings menus option changes
5931 : SqueezeCenter web settings reports 'Error: 'Event' is undefined' on Extras
5932 : SqueezeNetwork gives an option to return back to SlimServer
5933 : AudioScrobbler settings reports '400 Bad Request'
5934 : Can't disable plugins
5935 : logfile filled with Use of uninitialized value in join or string...
5936 : Slimserver froze while streaming music
5937 : Home menu should be reduced when player is powered off
5938 : Choose Player should only appear on home menu if theres more than one player to choose from
5939 : Status window opens to small in Default skin
5940 : Hovering indications stop to work after drag and drop in Default skin
5941 : Cover art not shown for all tracks in current playlist
5942 : Playlist artwork hover image when missing artwork in Default skin
5943 : Database constraint errors
5944 : No "Added to playlist" message when an album is picked from the Music Folder browser
5945 : Search -> More matches breaks out of it's frame
5946 : Song information out of sync with playing song
5947 : Newly added album does not appear in New Music
5948 : Wrong album artwork displayed for new album
5949 : Information Browser shows news title in description
5950 : mms direct stream play does not work
5951 : Clicking "Albums" link under "My Music" in web interface continuously loads
5952 : Home link loading a blank page
5953 : Playlist changes made in the Web UI don't show up on the Jive
5954 : Move log.conf to prefs dir
5955 : Add MusicIP button on individual track page of default skin
5956 : Add "Sleep" button to player interface of default skin
5957 : Wallpaper preview doesn't always update
5958 : Volume changes should show in the player
5959 : Premature STMo events on unpause with full decode buffer
5960 : Now playing never connects for radioio
5961 : Playlist: Blank/Dummy items appear at the end of the Jive playlist.
5962 : Player control popup shows power button for streams
5963 : Pandora repeats song when sync'd
5964 : Music Rescan progress display doesn't show completion
5965 : Validate music and playlist dirs during wizard
5966 : OPML Files with Radio Streams under Podcasts Only!!
5967 : SC settings window shouldn't default to full screen when opening
5968 : Changed plugin loading to allow a plugin to provide services
5969 : Make it possible to combine different menu styles in same menu
5970 : Add possibility to add custom items to track details menu
5971 : enhancement idea: roaming mode
5972 : Music Folder defaults to "1"
5973 : Slimserver cannot read Genre tag above numeric ID 79 for AIFF files.
5974 : Default skin: Make a search box visible at all times
5975 : Jive does not detect a change in wireless encryption during setup
5976 : Plugin state isn't easily seen
5977 : Modify state of more than one plugin
5978 : iphone display bug
5979 : Need a "stop" button for scanner
5980 : Server Settings for "Various Artists" not labelled
5981 : support "Play other songs in album" setting.
5982 : Re-word "turn player on/off"
5983 : No spaces between some words in SqueezeCenter.
5984 : Multiple "Choose Player" lines on the screen.
5985 : Compilation column NULL for non-compilation MP3
5986 : Albums with 1 track are showing up twice
5987 : Pause doesn't stick for short compressed tracks
5988 : Scanning Progress doesn't report file names correctly
5989 : Doesn't always keep album sorting and display preferences when not used every day
5990 : Disk access continues after full scan is complete
5991 : Not possible to change order of plugin menus
5992 : support new settings UI from EN
5993 : Slim::Utils::PluginManager->enabledPlugins() sometimes returns nothing
5994 : New skin counts up at 1s/s even in FFWD/REW
5995 : Default skin doesn't scale down to 800x600
5996 : FLAC track fails to stop at end of song
5997 : library search path appears different on i386 and x86_64
5998 : fix text relocations in i386
5999 : Ability to add "Radio art"
6000 : Hangs loading Wizard on fresh install
6001 : SqueezeCenter 7 does not run on Mac OS X 10.3.9 Panther
6002 : "About Jive" leads to a black blank page, and Jive hangs.
6003 : Squeezenetwork Account page in Setup Wizard is missing a button
6004 : Cannot scan music folder on network drive
6005 : Default skin: Favorites breadcrumbs has extra link
6006 : Favorites - can't fully rename 'By Genre' favorite
6007 : Favorites: make editing from info page easier
6008 : Favorites in Default: Indicate folders
6009 : SC 7 Default Skin will not load in Safari 1.3.2
6010 : EN/Classic skin: changing sort order pops you up a level
6011 : New setup wizard produces Disk error / also displays blank folder selection screen
6012 : EN/Classic skin: "All Songs" has album placement
6013 : UK Spelling: Total Players Recognised: 1
6014 : "NET START squeezesvc" no longer works after windows installer change.
6015 : Once: "NET START squeezesvc" returns a log on error.
6016 : Jive's screen does not turn on when plugged into the charging station.
6017 : Jive goes blank after trying to connect to one of the access points.
6018 : After Rhapsody trial account has expired, SqueezeBox looks like it is playing a song.
6019 : Firmware upgrade screen to show firmware version?
6020 : Ability to reset logging levels to defaults
6021 : Context menu for mixers and other stuff
6022 : Possibility to launch mixes from Jive
6023 : New plugin hooks to implement scanning functions
6024 : Eaiser way for plugins to run long background jobs
6025 : Default skin - can't set title in OPML Editor mode of favorites
6026 : Fishbone doesn't refresh playlist
6027 : Home side doesn't fully display on first open
6028 : Static/Noise delivered, then alac crashes when attempting to play 24 bit Apple Lossless songs
6031 : Fishbone doesn't refresh playlist
6032 : Transcoding "ogg flc" does not work
6033 : Double artwork on podcast info page
6034 : Song information order inconsistent in playlist
6035 : Podcast settings page behavior confusing
6036 : No way to disable player sleep on jive
6037 : Scrollbar in wrong place on Textarea widgets
6038 : Random Play broken on Synchronised Squeezeboxes
6039 : Build linux wvunpack without rpaths
6040 : Need different description for Title Format in Players settings
6041 : Song info page breadcrumbs links
6042 : Make SC and player menus consistent
6043 : SqueezeCenter takes a longtime to start-up & provides no feedback to user
6044 : SqueezeTray icon says 'Running' but web UI won't load in browser
6045 : radio and checkbox items sent from SC are no longer being checked when they should be
6046 : hover effect for songinfo image
6047 : Breadcrumb trail doesn't display correctly after performing a search
6048 : Disabled plugins still appear in Home
6049 : Information Browser has duplicate entries
6050 : Cosmetic: Service Provider Logos
6051 : Cosmetic: Now Playing Song Status Bar
6052 : Cosmetic: Connecting Animation Rev
6053 : Song Status Indicator Jumps
6054 : Browser icon is missing
6055 : Make it possible to open sub menus on other actions than "go"
6056 : Default artwork icon not shown in classic skin
6057 : Corrupt first page in setup wizard
6058 : Random play does not appear to select randomly
6059 : Unicode fonts cause SC to crash on Leopard
6061 : Transporter fails to display error message if WEP password is incorrect
6062 : Add "Power Off" menu option
6063 : Screensaver should not activate while Power button is held down
6064 : Elapsed time is inaccurate in 'Now Playing' screensaver
6065 : Option to re-order menu items for Internet Radio or Music in recently-used order
6066 : Installing new plugin resets enabled state of others
6067 : Entering wireless password now places '>' character in wrong order
6068 : Shuffle isn't random enough
6069 : Classic clock doesn't show
6070 : Digital clock screen saver poorly aligned
6071 : Date format menu shows no items selected
6072 : No Date format without the day in it
6073 : Cover Art lost when playing a track
6074 : After upgrade to latest SC7 build, server does not start automatically
6075 : Classic clock date format runs off the screen
6076 : Enhanced album page layout
6077 : Default skin: Resizable frames
6078 : Default skin: Remove highlighting on mouseout
6079 : With clean install of SC7 (nov 6 build) setup wizard is messed up
6080 : SC7.0a1 settings not detected
6081 : server.log file is very big
6082 : Error inserting into playlist
6083 : Need a better sleep option
6084 : Logging leaks to console during startup
6085 : Wireless Roaming
6086 : Rhapsody: Adding a track/album to library
6087 : Internet Radio-Now Playing song progress
6088 : Turning off Player
6089 : D link dir-615 wireless router incompatible with squeezebox 3
6090 : Can't see the list of players in default skin
6091 : Albums/Artists can't be played from the favorites
6092 : MisicIP Interface settings ignored with new/clean install
6093 : MusicIP playlist cannot be played
6094 : support different contributor types in web interfac
6095 : Home and Back buttons do not work on Logging page
6097 : Cosmetic: Drop Shadow when displaying No Album Artwork Icon
6098 : Cosmetic: Popup Album Alignment
6099 : Advanced search should allow searching for missing tags
6100 : Between filter for advanced search parameters
6101 : Problem with 11/8 SC running in "apps mode"
6102 : Problem with 11/8 SC running in "apps mode"
6103 : Problem with 11/8 SC running in "apps mode"
6104 : Icon for desktop shortcut to SC server (http://box:9000/) is "disabled"
6105 : Default skin: Big links in Small Artwork view
6106 : Blank screen when playing a Slacker station
6107 : V7.0 doesn't support artwork thumbnails for %FILE use
6108 : Fishbone drag to delete display corrupted
6109 : Missing string when opening settings page
6110 : clock should not show leading zeros when displaying AM/PM
6111 : Current player not selected in Player Settings
6112 : Song Stutters when unpausing music
6113 : Clear Advanced Search results doesn't work
6114 : Album art does not disply until album is in Now Showing
6115 : Fishbone causes browser memory overflow
6116 : File scan process should return with an error message to the web interface (now it just hangs)
6117 : ITunes is used for initial scanning even if unchecked
6118 : Default playlist directory incorrect
6119 : SC doesn't autostart after install
6120 : Wizard shows proxy page and indicates problem when it shouldn't
6121 : SqueezeNetwork Integration prefs overwritten by wizard
6122 : Covers not being properlu sized
6123 : Group Discs in 7.0 does not group multiple discs as one album
6124 : Zero size playlists should have a single menu item that says 'Nothing'
6126 : Add scheduled MusicIP rescan/validate to Slimserver
6127 : Track display messy and overlapping with long track and album title
6128 : Remove digital clock screen saver.
6129 : No confirmation screen needed on power down.
6131 : Various Artists Display
6132 : Plugin logging does not persist across restarts
6133 : Cover art scaling
6134 : Skin switch preview doesn't work
6135 : Player change doesn't work reliably
6136 : No value for band parameter in songinfo repsonse
6137 : screensaver defaults
6138 : Transporter digital input mode plugin does not appear.
6139 : Digital input plugin is not working
6140 : Unattended setup failed
6141 : Default Skin has error in artist display
6142 : song search results should show more than song title
6143 : Add GD to
6144 : iTunes playlists empty on Linux SLimserver
6145 : Unable to open favourites.opml
6147 : Selecting a player in drop-down menu sometimes doesn't work
6148 : Default Skin Settings window corrupted in IE6
6149 : Last fm plugin ???
6152 : Collection-albums shown one line for each song
6153 : Swedish characters in m3u-playlists displayed wrong
6154 : Choose player drop down menu doesn't keep list of player connected
6155 : flac file causes reset
6156 : SqueezeBox 2/3 may send multiple track-start-event (STMs) notifications
6157 : 'Browse' button in Settings > Basic is very unclear
6158 : Favourite "Name" that can not be removed.
6159 : Not starting automatically at startup
6162 : Nokia770 Skin: radio/mod page adds mod to radio list for all
6163 : no way for 3rd party plugins to add custom icons
6164 : SlimServer/SqueezeCenter crashes on Leopard
6166 : Folder list blank
6167 : Random Mix "recently played songs" value can not be set to zero.
6168 : Several Album's artwork does not display in Home/Albums viewed in Gallery mode
6169 : Song Progress bar incorrect in undocked player panel
6172 : "Screensaver when powered off" doesn't work after sleep
6173 : Disable IR
6174 : Default skin: Alphapagebar in-page links position
6175 : now playing list screen needs quarter notes icon on right side of title bar
6177 : Favorites: need to confirm removal of favorites on SB/Transporter
6183 : Volume adjusts by only 9 steps on QNAP
6185 : Choose Player hangs/crashes Jive Handset
6186 : Jive r923 won't accept passphrase
6187 : Optimise choose langauges
6188 : Play on Jive does not reset Pandora idle timeout - only repeats last song
6189 : ALBUMARTIST tag causes ARTISTSORT to be ignored
6190 : Virgin Radio on SlimPicks
6191 : Remaining track time cut off at right edge of screen
6192 : Two or more listings for same player on Choose Player menu
6193 : Time of song goes back a bit when screen saver kicks in.
6196 : PAR::import conflict with main::changeEffectiveUserAndGroup
6197 : Text tags in menues malfunctioning
6198 : Albums shown multiple times
6199 : scroll bar/volume bar should be rounded on the fill on both ends always
6200 : Favorites: favorites code in Slim::Control::Jive doesn't support remote urls or windows paths correctly
6202 : Use default name when player name is removed
6203 : Add dates to log entries
6204 : Web interface active log viewer
6205 : Log message when hitting play in home menu
6206 : Default skin Settings link messed up when no player attached
6207 : Changing player name needs to reload home and settings hierarchy
6208 : compilations albums should not show up duplicate due to directory structure
6209 : SqueezeCenter opens UI even on user login - it shouldn't
6210 : Plugin prefs data is stored in cache..
6212 : Jumping Access Points causes Interface Hang....
6213 : Default skin - display problems in IE6
6214 : Request for new CLI Capability
6215 : Error when updating firmware after installing SqueezeCentre 7.0a1
6216 : Favorites Empty
6217 : Mac desktop app should respond to Apple Remote
6218 : Picking up should wake clock screensaver
6219 : Need "Remove from playlist" in song info under current playlist
6220 : Play all, Play song, etc should have play icon on right, instead of >
6221 : Song info screen should have Play and Add at top of list
6222 : Jive Albums list empty
6223 : Mac build broken with jivec not in the path
6224 : Wallpaper current setting not shown, error dump when entering wallpaper applet
6225 : Slow cover art loading in playlist
6226 : Software update screen should let you know you are up to date
6227 : Set all, clear all for random play in CLI
6228 : proposal: add additional icons to the playlist view (default theme)
6229 : Can't clear Advanced Search results
6230 : "Off" state still drains battery
6231 : flaws in buit-in mp3 decoder
6232 : Various artists not recognized with m4a files
6233 : Minimal server logging
6234 : Cosmetic: Classic Clock-Redundant Info.
6235 : Many Rays sync'ed: Cannot see Rays' names on top of PlayList frame.
6236 : French Strings issues
6237 : Duplicate MAC address for bridged ethernet device
6238 : Player stops when song is too short
6239 : The clocks
6240 : Stream does not play
6241 : Add Shuffle By Artist
6242 : Not Showing what is playing, shows stopped
6244 : Funny actions with IR Blaster plugin
6245 : No Network Test feature on SqueezeCenter
6246 : Change firmware string(s) SlimServer -> SqueezeCenter
6248 : mp3 files do not start playing from beginning
6249 : 6.x -> 7.0 migration does not migrate time format preference
6250 : Panes in wizard which are optional should use "Skip" instead of "Next"
6251 : Jive fails to get IP from Mac OS X network sharing DHCP server over WiFi
6252 : Setup fails in bridged mode when no DHCP server available
6253 : Alarm bug
6254 : Slimserver default skin Not functioning right Mozilla Firefox v2.0.0.10
6255 : SN should tell SC which plugins to enable based on user country/location
6256 : SlimServer -> SqueezeCenter in firmware strings
6257 : Some Articles To Ignore When Sorting Not Ignored
6258 : First window in Windows Installer says 7.0a1
6259 : Fishbone has new display corruptions in 15021
6260 : Slimserver no new album art then stops when swtching to list view
6262 : Soemtimes the Show Briefly does not go away.
6265 : NOW PLAYING: umbrella bug for all now playing issues
6266 : SqueezeCenter does not download audio files to iPod Touch or iPhone
6267 : itemNoAction style is broken in song info page
6268 : Repeat and Repeat song are the same icon in the status bar. Should be different, like the web interface
6269 : Binding in the file
6270 : Wireless Networks Menu Lists Networks Over Bottom Area of Screen
6271 : Slimserver can no longer read my library tags
6272 : Server crash attempting to do album art thumbnail
6273 : Entering "I Like It" on Pandora results in message "READ_ONLY_MODE"
6274 : Entering "I Like It" on Pandora results in message "READ_ONLY_MODE"
6275 : Entering "I Like It" on Pandora results in message "READ_ONLY_MODE"
6276 : COMPOSER tag not displayed when there is no ARTIST tag
6277 : Enh: support Proxy Server authentication
6279 : Add partner icons to the top of the Web UI when browsing in partner page.
6280 : Staff Picks, not "Squeeze Picks"
6281 : Cosmetic: Selection Box artwork alignment off
6282 : Cosmetic: Album/Service Provider Artwork Alignment off
6283 : Pandora Expired trial text is incorrect
6285 : It would be nice to have the Jive.bin put into the PC during install.
6287 : SC7 Won't Start on OSX If SlimServer Has Ever Been Installed
6288 : plugin-data.yaml not rewritten when SC location changes
6289 : Jive: It is not easy to get out of the Software Update (FW update) window.
6290 : Wrong menu ordering for shoutcast and podcasts
6292 : Browsing music library shows PLUGIN_RHAPSODY_DIRECT_MORE_FROM instead of 'more from artist'
6293 : Jive wireless icon red, yet it's connected and working properly.
6294 : Track title is incorrect when album is a whole-CD flac file with cuesheet and track is in a playlist
6295 : Choose local music folder failed when I accidentally tried to expand a dvd drive
6296 : More use of icons in web GUI
6297 : Weird character displayed in SC and SB3
6298 : Exception Processing Mesage 0xc0000013 Parameters 0x75D4023c 0x87C3B794 0x75D4023C 0x75D4023C
6299 : UNC handling inconsistency
6300 : Music/playlist folder browse function UNC oddities
6301 : Slim::Player::HTTP missing methods?
6302 : No "Choose Player" on home menu
6303 : Music Source setting incomplete
6304 : Random mix play should respond to GO or PLAY button
6305 : Fix RadioTime Alien support
6306 : Search button in web ui should look like other similar buttons (play, delete)
6307 : Album, Internet Radio and Music Services items should have > indicator
6308 : No playlists, but scan for playlists running a very long time
6309 : Fix Disc Number support for WMA files
6310 : SC Writing to Database Before DB Initialized Prevents Windows SC From Starting
6311 : Uppercase characters cropped
6314 : Music Stops
6315 : "flac" being inappropriately invoked for AIFF files?
6316 : DateTime, RadioTime and RSSNews missing "settings" buttons
6317 : Modify the screen capture utility to write directly to SD card if installed
6318 : Slacker - Repeat All enabled when Slacker is exited
6319 : Slacker - Add controls to non-Default skins
6320 : Slacker - Add album artwork and more info on song info page
6321 : Need Blinking ">" (or some equivalent) on All Menus
6325 : Multiple lines of "Return to Setup".
6326 : Multiple lines of "Return to Setup".
6327 : Cosmetic: Volume Pop-up missing drk gray inside fill bar
6328 : Music on Demand+Internet Radio no album artwork
6329 : extended track information inconsistent
6330 : Rhapsody now playing on Jive shows extra null tracks
6331 : SoftSqueeze vs Softsqueeze
6332 : rebuffering message isn't utf8 encoded
6333 : Touch Skin cannot be exited
6335 : Touch Skin corrupts playlist in IE7
6337 : descending into some genres results in a failed query
6339 : Forget player forgets the wrong player and reloads the interface incorrectly
6341 : Chinese charactors shows up as blocks in Jive.
6342 : Touch skin settings links invisible after clicked once (visited link color matches bgcolor)
6343 : Jive problems when browsing to Rhapsody -> Channels
6344 : hiccup 2 seconds into next playlist song if browser running
6345 : Cosmetic: Pop Alert Screen Text Alignment
6346 : Choose player screen during setup should include name along with unique ID (MAC address)
6347 : cannot establish sync; multiple sync streams to same player
6349 : Unable to update SqueezeBox' FW with Jive.
6351 : Song Scanning in Nokia770/Touch skins
6352 : Random Mix mode doesn't stop on playlist play, etc
6353 : Squeezebox turned off display turns black
6354 : Squeezebox turned off display turns black
6355 : Rhapsody tracks not saved with playlist
6356 : Ray is constantly losing and getting back connection to SC.
6357 : Jive & Ray are unable to complete setup if connecting to SqueezeNetwork
6358 : Need an improved "Wireless Signal Strength" reading in bridged mode
6359 : SqueezeNetwork takes a long time to appear
6360 : Takes minutes for SqueezeNetwork to show on Jive after setting up a slim device.
6361 : Can't play songs with firware update pending on another player
6362 : Highlight line in Jive keeps jumping around.
6363 : EN/Classic - Separate settings pages from extras settings
6364 : EN/Classic - Show Extras status, permit multiple changes
6366 : Playing Pandora through sync'd players -> HOURLY SKIP LIMIT EXCEEDED
6367 : Database problems on upgrade to 7.0a1
6369 : Need an event log for reporting misc errors to web/Jive
6370 : Playlist-only scan also does other database cleanup etc.
6371 : Failed searches for cover art slow performance, I think
6372 : Scanner including hidden directories
6373 : Audible click when switching between Pause/UnPause
6374 : Remote Volume Control Increment/Decrement Slow
6375 : Test Tones default to max output level
6376 : No Visual Display to indicate Mute is activated.
6377 : Nokia770 skin impaired for Nokia770 browser
6378 : Playlist: select a song using now playing on a shuffled list
6379 : Feature request: in song fast forward
6380 : Jive, SqueezeNetwork: Sometimes there is "Chinese" in shoutcast genre, but "Cantonese" is missing. Sometimes it is the reverse.
6381 : Updating Jive FW from Network gets 1 r1123. It was 1 r1150 two days ago.
6382 : 7.0a1 causes computer to slow down and run at 100% CPU load.
6383 : Need "All Albums" for a given Genre under Music Library
6384 : exiting from player name change text input window causes player to be renamed "0"
6385 : MP3Tunes Music Locker text should wrap in Music Services
6386 : Extras should be able to have icons
6387 : screensaver should not kick in while in setup...
6388 : "Now Playing" settings change in Slimserver
6389 : Missing perl dependencies (GD/Module::Build)
6390 : Add web GUI main menu icons for favorites
6391 : Slimserver server does not start
6393 : self assigned IP setup does not work
6394 : Jive (SDL_gfx) doesn't compile properly on 64-bit ubuntu
6395 : Need faster visual feedback when settings change
6396 : SqueezeCenter display lame warning to console
6398 : powering down controller should also result in current player pausing playback
6399 : Need a way to Save & Clear Playlist with Jive.
6400 : Artwork/icons should be centered vertically
6402 : After initial install SqueezeCenter does not open to complete Wizard
6403 : Changing SN accounts in Settings does not update Pandora stations
6404 : Jive FW, MP v6: Does not ask for update after setup.
6405 : Jive shows the names of player as "Squeezebox " with last 6 digits for MAC address.
6407 : Transporter won't play optical when sync'd with squeezebox
6409 : Playlist is deleted after some time
6411 : Jive: Not upgrading when using LinkSys BEFW11S4 V2 as router.
6412 : the Music Services menu is empty in 1r1228
6413 : rhapsody shortcut features don't work with multiple rhapsody accounts
6414 : Can't connect to Squeezecenter when not logged into XP machine
6415 : Browser window "hangs" when trying to open SqueezeCenter in IE 7
6416 : Now playing screensaver should not exit on KEY_FWD or KEY_REW
6417 : Alarm menu disappears
6418 : Jive still remembers the old setting of router after factory reset and FW update.
6419 : Jive Hardware: Volume goes crazy after "muting" (vol+/vol- pressed simultaneously)
6420 : Browse Music Folder takes 10-15 seconds
6421 : SC 7 (Nightly build 20 Dec) - album and artist index for non-english text in default skin
6422 : Browsing into songinfo -> artist/album/genre should look like browsing from Music Library
6423 : Brightness + sign is half off the screen
6424 : browse genres not working on Various Artists or All Albums under some conditions
6426 : Pressing Play should not do nothing.
6427 : When going into Wallpaper setting, the currently selected wallpaper should also be highlighted
6428 : Help text in screensaver selection screen is not localized
6429 : flickr screensaver default user should be blank
6430 : Jive linksys wireless issue
6431 : Better error handling when SC/SN fails to connect to a service
6433 : Connected to SC on PC, Jive only shows the name of player, or Now Playing, on top.
6434 : menustatus comet notification needs to be player-specific
6436 : Disabled plugins still run code
6437 : Exclude list for Proxy.
6438 : Incorrect paths shown in settings->status
6439 : Don't minimize home menu when Squeezebox is off.
6440 : Audio cycles on/off while Pause button depressed
6441 : multiple menustatus subscriptions can appear after repeated player changing
6442 : Firmware should decode to PCM even when paused
6443 : "Goodbye" sticks
6444 : Multiple "No Album" albums
6445 : moving to next song repositions list to top of playlist
6446 : Playback Pauses
6447 : Playlist Path Translation
6448 : Ben's umbrella enhancement idea pile
6449 : Not able to log off Squeezenetwork from browser
6450 : Not playing other tracks in album when single track entered
6451 : Album art not found due to case mismatch
6452 : Album art will only display when filename for jpg is all lower case
6453 : New or changed Album art is only picked up on a full scan
6454 : Audio plays back too slowly
6455 : Playing a folder in Browse Music should play recursively
6456 : Invalid RPM filename
6457 : If scanner crashes, Previous Scan Details shows incorrect info
6458 : Scanner crashes during artwork scanning phase on corrupt JPEGs
6459 : Ogg Vorbis Tag VERSION is not supported
6460 : can't play folders whose name fits a certain pattern with '#' and '-'
6461 : SC should return content to Jive based on Accept-Language header
6462 : "Tune in URL" should provide user feedback on errors
6463 : On use of 'Forget Player' settings window loads main server UI
6464 : Add RPM repos for non-yum distributions
6465 : /etc/sysconfig/squeezecenter not really usable
6466 : After uninstalling SqueezeCenter, squeezecenter.exe is left running
6467 : Need some kind of feedback to indicate the end of a list
6468 : Add SELinux support for CentOS 4
6469 : Need consistent artwork for Rhapsody
6470 : Rhapsody tracks shouldn't have a Download link (and probably not a raw URL either.
6471 : Huge thumbnails being generated in PNG format
6472 : Some FLAC files do not play
6473 : Index of songs incomplete
6474 : SC7 won't browse a music folder with a UNC path
6475 : SqueezeCenter extra needs an icon
6476 : Multiple different song info screens in Rhapsody Direct
6477 : Selected and rollover highlights should not be the same in Player Settings
6479 : Can't play LastFM songs that don't exist in my library
6480 : Can't disable startup/shutdown sounds
6481 : Song info page for radio station says "Play this song"
6482 : When playing a radio station, the user friendly name is used, then lost
6483 : Update Debian Package from SlimServer to SqueezeCenter
6484 : song info screen shouldn't have a short footer
6485 : "playername is having trouble connecting to servername" screen and then more bad stuff.
6486 : Rhapsody Playlists
6487 : If you choose a non-English language in setup, Jive reverts to English after setup
6489 : Add text "factory reset" when performing a factory reset
6490 : useBandAsAlbumArtist not working properly
6491 : Album artwork missing and causes perl.exe crash
6492 : Missing SBC firmware release notes
6493 : 802.11n draft would be nice to have
6494 : Delicast Radio channels missing from the selection
6495 : slimserver is unnecessary, device menu is difficult
6496 : Actions (Play/Delete) taken on later playlist side pages operate on the first page
6497 : auto update
6498 : Album art doesn't display for folders with Hebrew names
6499 : Please integrate bugzilla to Slimserver
6500 : ir-blaster setup for attached sound output
6501 : Update button on Mac slimserver
6502 : Search for album results have broken screen
6503 : When french localized, the info icon for rescan settings disappears
6504 : menu style like 'album' but with smaller icons
6505 : SqueezePlay sometimes handles transparent GIFs incorrectly
6506 : settings page for "extras" confusing
6507 : ALBUMARTIST tag causes ARTISTSORT tags to be lost
6508 : Occasional songs freeze with no sound
6509 : Can not activate acount on Squeezenetwork
6510 : Settings->Screen->Screensavers->Flickr Settings->Display grammar
6511 : "Software Updates" not a "Music Library" setting
6512 : Repeated display of "Problem Connecting -- Try Again" screen
6513 : WPA / WPA2 Personal: Setting passphrase to more than 63 characters shows garbage characters and crashes the Squeezebox
6514 : Playlist glitch with RandomPlay
6515 : Live365 "genres" menu should be organized hierarchically
6516 : Improve SC UI when switching players to/from SN
6517 : Error loading information browser during editing
6518 : Need "Clear Playlist" Feature
6519 : Music Library disapears from Jive interface if plugin register menu
6520 : Override of do actions in base parameter not possible
6521 : SqueezeCenter transcoded PNGs and JPGs (from BMP) not compatible with iPhone
6522 : Request to capture and display digital input sample rate and resolution
6523 : Skin dependent plugin links
6524 : Album artwork doesn't display when using a UNC path
6525 : Screen rendered too wide on Handheld skin on Opera 8.65
6526 : API refactoring
6527 : Enhancement ideas for editing playlists in WebUI
6528 : SS/SC do not use CLI for sync, preventing overriding behavior
6529 : Live365: station name not shown in web UI when song info is present
6530 : Live365: bitrate and format information cut off when song, artist, and album information displayed
6531 : Live365: "All Songs" is not relevant in genre menu
6532 : Fedora 8 X64 YAML::Syck Failed to Load
6533 : Live365 stations accessed from playlist are missing song information
6535 : Sounds and Effects and Podcasts should be in Extras
6536 : WPA/WPA2 encryption on Verizon Actiontec router
6537 : Respect title format pref for remote metadata (Pandora, Rhapsody, Live365, etc)
6538 : scanner is crashing on windows during album art processing part of the scan
6539 : Sync via player UI breaks sometimes
6540 : Removing an item also removes subsequent items from player Now Playing
6541 : (HTTP) proxy per player setting
6542 : Jive "Input.Bar" widget
6543 : Albums and songs totals are incorrect when browsing a genre
6544 : OPML Playlist editor (Favorites): can't rename/edit
6545 : Jive shows "heart" character as block
6546 : No version number in nightly noCPAN tarball filename
6547 : Add "you can play this" cue to Jive menu items
6548 : Selecting A Genre > Various Artists destabilises computer
6549 : "Rebuffering" prevents SB from being powered off
6550 : Add clickable links to log files to SC
6551 : Squeezebox becomes slow, shaky, and playlists of internet radio stations become empty
6552 : Dynamic Search
6553 : Highlight First Track in Album on IE6 Doesn't Highlight Properly
6554 : Switching from Fishbone to Default skins requires browser cache clear
6555 : 'Play' button has inconsistent behavior
6556 : 'Various Artists' replaces real Artists at various points in the Browse Artist List
6557 : SC page says MP3tunes Error after successfully logged into MP3tunes.
6558 : SqueezeNetwork does not send re-activation email.
6559 : Can not upgrade to 16048 without uninstalling slimserver
6560 : Implement support for MusicIP mixes on Jive/Duet controller
6561 : Need MusicIP support in controller UI
6562 : When screen updates for Classic Clock screensaver there's a brief blip or glitch
6563 : Can't Fix Volume on Digital Outs
6564 : If Jive loses connection to server, there needs to be a path to connect Ray to SqueezeNetwork
6565 : Jive needs to save its settings within the server it connects to
6566 : Known music tracks that are 'Unknown' to slimserver
6567 : "Select None" option for random genre play feature
6568 : Random play a specific artist
6569 : The Jive volume up firmware fall back does not stick
6570 : showBriefly message on track advance gets in the way of fade transition for NowPlaying
6571 : Can't save new playlist
6572 : No message on the web interface when there's no player connected
6573 : Wrong versioning on Slimserver 7.0 Debian package
6574 : Upgrading with apt-get fails if slimserver isn't running
6575 : Settings lost on upgrade from slimserver to squeezecenter using apt-get
6576 : Limit the size of the artwork cache, and only cache thumbnails
6577 : When browsing by genre, VA and ALBUMARTIST albums are sorted by track artist not by VA/ALBUMARTIST
6578 : After adding Ray's PIN and name to SqueezeNetwork, Jive is stuck on the activation screen.
6579 : After a short time showbriefly stops working
6580 : Power management
6581 : Enable wlan power management
6582 : Search by Composer (in additon to artist, album, genre, year)
6583 : Connecting related tracks
6584 : allow configurable behavior for SBR button
6585 : Undefined year value can leave wacky values in year field
6586 : Override buttons not restored on player change
6587 : Cannot add favorite in Firefox 2
6588 : Remote Streaming is not working
6589 : volume adjustment kills NowPlaying screen tick timer
6590 : Window menuStyle does not affect current window, only children
6591 : Album menu sort order should be selectable by the user
6592 : Can't edit new favorites
6593 : Incorrect addresses for Stockholm in Staff Picks
6594 : Server priority isn't updated on the fly
6595 : Now Playing screensaver occasionally flickers the lower 1/5th of screen
6596 : During Boot the boot music drops volume half way through
6597 : player name text entry issues
6598 : Lockup - needed to apply Software Update to correct
6599 : WMA should support proxied streaming
6600 : Jive <-> Server : Stop Server during playback : dropped connection recovery
6601 : Remember settings tab location.
6602 : throws error for Net::UPnP version 1.2.1
6603 : Upgrade JSON::XS to current
6604 : SqueezeCenter gets confused w/ multiple albums by diff artists w/ same album name for AIFF
6605 : Scanner / Database problem - Playlists
6606 : Albums with only one track show in web interface with no tracks
6607 : Clarify WEP key text in setup
6608 : default sounds volume should be reduced
6609 : Wrong anchors delivered for albums where "artist" and "albumartist" are different
6610 : Time Format and Date/Time Screensaver
6611 : Can not hold Add button to add item to play next
6612 : Add button should also act as a remove button
6613 : Can not quickly clear current playlist
6614 : Disabling Plugins does not remove them from Jive menus
6615 : Does not repeat after remote stream failure at end of playlist
6616 : English Still Displayed on Jive Home screen After Selecting Non-English Language
6617 : Jive <-> Server : Stop Server during playback : dropped connection recovery
6618 : Script error in default skin - titles with apostrophe
6619 : Make it possible to hook into Now Playing menu
6620 : Alternate screen saver behaviour when un-docked
6621 : Can't store non-latin characters in preference file
6622 : Need a Play Song and Add Song item in song info screens
6623 : Help for command line interface does not scroll
6624 : Jive should close network connections when rebooting/powering off
6625 : Slow performance in new default skin
6626 : Debian package gives error at install time
6627 : NowPlaying often "tick"s at double time or more
6628 : Sync RadioTime and prefs with SN
6629 : Use Band as AlbumArtist isn't a compilation option
6630 : settings page will fail, if remembering an illegal page
6631 : IP Adress from SqueezeCenter
6632 : Jive settings menu does not update to reflect settings changes made elsewhere
6633 : seeing GD errors when opening SqueezeCenter
6634 : outdated version of Template::Toolkit required
6635 : Various artists - but which track is by the artist you've selected?
6636 : Scrolling lists - start by scrolling upwards... pauses then scrolls
6637 : Hold down "+" button should add selection next in playlst
6638 : Left (back) button has incorrect behaviour from Playlist screen
6639 : Changing screen brightness does now work well
6640 : refactor grabbing of artwork in SlimBrowser and NowPlaying into jive.slim.SlimServer
6641 : Disable screen dimming during firmware update
6642 : MPQ Receiver/SBR setup: unable to switch from SN to SC7
6643 : Searching for "Various Artists" Hangs SC
6644 : Plugin API documentation not updated
6645 : Backtrace for custom language when loading home page.
6646 : Rhapsody search is caching search results, not allowing more than one search
6647 : pageicon cleanup
6648 : jnt:subscribe should use a weak key on self
6649 : Clock inaccurate when no players connected
6650 : Fast scrolling background characters could be positioned better
6651 : When the "Battery is low" screen appears, can't power off
6652 : Running with no arguments throws an error
6653 : a menu item style that does not include an icon should not display an icon
6654 : Jive menu downward scrolling isn't working right
6655 : Applet install reboots without warning
6656 : Song time elapsed is far too fast after << keystroke
6657 : "All albums" menu item missing - has been replaced by extraneous "Play All"
6658 : Only compilations albums are listed under Various Artists
6659 : Cannot change Volume Adjustment Settings using Jive remote
6660 : two or three Players are not synchronized after a while
6661 : Update IR time when using CLI commands
6662 : Status page with details of SN pref sync
6663 : text entry window in slimbrowser sends cli command on entry to textinput window
6664 : Squeezebox Receiver should support power-off method
6665 : Set Up Receiver not Set Up Squeezebox
6666 : synchronisation offset when unpausing if player has volume set to 0
6667 : Choose player menu option missing since r1495
6668 : Clicking on REW button in web UI should behave like on the remote
6669 : Create Radios folder for OPML files to be browsed within Internet Radio
6670 : C code should check that a widget has completed layout before dispatching any events to it
6671 : Pressing Alternating Volume Up and Down Buttons Hangs Controller
6672 : Songs often restart
6673 : Squeezebox setup should reuse Music Source menu
6674 : .ram radio URL in Favorites gives "Invalid XML feed"
6675 : Difference in sound quality between 7.0 and 6.5.4
6676 : no way to 'Choose Player'
6677 : Automatically set different wallpaper for different players
6678 : Setting for default Player
6679 : Wrong icon on playlist for internet radio
6680 : Clear Playlist and Save Playlist should not have icons
6681 : Pandora track duration not set properly
6682 : Jive firmware update stopped by Player UI commands
6683 : Refactor: Server and player discovery
6684 : Squeezebox/Transporter should support udap setup
6685 : Modify Watchdog timer
6686 : Move the Player Name option from Advanced Settings
6687 : Default skin: Close JavaScript drop downs onMouseOut
6688 : Unnecessary diagnostic issued from Slim::Formats::RemoteStream::open
6689 : UTF-8 not rendered correctly on web browser
6690 : Asian UTF-8 tags not rendered on Squeezebox
6691 : Asian UTF-8 displays sliced off at top edge in large size text mode
6692 : on album page, album name should appear first
6693 : breadcrumb on track page should reflect how you got there
6694 : Default skin: Make "i" buttons clickable in settings
6695 : First entry does not scroll automatically.
6696 : repeat and shuffle settings items are not removed when disconnecting from the player
6697 : player on/off state should not have any impact on how home menu and select player is put together
6698 : Some streams cause SqueezeCenter to go out to lunch...
6699 : Adding XMLBrowser items to favorites always sets type="audio"
6700 : Need an icon for the Digital Inputs item?
6701 : Clicking on Pandora in "Accounts & Music Services" Displays Overlapping Tabs
6702 : Security issues with SN
6703 : mDNSResponderPosix runs as PowerPC on Intel Mac
6704 : TrackInfo uses cached Track object
6705 : x86_64 Compress::Zlib missing autosplit.ix
6706 : don't display 'play this song' and 'add this song' links when track is a remote stream
6707 : SN password is saved to pref file in plain text.
6708 : Jive remote displays Jive Receiver as "Squeezebox 2"
6709 : Ray connects to SqueezeNetwork, Jive no longer sees player
6710 : "rescan playlists" does not remove deleted playlist
6711 : missing strings in progress.html cause error messages when called without any parameter
6712 : Rebuffering (due to output-buffer underrun) should have time-limit
6713 : Audio stutters after hours of play
6714 : SC caches needsUpgrade wrongly
6715 : Removing song from playlist "maint" (on the left side) doesn't work with multiple pages of songs
6716 : XMLBrowser leaf menus are broken
6717 : Synced Slacker sometimes won't play after being stopped
6718 : MusicIP prefs namespace
6719 : don't localize whatever is in the 'TYPE' tag on songinfo queries
6720 : Year not removed from database when last song with that year is changed
6721 : Playlists containing protocol handler URLs get removed on rescan
6722 : content type field in tracks table no longer populated with only tokens
6723 : Wrong artwork is displayed for "No Album" in album context
6724 : Two Listings for "Music Library" for SB Receiver Player's Home screen
6725 : Incorrect sort order for Internet Radio
6726 : Link to SqueezeNetwork shows up as %s in setup wizard
6727 : Squeezecenter 7 scanner crashes on rescan (new and changed
6728 : Staff picks URL's do not work
6729 : Software Update screen should not override screensaver
6730 : clean out old applets from build directory.
6731 : Comment tag is missing from track details
6732 : Inconsistent Settings links on plugins page
6733 : problems switching from beta to production SQN servers
6734 : Make auto-forgetting stream.mp3 clients configurable
6735 : Rhapsody radio not setting title on first track
6736 : Rewind button active in web UI for Rhapsody Radio
6737 : Now-buffering not always cancelled for synced players
6738 : Jive: 1 r1584: Cannot upgrade
6739 : SN beta does not require firmware upgrade for Pandora, Rhapsody, etc
6740 : Jive: 1 r1584: Cannot upgrade
6741 : Rhapsody menu structure is wrong if you only have 1 track from an album in your library
6742 : Slacker sometimes returns 'unable to send cookies' error
6743 : Display MP3tunes cover art in album listings
6744 : Display Pandora/Slacker/etc logos when players are off or not playing
6745 : Fix Slacker SN browse to use currently selected player so it doesn't bump
6746 : SN web UI updates to support Receiver
6747 : Jive should not be shown as a 'player'
6748 : MySQL > 5.0.45: Newly added albums play in the wrong order
6749 : Slimserver does not recognize RVA2 tags with ID "album" or "track"
6750 : Info Browser doesn't work on SqueezeNetwork
6751 : > button pressed on Now Playing screen should display track details
6752 : Playlist: When playing pandora, the current playlist is not updated
6753 : Slim::Utils::Network::hostAddr should not DNS lookup the user's hostname
6754 : Umlauts/accented characters don't show on player when browsing music folder
6755 : Jive version numbers
6756 : D'n'd doesn't work when grabbing an element's link
6757 : build safer method for SC plugins to add to jive menus without stomping on other items
6758 : Music Library->New Music throws exception on Jive
6759 : Rename RadioTime menu item
6760 : Jive applet version numbers
6761 : firmware upgrade problems from r1425, r1547, r1584, r1605
6762 : Jive fails to reconnect in bridged mode after SC restart
6763 : Missing album artworks on SBC
6764 : SN pin does not always work well in the UI
6765 : songinfo results lose last lines
6766 : Pandora Voting Broken
6767 : Track Details: Multiple Genres, AlbumArtist etc makes for very long screen
6768 : Items with icons/artwork should have a > if they can be descended into.
6769 : Artwork cacheing fails for audio-file embedded images + inefficient checks
6770 : FWD/REW buttons do not skip with Rhapsody
6771 : SBC connection problem at the end of SBR setup
6772 : Indentation of album art in some lists is strange
6773 : Make sure power pref is always set in the db
6774 : 'alarmfadeseconds' doesn't display correct value in Default skin
6775 : Softsqueeze sends an IR power_on command when connecting
6776 : "loved" tracks are not posted
6777 : Password match javascript doesn't always work right
6778 : Activation email subject is wrong
6779 : Favorites pages should be in an iframe
6780 : Scanner crashes when scanning artwork
6781 : cannot add a year to favorites
6782 : Save playlist fails when trying to save
6783 : XMLBrowser type="text" items should not have a ">" char
6784 : Add Jive 'play all' item when audio items with duration in a list
6785 : XMLBrowser type="text" wrap="1" items should display text filling entire screen
6786 : XMLBrowser type="search" uses the wrong search screen
6787 : SlimServer:reconnect() is broken
6789 : Accented characters in music folder setting not accepted
6790 : File locations on Windows
6791 : Store --prefsdir path in preferences
6792 : Flac transcode update to convert.conf
6793 : Add ability for TT templates to access client objects so client preferences can be accessed cleanly from skins
6794 : Need a "Screen Off" screensaver
6795 : simpler, art-only Now Playing screensaver
6796 : Web -> Settings -> Player -> Display -> Brightness when on doesn't work
6797 : Command-line debug switches should not persist
6798 : Setting Player Name puts up a blank spinny
6799 : Searching puts up a blank spinny, it should say "Searching" at least.
6800 : Single song current playlist screen is still visible...
6801 : Changing player name results in spinning forever
6802 : switching music sources on a player should execute a stop
6803 : Help text pop-ups are using a bold font.
6804 : Now playing screensaver should optionally not jump back on wake.
6805 : Pandora & Slacker stations should not be Add-able
6806 : Synchronize does not respect current sync groups (push vs pull)
6807 : "Add Your Player" Screen Needs Info on Geting PINs for Various Players
6808 : Make MIP Moods available as Favorites
6809 : Browse Artists incomplete and out of order on Jive
6810 : localization issues (to be fixed by SLT)
6811 : list count is sometimes incorrect in request response from SC
6812 : Drive letter or map where to derive the music from
6813 : Can't play rhapsody after restarting SC
6814 : outdated
6815 : cosmetic problems with artwork for popup
6816 : When playing RadioIO station, can't scroll down on current song info page
6817 : Need an "All Albums" choice at the end of a specific genre
6818 : Browse navigation after add/delete favorite brings user back to non-updated window
6819 : Database corruption for large library
6820 : settings are copied when changing player
6821 : When switching player in the settings page, make sure the page exist for the newly selected player
6822 : Sync dialog doesn't work in some browsers
6823 : Player name of newly attached player is empty in settings page
6824 : controller has no range on network
6825 : Default skin - Artists > All Songs needs album name
6826 : EN & Classic skins - Artist > All Songs cover isn't clickable
6827 : Parallel installs of SC7 from squeezecenter-testing and from SVN trunk causes code to become intermingled at run-time.
6828 : Dual homing can break Jive firmware updates
6829 : Jive needs "All Songs" under a given artist with more than one album.
6830 : Settings > Adv > Set Up Receiver sometimes fails
6831 : Set up Duet succeeds on Receiver but Controller is in infinite loop, DSFP A16
6832 : Replace squeezecenter-testing yum repo with 3 7.0 repos
6833 : Music Library mini icon
6834 : Reconcile filename/path differences in RPM and deb
6835 : Unable to connect Jive and Ray to today's SqueezeCenter.
6836 : lack of cue sheet support for .ogg files
6837 : Death to Set Up Receiver
6838 : 'Show Artwork' sometimes missing in songinfo list
6839 : showBriefly popup doesn't show cover art for remote tracks
6840 : Update Jive menu to be more in sync with menu from SC
6841 : Local vs. remote cover art is sized differently in Now Playing
6842 : Podcasts in SqueezeNetwork
6843 : Showing "Nothing" on Now Playing Screen Shows Default Blank Album Icon Over "Now Playing" words
6844 : "Screen" settings confusing when using players other than Receiver
6845 : copyright year should be 2007-2008
6846 : Screen Saver- artwork alignment
6847 : Default skin - with one item, highlighting is lost
6848 : TP & Jive lock up when browsing or searching on Jive
6849 : modules version check fails with
6850 : SoftSqueeze won't play FLAC files with positive Replay Gain values
6851 : Add a "My Controllers" section to the players page
6852 : 1-by-1 artwork counts from 1 instead of 0
6853 : Remove SlimServer package from official Debian Universe repo
6854 : Album Covers incorrect in Fishbone
6855 : MusicIP Mixerlink blocks track info with controls on left
6857 : When moving a player to SN the serverstatus is sometimes delayed
6858 : No reaction from Jive when "Network update" is selected.
6859 : Rewrite Shoutcast to store station list in the database
6860 : Wireless class should time out scan results
6861 : Using Choose Player crashed Controller
6862 : rmtree() outputs large amounts of data when scanner is run
6863 : Streaming FLAC music will sometimes not restart after network interruption when auto resume is on
6864 : SB1 synch problems
6865 : slimbrowser menus sent back incorrectly for certain multiple chunk menu requests
6866 : Slacker stations are created with %20 instead of spaces
6867 : 'Please Select a File' Window for iTunes XML File Fails to load...
6868 : Logs are saved in the wrong place on the Mac.
6869 : Jive slow with many access points.
6870 : Can't change player menus
6871 : When the battery is very low when powering up, show a screen and power off
6872 : "Play only selected song" setting not respected
6873 : normal web settings usage & namespace collisions
6874 : Artwork not displayed in Now Playing Screensaver
6875 : signing back on to SN HW beta after having disconnected using the player UI keeps player stuck at "Signing off SN"
6876 : CLI support for MusicIP
6877 : Songinfo crumblist creates link to _all_ songs when opened for online stream
6878 : Though language is set to German, player UI always falls back to English (SN HW Beta)
6879 : Connect to fully qualified domain name Slimserver with access control
6880 : retrieving remote stream cover art
6881 : Buffering problems playing Natural Sound
6882 : disconnecting player from SN HW beta doesn't work in SC7
6883 : add new artwork from Noah for 'play all' and make sure play all points to it
6884 : Add a value to shortDateFormats
6885 : No SN connected players are displayed in SC, when no player is connected locally
6886 : AAC files do not play after logging off and logging back on.
6887 : wrap = 1 doesn't work for Pandora item "why did you play this song?"
6888 : r1713 connects to SN but no prompt for pin
6889 : songs request no longer working
6890 : Implement smarter RVA/track gain + SoundCheck logic
6891 : Update anim/screen in non-English languages does not scroll properly
6892 : Default plugin icon overwrites some cases of existing ones.
6894 : Timezone support for Jive on SN
6895 : "Forget this player" for SB Receiver needs a confirmation step.
6896 : Can't get set up if you enter bad WEP key
6897 : New Transporter prefs cause log warning and are missing setup for firmware sync
6898 : dos line endings on Slim::Web::Settings::Server::Status
6899 : Don't send UUID if snv_version is 0
6900 : comma in mysql insert command, in db tracks, in fields replay_gain & replay_peak
6901 : Now Playing Menu option lost after upgrade until reboot
6902 : jived should return request/subscribe errors
6903 : Remove any trace of Favorites if the plugin is disabled
6904 : Add dropdown box for "Profiles" to Settings >Advanced > Logging
6905 : Direct Seek using the Web Interface does not work with 88.2Khz FLACs & Transporter Firmware r40
6906 : New version of 7.0 - Fishbone shows a white pane instead of artists/albums
6907 : allow showBriefly in FullscreenSkin to have wrapped text
6908 : Need to display XMLBrowser network errors
6909 : SN Beta setting in both SC and Jive should not require restart.
6910 : Rate As Slacker Favorite has some extra text.
6911 : "Play All" missing from album list when there are 2 albums
6912 : Leave the ABC list up after picking an album/artist when browsing by album or artist
6913 : Turning "off" receiver should turn of LED completely on Receiver
6914 : Encoding problems in Podcasts display
6915 : can't send UNC path via CLI (OrangeCD)
6916 : songs aren't scrobbled.
6917 : Firmware Update text is confusing.
6918 : reboot after unable to view playlist
6919 : Jive "Choose Player" should support switch back from SN
6920 : 88.2kHz 24-bit WMA displayed incorrectly
6921 : Players and Advanced Settings pages cut off top of scroll bar
6922 : Bright display flash at Jive startup
6923 : Firmware upgrade to 40 leaves transporter unusable
6924 : Cannot stop or restart squeezecenter service
6925 : Playlist scan fails due to a problem with importing covert art
6926 : Firmware feature request : Secondary slimserver
6927 : Add timezone to setup wizard, move it from a player pref to user pref
6928 : dropping down into a playlist with stream items
6929 : Newly added favorite should go at the end of the list
6930 : Extensible Track Information Interface
6931 : Give up trying to rebuffer after radio station timeout
6932 : Sounds & effects don't loop
6933 : full string review of SBS
6934 : playlist can be empty after updates
6935 : Remove temporary SN beta code before release
6936 : Player list doesn't grow
6938 : Web UI: Now Playing radio icon link is wrong
6939 : Excess knob degaussing in fw40
6940 : WMA stream returns decoder underrun at start of playback
6941 : merge playerPlaylistSize and playerPlaylistChange notifications
6942 : don't break encapsulation when manipulating current playlist menu
6943 : duration value in playerstatus is wrong when next track is streaming
6944 : hitting play button on XMLBrowser items that don't have a play action associated with them causes badthings
6945 : SB Controller fails to boot after firmware upgrade
6946 : Volume control stuck
6947 : Fix registration country selection behavior
6948 : Initial SN setup shows 'Continue' screen instead of 'PIN' screen
6949 : InfoBrowser applet fails when no players, and when server not connected
6950 : Update to ExtJS 2.x & JS refactoring of Default skin
6951 : change title of current playlist screen from now playing to current playlist
6952 : When no artwork is available, make better use of Now Playing screen space.
6953 : A type=audio item doesn't work if it's below a play=foo item
6954 : need to do data type checking to make sure that return values from player:getTrackElapsed are numbers
6955 : "Music Source" not applicable to SB1s, SliMP3s and maybe others
6956 : Jive loses ability to see players from other SCs in Choose Player
6957 : jive behavior after SC restart
6958 : If non-music files are in music folder, they show up on Browser pane also.
6959 : Need to check radio plugins are enabled in Protocols::HTTP before trying to get icons
6963 : Directories with initial periods not scanned
6969 : Pandora, Slacker type=search items not working
6970 : Connectivity problems when running as a service
6971 : Controller shows wrong power state
6972 : Music sources will refresh constently on Jive
6973 : display # for each item in Favorites; UI to rearrange Favorites order
6974 : Add gpg signature to RPMs
6975 : Rebrand "Jive" to "SqueezeOS" and "SqueezePlay"
6976 : PIN screen not offered after connecting SB Duet to SqueezeNetwork
6977 : Radio link working sporadically
6978 : Radio link working sporadically
6979 : Squeezebox Controller times out before Squeezebox Receiver updates
6980 : PluginBuilder bundles extra stuff when packaging plugins
6981 : Don't just display Off in Now Playing when device is off
6982 : Use -osync for mounting the sd card
6983 : Remove xmlTelCanto folder
6984 : Add wait screen if player_needs_upgrade == 1
6985 : update service logos
6986 : Wait until artwork is loaded before fading to screensaver
6987 : Add Support for perl 5.10
6988 : browse pages missing icons
6989 : Alternate 'Now Playing' screen with all players on one screen.
6990 : Album art mouseover request
6991 : Need a way to go back to SC from the PIN screen
6992 : Java script errors in Squeeze Center 7
6993 : Java script errors in Squeeze Center 7
6994 : Problems connecting WPA and WPA2 to Netgear WNR3500
6995 : SqueezeCenter died. Restarting.
6996 : Selecting language should set proper values for timeformat
6997 : Report of Alarm not working
6998 : jive will not charge in shuck when battery at 0%
7002 : If Controller is powered off, placing a live battery in does not power it on
7003 : Debian unstable should be trunk
7004 : Scan of 3000+ songs on ReadyNas NV+ takes almost 20 Hours!
7005 : Should be able to use scroll wheel on now playing screen
7006 : Language override JS broken in IE7
7008 : Miscellaneous IE6 Issue with Graphics
7009 : Change "Select a Music Source" menu to be more clear
7010 : Privacy Policy Missing from
7011 : Terms and Conditions Missing from
7012 : Now Playing art doesn't always work when on SN
7013 : WHY hyperlink displays incorrect information
7014 : 'Now playing' info changes
7015 : ZIP+4 & Canadian Region not considered valid entry on registration screen
7016 : language selection drop down shows incorrect language selected
7018 : Email generated by registartion
7019 : SlimBrowser doesn't handle empty lists properly
7020 : Terms of Service hyper-link missing
7021 : Other Operating Systems Hyper-Link missing
7022 : Jive: Rhapsody search chars set either has several "\"s, or gets stuck stuck on it.
7023 : Menu structure issues
7024 : Jive, SN, Rhasody, My Lib, Artist: Page contains no name nor "Empty".
7025 : Jive, SN, Rhapsody, Music Guide, Top Artist: Invalid XML feed.
7026 : Playlist track-info menu should have 'delete' item
7027 : Remove s3c2413 bootloader workaround in kernel
7028 : Upgrade busybox to 1.9
7029 : need url in play/add params for xml browse items
7030 : MAC address sticker in Jive remote is wrong
7031 : Don't include player_needs_upgrade unless it's true
7032 : Add time delay to Task suspend
7033 : Set Jive timezone to correct timezone in user account
7034 : Now Playing screensaver should show hours:minutes:seconds when time>= 60 minutes
7035 : Sorting broken for Genres list and Album tracks
7036 : Default behavior of "play other songs in album" should be to play the other songs
7037 : No basic setting for SB Receiver
7038 : When playing in 'Random Mix', there should be a Skip Album/Artist/Year button...
7039 : Under 'Random Mix' modes, popup windows should probably be disabled...
7040 : 'Zap Song' is missing from the Jive UI...
7041 : XMLBrowser type=text items should have no go/add/play actions
7043 : User Friendly message when updating firmware on Jive
7044 : Title style wrong for type=audio items in details menu
7045 : Can't play some items from type=audio details menu
7046 : Names Field does not properly update Greeting Text
7047 : web volume indicator should show closest volume step
7048 : forget players automatically after 60 seconds
7049 : Controllers page needs an option to delete a controller
7051 : Rewrite Shoutcast to use database backend
7052 : scans failing / unable to create/write temp file
7053 : Tags with cyrillic characters breaks CLI
7054 : data transfer speed reduced from some 3000 kbps (100%) to less than 500 kbps
7055 : some tracks have no year information anymore -> after musicip import removed it
7056 : Sync the enabled state of Digital Inputs plugin
7057 : Player settings page tabs don't seem to do anything on
7058 : browse -> artist -> all songs -- allow sorting alphabetically by track name
7059 : First item text does not scroll
7060 : Pressing go on (triangle)play icon doesn't always play
7061 : Power on Resume behaviour is broken when not playing at power off
7063 : Bug with enterning letters, the '"' and '\' repeat indefinitely if you scroll slowly enough.
7064 : Squeezebox receiver didn't set up properly, due to another close 802.11 deivce I think
7065 : Under each music service, and internet radio provider, I think there should be an 'About' item
7066 : Bad Favorites URLs can't be edited and made playable
7067 : not returning mute/volume when state changes
7068 : Fast-forward/rewind is broken on controller
7069 : Enhancement: Show server's MAC address on Settings-->Status page
7071 : Jive, Rhapsody: Album says empty when there is only 1 song.
7072 : Problem with title/artist format when browsing music
7073 : Filenames with accented characters truncated when browsing
7074 : Volume latency
7075 : Jive loses network after 12-16 hours of sleeping, comes back up in 'confused' state
7076 : Re-organize Rhapsody album menu to include tracks at same level as album
7077 : Display Jive play icon for Slacker 'Play Artist Station' item
7078 : auto-merge broke trunk strings.txt
7079 : Power off Jive when the battery is low in suspend mode
7080 : Improve applet default settings api
7081 : Function:0x39e9a0 displayed for blank text items
7082 : Stop/Pause/Abort Music Library Scan
7083 : Volume control doesn't work when Winamp is the only player
7084 : Wallpaper: No difference between Stone and Black
7085 : infobrowser items are empty
7086 : No internet access leads to endless SBC reboots
7087 : use copyResized() instead of copyResampled() on low-end systems
7088 : No Album under specific artist shows all songs that don't have an album assigned of any artist
7089 : Items in Extras Menu are not ordered correctly
7090 : Can't navigate the list of settings sections on Advanced settings tab
7091 : Player settings are overridden by sync group settings
7092 : New players should only be given a default name with a number if there's a player without a number with the same default name
7093 : Digital Input title artwork is on the wrong side
7094 : No visual feedback when pressing + on Rhapsody albums, etc
7095 : Missing SSID otpion
7096 : Upgrade from 7.0-16819 to 7.0.1-17424 deletes settings
7097 : Missing fw message keeps popping up intermittently
7098 : Year of Albums is mixed between albums
7099 : Now Playing "box" different size in Browse section
7100 : Rhapsody Album art cut off with IE6
7101 : Home Page in FireFox missing web parts
7103 : Option to disable artwork pre-caching at scan time
7104 : GD image resizing is painfully slow
7105 : Rhapsody username and password info displayed on far right of window
7106 : SqueezeTray can't rely on CLI being available
7107 : need a way to better fit the layout on lower resolution screens
7108 : Lower case characters with acute and umlat accents not displayed properly on some screens when using Rhapsody
7109 : Adding 'Play All' item to XMLBrowse menus is misaligning commands with menu items
7110 : Move service icons to be served by lighttpd
7111 : MusicIP Send To > SlimServer broken
7112 : Remove any reference to ExBrowse/Default2 skins
7113 : Suspend does not work when wlan is not connected
7114 : Firmware upgrades can fail due to lack of memory
7115 : Accents aren't displayed correctly in French, and possibly other languages ..
7116 : Now Playing box will display XML Code, when playing Rhapsody
7117 : Sound effects went away after resume from suspend.
7118 : Error on Page when attempting to click on the Add Favorite Icon
7119 : Accent mark in French text not appearing properly
7120 : Windows build is broken
7121 : Syncing a Powered off player to a powered on player can cause music from "off" player
7122 : Favorites will not save to SN, using Jive
7123 : blank.png URL contains 2 slashes
7124 : Country Codes drop down not sorted by ALPHA string
7125 : flickr favorites option
7126 : Update Build number when changes are made
7127 : XMLBrowser subfeed titles can overwrite parent's title
7128 : SqueezeCenter asks users to update Ray's FW by holding brightness button.
7129 : Unable to resume from suspend
7130 : Strings cleanup on SN player UI.
7131 : We need Information setting in SN to help with diagnosis on player UI
7132 : Remove beta-specific code from Jive
7134 : Remove "HW Beta (xx)" from player UI at cutover time
7135 : Cached Artist query in SC for Jive
7136 : spelling mistake in help
7137 : Cache artists and genres query data
7138 : Problem with security settings
7139 : Add editable "Network Settings" page
7140 : 'added to playlist' showBriefly unceremoniously stomping on more relevant showBrieflys
7141 : Add support for Love this track
7142 : Remote Control Settings Tab show Transporter when SB3 attached
7143 : Remote Control Settings Tab IR controllers when RAY selected
7144 : Settings > Display Tab visable when RAY selected
7146 : Add Player code missing from Browse & Favorites web page
7147 : Default Skin: The message about upgrade should not have white background.
7148 : Some black dots on the music note for songs.
7149 : Suggest adding a Factory Default button the Players Settings tab
7150 : Time Zone selection different in Account Settings VS. Player Settings
7151 : Bad grammer usage on Slacker page
7152 : different tab UIs use different tab styles
7153 : Poor connectivity with ZyXEL routers
7154 : player settings UI tabs missing top border on selected tab
7155 : Pandora Account page, buttons reversed
7156 : First item in a station info screen on SBC should be Play this station
7157 : Firmware upgrades fail due to tcp corruption
7158 : SC7 debian fails to start on amd64
7159 : flicker during animation
7160 : Audioscrobbler menu item should be under Extras
7161 : Radio IO Logo missing
7162 : There is no link for a new user to sign up for a live365 account
7163 : Service setup pages consistency request
7164 : Page Not Found error, LINK to RadioIO registration
7165 : RadioTime account page re-write
7166 : main layout broken in IE6
7167 : Factory fresh jive/ray does not offer jive upgrade if ray is upgraded.
7168 : Blank error message when no account information is entered
7171 : The following Natural Sounds (effects) will not play
7173 : Remove "Disconnect player" from SN
7174 : Clicking on the Delete Player hyper-link should prompt with a confirmation before deleting.
7175 : 7.0 over 6.5.4: Artists count became zero.
7176 : SB Classic still connected to SN after deleting it from SN interface
7178 : Jive stuck on Ray update screen
7179 : Scanner enhancement request from a customer
7180 : Split out Playmixes from Playlists
7181 : SN Beta: Sometimes "Forgot your password' button has no reaction.
7182 : SN Beta: Sometimes "Forgot your password' button has no reaction.
7183 : Add support for proxy.pac files
7184 : SN (not beta SN) was streaming one song but displaying another song.
7185 : Pressing back from IR Factory test goes back twice
7186 : Browse albums/artists/genres/years should remember previous state
7187 : Sound Effects aren't Advanced Settings
7188 : Wallpaper setting is per player, but this isn't obvious
7189 : Now playing , playlist & extended info screens missing track number
7190 : Should be able to customise controller's title format
7191 : Config Options to have "PlayNext" as an configurable default behavior for "AddTracks"
7192 : Need instructions on how to reconnect a player back to SN
7193 : r16533 broke adding menus to favorites
7194 : volume level not returned via CLI.
7195 : "SqueezeCenter died. Restarting." every 5 seconds on Ubuntu/SC7
7196 : Issues with power saving mode on Belkin Pre-N router
7197 : Classic skin: lowest-level play/add/add-favorite buttons don't work
7198 : Impossible to switch to bridged mode without reset
7199 : songinfo pwd link is a hashref
7200 : Pressing button on SBR does not pause
7201 : When powering down, user should be given option to Suspend OR turn off
7202 : Link power management settings/timeouts to the players current state (i.e. playing)
7203 : WELCOME_TO_SQUEEZESLAVE string missing
7204 : Need a settings page for SBCs on SN.
7205 : Choose language popup doesn't work
7206 : My wife said Jive's scrolling sound is ugly.
7207 : XMLBrowser items don't highlight if they follow a search item
7208 : SB3, SN beta: The song keeps rebuffering. Sometimes, SN beta is too slow.
7209 : Update alarm URLs in menus table
7210 : Add support for multiple searches being performed in the database scheme URLs
7211 : On Jive displays, don't try displaying the artwork for 'No album'
7212 : SqueezeNetwork not fully internationalized
7213 : Add a highlight for the years for Jive 'Years' menu.
7214 : IR Driver Uses Incorrect Frequency (Was: IR electrically poor)
7215 : Status page doesn't update library statistics during scan
7216 : player image on sn home page is ugly.
7217 : Analogue volume control doesn't work when loop enabled and digital output volume fixed
7218 : Non-latin characters in player names etc. broken
7219 : Display error if accessing Rhapsody menu with incompatible player
7220 : Port Rhapsody free trial menu to OPML
7221 : Music Services will generate Missing or Invalid SqueezeNetwork message
7222 : Music Services will generate Missing or Invalid SqueezeNetwork message
7223 : playlist freezing
7224 : Instructions to connect to SN confusing (from WEB UI Home page)
7225 : MP3 streams that don't send content-type header fail
7226 : SB Classic UI shows BLANK for Alarm in settings menu
7227 : Add SORT to My Devices page
7228 : Ability to configure which brightness levels are available for each player state
7230 : Jive icon urls aren't pre-shrunks
7231 : SC 7.0 Over 6.5.4: Several Chinese songs are missing after install over tests.
7232 : Starting a DB Scan will halt currently playing Internet Radio stream
7234 : SB3 keeps connecting to SN instead of SN beta.
7236 : Fully implement drag and drop on favorites
7237 : Cannot start squeezecenter from fresh install
7238 : wizard help page opens in fixed size window, which doesn't fit the layout
7239 : Web XMLBrowser does not send selected player MAC to SN
7240 : Jive's wifi icon remains BLUE even if server is running
7241 : Hyper-Link for Rhapsody Error missing
7242 : Include DATE with build information under Status tab
7243 : Rhapsody will not play from Favorites menu
7244 : Bridged MP Duet fails to connect to SqueezeNetwork direct.
7245 : Add support to search songs in chinese characters
7246 : SB3 does not connect to stronger signal strength
7247 : Win 2K: SC does not start automatically after install and reboot.
7248 : Cosmetic: Service Provider Logos-Pandora
7249 : Win 2K: SC does not start automatically after install and reboot.
7250 : Win 2K: SC does not start automatically after install and reboot.
7251 : Recent firmware Duet fails to connect to SqueezeNetwork direct.
7252 : Win 2K: SC does not start automatically after install and reboot.
7253 : UI Consistency Request
7254 : Going from SC to SN beta, player not already added to SN is lost.
7255 : need to update radioio settings logo
7256 : Update home page, signup, and activation/download pages
7257 : JSON::XS crashes when playlist entry (radio URL) is selected with Controller
7258 : Conecting to SN after dropping connected SC results in confusing error window from choose music source
7259 : Jive: Please add capability for aliasing key and zippy events from command line.
7260 : Help > Getting Started
7261 : Jive needs ray firmware updating screen at setup time
7262 : XP with Swedish language does not show the proper text for SqueezeCenter
7263 : Add sleep status icon to NP screen
7264 : Power management events reset each other
7265 : no way to delete favorites in SC7
7267 : Holding favorites button to add favorite does not properly support XMLBrowser items
7268 : Unable to enable Plugins
7269 : Digitial Input Switching
7270 : Clicking on Favorites in "Welcome to SqueezeNetwork" Frame in User Home Screen Doesn't Send You to Favorites Screen
7271 : Network update, while not connected to a network, needs work.
7272 : Win 2K: SC 7.0 over 6.3: SC does not start at all.
7273 : Incorrect Status Icon artwork [shuffle album]
7274 : Cosmetic: Internet Radio icon [no artwork] inconsistent
7275 : album art problem
7276 : Squeezenetwork registration emails flagged as Junk (or rejected)
7277 : cannot connect to music services/ some internet radio
7278 : Non-English Words on English-Only Hoofdmenu
7279 : flac binaries broken on Ubuntu AMD64
7280 : Music Services menu when no services plugins are enabled
7281 : Language Selector in first run wizard - Hebrew can not be selected
7282 : when there are no players associated with an account always put add player in the player panel
7283 : Notify user if their player moved to different account.
7284 : Holding pause should switch off the active player
7285 : No access to playlist from Now Playing
7286 : Scrolling through UTF-8 chars on medium font misses a couple of pixels
7287 : Jive will get "lost" when using IR remote to change Music Source
7288 : Localization errors: Spanish
7289 : No feedback on Controller when the user hits their skip limit on Slacker.
7290 : Incorrect song info display for a song with No Album
7291 : Playlists: Need a way to play all, delete and add to favorites with the Controller
7292 : Hotkeys should be manually associated with favorites
7293 : Can't always reconnect after power save mode - conflict with software update?
7294 : Current song marker doesn't always switch to next page and update song with "notes" marker
7295 : SBC fw 2009 + SBR fw 18 + SN setup fails
7296 : Jive only sends playerRegister during Setup if PIN screen is used
7297 : Softsqueeze does not loop Natural Sounds
7298 : Flickr screensaver prevents power saving
7299 : Can't reach end of artists list
7300 : Back button didn't work during registration
7301 : No feedback when starting Pandora trial
7302 : Resetted Ray needs to be deleted, then added back to SN beta.
7303 : MusicIP plugin active even when disabled
7304 : Ray doesn't always reconnect
7305 : Music Library mini icon is radio icon, should be browse icon
7306 : Favorites is in wrong place on SBC home menu when connected to SN
7307 : Should be able to enable scrobbling for each player from Last.FM web page
7308 : Need square icon for jive
7309 : Error messages on jive should show as wrapped text
7310 : Pressing ADD button on remote with Pandora breaks Transporter.
7311 : Rhapsody: PlayLists: Very difficult to find the song just added.
7312 : Using a 2.4 GHz phone cuts Jive's connection.
7313 : SC7 RPM depends on mysqld_safe which is called safe_mysqld on some systems
7314 : DateTime screensaver doesn't display alarm bell for alarms on sundays
7315 : Upgrading FW 18 on SN causes reboot
7316 : Problem reconnecting after going out of range
7317 : upon activation, the user should end up on the SN home page.
7318 : SN setup wizard code needs to be rewritten/eviscerated
7319 : Remote control help missing important features
7320 : Pressing Play from Web Page does not clear cache
7322 : Add "sleep at end of playlist"
7323 : Squeezenetwork timed out - no access
7324 : Need a fixed place in SN where folks can get to SC for download
7325 : Should show music source in now playing
7326 : should take you to the home page
7327 : "Add to Favorites" menu item is added to the first chunk instead of the last one
7328 : VA appears twice in artists list
7329 : Add to Favorites does nothing
7330 : certain chunked queries never request the right parts to correctly complete the entire request
7331 : Need SN logo on white background
7332 : Inconsistent use of ® -- setup wizard
7333 : Option to display artist information
7334 : Music files on spun down NAS gives player error on player start
7335 : After using CLI to add folder to playlist, the SC Settings in web UI is not updated.
7336 : Play Button = Go Button on Jive Player Home Menu
7337 : Jive's method of determining last chunk to fetch is broken
7338 : Should a bridged Jive and Ray offer to connect additional Rays?
7339 : Adding to Favorites option may not be needed at this menu item
7340 : Very slow SqueezeCenter startup
7341 : Jive: Holding the rewind button for over 4 seconds messes up the song.
7342 : rounded box corner broken in forgot password dialog
7343 : 'jive' process ran out of memory, puts Jive into unusable state
7344 : homepage button alignment
7345 : Player Information 'Name' field confusing.
7346 : Extra space in Account name links
7347 : Turn power off on SBC doesn't stop music playback
7349 : playlist command over JSON/RPC doesn't return
7350 : Changes on drive are not visable after rescan
7351 : Mac Installer prompts to stop server error
7352 : Clean up long values in database (pluginData, playlist, etc)
7353 : umlaut in directory name omited from web ui info
7354 : Home page doesn't resize in IE7 when no player is connected
7355 : Need to show prefs path in Settings / Status, too
7356 : form hint text overflows
7357 : Clean up various warnings, errors
7358 : Can't play entire album in Rhapsody
7359 : Customized menus may break player UI
7360 : Connecting to SN fails from SC ... then reconnecting to SC fails as a result
7361 : Modified SB Receiver name does not show up if connected to SqueezeNetwork
7362 : Long lists of Favorites do not display correctly in IE
7363 : Favorites on Player UI don't work via holding numbers
7364 : Pandora/Slacker display incorrect song info after playing for a bit
7365 : Text entry (player name) does not allow space character
7366 : Gate X: Create Your SqueezeNetwork Account screen: better 'Next' button placement
7367 : Gate X: Squeezenetwork PIN "information needs to be more clear"
7368 : Gate X: SqueezeNetwork home page needs SqueezeCenter download link
7369 : Ampersand in iTunes playlists names kills those playlists
7370 : Playing an album leaves player state as "Off" in Now Playing
7371 : Playing an album leaves player playlist incorrect
7372 : WAV broken
7373 : Browsing Music Folder on SBR sees whole file structure if Music Folder setting is blank
7374 : _DBL strings for large font no longer supported
7375 : _DBL strings for large font no longer supported
7376 : SBC is sometimes unresponsive
7377 : Firmware Incompatible
7378 : invalid player state displayed on web UI
7382 : rhapsody does not play whole playlists
7383 : SN should not force Jive upgrades unless absolutely necessary
7384 : Add Podcasts to Browse page
7385 : Rhapsody Direct playlist count may be wrong
7386 : Force PIN screen to be medium font
7387 : LANGUAGE_DA menu item is still in 7.0 r2081
7388 : Receiving Rhapsody XML error through SN
7389 : Add plain CLI interface to SN
7390 : ¹ character not allowed in Playlist dir during setup
7391 : Slow/frozen interaction with remote control
7392 : When receiver fails ethernet setup, it says, "Couldn't connect ... your wireless network"
7393 : _uninstallListeners in NowPlaying can be ripped out
7394 : Adding Favorites generates NULL error in Player Control
7395 : Favorites, the same item can be added more then once
7397 : SN UI has no feedback if attempting to play a Favorite fails
7398 : Song info page doesn't show track title
7399 : Pressing #1 for Favorites on the hand control yields error message on SqueezeBox
7400 : SN new web page UI Favorites drag & drop feature jumps around when reordering list
7401 : Mp3tunes does not play track - error message 401
7402 : typo: Idendification / Identification
7403 : Registration process UI broken in IE6, IE7
7404 : Rhapsody: Jive no longer shows the days left for trial account.
7405 : internationalize home page service icons
7406 : progress bar missing from wizard
7407 : When adding a new entry via Browse Music Folder, also add artwork
7408 : Confusing message on SN when account has expired
7409 : "sleep" should be "player sleep"
7410 : No way to connect to SqueezeCenter from SN web interface
7411 : Copying update screen does not detect failed updates
7412 : Jive Rhapsody 30-day trial screen sends users to useless URL
7414 : Selecting favorites by typing numbers should be enabled again
7415 : Apple Time Capsule doesn't work with squeezebox v3
7416 : Do not upgrade SBR with bad mac address
7417 : Album art displayed in playlist but not in player
7418 : 7.0 RPM in wrong yum repo
7419 : Invalid MAC address on Jive, does not generate an error message during setup
7423 : npr podcasts are mp3's, but can't be played
7424 : LAME Installed Correctly shown when it's not
7425 : Ogg file won't play with new SqueezeCenter.
7426 : Power-on-resume does not work for Internet radio
7427 : transporter cold-reboots (or fully hangs) when playing wma radio stream
7429 : Encoding problems in podcasts after reboot
7430 : XMLBrowser pagination broken for search result lists
7431 : optimize page load times
7432 : Enhance admin server status page
7433 : Manual Squeezecenter Entry on Duet Controller
7434 : Adding individual tracks in Rhapsody adds wrong track
7435 : jive.version incorrect in trunk updates
7436 : Upgrading 7.0 to 7.0.1 RPM fails with RPC error...
7437 : Save Playlist menu item should be removed
7438 : Cannot change the order of RSS or Podcasts
7439 : View all songs by artist on SBC
7440 : Stuttering/skipped tracks in playlist that mixes podcasts and local . Softqueeze won't play podcasts.
7442 : Squeezeslave 0.7.5 stops playing when skipping forward/back or playing a random track on the playlist.
7443 : Artwork doesn't show properly if each track has a different image
7444 : Wrong cover displayed for album with cover.jpg and different track images
7445 : Squeezenetwork Broken
7447 : Rhapsody ListenID should be visible for all Rhapsody users
7448 : Allow adding Rhapsody items to SN favorites
7449 : Rhapsody addSubscriptionPlaylistToLibrary results in error
7450 : Adding a Rhapsody channel to the play queue is not pretty
7451 : Implement fast-forward and fast-rewind of Rhapsody tracks
7452 : "Adjust Brightness" doesn't stick
7453 : Unable to play tunes in my MP3tunes locker for 12+ hours
7454 : Squeezebox no longer works properly
7455 : Get existing stats working on new racks
7456 : Jive Now Playing doesn't update when radio track metadata changes
7457 : 7.0 Choose player drop down box incorrectly sized after player dissappears
7458 : Extra Setup String on Settings->Players->MusicIP
7459 : frequent Jive firmware update checks
7460 : mac (Monkey's Audio) darwin binary is PPC-only
7462 : Artwork should be dithered.
7463 : Web UI & SB Controller UI volume controls out of sync
7464 : Daylight savings time didn't update
7465 : Strings are not updated when a plugin is updated
7466 : Slacker 'Now Playing' on SB3 not updating with currently playing song consistently using SqueezeNetwork
7467 : jive_url() doesn't use the current IP address
7469 : Can't enter new favorites
7470 : Podcast Time Played/Remaining off on various UIs
7471 : Does not start when I log in
7472 : sort by pull-down does not work in Nokia/Touch skin when not in gallery mode
7474 : Extra:Info Browser: Too many steps to get to news.
7475 : Extra: Info Browser: Icon for Slashdot is way too big. Blocking text.
7476 : Add support for user created/edited macros
7477 : Show Buffer Fullness should be included in display states once selected
7478 : playlistTrack not mixable
7479 : Lyrics does not display correctly accented characters
7480 : 'Just Added' has no album art
7483 : Can't get Duet receiver to connect to squeezecenter through the remote controller
7484 : "Go right to add to favorites" not working under "Now Playing"
7485 : SoftSqueeze missing
7486 : Can't edit favorites in Default Skin
7488 : Jive display not synced with Rhapsody music
7489 : Jive fails to require wlan after going out of range
7490 : Now playing time does not handle negative rate (scan backwards)
7491 : fix startup parameter when SC is run as Windows service
7492 : Rhapsody Direct skips tracks
7493 : form validation overflowing into right paragraphs
7494 : SqueezeCenter 7.0.1 does not run on Mac OS X 10.3.9
7495 : WMA Lossless Volume Leveling implementation
7496 : AudioScrobbler on SqueezeNetwork doesn't record scrobbled track.
7497 : gototime when paused restarts play but does not unmute
7498 : Safari/WebKit doesn't recognize encoding returned when saving SN settings in SC
7499 : SliMP3 protocol underrun-detection broken
7500 : pre-cached ALL_* queries aren't fully localized
7501 : stream.mp3 stops at end of playlist and disappears from Web UI
7502 : Add setup mode to set Static IPs (even if DHCP is present)
7503 : Problem with accents in tags on Infrant RAIDiator 4.01
7504 : Text files inside SD card became read only. Unable to chomd at all.
7505 : Cannot update Jive if customer has a dial-up connection
7507 : Latest beta builds fail to scan dirs/files with names contaning non-latin chars
7508 : Auto updating m3u playlists, that change base URL
7509 : Changing Last.FM accounts does not work for Audioscrobbler
7510 : albumartsmall.* not tried for cover art
7511 : Weirdness with brightness setting
7512 : Cannot play remote stream due to invalid XML feed error
7513 : 240x320 background wallpapers tile when they should stretch in larger UIs
7515 : Differentiate between singles and albums
7517 : Rhapsody: Song # 200 is "Play All" in top tracks for an artist.
7518 : screen.bounds has to be hard-coded in Framework.lua
7519 : i can see other peoples data in faves on SN
7520 : Better nested playlist handling for remote playlists
7521 : Jive: Rhapsody: After deleting 1 album, album from next artist is shown on current artist.
7522 : Jive: Signal symbol is red, but Jive continues to work.
7523 : Jive: Rhapsody: Art work is missing
7524 : Non-blocking connect() fails on win32
7525 : SoftSqueeze Browser Applet Does Not Load
7526 : Problem switching players in Handheld skin
7527 : Hovering over search icon should focus search box
7528 : volume adjustment stops audio from digital input -- optical s/pdif (toslink)
7529 : folders or filenames with accents are not entered in the database
7530 : Distorted right channel audio with Softsqueeze 3.x on Mac Leopard OSX 10.5
7531 : Sync/unsync operations sometimes need to consider players which are off
7532 : Sleep option does not save current position (like the Hard OFF does)
7533 : SB 1 fails to disconnect properly when SC7 shuts down
7534 : Selecting Squeeze Network favorites with remote number keys
7535 : Impossible to configure Receiver if using "France" as wlan region
7536 : Can't subscribe to French forum
7537 : MusicIP icon in invalid locations
7538 : Fishbone displays incorrect playlist for specified player
7539 : When running from svn code, user plugins are not picked up from the user plugin dir
7540 : User experiencing Rhapsody issues and receiving error
7541 : Duet Controller not working with Password Protection
7542 : Can't play entire album in Rhapsody
7543 : artwork does not work in rev. 2133
7544 : Albums sharing the album title "Greatest Hits" share the same album art
7545 : Playlist with German Umlaut not vissible
7546 : desktop skin: missing graphic assets and misc UI bugs
7547 : SqueezeCenter storing incorrect path url values to track.url field on UTF8 encoded filesystems
7548 : Add entire library to playlist from SqueezeBox interface
7549 : No error message when selecting to transcode when decoder is not installed correctly
7550 : can add the same account as often as I want
7551 : Nokia770's Opera fails on many javascript calls in nokia770 skin
7552 : Need showBriefly style instant visual feedback for web interface
7553 : Add "Information" to Settings menu, like when connected to SC
7554 : Inconsistent use of reportsTrackStart and player type
7555 : Make selecting after scrolling a little less touchy
7556 : SqueezeCenter service crashes
7557 : Rhapsody Direct cannot find all relevant music
7558 : Digital outputs not working properly
7559 : Rhapsody Direct cannot find all relevant music
7560 : Software Update message
7561 : Accessing Pandora "Your Stations" takes upwards of 1 minute or more
7562 : Controller never "woke" up from sleep mode
7563 : Real Media files not playable via favorites
7564 : SB display goes black on setup errors -- Instead, show the error
7565 : Receiver fails setup but reverts to Yellow LED from Green LED
7568 : Purple light when Receiver is paused
7569 : Static noise playing 24/96 flac.
7570 : RadioIO (with premium account) in SqueezeCenter not playing commercial free
7571 : decoder underrun not waiting long enough/not configurable
7572 : Live365 stations not working
7573 : Replace 'play this song' with 'jump to this song' when songInfo menu accessed via playlist window
7574 : Problems with hebrew characters in various aspects of the product
7575 : Music folder not fully shown in SqueezeCenter
7576 : Proxy setting does not reset
7578 : Display Country-Specific Music Services and Languages Only
7579 : Warn before loading huge playlists
7580 : Squeezecenter keeps restarting - mysql problem - AppArmor
7581 : Maintain Client Playlists -> Remember Playlist doesn't work when returning from SN
7582 : built-in Random Mix plugin no longer distinguishes between 'add' and 'play' for activation
7583 : SlimServer 7.0 throws an exception when shutting down.
7584 : Name resolution interference while SC7 running
7585 : DRM track in Playlists causes scanner to quit scan
7586 : should be a little stricter parsing track titles in _getCDDBTags
7587 : Show Album Art in "select by Artist" on UI
7588 : Replace "blah blah..." error messages with something useful
7589 : shoutcast playback stops when SS starts (for direct streaming)
7590 : Fix Now Playing area height
7591 : missing show albung under genres
7592 : Browse album via Now Playing doesn't work for compilations
7593 : Scrolling backwards with the knob
7594 : Squeezebox 3 uses incorrect MAC address in WoL Magic Packet, when you change server
7595 : WOL won't work with softsqueeze
7596 : server.log is getting large, fast.
7597 : Skipping bad files instead of crashing
7598 : Admin tool for controlling front-page content boxes
7599 : Description of Accounts on SN home page needs to avoid discussing music services you can't get
7600 : Scrolling with wheel appears to be throttled in setup
7601 : Scrolling with wheel appears to be throttled in setup
7602 : Log in screen shows music services that you can't get
7603 : wont comply after 3-4 minutes resting
7604 : Some OGG radio streams cause crash/error
7605 : Cannot controll Brightness of SB3 from Controller
7606 : Boom clock screensaver should use large font all the time
7607 : soft power on splash screen should be "Squeezebox" logotype
7608 : press and hold volume buttons doesn't work on boom
7609 : show "sort by" options in SBController UI
7610 : Playlists with . seperating words have the . converted to a space
7611 : Boom fonts need tweaking
7612 : Shorten Time to initiate scrolling of strings that are too long
7613 : Change "Now Playing" Playlist track number
7614 : Volume Up/Down Should Lock and Continue Changing Volume
7615 : Scrolling Acceleration Needs Tuning
7616 : No scrolling on music services errors
7617 : Favorites menu suggestions
7618 : Do Not Scroll "Delete Favorite"
7619 : Boom Version of Slimtris in Extras->Games?
7620 : Tweak Network Test for Boom
7621 : Reorganize Screensavers in Extras
7622 : Move "(1 of 8)" on top menu on Boom
7623 : Logitech Logo chopped off when booting
7624 : Thump heard when turning on Boom
7625 : Feedback on Italian Localization
7626 : Remote Stream w/FLAC transcode to mp3 boken after upgrade to 7.0
7627 : FF3 layout issues
7628 : boom should have its own fonts
7629 : Transition left/right to another menu too fast
7630 : Scrolling up or down in menu appears just a little too fast
7631 : Boom should use press and hold PAUSE to do a firmware update, as we have no brightness button
7632 : Does not update squeezecenter when connected manually
7633 : server.prefs re-written every 5 min. and prevents HDD spin-down
7634 : Wireless connection issue with the Airport Express 802.11 n
7635 : Update yum and deb repos with 7.1 builds
7636 : CLI response when browsing XMLBrowser should include type of item
7637 : Change serv 2 to
7640 : FIrefox middle button scroll does not work
7641 : F/W 86 no gapless mp3
7642 : Always send JPEG to Jive
7643 : CLI current duration value wrong for some plugins
7644 : Gapless playback of LAME mp3 files with gapless info result in gaps
7646 : Making database edits on the fly
7647 : invalid mac/uuid message showing up after moving SBC from 7.0 to 7.0.1 build
7648 : JPEG image headers truncated for some APIC frames
7649 : MusicIP should return info about missing player instead of empty playlistq
7651 : Always use 'icon-id' not 'icon' for SqueezeCenter content
7652 : Group Discs option should recognise ALBUM tags ending with (disc n)
7653 : Feature request: "Play All" of a saved playlist or my entire music collection
7654 : NPR Podcast content is cached for too long
7655 : squeezeplay crashes when updating visible current playlist window
7656 : Localized Terms and Conditions
7657 : Localized Privacy Policy & EULA Required
7658 : Localized Subscription Activation E-mails Needed
7659 : Web browse of Rhapsody fails if you have multiple accounts
7661 : Rhapsody Direct hangs when starting a new track
7662 : UI enhancement to Update Firmware menu
7663 : All pages displaying content should support "ajaxUpdate" flag
7665 : Loud pops and digital noise via Digital Inputs
7666 : Some artwork not shown on SBC
7667 : Synchronize pop-up window doesn't use HTML label tags
7668 : Player status update intolerant of inaccurate duration
7669 : Screensaver choices missing in this version
7670 : Gapless Playback using LAME encoded MP3 files (LAME 3.97)
7671 : Cannot play songs when directory contains Unicode characters
7672 : Favorite's number cut off
7673 : Non-latin characters broken in netcontrol
7674 : iTunes playlist don't work as favorites
7675 : new scan is not launched when needed if only iTunes or MusicIP, but no music path is defined
7676 : SB2 uses incorrect source IP address after network link disconnect
7677 : non-latin characters aren't displayed correctly in favorites list
7678 : File names in scanner errors in log needed
7679 : CLI search command
7680 : Fishbone begins to display playlist for player then shows playlist for another
7681 : In 'Off' mode it uses 8 Watts, while playing it uses 9 Watts...
7682 : Volume Up clicks, Volume Down sounds fine...
7683 : Playlist behavior
7684 : CLI hasitems tag doesnt return 0 when it should
7685 : Unable to clear out SqueezeNetwork account info in SqueezeCenter
7686 : SC doesn't run unless installed for all users
7687 : Show Buffer Fullness is coupled with Spectrum Analyzer
7688 : Sleep intervals out of order.
7689 : switch to digital input via Favourite is broken
7690 : Date/Time screensaver - option to move display area
7691 : doesn't find version module at startup
7692 : Accessing cache folder and logs via status page
7693 : show all compilation tracks for a compilation album with correct artist selected
7694 : add "all songs" item that would play all songs on compilation album, not just those of particular artist
7695 : synced players hanging on random mix
7696 : Insane number of timers on SN pref syncDown
7697 : Duet remote stalling when browsing library.
7698 : Track artists from non-compilation albums appearing in browse lists when TPE2 / Album Artist set
7699 : Display of tracks with ">" characters in cause inconsistencies in current playlist
7701 : Digital Visualizer Shows One Bar Instead of Two
7702 : Random Mix: powered off player turns on and starts playing by itself
7703 : Visualizer screen gets extended text stuck, won't clear
7704 : nokia770/touch page layout a mess when descending into internet radio stream details
7705 : Home button should push right when going home
7706 : Rhapsody search does not work on a Nokia 770
7707 : Remember a number of recently used passkeys
7708 : Play all in search results on Controller plays entire library rather than all search results
7709 : Can't see current volume level in SqueezeNetwork
7710 : UTF8 chars in RSS feed titles display as question marks
7711 : SoftSqueeze plays two streams at once
7712 : SC "joins" together albums that shouldn't be.
7714 : Tab order is wrong for signup form
7715 : Add hidden pref for using the SN test server
7716 : Second line setup text needs to scroll to see the whole string
7717 : Entering in WPA Password values hard to see
7718 : Front Knob Doesn't Scroll Through Playlist
7720 : Visualizer screen gets extended text stuck, won't clear
7721 : UI and IR dead when connection to SN is lost
7722 : Boom makes a "pooft" when powered on and when ethernt is selected.
7723 : Second time around, "Connecting ..." took more than 2 minutes.
7724 : CLI Rhapsody Search Issue
7725 : No audio in SoftSqueeze when trying to play Music Services (Pandora, Slacker) UNLESS you press PAUSE, then PLAY after audio is 100% buffered
7727 : can't enter wep64 key
7728 : Text is jarbled under Current Settings 3, 8, 9, 14, 16
7730 : Debian testing repository seems to be building the wrong branch
7731 : bad tags in a flac file cause the scanner to abort
7732 : Bottom of test SqueezeNetwork says rHEAD/rHEAD.
7734 : Non-English Language Still Display English for Some Menu Items
7738 : Year tags with more than 4 characters are showing as unknown
7739 : pcmsamplesize not set right for all remote WMA files
7740 : Background noise with some .wma streams
7741 : pressing the preset button should play that favorite
7742 : adjusting the volume when the VU meter screensaver is up doesn't hide screensaver
7743 : Spectrum Analyzer bars are too bright
7744 : Player Plugin information menu is wrong
7745 : File name display
7746 : Cannot login to squeeze network
7747 : Rescan of library drops another playlist each time it is done
7748 : Replay track gain and Itunes soundcheck being added together.
7749 : "Squeezebox Home" should just be "Home" on Boom
7750 : Boom, SC on 2K: Cannot play WMA songs. wmadec.exe cannot find WMVCore.DLL.
7751 : Slimserver Connection
7752 : scanner won't scan folders with "foreign " characters
7753 : HASH (0X612E380) string seen on Settings->Now Playing Information menu
7754 : Right-justify "(1 of 8)" on all screens except for Now Playing
7755 : Boom asks users to update FW by holding brightness button. There is no brightness button on the remote or Boom.
7756 : Boom does not connect to SN.
7757 : Direction of knob to control volume seems to be reversed.
7758 : need to be able to update firmware with another button (no brightness)
7759 : Volume does not continue up or down when the vol. up/down button is held down.
7760 : RHAPSODY_ALBUM_TYPE not translated
7761 : Cannot choose an alarm sound
7762 : WMA stream no longer works
7763 : time elapsed is messed up after time on internet radio
7764 : Switch to JSON::XS::VersionOneAndTwo
7765 : Scanning MP3 NEVER completes, regression bug in 7.01
7766 : Selecting European Country Still Allows Me to Play Pandora on Player
7768 : Malformed sprintf args in call from Settings-->Status page?
7769 : Streaming to iTunes missing/wrong fields in Internet Radio Station Description
7770 : Debian package depends on dev package for libmysqlclient
7771 : WMA file will not play from SC7 running on a MAC computer
7772 : Holding left arrow to disconnect prompts language setup again
7773 : Boom 'resets' when trying to connect to a different Wifi access point after one has been configured
7774 : Cant set 'Random Mix Mode' as a Favorite...
7778 : Song information doesn't always show duration in web interface
7780 : Ability To Move or Sort songs from Controller Playlist
7781 : 'Snooze' button(s) don't do anything...
7782 : Use COVERART tag in Ogg files
7783 : MySQL database fails to start: can't bind to address
7784 : Artwork Thumbnails missing from controller
7787 : New players don't always get a name
7788 : brightness levels need more contrast
7789 : Can't delete playlists in default and Fishbone skins
7790 : Powering off Receiver with track playing causes track to restart
7791 : Web UI blocks creating playlists with illegal characters, player UI does not
7792 : Web Settings -> Player -> Remote doesn't show Front Panel
7793 : Unfriendly output when requesting help
7794 : Removal of Windows specific plugin in debian build
7795 : fix layout of volume area
7796 : have locale.lua issue a notification that language has changed
7797 : revisit how jnt notifications are handled internally by squeezeplay
7799 : Increese size of ZIP entry box to accomidate 5+4 US Zip code
7800 : cli_socket_accept doesn't accept() if max connections reached
7801 : User-added backgrounds are not selected after returning to SetupWallpaper applet
7802 : SqueezeCenter does not load anymore
7803 : Intermittant network connection
7804 : cannot setup squeezebox
7805 : Bitrate limiting does not work when streaming via SSH to Softsqueeze
7806 : Registration letter not sending localized version
7811 : Boom looses setup information after power off
7812 : Tracks sorted under Various Artists improperly
7813 : importing playlists (pls) does not work reliably
7814 : Glitches in some MP3 radio streams
7815 : Foreign and special characters in folder names don't play
7816 : Use FastFPE math emulation in the kernel
7817 : My Boom faceplate gets quite hot even when its 'off'...
7818 : Sleep timer + Alarm does not reset idle timer, Pandora won't play
7819 : Detect stream bitrate without using the player
7820 : Play doesn't cancel fast forward mode from controller
7821 : Windows No Disk Error
7822 : Holding controller add button doesn't zap
7823 : Rewrite RandomPlay to not use global variables
7827 : No Disk Error
7828 : Allow access to password-protected podcasts
7829 : Jive menu broken if BLOCK_SIZE == list count + 1 and "Play All" or similar is prepended to the list
7831 : Rhapsody: EMPTY menu after trial has been activated
7833 : Controller hangs after software upgrade
7834 : Can't set up SBC in non-EN language
7836 : Can't browse all albums by a following a track artist link
7837 : Applet Installer locks up controller
7838 : Scroll Bars with FireFox around now playing
7839 : Selected folder of Music Folder not remembered
7840 : 18767 does not find artwork in folders that have a file name with non-US characters
7841 : Add link to Support on SN
7842 : Display Something in Right Display when using Digital Inputs
7843 : Getting Dialog Box while scanning
7844 : Scanner is loosing tracks
7845 : Lyrics displayed as foreign characters
7846 : BSP_SCREEN_LOCKED strings in DE, ES, FR, IT, and NL too long
7847 : Controller startup crashers router
7850 : front panel and IR locked up
7851 : Multiple account support for everybody who doesn't already have multiple account support
7852 : Panddora Account Creation screen looks different on different browsers
7853 : Rhapsody account creation screen messed up in IE6/7
7854 : Rhapsody browsing not available from left side of webUI
7855 : Reuse obsolete mas_initialized and mas_mode STAT fields to enhance status
7856 : Music IP Advanced Settings page unavailable
7857 : Player crashes when playing an Ogg file with large headers
7858 : UTF-8 search box returns garbage characters
7859 : Main releases & Compilations should not be unified
7860 : SN web UI should show full playlist
7861 : Playing more then 3 Rhapsody streams can crash players
7862 : If Controller disconnected from SC, can't subsequently connect to SN
7863 : Switching from English to another language takes too long
7864 : FW 2246 cause controller to go into a reboot loop
7865 : Wireless Signal Strength info doesn't scroll correctly
7866 : Leave volume bar up longer
7867 : Move Line Out Mode to Settings and to web player Audio settings
7868 : Plugins which fail loading should not show up in list, or indicate failure state
7869 : multi-disc albums are not geting merged anymore
7870 : need to silence failure note in InfoBrowser plugin
7871 : Various localization issues
7872 : Scanning Music IP fails with error, no artwork
7873 : New AppletManager API
7874 : Possibility to change font size on SBC
7875 : Srcub local changes after upgrade
7876 : desktop squeezplay crashing in Framework.lua
7877 : Add player_is_upgrading flag to jived
7878 : 8 players have name in mac field, mac in uuid field
7879 : No feedback if http auth is entered incorrectly
7880 : player sleep setting "forgotten" after firmware update
7881 : Ogg tag parser is broken
7885 : Backlit buttons go in/out while connecting
7886 : Get rid of unused Audio settings in web ui
7887 : Can't enter new WPA key
7888 : Now Playing screensaver sometimes doesn't update album art
7889 : Create mobile/accessable compliant version of SN interface
7891 : Front panel buttons sometimes do double push
7892 : Player chooser and synchronise list isn't sorted
7893 : Knob sometimes scrolls in wrong direction
7894 : Remember letter list position between characters when entering wireless password
7895 : [Ogg] Tags truncated if tagsize > buffer (fixed)
7896 : [Ogg] Cannot handle multipage comments
7897 : Ogg seeking may not always work
7898 : ogg Streaming Support
7902 : Remote control won't work on start-up
7903 : Provide plugins access to ambient light sensor value.
7904 : Flash the time by pushing a button
7905 : No wireless connection with Fritzbox 7270
7906 : Controller freezes on firmware update and reboots
7907 : Artwork in FLAC not showing if picture type is not 3 (Cover)
7908 : Should be able to distinguish between knob push and right
7909 : [Ogg] some tags not read
7910 : Add id to /slim/unsubscribe confirmation
7911 : Limit Random Mix by Playlist
7912 : Investigate switching to XML::Compile::SOAP for Rhapsody
7913 : Controller freezes on firmware update and reboots
7914 : When I use Now Playing screensaver I expect it to behave like Now Playing
7915 : Hitting back when volume is displayed should immediately jump you out of volume back to where you were.
7916 : Sound just stops playing on Duet receiver, remote shows the songs still playing
7917 : Bridged setup difficult to achieve
7918 : strm-a (skip-ahead) can provoke STMo (output buffer underrun)
7919 : Boom plays 48000 sample-rate MP3s at 44100
7920 : Disconnect not an option for Controller
7921 : Changing Player Name does not save
7922 : Display settings don't apply properly
7923 : software upgrade shows ? instead of version number
7924 : UTF-8 not displaying correctly on Controller
7925 : Controller not displaying Album Art from MP3Tunes
7926 : Front Panel button modifier problem
7927 : Adding control functions to SqueezeTray
7928 : Recently Played page must be updated after playing a station
7929 : iTunes Import Not Equal to Library Statistics
7930 : Texts in setup are to long for the display
7931 : While connecting to Squeezecenter the display is black
7932 : Sometimes the buttons of the remote don't work properly
7933 : Strange sounds through each setup step and black display
7934 : screensaver & Brightness & Flickr settings - CRADLE DEPENDENT
7935 : Audio stutter on dynamic playlists / random mix
7936 : When enabling/disabling plugins, enforced plugins are always listed as changed
7937 : problem with parsing ogg file headers
7938 : Broken Links in the Getting Started with SqueezeCenter document
7939 : Allow multiple callbacks for $prefs->setChange
7940 : Sync between Ray and legacy Squeezebox is unpredictable
7941 : Date / Time Screensaver not localized
7942 : Albums not sorted by album name in either Web UI or on SqueezeBox
7943 : New volume mode doesn't dismiss on other button push
7944 : pressing "home" should always go home
7945 : Now Playing should show service
7946 : Enhancement request for procedure to set alarm
7947 : Noise when Inverted polarity selected
7948 : Rescale large artwork for Now Playing thumbnail
7949 : Add a new screensaver setting used when snoozing
7950 : network problem - infinite loop on startup
7951 : Favorites buttons don't work
7952 : Add/Delete favorites is broken in SC-Jive communication, 7.1 and up
7954 : Controller menus should show more rows of text, rather than just scrolling
7955 : Built-voice over screen reader crashes Safari
7956 : Request to change the type of links used for player commands in SN
7957 : VBRI header not read in MP3 files
7958 : Confusing error message when SqueezeNetwork account not entered
7959 : New Resizable panels don't resize on ie7
7960 : Random Plugin Not Honouring 'ADD' or 'ADD Next'
7961 : Make squeezesvc depent on SqueeMySQL
7962 : jive software update fail
7963 : Bitrate limiting does not work with non-latin files
7964 : Alarm: volume jump on power off
7966 : SqueezeCenter does not recognize wide characters if using iTunes
7968 : Show Artist with Albums broken
7969 : Better compliance with the WM HTTP streaming spec
7970 : The sound effects should appear as alarm sounds when connected to SC
7971 : Plugin updates cause trouble with plugin-data.yaml
7972 : Make sure a fresh install always creates a working system
7973 : Ray gets lost when switching between 7.0.1 and ABBA
7974 : CLI-only command to create a Rhapsody playlist
7975 : Line in volume scale inconsistent relative to other boom volume settings
7976 : Better track name display in active playlist
7977 : MMS stream on old 4.x server fails to play
7979 : radio playlist names keep changing.
7980 : Improved error screens
7981 : Shorten First Line Text in Setup to Fit Display (Was: Scrolling of first line of text needed for setup displays)
7982 : Add auto-update functionality to SC
7983 : When connecting Duet via ethernet, Controller fails to detect ethernet
7984 : Feature Request: Media Center control
7985 : Far left characters on VFD appear inconsistently bright
7986 : Embedded Artwork Error in WMA lossless
7987 : Phrase "Player Sleep" displays in English for all languages
7988 : openSUSE 10.3 mysql problem
7989 : Switching beetwen SC & SN corrupts player name if it contains "Non English" characters
7990 : CLI: Status subscribe: not all players notified when synchronization is cancelled
7991 : Alternating row colors in Jive lists
7992 : Bad query used for CLI 'artists in genre' queries
7993 : switching the SBR to SN via SC problem
7994 : Front button on Receiver should send WOL packet to SqueezeCenter
7995 : Send WOL from Boom before alarm is due
7997 : Songinfo screen for radio stations saves incorrect URL for favorite
7998 : IR 'dies' in the sun?
7999 : cannot connect to apple time capsule with SB1
8000 : Get Rhapsody track metadata for multiple tracks in a single call
8001 : TPE2 "grouping" method needed
8002 : Error while playing Pandora
8003 : Playing Pandora after leaving Controller idle over night doesn't work
8004 : Having an Album Artist tag should force an album to not be a compilation
8005 : Now Playing Screensaver should enter Now Playing State
8006 : Production SN digital volume control setting maximizes Boom volume
8007 : Display Settings not correct for SB3
8008 : Saving a radio station as a favorite should save the original playlist URL not the current streaming URL
8009 : Post ABBA, a WMA stream plays fine via SC but does not play via SN
8010 : Clean up/verify proper working of Audio::WMA
8011 : Scroll wheel in now playing mode to engage scanner
8012 : Tracks/albums without artists don't show up in SBC list
8013 : Deleting Favorites with Duet Controller does not work
8014 : Many Boom Players with Different MAC Address on my SqueezeNetwork Account
8015 : Push speed needs to be turned back up again.
8016 : Sirius channel can't be stored as favorite using the IR Favorite button
8017 : default scroll settings for boom should be faster
8018 : SC7.0 Sync fails with drifting server system clock
8019 : r1425 does not upgrade to r2409
8020 : New Music listing length
8022 : SN favorites accessible through squeezecenter
8023 : Live Music Archive content not playing last 10 seconds of each track.
8025 : Changing firmware.version file doesn't affect player firmware
8027 : Need a way for plugins to hook into getMetadataFor in HTTP Protocol Handler
8028 : Favorites from SN won't uppdate on Players
8029 : Database indexing and SQL optimisation
8030 : Don't display Rhapsody channels that are unavailable
8031 : Trial Sirius account in SN can be confusing to use
8032 : Music Services will generate Missing or Invalid SqueezeNetwork message
8033 : Changing email address results in crash
8034 : Album level metadata isn't updated when track data changes
8035 : country list is outdated
8036 : CLI: albums query hangs sometimes with "a" tags
8038 : Switch MP3tunes to use mp3tunes:// protocol, bump our API to v2
8039 : Convert old sounds URLs in DB to new ones
8040 : When power is off, key backlights should be off, except for the power button.
8041 : Screensavers shouldn't be in Extras
8042 : Analog VU meter doesn't hide when showbriefly is up
8043 : Software Update Message in english only
8044 : Need brightness option under Settings > SN
8045 : After Factory Reset will not find music source
8046 : AppArmor profiles give error on Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy)
8047 : Better text for my radiotime when not registered
8048 : Can't browse to song info from songs in a playlist
8049 : Deleting one playlist entry also deletes other playlist entries
8050 : 128 bit wep and long wpa key entry difficult on boom screen
8051 : Don't change explicitly set title using text from stream or stream name.
8052 : Possibility to enter a WEP ascii passphrase
8053 : Homeplug Not Connecting
8054 : Listening to Sirius channels crashes Transporter every now and then
8057 : Information Browser BBC News feed addon has stopped working
8058 : The user should be prompted to push the knob at the beginning of setup
8060 : Controller shows SqueezeNetwork when not available
8062 : Second line scrolling in setup sometimes scrolls only once
8063 : Favorites is adding current Pandora artwork to any new favorite
8064 : Sirius icon needs dithering and possibly a size tweak
8065 : Second line scrolling doesn't scroll if string is 1 character too long
8066 : No "Welcome to Squeezebox" in Italian
8067 : Message on SBC asks users to press & hold Brightness button when Receiver is downgrading firmware
8068 : SqueezeCenter should be able to discover players on other local servers and pull them over via the web UI.
8069 : Title Format pref not shown for stream.mp3 clients
8070 : Warnings when scanning mp3 files
8072 : Netcontrol doesn't update when listening to multi-track playlists
8073 : Replace concatenated strings with unique strings
8074 : Stats reporting may report too many items
8075 : Returning full version over CLI
8076 : Add options to Sound Effect
8077 : WMA stream playing too slowly
8078 : Factory Duet connecting first to SN updates to r2409
8079 : fw88 Continuous spontaneous reboots
8080 : Translation error (dutch) in latest firmware... v23
8081 : Analog Clock screensaver clock stops if SqueezeCenter is shutdown/standby/hibernating
8082 : SliMP3 display problem when center element defined
8083 : When transcoding, 'Alac' process takes a while to die on slow systems...
8084 : Bundle prerequisites for HTTPS with Windows Squeezecenter distribution
8085 : Controller firmware update should be a server push, not a poll
8086 : Slacker "Artist Station" favorites aren't playable from favorites menu
8087 : provide IR out capability as on Classic and Transporter
8088 : Radiotime missing from Customize Home Menu
8089 : Natural Sounds and other SN entities don't play from local SC in 7.1
8090 : No longer possible to add Playlists as a top-level menu item
8091 : Firmware downgrade issues
8092 : junky test bug.
8093 : BSP_SCREEN_LOCKED_HELP - Replace "ADD" and "PLAY"
8094 : Duet Slideshow applet fails with current firmware
8096 : Can not access SqueezeCenter after power outage
8097 : Screen goes blank in the heat
8098 : scanner.exe problem
8099 : Alphabet buttons on controller not functioning correctly
8100 : Support MAC in player disconnect command
8101 : Rhapsody track search, pick "All Songs", plays wrong tracks.
8102 : Sirius tracks not scrobbling
8103 : Transporter (and Duet) stop after 1 song
8105 : Display Lyrics in Duet Controller
8106 : Cant set 'Random Mix Mode' as a Favorite...
8107 : Play All Seach Results does not show up as option on SB
8108 : DB errors after upgrade cause SC to not run
8109 : Jive unable to control Transporter properly on SqueezeNetwork
8110 : Massive logging for error in Select
8111 : Functional suggestions to enhance the usability and five bugs
8112 : Playing a remote stream while player is off does not turn on player right away
8113 : UPnP servers do not appear on controller
8114 : Scan of Music Library only picks up 15 of 22000 tracks
8115 : Changing Music Source from SqueezeCenter Fails
8116 : SongScanner key defs should be in
8117 : Rename Analog Out Mode
8118 : FLAC files with special characters like æøå or ú does not play
8119 : undocumented change to radios command format
8120 : Attempted but unsupported FF/RW When Playing WMA Files
8122 : Synced Rhapsody should wait for all players to respond to RPDS 3 before playing
8123 : enhancements to CustomizeHomeMenu applet
8124 : Word "Support" (Link) not localized when Nederlands is base language
8126 : Setting added to change the way Albums/Plalists are listed
8127 : XP installer wizard displays 7.0.1, should say 7.2
8128 : art extension faillure
8129 : Controller loses connection to wireless router if you hide SSID
8130 : Unable to identify FLAC header
8131 : Settings - Information - SC info poorly displayed
8132 : CLI : "status" command returns wrong greek characters
8134 : Unknown database 'slimserver'
8135 : delay before reporting "no networks found"
8136 : Improve Radiotime success/fail logging with new scanner
8138 : SoftSqueeze has issues playing.
8139 : Playlists on Controller
8140 : Alarm when connected to SN does not show favorites
8141 : Macintosh: Prevent Sleep While Playing
8142 : Upnp does not work in v. 7.0
8143 : Scrolling terminology/settings are mixed up
8144 : not loading track titles from flac file with embedded metadata
8145 : Move Text Viewer into new Factory Tests menu in Current Settings
8146 : Allow software selection of headphone vs speaker output
8147 : ASX parsing problems
8148 : Playing Sirius Internet Radio via SoftSqueeze fails on stream
8149 : Mark 48k channels as such in channel list
8150 : Synchronized players under Rhapsody, initially the track will stop and restart for 5 seconds then plays
8152 : Boom emits tone when disconnected from server
8154 : Should be able to enter a valid Sirius account without a player registered
8155 : Sirius doesn't work with transcoding
8156 : Can't invoke FWD/REW speed multipiers
8157 : Squeezecenter won't start on Debian ("SqueezeCenter died. Restarting.")
8159 : Controller won't reconnect to network without reboot
8160 : Enabling password protection on Squeezecenter blocks out Controller
8161 : Hebrew text appears reversed on the Duet Controller
8162 : Redirect Boom on prod SN to test SN
8163 : Playlists folder is forced if Use local music is not checked.
8164 : Podcast title does not display correctly accented characters
8165 : Improve service cross-linking in Track Info menu
8166 : Missing Version Strings
8167 : Changing the way menus are listed from the Controller
8168 : Move "Customize Home Menu" to "Settings->Advanced"
8169 : Controller Player Info shows wrong signal strength
8170 : Applet Installer screen blank
8171 : Entering valid Sirius account sometimes fails
8172 : Playlists containing remote URLs are broken
8173 : Unable to back out of Applet Installer menu
8174 : Squeezebox Controller wont power up & Squeeze centre problems
8175 : Atom feeds may not parse properly
8176 : xilix reset needed too often
8177 : SBC fails to connect to SN, when waking after SC was shut down.
8178 : SB3 Player Menus options under Squeezenetwork causes strange behaviors
8179 : Can't change brightness with remote.
8180 : Squeezecenter prevents user logout after restart
8181 : Quote symbol causes adding song(s) to playlist to fail using Fishbone
8182 : Slim::Network::Discovery constantly logs warnings
8183 : DateTime screensaver should provide active alarm/snooze feedback
8184 : Cannot upload wallpapers with Danish characters in the filename
8185 : Default Skin Basic Settings initally blank
8186 : Squeezebox has wireless problems with Draytek Vigor 2930 VSn router (when mode 11n is enabled)
8187 : Brightness changes from ambient light sensor should fade in and out
8188 : WMA Lossless transcoding doesn't work any more after running Squeezecenter as a service
8189 : MusicInfoScr arrow keys dead
8190 : Scanner.exe: Failed when running main scan
8191 : SqueezeCenter.exe doesn't run
8192 : Toggling favorites form Songinfo page broken in non Default skins
8193 : SBR with bridging enabled prefers connecting via wired connection instead of wireless, though wireless is preferred for me
8195 : SqueezeCenter not always treating FLAC tags as UTF-8
8196 : Problem Reading M3U Playlist with Unicode Generated by MediaMonkey
8197 : Notification of software update missing
8198 : Song & Artist information screen not behaving like it used to...
8199 : Information menu is animating one row of pixels too much
8200 : Can't access Web Page with OS Tiger
8201 : Changing the Genres while playing a Random Mix leads to previous Genre Random mix being played
8202 : Need per-client language settings
8203 : Album art is not displayed in album list
8204 : Rhapsody remove from album is missing in trackinfo
8205 : sleep function is an option while off
8206 : Boom goes silent after a while
8207 : Need Radio love/ban icons
8208 : %s Information
8209 : Improve 'On Foo' context menus for all services
8210 : "On Rhapsody" in Slacker detail pages
8211 : Bass, Treble and StereoXL should appear in settings.
8212 : Default Crossfade duration is zero
8213 : Intermittent burst of white noise
8214 : Album appears multiple times if tracks are split within multiple directories
8215 : Power save settings are being reset or set incorrectly on initial installs or firmware updates
8216 : Scanner behavior
8217 : add "full menu" item to customized home menu that delivers the uncustomized home menu
8218 : factory test menu items being sorted in CustomizeHomeApplet incorrectly
8219 : Applet Installer Doesn't Work on Controller
8220 : Allow for sorting of radio stations by bitrate
8221 : After Router Power-down Controller doesn't re-reconnect
8223 : Hangs during setup with firmware 9
8224 : 7.0.1 release RPM not signed
8225 : Random Mix Stopping after a few hours
8226 : Cannot access Now Playing playlist
8227 : Boom disconnecting when scrolling fast through SN lists
8228 : Controller crashes with software update to 7.0.1
8229 : player command over the CLI
8230 : On Accounts page, "Account" is the wrong word.
8231 : Menu scrolls in wrong direction occasionally
8232 : Rebuild some perl 5.10 modules without rpaths
8233 : Connection problem with Zyxel router
8234 : Buttons sometimes get 'stuck' and repeat
8235 : Aktueller Titel is cut if more than 100 Songs selected
8236 : Alarm should have a configurable time limit
8237 : AutoDisplay plugin broken by new SqueezeCenter v7.0.1
8240 : Separate brightness setting for alarms
8241 : Boom doesn't go quiet enough
8242 : Knob click is sometimes ignored
8244 : SN Admin page does not display user information correctly
8245 : Setup in German reverts to English after reboot
8246 : Different behaviour with browsing shortcuts in Music Folder
8247 : Shuffle option for alarm playlists
8248 : Use RadioTime logos in Now Playing
8249 : "Show Artwork" blocks screensaver, sleep and suspend
8250 : TP loses slimproto connection if sent compressed grfe frames for both screens
8251 : Synchronize Softsqueeze with SB3
8252 : SBC losing connection to SC
8253 : checkBoxOverlay ui is a radio button
8254 : Allowed IP Addresses field validation is not accurate
8255 : Incompatible plugin
8256 : Display offset issue, unreadable text at the left, garbled at the right
8257 : Feasibility of Firewall detection in SC or SC plugin
8258 : Possible DHCP lease renew issue in receiver ????
8259 : elements of wiki out of date?
8260 : Headphone & Speakers active at the same time
8261 : AutoCommit=0 causes DBIx's own transactions to fail
8262 : Cannot play album by artist with ' in name
8263 : Playlist - Hold + To Play Next
8264 : Folder with “&” character as part of its name, is not browsable by the SB3
8265 : Shortcut to open SC can't be updated if user is non-privileged
8266 : Log admin actions
8267 : String changes for Pandora on Boom
8268 : Boom string changes to "Random Mix"
8269 : Change "Information Browser" to "Info Browser" on Boom
8270 : Change "Go right to add to favorites" to "Add to Favorites" on Boom
8271 : Boom string changes in "Settings"
8272 : Race condition in setd pref sync logic causes inability to update firmware
8273 : Include date in squeezecenter nightly build file name
8274 : Unable to connect to 802.11n Apple Airport Express network
8275 : MusicIP Mix for New Music broken
8276 : Trackinfo from MusicIP mix fails
8277 : MusicIP requests are not async
8278 : Changing players in SC causes "Tune in URL" to play when it shouldn't
8279 : PIN screen Favorites
8280 : Screen very dim after initial setup - During firmware update
8281 : Board rev should be visible under factory test
8282 : Errors when starting slimserver
8284 : English prompts when user choose specific non-English languages
8285 : Player timezone pref not right for new players
8287 : Slim product broadcasts to
8288 : The home menu items on SqueezeNetwork should all fit on the boom screen.
8290 : Need Squeezebox player UI Home Menu setting in the classic UI
8291 : Need to move some things out of Extras
8292 : Need a "Visit SqueezeNetwork now" link on SqueezeNetwork tab in settings
8293 : Switching rapidly between SC and SN eventually gets display stuck on status message
8294 : non-localized string in factory tests --> keyboard test
8295 : non-localized strings in factory tests --> power management
8296 : Scrolling while on Now Playing screen should adjust volume
8297 : Up/Down on Now Playing screen should adjust volume
8298 : Playlists under FC6 can't be scanned
8299 : Player settings in player UI organization update
8300 : Controller repeatedly (every 30 secs) queries for Cover art & mp3
8301 : Squeezecenter does not recognize files via symlink to USB mount
8302 : UI should make full use of the size of the user's browser window
8303 : New Schema
8304 : Schema Denormalization
8305 : Some internet streams fail on Boom but work on SB2
8306 : Add to top of playlist not working correctly
8307 : Windows Download File missing .EXE
8308 : Allow wireless config via SC wired connection
8309 : Ability to return to previous location
8310 : Not so random random selection
8311 : Random play of work by a selected artist or album
8312 : Select a number of tracks by an artist or in an album to play
8313 : Player control panel album/artist info disappearing.
8314 : homepage overflows bottom in IE6
8315 : Add "Filter" and "Jump To..." options to controller when browsing by Artist or Album
8316 : Add Google Analytics to SN
8317 : Some artwork is showing up incorrectly in Music Library
8318 : Fix Line In plugin
8319 : cannot set WPA / WEP keys
8320 : internal clock set to wrong timezone after SquezeNetwork use
8321 : Fix up SongScanner strings that have been migrated to Music::Info::canSeek
8323 : Random Mix does not stay within one specific Genre category
8324 : Add option to turn off/on the VA detection logic on the scanner
8325 : Support BBC OPML Feeds of Podcasts
8326 : Downloading SC from SN in IE does not work
8327 : Squeezecenter should downsample high-sample-rate files for older players
8328 : Noise at the beginning of Podcast
8329 : Display a message on the screen if the SC is too old
8330 : MusicIP mixer not always available
8331 : MusicIP mixer is not browsable
8332 : MusicIP error when choosing mix parameters
8333 : SBC does not display all data from getmetadatafor
8334 : Menu does not return to HOME when switching from SN > SC
8335 : Infobrowser does not display query box for URLs with {QUERY}
8336 : Large dividers in popup menus in Firefox 2, WinXP
8338 : If player's name exeeds char limit, the rest of chars looks weired on SC.
8339 : Boom subwoofer line out only drives right channel
8340 : Pick what part of the tags are displyed depending on the category you are viewing from
8341 : shouldn't show pandora: URLs
8342 : Problems with Pandora
8343 : Squeezecenter forcing 'composer' tags into 'artist' listings.
8344 : disable authentication if user/password are empty
8345 : "Brightness when off:" and "Brightness when idle:" do not stick in SN web
8346 : Progress Bar on Playlist screen
8349 : Display a message on the screen if the SC is too old
8350 : After power cycle, setup is stuck on Squeezebox Setup (1/5)
8351 : Missing Artwork on new music loaded via iTunes
8352 : Wheel should be volume control when on screensavers
8353 : Inconsistent ordering of player names
8354 : Prevent Standby Plugin only checks the status of the first player
8355 : Starting SqueezeCenter: The following modules failed to load: YAML::Syck
8356 : playlist disappears after being played as alarm
8357 : Cannot reconnect to "stopped" radio station
8358 : Knob should be volume control when the "playing" screensaver is up, otherwise wake up player.
8359 : Large font size when alarm triggers
8360 : 7.0.1 fails running on OSX (in some cases)
8361 : Plugin versions now shown in plugin list
8362 : Large font clock cuts off AM/PM
8364 : Text input is cut off/flowing off the display
8366 : Random Mix, Missing Functionality
8367 : Loud music played at 100% causes unit to reboot after 5 seconds
8368 : Update Snooze Button Test to Match Hardware
8370 : move scrobbler over to authorize framework ( authorization)
8371 : Need ability to enter WPA2 shared key directly
8372 : need add-to-playlist handler for "play this mix" item
8373 : brightness jumps too low to see during install / FW update
8374 : Add AAC to file types and transcoding line to convert.conf
8375 : Holding down Add (+) button during power cycle fails to perform factory reset
8376 : Info Icon cut off in Safari
8377 : Pandora > Create New Station = Locked Player
8378 : no sound after Transporter digital input is used
8379 : Can't open folder in Favorites, or edit Favorites
8380 : Album missing when it has no tags
8381 : add DNS/gateway addresses to network status page
8383 : Alarm playlist needs to keep state -- shuffle and/or location in current playlist
8384 : Rhapsody on Boom freezes during multi-word searches
8385 : Text does not Scroll All screens are from "Setting up the Network"
8386 : Some characters illegible with smaller underscore
8387 : Artwork missing on rescan
8388 : Controller showing different input than what appears on SC
8389 : QuickStart Guide errors
8390 : Add option to cancel a scan in progress
8391 : Controller settings should include player audio settings like treble and bass
8392 : CALL_NOT_ALLOWED Error When Playing Pandora
8393 : "invalid method signature supplied"
8394 : Panda - Call Not Allowed Error
8396 : Memory leak when using plugin
8397 : SqueezeCenter cannot cope with a SlimProto read finising within the first 8 bytes of a frame
8398 : SC does not read Year tag in WAV files
8399 : DAC based volume control
8400 : Check for snooze stuck at boot time
8401 : Squezecenter appears as Slimserver in the ReadyNAS admin page
8402 : Can't stream apple lossless file
8403 : Add title to factory test screen for ambient light sensor
8404 : Volume level not the same as before DAC load
8405 : Default volume for Line In jack should be louder
8406 : Error messages blink too slowly
8407 : Crash during Windows uninstall
8410 : Add possibility force SqueezeCenter into UTF-8 mode where no such locale is available
8411 : Apple Lossless file format no longer displayed
8412 : Bug to track connection issues with RCA dcw725
8413 : Bug to track connection issues with Buffalo WZR2-G300N
8414 : Jive connects to a Music Source but the firmware update fails
8415 : Jive fails to connect to a music source -- either SC or SN
8416 : Need a method to audition screen savers
8417 : Advise 'can't connect' users that they can switch servers
8418 : Issues connecting through a range expander
8419 : Request to have an option to turn "fade to black" on or off
8420 : 20729 not starting in Windows
8421 : Allow plugins to load if MaxVersion is too low
8422 : SliMP3 won't turn on when starting synced playback
8423 : Can't get LastFM account to authorise
8424 : should be able to play all episodes from a podcast
8426 : Controller Artist Search is restricted to whole-album Artists
8427 : Alarm: volume jump on power off
8428 : 20729 not starting in win2k
8429 : "Press and hold BRIGHTNESS" comes up briefly
8430 : "This may take a minute." maybe should come back
8431 : Can't play any digital input
8432 : Add menu of recently played tracks for a user
8433 : Add support for playlists
8434 : MP4 -> FLAC conversion - big endian vs. little endian
8435 : Alarm clock should be able to play a favorite
8436 : db: URL not expanded on playlist
8437 : Switching SB3 to SN via SC7.1 does not work anymore
8438 : screensaver automatic brightness (re)setting too agressive
8439 : Search result top line too long
8440 : Default Song Title Format should not include track number
8441 : Could INPUT mode values be stored when hitting the power button?
8442 : windows installer graphic needs to include boom image
8443 : FLAC file with invalid embedded cue sheet isn't scanned properly
8444 : iTunes files hiss (mov123)
8445 : Playback stops and restarts after 15-20 minutes
8446 : Issues synchronizing multiple players while playing Rhapsody
8447 : BROWSE_* strings are broken after latest SLT checkin
8448 : Cannot play BBC stations 1,2,3 and 4
8449 : web service does not respond if simple file not readable
8450 : Favorites management should all be on home page with edit in place
8451 : Playing 88.2k FLAC after 96k FLAC results in wrong rate playback
8454 : Vista & Mapped Drives will not scan
8455 : Pandora will stop playing after one or two songs when connected to SN
8456 : Controller does not connect to SC after an IP address change
8457 : Rhapsody: Trial account duration reported incorrectly
8458 : Error message when trying to update SC while scan is running.
8459 : Update firmware when GE lens is phased into production
8460 : Fishbone "Home" link behaving oddly in Firefox 3
8461 : MySQL (and therefore SqueezeCenter) fail to start if TMP/TMPDIR env vars present
8462 : Favorite sub folder called Radio shows up as Internet Radio
8465 : Can't reconfigure Audioscrobbler account
8466 : IP3K Multiple MAC station error
8467 : Inconsitent knob functionality on "Now Playing" screen
8468 : failed to start because MSVCR71.dll was not found
8469 : SqueezeCenter Menus (tool tips not visible long enough)
8470 : Rename "PIN" to something more user-friendly?
8471 : Fix player UI settings on SN
8472 : Audible Confirmation When New Value Saved as Preset
8478 : Enhancement request to be able to peg/set analog volume
8479 : getSize() often returns 0 for a styled icon widget
8480 : *** Snooze Bar Stuck ** message displayed during setup even if user holds bar down accidentally
8481 : Screen dim engages during key hold
8482 : Clarify differences between presets vs. favorites
8484 : Don't forget to finalize text Strings for Display->Brightness-> options
8485 : Station Icons for Siruis are incorrect
8486 : Special Love/Hate icons are not reset to REPEAT/SHUFFLE
8489 : Boom firmware should reference the "knob" and not the "wheel" ["wheel" not the "knob"]
8490 : Non-now playing screensavers wake on wheel
8492 : FF3 doesn't care for Touch skin css
8499 : Squeezecenter should include an alarm tone
8503 : Press-and-hold on preset button seems to be confusing some folks.
8515 : Softsqueeze will not play back internet radio streams
8516 : Web UI should change mouse cursor when adding items to the current playlist..
8517 : squeezeplay_desktop applets not being added to build/osx/share/jive/applets dir
8518 : unable to install higher major revision when minor revision is lower
8519 : Support ID32 block type in WAV files
8520 : Prevent Standby Plugin does not take in to account Windows's 2-minute WoL timeout behaviour
8521 : Music is interrupted by update message, "Updating DSP..."
8522 : Rhapsody fails when adding player to existing sync group
8523 : slideshow applet needs 7.1 rework after SlimDiscovery refactoring
8524 : Possible Sirius outage
8525 : Use Windows Vista low priority I/O for scanner
8526 : When waking SqueezeCentre using remote power button (via WoL), the player isn't turned on
8527 : number buttons not working on some platforms
8528 : wma stream not working for Receiver release 23
8529 : only plays white noise!
8530 : r2604 - wallpaper mismatched to selected player.
8531 : gpg check fails with yum on CentOS 4
8532 : Add more default articles to the ignored articles list
8533 : uBoot behaviour incorrect
8534 : Need "My Radio" icon for SC main menu
8535 : Add functionality to the Troublshooter for sending Log Files
8536 : Default 'TPE2 as Album Artist' pref to true if 'Use iTunes' is enabled
8537 : GPF on Vista during installer clean up
8538 : alarm clock functionality (not working with SuperCap)
8539 : playerCurrent notifications sent early
8540 : Initial screen while firmware is loading gives confusing message
8541 : Screen saver engages during setup
8542 : bass and treble adjustment is backward.
8543 : suggestion for improving the SETTINGS menu
8544 : Boom 7.2 branch: playlist links flattened
8545 : SetupAppletInstaller applet fails to load
8546 : Squeezebox crashes the PC when playing an iTunes playlist
8547 : Gapless MP3 not possible if file has CRC
8550 : Implement web ui for new alarm functionality
8551 : customers are requesting manual override on brightness
8552 : Extras / Audioscrobbler "Do not scrobble this player"
8553 : Sync menu missing on Controller UI
8554 : Sync player does not update now playing
8555 : Time displayed on Now Playing screensaver (for Boom used as alarm/radio)
8556 : TrackInfo shouldn't require a client object, as it can be called when browsing music without a player
8557 : Jive: AutoSmokeTest: Playmode failing
8558 : Jive: FW cannot be downgraded or upgraded.
8559 : LastFM scrobble information wrong for songs from radiostations
8560 : Cannot change digital inputs once one is selected on Transporter
8561 : Desktop app crashes if no audio device is available
8562 : mov123 should not resample non-44.1k sample rates
8563 : Scanner reads incorrect "sample rate" on 88.2kHz MP4 files
8564 : Problem with MP3 tags
8565 : Some RadioTime stations don't play right
8566 : Alarm clock should allow selection of favorites and natural sounds as alarm playlist
8567 : When an alarm is set on SN or SC, it should go off if you switch to the other server
8568 : Random mix adds too many tracks
8569 : Alarm Time selecton does not match selected Time Format
8570 : Alarm should sound without playlist selected
8571 : Alarm: can not select a "tone" to play as an alarm
8572 : Rhapsody Icon does not appear as a Favorite
8573 : provider Icon does not appear as a Favorite, if no station specific icon is provided
8574 : Alarm snooze time should be configurable
8575 : Current settings menu missing overlays
8576 : Welcome to Squeezebox no longer fits
8577 : Alarm breaks when an invalid playlist is selected
8578 : "Update from SD card" showing up when there is no firmware on the SD card
8579 : network firmware upgrade failure in >r2600, 403 Forbidden error
8580 : Still prompted on SqueezeCenter screen to press BRIGHTNESS button
8581 : Audio stops when playing Flac & WAV Files
8582 : RTC clock displays 12h times incorrectly
8583 : Library scan crashes
8584 : title bar in NowPlaying not being updated with playerMode change
8585 : CLI search and foreign letters
8586 : Messagebox when firewall is detected needs overhaul
8587 : Player subscriptions should be maintained in the Player object
8588 : Review SqueezePlay notifications
8589 : Order of actions in playlist and favorites are different
8590 : stream info missing for radio stream
8591 : Fishbone left pane probem: not using Tan CSS, artwork link no longer works.
8592 : Display blank when server is off line (dead boom)
8593 : Sync'd booms should temp unsync for alarms
8594 : Go to sleep callback
8595 : don't add Favorite button to all and every entry in XMLBrowser
8596 : Sort friends alphabetically
8597 : Group albums in folders under Various Artists
8598 : hard-coded scanner paths prevent using multiple versions of SC
8599 : podcasts don't seem to work from 7.2 r21296
8600 : Adding custom podcast xml feed doesn't seem to work
8601 : WavPack files with large RIFF headers not parsed correctly
8602 : Add ability to change accounts via Controller
8603 : Integrate all SN slimservice code back into main SC
8604 : SVN 21138 breaks URL parsing in songinfo / comments
8605 : Controller locking up, only reacting to some keystrokes
8606 : Cannot add song to "THE CURRENT PLAYLIST:" by clicking the "+" sign.
8607 : Song restarts after Boom loses connection to server
8608 : Loud POP from Boom's speakers while playing music
8609 : Ability to auto switch to different SSIDs based on signal strength
8610 : Controller can't start music from music folder
8611 : Slacker album art not being displayed.
8612 : Context sensitive 'home'
8613 : character menu differs between Controller & Boom
8614 : Default skin - display no bars for mute
8615 : Streaming 24bit/96khz files from ReadyNAS to Transporter skips after 10-20 minutes
8616 : Add and Play no longer work in TrackInfo mode
8617 : Problem with remote keys
8618 : Cannot connect to SqueezeNetwork probably due to Airport Extreme
8619 : hitting play on Trackinfo items does not play item
8620 : Apple Lossless cannot fast forward/rewind
8621 : Boom looses connectivity, seemingly more often than SB3
8622 : UI Bug Box for player selection not displayed correctly
8623 : wrong firmware upgrade info reported by SN
8624 : Can't play music using Browse Music Folder
8626 : Alphabetical access for Shoutcast
8627 : Artwork mixup after adding/deleting content
8628 : Player incorrectly reported as connected to SN
8629 : Radio Time WQXR fails to play, WMA stream fails also
8630 : Jive FW: Cannot upgrade or downgrade, not even with SD card.
8631 : Display text "Factory Reset" when performing a factory reset
8632 : Add a menu function to perform a factory reset
8633 : Song restarts after 30 seconds
8637 : Searching for files with non-ASCII characters on linux works intermittently
8638 : Seeking in mp3 kills gapless
8639 : Can't cut a favorite
8640 : Podcasts cannot be played via remote but can be played via SqueezeNetwork
8641 : With bridging enabled, player uses DHCP server on ethernet interface
8642 : Need alarm icon for web UI
8643 : Include "Server Power Off" function in SC
8644 : Feature: Track Language (TLAN) support added to DB and UI
8645 : Indication of favorite doesnt work for first favorite
8646 : 'date' request from jive should not poll
8647 : Ray should send WOL when the light is blue and button pressed
8648 : Holding down front buttons repeats improperly
8649 : Can't play entire directory anymore.
8650 : Separator for Multiple Items in Tags default behavior
8651 : Mixers should be consistently available via play.hold
8652 : Random Mix favorites doesn't continue playing
8653 : Unable to add Random Mix favorite in Classic skin
8654 : Update to WavPack 4.50
8655 : Podcast artwork moving around
8656 : Command buttons in track info page
8657 : In SC settings, make active tab color white
8658 : Playlist is loaded multiple times
8659 : Safari: Clicking Album thumbnail downloads cover.jpg instead of displaying it
8660 : Large pop-up image when hovering over album thumbnail rendering issues
8661 : Disambiguate Boom front panel IR codes for power and knob push
8662 : hide unsupported links in track info
8663 : Trackinfo items missing title
8664 : Song scanner popup causes NP screensaver to exit
8665 : Cannot edit encryption password if changing networks
8666 : Power cycllng Boom after a factory reset causes "factory reset" text to display again
8667 : Information about the song (tags)
8668 : Boom display gets out of sync with server state
8669 : Applet Load Order
8670 : JIVE_DELETE_PLAYLIST needs to be split to two tokens
8671 : After losing connection to network and reacquiring it, data connection / player state has issues
8672 : Getting Started Document Review
8673 : Alarm time not saving, when time format not default 12h
8674 : "Ethernet appears disconnected" error after FW upgrade
8675 : SBC 7.1 doesn't use (known) http-auth settings anymore
8676 : text in webUI settings page for infoBrowser needs help
8677 : rpds 6 should close any existing Rhapsody SSL connection
8678 : Use rpds 0 to set Rhapsody host/port
8679 : Update strings for Fixed Digital Volume
8680 : infobrowser applet broken on controller
8681 : Add special button function to adjust brightness on the fly
8682 : Transcode error with Latin Punctuation
8683 : Squeezecenter .deb's logrotate should not restart SC
8684 : Wav file scanned in twice
8685 : RadioTime WNIS won't play
8686 : Tone controls should result in more noticeable changes in sound
8687 : Scan finds no artist information
8688 : Boom does not display double-byte characters (with small font selected)
8689 : Missing important encodings for XML parsing
8690 : Decide what to do with fixed digital volume
8691 : RadioTime stream works in SC, but not SN
8692 : way of organizing squeezenetwork favorites.
8693 : Bad handling of a song that doesn't exist in the library any more
8694 : Assigning hotkeys to favorites in classic/fishbone skins
8695 : Truncation on DateTime displays
8696 : controller connected to boom never leaves "updating fw" spinny after boom fw update
8697 : Controller will not connect wirelessly to a Belkin router
8698 : Knob reference in SB2/3 firmware
8699 : infobrowser should display help message on controller when there are no configured feeds
8700 : Where has the applet installer gone?
8701 : Need a Line In plugin to allow users to use the line in when connected
8702 : remove auto update setting on boom, make boom always auto update
8703 : Genre sorting broken in web & SBC UIs
8704 : Seek: FFWD/REW scanner UI timer doesn't reset with each button press
8705 : Feature: Apply/Save width of "Now Playing" pane
8706 : 7.2 desktop squeezeplay will not build in OS X
8707 : the reconnect code rdoesn't handle the case where the disconnects happens *after* the reconnect
8708 : VA track artists in artist list
8709 : Free Format MP3 files
8710 : Race condition in slim_tcpdata_stop / decode_stop
8711 : Group compilation albums is broken
8712 : CLI Playlist move command acts not as documented
8713 : Setting [Group compilation albums together] defunct since 7/9/08 - 7.1b21605
8714 : Show "next" tracks in Now Playing half of default web UI
8715 : StereoXL PlayerUI displays 0 when it's not
8716 : Timezone setting for each player (as in SqueezeNetwork)
8717 : Various artists not being grouped when browsing albums with the Controller
8718 : NowPlaying screensaver will not activate after leaving NPSS using Go button
8719 : no window animation when pressing home in NowPlaying screensaver
8720 : Pausing Rhapsody MP3 track for too long causes problems
8721 : TestPlaybackApplet has a couple of bugs
8722 : Browsing Genre->"genre"->All Albums fails
8723 : Assertion failure with flac playback.
8724 : Add a 2nd password text field at the web security settings page
8725 : Fix 'Volume Control' in Boom to behave more like Transporter...
8726 : Controller says 'Squeezebox is updating...' when FW update occurs, but gets stuck
8727 : MusicIP import failing
8728 : Podcast page fail to parse XML with timeout error
8729 : Player Dropdown not alpha sorted
8730 : WEB UI error during new user sign up - Account Setup missing scroll bars
8731 : Screensaver menu offers combinations which do not work
8732 : WEB UI error during new user sign up - NEXT button corruption
8733 : WEB UI error during new user sign up - Account Setup Safari
8734 : MP3tunes missing from Account Signup Page
8735 : WEB UI error during new user sign up - Can not SKIP account signup
8736 : Now Playing artwork popup in Default skin appears too big/off screen
8737 : Change Attenuation Steps for Volume Knob
8738 : Firmware update from 7.1 r2649 does not work
8739 : Rename "Now Playing (Jump back on wake)" and make it the default
8740 : Receiver fails to connect in Bridge mode
8741 : Installing 7.0.1 over 7.1 will result in a corrupted SC install
8742 : Update Mac installer to display correct version number
8743 : Small Artwork view is space inefficient
8744 : Controller will not connect to a network wih non-ascii characters in the SSID
8745 : Applet installer has gone in build 2681
8746 : Enhancement to have the decoder added for podcast
8747 : Capitalize Brightness heading properly
8748 : Review spacing in Library statistics->Total Playing Time
8749 : Review capitalization of "Library statistics"
8750 : Shorten string "SqueezeCenter Information" to fit top line
8751 : MusicIP mix not available from album page in default/fishbone skin
8752 : Add "getstring" CLI command
8753 : Add "updated" functionality to CLI database queries
8754 : Now playing freezes
8755 : NowPlaying screensaver not being updated sometimes
8756 : Cannot controll Brightness of SB3 from Controller
8757 : Random MIx does not update on Controller
8758 : Selecting Asian character set displays A-Z alphabet
8759 : Unable to navigate menu with Squeezebox Controller
8760 : Drag 'n' Drop reordering in Now Playing is incorrect
8762 : Many bugs in how SC tallies / counts and displays tracks.
8763 : Volume widget should have finer control
8764 : Many bugs in how SC tallies / counts and displays tracks
8765 : Ajax error handling in prototype based skins does not capture timeout
8766 : Deleted MusicIP filters should not be used anymore by SC
8767 : Current playlist window never updates after MusicIP->Play this Mix
8768 : re-entering favorites menus results in a bogus menu item entry at bottom
8769 : choose player list does not update correctly
8770 : Don't display clock if it's never been set
8771 : display confusion when powering on offline boom and turning the knob
8772 : Need a way to force a FW update manually with boom on SN
8774 : User account created after first wizard screen
8775 : Gender not required for Pandora during wizard
8776 : Power off doesn't work when pressed between preset button and time it takes to initiate stream
8777 : Slim Showcase: Miles Davis fails
8778 : Jive stalls clicking on Favorites
8779 : sign up message different between the players
8780 : Trying to skip while paused with skip limit reached causes player to stop
8782 : Scrolling through artists list is sluggish in the presence of non-ascii chars
8783 : SB3 appears to open new connection to SC every time button is pressed on IR remote
8784 : layout messed up in Settings panes in Classic skin
8785 : Problem regarding n of Max (OSX encoding app) encoded ALAC files by the scanner / Probably error in MP4 librarythe detectio
8786 : Allow listing of all tracks for an artist
8788 : Gallery Sign up is not working properly
8790 : Show Buffer Fullness displays bytes instead of seconds even if bitrate is known
8791 : Web UI: ToolTips say "BackGround"
8792 : Pandora/Rhapsody track info subitems have wrong index values
8793 : Sleep at end of song not accurate if you pause/seek/etc
8794 : Unable to disconnect a player from SN
8795 : Connect to SqueezeCenter missing from Player UI
8796 : Power button does not work when WOL frozen
8797 : Support for LAME 3.98 default endianness change
8798 : Add Charts menu
8799 : WOL froze when server changed IP address
8800 : Problem communicating across networks using SSH tunnel
8801 : log filling with 401 errors when password-protected SC instance on subnet
8802 : Very short tracks causing problems with New Streaming
8803 : Add a "stub" player by default to SC
8808 : Support transcoding on download URLs
8809 : Consistent player sync UIs
8810 : Mixer icons do not always show in album info screen
8811 : The MusicIP plugin fails to add tracks with extended characters in path/filename
8812 : Playlist editing a bit broken
8813 : Music IP interface non-functional with new streaming nightly build
8814 : Song info duplicated when displaying/editing playlist items
8815 : WebUI reports fluctuating playtime when player is off
8818 : Boom restarting itself mid-track
8819 : Default for Random Song Mix's Previous Songs should be 3, not 0.
8822 : Screensaver font size changes when cancelling alarm by power off
8823 : SqueezeNetwork partner logos are pixelized (pixelised)
8824 : LastFM logo missing
8825 : Admin UI, player never goes unconnected, can't delete player
8826 : Sirius shows error box when clicking on account tab
8827 : PIN not accepted during gallery sign up
8828 : FLACs with cuesheets not working in 7.3 branch
8829 : Add /music/$id/download link to web TrackInfo
8830 : Account Data not filled in automaticaly
8831 : Tweak string on Sign-up wizard page
8832 : Fix mixer support in trackinfo for artist, album
8833 : Line-in volume displays volume in dB
8834 : Use Cookie::XS
8835 : Premium Music Services listed as Free Services
8836 : audio problems when syncing rhapsody - cracks, pops, and squeaks
8837 : Skiping of required feilds should not be allowed
8838 : Make Random Mix selection playable, using random songs
8839 : Account Creation Errors
8840 : Streaming to stream.mp3 broken on 7.1 on OSX
8842 : Discnumber displays wrong in Song Info pane
8843 : No way to launch random mix using web interface
8844 : Alarms do not fade in
8845 : MMM doesn't generate mixes on Linux (UTF-8) where artist, album or track name has accented characters
8846 : Web UI duration counter only updates every 5 seconds
8847 : Controller loses its wireless connection when connected to Actiontec MI424-WR.
8848 : StereoXL settings do not save
8849 : switching pandora station fails from web UI
8850 : should use utf8 encoded strings.txt file
8851 : push animation wrong and clock kicks in too early when connecting soemtimes
8852 : Digital Input needs to be ported
8853 : Top line showing "(61 of 61)" cuts off right parenthesis
8854 : SqueezeCenter will not play music after updating IP3K FW...
8856 : Not playing - svn 7/24/08 update - new-streaming
8857 : Boom fails to reconnect to server
8858 : Can't play .m4a files withnew streaming code
8859 : Can't play ape files withnew streaming code
8860 : Only the first sleep hit should require holding down
8861 : Many (short) tracks are not playing in new-streaming (Work in 7.1)
8862 : Offline alarm sound could use improvement
8863 : MP3 file with new streaming and bitrate limiting just plays static
8864 : Extended text scrolls on push/pop mode when it should not
8865 : disable audio playback and make sound effects work
8866 : 7.2 controller builds need to have correct skin attributes
8867 : Unable to update TP 37 > 50 over Wireless
8868 : Consider including alternative Now Playing displays using icons etc
8869 : Add "..." when top line is too long to fit
8870 : Screen shows 9 digit number momentarily when adjusting treble, bass, or volume
8871 : Implement settings for new alarm functionality
8872 : Request to allow Tier one team access to Squeezenetwork admin page
8873 : Alarm clock should allow natural sounds as alarm sound
8874 : Playlist entry "wavin:1" doesn't persist
8875 : Mouse pointer icon varies whilst dragging playlist items
8876 : RadioTEENTALL station causes the controller to reboot
8877 : MP3 cue sheets are not gapless
8878 : Party Mode
8879 : update_begin: bad state shows during upgrades
8880 : DateTime screensaver should show next alarm time
8881 : Configuration wizard fails to appear on fresh install
8882 : Snap, crackle, pop reported by customer with SC 7.0
8883 : Playlist in webinterace shouldn't scroll so currently playing song is the last to be seen
8884 : Boom doesn't rock enough
8885 : Cannot access podcasts
8886 : "Alarm Clock" option now in 2 places on menu
8887 : "Enter your wireless network name" too long to fit on top line of menu
8888 : Message "Enter the IP address for your SqueezeCenter" doesn fit on top line of menu
8889 : Replace "Welcome to Squeezebox" with something a little snazzier?
8890 : extra SETUP_OFFSAVER string should be SETUP_OFFSAVER_ABBR
8891 : Various artist albums are not displayed correctly within UI
8892 : Favorites reordering via drag and drop is quite fiddly
8893 : Pagebar enhancements: buttons & tooltips
8894 : Receiver won't turn off
8895 : Crossfade does not work with ip3k products
8896 : Alarms should have use current volume option (?)
8897 : Accents in File name.
8898 : add pref to restore "(X of Y)" to top line of INPUT.List
8899 : ALSS packet flood
8900 : Boom bricked if sent wrong firmware
8901 : digitalVolumeControl pref isn't migrated properly
8903 : enable xilinx reset from front panel
8904 : sleep button should cycle among choices when held down
8905 : Setup wizard fails resizing in IE6
8906 : screen off screensaver kicks in before/immediately after sleep wakeup has finished
8907 : All alarms "off" doesn't work
8908 : Option for "SqueezeCenter" is missing from end of SN menu
8909 : Sofsqueeze webstart never loads fully.
8910 : Album Sort Method that depends on Genre
8911 : jive_7.2_2744.bin: Lost IP after update.
8912 : jive_7.2_2744.bin: Home menu looks wrong.
8913 : jive_7.2_2744.bin: About does not work at all.
8914 : Moving 1 player from a sync to SN will cause all players to halt playback
8915 : Seek: FFWD/REW scanner UI prevents Volume Adjustment UI from displaying
8916 : Rhapsody playing through SC7.0.1 broken.
8917 : Random Mix malfunction
8918 : change UI to reflect inability to sync transcoded streams
8919 : Thumbnail Size Settings slider not sized properly
8920 : display dims on displaying PIN
8921 : SB3 gets stuck on updating firmware
8922 : Ogg file causing the player to lockup
8923 : DIFFERENT YEARS IN SAME ALBUM - SQUEEZEBOX DUET [Incident: 080724-001301]
8924 : Can't play favorites using the number keys on the remote
8925 : Cannot direct access 1-10 Favorite streams using the controler number pad
8926 : CLI interface not returning hasitems correctly for staff picks
8927 : One-Hit wonder Artists getting listed under Various Artists>No Album
8928 : Change in response structure breaks parsing
8929 : pressing PLAY on home menu should descend, not go to Now Playing
8930 : Missing translations (dutch) in SqueezeCenter webinterface & Squeezebox Controller
8931 : Presets should be Per Player
8932 : Alarm Time Box not big enough
8933 : RTC volume not updated sometimes
8934 : Move Audioscrobbler queue out of prefs
8935 : need to add boom to the graphic on the sn home page
8936 : Sort favorites in alarm playlist selection
8937 : Add "sounds and effects" as alarm playlist choices
8938 : StereoXL set to ON by default even if off in SqueezeCenter
8939 : MP3 file with invalid id3v2 data causes the scanner to crash
8940 : Add a setting to reduce SBR LED brightness
8941 : Alarm does not set when Time Format is 24h
8942 : Clock always displays 12H when disconnected
8943 : Snooze-tap uses Settings->Interface->Time Format
8944 : StereoXL should be capitalized
8945 : Be sure to reset SXL and Tone upon reconnect
8946 : When Now Playing screensaver is in volume mode, left arrow front button should take you back out.
8947 : New Alarm playlist is a Favorite - SB can show 2 favorites playlist selected
8948 : Information Browser acting up
8949 : More SC/SN integration - eliminate "switching"
8950 : Add 1 pixel in height to highlight bar
8951 : Volume is too slow to respond when using the knob
8952 : Update notification needs to be localized
8953 : Version of Softsqueeze shipped with 7.1 warns to upgrade because it's optimized for 7.0
8954 : Remove Default Volume feature from new alarm code
8955 : Move All Alarms On/Off below Add Alarm in player ui
8956 : Alarm should be able to be put in main menu and should default on there for boom.
8957 : Don't pause remote streams (radio) when snoozing alarms
8958 : File Version information missing from Windows Installer
8959 : Boom Local Control when SqueezeCenter/Network Down
8960 : SN Web UI for new alarms & other boom specific features
8961 : Make settings menu follow UI guidelines
8962 : New menu structure
8963 : Add Pandora Sort option
8964 : Headphone Auto Detecting
8965 : SqueezeCenter 'Cant drop table: rating'...
8966 : SqueezeCenter should handle 'failures' in the DB or Cache directory better...
8967 : Add option to selectively turn off password protection for download.mp3/stream.mp3
8968 : SoftSqueeze does not work under Squeezecenter 7.1.
8969 : After upgrading to 7.1 the web UI is corrupt
8970 : Move Name field to first page of Wizard
8971 : Add Newsletter signup to SqueezeNetwork Wizard
8972 : Alarm sliders in web ui allow non-numeric inputs
8973 : Make subwoofer filter track woofer filters to provide proper sub/woofer crossover
8974 : Alarm changes lost in web ui when player is changed without clicking apply
8975 : Squeezecenter 7.1 rescans the music library every time the computer gets rebooted
8976 : non-default web ui for alarm shows blank new alarm
8977 : Add PIN back to main splash page
8978 : Add support for remote fullscreen artwork
8979 : 7.1 server stops responding
8980 : Second line of "Setup is complete!" is too long
8981 : Sync'd players & Line IN oddity
8982 : Visual Indicator for attached Sever is missing
8983 : Do not display "Press and hold Brightness" on boom. Ever.
8984 : Controller fails to connect to Microsoft router
8985 : will not enable
8986 : clean install uses iTunes music even when not selected
8987 : Pandora thumbs up, thumbs down is gone
8988 : Customer does not receive Confirmation E-mail
8989 : Resent passwords fail to reach customer
8990 : "Your player <name> has changed accounts" auto-emails need improvement
8991 : 7.2 on Vista: Telnet: "[MacAddress play]" is unreliable
8992 : Playing Podcasts and News Feeds via Favorites
8993 : Automatically change subwoofer crossover frequencies when line out plugged in
8994 : Can't select digital input from "Digital Input" menu
8996 : web UI for Alarms confusing; not clear that alarms are per-player
8997 : Need method to determine if an url is truely remote
8998 : Add audio settings to SBC UI
8999 : KKSF selection in slim picks does not work
9000 : Audio option only shows Crossfade and Volume Adjustment on the Jive Controller
9001 : Adding the current playing song to any of the predefined playlist
9002 : SC 7.1.0 not importing pre-existing MIP playlists.
9003 : Occasional loud noises when moving to a new Rhapsody track
9004 : Problems connecting with slow server
9005 : RS-232 broken in fw
9006 : List scrolling should roll over when the knob keeps spinning at the end of a list
9007 : Issues with /etc/init.d/squeezecenter for Redhat based releases
9008 : Display sorted OPML lists using alpha page bar
9009 : Submission of time value starts new song
9010 : Allow entry of WPA2 key greater than 63 characters
9011 : Artwork Popup not working in IE7
9012 : Alarm doesn't fade-in after snooze
9013 : Design and implement new time-setting widget
9014 : support for sending choice items across in "slimBrowse" data from SC
9016 : better strings in controller alarm code
9017 : alarm default volume should be a slider not a set of radio buttons
9018 : Controller loses SC connection when music storage disk "slows down"
9019 : List of alarms should not order
9020 : 7.2 FW: Jive turns itself off and does not wake up when shaken.
9021 : go back to numbering alarms after alarm list stops reordering itself
9022 : SHOUTcast search items do not play
9023 : Player must always have a name
9024 : Duet Receiver Bridging very dificult to enable
9025 : Grammatical error in "now registered" string
9026 : Apply skin.css to Settings pages
9027 : split "repeat alarm" checkbox into two radio items
9028 : Aiff File does not play.
9029 : Aiff File does not play.
9030 : Volume adjustment should display in dB and not DB
9031 : Shuffle tooltip undefined
9032 : "Choose Playlist" should be "Alarm Sound" in new alarm
9033 : Word wrap text string next to "Get Started" button
9034 : Spacing between strings on Choose Your SqueezeNetwork Account screen needs tweaking
9035 : Text formatting needs tweaking on Sirius sign-up page in Danish and Finnish
9036 : More accurate cue sheet split points for VBR files
9037 : scanning message isn't removed from web UI when scan has finished
9038 : will not connect back to Squeezecenter
9039 : No track seeking when playing .cue files
9040 : Scanning Semi-Broken in MacOs for 7.1+
9041 : alarm clock doesn't turn off when SqueezeCenter is turned off
9042 : Album sort wrong after added as Favorite and again deleted
9043 : Cannot select digital input "RCA Coax S/PDIF" from Controller
9044 : Bass, Treble and StereoXL should appear in WEB UI (SN/SC)
9045 : Upgrading to 7.1 without uninstalling first.
9047 : Problems with accented letters in Latvian language
9048 : Reset player preferences - confirmation JS dialog needed
9049 : After doing a Device Reset, the player name can not be changed
9050 : Boom display brightness should not change during setup process
9051 : Additional Line Out modes
9052 : Squeezecenter 7.1 causes the Fedora9 services GUI to go an infinite loop when it restarts
9053 : Independent volume controls
9054 : Mixer support missing on years and playlists
9055 : Clicking Highlighter in SC/web main menu should respect targets in links
9056 : Album mixers don't work if duplicate mixers registered
9057 : Preview Alarm Sounds - IP3K players
9058 : Ocassionall panic due to incorrect AC line voltage measurement
9059 : Allow page up/down buttons scrolling in left-hand side pane
9060 : Player settings tooltip always says "Advanced"
9061 : Squeezenetwork not reflecting the proper feedback from Rhapsody.
9062 : Sorting by artist only
9063 : Slimserver 7.1 fails to start after upgrade.
9065 : Windows Server 2008 and not Windows Vista
9066 : ReadyNAS missing Math::BigInt
9067 : Jive loses connection to Ray via bridge mode. (Was: Jive units got stuck in update failure mode.)
9068 : Location in Song Info could open local source folder
9069 : Controller goes to spin when accessing music folder on a Ready NAS
9070 : "play other songs in album" setting should be available for SBR
9071 : Add a way to browse by composer in the Music Library
9072 : Split up audio settings into Audio and Synchronization pages
9073 : When in alarm mode remote keypresses are unresponsive
9074 : Button add (+) doesn't clear current playlist anymore
9075 : Non-repeating alarms do not stay disabled across server restarts
9076 : Investigate Net::Rendezvous::Publish
9077 : Shaken ... not stirred...
9078 : Some MP3 files popping at start of playback.
9079 : need LANGUAGE_* strings for Nordic languages
9080 : WOL doesn't work over homeplug network
9081 : Sirius Streaming does not sync between players
9082 : Multiple Sliders on one Squeezeplay Screen...
9083 : UDAP setup only works after factory reset
9084 : Option to play classical movements together regardless of shuffle settings
9085 : SS 7.1 update on Mac OS deletes plugin folder
9086 : Controller doesn't show player brightness or text size choices for players w/display
9087 : [PATCH] Disk I/O drain by stating the same files over and over again
9088 : Digital Inputs Menu | RCA Coax -- not working
9089 : Volume should display on playerUI
9090 : Menu count dissapears in Current Playlist screen
9091 : Mixer icon is not shown at all
9092 : Alarm symbol remains on player even though no individual alarms are enabled
9093 : Powering off during alarm causes music to stop, start then stop again
9094 : Controller does not work with Linksys WRT54GS v2 and after-market firmware
9095 : Add a brightness option for when playing
9096 : Need a callback for settings web handler to be called after saving, but before rendering the page.
9097 : New isRemoteUrl handling is breaking RandomPlay
9098 : The Duet remote cannot connect to a wireless network if SSID broadcast is turned off
9099 : SB3 Factory reset - due to single key on Bose Wave Radio remote.
9100 : play-hold handler not working in many top level dirs
9101 : Possibility to have multiline rows without icon
9102 : Netgear NAS Hibernation problem.
9103 : Jive: List of access points is blank, or disappears suddenly
9104 : Ambient light sensor hw variance
9105 : Jive gets stuck on the boot up "Logitech" screen.
9106 : When stopping/re-starting SC on ReadyNAS, setting for external digital loop is lost
9107 : No IR Input on Duet Receiver!
9108 : No way to sync display with newer SB models in SqueezeNetwork
9109 : SqueezeCenter Dies on ReadyNas -- Missing package...
9110 : Snow screensaver settings should be under display
9111 : Jive: Factory Reset wipes out ssh setting and keys file
9112 : settings menu is useless when no account is registered
9113 : Disable 96KHz and 88.1KHz by default on products that can't play it
9114 : A non-repeatable alarm becomes repeatable upon SC restart
9115 : Jive: 7.3 FW: Stuck in "Free Your Music " screen for about 5 mins.
9116 : Cannot save setting under Safari browser.
9117 : Boom Exceedingly Slow when using ReadyNas (or other slow) system...
9118 : AppArmor Hardy Heron x64 SQL blocked & Browse Issue
9119 : Change brightness for all statuses
9120 : Scanner writing/reading prefs to/from wrong folder on Windows with localized system paths
9121 : Boom knob acceleration goes too fast at end of long lists. needs throttle
9122 : Put boom bass management back to the way it was
9123 : deliver full suite of Settings->Display player settings to the controller
9124 : Slider text box editing is unusable
9125 : Decoder (and play) should start on stream end even if threshold not reached
9126 : --charset=utf8 does not pick up accented characters
9127 : Bad popup box when selecting music / playlist location
9128 : Line In level must be adjustable
9129 : Localization bug testing
9130 : Playing Podcast via SqueezeNetwork - controller can't do anything
9131 : Default date format in DateTime screensaver is too long for Boom
9132 : status command do not return updated ratings until SC restart
9133 : Error message when clicking on Player>Settings
9136 : When NP Screensaver active, pressing NP key pushes into itself
9137 : Boom Knob should behave like Transporter Knob...
9138 : Possibility to pop back more than two levels
9139 : Trigger favorite when hitting snooze bar (when alarm is on)
9140 : Cannot play mp3 file on Ubuntu or Fedora9
9141 : Squeezebox Receiver Turns Itself On
9142 : "Power off audio: Outputs always on" inappropriate for boom
9144 : Nokia770 skin selector 'broken' on IE 7.0 on Windows & Safari 3.1.2 on OS X
9145 : Transporter display settings not retained
9146 : Text is overlapping cover art in toaster
9147 : Boom font incorrectly used on SB2/SB3
9148 : no version to download
9149 : Implement download-on-demand for all firmware types
9150 : Need a better way to organize music resources (favorites, radio stations, podcasts...)
9151 : Cannot SC web interface on 7.1
9152 : SqueezeNetwork keep track of SqueezeCenter IP addresses...
9153 : The ability to FFWD/REWIND should not be there for Transcoded tracks...
9154 : When displaying 'large' artwork, certain info tags should be cut short...
9155 : Cannot trun off optical output
9156 : Support for 2-stage upgrade (1 of 2, 2 of 2 displayed)
9157 : Rhapsody error: not a version 3 EA file (code 105)
9158 : Rhapsody error: not a version 3 RAD file (code 101)
9159 : Rhapsody error: RAD/EA mismatch (code 109)
9160 : Time and duration are truncated to integers
9161 : Line in wipes playlist
9162 : Reset previous volume after disconnecting Line in
9163 : windows service fails to start on boot
9164 : Rationalisation of the Now Playing screen and screensaver
9165 : Settings labels should indicate 'ms' units for synchronization preferences
9166 : Segmentation fault on Fedora 9 x86_64, Perl 5.10, SC 7.1
9167 : Playback stops with firmware 111
9168 : PluginManager fails with more than one targetPlatform in install.xml
9170 : xPL IR Code Broadcast Broken
9173 : Can't play music in a folder using Browse Music Folder
9174 : Player Info not updating
9175 : no exit when deleting Pandora station
9176 : Duet fails to connect to a Music Source
9178 : Add search capability & metadata display for now playing track
9180 : Boom welcome string causes '0' in web show briefly status
9181 : Encode::Detect::Detector - Required, but not avail for Solaris.
9182 : Player dropdown doesn't work
9183 : The human readable names of fonts shouldn't include Narrow, as that's the only choice.
9184 : Too easy to hit PLAY and clear the playlist. Add confirmation.
9185 : Displaying Thumbnails when browsing music by folders
9187 : Albums listed do not sort by year regardless of the "album sort method" setting
9188 : MusicIP should stop using stream handler as generic HTTP mechanism
9189 : _addJiveSong causes slow statusQuery responses, especially without cover-art
9190 : Playlist parser should return information to the user if playlist items can't be read
9191 : Per window skin settings needed
9192 : poky builds not picking up changes
9193 : Need to be able to place cursor under more than one digit
9194 : Track::artist expensive; suggest cache result and avoid double calls
9195 : Getting Started Document Review 7.2
9196 : Saturday alarm rings when network down and only weekday alarms enabled
9197 : Add option to "Play all"
9198 : Make sure ignored items are only ignored from the filesystem's root
9199 : Knob should not trigger volume in idle screen saver
9200 : Warning on console with perl 5.10
9201 : Make PIN visible from SB Controller (add menu item?)
9202 : Cannot disconnect receiver from offline squeezecenter
9203 : Favorites buttons missing from track/album info pages
9204 : Folder selector box only shows the first time it's called
9205 : SC attempts to play audio & visual m4a podcast
9208 : Controller fails to connect to Dlink 655 router (QoS - Packet Shaping)
9209 : SB Controller fails to connect to SqueezeNetwork
9210 : Adding a player to a streaming sync group will cause the group to "skip"
9211 : Allow users to select between perl and c scanners
9212 : Pandora fails to play when "skip limit" has been reached
9213 : On/Off choice items need reversing in Settings->Alarms
9214 : Add support for player PIN authentication to SC
9216 : Controller can not update firmware with WRT54G router
9217 : Netgear RangeMax Duo Wireless-N Router WNDR3300 connection issues
9218 : Transporter FW62 has broken volume control screen...
9219 : Using the time command to jump relative does not work
9220 : Setting time to near the end of a track causes stall
9221 : Pausing a stopped player or sync group begins play
9222 : playing flac file from an http url fails
9223 : Scanner logging tons of errors
9224 : MySQL is shut down before SqueezeCenter on ReadyNAS
9226 : Alarm: Don't change volume on players with fixed volume
9227 : SqueezeCenter PC doesn't appear as music source choice
9228 : Music Scan Details display never stops redisplaying dots
9229 : Play All function from Music Library->Music Folder displays "Unable to play file type" error message
9230 : SBC fails firmware upgrade if SC has a bad internet connection
9231 : Jive: Crashed while rebooting. Takes more than 10 minutes to reboot.
9232 : Popup artwork displayed for LastFM songs is zoomed
9233 : Podcasts fail to start in SC/SN, work fine with other players
9234 : Allow you to jump to an alphabetical letter to browse through artist
9235 : Add to fw update message: screen will go blank
9236 : Directories with names containing cyrillic chars disappear from MusicFolder
9237 : Unable to login (and no good error msg) using IE7 on 'high' privacy
9238 : Rhapsody menus don't treat deleted items well
9239 : Playlist name displayed behind save/clear buttons
9240 : MP3::Info : ULT tag should be handled like USLT tag
9241 : remove unused strings from screensavers
9242 : Some album favorites created on controller are incorrect
9243 : Subscribers should not be notified of requests that occur before they subscribe
9244 : Make it possible to identify the source of requests
9245 : Improve web UI load time
9246 : No audio from Transporter after updating to FW 50
9248 : Controller fails to charge in cradle
9249 : Jive: 7.3 fw: PlaymodePlay, Pause, and Stop tests failing
9250 : Adjustment of Bass/Treble in Web UI does not actually change audio output of Boom...
9251 : Line In is too quiet
9252 : Favorites missing in skin inheriting Default
9253 : Prefs which need to call a sub to take effect on change need a onChange handler
9254 : Repeat playlist mode still set after stopping LastFM
9255 : scanner crashes if there's a playlist folder with a shortcut in it, but no music folder
9256 : Music restarts after alarm cancelled
9257 : Rhapsody: intermittent action failures
9258 : Rhapsody: confusion about 'My Library'
9259 : jive: 7.3 FW: Choose Player list is blank.
9260 : Jive: 7.3 FW: A white spot on the top left corner of "Choose Player" menu.
9261 : Unpredictable power state when using power button to cancel alarm
9262 : Power flicker triggers Boom factory test tone
9263 : Jive: 7.3 FW: Smoke tests lua script does not run properly.
9264 : SB3 wireless disconnect issues with Billion router (WPA2)
9265 : Track seeking broken?
9266 : Power button should display something when Transporter is no longer connected to SC
9267 : Alarm volume adjustment ignores set volume
9268 : display clock when Squeezebox is not connected to a server
9269 : Time format selection with double entries
9270 : 12h time format is always applied to RTC on SN
9271 : Missing artwork with scan for new/changed music
9272 : Can't get rid of old MusicIP playlists
9273 : Error parsing ASX file returned by streamed radio provider
9274 : Sun moved mp3 plugin location
9275 : Artists Empty, but database says full
9276 : please add 12-hour time format without AM/PM indicator
9277 : ASX Playlists containing RTSP as first URL causes error - suggested fix
9278 : FLAC playback sometimes skips a track
9279 : Missing artwork on service
9280 : Add a "News" page/link to the main UI
9281 : Default volume 50 may be too loud
9282 : Choose better default display mode
9283 : WEB UI error on first lanch with no players attached?
9284 : Server fails to start on Windows Vista + audible BEEP
9285 : Information Browser - Controller
9286 : Problems with Additional Playlist Buttons setting
9287 : Light sensor test in FW ugly
9288 : Default skin: preamp volume control slider should be reversed
9289 : The command "playlist play $pl" does not set name of playlist for client
9290 : RadioTime X-Forwarded-For during all requests on SN
9291 : 22050 Sample Rate 56k cbr mp3 does not play correctly
9292 : Offline clock mode has all LEDs enabled
9293 : German Install requires logon in single user mode
9294 : Bad text in Nortic Installer
9295 : Dansk & Norsk: SqueezeCenter Controll Panel "start" not localized
9296 : SqueezeCenter doesn't error out if LAME is missing and Transcoding is Enabled
9297 : Need better wording for brightness settings
9298 : Receiver status button color guide screen
9299 : ReadyNAS: FireFox 3.0.1: Browser frame goes blank after "F5".
9300 : ReadyNAS: Tries to play a song, but there is no sound, and it is not in the PlayList nor Music folder.
9301 : Home page layout issue with Get Started button in Danish and Firefox
9302 : error message about bad PIN is displayed on the wrong screen
9303 : player without name shows as mac address in player selector popup.
9304 : No audio output from transporter after firmware change(s)
9305 : Player name is not set in player
9306 : Constant hiss emitted through tweeters
9307 : Music source switch from SBC doesn't work with Boom
9308 : Unable to play WMA stream
9309 : Store version of last SC that logged into SN account
9310 : Drag and Drop should be throughout our entire SC interface...
9311 : Can not set alarms using Controller when connected to SN
9312 : Make Controller cache artwork on SD card, if one is available...
9313 : When a player needs an upgrade, don't flash home, or the pin or whatever
9314 : Pandora Album Art too big to fit in NowPlaying Window
9315 : "Now Playing" incorrectly refreshing
9317 : Web Browser should cache 'UI' settings at bare minimum..
9318 : Weekday Alarm Selector missing from player UI (not controller)
9319 : Emulate AM/FM radio user interface
9320 : SB Duet on factory firmwares fails to update from SN
9321 : Mac Getting Started docs point to SVN for release notes, not wiki
9322 : Break room is too quiet.
9323 : Home Server and Lame 3.98 don't work well togethor
9324 : URL in playlist don't match
9325 : Squeezecenter stuck on running
9326 : Total Playing Time a negative number
9327 : WebUI should not attempt to seek unless canSeek is true
9328 : Alarm: Allow alarms to be named
9329 : Alarm: Make alarm volume and duration configurable per alarm
9330 : Random song alarm playlist fails
9331 : Display indication that Boom has lost contact with the server
9332 : Builds of 7.2/trunk should be 7.2.1
9333 : Adding an album shows bad showbriefly
9335 : multi-disc albums in same folder not sorting correctly
9336 : UI Inconsistency: WebUI goes to album info when clicking playlist item
9337 : Memory Usage improvements
9338 : Software Compressor
9339 : Alarm clock remembers previous time after change
9340 : Disabling MyRadio plugin hides Internet Radio
9341 : SqueezeCenter forgot all URLs in My Radio Stations after upgrade
9342 : Controller lost all settings and couldn't find SqueezeCenter after FW update
9343 : 'Show artwork' screensaver request
9344 : Bug in updating fontcache
9345 : Choose Player should only appear on the home menu if there is more than one player to choose from
9346 : Controller stuck on blue icon
9347 : Support for seeking in Rhapsody
9348 : Attemping to change volume kills stream.
9349 : Browse "Music Folder" : direct access to folders starting with letters 'M' to 'V' is impossible - article related?
9350 : Player->Display settings web page for SLIMP3 won't display
9351 : Players unpause randomly
9352 : SoftSqueeze 3.7 does not install
9353 : Boom display (on auto) is too bright for bedside use
9354 : Issues with Alarms using CLI in 7.2
9355 : SC alarm CLI does not cover new alarm functionality
9356 : transcoding due to bitrate limiting emits noise only
9357 : Add ability to include Line Out item in top level menu
9358 : Extended editing of player menus required.
9359 : Scanner aborts when finding files with 'id' tag
9360 : Artwork scanner doesn't find arbitrarily-named cover art
9361 : Extremely short tracks do not complete before the next track starts playing
9362 : Adding shuffle status to home menu screws up layout
9363 : Add 224 kbps to Bitrate Limiting options
9364 : Alarm should end when the alarm playlist is replaced
9365 : SB1s & SliMP3s fail to advance track when only active member of sync group
9366 : Artwork is not working in 7.3 anymore
9367 : Alarms are not rescheduled on system time changes, including DST
9368 : Unable to enter AM in alarm when switching Time Format
9369 : Opt-in for slim and Logi not in Wizard
9370 : After update to 7.2, Receiver fails to reset
9371 : KKSF using RadioTime no longer works
9372 : ReadyNAS: DataBase: Sometimes add all songs to PlayList does not include songs inside sub folders.
9373 : Failure Of Sync of Sirius Channel
9374 : Can't start iTunes Playlist via xPL
9375 : SBC does not show disc number when browsing albums
9376 : Internet Explorer 8 (Beta) does not work properly
9377 : Server fails to start on Windows Vista + audible BEEP (v2)
9378 : Some podcasts do not display titles
9379 : sound effects are out of sync with events
9380 : poky problem: version in executable can be mismatched with actual version
9381 : Display all available SSIDs (more than 10)
9382 : 'Add Next' does not work from XMLBrowser menus
9383 : Album art: inconsistent and intermittent issues
9384 : --user <$USER> does run transoder programs as root and not as $USER
9385 : Artwork on albums does not appear, but appears if you click on album
9386 : Rescan Music Library reports wrong type of scan when in progress
9387 : Not all music is being scanned
9388 : Trouble staying connected to WiFi (WRT610N router)
9391 : mixers should only show up in context menu if they are available for that object
9392 : "play all" items in podcast lists should send the play all icon as thumbnail
9393 : Buffer underun doesn't recover itself & SB doesn't respond anymore
9394 : SqueezeScrobbler not using Request::renderAsArray correctly
9395 : Boom spontaneously moves to different SN account
9396 : squeezebox powers off when connecting to SN/SC
9397 : Sign Debian/Ubuntu packages
9398 : Playing podcast from SqueezeNetwork hangs controller
9399 : SqueezeCentre implementation of pauseForInterval faulty for SqueezeSlave
9400 : Non-caching of knowledge on non-presence of art causes heavy load
9401 : Off after... alarm functionality not replicated in SqueezeNetwork
9402 : Streaming does not work anymore!
9403 : information browser forgets RSS feeds and resets to factory default when squeezecenter is restarted
9404 : Auto Brightness not working
9405 : Restore original volume when alarm ends
9406 : Move more SSL calls from player to SN
9407 : Saving to an existing playlist
9408 : Saving to an existing playlist while playlist is not playing.
9409 : Feature request: implement "edit playlist" for all playlists (not just currently-playing)
9410 : Symbol not available to enter for WPA key
9411 : controller can't upgrade 2873->2907
9412 : Artist Menu - Play all, All songs and Add to Favorites option problems
9413 : limit to controllers controlling 1 player on squeeze network
9414 : RadioIO Sounpass Subscribers get commercials through Squeezenetwork
9415 : boom DHCP timeout too short, doesn't even count down to zero
9416 : Can't add favorites with boom after editing SC favorites
9417 : Favorites can only be added when on Now Playing screen
9418 : Stream.mp3 does not work in SC 7.3
9419 : Track properties, then right to ALBUM only shows tracks by the current track's artist
9420 : Squeezecenter 7.2 does not play ALAC on Ubuntu
9421 : Add shuffle option for alarm playlists
9422 : apparmor changes should not be run if apparmor is not installed
9423 : Incorrect collate on tracks_persistent table
9424 : Scanner hangs on semi-random file
9425 : Receiver doesn't get DHCP IP address from router (169.254...)
9426 : Web UI Display problem in Google Chrome
9427 : "Music Source" menu does not work in r2907
9428 : Digital inputs can't be played as favorites
9429 : Rescan music library shows wrong type during scan
9430 : Browse Music Folder doesn't decode UTF8 characters on the controller
9431 : Volume drops to zero when new track plays; volume up/down restores it
9432 : 7.2 wont skip other files types with "new and changed music" scan
9433 : User Interface hardy x64 - music source pop-up
9434 : Scanner fails to add any tracks to database
9435 : "Now playing" artwork rendering problems in default skin (IE7 & Chrome)
9436 : CLI command <playerid> time <value> not working for FLAC
9437 : Audio playback on the SqueezeboxController
9438 : Listing playlists, albums or artists in CLI seem to be broken
9439 : Play all, Play all by artist, Add to favorites icon misaligned
9441 : Missing Quickstart Guide
9442 : Latest 7.3 nightly builds completely fail to scan my music library
9443 : Gap between songs with 7.2 & Apple Lossless
9444 : Auto switch off and on
9445 : Dimming fails when Boom goes off the network completely
9446 : Squeezebox reconnect not enabled in new-streaming
9447 : File selector box does not draw correctly on Vista
9448 : allow for multiple requests/setting of preferences over CLI
9449 : Music Services should honor specified title format in player UI
9450 : Provide UI for managing unplayed and partially played podcasts
9451 : Podcast Sync please?
9452 : Preset button won't save Beatles album '1'
9453 : After updating controller to version 7.2 r2907, it runs into an error (Dutch Language)
9454 : SqueezeServer setup should reserve ports it needs
9455 : VU Display Switches Off when Volume Up or Down is engaged
9456 : FW updates and pin # displays
9457 : ReadyNAS: Upload(install) failed.
9458 : SqueezeCenter 7.2 Windows service now fails to start on boot
9459 : Redefined strings - increase logging level to Info
9460 : Music Scan does not find new music
9461 : Controller restart when browsing artists
9462 : xPL Plugin initializes with wrong local ip
9463 : SC does not kill faad.exe when skipping tracks
9464 : Default skin - display comments at bottom of songinfo page
9465 : Store transcoding settings (convert.conf) in database
9466 : DAC FAIL CAN'T TALK on PB2 (prototype units)
9467 : Alarm not sorted by Day/Time
9468 : Alarms do not have sound after 6+ days
9469 : Alarm should return Volume to previous level
9470 : Feature: Clean/Normalize layout of text under album covers in browse panes
9471 : Nested remote playlists do not play first time around
9472 : Remote playlist with multiple WMA streams plays only first stream
9473 : Transcoding fails to fill buffers fast enough
9474 : no WOL after PowerOn
9475 : Pipeline may return premature end-of-file
9476 : Display clock when pressing the snooze button
9477 : Dialog scrolling all the time when powered on without running SC
9478 : There should be no light on the Receiver when its turned "OFF"
9479 : Add an easy way to make the display look like that on the box
9480 : Artists display differently on Controller than SqueezeCenter
9481 : Apple Lossless cannot FWD/RWD
9482 : sleep at end of song + transcoded stream => 100% CPU for
9483 : SBC does not remember custom wallpaper after upgrade.
9484 : Connection loss between controller and Squeezecenter while accessing large directories/albums (Music Folder Browsing)
9485 : Scrolling acceleration slow to kick in
9486 : remote needs a stronger magnet
9487 : Connecting Squeeze Center PC in Standby fails
9488 : No playback of flac files with non standard characters in filename when bitrate limiting is on.
9489 : Missing artwork with radiotime
9490 : Alarm fallback behaviour fails when connected to SN
9491 : improving the setting and retieval of preferences
9492 : Playlist in OPML format will not play using SB UI but plays with Web and SBC UI
9493 : Play next not working from XMLBrowser menus
9494 : Play Next is not an option for podcasts
9495 : Message in Italian spells "SqueezeNetworl"
9496 : Privacy policy in Italy should go to Italian-localized URL
9497 : Track 1->Remove from Playlist menu item does not work
9498 : "now playing" text too long in Italian
9499 : Playing internet Radio from within Squeezecenter causes a problem.
9500 : Music Library disappears after system reboot
9501 : Unattended installs difficult with present windows installer.
9502 : INPUT.Text truncates valueRef param at first "0" char
9503 : Recovery for customers who opt out of downloading SC during SN setup
9504 : Scanning broken with SqueezeCenter Version: 7.2.1 - 23177 and recent versions of MySQL
9505 : Translation in NO fixes?
9506 : Future alarms turned off
9507 : Windows installer includes confusing and useless perl source code
9508 : Controller cannot navigate to all sub-folders
9509 : squeezecenter 7.2 fails after installing raidiator 4.1.3 on readynas
9510 : Allow upcoming alarm to be cancelled for just that day
9511 : Playing Podcasts and News Feeds via Favorites
9512 : Jive FW: After Factory Reset, Jive does not go to languages selection page.
9513 : Sleep at end of song doesn't advanced to the next song
9514 : Play MusicIP mix without having to restart mix song
9515 : long audiobook won't play on boom
9516 : On connection, SB3 crashes Netgear MR814 v2
9517 : Fail to get output-buffer-underrun (STMo) events when streaming FLAC
9518 : Add function to skip the scanning of tracks if it says so in the tag
9519 : ESPN Radio won't sync
9520 : iTunes interval scan breaks the database
9521 : Scanner will not pick new playlists from iTunes
9522 : Artists names disappear from SC’s UI when integrating with iTunes
9523 : albums disappear under Home > Artists > Various Artists
9524 : CLI: "info total genres ?/artists?/albums ?/songs ?" do not give respnses as in Tech Info page.
9525 : opening windows media radio station: file not found error
9526 : player not connected to at startup
9527 : CLI: "wipecache" does not clear the playlist and rescan on Wi2K.
9528 : When creating a new station there is no way to have lowercase letters.
9529 : Controller hangs when choosing player.
9530 : Slimserver using iTunes folder despite box being unchecked in settings
9531 : Downloads for some systems unavailable on SqueezeNetwork
9532 : MP3 decoder chokes on files with large headers
9534 : Backup Alarm fails to go off
9535 : Track display setting should default to "track"
9536 : "download squeezecenter" button needed as part of the top-level menu.
9539 : "iTunes:" prefix should be removed from playlist name when displayed in Player UI
9540 : Need a "Where do I find my PIN?" pop-up window next to PIN form fields
9541 : DRM-ed ITunes files in playlists should not appear in Player UI
9543 : Stop not always recognized from remote
9544 : Can't open the default skin when it is not the default skin ;)
9545 : Pause.Hold (stop) fails in screensaver
9546 : Add option to suppress scrobbling of internet radio
9547 : Playlist::removeTrack() confuses Jive
9548 : Sirius Logo too big on Home Menu
9549 : WAV Tagging
9550 : CLI: "[playerid] mixer volume ?" does not return the volume number any more.
9551 : non-Latin characters in tags prevent iTunes playlist from appearing
9552 : Connectivity problems with Netgear WPN824
9553 : Track title metadata missing when track title contains ellipsis in cue file
9554 : Controller lockup/reboot when browsing artists list
9555 : Rhapsody playlist unreliable when assigned to preset button
9556 : Additional (more) functionality for presets
9557 : Preset not functioning ideal/correctly
9558 : Snow screensaver is too wide for Boom display
9559 : CLI Charset command not working
9560 : Include ip address and wireless signal strength in "about"
9561 : Back button Now Playing shortcut inconsistency
9562 : Streamline setup process by removing a few screens
9563 : Streamline setup process by removing or combining a few screens
9564 : Integrate Playlist Manager functionality into Squeezecenter
9565 : Frequent disconnects with "new streaming" and flac files
9566 : genres not able to be scrolled fully
9567 : DE: Font names need to be harmonized
9568 : Display of Boom preset names correspond to what's playing
9569 : Player should turn off when alarm times out
9570 : Repeat Alarm is confusing
9571 : Home menu settings lost on controller
9572 : Alarm time is always indicated in AM or PM
9573 : Customer request to add Laut.Fm (not to be confused with Last.Fm)
9574 : Have radio stations listed by bit rate
9575 : More Pandora Functionality through SqueezeNetwork Interface
9576 : Setup does not start after a factory reset
9578 : Scanner crashes when encountering DRM protected, or bad files
9579 : Boom won't switch to SqueezeNetwork if SqueezeCenter PC is off
9580 : Line in plugged in, stops Audio from SqueezeCenter and Squeeze Network
9581 : Adding Rhapsody music to current playlists displays "ADDING\N\NTO PLAYLIST.."
9582 : SBC browsing by genre with 'Group compilaton albums together' seems to trigger cartesian result sets
9583 : Compile error on 64bit Linux
9584 : CSRF error message need some layout tweaks to not discourage users.
9585 : Tag names must not be translated
9586 : Default per player language is English
9587 : Standard web interface freezes when a TwonkyMedia is on network
9588 : Add confirmation dialog when adding or removing a favorite
9589 : Time display on Now Playing (and elsewhere) doesn't respect timezone
9590 : CLI commands no longer needing a question mark (?) for a query
9591 : SC > SN Settings Menu are divergent
9592 : Flickr will not show "My own pictures" photo stream
9593 : SqueezeCenter not reading tags in AIFF files
9594 : Slimserver keeps restaring after updaet on XUbuntu 8.04 - cannot conenct to Mysql
9595 : account information volatile
9596 : Softsqueeze loses sync very quickly (each track)
9597 : bass/treble controls do not affect headphone out
9598 : Ability to retrieve possible alarm playlist urls via CLI
9599 : SC 7.3 Doesn't play Wave files!
9600 : Total Playlist Elapsed/Remaining Time
9601 : resolver problems: invalid NS taken from disabled interface static config, OpenDNS preferred to local NS
9602 : Line-in is affected by pause command, but shouldn't really be
9603 : count: comes after list of replies, not before
9604 : Receiver / Squeezebox do not reconnect to SqueezeCenter after PC Reboot
9605 : MIP-Mixes won't contain tracks with non-ascii characters in it's file/directoryname
9606 : Pandora 'accept' button mislabeled 'search'
9607 : Add "Current browser" to the "Player chooser" menu
9608 : SC max synced players (List Box) - not displaying all players
9609 : Alarm Volume control
9610 : Rhapsody un-pauses tracks by itself
9611 : IR Blaster goes into endless IR emission loop
9613 : Request additional format for track (incorrect language)
9614 : startup sounds twice in 7.3 firmware
9615 : Need tool to detect and address permission issues with SBS & Mac OS
9616 : The scanner will not import files with Chinese characters when the Squeezecenter is integrated with iTunes.
9617 : "Repeat current song" repeats next track initally
9618 : Wake on LAN over Internet
9619 : MP3tunes doesn't work with Smart Crossfade
9620 : Slim::Control::Request::executeLegacy no longer actually executes anything
9621 : Switching players can cause home title to be "nil"
9622 : CLI "artist ?" queries needs to be silenced for internet radio streams
9623 : squeezecenter tried to download firmwares to Firmware dir
9624 : Update wireless regions
9625 : Scan details corruption
9626 : Choose player list is not always populated during SetupWelcome
9627 : desktop squeezeplay should boot by default with FullScreenSkin
9628 : Reported signal strength wrong?
9629 : when not connected to a player, Music Source in settings menu is problematic
9630 : UI should not crash when sent conflicting menu item styles
9631 : Player choice in SN does not stick
9632 : Bug #9430 not fixed in 7.2
9633 : multiple artists in tags only shows the first entry on controller
9634 : The attached MPC file causes Controler to fail (character 0x00 in artist name)
9636 : ADD button probably shouldn't stop Pandora / Slacker
9637 : Need a final application icon
9638 : mov123 and wmadec transcoding broken with new streaming
9639 : Add images of hardware as icons in Choose Player
9640 : Last.Fm "Love this track" doesn't work through SN for MP3Tunes tracks
9641 : Radio Streams attempt to get bit-rate limited when bitrate limiting is on...
9642 : Power on should contine playing stream
9643 : Power cycling Squeezebox should always resume stream
9644 : WOL packet not sent from SBC if Duet setup in bridged mode
9645 : "About" should be moved into "Information"
9646 : Suggest disabling ADD while on now playing for io4business
9647 : Jive: 7.3_r3055 bin: Unit cannot boot up at all. AT ALL, not just sometimes.
9648 : Alarm that doesn't replace now playing
9649 : No "Play All" function on player interface for Podcasts with multiple feeds
9650 : Enhancement request for Shoutcast stations
9651 : Setup to SN fails back to beginning of setup (fw 81)
9652 : Scanner stops at flac/cue and then reports finished AND running
9653 : Other Server function fails on fw 2873
9654 : Stopped screensaver fails if nowplaying is none
9655 : Library statistics shows Total Artists instead of Total Genres
9657 : CLI commands favorites/playlists returns wrong international chars
9658 : Scanner seriously broken on Debian Linux x86_64
9659 : Character set issue in progress status of music scan
9660 : Delete Line in Playlist format error
9661 : Add optional snooze sound for alarms
9662 : Browsing by artist can list "All Songs" as various artists
9664 : squeezeplay_test applets should be GPLed
9665 : squeezeplay shouldn't bomb on Vista if admin mode isn't on
9666 : Time box missing from Alarm panel, once alarm is set
9667 : Unable to upgrade to 7.2 release
9668 : power on resume doesn't always do what it says
9669 : Poor performance browsing large directory
9670 : Screen dimming set to 'none' still dims screen the first time
9671 : Enable browsing from favorites
9672 : Alarm playlist param for updates should be 'url' not 'playlisturl'
9673 : Poor recovery from empty stream
9674 : Fallback ref URLs aren't used in ASX files
9675 : Loop when playing a track from a Rhapsody playlist in SN web
9676 : players falling way out of sync
9677 : FLAC -> MP3 transcoding not fast enough
9678 : Adding MP3Tunes Playlists works, but they will not play from Favorites
9679 : pulsating artwork thumbnails
9680 : desktop skin cleanup
9681 : spectrum analyzer screensaver behaves differently since SC7.2/FW112
9682 : Chronic Slacker Radio Problem
9683 : Jive: 7.3 FW: Unable to find and play music if there is a new FW for upgrade.
9684 : SC 7.3 on ReadyNAS: Both rescan and wipecache are slower than in past builds.
9685 : installer version and wizard splash screen show wrong version
9687 : Option to globally disable (opt out of) all automatically triggered library scans
9688 : Button needed to access "advanced settings" in the SC setup wizard
9689 : Getting Started Document Review 7.2.1
9690 : unable to enter encryption key (wpa2 64 character hex)
9691 : Favorites menu title isn't localized
9692 : Need to note exact track start point in elapsed samples
9693 : When successfully setup onto SN, if you select SC, Boom fails to setup again
9695 : Manual snSync
9696 : SqueezePlay fails to launch in PowerPC Mac OS X 10.5
9697 : Cannot change text size on Boom
9698 : Install pauses at "creating directories" for a long time (approx 1.5 minutes)
9699 : Controller loses music sources
9700 : Add "Chirp tone" to help find controller when lost
9701 : scrobbles tracks with multiple tags in the artist field incorrectly
9702 : hide "advanced" settings in Web UI
9703 : Add date & time of last scan to Music Scan Details
9704 : Scan status sometimes not updated
9705 : Issue with Internet Radio when router firewall is on, but confiugred.
9706 : Going to SC from SN can prompt user for stuff that's already been chosen
9707 : fade out / in when changing stations or tracks
9708 : Can't locate Win32::Locale
9709 : stackoverflow podcast doesn't play (using direct streaming)
9710 : Default wlan power saving off, move power management settings into its own item
9711 : Remove port number from player information
9712 : Can not see artwork when connecting to MP3Tunes Locker.
9713 : WMA files cannot FWD / RWD
9714 : noCPAN release of SqueezeCenter 7.2
9715 : Support Page Up / Page Down in Textarea and Menu
9716 : bounce screensaver doesn't work properly
9717 : Fix mouse slider support, make more like standard os sliders
9718 : ISO date format
9719 : Error in URL from SqueezeCenter documentation to the wiki
9720 : How to save genre selection for Random Mix with Controller?
9721 : Player-UI for sync should show all members of sync-group
9722 : Sync when already synced should show "unsyncing" show-briefly
9723 : Tidy up handling of contributor tags
9725 : brainzID field should also be split
9728 : Apple Lossless files will not play from an Infrant ReadyNAS
9729 : Moving player to new account does not generate e-mail to old account
9730 : Choose Player for Controller needs style
9731 : provide wireless signal strength and fw version from squeezeplay
9732 : Does not work at all
9733 : Rhapsody playback often stops at end of track
9734 : in makefiles, allow spaces in source code path
9735 : aplay plays mono and hangs on stereo.
9736 : does include too many modules with the Windows binaries
9737 : Add Boom-Like 'Snooze' Clock Display to SB
9738 : AES/EBU output
9739 : _parseLanguage may be broken
9740 : Maintain Staff Picks in svn
9741 : Allow genres or artists to be excluded from scrobbling
9742 : Connectivity Issues with Linksys WRT150N Router
9744 : Prompted to press the 'Center Button' to continue
9745 : Fast forward and Rewind fire newsong notifications
9746 : Does not work for me
9747 : Wrong display of mp3 tags with diacritic characters ANSI 1250
9748 : Search does not find track artists
9749 : Headphone jack on front panel
9750 : When nothing is playing, the silence is a bit louder than before.
9751 : 7.3 on Vista: tracks play a little longer than in the past.
9752 : fade_volume doesn't always call callbacks at end of fade
9753 : Changed Controller Name From "Player 1" now it won't control itself
9754 : Settings screens lose scroll bar, buttons etc.
9755 : ReadNAS version of SC can't play AAC files
9756 : auto-pair with wep networks
9757 : Scanner does not pre-cache artwork for controller
9758 : Connection timed out on local music?
9759 : Error messages should eventually time out
9760 : external mysqld results in a lot of "uninitialized value" warnings on startup
9761 : Initial setup needs to include music source menu if no player is detected
9762 : Windows version needs zipfilter built
9763 : Library scan misses most of files
9764 : SqueezeCenter init scripts issue warnings on Debian Lenny
9765 : char based keyboard shortcuts not working in Vista (possibly just x64)
9766 : Alarms entered in reverse order
9767 : Syncing while playing Rhapsody doesn't work right
9768 : Squeezecenter not picking up MusicIP Moods in recent Windows MIP install
9769 : allow custom icons for Favorites, Playlists, and Internet Radio
9770 : Controller should reconnect to source, not just network, after waking from suspend
9771 : SqueezeCenter confuses different albums with the same name
9772 : File paths with accented characters are not found in MusicIP
9773 : Pause is not allowed when buffering
9774 : Give the user a way to select what tags are displayed on the Controller
9775 : Jive 7.3 r31xx and higher does not complete factory setup.
9776 : Unknown publisher window when starting Windows installer
9777 : Request for Combined WOL and Power ON functionality.
9778 : Clicking "Play Artist Station" fails to do so
9779 : Squeezeboxes lose their names in SqueezeCenter
9780 : PNG images being generated for Now Playing
9781 : error message in StreamingController spilling the logs
9782 : Mac installer needs some overhaul
9783 : sqeezeslave will not synchronize
9784 : Only 1 instance of squeezeslave can run at the same time
9785 : LastFM Recent Tracks list displays a 0 after each song title
9786 : "playlist index X" when paused only unpauses, doesn't change track
9787 : 7.2 and 7.3 crash saving playlist from Duet Controller
9788 : SP PPC Mac - internal sounds are just hiss
9789 : SC 7.2.1 installer fails on PPC Mac running 10.3.9
9790 : Should we support OSX 10.3.9 SqueezePlay? Currently doesn't
9791 : Jive: 7.3 FW, r3183: PlayMode Stop does not have "Stop" on top.
9792 : Jive: 7.3 FW, r3183: does not boot up after Factory Reset.
9793 : In album lists, pre-artwork album tag ugly, overlaps album name
9794 : ALAC transcoding introduces static at end of files
9795 : account is not upgraded following subscription
9796 : firmware messages not shown on Boom if power off brightness is set to 0 (Dark)
9797 : When connected to SN, Boom can sometimes display "Please update your version of SC"
9798 : Songs Restarting
9799 : Controller goes to red antenna
9800 : No scroll bar in Lyrics screen under certain conditions
9801 : remote streaming stops constantly
9802 : Enable Replay Gain for Squeezeslave players
9803 : Add alternate directory for 3rd party skins
9804 : Fixed volume with pseudo volume showing
9805 : The MyRadio plugin included in 7.1.0 & 7.2.0 is missing
9806 : itunes import crashes at end
9807 : Playing sometimes hangs at the end of a song
9808 : Easy guest access to Music Services
9809 : WIndows service exits
9810 : Large font during Screesaver (Date and Time, namely)
9811 : support for Synology Diskstation package
9812 : add <sleep at end of song> as option to <player sleep> on the controller/squeezeplay
9814 : New RemoteMetadata code goes into loop on MMS streams
9815 : JIVE_VERSION number is not updated automatically
9816 : Fails to insert song into database
9817 : Playback of certain ALC/AAC files failing
9818 : Real Time clock not set after clock change on server
9819 : favorites.hold command isn't working
9820 : SqueezePlay Win32: Eliminate startup cmd window popups
9821 : SP full screen skin shows Now Playing link during setup screens
9822 : SlimBrowser doesn't support SC menu item for IP text input
9823 : Write users preference values outside of application directory
9824 : SP Audio Gain Control for local player
9825 : SP Help Link/ SqueezePlay wiki help page
9826 : Make local playback the default for the Desktop
9827 : Regardless of Network or Server connectivity, the Boom should still work as a functional Clock
9828 : Alarm snooze is only 1 minute long
9829 : When hitting the snooze button on boom, alarm time display uses wrong time format
9830 : server processed cookies fail if blank.
9831 : SP - support hold actions with new keyboard shortcuts
9832 : SP - support fullscreen mode
9833 : RTC alarm should only be set if the next alarm is within 24 hours
9834 : Player Info displays wireless signal % for wired players
9835 : SP - Create shortcut to bring up search menu - "/"
9836 : WMA ChunkTypeChangingMedia not handled properly
9837 : Rotate display when controller is on its side
9838 : variable alarm fade in control
9841 : Swedish translation when connecting to player
9842 : SP - Windowed View should be resizable
9843 : SP - Set "stopped" screensaver to none by default
9844 : SP - Maximize button does true fullscreen
9845 : Last.Fm "Love this track" doesn't work
9846 : Wifi icon is blue when Jive has no IP or wrong IP.
9847 : Squeezeplay 7.2.1 fails to install on Windows Home Server
9848 : poor apparmor checks in postinstall
9849 : Now playing stops working
9850 : station causes SC to lock up, grow memory, get ugly
9851 : Unexpressed dependency on libgd
9852 : hide Slim/Plugin in server settings status
9853 : Adding items to playlist is a very slow process
9854 : SC - Installer won't launch on Windows Home Server (post 7.1)
9855 : Streaming port security enhancements
9856 : "Loading English" needs to be localised
9857 : If Search returns a single result, go directly to the page
9858 : Disabling Customize Controller plugin for Jive causes the WEBUI to break.
9859 : custom wallpaper broken
9860 : SC 7.3 failes to start Wizard.html
9861 : Receiver turns on after power fail
9862 : Tracks within album sort order incorrect
9863 : add a "favorites find <url>/id" command to CLI
9864 : Pressing PLAY on a song in the context of an album does not immediately play that song when shuffle is on
9865 : Squeezenetwork SLOW access from SB3
9866 : Various Artists/Artist Sort Not Cleared In Full Rescan
9867 : Boom front panel buttons which power on player should also send WoL packet
9868 : MP3::Info should use all tag fields to determine charset
9869 : HTTP GET with request method-body causes error from Squid proxy
9870 : artists show that shouldn't when album artist & comp=0 set
9871 : Documentation of XMLBrowser tags incomplete
9872 : major inconsistentcies with comp tags
9873 : Add the option to make a config-file
9874 : 24/96 flac playback on the SBC will crash it
9875 : Tracks truncated (skip early) after pausing via power-off
9876 : After 10 minutes of (flac) playback on the SBC it begins to stutter
9877 : Can't get volume control on the TR to work anymore
9878 : Favorites with non-latin characters in their url don't work
9879 : Remote network functionality (with SSH tunnel) doesn't appear to work, manually entered IP address doesn't work
9881 : Display Radiotime metadata
9882 : Store the "Additional Playlist Buttons" setting on the server instead of the browser
9883 : Now Playing Artwork shows placeholder when removed from cradle
9884 : Desktop Skin reverts "pause" icon to "play" icon on song change
9886 : Restore original volume when snooze used
9887 : server-level settings for audioscrobbling
9888 : Not all wmadec lines updated in new convert.conf
9890 : SqueezeCenter downloads too often when it fails a sha1sum check...
9891 : Playlist names
9892 : SP - ignore modifier keys (numlock capslock, etc) for keyboard shortcuts
9893 : Fix alignment faults in wlan driver
9894 : Better control over scheduled rescans
9895 : Nomenclature: "Adding" to Favorites
9896 : Line-In Behavior with Boom Powered Down
9897 : Directory Scan misses out on Files and Folders containing accented Characters
9898 : Thinking widget animation speed
9899 : Send 'dsco' for an unrecognized player type
9900 : SN Support for squeezeplay and audio playback on the controller
9901 : support link at bottom of UI not internationalized or localized
9902 : Player should show (re)scanning status when library is being scanned
9903 : Precompile lua code using luac for faster boot times
9904 : Mp3 silence results in "loss of Lock" for external dac via COAX
9905 : elapsed time element on NowPlaying for radio streams needs fixing
9906 : Tagging Music files from within SqueezeCenter
9907 : Network settings after power interruption
9908 : SP - get UUID from platform rather than "random on first load"
9909 : SqueezeCenter build needed for ReadyNAS pro
9910 : "Scroll once then stop" and long titles breaks screensaver
9911 : Problem with SC Starting/Stopping
9912 : INPUT.List needs up/down mappings to make sure scrolling is possible
9913 : pull back some of the convenience methods in fullscreen skin to default skin
9914 : SC-delievered menus should be able to send callbacks that launch native SP applets
9915 : SC needs to be able differentiate between controller and squeezeplay
9916 : Mac installer, wrong opening statement
9917 : user settings in platform specific dir
9918 : can't setup a factory reset player with controller
9919 : Rethink artwork
9921 : Can't control player volume even if set in SN to control from player
9922 : Undock player feature could invoke SqueezePlay
9923 : WM Voice from Radiotime is filtered
9925 : Support Now Playing Screensaver buttons (currently SS disappears)
9926 : firmware update copying window is not black
9927 : Need icons for new radio menu items
9928 : When looking at a MusicIP playlist, view should be like any other Playlist view
9929 : Small adjustment to Large Album view...
9930 : jive.version file doesn't show minor rev numbers
9931 : playlist (origin: MIP) is not restored after a player reconnects to SC
9932 : SC prompts with warning dialog when started, each and every time
9933 : EN mixerlink goes to wrong target
9934 : Podcast tracks not shown on Duet controller
9935 : Need more icons for webcasters
9936 : MUSIC string used instead of PLUGIN_RADIOTIME_MUSIC
9937 : Local, Music, Talk, By Region and Search need better icons in Internet Radio
9938 : Scan for new/changed music doesn't work when changing compilation tag content
9939 : menu should display a history of recently played stations
9940 : Text size adjustment
9941 : Large direct stream HTTP request strings cause problems
9942 : Multiple ARTIST tags in APEv2 not recognised correctly
9943 : Fix reinit under 7.3 SN
9944 : Status text is doubled in the bottom left corner
9946 : Desktop - Audio Output Control
9947 : home.html is loaded several times when web UI is opened
9948 : scrollbar on desktop skin has offset problem
9949 : SoftSqueeze 3.7 cannot play Pandora stations
9950 : Replace selection arrow animation with thinking widget in all cases
9951 : Mouse click on quit doesn't quit
9952 : Identify which player is the local player in the Choose Player list.
9953 : Allow shuffle mode settings for Alarm playlists
9954 : Internet Radio menu fails
9955 : Alarms still going off if canceled right before their scheduled time
9956 : SN language setting falling back to player's language selected in firmware
9957 : Audio feedback on controller switches off after a period of time/sleep
9958 : Clock shows the wrong time
9959 : controllerUI in playlist mode not behaving correctly with add button
9960 : Comet does not always send /meta/subscribe
9961 : Add ability to sort 'Genre' list by album, not just artist
9962 : Player Settings->Remote not appearing in SLIMP3 web settings page
9963 : Desktop - "Set Up Squeezebox" is a confusing "Choose Player" option
9964 : Playing New Music does not show Artist in Now Playing
9965 : Desktop - local player name defaults to hostname
9966 : Desktop version should save applets/wallpapers/sounds in writable location
9967 : Plugin installer - host slim repository file
9968 : Expose user path directory to Lua from initialized value in jive.c
9969 : Squeezecenter does not play ALAC tracks with accents in tags
9970 : Scanner crashes when handling FLAC with embedded cue and external cue
9971 : some icons rendering incorrectly in choose player
9972 : Flick screen saver rotate / resize vertical photos
9973 : SystemInfo menu does not screen out plugins with no packages in same way as web interface
9974 : Migrate to its own server...
9979 : Windows installer should delete server/Slim folder during update
9980 : Windows executable doesn't load Slim::Utils::OS::Custom
9981 : Automatically switch to local player when headphones are inserted
9984 : Sound effects and images use too much memory
9985 : Slim folder should be wiped during installation
9986 : need mailing list gateway to new Forums
9989 : 24/96 flac playback on the SBC will crash it
9991 : Track name is not updated after first track is played.
9993 : Replaygain and custom-convert.conf
9994 : Tagging issue with Artist --> all songs
9995 : Adding new account using previously deleted account name skips setup screens
9996 : Unable to play wav or aiff with flac transcoding enabled.
9997 : Add updated sox with FLAC support to pre-built tools
9998 : Radio station icons don't respect the artwork size preference
9999 : Browsing "Local" radio gives "500 internal server error"
10000 : Get PCM parameters from WAV header if present
10001 : Refactor jive_surface and jive_tile
10002 : Connecting a player from one password protected SC to another makes Controller lose connectivity
10004 : Slim::Music::TitleFormatter should support per client formats
10005 : Web interface does not remember last player used
10006 : SBC can no longer talk to SN
10007 : Reproducable duplicate item in extras menu
10009 : SC not able to read cyrillic-based name
10010 : Can't open SqueezeCenter Web Interface on Windows XP
10011 : Marking a song thumbs-down or do-not-play-for-a-month no longer causes skip
10012 : No longer able to play 24 bit wav or aiff properly.
10013 : add better string in popup for when searching for players
10014 : Screen flashes off when browsing to a Now Playing current playlist
10015 : save previous 10 playlists
10016 : Button Feedback
10017 : UI Feedback when not connected to a player
10018 : Lyrics do not display with line breaks.
10024 : WMA remote streaming for players requiring transcoding broken
10025 : Pipline and select needs improvement.
10026 : PCM != WAV
10027 : FLAC external cuesheet ARTISTSORT ignored
10028 : screen flashes "connecting to squeezecenter" at 10 sec intervals following re-conne
10029 : SBC not displaying album cover art
10030 : First window for SC Startup options Windows app has "Back" button
10031 : Selecting Cancel for SC Startup Options Windows app brings up "setup is not complete" screen
10032 : Synced on SN does not work
10033 : APE --> MP3 via Lame is broken
10034 : Desktop reenable arp call when os calls can be avoided
10035 : Text and graphic render functions treat display hash of {} differently
10036 : Metadata delay calculation does not take into account transcoded bitrates
10037 : RSS feed issue
10038 : No scroll option in SC on a mini pc
10039 : Sirius station updates
10040 : SqueezeCenter 7.x.x doesn't start as service
10042 : SC wizard fails to load after install
10043 : SC wizard has no instructions on how to connect player to SC after install
10044 : Create specific popup screen after controller has been idle
10045 : Shoutcast "Top 500" aren't sorted by popularity any more
10049 : searching for a diacritics should not return values with its non-diacritic transliteration
10050 : Players that are forgotten get unsynced (permanently).
10051 : improper error on missing password during sign in wizard
10052 : need easier method for entering wireless key
10053 : Random Mix favorites doesn't work from Controller
10055 : SP - support command line params for default and override settings
10056 : Unified UI editor
10057 : Desktop - Fullscreen startup/exiting support - Command Line Option
10058 : home toggle to NowPlaying sometimes does not work
10059 : Output from Squeezebox in mono mode
10060 : The alarm doesn't fade in if the source is Internet radio
10061 : WMA transcoding for SBC
10062 : User Access Controll blocking Serviceenabler.exe
10063 : Live Music Archive search is missing many shows
10064 : SqueezeCenter doesn't always auto-generate playerstatus when it needs to
10065 : Blank Settings Wizard after install
10066 : Error handling in Extension Downloader
10067 : Author field in Extension Downloader xml
10068 : SqueezeNetwork should not be an option for local playback
10069 : The 'searching...' string during setup is wrong
10070 : "Wireless card not installed!" error is garbled when turning on Boom without SqueezeCentre
10071 : Startup messages not shown on Boom if power off brightness is set to 0 (Dark)
10072 : setup windows have no skin style for title bar
10073 : Controller must be rebooted to maintain Audio playback, when using headphones
10074 : Support Jive simulation mode on desktop
10075 : Cant get past "Press the center button" screen with r3395
10076 : smoke test: possibly falsely passed r3395
10077 : When disabling SPDIF, make it electrically 0VDC and optically off
10080 : SN serves SC 7.2, should be 7.3
10081 : Boom displays Updating Firmware (2 of 2) when updating firmware
10082 : SqueezeCenter died, restarting. libfreetype6
10083 : Add Title Format pref selection
10085 : Track advance sometimes fails for SB1s
10086 : Require latest firmware for Sirius and Rhapsody
10087 : Backup alarm does not work if SC is password-protected
10089 : Wrong tag info after scanning.
10091 : Track length become gigantic
10092 : Squeezebox volume set to zero after an alarm
10093 : when NowPlaying screensaver loads over NowPlaying browse window, window doesn't update
10094 : Include SC download screen if PIN not entered
10096 : SqueezeCenter does not show library in proper order
10098 : ESPNRadio breaks RT metadata
10099 : Icon for CBC
10100 : SqueezePlay fails to connect to SqueezeCenter
10101 : Windows Uninstall - untranslated dialog box
10103 : Now Playing box does not show player is on
10104 : hitting add button on a track when in playlist mode inserts instead of adds
10105 : Visualization for SP
10107 : Fullscreen doesn't scale correctly
10108 : Possiblity to hide mouse pointer in fullscreen mode
10109 : Update Archive::Zip to 1.26
10110 : Strange "syncDown_error" entry in log
10111 : Albums sorted wrong in Controller, ok on web and classic UI.
10112 : Problem seeking in podcasts with large ID3v2 tags
10113 : React to mouse over only on Focus
10114 : Incorrect sort order for int. characters
10115 : style conflicts between windowSpec with icon and menuStyle 'album'
10116 : Squeezecenter should launch at boot
10117 : Drop Down Language selector does not work
10118 : Squeezecenter will start and then stops.
10119 : Synchronize meue item missing when connected to SC
10120 : controller doesn't reconnect to player when music source goes from SN->SC
10121 : Volume Control Controllable Independently of PC Volume Control
10122 : no strings for SelectSkin tokens
10123 : playlist_cur_index sometimes coming in from SC as a string instead of number
10124 : NowPlaying violates encapsulation frequently
10125 : Enhancement to use Receiver a Bridge for other ethernet devices
10127 : Unable to play Ogg files natively
10128 : Cannot play Ogg files
10129 : Changing Presets will add to Favorites but will not override current Preset on SqueezeNetwork.
10130 : KPCC Radio crashes SBC
10131 : stream.mp3 players not being properly identified by SelectPlayer applet
10132 : Extension Installer: version check fails
10133 : Seeking with Deezer causes stream to skip to the next item in the playlist
10135 : When "off", press-and-hold snooze should disable next alarm
10137 : Squeezecenter won't start - ReadyNas Pro (probably database)
10138 : Internet Radio icons missing on SBC connected to test.SN
10139 : Wizard does not appear after clean install on Mac OS X 10.5
10140 : Option to hide plugins from the plugin extender
10141 : Extension Downloader doesn't report manually installed plugin author or version
10142 : Boom FW r18 does not upgrade properly
10144 : Unable to play provider-specific radio stations
10145 : Need "Forgot password" link on SN signup page
10146 : Wrong message when pressing next/previous
10147 : Removing line-in cable hangs Boom front panel display
10148 : XP Install: scanner.exe corrupted
10151 : Arist Search results return extra data
10152 : The "Install SqueezeCenter" icon is not visible in our DMG
10153 : SqueezeCenter installer opens behind Finder window
10154 : SC installer auto-opens Setup Wizard in Safari, ignoring default browser setting
10155 : Scanner does not find OGA files
10156 : trouble moving players from SC - SN and back using Controller
10157 : Radio provider names don't appear on Nokia skin
10158 : Customize Controller - Sounds doesn't work
10159 : No album art on tracks
10160 : Customize Controller - Image does not restrict to 240x320
10161 : Some items are editable in Current Settings but changes do not stick
10162 : server.log file growth
10163 : Radio stream play after Alarm Timeout
10164 : MusicIP item should drill down into trackinfo instead of songinfo
10165 : Stream connection failure when synced can lead to invalid state
10166 : Controller should appear in Choose Player as Controller and not SqueezePlay
10167 : Turn Off should not appear on home menu for local playback on controller
10168 : SB/SBB/TR/SQ: not so nice looking font for ń
10169 : Compressed WMA payloads not handled properly
10170 : Remember position in SBC music library submenus
10171 : 'No Synchronization' isn't selected
10173 : aac files stop mid stream for several seconds, then start at beginning
10174 : Customising Now Playing Information selection list stops the Now Playing screensaver from displaying
10175 : Customising drop-down selection list in SqueezeCentre breaks player settings syncing with SqueezeNetwork
10176 : "when playing" screensaver setting on web interface list two "Now Playing" items
10177 : Problems with A LOT of data (I have more that 200 000 mp3 files; jingels etc.)
10178 : Cannot scroll when changing alarm playlist via Controller
10179 : SN's "Now playing" display doesn't update as MP3Tunes plays multiple songs
10180 : Add "index" and "sorted_element" to "albums" and "artists" queries on CLI
10181 : Press and hold front panel power toggles power
10182 : Add playlistcontrol (or similar) command to ONLY add playable files in a folder, without recursion
10183 : IR remote switch causing SBC to get lost
10184 : Add Server's MAC address to server discovery packets or add query for it
10185 : "favorites items" query doesn't return a favorite's url
10186 : Add a "set preset" option to the favorites CLI
10187 : Scanner opens iTunes by default -- needs explanatory dialog
10188 : Improved Scanner logging
10190 : Multi-disc Various Artist albums not treated as one
10191 : WOL while connected to Squeezenetwork
10192 : IR remote switch causing SBC to get lost
10193 : Wrong title format when going to trackinfo from MIP mix
10194 : Add remote control reference to the player UI
10195 : Change "Providers" to "More Radio..."
10196 : SqueezePlay won't connect to password protected server
10197 : lost connection to receiver
10198 : SBC should WOL the SC server for alarms
10199 : Most transcoding doesn't work with non-ascii-characters in filename
10200 : SqueezePlay - better ui behavior for http authentication
10201 : SqueezePlay - "Choose Music Source" "Other Server" produces bad menu behavior
10202 : Missing menu item, Choose Player
10203 : Player switching accounts
10204 : SC Cannot Display Chinese characters of WAV files on XP
10205 : Boom with older firmware will not conplete setup with
10206 : playing the Gimell 24bit/96000Hz Test file stops SB3 from working
10207 : playing the Gimell 24bit/96000Hz Test file stops SB3 from working
10208 : Live365 link to RadioTime appears to be broken
10209 : cannot select source (bump)
10210 : RandomPlay: MySQL error if only one track in selected genre?
10211 : Extension downloader doesn't work with long paths
10212 : Live365 no longer works in SqueezeNetwork
10214 : Allow browse by Genre/Sub Genre
10215 : Full Screen blocks Spaces from working
10216 : Extension downloader - IR Blaster missing Description
10217 : Need method to track potential Dupe MACs
10218 : Channel 118 does not work
10220 : Extras menu gets wedged
10223 : OPML attribute to define trackinfo URL for a given item for RadioTime
10224 : Translate "Le Bidule"
10225 : Live365 does not properly validate bad account data
10226 : Shoutcast Settings error condition : WEB UI only
10227 : Live365 account error condition
10228 : Measured volume attenuation does not match intended theoretical attentuation
10229 : Inernet Radio stops playing Randomly when connect to SN
10230 : Updated text for Extension Downloader
10231 : Split repositories in Extension Downloader, add Logitech repo
10232 : "Check all" box for installed plugins
10233 : Fix "change requires restart" text in Extension Downloader
10235 : download box broken on chatty languages
10236 : Playback ceases after several tracks
10237 : Momentary sound cut-out at 10 seconds from end of track
10238 : Incorrect logo for in Internet Radio
10239 : Squeezebox 3 don't play MP3 48Khz
10240 : Javascript and drop down menu problem with Opera 9.6
10242 : SC 7.2.1 sometimes adds malformed first record to albums query
10243 : SqueezePlay Windows Build does not have version number
10244 : Mismatched podcast hierarchy between SN and Controller UI
10245 : Selecting a podcast yields a "play this song" option on next menu
10246 : Time adjustment UI doesn't match player ui
10247 : Transporter knob noise when pushing into list of 1
10248 : Enhancements
10249 : Rss News Feeds can't edit items per feed, only overall
10250 : SBC does not reconnect to SN when coming out of sleep (power up)
10251 : Tab Order is confusing
10252 : Attempting to 'pull' a player from SN to SC 7.3 ends up with the player getting lost
10253 : pressing Preset should play, then jump to now playing
10254 : flac files with embedded cuesheet have no track list in "Music Folder"
10255 : scanning flac file with both embedded and external cue sheet causes scanner crash
10256 : Rhapsody Playback Issues
10257 : Music Stores not in home menu of Duet controller
10258 : Amazon CD Store icon
10259 : Album titles are not unique enough for favorites
10261 : LineOut Plugin behavior
10262 : Need a service status page
10263 : All music services will show before entering a SN account.
10264 : WAV does not FF/RW
10265 : WV (WVP) WavePack does not FF/RW
10266 : Album Searchs return no results - Artist searchs return exact albums
10267 : Mails sent by SN need charset handling
10268 : SBC takes 30 to update now playing when switching providors
10269 : RadioIO icon not displayed while playing
10270 : Removing an item from the cart should return to store
10271 : web UI missing password reset form
10272 : Downsampling currently requires LAME
10273 : SB3 will not power off
10274 : title bar in NowPlaying often reflects incorrect power state
10275 : UPnP M-Search implementation is wrong
10276 : AudioScrobble to only use the first artist in tracks with multiple artists
10277 : Need sync UI in SN web interface
10278 : exit search jumps back to home menu
10279 : SC Installer Password dialog always in english
10280 : Alice skin no longer works with new login page
10281 : Podcast can be browsed but not played.
10282 : WMA metadata in a RadioTime-provided station does not display
10283 : Zap ignored during screen saver
10284 : Clock (e.g. stopped) screensaver appears on pause
10285 : Add Search feature to SqueezeNetwork
10286 : AACP Plus Request
10289 : Server never starts, downloadAsyncError present in the logs.
10290 : Can't select audio output in Mac OSX - No digital output
10291 : Support zapped playlists when connected to SN
10292 : Move Jive nightlies to 7.3.1
10293 : convert.conf for ReadyNAS never updated for 7.3
10294 : squeezeplay access violation
10296 : SBC will reboot randomly
10297 : Squeezeplay audio stalls
10299 : Alarm that will shut off or put Squeezebox into Sleep Mode
10300 : Change "Choose Player" to "Choose Squeezebox"
10301 : Screensaver and dimming stop working
10303 : WMA metadata is delayed too long
10304 : Scanner.exe crashes mid-scan
10306 : SC installers for Mac and Windows should include SP
10307 : DBD-mysql-3.002 calls wrong DBI version
10308 : Playing a few hundred songs takes too long
10309 : Sleeping SqueezeCentre computer stops paused tracks
10310 : Changing volume on syncd player causes volume to jump to pre-syncd level
10311 : Assert error playing some radio stations
10312 : "Don't sync player's volume" has no effect for SB Controller
10313 : SqueezePlay crashes at song change in Ubuntu 8.04
10314 : Tracks/Albums/Artists not mixable if non-ASCII chars in file path
10315 : MusicIP Playlist names with non-ASCII characters need sanitizing on Windows
10316 : MusicIP Mood names with non-ASCII characters need sanitizing on Windows
10317 : 'Music Stores' listed twice on brand new fresh setup of SB3...
10318 : SqueezeCenter will not start
10319 : keypad lock on controller cannot be unlocked
10320 : Time command should remain paused if paused
10321 : Playback only from controller speaker when using headphones
10322 : Squeezecenter does not play m4a files on Ubuntu anymore
10323 : Need mkfs on Fab4
10324 : Artist with accented characters in ARTIST tag not showing correctly
10325 : Player UI (SB 3/Classic) clock gets stuck - does not update after a WOL
10326 : Adding certain menu items to the player menu breaks the menu
10327 : Favorites editing - use two lines for form
10328 : Favorites editing - entering new fav poorly implemented
10329 : Scanner crashed: Can't create/write to temp MySQL file
10330 : After restarting squeezeplay, cannot connect again with password protected server
10331 : PrefSync from SN happens even if SNIntegration is disabled in SC
10332 : Use of uninitialized value in sysread
10333 : Internet Radio 'local' isn't
10334 : Typo in convert.conf for mov->mp3
10335 : convert.conf error with M4A bit limiting
10337 : SC 7.3.1 nightly builds not in squeezecenter-testing repo
10339 : SN not accepting Sirius premium accounts.
10340 : Errors in log when using web UI/browsing New Music
10341 : "New Music" times out in browser
10342 : Links in information popups are not clickable
10343 : WMA support for Song Scanner
10344 : No interface to retry failed extension repos xml from 3rd parties
10345 : SqueezePlay does not fully support Syncing with hardware players.
10346 : Artwork for RadioFeeds
10347 : Customizable Web UI Interface for SqueezeNetwork
10348 : Live365 - Missing or invalid SqueezeNetwork account. Please check your settings and try again.
10349 : no longer works with Squeezecenter v7.3 released
10350 : Controller reboots when playing some URLs
10351 : Pausing SqueezePlay doesn't remain in effect
10352 : Invalid range limit on DNS server address
10353 : Firmware 70 produces static sound between songs.
10354 : WMA files would not play when Windows Media is set to native
10355 : Negative replay gain peak prevents playing
10357 : Large album art display of current song is off the screen
10358 : Scanner in 7.3 fails more than 90% of the time
10359 : German characters in reviews "on Amazon" not correct
10360 : Mail <-> forum gateway broken
10361 : readdir() et al. sometimes return 8.3 filenames for files with wide characters in their name - need to expand to full name
10362 : Streaming fails when a stream is scanned w/ HTTP 200, but played w/ HTTP redirect
10363 : setup receiver item during setup in selectPlayer menu has no style
10364 : Choose Player should not appear on the home menu by default with Fab4
10366 : Adjacent placement of "back" button and menu icon is confusing
10367 : No equivalent of down/up arrows on scroll bar
10368 : Unclear if unit is connecting to SqueezeCenter
10369 : Unclear how to change volume when connected to other player
10370 : unit hangs on "Software Update" screen after choosing a player
10371 : Bright white LED does not go off at end of play
10374 : need method for differentiating between fab4, squeezeplay, and controller
10376 : Pandora will stop playing after one or two songs when connected to SN.
10377 : Apple Lossless files play from a ReadyNAS, but exhibit some distortion at the end of the track
10379 : Pandora does not properly continue after an audio URL fails
10380 : Audio playback of AIFF fails on Controller (podcasts too)
10381 : Devices fails to update firmware via SN & Wireless
10382 : Possible changes to convert.conf
10383 : All players should set Firmware auto update option to ON
10384 : SqueezeCenter.exe crash when connecting Duet while scan is running
10385 : Firmware 70 causes the Transporter not to respond to the remote control inputs.
10386 : SqueezeCenter 7.3 issues with wav tags and "Guess tag format" function
10387 : Composer Sort Feature
10388 : Change flac->flac to flac->wav or similar for flac/cue files on sparc based ReadyNAS
10389 : ASX playlist repeats, even if playmode repeat is off
10390 : 'pref' command & query too strict about pref names
10391 : RandomMix with now genre selected leads to DB error
10392 : Bitrate limiting does not work (with softsqueeze)
10393 : Annoying 'Can't connect message...' displayed when the server is lost
10394 : special 192.168.1. key on IP keyboard
10395 : "power 0" switches off all SqueezeBoxes
10396 : Fab4 reboots itself
10397 : Jive with 7.4 firmware does not start the Smoke Tests
10398 : Give developers access to the Fab4 private SVN
10399 : Change account from Controller not working
10400 : Sync'd playlists don't advance with SLIMP3/SB1-only sync-group
10401 : MP3 tunes locker lags in sending feedback to the web browser
10402 : YAML::Syck::LoadYAML crash stops SqueezeCenter startup
10403 : SqueezePlay can not switch SqueezeBox to SqueezeNetwork or itself to SN (for remote player)
10404 : Undefined subroutine &Data::Dump::dump
10405 : Deezer smart radio doesn't work with the SBC/SqueezePlay
10406 : Sync'd playback occurs on powered off players
10407 : Streaming can get blocked after a failure
10408 : Rhapsody stops playing
10409 : Errors from Use of uninitialized value in array element
10410 : Playing a track from Controller sometimes plays DIFFERENT one on Receiver
10411 : popup notice missing on duet controller when changing song from playlist
10412 : SB3 no longer plays WAV files
10413 : Album view sorting of index letters wrong
10414 : Squeezecenter 7.3 cannot import from itunes songs with accents in file names
10415 : there should be a 'Cancel' button on pages where things may take time
10416 : The 'Go Back' option after a failure seems out of keeping with the UI.
10417 : Favorites won't take second disc of a two disc set
10418 : Extension Downloader should show "Install" for each repo
10419 : FWD/REW (scanning) broken for remote tracks
10420 : Add optional firmware update menu for SB/TP on SN
10421 : Perl 5.8.8 support requires Class-C3-XS-0.08.tar.gz
10422 : can't install AutoXS-Header-0.03.tar.gz
10424 : Jive: 7.4: Red Icon: Jive behaves as if it had been factory reseted.
10425 : Recently Played list, Enhancement request
10426 : Albums with tracks from more than one year can result in empy years
10427 : poky: jive.JIVE_VERSION can be set incorrectly by build server
10428 : SN Web UI missing FF/RW button(s)
10429 : Option to not scan in artwork.
10430 : Crash using outside MySQL on Windows
10431 : Can't select audio output in Mac OSX
10433 : Windows: Prevent System Standby While Playing (v1.0) feature broken in SqueezeCenter 7.3
10434 : SqueezeCenter 7.3 does not Start on Windows Vista
10435 : Odeo podcasts not working
10436 : Sync not working well for user with ALAC and many players
10437 : Initial audio block algorithm fails for small initial chunks
10438 : SliMP3/SB1 sync broken after first track
10439 : Bitrate limiting does not work
10440 : No podcast artwork displayed on the controller
10442 : scan for new and changed should include cover art
10443 : Failure to resume song on connection recovery after short network disruption
10444 : Artwork is not displaying on WebUI
10445 : Menus disappear
10446 : No FeedBack to user on "loved" track
10447 : "More Radio" menu appears as "EMPTY" in Controller UI
10448 : 24382/24401 plugins are no longer downloaded by extension downloader
10449 : Compilation Albums - Wrong Track Played
10450 : Bad use of pretty string bitrate description instead of numeric value
10451 : Pipeline / socketwrapper use may impose additional overhead
10452 : Bogus " (Disc 1)" suffix appended to single-disc album titles of FLAC tracks ripped by dBpoweramp CD Ripper.
10453 : no click sound when tapping on now playing button in upper right corner
10454 : Hanging session blocks communication
10455 : New SP connecting to SbS won't get immediate firmware update
10456 : Turn off S/PDIF optical LED when not playing
10457 : touching artwork in titlebar should bring up large/fullscreen artwork
10459 : Add support for adding used items to cart
10460 : Home menu shows only "Settings".
10461 : Now Playing screen should not show placeholder cover art when there is no associated cover art
10462 : Single song/station playlist has empty playlist button on now playing screen
10463 : flickr screensaver shows cropped, rotated images
10464 : Memory Leak In SqueezeCenter
10465 : Windows Installer can't overwrite MYSQLD.EXE
10466 : Drag & Drop Playlist Ordering
10467 : Add clock to Now Playing
10468 : Add "home" icon to all screens
10469 : Can't tune this asx stream.
10470 : Differentiate between SqueezePlay and Fab4 in SC
10471 : The > doesn't spin
10472 : Shoutcast Requires SqueezeNetwork Account
10473 : RSS Feeds/RSS News Ticker: allow manual scrolling in screensaver mode
10474 : New Windows sox build dependent upon cygwin1.dll
10475 : Last 15 seconds of song gets chopped off (skipped)
10476 : Review scroll rate defaults
10477 : Receiver turns itself off
10478 : Include player name in Now Playing title bar
10479 : WMA files streamed from HTTP servers cause player to reboot
10480 : Wrong track plays
10481 : Accelerated scroll not precise
10482 : cachedir should be created earlier for new server
10483 : ASIO support
10484 : play other songs in album
10485 : Search alphabet
10486 : Squeezebox Receiver keeps deleteting itself from SqueezeNetwork
10487 : Rhapsody Max three ( 3 ) streams
10488 : Skipping backward restarts Pandora track
10489 : Show Artist tracks causes internal server error
10490 : skin images missing
10491 : Ability to add an External Antenna to the Receiver
10492 : Artwork Not showing on controller unless playing the album
10494 : uninitialized value in squeezecenter-7.3.1/Slim/Display/ line 585.
10495 : SC 7.3.1 raises exception on trying to execute database queries
10496 : Synchronized Playback Lagging
10497 : Audio Blip at 10-7 sec remaining mark on each song played
10498 : Time (iconbar) does not update sometimes
10499 : Scanner and progress use different time formats
10500 : KCRW Link does not work in SqueezeNetwork, but does work in SqueezeCenter 7.3.1
10501 : Option to ignore Movies/TV Shows/videos
10502 : Setting to close iTunes after usage by SC
10503 : Add link localised link to wiki repo urls
10504 : Squeezebox Duet and SqueezeCenter Suggestions
10505 : user/ no longer exists
10506 : Multiple responses to IR events
10507 : Menu scrolling is too fast
10508 : Miscellaneous IR remote problems.
10509 : SqueezeCenter will not play M4a files from Itunes plug-in
10510 : playlistJumpCommand has lost its showBriefly
10511 : "Use the wheel" text on product with no wheel
10512 : Unable to play 24/96 Apple Lossless File
10513 : SqueezeCenter 7.3.1 restarts every five seconds. after reboot of the machine.
10514 : Volume Bar is not in center of screen
10515 : Text scroll modes on the Controller
10516 : None screensaver does not activate when stopped.
10517 : Revise Staff Picks to use RadioTime
10518 : When transcoding a 24/44 flac file to stream in WAV all you get is static
10519 : ReadyNas Clean Install instructions
10520 : touch does not wake up flickr screensaver
10521 : Artist not updated in status view in Fishbone skin
10522 : Controller loses logical connection, Linksys WRT610N
10523 : Home page title says nil
10524 : Playback restarts when paused
10525 : Seems to get stuck playing a loop of silence
10526 : Create class
10527 : SqueezeBox should not change display brightness level for "Can't Connect" message.
10528 : Group discs doesn't work for MP3
10529 : Gap between ALAC files sent to Squeezebox 1 from ReadyNAS NV+
10530 : equalization
10531 : local music should stop during firmware update
10532 : Can't press/hold to add Pandora station as preset
10533 : need accessor to _pluginData not tied to sync groups
10534 : Uncaught streaming connection close can fill logfile
10535 : m4a playing silently
10536 : Songs won't advance to next.
10537 : SC won't update from SN opml favorites
10538 : Amazon plugin don't work on Deezer
10539 : "Volume" badly translated in Finnish
10540 : Garbaged characters displayed when offering the download of a new version of SC
10542 : Audio Playback (flac) problems in ubuntu SC7.4 and SP7.4
10543 : 24bit 96kHz files are transcoded for SqueezePlay on Desktop Machines
10544 : Jive: Keeps outputting "err=-32" to putty log.
10545 : Jive, 7.4, r3665: Unable to upgrade or downgrade to other builds.
10546 : Jive, 7.4, r3665: WiFi icon alternating between red and white
10547 : Jive, 7.3, r3666: Verifying update process went on way too long.
10548 : SongScanner terminates while holding up key to advance position.
10549 : SC 7.4 for ReadyNAS with Sparc chip: wipecache and rescan not working.
10551 : blocking artists from random play
10552 : High CPU Usage on Controller from udhcpc process
10555 : SC 7.4 on Sparc ReadyNAS: rescan and wipcache are slower than SC 7.2
10556 : Audio-IN plays when Boom powered off
10557 : Fab4 does not always connect back to SqueezePlay
10558 : Fab4 does not boot up any more after upgrading to fab4_7.4_r3678.bin fw.
10559 : Favorites is not populated
10560 : Problems connecting to Linksys WRT300N v1.1 N
10562 : Redirect Commercial accounts
10563 : Player should be locked - forever
10564 : Bitrate limiting should use Ogg Vorbis
10565 : Disabled Players should be Disabled
10566 : Windows Media Player Playlists empty in SqueezeCenter 7.3.1
10567 : Allow plugins to disable crossfade for certain tracks
10571 : Windows EXE file is missing Version Data
10572 : Retune should restart all players regardless of status
10573 : Mising 'Select all players' check mark
10574 : Enable does not restart a stoped player
10576 : OFF player shows up as STOPPED in the web UI
10577 : No way to select a different stream via Web UI
10578 : Alarm is set for weekdays, but it goes off on weekend also.
10579 : Now Playing Information: incorrect
10580 : Simplified Chinese is a Language selection - does not display on player
10582 : Disable IR will not ReEnable
10583 : VA albums handled as many one-track albums with 2 artists each
10585 : RSS feed error
10587 : Rhapsoday Playback issue - "Account Management" across Squeezebox Screen
10588 : WMA Lossless song Skip if Paused and resuming play with Pause Button
10589 : Radio stations continue streaming even when not being played
10590 : Fab4 needs ability to take screenshots during copying update
10591 : fab4: Auto tests script does not always start after reboot.
10592 : fab4: Factory reset disables remote login and deletes authorized keys.
10593 : fab4_7.4_r3703.bin: Unable to downgrade to older build.
10596 : Windows No Disk Error - Windows Vista Home premium 2007 64 bit
10597 : Issue with 2wire 2701 HG and WEP
10598 : SB1 sync fails to advance playlist with SqueezeCenter 7.3.1
10599 : Scanner hangs on Merge Various Artist on SqueezeCenter 7.3.1
10600 : Smart Playlists
10601 : Now playing shows "nothing" after switching the player off and on again.
10602 : Add official AAC decoder (faad2)
10603 : 24/96 FLAC is transcoding via SOX to 24/48
10606 : Ray does not always show up on Jive's player list after Jive's factory reset.
10607 : Jive, 7.4: Remote login disabled after factory reset.
10608 : Jive rebooted while the back button is held.
10609 : Albums Longer than Standard Cd will be split into 2 albums when Importing into SqueezeCenter
10610 : m4a will not play from ReadyNas to Squeezebox Boom
10611 : Restart of current track broken for Rhapsody on sync
10612 : Rhapsody synced can stop on one player with decoding error
10613 : SqueezePlay audio output lost while still "playing"
10614 : Pandora won't play more than one song at a time.
10615 : Synchronized play can stall / be silent at track change
10616 : SP should error gracefully
10617 : Slacker fails to produce audio - yet appears to be playing
10618 : Rebooting shortly after changing a file may corrupt the file
10619 : Audio glitches when audio clock changes
10620 : SC should store version and platform info in scanner.log and server.log
10622 : Squeezecenter will not hold the content of an iTunes playlist.
10623 : Jive: ERROR Unable to get period size: Invalid argument
10624 : Jive: 7.4: No sound at all
10625 : SqueezePlay disappeared from the "Choose Player" list.
10626 : Specifying server by URL, not just IP address
10627 : jive builds have wrong embedded build numbers
10628 : Server crash issue with 7.3.1 and up on Ubuntu 8.10 64bit
10629 : Enhancement to be able to control the volume of the TP independently
10630 : Audio playback on the Jive doesn't work on Squeezenetwork
10631 : Ray: After blinking red for a while, it connects back to the PC.
10632 : Streaming (to iTunes) silences Squeezebox Boom
10633 : M4A Files do not play on Windows Home Server
10634 : Sync unreliable after server sleep (standby)
10635 : Non user friendly message for bad podcast files
10636 : Rescan w/ "Look for new and changed" doesn't noticed deleted flac w/ embedded cuesheet
10637 : Music plays on incorrect player
10638 : Boom: No sound from Line In in setup menu
10639 : AlbumArtist tag behaviour changed and incorrect
10640 : Local real time clock showing in Now Playing in SN Radio
10641 : Allow SC entry by hostname
10642 : Copy and verify firmware automatically
10643 : Backlight goes off, but won't go on...
10644 : Artist missing when viewed w/Fab4
10645 : Improve pausing on remote sources that support seeking
10646 : Playlists with zero or one entry cannot be deleted using Player UI
10647 : Add firmware version to web ui information page
10648 : PLAY does not disable Playlist-mode
10649 : Turning on SB starts paused music
10650 : Int. characters missing on typing wheel
10651 : Boom audio stops working after trying to play Internet audio sources
10652 : With new convert.conf doesn't play flac files
10653 : Some USB devices fail to start up, "insufficient available bus power"
10654 : ALBUMARTIST in Title Format does not display TPE2
10655 : Album ReplayGain values incorrectly added to other files
10656 : Windows Media Player Playlists do not show in SqueezeCentre 7.3.1
10657 : No audio in minijack on controller
10658 : DHCP host name should be same as player name
10659 : Allow in player downsampling when SoX is missing and or cpu is underpowered
10660 : Allow SqueezeCenter to downsample WAV using SoX.
10662 : Alarm at volume 0 is possible ... produces silence
10663 : Browse Music Folder > Playlists folder makes SC unresponsive
10665 : fab4, with 7.4 r3769, reboots ramdomly and not too infrequently
10666 : fab4, with 7.4 r3769, Settings page changed. Blocking smoke tests.
10667 : Squeezebox Boom information Incorrect in SqueezeCenter
10668 : Scrollbar and dropdown menus sometimes don't appear in IE7
10669 : Alarm failure with lost internet connection
10670 : Empty MusicIP mixes on Windows systems with larger music libraries due to timeout issue
10671 : Problem with extended characters in FLAC files
10674 : fab4: either r3778 bin is mislabeled, or r3769 cannot upgrade to other build
10675 : Resizing of left/right pane does not work in IE 7.
10676 : CBS radio station streams take 5+ seconds to stream.
10677 : Windows binaries fail to run after updates due to outdated extracted files
10678 : Browse artist tree locks preventing push into artist
10679 : Selecting track by Artist on VA album plays whole album rather than selected track
10680 : (FLAC) underrun between tracks fails to send STMo
10681 : Fail to start new track after underrun (esp. when synced)
10682 : (FLAC) may immediately re-underrun after resume
10683 : IE 7 error
10684 : Firewall Settings do not get modified when changing PORT via Web UI
10685 : Fab4 with 7.4_r3809.bin: Unit is stuck at the software update screen
10688 : Squeezecenter runs 100% when Boom sets OFF
10689 : Fab4: Please add telnet support for IR remote buttons. Needed for auto tests
10690 : Support for saving playlists in SqueezeCenter
10691 : Sleeping SB Stops Music - maybe allow pause
10692 : Early (premature) STMd (decoder buffer underrun) provokes hang
10693 : Abort link present after scan complete in web UI
10694 : Send a WOL packet when reconnecting to SC fronm
10695 : Send WOL packet when reconnecting to SC from SN
10698 : SocketWrapper DOS box (transcoded files)
10699 : stream.mp3 locks server
10700 : Hi-Res ALAC do not transcode properly
10701 : Playlist RIGHT from "Now Playing" not shown/cover art missing
10702 : "MusicIP Mood Mix" not shown in Menu
10703 : Music Library/New Music no response after > 5 minutes
10704 : Song plays at wrong speed only on Fab4
10705 : RTC alarm is muted - only the alarm bell sign flashes
10706 : SP crashes after 5-7 songs at 10s from song end
10707 : Music Source does not update
10708 : Boom cuts off audio when put into power off state.
10709 : Windows Installer does not stop squeze.exe
10710 : Unable to add SBC to SN account without a player
10711 : Device is nearly unusable without volume controls on UI
10712 : Transporter will not play high bit rate 24/96 aiff file.
10713 : WiFi doesn't work
10714 : Rhapsody does not play the right song
10715 : Fab4: Screen sometimes not turned on after 'Screen off' screen saver
10716 : Fab4: Small click before splash sound when booting
10718 : duplicate lines written to /etc/network/interfaces
10719 : SoX appears to be using the "best" option when outputting FLAC
10720 : Jive: /usr/bin/jive uses over 90% of CPU cycle
10721 : Splitting of album problem caused by speical double-byte characters in filename
10722 : No prompt for firmware update to jive
10723 : cannot successfully select wired connection via setup
10724 : MB changed MUSICBRAINZ ALBUM ARTIST - should we adopt?
10725 : Volume up/down from remote should not wake screensaver
10726 : Frames around artwork not displayed correct
10727 : Resample of artwork. SC failing in IE7 and Firefox
10728 : Account signup lists UserName - should be Email Address
10729 : Rhapsody error message
10730 : Downloads from SqueezeCenter cut off prematurely
10731 : WAV convert to LAME (MP3) fails
10732 : "ALBUM ARTIST" tag
10733 : SqueezeCenter 7.3.1 annot Play/Scan large Wav file
10734 : Add SoX functionality to ReadyNAS
10735 : Scanner hangs on Merge Various Artist on SqueezeCenter 7.3.1
10736 : Extension Downloader shows plugins for upgrade when already at latest version
10737 : Error in cue sheet support for .ape und .wv image files
10738 : SC WebUI should stop updating when player is gone
10739 : Viewing artists albums includes albums by other artists.
10740 : Squeezecenter stops Mac from sleeping
10741 : Displayed duration is wrong for some of merged multi-disc albums
10742 : SSH setting isn't retained between restarts
10743 : Missing help text on remote login screen.
10744 : International characters sorted wrong when browsing Music Folder
10745 : SC does not offer SBC Firmware upgrade
10746 : Entering xml file in Customize Controller wallpaper image field causes reboot
10747 : Improve documentation on how to use wallpaper xml files
10748 : Analog output channels are reversed
10749 : Support "Album Artist" for FLAC used by JR Media Center
10750 : Flickering Pixel in both Displays, depending on Dimm-State
10751 : Detailed setting for pre caching of artwork
10752 : install results displayed in OK dialog box
10753 : SB2+: $client->model() should return value received from player firmware
10754 : Bogus " (Disc 1)" suffix appended to single-disc album titles of OGG/OGA tracks ripped by dBpoweramp CD Ripper.
10755 : Removal menu for 'No content found ' missing
10756 : Change of language (or rescan) temporarily stops playback
10757 : Errors in IE 6, 7, 8
10758 : SqueezeCenter 7.3.x breaks Sirius Radio (Using current Softsqueeze distributed with SC 7.3.x)
10759 : Sirius generates error "unable to play file type for:'
10760 : Various Artists listed as Album Artist / TPE2 setting ignored
10761 : doesn't map WM/ArtistSortOrder
10762 : WMA: WM/Comments should be mapped to COMMENT
10763 : SongScanner becomes inoperative.
10764 : Radiotime station Tropi Q 99.7 FM does not work anymore - TimeOut
10765 : Radiotime station Sonic 102.9 does not work anymore - TimeOut
10766 : controller skin needs to not show keyboard widgets
10767 : title bar for Internet Radio->Search too tall
10768 : help text from SC
10769 : too hard to wake from screensaver via touch
10770 : No way to disable iTunes checking
10771 : setting iTunes scan interval to "00" will use 100% CPU
10772 : Previous / next on extras / news browser articles does not jump to beginning of article
10773 : Holding back arrow does not get out of the FW update page.
10774 : SBC will reboot when coming out of 'sleep' state
10775 : Change in how New Music is determined
10777 : Change "filter" to "search"
10781 : Set initial buffer value
10788 : Enhancement request for "predictive text" library browse.
10789 : Enable FW download to Controller without wait for DL local server
10790 : Can't exit Now Playing screen using IR
10791 : Date in english text (Squeezecenter on ReadyNas DUO)
10792 : Controller Wheel does not register in Factory Test
10793 : Show playlist name above current playlist
10796 : make ssh on by default
10797 : Debian package should include SoX as a dependency
10798 : errors on Dutch player edit pages
10799 : Umlaut issue in German web interface
10800 : Transporter buffering problem
10801 : Live365 on Squeezeplay sounds like its playing too fast.
10802 : Player Icon disapears
10803 : One time quick alarm adjustment
10804 : Fab4 won't let windows server sleep, continuously waking up windows server
10805 : FF/REW (scanning) broken within .cue files (not FLAC)
10806 : Network Test Broken
10807 : unavailable plugins can be placed on the Home Menu
10808 : Line out setting not followed for during an alarm
10809 : Selected WLAN doesn't stick
10810 : Squeezebox Controller will prevent computer from going into Standby
10811 : Squeezecenter logo when in "Settings" should be hot
10812 : Enhancement - Device Recognition Menu Screen
10813 : Image browser issues:
10814 : Transcoding Framework only replaces variable once (need global replace)
10815 : Extend STMn to indicate why decoder failed
10816 : Easily switch to/from fullscreen desktop skin mode
10817 : flac with cue files refuse to play on SC/QNAP
10818 : Some types of transcoding degrade SC & GUI responsiveness
10819 : fab4 won't charge an ipod
10820 : Unable to Sync with Any Streams
10821 : Italian translation feedback
10822 : SBC will go to standby even if audio playback is active
10823 : MP3 plays a bit too much at track boundary
10824 : Fab4 sluggish, kernel errors abound
10825 : Suppress "N of M" message when playing Random Mix
10826 : Pressing PLAY on an item should push you into Now Playing immediately
10827 : Pressing PLAY on an item should push you into Now Playing immediately
10828 : Unexpected unpause when synced upon power-on
10829 : Staff Picks icon has unnecessary teal in it
10830 : Tracks played on a Rhapsody channel do not get submitted to
10831 : Improving SB-Duet Controller Radiostation Search Function
10832 : randomplaygenrelist does not return genres, just the count
10833 : Startup time for remote streams is too slow
10834 : FAB4 always connects to SN on startup
10835 : SoftSqueeze produces noisy output on the right channel
10836 : WPA/AES wireless setup fails
10838 : Problem on stream reading
10839 : Network Test Broken (menu doesn't appear - move back to network settings when node issue fixed)
10840 : MySQL fails some operations if tmpdir is running out of diskspace
10841 : SC reverts to last stream played if ShoutCast server reached max. # listeners
10842 : getNextAlarm reports incorrect value if DST change is pending..
10843 : Controller time display is not DST time change aware
10845 : Improve string: Group compilation option is not consistent
10846 : 'download squeezecenter' not translated for Dansk
10854 : Fab4: Erroneous pause behavior
10855 : Problem with MPC files
10857 : Ability to change order of Home Menu on Jive
10860 : SongScanner UI does not disapear fast enough
10864 : static ip setup fails until restart
10865 : Radiotime station 88.1 or 89.7 | NJN Radio (Public) does not work anymore - TimeOut
10866 : SqueezeCenter 7.3 does not Start on Windows Vista with Norman Security Suite
10867 : Scrollbar and menus are not appearing in IE
10868 : Line Out Attenuation - Does not change overall volume on Boom jack
10869 : More than one dhcp daemon running for wireless interface
10871 : bad IP address shown in remote login page, can't login
10874 : Play Button doesn't always work
10875 : Accelerometer wakes display but does not cancel screensaver
10877 : squeezecenter shows the wrong song on random song playlist
10878 : Now Playing shows 'OFF' & no Artwork when playing Music Services
10881 : Rhapsody menu's are 'EMPTY' when browsing on SBC UI
10883 : function: 0x7f5e48 showen on SBC / <blank> on IP3K
10884 : Unnormal menu after duet receiver is disconnected from network
10885 : Slacker: Banned for abuse
10886 : Cannot play (attached) AIFF files ripped with dBpoweramp
10887 : Create methods on applet to manage sound on a per-applet basis
10888 : Need clearer unsync ability in the Player-UI
10889 : Place configurable upper limit on playlist length
10890 : Gestures on menus should keep old menu position
10891 : Plays at wrong speed
10892 : Expanding numbered favorites to 12
10893 : Now Playing is BLANK
10895 : FAB4 plays track at double speed
10896 : Popping noise when Controller goes into Suspend mode.
10897 : Repeated posting of 300K of bad JSON
10898 : Screen flashes during bootup
10899 : Missing radio buttons on the browser
10900 : Crossfade tries to work with different sample rates
10901 : TestKeypadApplet failed, might be underlying surface/graphics issue
10905 : squeezeplay windows build needs version number in file name.
10907 : Enhancement request to get Accuradio back on SN
10908 : Enhancement request to have Favorites work like Playlists
10911 : Cover Art Disappears after sleep
10913 : Switch SqueezeCenter to another port if 9000 is in use
10914 : Window.transitionFadeIn() is broken
10915 : SIRIUS menu doesn't update after on-device trial subscription
10916 : SC crashing the computer
10917 : multiple instances of socketwrapper and lame
10919 : Boom skips in songs when bitrate limiting is enabled on server, bug ?
10920 : Can't exit settings menu
10921 : Option to not add played music files to SC database
10922 : 'Blank screen' screensaver causes screen freeze
10924 : Invalid Feed - Failed to parse (Podcasts menu is sometimes not accessible)
10925 : Transporter starts playing after being switched off
10926 : "Play Next" functionality within playlists/"Now Playing"
10927 : SB Duet Controller loses network and SqueezeNetwork contact frequently
10928 : Settings Web UI broken in Safari
10930 : Password protection
10931 : Customer request for enhancement
10933 : poky squeezeos version reporting problems
10934 : WHS wizard should use UNC paths
10935 : Binary artwork shown in scanner.log (FLAC, _preCheckAttributes), making the system BEEP all the time
10937 : L2R swipe when already on home screen should bump left
10938 : Controller r3993 problems setting up players with choose player
10939 : artwork that have a vertical orientation does not Display correctly in Default Skin
10940 : SC looking to wrong path for sha file
10941 : need a notification screen to indicate that the player is not connected to a working network
10942 : Disregard ALBUMARTIST if it contains the name "Various Artists"
10943 : mp3 can only be played/found if they are "world readable" / linux file permission 777
10944 : serv 0 player does not return to Select Music Source
10945 : Boom will not power cycle from IR Remote
10946 : Need a "Set up networking" item in settings
10949 : fab4 needs to reconnect to SC for firmware update notification success
10950 : Need error notification if LAME is not installed
10951 : Enabling SSH Mentions Auto IP Address
10952 : "New Music" should use the created timestamp, not modified timestamp
10953 : change 24794 prevents crash on SN, but breaks all non-client pref change handlers in SC
10954 : Reduce minimum volume level
10956 : Rebuffering at every track change
10957 : Sync Problems
10958 : After setting up a network connection via wps/push button, left on wps screen
10962 : xPL Heartbeat contains empty title information when playmode = playout-play
10963 : need an icon for fab4 in Choose Player list
10964 : Version string incorrect
10965 : No visual indicator for wireless vs wired
10966 : Firmware downloader should reset if jive.version is OK but jive.bin is not
10967 : SBC Spinny when switching between players
10968 : Now Playing screensaver doesn't let you navigate to Track Info
10969 : Forget about Forget Network
10970 : Boom Reboots when trying to play certain Internet Radio Stations
10971 : no way of querying for physical status of eth0
10972 : SN forgot my Last.FM account data
10973 : Strings are truncated when there is an accent.
10974 : Auto-connect to a player
10975 : Forcing players to update firmware...
10976 : Some artwork doesn't show up on SN
10981 : Forget this Player does not work
10983 : SBC menu does not update when players connect/disconnect
10984 : Sync menu missing on WEB UI
10985 : Deleting a genre station does not remove it from the menu
10986 : Pandora: Stations can only be renamed using upper-case letters
10987 : Incorrect Button for Pandora Rename
10988 : 404 error on remove Playlist
10991 : Add option to add Amazon MP3 songs to Wish Lists
10992 : Add option to view full screen cover art
10993 : "RadioTime Settings" options are obsolete/mislabeled
10994 : Verify ON service lock out
10995 : KXOT WMA stream fails to play after ad
10996 : selected player cookie not working properly
10997 : Playing from a playlist starts off on wrong track after power interruption
10998 : Slim::Buttons::BrowseDB logs binary data into server.log, making console beep
10999 : Transcoding leaves lame.exe and socketwrapper.exe processes running
11000 : Error messages on top line don't work that well
11001 : Icecast authenticated streams that allow 1 con/user sometimes fail
11002 : Restoring AccuRadio to the Squeeze network
11003 : Password for SqueezeCenter is not checked for length and extra characters at the end of the password.
11004 : SqueezeCenter does not respond to requests via IPv6
11005 : Add icons and titles to SlimBrowser actions
11006 : No sound after upgrade; SOX has wrong arguments for Ogg->AIFF
11007 : Adding all tracks to playlist incorrectly sorts albums
11008 : Track number not used to sort track in album view
11009 : Enlarged artwork in Now Playing sometimes too large
11010 : Boom buzzes at power on instead of playing required content
11011 : feature request for whole house sync
11012 : Info Box displays incorrectly
11013 : non-functional now playing when not connected to network
11015 : Transcoding issue
11016 : Search has no user feed back during search
11020 : Problems connecting Duet to SqueezeNetwork using 2wire 3800 HGV-B
11022 : need SqueezeCenter API to push install of applets
11025 : Rebuffering - with .M4A transcoding
11026 : Favorites not added via 'heart' button
11027 : Country does not stick after account creation
11029 : radio started from the web UI doesn't show title
11031 : SongScanner does not function on SBC
11034 : dragging scroll bar should use fractional/smooth scrolling
11035 : swipe that takes you to home screen should bump if you are already on home screen
11036 : Artist sorting on controller is different from the server
11038 : Time displayed on Now Playing screensaver (for SB2/3 users)
11039 : Player connected field is null - can't delete from SN
11040 : Staff Picks not translated on WebUI
11041 : Staff Picks typo
11042 : Add resample information to Sample Rate.
11043 : Internet Radio > World > Missing India
11044 : Wireless signal strength missing for Fab4 and controller in web UI
11046 : Login page - Francais errors
11048 : SqueezeCenter ability to stream .ram Radio URL's
11049 : Clarified text when encryption is entered incorrectly.
11050 : Factory Reset Button remembers wireless network
11051 : Encryption page should have a 'Done' button
11052 : Add audio for Jive when off when placing in charger to indicate it is charging
11053 : Back arrow should say 'Delete' or 'BackSpace'
11054 : Deleting a Character during setup should have a click noise
11055 : Squeezcenter WHS Installer does not replace previous version in the add-in management
11056 : Vorbis Comment "DESCRIPTION" frame should be mapped to "COMMENT"
11058 : ON services acting strangly
11062 : > Account Page not aligned properly
11064 : Brightness Press & Hold yields Rhapsody Sign-up
11065 : SP Now Playing does not work with cover art that redirects
11066 : Unable to complete setup on non-broadcasted SSIDs wireless networks
11070 : Don't display large V at beginning of browse Artists
11075 : Cue Sheet problems with a hyphen in filename
11077 : Reset via button resets Brightness
11078 : Flood of traffic on UDP 5353
11079 : CLI/Web XMLBrowser need 'sessions', stop fetching entire hierarchy of URLs every time
11081 : browse / sort; by sample and bitrate
11083 : Give user option to display track number next to song name
11084 : Spinning knob very fast in short bursts in long artist list causes NaN to show up, and inability to scroll
11085 : WHS MSI package fail to install if previous install is none-default
11086 : Include balance control, maybe simple EQ in core!
11087 : Controller screensaver selection help badly translated
11088 : use standard client to network file system instead of streaming server
11089 : Track Skip after using pause during playback
11090 : absence of pressed style should fallback to base style
11091 : Artwork resize round-off error
11092 : pressed style does not work if alternative windowStyle is given at Window() creation
11095 : dragging scroll bar should show large letter view all the time
11096 : Need a new way to preview screensavers when using touch UI
11097 : Clock screensavers should not engage if system clock hasn't been set.
11098 : Trasporter vs Transporter in server__SETUP_FXLOOPSOURCE_DESC
11099 : Now playing remote stream shows duration bar initially
11100 : Another IR event or touch should put away volume (and other) popups
11101 : SqueezeNetwork data center sync / acquisition issues
11102 : Download of Softsqueeze times out after 75s
11103 : Default skin - frame sizes aren't remembered
11104 : SqueezePlay .deb (and .tgz) unable to start up... errors out with video device problem.
11106 : Confusing (Alarm) Volume Correlation Between SN and Boom
11107 : Allow domain names (vs. IP) for music source
11108 : Squeezecenter crash after Install or Upgrade. Sys reboot needed
11109 : TCP changes in recent FW causing Network/DHCP issues.
11110 : "Join Napster Now" button link is dead.
11112 : Playback stops and playlist is wiped when syncing players
11113 : Improve fetch of cached tracks for Napster Radio
11114 : deprecate sending title style from SC in favor of miniicon icon style
11115 : Typo
11117 : touching pause on fab4 when on the now playing screen should reset the screensaver timer
11118 : text overlay, controller crash, when viewing now playing playlist
11119 : Some Podcasts and MP3 streams have no audio in controller
11120 : Mailing list -> forum gateway is broken
11121 : Allow user to disable switching between font modes and just select either IR(large) or touch(small)
11122 : If you enter a bad password, there's no "send me my password" link anymore
11123 : Reported radio station crasher
11124 : self:getBounds() doesn't return correct values when laying out keyboard
11125 : textinput widget does not have sufficient skin parameters for layout
11126 : Time is not displayed in Now Playing screen
11127 : SqueezePlay protocol optimizations for touch screen devices
11128 : align non-square artwork vertically in layouts
11129 : Add a way to take screenshots without a keyboard
11130 : Settings->Advanced->Applet Installer disappears
11131 : Strange text alignment on Choose Player menu
11133 : Duplicate MAC addresses on SB Touch
11134 : "Remove from playlist" shouldn't have a >
11135 : Numerical keyboard should go 1234567890, not 0123456789
11136 : Fab4 always tries to connect to Ethernet after reboot
11139 : UI in Setup Wizard is confusing at high resolutions
11140 : Ability for the SB Controller to hold mulitple wireless encryption keys
11141 : Touch home page needs home icon (not button) in upper left hand of screen
11142 : Items should have icons on the left side in almost all cases.
11143 : Possibility to disable IR receiver
11144 : scrolling needs more friction
11145 : Artists grouped together when they shouldn't
11146 : SDL_Init(V|T|A): No available video device
11147 : SBC 7.4r4395 fails to boot if a non-available jive-applet is been referenced
11148 : Interface color schemes/skinning ability
11149 : r3993 Controller Update Breaks SC/SN Communication
11150 : Wireless Bridging
11151 : i2c bus busy error messages in dmesg log
11152 : Replace zeroconf with zcip in busybox
11153 : There should be different covers (front, back, inlay)
11154 : Controller doesn't reconnect to SC after disconnecting by holding Back-button
11155 : Severe memory leak in Linux build
11156 : Podcast fast forward/rewind
11157 : Teal in touch skin isn't working
11158 : Napster library - Browse by 'Album' option missing
11159 : Setting to show artist SORTNAMES instead of artist names
11160 : Playlist Counter on Now Playing screen with large playlists
11161 : Scrolling Text Timing
11162 : Titlebar gradient edge (shadow)
11163 : difficult to read wireless key being entered
11164 : Remove all misc. wallpapers
11165 : now playing progress bar missing lower half of background
11166 : Playlist sort order
11167 : SqueezeOS DHCP tag to enable SSH on device
11168 : CUE Sheets: INDEX > 01 should be supported
11169 : Screen flickers
11170 : Albums Template - font color
11171 : Press state artwork misaligned
11172 : Within Album Template - titlebar text
11173 : Scroll Bar - Remote
11174 : Back button icon misaligned
11175 : Modified Letter Turned Comma character not displayed properly on controller
11176 : Characters with Macrons are displayed without macrons
11177 : enable usb serial adaptor for console access in kernel
11178 : After going home from NP by pressing left on remote, pressing right should take you right back.
11179 : flac with cue sheets not playing, squeezecenter on Qnap
11182 : skinning line height on text lines 2 and 3 of menu items does not seem possible
11183 : SBC: Problem connecting, SBR: Blue icon, DSFP A8
11184 : SBC: Problem connecting, SBR: Firmware updated, white icon, DSFP: A13
11186 : Issue with artwork when making a track a Favorites
11187 : Gradient highlighting doesn't work well for IR interface
11188 : Current selection isn't highlighted following transition from touch to remote interface
11189 : Second R-L swipe should take you from NP to playlist
11190 : IR interface - Use same sized font for current item
11192 : Red icon common since r3993
11193 : Serious wireless connectivity problems specific to Draytek routers
11196 : usb disks with guid partition maps don't mount
11197 : 80GB iPod Video (5.5G) does not recognize when unmounted
11198 : Extension Downloader: need way to identify newest extension
11199 : Add option to disable backup alarm sound
11200 : Remote Login" settings screen 'checkbox' reversed
11201 : Detect and Prompt when Ethernet/Wireless missing or state change
11202 : FW r4497 does not connect to
11203 : Checkboxes all appear checked
11204 : Wallpapers that don't look good on Fab4-skin
11205 : Customize Controller; wallpaper image displays blank if not formatted properly
11206 : Now Playing Volume does nothing
11207 : Removing SD Card when Fab4 is on, will cause Fab4 to crash and reboot
11208 : RSS feed fails to load on Windows XP SC, but loads fine under Mac SC
11209 : iTunes issue with accented Song Titles and Artist names
11210 : Fab4 restarts when disconnecting USB drive
11211 : Wireless networks are sorted by ASCII value, not alphabetically
11212 : Adding player PIN on SN sign-up page fails to add player
11213 : Spinning Widget in selection bar
11214 : IR interface - Selected item highlighting is inconsistent
11215 : Playlist direct edit/remove items for touch
11216 : 32-bit binaries on 64-bit systems
11217 : Un-mute does not work (from CLI)
11218 : Alarm woke me up at 3:55 this morning, but was set for 6:55. Time zone issue
11219 : Network settings sometimes only show string tokens
11220 : Boom will not play songs continuously from Random Mix.
11221 : On insertion of SD card or USB, present an option of what to do with the data on the device
11222 : Playing a playlist causes controller to reconnect to SC
11223 : Patch flac to allow infinite streams
11224 : Use the proximity sensor to suppress the UI 'toast' pop up's.
11225 : Alarm failing to go off couple times since last SNetwork or SBB upgrade
11226 : Can't drill into track details anymore (SBC) after upgrade 25192 -> 25242
11227 : wireless bandwidth utilization is woeful
11228 : Request for more customizable display w/o using SC + plugins
11229 : Accounts page says different country detected, even though i an in UK and have selected UK
11230 : Multiple context-sensitive screensavers
11231 : music library presentation is (still) inaccurate and confusing
11232 : Artist search <U2> hangs SqueezeCenter
11233 : Retrieval of playlist (now playing) info for remote streams
11234 : Boom Tone controls reset to default after removing power
11236 : Buggy quick scroll
11237 : Add --noCPAN-lite option for in SC
11239 : Squeezenetwork Playlist Request
11240 : Add function to add a track saved to favorites to the current playlist
11241 : Keyboard Cursor Enhancement - animate
11242 : User account tab needs newsletter subscribe / unsubscribe link
11243 : Enhancement to not down sample 24/96 to 24/48
11244 : Next button does not work for Deezer
11245 : Need notification when link goes down
11246 : No way to "touch" your way back on certain screens.
11247 : Change text string displayed when preset undefined
11248 : Long player names push controls out
11249 : SC rejects initial slimproto connections
11250 : don't allow window parameters to be delivered from the previous slimbrowse menu item
11253 : List players in top-level menu in controller
11254 : Switching music source simultaneously for all sync'ed players
11255 : Help screens contain a "now playing" button
11256 : Synchronize volume and on/off for players on Squeezenetwork
11257 : Add wallpaper mask to Tch Keyboard
11258 : SN Admin: selecting "delete player" fails to delete player
11259 : Slimproto / Server & Network Health Issue
11260 : Entering "Other Server" IP address via remote - UI seems backwards
11261 : After disconnect from power, every Audio parameter will be forgotten
11262 : Clean up Mini-Icon code/assets since we are no longer supporting them
11263 : Unable to access some Settings areas in SqueezeCenter
11264 : Automatically switch to SqueezeNetwork if SqueezeCenter down
11265 : Slim/Utils/MemoryUsage -- incomplete logic for escape_html()
11266 : Napster tracks not playing completely and restarting.
11267 : Last line on Textarea windows cut off.
11268 : Move region question contiguous with language question
11269 : missing asset: transparent help icon
11270 : fix accent color for text to the new teal
11271 : Power/Turn Off Icon for Home Menu
11273 : Fab4 Automatically connects to Ethernet if plugged in after fw update to 7.4-r4712
11274 : SqueezeCenter Crashes using stream.mp3 in isBufferReady
11275 : InfoBrowser items not accessible via Controller
11276 : need an off button and and off screensaver
11277 : strings do not fit on screen
11278 : lines are overlapping each other
11279 : Checkboxes and Radio buttons should be larger in remote skin
11280 : Selecting 'Squeezebox touch skin' makes selection invisible
11281 : Cannot play filetype error
11282 : Problem installing 7.4 (after v24777) if ESET Smart Security 4 (Suite) is installed
11283 : audio stuttering occurs
11284 : SBC - Accessing "now playing" Screen causes glitch in menu functions
11285 : Allow SqueezeCenter to downsample AIF using SoX.
11286 : Add information about "real" command to TrackInfo originated browsing in MLON
11287 : Now Playing (Serius Radio) elapsed time over top of channel name
11288 : Squeezecenter crashes on windows 2000
11289 : scanner ignores first line of cuesheet file, if it has a UTF-8 BOM
11290 : Touching Now Playing button while on current playlist screen causes nesting.
11292 : Firmware Update - "Verify" stage needs progress indicator
11293 : Firmware Update - Update should start directly after setup is complete
11294 : Unwanted Noise from headphone jack
11295 : Audio Distortion when Playing 16bit and 24bit test files in same playlist
11296 : Remote skin scroll bar padding too large
11297 : Enhancement - Next track info on Now Playing
11298 : Remote skin - remove 00 of 00 text from titlebar
11299 : Remote skin - titlebar text jumps left/right
11300 : Remote skin - icon list spacing incorrect
11301 : Enhancement - artwork/icon loading top-to-bottom
11303 : Touch skin - list divider lines missing
11304 : Progress bar - gradient scaling
11305 : Icon list -Text alignment
11306 : Enhancement - Now Playing Internet Radio/Music Services
11307 : Load images in backgrd before starting Flickr screensaver
11308 : Loud pop in headphone jack during (re)boot
11309 : 7.3 servers cache knowledge of Fab4s and confuse them with empty firmware update screens.
11310 : fails to wake on IR
11311 : can't manually specify IP for music source
11312 : can't select music source from settings
11313 : backspace behaves like delete
11314 : Need a graceful failure if device loses contact with server/wifi
11315 : Need icons to indicate problem with WiFi connection, and server connection
11316 : Flickr image filter - landscape orientation
11317 : Double-byte characters don't display on main screens
11318 : "remote skin" title overlaps X of Y
11319 : Do detect pre-8.0 servers, but display an error about upgrading
11320 : Now Playing song progress bar text "skips"
11321 : SN not scrobbling LastFM radio
11322 : Scanner is not able to recognize file name that include the degree symbol.
11323 : no easy way to see what's wrong if server doesn't start
11324 : Add Bridge Mode (AD-HOC) capabilities to Classic to use with SBC
11325 : update showed 101% progress
11326 : spontaneous reboot while playing radio station from squeeezenetwork
11327 : Credits
11328 : can't connect to wifi while using r4712
11329 : CLI : "save playlist" command with unicode characters incorrect
11330 : SqueezeSlave playertype bandwidth limiting bug fix and new features support
11331 : Scanner crashes with page fault
11332 : Allow configuration parameters to mp3 stream (i.e. http://server:9000/stream.mp3?maxbitrate=96)
11334 : intermittent mini_fo error during setup
11335 : top line has VERY strange display
11336 : add tcpdump to fab4
11337 : Splash screen - add progress bar
11338 : Default Screensaver Timing
11339 : Keyboard delete button wrong artwork
11341 : Clock loses accuracy when Boom not connected to network
11342 : Chiral Motion Patch (Internal only)
11343 : SN Admin: Need "server connected to" listed on player info page
11344 : frozen UI while browsing current playlist (Rhapsody album)
11346 : Scroll Bar - remove top/bottom padding (touch)
11347 : Cosmetic - Alert/Interstitial title text should be centered vertically
11348 : Cosmetic - Titlebar text (touch) not centered vertically
11349 : Cosmetic - Titlebar height should be 47px
11350 : create 41x41 pixel icons for players, regions, eth/wireless
11351 : Undefined 'machine' in line 2306
11352 : Shuffle button doesn't work - Version: 7.4 - 25520
11353 : Wrong RFC 1945 implementation
11354 : Built-in speaker crackles during boot when "Free Your Music" is shown
11355 : Tune in option for Squeezenetwork
11356 : Larger checkboxes and radio buttons in IR interface
11357 : Boom/SqueezCenter/SqueezeBox fails to handle special danish characters
11359 : Fab4 randomly reboots (new hardware)
11360 : Cache should be re-initialized when language is changed
11361 : Some texts are displayed in English while they are translated (all languages)
11362 : LCD backlight doesn't turn off when "LCD off" is selected as screensaver
11364 : Cluttered menu when using the remote control to access Internet Radio option
11365 : Artwork for flac files
11368 : Issues with certain RSS Feeds
11369 : Album sort order "artist, album" does not work for albums for which ALBUMARTIST is set
11370 : WOL should automatically retry connection from Squeezebox Boom if computer goes to Standby/Sleep
11371 : no-cpan tgz file, instructs the user to do something that doesn't work
11372 : Fab4 will connect to previous versions of SC, but gets stuck if you go to far to the left
11375 : Icons not scrolling with Text in Choose Player screen
11376 : Using the play button to go right is wrong
11377 : SetupFirmwareUpgradeApplet crashes if there are files in /media
11378 : WMA playback from Napster times out part way though each track
11379 : (Per-player?) Option to start playlists at beginning, not CURTRACK
11380 : settings text alignment
11382 : Keyboard text entry alignment
11383 : Titlebar button alignment
11384 : Cosmetic - Keyboard key font sizes
11385 : problems with playing long podcast
11386 : Remove support for mDNS
11388 : Internet Radio stream doesn't continue past 12-14 hours
11389 : Brightness Menu can not be adjusted with IR remote
11390 : Redundancy in App Guide and Home Menu
11392 : Need a visual indicator for reaching list top/bottom - use vertical bump
11393 : Language Selection Screen should be modified for RU
11394 : Language Selection Screen should be modified for SC
11395 : Screen confirming new account setup looks bad
11396 : need graphic for top-right button when playing a single track/station
11398 : back key does not work as expected
11399 : SqueezeCenter doesn't read past Disc # 254
11400 : Slimproto connection is not closed on factory reset
11401 : my system name is 'function: 0x7d8ae0' or sometimes 'unnamed'
11402 : Fab4 is not showing as valid player for Sirius Free Trial
11403 : Other Server broken
11404 : IP entry keyboard allows invalid characters
11405 : Korean text no longer showing up properly
11406 : Other Server should allow for fully qualified domain names
11407 : Cannot enter IP-address of server (trace added)
11408 : UI does not respond properly to key events (trace added)
11409 : Trying to open music source from toplevel menu does not always work
11410 : Enabling SSH makes screen goes dark
11411 : Napster "play album" adds faulty items preventing playlist to be loaded correctly.
11412 : Spontaneous reboot (trace added)
11413 : Rhapsody does not play
11414 : need a paragraph break before "We ask this question..."
11415 : Use the "i" info icon and not the "?" icon on help pages where it goes to system status screen
11416 : "diagnostics" in "System Diagnostics" should be capitalized
11417 : long lines don't wrap properly if a space is pushed to the next line.
11418 : text pages shouldn't use bold text for the body.
11419 : corefonts.bin change doesn't work
11420 : SBC Lockups et al
11421 : Display issues (progress bar, volume bar)
11422 : Reset button got stuck
11423 : 7.4 - OS "native" control panel @INC Path Problem
11424 : Button does not clear songscanner pop-up
11425 : Need link from settings page back to SqueezeCenter Home page
11426 : allow multiple params of input/keyboards for a single cli command callback
11427 : SqueezePlay Enhancement Request
11428 : Touch skin - play, add icons not centered vertically
11429 : Fab4 will not power off Using Power button on Fab4 Remote or Using "Turn Off Squeezbox Touch" From main menu
11430 : cosmetic: keyboard tweaks
11431 : Problems with entering encryption with the remote.
11432 : Issues with OGG and SC 7.3.2 on Ubuntu 8.04
11434 : Volume/seek bar too high
11435 : Scanner crashes when it encounters corrupt JPEG
11436 : USB compatibility: Prolific PL2303 serial adapter
11437 : 7.4-25624: Logfile rotation on SC restart fails (Windows)
11438 : Uninstalling SC does not stop squeezetray.exe on WHS
11439 : volume control using scroll wheel badly broken
11440 : iconbar visible in many spots where it should not be
11441 : showBriefly() produces toast with no visible text
11442 : Make Touch/Radio/Squeezeplay prefs configurable through SBS web UI
11443 : Add WMA metadata support
11444 : Scroll bar: One click should move display one screen (only)
11445 : Fab4 forces update after factory reset - and does not change the firmware
11447 : Clearing the current playlist does not clear the current index of the playlist
11448 : Add slideshow capability to "showBigArtwork" functionality
11449 : Can't get the player off SqueezeNetwork
11451 : Without touch screen connected to the main board ir fails to work
11452 : Cannot access Help screens using remote control
11453 : Highlighted item is ambiguous using remote control to select
11454 : Need access to Help from firmware update screen
11455 : DHCP takes a long time to reconnect (was Firmware update does not recover if WiFi is switched off)
11456 : Text on Error Pages needs overhaul
11457 : Help menu structure should direct first to help text, then Support page
11458 : XMLBrowser Jive search minimum should be 1
11459 : browse music folder & special characters
11460 : Can't edit middle of entered text using touch UI
11461 : Need confirmation screen after entering in SN credentials
11462 : Alarms need some sound auditioning
11463 : Incomplete support for JSON::XS v1 and v2
11464 : IP Spoof From Boom
11465 : Insure all ir keys perform their appropriate functions
11466 : Busybox update for SqueezeOS platform
11467 : Samba for SqueezeOS
11468 : backslash n is coming in as a literal and not a newline
11469 : Insure the various IR buttons don't break setup flow
11470 : System Diagnostics - wireless network item should be selectable
11471 : Squeezebox Boom needs to have a way to set SqueezeCenter Server's MAC for WOL
11472 : Screen periodically begins flickering
11473 : Settings consolidation: About, Information, NETWORK_STATUS_ETH0, NETWORK_STATUS_WLAN0, System Diagnostics
11474 : Help screen for network connection lost has "Choose Player" option
11475 : appguide checkboxes need padding
11476 : navigate right flick gesture on NP fails
11477 : pandora allows seek
11478 : Alert screen "Connecting to Controller"
11479 : Player stuck on Enter Email Address screen
11480 : headphone jack is way too tight
11481 : track detailsa/actions "add" is ambiguous
11482 : Indication of currently playing track on playlist not obvious
11483 : clicking "add" inside track menu has no message
11484 : track actions should be together
11485 : using touch, UI randomly can't select menu item, only fixes when nav to home
11486 : volume indicator is redrawn multiple times
11487 : Extra "Enter password" menu
11488 : Buttons don't always work
11489 : Assets for network diagnostics required
11490 : Final localization for factory firmware
11491 : Remove LCD flash on boot
11492 : Can't connect to SN error pages
11493 : Update factory reset splash screen
11494 : Case does not stick after entering numbers
11495 : Wired ethernet not working anymore
11496 : options template layout not resolved on all screens
11497 : scaled icons 41x41 not aligned properly
11498 : iconlist template text alignment off
11499 : Setup - textlist template right aligned icons off
11500 : Setup - waiting_1line_guide title text spacing still not correct
11501 : Setup - HEX keyboard not displayed for WPA entry
11502 : Fix design issues with Podcast Player
11503 : volume control too coarse at low volumes
11504 : cant see what youre doing when using touch with on screen slider
11505 : screen off screensaver only works for 5 seconds or so
11506 : Napster WMA playback does not sync correctly when started
11507 : Setup fails on Ethernet if the player is already linked on SN
11508 : 'Re-enter Password' option should default cursor to end of password
11509 : Problem with Listen Again with BBC iPlayer
11510 : back hold support (currently broken)
11511 : Scroll Bar - alignment off
11512 : Support textinput "touch to place cursor"?
11513 : Rarely in setup you get a Choose Player menu
11514 : Redboot to run console when kernel does not exist
11515 : Need a quicker way to trigger factory test on the line
11516 : r4673 fails to connect after Factory Reset
11517 : Music playback should not stop while browsing across servers
11518 : A couple of fab4 PB2 units refuse to get dhcp most of the time
11519 : Top buttons have inconsistent transparent edge.
11521 : Cannot subscribe to podcast
11522 : keyboard background transparency should be the same as the title bar
11523 : Typo on Squeezebox Support page
11524 : text labels on keyboard should all be of one size
11525 : key to switch back to alphabet keyboard should show appropriate case
11526 : On text input screens, ir left and right hold should move cursor with accel like up/down
11527 : Repeat always repeats song when playing local tracks even if SC set differently
11528 : player creation date NULL
11529 : Players connected to SN account, but not in the Choose Player drop down menu
11530 : Cosmetic - % text on screen
11531 : backspace doesn't work when entering username/password for SqueezeCenter
11532 : make a larger digital clock option
11533 : Cannot seek songs by holding down the forward button
11534 : Re-enter password skips keyboard
11535 : WMA 32k mono crashes fab4
11536 : Problems with AAC/AAC+ & faad on Mac
11537 : Controller Playback Will Not Playback Through Headphones
11538 : Unitialized variable reference in Slim/PLayer/
11539 : UI interaction triggers template warning
11540 : Factory Reset screen appears doubled
11541 : line between text field and keyboard has white speck on it
11542 : entering wrong wpa password causes system to slow down dramatically
11543 : firmware update screen cosmetic problems
11544 : Now Playing (Sirius Radio) displays Stream stopped message in error
11545 : WEP keys should not be prefilled
11546 : "Choose Connection Type" screen is confusing
11547 : need more characters in on-screen keyboard
11548 : Language setting does not stick
11549 : Problem with Alien & iPlayer plug-ins
11550 : Add Volume and power/pause/play controls to the Choose Player menu next to each player
11551 : "done" and "space" are hardcoded in Keyboard.lua
11552 : Noise problem with Boom after 7.3 software upgrade
11555 : Inconsistent error messages when network fails during SN setup
11556 : Resizing of left/right pane in IE8
11557 : Keyboard - max character/cursor relationship & deleting
11558 : Keyboard - lower case ALPHA displays upper case
11559 : Access problems in Cache
11560 : Incorrect time on Squeezebox after computer comes out of Standby
11561 : NP play / pause button incorrect state
11562 : Last.FM Use Genre's to submit tags for each song
11564 : Setup - "Not connected" does not have dropdown bkbrd or proper text alignment
11565 : Playlist Save/Save-As
11566 : Keyboard done button needs feedback after it is press (maybe the spinny)
11568 : /etc/init.d/udev uses /sbin/pidof instead of /bin/pidof
11569 : Fab4 fails to connect to last known connection if AP is turned on after booting (same for ethernet)
11570 : Hold keyboard delete key should erase the line
11571 : done key should always finish, not use current go behavior (which moves cursor while in middle of line)
11572 : Create-a-Password screen should be titled "Create a Password"
11573 : Need an account creation confirmation screen
11576 : Experiment with frictionless scroll
11577 : pressing "shift" on numeric keyboard makes it impossible to get back to "abc" keyboard
11578 : More help screen is formatted wrongly
11579 : Remove translations from DIAGNOSTICS so they get translated on string "Diagnostics"
11580 : r5033: wrong IP shown in remote access
11582 : Snooze doesn't work any more - sleeping in x minutes instead
11583 : Translation for "Help" in Czech doesn't fit
11584 : "Help" is not translated in Polish when setting the Alarm clock up
11585 : "Help" is not translated in Polish when setting the Alarm clock up
11586 : "Help" is not translated in Polish when setting the Alarm clock up
11587 : PL - Various cut off texts
11588 : About and Information are translated the same way in Polish
11589 : html code showing up in Polish
11590 : Wrong translation for Loading English in PL, CZ and RU
11591 : Touch gestures (such as L-R) type characters into textinput fields
11592 : Play option missing from My Napster Library
11593 : Switch keyboard layout during setup
11594 : Info page in web ui fails to show updated fw version
11595 : 'play+hold' function on controller doesn't work.
11598 : Memory leakage
11599 : Scrollbar should drag instantly when finger inside the bubble and the buffer zone not in play
11600 : Report of Squeezebox sending unnecessary Network Traffic
11601 : Localization needed for text of More Help screen
11602 : Enhancement: Add ability for a user to select Squeezenetwork as a Music source for a Receiver on SqueezeCenter
11603 : Scrollbar incorrect when attempting to drag past the top
11604 : Add a SN interface to report a broken station
11605 : Cosmetic - Titlebar Button Text Spec
11606 : Error strings on System Diagnostic screen too long
11608 : after delete pandora station, return to pandora station list
11609 : XMLBrowser support for refreshing parent menus
11610 : r5085 setup issue
11611 : Backup alarm sometimes doesn't play when set to Internet Radio Stream
11613 : r5089 Password entry keyboard cursor doesn't move
11614 : r5089 does not allow break out of setup
11615 : Keyboard - done font color
11616 : Continuous (watchdog) reboot and starting setup wizard
11617 : Cosmetic - Titlebar button height/width incorrect
11618 : network configuration wired/wireless
11619 : Controller doesn't suspend consistently after r3993.
11621 : Espanol is the default selection after factory reset
11622 : MP3 Transcoding has too many options
11623 : Troubleshooter.exe needs to be update with the latest Firewall/Security Services
11624 : Add Region to Advanced Settings
11625 : Icon bar missing on Linux
11626 : Option to disable iconbar when screensaver is active
11627 : Going into the Trackinfo menu from the NP screensaver will add one more screensaver to the menu stack (also general NP stacking issues)
11628 : Now Playing mode lagging by one track
11630 : SC v7.3.3 r25766 use of uninitialized in scanner
11631 : Cosmetic - Help text needs more padding at top
11632 : Volume 0 = Bad popup window
11633 : Playlist problem when using Squeezebox Controller
11634 : MP3 Transcoding option is disabled when Lame is not present
11635 : Connectivity issues with SqueezeNetwork
11636 : Flickr Setup
11638 : PIN confusion
11639 : asset problems with new backspace button for keyboard
11641 : Interstitial Template title font change
11642 : Factory Reset Terminology should be revised to "Restore Factory Settings"
11643 : interstitial loading screens should not have alpha transparency
11644 : special-character toggle button should show character examples, not up-shift-arrow
11645 : Screens with text + selectable options should use the "old" format
11646 : Supporting text info (below titlebar) font should be FS Medium in all cases
11647 : "escape" safeguards disabled when backing out from welcome screen back to lang screen
11648 : Scanner is not working (SSODS)
11649 : direct streaming, mp3 stream, "connection reset by localhost"
11650 : Press hold on buttons without actions (like help) should act like press, when finger lifted
11651 : server in play state but inaudible - web ui looping 3 seconds
11652 : Previous alarm goes off on Boom even though it was changed
11653 : Progress indicator - revised artwork contains old white line in animation
11654 : Restarting and Verify Update should not have spinning widget
11655 : Interstitial Template - title text not aligned vertically for one line
11656 : WPS Login Method template needs to be updated
11657 : Keyboard - email template
11658 : Progress bar - Interstitial template artwork timing
11659 : "Memory used" field on Diagnostics screen increases while ON and Controller not in use
11660 : SqueezeBox Receiver constantly pauses playback
11661 : add new assets for factory reset, verify update, etc.
11662 : help_list windows need to be reworked back to old spec
11663 : SB3 volume changes while playing synced to Transporter
11664 : Won't set up with Microsoft MN-700 router
11665 : Green checkboxes and radio buttons are invisible
11666 : Nightly 25811 installs but won't install on Synology DS107+ (SSODS)
11667 : Remove auto selection of ethernet during setup
11668 : DHCP failure menu, fails to appear in setup
11669 : Connecting to "eth0" not Ethernet
11670 : Factory reset should require SN registration again
11672 : Setup fails to continue or provide feedback if network connection is lost after FW update
11673 : SB Touch will not connect
11674 : Copy changes needed for "Welcome" screen
11675 : Wired & Wireless Synchronisation Gappy Playback
11677 : Diagnostics Applet: SUPPORT and SUPPORT help tokens have no translations
11678 : Album art: inconsistent and intermittent issues
11679 : my music->albums sometimes yields window full of empty buttons
11680 : Album Art does not display
11681 : Volume Control from Touchscreen - very touchy
11682 : Style for disabled done button on the keyboard
11683 : Connecting Widget - artwork refresh
11684 : Revert "help" button to string-free "?" logo
11685 : Remove line breaks from "Wireless Network Help" copy
11686 : Add support for Spotify music service.
11687 : "Invalid Feed - Failed to parse"
11688 : Display has Lines Across It (Remote Skin)
11689 : Pushing mute on Harmony One does not mute Squeezebox touch.
11690 : UI mentions use the scroll wheel
11691 : Interstitial animated circle "jumps" between screens
11692 : Rhapsody does not show the right number of tracks
11693 : During setup, screensaver should be disabled
11694 : All Encryption options do nothing in "Enter Network Name" path
11696 : When Fab4 is offline My Music should offer no network music sources
11697 : Cosmetic - Welcome screen copy em dashes very distracting/confusing
11698 : Screensaver does not engage from playlist if other track selected
11699 : Diagnostics reports a self-assigned IP before IP should be assigned yet
11700 : With WPS router using WEP, selection list should only list WEP encryption types
11701 : Help & More buttons & Support screen must be available within setup (MP cases)
11702 : 5line Template - padding revision to 12px
11703 : Interstitial 'waiting' Template - revision
11704 : Factory Reset screen - wrong font used
11705 : SqueezeCenter gets errors and Boom stops responding property
11706 : Large spinny is missing a frame
11709 : new small spinny lines are two thin
11710 : Set alarm to come out of speakers even if headphones are plugged in
11711 : Welcome screen is too jammed vertically
11712 : Cosmetic - Thank You!
11713 : Missing Help & More buttons plus Support screens (PLD cases)
11715 : "Help" and "More" buttons don't make click sound when pressed
11718 : The "Help" screens have disappeared
11719 : Help buttons do not lead to Help
11720 : Template - 1 option w/ 5+ lines of supporting text
11721 : SN image URLs are rewritten wrong (breaks home menu icons)
11722 : Random Mix on Web UI presents list of Genres in wrong order
11723 : Live 365 errors
11724 : Fab4 Disconnects From SN When Selecting Podcasts via MediaFly
11726 : Internet Radio Station Logo's do not appear in "Now Playing Screen"
11727 : SqueezePlay support for devices with different framebuffers
11728 : Done button changes from gray to blue too soon
11729 : New Account Creation, Password. Done does not shift color
11730 : Firmware Version no longer showing in Player Settings
11731 : SN Password during setup
11733 : "More Help" copy is too long, will break screen when localized, and has a typo
11734 : Squeezeplay devices should auto-detect your network settings -- always.
11735 : "Squeezebox Account" Help screen copy is in all-bold text
11736 : Blank Popup
11737 : Option to disable touch (or IR) input
11738 : Software Update always report a new firmware is availble
11739 : Repopulate email and password fields when SN login fails
11740 : Attempting to download the Debian/Ubuntu SC package installer brings you to wiki page
11741 : Change wording for creating password
11742 : Connecting FAB4 to SC 7.3.2
11743 : Help button "?" leads to More instead of Help
11744 : Help page for Choose Password Type
11745 : LaRon not in About:Credits List
11746 : Slacker not working on
11747 : Rhapsody Search
11748 : Can't start MusicIP mixes from the WebUI.
11750 : need support for more line-specific parameters in skin text definitions
11752 : Amazon Popup Up text needs rework
11753 : xmlbrowse windows should specify text_list and not icon_list
11754 : German Translation for Balanced Input wrong
11755 : window styles needed for two and three line text windows
11757 : radio and checkbox items should be bigger in remote skin
11758 : rebirth of remote skin mach II
11760 : Creating new SN account on Fab4 doesn't activate it?
11761 : Finalize scrolling behaviors for Now Playing Screen
11762 : Use multiple lines of text for each element of now-playing as necessary.
11763 : Don't waste space on now-playing screen when there is no cover art
11764 : Line Out mode with fixed volume level
11765 : SC on Thecus doesn't scale artwork
11766 : Firmware Update is not getting downloaded properly
11768 : Consolidate copying and verifying firmware into one step
11769 : DHCP failure menu - retry DHCP selection disabled when connection is ethernet
11770 : Even with AutoIP, DHCP should keep trying
11771 : Not possible to correct WPA passphrase
11772 : SN registration screen during Fab4 setup not localized to German language
11773 : Screensaver does not allow preview from SB Touch
11774 : Device side validation of email addresses
11775 : Applets cannot extend skin with their own extensions
11776 : "self-assigned" is not "assign manually"
11777 : Squeezecenter Tarball contains a with conflict markers
11778 : Account Error does not lead to Account Page
11779 : Sync broken on Belkin F5D8236-4 Router when 802.11e QOS is enabled
11780 : Scanner failing on 'common album names'
11781 : Sound effects missing again
11782 : Menu Alignment - Screensavers
11783 : Don't require creation of SqueezeNetwork account during setup (if SC has the credentials)
11784 : Unreliable reading of SD cards in factory FQC test
11785 : Screensaver settings - Bad Text
11786 : Customize Controller - needs support for Fab4
11787 : Bad Screen after sleep
11788 : Bad Screen during a track change
11789 : WAV tag 'ICRD' (year) not recognized/implemented
11790 : Corrupt user interface on "Advanced" tab
11791 : Incorrect menu seen in factory on some units
11792 : Seconds display on device's Now Playing screen truncated
11793 : Improvement suggestions by a Finnish user
11794 : Reverted to Jan 1 1970 00:01
11796 : Left hold long should still work on screens with title bars but no back button
11797 : Support for playlists of tracks from Flac files with embedded cuesheets
11798 : MAC address storage in secondary flash block
11799 : Screen switching glitch when connecting to SqueezeCenter and
11800 : Problem switching from SqueezeCenter to
11801 : Blue volume bar across the screen Preventing volume control via Touch screen when volume is all the way down
11802 : track information is gathered in several places, not always returning the same results
11803 : When a WAV format file contains multiple tag types (e.g., both RIFF and IDV3.2), SqueezeCenter does not prioritise which tag to use
11804 : Unkown IR codes not being reported to WebUI and CLI (was: --d_ir no longer works?)
11805 : Firmware identifying number should include 3 levels of detail (ex: 8.1.2)
11806 : Artist search <U2> hangs SqueezeCenter
11808 : 'Add Alarm' does not work
11809 : Selecting Boom Line In plays Pandora instead
11810 : Add link to firmware upgrade to Diagnostics page
11811 : Extra Password Screen
11812 : Extra Password Screen
11813 : Extra Password Screen
11814 : Bad Email Address is allowed
11815 : Artwork resizing performance improvement ideas
11816 : FF is not picking a new RadioTime stream
11817 : translations missing
11818 : Now Playing displays "When stopped" instead of "Stopped" if player is stopped.
11819 : Top of current playlist window should always read Current Playlist
11820 : Can't go back if you connect to the wrong AP
11821 : Firmware Update Message Unclear
11822 : song started then skipped
11823 : Reboot when ScreenCapture issued from keyboard
11824 : Improve battery life on Controller
11825 : PerfMon can no longer be enabled/disabled at runtime
11826 : Fails to connect - stuck
11827 : Export persistent track data when shutting down the server
11829 : Utilize Comment field in tag
11830 : Synchronization issue with FAB for and other Squeezebox Devices
11831 : Receiver will not continue with setup after being selected DSFP A5
11832 : Not able to select a Music Source during Setup. DSFP A11
11833 : Scanner scans wrong music folder after SC upgrade
11834 : After Selecting Music Source..Receiver does not move past blue.
11835 : SBC will not update firmware....A14 from DSFP
11836 : SBC stuck on Spinning animation during firmware upgrade. A15 DSFP
11837 : Invalid PIN During Setup A17 DSFP
11838 : Idle drawing/ idle sleep uses a lot of CPU - could be a sucker of battery life
11839 : On wireless network failure, button text is "Re-enter your password" even for unprotected AP
11840 : Fab4 fails to connect if apostrophe is in SSID name
11841 : Software updates page corrections
11842 : Password protection enabled even if password not confirmed
11843 : Repeat button displays empty toast
11844 : Ethernet detect fails after wireless detect fails
11845 : WEP keys with 32bit separates
11847 : Failed to get wireless working
11848 : Firmware update fails if IP address is rate limited
11850 : Need minimal UDAP client implementation to set SC ip
11851 : Ambient Light Sensor
11852 : Photo app
11853 : Fix fw upgrade process if booted from backup image
11854 : wrong translation for "root password"
11855 : squeezecenter keeps scrobbling even though all players are off
11856 : ..> Audio Out > Test Tones when play kill onboard speaker
11857 : Live365 Playback problem
11858 : Randomly skips first tune of ALAC albums
11860 : Selecting one song while browsing in playlist will only queue up that song and not the entire playlist
11861 : SN - use firmware version comparison if inSetup is false
11862 : IR key entry timeout is too short
11863 : Acknowledge use of all open source modules in About screen
11864 : Would like method of updating firmware from SqueezeCenter without Internet connection for Fab4
11865 : update from SD card messaging confusing
11866 : Diagnostics HTTP port display
11867 : need support for setup of wired-only Fab4
11868 : radio should continue to work if there was no account entered
11869 : No way for user to change / select Internet Radio Location
11870 : Internet Radio ALPHA sorted vs Frequency sorted
11871 : SBS does not prompt the user when SN account has changed
11872 : RadioTime Presets menu missing from Web UI
11873 : Don't require internet connection to upgrade firmware during setup
11874 : fab4-MP branch missing needed changes
11875 : Downloadable AudioBooks are not supported by Squeezecenter/Squeezebox
11877 : Fab4 plays different number of samples for MP3 tracks compared to ip3k
11878 : First item in trackinfo menu should not be irreversible
11879 : Reported play-point not very consistent
11880 : support firmware updates for ip3k players
11881 : TinySC needs to send correct SqueezePlay f/w update URLs
11882 : RadioTime serving really bad translations
11883 : write speed on SD cards with sync on is super duper slow
11884 : Cosmetic - Icons for Clear/Save Playlist
11885 : Run CPU at 532MHz
11887 : Duet sends out too many volume step events on single click.
11888 : Player should reconnect to a remote stream if the connection ends before the known duration
11889 : Old firmware not removed from //cache directory properly
11891 : Update custom-convert.conf for new squeezecenter aac support on sparc readynas
11892 : Control Panel does not open via SqueezeTray icon
11893 : Random Mix displays incorrect song..
11895 : Auto-update does not restart SC after update completion
11896 : Repeated error is generated >100 times per second by SqueezeCenter
11898 : ShowBriefly can get stuck and block UI
11899 : Migration from Power PC to Intel Mac chokes on Strings.bin
11900 : using remote should not automatically switch to 15'
11901 : Add sleep function to web interface
11902 : Need to be able to target specific firmware versions to specific players
11903 : Remove whole album or artist from a playlist ?
11904 : Home menu default to list only music services applicable to user's country
11905 : rmdir on an empty file doesn't work
11906 : NP icons are too rounded/fuzzy
11909 : "Software Update" screen has bugs, wrong copy when firmware is current
11910 : FreeSan Regular font has bad overshoot on some font sizes
11911 : Ip3k starting to play randomly with packet loss over 2-3%
11913 : TinySC needs to be authorized to use SN
11914 : text input screen needs supporting text, like controller
11915 : no keyboard on touch UI screen when switched during prompt
11916 : Don't check for SC download when running from source code
11918 : Does not offer FW upgrade from SD/USB card
11919 : Stuck on 'can't connect' page when Local SC (only) does not have firmware
11920 : USB, SD and Local SC designations missing for firmware update
11921 : default factory test power management units seem wrong, r5497
11922 : Can't enable SSH access
11923 : Webpage get lost on refresh of detail screen music scan
11924 : add telnet to busybox configuration
11925 : Update default sounds for Fab4
11926 : Baby sounds need to be attenuated
11927 : Returning to fav menu starts at top and then jumps to previous location
11928 : r5497 does not see or connect to any wireless network
11929 : Display Lyrics
11930 : Volume slider assets are broken
11938 : Remote Login / ssh / sshd does not work in r5547 on PB1
11939 : Playing a "new" track should not clear the current "now playing" playlist
11940 : Factory reset of receiver also requires factory reset of controller.
11941 : Language Selection Screen should be modified for RU
11945 : wake from suspend not sensitive enough
11946 : Controller fails to upgrade from 7.3 r3993 to r5225
11947 : Introduce sub-type specific (internal) file formats, for lossless, etc.
11948 : Add album to library from Rhapsody Direct munges favorites
11949 : SqueezeCenter Interface and IE8 problem
11950 : TinySC: Album FLACs with cuesheet not working
11951 : Tracklist shows a right arrow after each track when a touch plays the track
11952 : TinySC settings and related management
11953 : Make reconnecting more tolerable.
11954 : divider lines aren't needed between volume icons and slider
11956 : Wake from suspend should kill screensaver
11957 : SuperBug for "Saved Playlist" improvements
11958 : r5588 fails to connect to Linksys WRT54G2 (v1) using WPS
11959 : Move user interface to power management options out of Factory Test menu
11960 : PartnerAccountInactiveError is not user friendly
11961 : pandora gets into no-vocal track & warbly state
11962 : alarm display options
11963 : "Play" in track context should always play
11964 : pressing "Play" from playable context should play
11965 : pressing "Play" from playable context should play
11970 : web interface doesn't throw error when playlist can't be saved
11971 : Different volumes for different alarms
11972 : Different displays for Alarm vs. Normal playing
11973 : Un-mute does not work
11974 : TinySC mount changes uppercase fat32 folder names to lowercase
11975 : menu slider goes to bottom, is a problem due to the touchscreen
11976 : WAV with non-ascii characters will crash SC and Scanner
11977 : Devices get confused by stale Music Source info
11979 : Volume knob backwards
11980 : Controller in suspend mode drains battery longer than it should; needs to shut down at certain level
11981 : Player controls get moved off screen, when player name is very long
11982 : Transition between touch and remote UIs is too slow
11983 : Squeezecenter requires regular restart to maintain synchronisation
11984 : SN Database / Replication / DNS issues
11987 : L-R swipe doesn't work on NP screen
11988 : Squeezecenter does not read embedded cue sheets in flac files
11989 : Jive appears to take longer then 1 minute to connect when waking from suspend
11990 : Jive may power down during wake from suspend if power button pressed
11991 : Add function to browse / play Bookmarked Songs
11992 : RadioTime Presets does not function.
11993 : typo in Update Software screen
11994 : With CM and touch-to-play, we don't need "Play All" or "Add To Favorites" anymore.
11996 : Now playing screen delayed when connecting and disconnecting headphones
11997 : Wrong icon in choose player when server is off.
11998 : User should not have to re-enter password to change account settings
11999 : Scan and rescan broken - FreeNAS
12000 : Support on-device SN signup/login for ip3k UI
12001 : Cover art resizing issues - SqueezePlay
12002 : Screensavers should exit on any touch or IR signal always
12004 : Enable selection of wireless channel in bridge mode
12005 : SN needs a web ui for managing favorites.
12006 : Volume buttons not to spec- Now Playing (touch skin)
12007 : Now Playing Album artwork - centered vertically
12008 : Touchless Fab4 -- FactoryTest Display
12009 : now playing screen track/artist/album info not rendering correctly
12010 : music ip mixes should have "add mix" in addition to "play mix"
12011 : Powering on SBT causes music to stop
12013 : touch-hold on title in title bar should bring up context menu for the container
12014 : Unit not turning off after alarm timeout
12015 : Scanner crash
12016 : SqueezePlay can only see music sources in one Mac profile
12017 : Scanner ignores new artwork when cover.jpg is added to an existing album...
12018 : Artwork scaled incorrectly in Remote Skin
12019 : Request for easy-to-discover means of going to Home menu
12020 : Make option to have album artwork show up automatically, regardless of whether playing by album or not
12021 : Add customisation for Synology Diskstations
12022 : Set rating not visible in some cases.
12023 : no mechanism for delivering platform-specific strings in squeezeplay
12024 : program info in current playlist window showing up as lua function
12025 : Playing filenames with Danish characters
12026 : Controller Screen Goes Blank
12028 : Update Wizard offers to update to same version
12029 : Alarm play custom music on SN and Alarm OFF
12031 : Test Display applet should be a single code base
12032 : When migrating to SC 7.4, alarm data was reset when entering edit mode, also, possible bug when entering alarm time in 24 hr format
12033 : Album art: Center image when displaying in fullscreen mode
12034 : Some MP3 files won't play
12035 : SqueezeCenter Restart
12036 : Setup is stuck in "Connection to SB Touch" anim (r5588)
12037 : Pref Pane & Control Panel need clear messaging of server status
12038 : UI to start SC in "Safe Mode"
12039 : "Problem Connecting" to wireless network when trying to connect to or a local SC instance
12040 : Integrate MH's Troubleshooter applet into new Control Panels
12041 : OSX: Need method to start server with logging, without need for command line box
12042 : Need UI to change server port 9000, in case of conflict
12043 : Improved UI to access logging from Control Panels
12044 : Favorites added from MP3tunes library expire after some time
12045 : Audio playback switches back and jumps
12046 : Very hard to scroll large libraries
12048 : Controller show "Please wait" indefinitely when waking up from suspend, if server (wireless network) is not available
12049 : Unable to adjust brightness via IR
12050 : Bump animation top and bottom of menu (touch skin)
12051 : Clicking on Album art image creates strange behavior
12052 : Internet/Music Service Streaming issue with ReadyNas 1100?
12053 : WHS MSI Server Console fails to initialize
12054 : Windows control panel shoudln't be called cleanup.exe
12055 : Elapsed time overlaps cover image
12056 : Some stores are listed with odd characters
12057 : Artist & album lines don't scroll
12058 : Don't reveal "now playing" or "current playlist" when now playing is empty
12059 : Unable to play .m4a files on Windows XP unless you install Microsoft Visual C run-time libraries
12060 : Unit won't play many radio streams - alarm didn't work
12061 : Error not shown when Pandora is in R/O mode
12062 : Squeezebox controller does not find squeezecenter and receiver on WLAN repeater
12063 : Don't show "return to setup" on home menu if the user has successfully connected to an SC
12065 : Duet remote freezing on now playing
12066 : Change "Playlist" to "Current Playlist"
12067 : Remove music note icons from tracklist (tracks in an album/playlist) and current playlist screens
12068 : "Update Software" error message is incorrect/not helpful
12069 : IR/remote: right arrow on track should not play
12071 : Audio Test - Factory Test
12072 : Audio Playback moved to FactoryTest
12073 : Scanner fails to run using Perl code under ActivePerl 5.10
12074 : update cli docs with 'contextmenu' and 'mixermenu' information
12075 : fails due to AutoXS::Header
12076 : build-perl-modules when no gd libraries has been installed
12077 : After install SqueezeCenter is running under the local system account instead of the named account
12078 : function: 0x8f0088 displayed for artist on Now Playing
12079 : Unable to access SqueezeCenter using Safari on remote Mac
12080 : NP playlist can't be written due to colon in file name
12081 : Tray rather than task bar
12082 : Scanner 7.4 - 26644 + Lossless Ape
12083 : Browsing by Music Folder bug: empty Music Folders when browsing with Duet controller
12084 : Now Playing shows old X of Y for Radio Streams
12085 : Unit is not updating it firmware
12086 : squeeze centre says press "brightness button" for firmware update
12087 : SqueezeCenter fails to update my SqueezeBox
12088 : Embedded artwork is not coming through with FLAC files...
12089 : 7.4 not removing older versions during install
12090 : Sirius Error
12091 : Playlists scan not working in 7.4 post v26644
12092 : Client playlist file errors
12093 : an empty menu will cause random tracks to play
12094 : Controller doesn't wake consistently from suspend with r5730
12096 : Now playing continues counting down after song is complete
12097 : SC clears current playlist when doing a "Clear and Rescan", even if there's only remote tracks in the CP
12098 : Allow users to select an alternative browsing mode for large collections
12099 : "Library Name" default string should use "long" username
12100 : Odd/bad/inconsistent connection status behavior
12101 : Duet receiver Interference
12102 : Cover art shown below screen in IR skin
12103 : Add feature to support "Playback position" setting in iTunes
12104 : Single Line Title blank on BBC Listen Again Composer of the Week
12106 : Screensaver Bkgrounds should be unique
12107 : Live365 session ID becomes Invalid
12108 : Transcoding issue with WMA files - Displaying incorrect kbits and skipping to next tracks
12109 : Change 'stop-in-redboot' button from power button to pause button
12110 : SC should display database engine and port# used in Settings/Information and server.log
12111 : Increase iTunes reload interval maximum to more than 24 hours
12112 : Tracking RadioTimes stations failures.
12113 : Remote IR commands Favorites, Search, Now Playing not working
12115 : Don't force a "software update" during setup if firmware is up-to-date
12116 : Error 5 when SqueezeboxCP is running while running installer
12117 : When firmware is current, "Software Update" screen has incorrect copy
12118 : "Free Your Music" opening sound needs refresh
12119 : "Install Update" button in PrefPane fails to update server
12120 : Auto-update on Mac does not offer update
12121 : Ratings lost when upgrading 7.5 -> 7.6
12122 : noweb-sqlite branch scanner fails to scan some mp3 files
12123 : Menu:setSelectedIndex() selects correct index but initially displays top of menu
12124 : slider styles cannot be described within a window style
12126 : MusicIP Mix generates illegible playlist on SBC & SP, "pumping" symbols
12127 : not using the right assets for progress slider on touch NP screen
12129 : Scanner fails with UTF-8 error
12130 : first install on archlinux yields undefined value error
12131 : "Problem Connecting" screen needs "Choose Different Network" option
12132 : Shuffle-album and Repeat-song icons do not line up with other states
12133 : Cannot rearrange the order Home Menu
12134 : Information Browser not showing any RSS feeds.
12135 : 7.4 nightly builds (as of 5/15/09) no longer displaying all artwork
12136 : Force CM to be displayed on a simple touch on a song if the playlist is being "edited".
12137 : Plugins or extensions?
12138 : Newly added music doesn't show up on SBC and SqueezePlay
12139 : "Days remaining" number should be rounded up, not down
12140 : Add option to disable iTunes User-Added Artwork Import during scanning
12141 : Can't locate auto/Compress/Raw/Zlib/autosplit.ix in @INC
12142 : Request for SN/SC listing
12143 : title bar is too dark
12144 : When I connect to TinySC I still see the additional menus from "BigSC"
12145 : Can 'New Music' order albums based on timestamp of the most recent file added?
12146 : Typo in _loadSkin
12147 : Offical plugin Scrobbling not working in v26702?
12148 : Sirius streaming does not work
12149 : Scanner fails if SC password-protection is enabled
12150 : Device should not scan wireless networks when wired
12151 : malfunction headphone jack
12152 : APEv1 files don't scan properly
12153 : Slim::Networking::Async fails to follow redirects
12154 : Untranslated content
12156 : Enable issuing of commands to players on other servers
12157 : Getting MLON Menus for non-connected players
12158 : Allow Inclusion of Tracks from other servers in current playlist
12159 : Allow handover of players from "lost" servers
12162 : Playlist does not load into right hand pane of web interface in v26702 et seq
12163 : Unable to communicate with player (unknown error)
12164 : Clicked on "Set an Alarm". Unit has been dead since.
12165 : R-to-L swipe on NP screen is incorrect
12166 : Wallpaper scaling
12167 : About Credit: request name added
12168 : Problems scanning tags on q10 48kHz Oggs (Audacity generated)
12169 : Allow private Flickr account entry
12170 : Wallpaper Default should be "Nocturne" or "Encore"
12171 : List items should always "snap" to certain positions, regardless of length of copy on screen
12173 : Player selected in Settings becomes target in browse window
12174 : Playlist lists artist inconsistently
12175 : SELinux is preventing squeezecenter-s from loading /usr/share/squeezecenter/CPAN/arch/5.10/i386-linux-thread-multi/auto/DBD/mysql/ which requires text relocation.
12176 : SqueezeCenter Window Cut Off on Right Side
12177 : tracks in multiple formats are indistinguishable in album view
12178 : NP support for description info for remote streams
12179 : Tweak Harmony wallpaper
12180 : Visualizer idea: oscilloscope
12181 : No remote control function for Slimp3
12182 : SqueezeCenter Debian Package will not install with apparmor disabled
12183 : Shuffle and Repeat icons should be in same position as on remote
12184 : Playlist button not working and causing audio dropout
12185 : Stopped screensaver should also apply to paused state
12186 : Waiting Template revision proposal - center spinning widget vertically
12187 : Support "Advertise Wake on Lan" setting in SC
12188 : Track files in the same folder, with the same ID3 tags, but with special characters - are split into several albums
12189 : When in the root menu of a music library in "My Music," title bar text is incorrect
12191 : Can only enter one Slacker Favorite
12192 : issues with reskin() and hidden elements
12193 : playlist button no longer functional
12195 : Scanning hangs on file that can't be read
12197 : Failure to run on Ubuntu 8.04
12198 : Cannot enter song-scanner with IR FWD/REW buttons
12199 : Song position indicator snaps back to old position for a moment upon seek
12200 : "Now Playing 8 of 8" when playing one item
12201 : Stuck at RandomPlay screen
12202 : Setup receiver without factory reset of controller
12204 : Problems with SqueezeCenter Playing Music Services using Netgear WGR614 v4 with SPI turned on
12205 : m4a playback - problems with faad.exe
12206 : Button bar missing from touch NP screen on return from remote ui
12207 : SP player needs UDAP support so remote contollers can switch a disconnected SP player to a new server
12208 : Missing artist name in NP screensaver, SQLite branch
12209 : Possible to get controller into a state that it does not sense charger.
12210 : Scanner will die when scanning special characters in filename
12211 : "Error: missing string 1" when scanning
12212 : Scanner chokes on MP3
12213 : Idle screensaver doesn't display anything on SliMP3
12214 : Redirected folders stop squeezeplay starting
12215 : Setup of SBR doesn't work
12216 : Only one artist is displayed on NP screen
12217 : 7.4 will not start up in Windows XP post v26754
12218 : New Feature Request: "Follow Me" - The ability to easily transfer current music listening from one Boom to another
12219 : SqueezeCenter incorrectly reports multiple identical artists when an artist contains an extended character
12220 : Allow Repeat, Shuffle and the Synchronize feature to be accessible from the Top Level menu of the Boom UI
12221 : New Feature Request: Enhanced searching and playlist creation to quickly maximise the potential of the music database
12222 : Watchdog min-memory check is broken
12223 : Problems with remote-tracks and playlists
12224 : SQLite Scanner not finding tags in this MP3 file...
12225 : SC v7.3.3 r25010 not starting on system with libc v2.3.6
12226 : SC quits working - no errors in log file
12227 : Controller doesn't wake consistently from suspend with r5922
12228 : on-screen keyboard doesn't show during setup
12229 : rethink/redesign WPS setup options
12230 : D-Link dir655 fails WPS Push Button setup
12231 : Date display is not localized
12232 : Scanner crashes with SIGFPE
12233 : SqueezeNetwork (dc) should be (VA)
12234 : Connecting Widget - 10 ft version
12235 : SC crashes on directories without read/execute (in unix permissions world)
12236 : Shortcut in Music Folders appears as folder name but sorted under shortcut file name
12239 : compilation error after update to r26820
12240 : does not scrobble last track in playlist (until new playlist started)
12241 : SBC Applet Installer does not work, as described on wiki
12242 : Album Artwork does not display
12243 : Control Panel consuming lots of CPU on Windows XP
12244 : Stopped screensaver kicks in while playing
12245 : In Settings > Screen, default for 'When off' screensaver not selected
12246 : IR Harmony Remotes - PowerOn/Off do not function
12247 : alarm icon notification and power button in clocks
12248 : Selecting Pandora or Rhapsody without an account hangs SBT
12249 : Cannot access Extension Downloader in 7.4 v26846
12250 : Scanner crashes with OOM error on large wav files
12251 : make track/artist/album on NP screen touchable for context menus
12252 : Controller should wake from suspend quicker
12253 : Auto-detect timezone, provide timezone in Settings, use NTP
12254 : Brightness control should use volume slider widget, not dotted progress indicator
12255 : Factory reset offers update from SN to same version and shows "?"
12256 : digital clock year should be 2009 not just 09
12257 : Welcome screen is 'touch'
12258 : 7.4 won't start on ReadyNAS Pro (x86)
12259 : touch UI NP volume slider offset
12260 : Non-alphanumeric SSID not displayed correctly, does not connect
12261 : Non-Ascii SSID shows '__' not character set
12262 : Non-Ascii SSID displays the wrong character
12263 : r5974 does not connect to wired network without a reboot (DHCP can't be found)
12264 : Very bright and very dim values can cause ambient light sensor calculations wrap around
12265 : Baby won't connect [intermittent] to non broadcasted SSID - Apple Timecapsule
12266 : Factory Test causes reboot - Volume / Scroll Knob
12267 : Factory Test - Test Tone will crash device
12268 : Official plugin scrobbling not working for Napster (and poss also Rhapsody tracks) in 7.4
12269 : wireless to Ethernet bridge
12270 : IR sensor does not respond to any remote
12271 : MCU: ambient light sensor
12272 : Channel Swap (causes Test Tone to fail)
12273 : Line In very noisy when cable is moved
12274 : WAV playback causes baby to reboot
12275 : Investigate router QoS settings and Squeezebox streaming performance
12276 : Remote scanner fails when playlist redirected
12277 : NP elapsed time not advancing for radio, except at track change
12278 : Setting player name cause SBT to hang
12279 : wma 24 bit support needed
12280 : MCU shutdown code incomplete
12281 : Allow user settings for title buttons and L-R R-L swipes
12283 : On Amazon not valid when streaming Sirius content
12284 : ON services missing from Mp3Tune Locker
12285 : WMA playback issue Fab4 only
12286 : Information tab: always provide info and update real time
12287 : Squeezebox will not auto retune
12288 : Problem playing 24/96 WAV or AIFF files in SqueezeCenter
12289 : Digital Clock - remove year
12290 : Digital clock tweaks
12291 : tweaks to wording on Shortcuts setting
12292 : Unable to access MediaFly and Live Archive from home screen, connected to SC
12293 : Wallpaper settings screen problems
12294 : Use radio buttons for shortcut settings
12295 : Playing any album or playlist queues only the first track
12296 : pixel perfect dot matrix clock
12297 : dot matrix clock background aberration
12298 : Selection wrong after scrolling
12299 : Starting SqueezeCenter fails
12300 : Cannot seek in streams of type wav
12301 : Add Activate check to repository urls
12302 : Playback randomly stops at end of track (-00:00), before new track starts - QNAP
12303 : fab4 screen strobes after idle
12304 : Reconcile Internet Radio menus between SC and SN
12305 : Crash Log UI (toast) needs to be re-worded
12306 : Audible feedback during menu navigation to enhance usability for blind people
12307 : Running installer while scanning fails due to scanner.exe not being able to be replace scanner.exe
12308 : Define where "remote server" maintenance goes (and make it work!)
12310 : Screen Off SS doesn't keep backlight off when "Automatic Brightness" is on
12311 : scanner can't be stopped
12312 : Image Viewer as Screensaver issues
12313 : Using volume control on Slimp3 breaks volume control
12314 : Screen flickers after long period of inactivity
12315 : Massive log errors, filled up my disk with multi-gigabytes of logs
12316 : Programable IR for the Controller
12317 : Stacked text color (ex. albums) needs to be RGB 179
12318 : DD/MM/YYYY needed as well as MM/DD/YYYY
12319 : RTC Backup Alarm stops after 1 min if no network connections
12321 : Propose reducing date format to 2 options for LCD displays
12323 : AnyEvent::DNS displays ipconfig cmd prompt window
12324 : Keyboard - done text has doubled text or shadow
12325 : working radial clock on all platforms
12326 : noweb-sqlite branch AAC scanning problem
12327 : Remote skin - selection bar needs to fade quicker towards end
12328 : Trying to install plugin via extension downloader causes Squeezebox server to crash at next start up
12329 : Scanner seems kind of wedged on my system. The time displays wrong
12330 : Hebrew strings are not displayed at all
12331 : poky build failure for fab4
12332 : SC causing a strange behavior on Ubuntu 9.04
12333 : For Baby presets, show help text about press-hold when not assigned.
12334 : Login screen populates wrong fields
12336 : Internet Radio Search via SC NOT WORKING
12337 : Wrong error message with JavaScript Disabled
12338 : don't display the player PIN on SqueezePlay based devices
12339 : showBriefly doesn't display first line of text arguments.
12340 : Error: missing string SQUEEZECENTER
12341 : One touch playing for Playlist - not working
12342 : Internet Radio->Search (on SC) does nothing
12343 : "Free your music" Splash screen is messed up
12344 : Add networking choice to Diagnostics but exclude that choice from setup
12345 : Update RPM and Deb to use new name
12346 : SC should generate UUID on first startup, then used by clients to uniquely identify the server
12347 : Last line of display is getting wrapped-around data from the first line
12348 : Errata ENGcm06474 from freescale imx25 should be investigated.
12349 : JSON communication over cometd changed in 7.4 SQLite builds
12350 : 48Khz MP3s in SqueezePlay
12352 : Auto-update should not offer install options
12353 : Beginning of audio cut off using SB digital output and Peachtree Nova
12354 : Squeezebox Controller loses connectivity to Music source when using MediaFly
12355 : After setup, push _right_ into Home menu
12356 : Trigger a persistent blue icon on SBC even with firmware r6038
12357 : Squeezebox 3 firmware downgrade from r26820 to r26660 fails
12359 : Password Protect SqueezeCenter settings
12360 : Remote skin - 10ft (large text) should not display icons in most cases
12361 : Touch & Remote skins should use "..." for non selected menu items with long text strings
12362 : fast scroll popup letterbox as designed for new skins is not currently supported in C
12363 : SC downloads firmware and deletes it when .sha file is missing
12364 : Missing sound effects using keyboard
12365 : Display text "Factory Reset" when performing a factory reset
12366 : For email address entry, include @ and . multiple times
12367 : Front panel knob sometimes registers 2 pushes instead of only 1
12368 : No artwork icons - move away from 2 quarter notes
12369 : 7.4 - 27039 scan for new and changed music interrupts music playback
12370 : Altering the alarm schedule for another day turns of other scheduled alarms ? if the time is close to each other
12371 : Danish characters in file names displayed as small boxes
12372 : Play button not automatically playing any more
12373 : touch hold in the upper left hand corner should force a reboot, as should holding the power button
12374 : volume fixed at 50% in Demo applet sound playback
12375 : SB2/3/Boom FW needs to be updated with new names
12376 : New Audiobook UI
12377 : Firmware reports different version number
12378 : Don't always hide power button
12379 : Appearance of power button shifts header text
12382 : empty "years" in web/player UI
12383 : SC crashes "Unable to start Inotify watcher"
12384 : Device will not transition from SC to SN
12385 : Iconlist templates with missing icons should use "icon_blank.png" as placeholder for development
12386 : add undo pandora thumbs down
12387 : Sound effects volume bar goes full width at 0
12388 : Now Playing screen a bit messed up
12389 : screenshots don't work
12390 : Controller not showing certain album art - Reboot of SBC fixes issue
12391 : Squeezecenter will not run on Debian machine
12392 : After factory reset, player has no wallpaper
12393 : Need splash screen artwork for Windows Control Panel
12394 : Allow user to turn off or put IP3K player's wireless adapters to sleep.
12395 : Make Settings > Advanced selectable for Home Menu
12396 : Sound effects default and max volumes are too loud
12398 : "Featurize" ability to select 10' vs 3' skin
12399 : Effects volume should default to lower value
12400 : Impossible to enter some IP addresses using the knob input
12401 : Alarm off after 1 min if no network connection
12402 : Baby/Controller: bring slider styles to spec
12403 : change "sleep" menu into a 1-line toggle
12404 : Problem with Ogg streaming internet radio stations
12405 : Pure text screens are all-bold text, should be non-bold
12406 : "audioscrobbler" toggle option is broken
12407 : Squeezenetwork not available on Controller
12409 : MP3 file crashes scanner in noweb-sqlite branch
12410 : Don't need wlan region on baby
12411 : Center knob de-bouncing may be required
12412 : Can't upgrade from backup image
12413 : Request for Grooveshark music service
12414 : music service integration with Squeezecenter
12415 : Now Playing indicator icon - is 2 quarter notes symbol on all platforms
12416 : Review jive_label and jive_textarea for utf8 support
12417 : Implement RTC support in MCU driver
12418 : Add ability to remember case color
12419 : Power management support
12420 : HE-AAC/HD-AAC native codec
12421 : ALAC native codec
12422 : Ogg stream support, with metadata
12423 : Audio driver for baby
12424 : Line-in support
12425 : Better image caching/resizing
12426 : Grid home screen
12427 : SqueezeCenter fails to auto-start when configured as a service
12428 : Error during install: libFLAC_dynamic.dll was not found
12429 : Error during install: wxbase28u_gcc_wxperl.dll was not found
12432 : "Music Library" should be "My Music" in Squeezebox Server
12433 : Scanning problem in noweb-sqlite scanner on some MP3 files
12434 : Native support for SNR
12435 : Display error screen when trying to connect to network service but no network connection
12436 : baby skin complete through setup
12437 : baby skin complete
12438 : In-store demo: volume popup UI and ramp down volume after idle time hit
12439 : DNS lookup timing error
12440 : Handle text/menu cases coming from SN/SC - currently no scroll support....
12441 : Disable Sleep Time Out on the Controller
12444 : Darken the digital clock (gray) screensaver background
12445 : Selinux errors when installing RPM
12446 : NP song progress bar asset rendering incorrectly
12447 : Default Clock - propose 2 skins day and night
12448 : SBT not in SC WebUI Drop Down after using Power Icon
12450 : r6168 halts at boot if Ethernet removed
12451 : Crash in lua socket?
12452 : Crash in image viewer (due to watchdog timeout)
12453 : Blocking connecting to stream causing watchdog timeout?
12454 : Loop handling rhapsody error causing watchdog timeout?
12455 : Error opening audio device
12456 : Implement audio crossover
12457 : Prefix "Le" not shown in Artist, Albumartist & Composer
12458 : Make Song title clickable/searchable in Song info screen
12459 : Add "model" field to "sn_players" in SC
12460 : Supporting text in "radioio" menu needs tweaking on fab4
12461 : Include the work on Fab4's Help pages + Diagnostics during setup on Baby
12462 : Apply "Album" screen format to Amazon CD Store menus
12463 : Move Pandora stations up one level in Menus
12464 : some mp3s won't play
12465 : Keyboard text entry remains blank
12466 : Backing out of Search hangs SBT
12467 : Playlist button in upper right of Fab4 NP launches CM when playlist size = 1
12468 : Particular Internet Radio Station works through SC but NO SN
12469 : Rhapsody playback stops
12470 : File in use error during install of r27181
12471 : volume control dropping step
12472 : push of volume knob should do something
12473 : Player lost from SC while sitting over night
12474 : Add tag support to flickr!
12475 : DNS name server testing causes DNS queries to fail consistently
12476 : Artwork loading vs. no artwork to load
12477 : Prefs / settings system can't handle quoted strings..
12478 : No Line In icon
12479 : Update 'log sets' dynamically in the browser
12480 : "apps" (Napster,, podcasts, etc) are missing icons when connected to
12481 : DAC/Power amp audio needs to be managed
12482 : Noise on headphone port when unplugging power
12483 : Baby Battery temperature sensor
12484 : Napster missing from SN's player menu settings
12485 : Library scan does not update itunes playlists
12486 : Unable to enter account - not found
12487 : DNS problems, SC 7.3.3, Ubuntu 9.04
12488 : Search feature for SN
12489 : adding line in cable is not handled well by squeezeplay UI
12490 : Napster connection timing out
12491 : mkdir C:\WINDOWS\system32\C:\: Invalid argument
12492 : google analytics tracking JS missing
12493 : Screen icon needs to be teal
12494 : image viewer needs an icon
12495 : pdk* temporary folders aren't always removed
12496 : SqueezeCenter 7.3.3 installer needs to check for missing .net 2.0 dlls
12497 : Make a "reset to defaults" option in the shortcuts menu.
12498 : When Paused (and no clock programmed), Squeezebox wakes up untimely
12499 : Image Viewer should be an app (to be enabled via App Guide)
12500 : "Open Squeezebox Server" should probably be "Open Web Control"
12501 : System sound effects volume is tuned too loud
12502 : r27181 SC doesn't start after simple upgrade
12503 : CLI "mixer muting" doesn't work, just sets volume to 0
12504 : add top level domains to email entry
12506 : Account & Password entry screen for SN is blacked out
12507 : Text Entry previously selected character does not appear highlighted after entry
12508 : Looking for software updates even when options are disabled
12509 : Need "Now Playing" icon for home menu
12510 : Need Home menu icon for advance settings and other misc.
12511 : Now Playing screen - No album artwork icon incorrect
12512 : Need to use "loading" icon for all iconlist templates with exception of album and playlists
12513 : Screen Goes Blank
12514 : Default Wallpaper for baby should be Encore Red
12515 : Waiting Template background should not use transparency
12516 : Text Entry template - remove status bar
12517 : firmware downloads fail with timeout
12518 : Icons for plugins in menus are no longer being displayed.
12519 : Unnecessary items in Sound Effects menu
12520 : Ethernet speed should not be shown if ethernet is not selected
12521 : Intallation of SqueezeCenter 7.3.3. on Solaris 10 - Undefined subroutine &Class::XSAccessor::Array::_generate_accessor
12522 : Error Message When Starting
12523 : Scanner completely fails
12524 : Tracklist templates - numbers are FreeSans Medium font
12525 : Iconlist templates - Playlist should be 2 lines of text only
12526 : "Help" and "More Help" options need to be added to setup screens
12527 : Cannot install Squeezebox Server: Please stop the before running the installer
12528 : SqueezeCenter does not report SqueezePlay-based Players?
12529 : SqueezeCenter sending debug warning messages
12531 : "Players" tab should be named "My Squeezebox"
12533 : when re-entering text, cursor should begin on the right-hand side of the string, not the left
12534 : Snow plugin directory permission causes SC fail to start
12535 : White Flash - pre "Free you music" screen
12536 : Titlebar text should be left justified and centered vertically
12537 : Need to add dropdrop background asset for supporting text
12538 : Playable menu options do not need a "play" icon
12539 : "Now Playing" icon refresh artwork, move away from double quarter notes
12540 : Wireless Security set to none will prevent connection
12541 : status bar items appear in off mode if you push any button or turn any knob
12542 : r6255 Can't Connect error page formatted wrong
12543 : Bootloaders for MP and post-MP (was New Realtek Part)
12544 : WPA/WEP confusion
12545 : Wallpaper credits do not apply to new skin
12546 : My Music is from Fab4
12547 : Check and integrate MSP430 reset sequence into redboot, for all bootloader revisions.
12548 : Screen needs to light up earlier during boot sequence
12549 : pandora no skips left dialog missing
12550 : Napster Crashes BabyBoom
12551 : Squeezebox Server won't start
12552 : Pandora lag information
12553 : Baby reacts slow on volume changes - especially on fast volume changes
12554 : Ability to support mixed font styles within text body
12555 : Left (back) button on baby face does not work intermittently
12556 : Baby will not software software update with r6265
12557 : i386 vs. x86_64 binaries & some versions of faad need an extra option to function correctly
12558 : Some SqueezeCentre artwork lost when using FireFox 3.5 release candidates
12559 : tcpdump fails to build in bitbake
12560 : mtd-utils buld failure
12561 : bitbake: Not a git repository
12562 : libdbd-sqlite-perl-native has depends libdbi-perl which doesn't end in -native?
12563 : Build error for libsdl-image
12564 : Build failure: squeezeplay-fab4
12565 : TinySC can't play flacs with embedded cuesheets
12566 : Windows shortcuts aren't followed
12567 : Scanner details aren't displayed
12568 : Wma mono causing crashes
12569 : 7.4 sends id's and text as numerals instead of strings (as before) in SlimJSON
12570 : Search does not work with Accented Characters
12571 : Please have more granular sound effects options on the SBC
12572 : Need icon for ml songs (for my music->search->songs)
12573 : Keyboard Search text window is missing asset (wallpaper is showing through)
12574 : Squeezebox Server 7.4 exhibiting branding hypervigilance
12576 : SS 7.4 hangs Mac on Standby
12577 : Mac Pref Pane missing manual "look for updates" step.
12578 : "Server Log" and "Scanner Log" buttons in Mac Pref. Pane do nothing
12579 : Progress Strings while scanning library don't show up in pref. pane on OSX
12580 : No artwork album and artist for napster in Germany
12581 : iTunes integration on OSX doesn't finish scan
12582 : SlimTris crashes SB and SC
12584 : WPS network setup is broken (Atheros)
12585 : + and play icons on playable menu items
12586 : Squeezecenter will not launch.
12587 : Titlebar drop down background asset missing
12588 : Firmware Upgrade Screen skipped, when connecting to local server
12589 : Proposed string changes to items in context menus
12590 : Pressing "Home" front panel button from off state is useless
12591 : Controller can not play WMA files
12592 : Enhancement request for Boom line-in.
12593 : Will not auto start at login (upgrade from 7.3.x > 7.4)
12594 : Need to handle Eth0-Eth1 simultaneous connection better
12595 : WiFi is unstable when multiple acces points are near by
12596 : Baby fails to connect when Wireless Encryption is disabled
12597 : R6277 Wireless Connection Dropping
12598 : Battery Charging
12599 : Received a kernel oops during msp programming
12600 : Implemented 'power failing' flag in MSP, kernel needs to shut down the headphone amp
12601 : scanner stops on invalid Windows shortcut
12602 : Random crashes (was In Store demo crashes)
12603 : Last night squeezecenter crashed with this error:
12605 : Metadata breakage (progress bar, buttons)
12606 : Waiting Template check connecting screen screen against guide/ref
12607 : settings page doesn't respond to changes
12609 : SqueezeCenter not syncing with
12611 : "Info" popups are pretty hard to notice, and then don't provide enough information.
12612 : In Store Demo does not survive a power cycle
12613 : Timer on Now Playing screen broken for Pandora
12614 : SC fails to restart when "Restart Now" clicked on OSX
12615 : aoTuV encoded ogg files not fully supported
12616 : skinning for textinput causes crash unless cursor and rightArrow are defined
12617 : three layer treatment of textinput wheel
12618 : Internet Radio Search missing input method
12619 : Setting a static IP on the SBC/SBR/SC and it drastically improves the experience
12620 : missing navigation tutorial screen
12621 : missing navigation tutorial screen
12622 : Icon tweaks for Other and New
12623 : Kernel sets MDC (FEC MDIO clock) 2x too fast
12624 : Propose hiding wireless icon in status bar until after you have connected to a network
12625 : One menu option selection menu bar disappears if you rotate the knob left/right
12626 : Wireless icons are not scaling on vs. off on selection menu items
12627 : Drop down text spacing top and bottom not the same
12628 : Drop down background overlapping menu option
12629 : 10BT does not work
12630 : Drop down text should be revised to FreeSans Medium
12631 : 10BT does not work (kernel too)
12632 : Brightness should not start 0% upon entering for first time
12633 : Status bar time should be centered left to right in bar
12634 : Explore 18 bit color depth on baby
12635 : NowPlaying shows wrong track when playing shuffled Napster playlist
12636 : 7.3.3 file locations are not removed when upgrading to 7.4.0
12637 : Artwork scan causes itunes to launch
12639 : Browsing Music Folder freezes scan
12640 : For text entry, change "back" button functionality to "delete", and "play" button functionality to "right/enter"
12641 : SN only mode: can't browse radio menu
12642 : Ability to disable the WAKE feature on Squeezebox Controller
12643 : Search Results screens should be titled "Search Results"
12644 : "Other Library" should be renamed "Switch Library"
12645 : Audio startup time help text recommends localized value, doesn't work
12646 : General filing to correct banding and render issues for Text Entry
12647 : Create a UI that tells the user if his device is plugged into a half duplex hub
12648 : Selection menu bar (option 1) not top aligned properly against titlebar
12649 : Text Entry - vertical bar is overlapping titlebar and bottom status bar by ~1-2 pixels
12650 : Text Entry - unselected top and bottom characters should be spaced tighter vertically to allow max # on screen
12651 : Pandora hicups
12652 : Turn off crash logs for MPQ & MP firmware
12653 : Pandora Streams playing one song while SC reports another...
12654 : SC keeps reporting crashed server
12655 : Auto-scanner slowly deletes all files
12656 : Touch-drag can scroll the wrong way
12657 : Touch-drag on item sometimes jumps irregularly
12658 : Handle differing years for songs on an album better
12659 : Setup completes but fails back to Language Select on reset
12660 : AAC on ReadyNAS will not play at 48khz
12661 : Now Playing should be first item on home screen
12662 : alignment and scaling of radios/checkboxes/choice items
12663 : Player hang after viewing player Name
12664 : Choosing a Date & Time format
12665 : Verify Bootloader is current asset
12666 : Audible Pops while listening to music
12667 : r6351 wireless fail, no option from setup path, can't choose wireless even when breaking out of setup
12668 : Audio::Scan - Makefile compile options incorrect for SunStudio cc
12669 : Can't add artist to a Slacker station via SBC
12670 : Number keys in navigation menus don't work as expected
12671 : YAML::Syck Installed but check is failing due to ambiguity surrounding indirect object syntax
12672 : fsync() does not work correctly, leaves files full of \0
12673 : "Error: Select task failed calling" & "Error: missing string 1" while scanning
12674 : Music scanner chokes on .cue that refers to file using ISO-8859-1
12675 : TinySC support for NTFS formatted drives
12676 : Divide the Display of an Artist's Albums into Sections
12677 : Lack of playlistdir causes web homepage to fail
12678 : After updating plugin settings Squeezebox Server fails to restart with error "Can't write restart flag"
12679 : Music Scan Details are not up to date, they
12680 : Exclude certain albums from random mix
12681 : Custom title format with DURATION breaks Pandora (possibly others)
12682 : Random 100% cpu utilization makes 7.4 difficult-impossible to use on Boom & other SB3 based devices.
12683 : Front panel buttons (except rotaries+power) stopped working after factory reset
12684 : Pressing power button on Baby caused linked fab4 to reboot
12685 : Fab4 does not honor brightness setting after reboot
12686 : Choose player doesn't display checkmark right
12687 : Differences between App guide, Applet Installer and Extras is lost on me
12688 : Items with no sub-menu shouldn't have a right arrow indicating you can go right
12689 : Podcast handling should be revised
12691 : SqueezeSvr.exe keeps hanging and consuming 50% of CPU and 150MB of memory
12692 : Slim::Utils::Update::getUpdateInstaller (266) Failure reading 'C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Cache\updates\server.version'
12693 : Design interim screens during controller setup to help guide user through the process
12694 : entering email address with IR remote inconsistency
12695 : Help option should use icon for iconlist templates
12696 : Iconlist template - albums view
12697 : Text Entry - padding of text input on L/R of vertical bar needs to be tightened
12698 : Text entry - Selected character not centered vertically in input bar
12699 : mixed font weight in volume guideline text not currently possible
12700 : Working Bug: Supporting text info (below titlebar) should be centered
12701 : Server side transcoding for OggFlac
12702 : Once connected to SC firmware update prompt isn't persistent enough
12703 : In Store Demo - Remove Menu option
12704 : Scale left icon when selected in QVGA skins
12705 : Default Clock - inc. font size of Month and Weekday from 16px to 18px
12706 : add to play lists with SBC don't work from album view in SC 7.4 sqlite version
12707 : Short pause in sound during start of alarm with "song mix" as Alarm sound
12708 : Music pauses sometimes when i do a search from the controller
12709 : Scanning for new and changed stops the music ?
12710 : Squeezebox server often displays random album art for internet radio
12711 : Need to implement HP and line-in detect test for manufacturing
12712 : DisplayTest Frame displayed incorrectly
12713 : Local volume and power control needed for Baby
12715 : volume popup on fab4 and jive
12716 : Implement UI to enable audio passthrough to loudspeakers for SoundCheck test
12717 : check in new MSP code for compatibility with PA5/MPQ/MP boards
12718 : Alarms do not use Favorites
12719 : Audio settings only work when connected to Local SC
12720 : Turn off all synchronized players by keeping POWER pressed for more than XXX seconds
12721 : Now Playing Screen Saver Not Working
12722 : Tray icon needs artwork refresh
12723 : Seeking support for AAC
12724 : Only draw dirty areas on flipped buffer
12725 : Controller UI only allows receiver "OFF" after sleep - when controller also sleeps
12726 : Update Setting Menu to new standard
12727 : Duration & position bar should be inactive for non-seekable tracks
12728 : With "back arrow is backspace" change, cancelling out of a text input now more unpleasant
12729 : Change Attenuation Steps for Volume Knob
12730 : help icon showing up all through setup on menus with otherwise no icons
12731 : encore wallpaper not showing up as default during setup
12732 : flush left in textinput doesn't work well after char is entered
12733 : Use dynamic player brightness string
12734 : Read and Understand the final issue
12735 : Kernel oopsie when programming MSP.
12737 : Arabic/Hebrew characters scrolling in reverse
12738 : set automatic volume based on time of day
12739 : Verify Line-in is functional
12740 : Speaker pops on power on
12741 : Headphone pops on power on
12742 : volume control toast" breaks the Keypad Test
12743 : Scrolling down in Choose Language screen results in new spontaneous entries
12744 : individual line text colors not possible in skin for label widgets
12745 : In areas where "loading" icon used the icon disappears and the text shifts to the left upon hitting enter
12746 : /sys/devices/platform/baby-aic3104.0/aic3104-codec/codec_reg should get data from actual device, rather than cache
12747 : clock screensaver gradient causes 2 problems.
12748 : volume misses steps
12749 : volume popup should not interfere with navigation
12750 : Play button does not start podcast item
12751 : Character set issues with 7.4 SP
12752 : WOL appears to not work in 7.4
12753 : Implement the low-power LCD brightness pin in the backlight kernel driver
12754 : Knob stops working after a while when running on battery (was: UI sluggish and music stutters / stops when running from battery)
12755 : missing icons in settings menu
12756 : Alarm clock function AM/PM difficult to set
12757 : Never put WiFi into power-save mode when SB Radio is on AC power
12758 : Facebook App error after SN "Constant Authorization"
12760 : Feature Request: Alarm Timeout behavior
12761 : "More Help" supporting text should be the same size as supporting text on other screens
12762 : consider a window style that explicitly does not include icons
12763 : Artwork resizing uses too much memory
12764 : Fab4 Touchless (IR ONLY) there is no method to select Help Text or buttons
12765 : Change the Author of the three plugins written by Michael Heger (2) and Felix Mueller (1)
12767 : OSX iTunes Artwork importer spews error messages when missing artwork
12768 : Make power failing flag edge sensitive with some hysteresis.
12769 : no way to flush left textinput wheel without screwing up layout of entered text in textinput bar
12771 : Baby Boom does not honor brightness setting after reboot
12772 : Ethernet link goes down during boot, needs reboot to fix
12773 : Napster not working on Boom 7.3.3
12774 : CP / Tray Icon does not think SC is running
12775 : When no library present, on screen notes shouldn't say insert SD card
12776 : Player ID vs MAC Address
12777 : Remove extra page for networking selection
12778 : MP3 streams produce no audio
12779 : Audio Routing consistency
12780 : play button doesn't play
12781 : Remove different Search icon visual treatments across all menus.
12782 : Transporter/Rhapsody error "A max of three streams are allowed at one time"
12783 : Audio cuts off after power cycle
12784 : is missing Account Settings Page
12785 : Need Static URL on for Ascii to Hex converter on
12786 : Selecting a Network, then backing out and re-selecting will cause network errors
12787 : PA5 only - Factory Test Power button is wrong
12788 : Calendar text is shown in English even though Dutch language is selected on the Controller
12789 : Known bad memory alloc in kernel. Please fix
12790 : Store demo volume reset is very abrupt. Sounds kind of broken. Volume should ramp down.
12791 : Elapsed time not refreshing for internet streams
12792 : play/pause/power switching responsiveness issues
12793 : Firmware update sometimes fails when connected to Squeezebox Server
12794 : Some menu icons sometimes go missing
12795 : My Music not available when connected to
12796 : Trouble scanning files with diacritics
12797 : Now Playing - Press Knob no longer gets to Info Screen
12798 : "Alarm" icon in clock screensavers
12799 : Now Playing Screensaver should display time when alarm is active
12800 : Support snooze
12801 : Scanner stops while scanning (Windows 2000)
12802 : Sound effects break regularly playing sounds
12803 : ability to poweron and start a favorite radio station by holding a numeric button.
12804 : Discrete Power ON/OFF not working
12805 : Windows service, Perl code, fails to start with --httpport
12806 : Squeezecenter control panel not saving network location for NAS
12807 : Overhaul design of Image viewer for all Squeezeplay devices
12808 : Incorrect port number in web link
12809 : Paths saved with double backslashes
12810 : Can't play Rhapsody track
12811 : Loop of crash-reboot-crash when crash scenario encountered
12812 : Control Panel reinstalls Windows service for no reason
12813 : Control Panel fails when server IP address is changed and server is running
12814 : Changing player does not turn off old player
12815 : Pressing More/+ button doesn't pop up context menu
12816 : Tracking Bug - euthanize PB1
12817 : Tracking Bug - D/C PB2
12818 : "Now Playing" on Controller sticks on a song and shows 59 mins length
12819 : Pop heard when sample rate changes
12820 : Sound effects don't sound right when playing non-44.1k files
12821 : No MP3 audio after playing FLAC track
12823 : No access to Web-Interface
12826 : No group by album
12828 : Automatic restart doesn't take command line parameters into account
12829 : Changes in Extension Downloader doesn't take effect
12830 : Noise + tweeter gets hot
12831 : Adding a duplicate homemenu item with addItem() causes error
12832 : Implement proper string/design for OOTB "My Music" screen
12833 : Scanner scans wrong location
12834 : Use "settings" icon for "return to setup" menu option
12835 : Text Entry - vertical bar assets not tiling correctly
12836 : Additional Factory Reset Option Needed -- do not delete from SN
12837 : SqueezeCenter will not start.
12838 : Refactor remote scanning of playlists to maintain correct order
12839 : Custom wallpaper not available to select
12840 : Provide Squeezeplay baby strings prior to July 20th translation deadline
12841 : Multi-disc album artwork not showing
12842 : Old entries in tags aren't removed
12843 : SN autoswitch doesn't work if inside the node
12844 : power button occasionally double-submitting events
12845 : data entry inconsistent from remote with numeric keypad
12846 : FWD RWD hold seeking styling not complete
12847 : Preset HOLD to save preset
12848 : New Diagnostic: Play a test tone when wireless signal low
12849 : Turn line-in gain down by 6-10 dB
12850 : Volume popup - mute should NOT have any progress fill
12851 : Random Mix sub menu does not need iconlist template
12853 : Channels swapped with r6556
12854 : Now playing screen info bar displays previous playlist count when playing internet radio
12857 : Internet radio icon needed for feeds without artwork
12858 : WLAN Driver for Intentional Testing
12859 : Alarm volume settings - Propose displaying exact level value (0-100) for reference
12860 : Propose replacing "Customize" w/ "Edit" for Settings >Customize Home Menu
12861 : LCD Rain problem
12862 : For SLT: Change all instances of "App Guide" to "App Gallery"
12863 : Scan directory limited to two deep
12864 : WEP entry + acct info (Initial Setup): Black text on black background (cannot see text)
12865 : Vertical overlap of text on top line of playlist screen
12866 : Alarms don't page playlists in SlimJON; can lead to excessive load times.
12867 : Fix playback/navigation behavior for Compilations and multi-artist albums
12868 : Crash log dialog and actions
12869 : Too many Growl notifications
12870 : make alarm button go to alarms menu
12871 : Headphone detect unreliable with 4-conductor headphone
12872 : Make Context Menu look acceptable
12873 : Sample Size information for flac doesn't show up in Squeezecenter or player interface
12874 : context menus: sometimes CM comes up blank
12875 : Missing genres
12876 : Context Menus should auto-hide in all cases
12877 : Settings is no longer the last item in home
12878 : SqueezeCenter to avoid downgrading firmware unless *really* necessary
12879 : YALP! radio needs to be hidden
12880 : Icon for Alice YALP! radio
12881 : LMA icon is ugly
12882 : SZ reports proximity detection seems very slow
12883 : Missing a few icons: More Radio, Search Radio,
12884 : Light sensor factory test needs a range
12885 : Internet Radio menu items are smaller than home menu items
12886 : Brightness curve needs updating
12887 : Brightness setting not honored on baby
12888 : Brightness setting should (ideally) be honored by the early boot process
12889 : Hook ambient light sensor to auto-brightness control
12890 : Save SN as last server on startup
12891 : Switching players should repopulate home menu correctly
12892 : Kernel oops when pressing power button & jive app stopped & evtest event1 is running
12893 : Support OggFLAC
12894 : Can't Fast Foward Through Songs/Podcasts
12895 : Contextual Menu selection bar assets move from 3 tile assets to 9 tile
12896 : Problems playing WMApro files in SqueezeCenter 7.3.3
12897 : Reduce number of network calls for home menu item icons
12898 : Implement new button behaviors for text entry
12899 : App Gallery needs some explanatory text at the top
12901 : Icon disappears during transition if both windows have same icon
12902 : Incorrect version of flac installed
12903 : Wallpaper - Quartet revise color
12904 : Failed to load icon Squeezecenter.ico error message
12905 : Headphone polling creates noise on line-in
12906 : Revise font color for non selected items from RGB220 to 179
12907 : Alarm wipes the current now playing playlist.
12908 : With Fab4, the server shows the wrong player FW revision
12909 : Improve sync
12910 : Slimp3 not playing anything
12911 : Generic icon for radio station should not be a CD
12912 : Pressing Play on a radio station brings up blank menu screen rather than NP
12913 : Selecting 'all other regions' results in bump
12914 : r6642 Start up sound causes bad 'wooshing' sound
12915 : On Fab4 Touchless - text entry with OnScreen Keyboard is confusing
12916 : Playlist cataloging/organization
12917 : Moving Babyboom to a different network
12919 : Diagnostics addition: colored text to code problems
12920 : Diagnostics addition: Add option to provide audio feedback when WiFi issues arise
12921 : Diagnostics addition: Add option to provide persistent on-screen network errors
12922 : Unable to play some "native" file formats from USB drive with TinySC
12923 : How to add player in new skin?
12924 : can't connect to BEFW11S4 with encryption enabled
12925 : NP/Playlist buttons cause nesting when playlist is empty
12926 : Wallpaper: Black needs to come back
12927 : Knob looks bad when removed from package
12928 : r6642 - Network Setup "All other regions" does nothing
12929 : sleeping function called from invalid context firmware/ir_con(351)
12930 : r6633 - Settings - Sleep - no enclosure around the "toast" message
12931 : System Preferences launches when there's an update available, but doesn't go to the SC pref pane
12932 : Changing music path in control panel does not really change it
12933 : Can't connect to wireless except with AES encryption
12934 : Deezer tracks do not get scrobbled
12935 : Don't scroll 'current' menu item in the touch interface
12936 : Need 'Reset to defaults' under Shortcuts settings
12937 : "rate" CLI command gone but documentation remains
12938 : Interval between volume position "0" and volume position "1" needs to be finer
12939 : Help link on SqueezeCenter => Operation Failed (Illegal parameter)
12940 : Artist found by search, missing in "Home > Artists"
12941 : Effect Volume Adjustment has no effect on Volume
12942 : MusicIP scan broken in nightlies
12943 : r6633- Partial or failed wakeup from power off when using power on button
12944 : r6633 - can't add an alarm.
12945 : r6642 - need extra presses of "Power" to wake fab4 up. (try web ui)
12946 : Controller stops displaying album art
12947 : Wifi signal indicator incorrect and inconsistent with SBC
12948 : Problem connecting screen appears spontaneously even when "off"
12949 : Certain readio streams have gone "chipmunk
12950 : Implement final category and app list for "app gallery" page
12951 : Add next Random Album to playlist at the beginning of the current album
12952 : Player Title Format info copy should be updated
12953 : Need an "account" section for advanced settings
12954 : Location-based Radio Menu changes...
12955 : status bar icons are not correctly placed
12956 : Padding away scrollbar needs to be decreased so that neg. space is equal left/right
12957 : the charicters z and and y switch positions when in UPPERCASE
12958 : Buttons need to be resized when label changes
12959 : overlapping partial transparent assets in textinput creates unwanted shadow
12960 : Pandora (and others?) not working in TinySC for ip3k player-UI?
12961 : TinySC should name itself after the name of the player its running on...
12963 : When playing AAC random sine-wave tones interrupt music
12964 : Move safe mode option to Advanced tab
12965 : Touchless Unit displays 'TouchScreen Factory Test
12967 : Screen needs to light up earlier during boot sequence
12968 : In order to make sure system works properly, don't run system from battery on MP units.
12969 : Need text for Problem Connecting screen when unable to connect to specified music library
12970 : Baby r6708 will not allow wireless network on PB2
12971 : Reset MSP if no I2C, rather than reprogramming
12972 : "Problem Connecting" explains a network-based error, but offers a library-based resolution
12973 : Screensaver should have a brightness assosciated with it
12975 : Discrete IR commands for accessing digital inputs
12976 : Baby reported play-point not very consistent
12977 : SC will not start
12978 : Turns on automatically (won't stay off)
12979 : Rhapsody - duplicate albums (explicit vs clean)
12980 : Spurious Now Playing text underneath NP artwork
12981 : When Stopped
12984 : DB errors at startup when stating a file fails
12985 : Audible hiss using headphone jack
12986 : "Create a Squeezbox Account" screen should be named "Enter Your Email Address"
12987 : Email addresses aren't properly validated in "enter email" screens
12989 : Disconnected wireless and Baby crashed (with Rhapsody)
12990 : Max characters for track title on Now Playing screen shorter than artist/album text
12992 : Baby connected to SN loses ability to switch services
12996 : Backup alarm (RTC) for Baby
12997 : IR Blaster support for Fab4
12998 : Slimproto STAT sent once per second even when not playing
12999 : Ambient Light Sensor
13000 : volume and scanner popups are not to spec on Fab4 skin
13001 : RTC stuff
13003 : Need to add the analog clock back into skin
13004 : this is a test
13005 : TinySC Problem: Needs to auto-scan/rescan/remove/add new music as its inserted
13006 : TinySC set to start up on boot...
13007 : Napster Free Trial wrong time shown
13008 : Updating player name does not refresh properly
13010 : setup does not validate proper email entered during creation
13011 : setup does not validate proper email entered during creation
13012 : "Account Already Exists" text input screen has wrong string
13013 : SN-only menu items don't work if connected to SC
13014 : Enter SN Account name page is misleading
13015 : SN menu fetched too early
13016 : "Current Playlist" is correct terminology for the current playlist
13017 : Extensions Downloader
13018 : Digital inputs are missing icons
13019 : Facebook doesn't handle photos with no captions very well
13020 : POP through headsets at power up
13021 : cannot reaquire squeeze network info after ethernet disconnected and reconnected
13022 : Dynamically add drop shadows to Now Playing templates
13023 : Context Menu less than MAX options position on screen
13025 : Wireless connectivity intermittent
13026 : Imageviewer string typo + suggestion
13027 : Squeezebox Server does not start on 10.6 Snow Leopard 10a411
13028 : package changelog outdated
13029 : Audible distortion increases when volume turned up beyond approx. 75
13030 : remove server priorities less than 0 for Unix builds
13031 : Please support MPC SV8
13032 : App Search Input screens should contain the word "Search"
13033 : Unable to listen to Internet Radio if SC computer is turned off
13034 : Network lag when Baby is off
13035 : add support for UK versus US language
13036 : iPeng feature: Add "menuIcon" and "menuIconID" fields to SlimBrowse menus
13038 : Baby display has setup-time issues and causes horizontal stripe test pattern
13039 : SLCDC mode is not going to be functional in MPQ units
13040 : String change: change "On-Demand Music" to "Music On-Demand"
13041 : SP devices will disconnect Controller
13042 : Status bar - icon padding revised from 6px to 10px
13043 : OPML issues: titles, text/textarea items
13044 : Add XMLBrowser type=input support (Recent Searches stores everything)
13045 : Prompts for connection to stale SC library when not connected to SC
13046 : Now Playing - space indicator "dot" btwn artist and album name
13047 : email entry allows invalid characters, upper case (or add repeated version of
13048 : Crashing while playing Sirius talk stream
13049 : Rhapsody 30 day trial follows SqueezeNetwork account not
13050 : Remove old window.textArea code
13052 : input.title value not used on input screen
13053 : Baby PB1 volume knob does not function when nothing is being played
13054 : Extended Text like Artist Bio does not scroll with IR remotes
13055 : Album Art enlargement via button press
13057 : Support XMLBrowser type=radio in SlimBrowser
13058 : Baby won't power OFF when "can't connect to Library"
13059 : unsuccesful library switch results in required reboot
13060 : persistent screen display showing what I'm connected to (MySB or SC)
13061 : Image Viewer: HTTP should point to some "official" photo stream
13062 : Songinfo Query fails in 7.4
13063 : Must reboot Squeezebox to play Pandora or Internet Radio if turn PC with SC OFF
13064 : Optional touch screen gestures on units without touch screens
13065 : Facebook, Twitter, E-mail and RSS screensavers
13066 : SN menu "Internet Radio->More Radio" doesn't show icons
13067 : Holding power button down for 2 seconds does not turn Baby off
13068 : Can't open context menu on currently playing item
13069 : Context menu is scrolling outside the window
13070 : Station stream stops, pressing Play should resume stream
13071 : Show app title and/or graphic on remote control "now playing" screens
13072 : way to back out of Keypad Diagnostics
13073 : add IR remote Diagnostic?
13074 : Sync'd fab4 w/ IP3K player = no audio
13075 : Rhapsody library additions and subtractions not updated
13076 : Mute on/off inconsistent, also causing station buffering and track skip
13077 : only show Ui Experiments on fab4
13078 : RadioTime Presets menu displayed when no Account info entered
13079 : Rebuffering is too chatty to use a showBriefly
13080 : Unable to navigate vertically using ir remote on screens without a selection
13081 : Inconsistent internet radio menus
13082 : Can't scroll up and down textarea using remote
13083 : edit capabilities for any/all text entry screens
13084 : Review screen after login credentials are entered/changed
13085 : Splash screen on power up, notifying user that a new FW Update is available
13086 : Baby screen settings (screensavers, wallpapers, etc..) saved in SC
13087 : logo needs TM mark on Squeezebox
13089 : Can't go into Napster menu (demo account) on Fab4
13090 : No Error text when incorrect Email address is entered
13092 : Streaming local (FLAC?) tracks in 7.3.3 seems less robust than previous versions of SC
13093 : Unable to enter an existing email address during setup wizard
13094 : SN Request connection's timeout behavior is poor, causes frequent ~3 second full Spinny
13095 : Scanner says I have 11k+ playlists to remove...
13096 : App - Installation Options text strings too long
13097 : Item with nextWindow but no actions doesn't work
13098 : Firmware r6807 has a NULL language
13099 : Settings is no longer the last item in home
13100 : My Apps design needs to support multiple accounts per service
13101 : Music Library screen seen after Try Again screen
13102 : Multiple selection highlight lines on Choose Language screen
13103 : Blank selection on Choose Language screen
13104 : Default Fab4 wallpaper doesn't play well with white text
13105 : Selecting an app forces me to choose an SC library
13106 : App Gallery text needs bullet points, formatting etc.
13107 : "Installation Complete" screen has weird formatting
13109 : buttons bounce in settings and probably elsewhere
13110 : Bottom control bar on NowPlaying screen gets lost when switching between touch and remote UI
13111 : Current Playlist doubles on every restart of SP when connected to SN
13112 : Disconnected menu request from SC returns bad data
13113 : Support disconnected menus from SC in SP
13114 : Rhapsody Trial Account labeled incorrectly
13116 : The "Switch Music Source?" prompt is confusing when there is no current playlist...
13117 : S::C::XMLBrowser defines play/add actions for any kind of item
13118 : Offer ability to change volume button behavior with shortcuts
13119 : Can't switch to wireless networking if configured for wired
13120 : Need design for Flickr app
13121 : Trackinfo on playing track in now playing list broken in 7.4
13122 : After latest SLT comes back borrow "Go Home" translations for SlimBrowserApplet
13123 : Generic app setup for all apps
13124 : Mouse Over icons missing on some WEB UI elements
13125 : Home Menu settings bug
13126 : Supporting text should be vertically centered
13128 : Can't play local music by touching tracks
13129 : Audio playback skips / slows down on SomaFM after a while
13130 : Add bass to Baby sound
13131 : Can't connect on Deezer
13132 : Volume popup appears twice
13133 : Review all noweb-sqlite changes for backporting to trunk
13134 : Support screensavers registered by SC/SN
13135 : Sounds & Effects should be an app
13136 : Support type=slideshow from SlimBrowser -> Image Viewer
13137 : Playlist getting stuck randomly, unable to move to next track
13138 : Fix networking from 7.4 branch
13140 : Design and implement Favorites page for mysb
13141 : need layout/design for support page
13142 : Audit remote control design/functionality
13143 : compose style guide file for
13144 : define various needed settings for each app in new mysb system
13145 : audit and tweak design(s) of image viewer, flickr apps
13146 : (re)design alarm clock app for squeezeplay
13147 : Identify needed "blind spot" cases for back button
13148 : Define and implement context menu instances
13149 : Only way to save alarm volume setting is to hit "alarm" button
13152 : 96/24 flacs are not being downsampled to 48/24
13153 : Both web interface and squeezebox "hang" when one browses folders containing non-ascii chars
13154 : Slider widget need press state - visual indicator
13155 : Add manual "Check for Updates" to web interface
13156 : stopping service squeezecenter is not always working in linux
13157 : TrackInfo returns different menus when called with ID vs. URL for remote tracks.
13158 : Mark special items in a playlist menu.
13159 : Missing MusicIP Mood Mix icon in My Music menu
13160 : Update 7.4 ip3k firmware
13161 : Control Panel becomes unresponsive when trying to change Library Name
13163 : Microcontroller does not send IR repeat codes properly
13164 : 6865 Firmware still results in lots of "rebuffering"
13166 : Unacceptable latency/delay when entering in text
13167 : Incorrect error when Baby fails to connect via ethernet
13168 : design and implement Web Remote Control for
13169 : finalize navbar options (and localization/truncation) for
13170 : need default "app gallery" page
13171 : need default "my apps" page
13172 : Back button should not easily escape out of Squeezebox Account screen
13173 : improper visual formatting on newsletter signup form
13174 : need better image for empty "players" page
13175 : design scrub of facebook app
13176 : Design scrub needed for Queen app
13177 : Switching from SN to SC when no music is playing does not require error screen
13178 : Review behavior when changing music servers
13179 : Design/define BETA VERSION of "podcast player" app
13180 : rename "Cache" directory to better convey importance of its contents
13181 : Wireless connectivity not reliable after setup in r6872
13182 : Need a flow to register pre-7.4 players with the new system
13184 : There's no 'Play All' when browsing to 'My Music,Artists,Album'
13185 : Zapped playlist doesn't work
13186 : incorrect message when MySB connection fails
13187 : add WiFi SNR and Signal Strength
13188 : Squeezenetwork Login Always Fails after Server Upgrade
13189 : iTunes Playlists not importing to My Music > Playlists
13191 : French RTL radio station url and localization error
13192 : Network connection error displays as an SC library error
13193 : If WEP password is incorrectly entered the first time, you can't fix it.
13194 : RSS feeds in screensaver mode only show up to 10 feeds
13195 : Doesn't start on Windows with "unknown error" in slimproto
13196 : Album/Artist lines in titlebar overlap
13197 : runtime parameter --help needs to be updated (logdir missing)
13198 : Scanner crashes on a flac file
13199 : SC7.4-28002: mysqld 5.1.36 running under squeezecenter user hogs CPU
13200 : Unneeded blank space left around rectangular cover art
13201 : Controller showing up as phantom player
13202 : need to implement an empty "players" page
13203 : need to implement success message/newsletter screen after downloading Squeezebox Server
13204 : need to implement default "my apps" page
13205 : need default "app gallery" page
13206 : finalize navbar implementation for
13207 : Implement Web Remote Control for
13208 : implement various needed settings for each app in new mysb system
13209 : Implement graphics assets for
13210 : implement support page
13211 : Design and implement Favorites page for mysb
13212 : My Apps design needs to support multiple accounts per service
13214 : Network test shows poor performance for baby wired (wireless not yet tested)
13215 : Very slow odd queries repeated often...
13217 : Don't use UTF-8 apostrophe in Mac server name (convert server name to ISO-8859-1)
13218 : No Battery Icon
13219 : PB1/ PB2 fail to boot when downgrading from MP 6872 to 7.4 6865
13220 : PA5 fails to upgrade from 7.4 r6865 to MP 6883
13222 : Need message stating Previous Firmware (Re)Loading
13223 : Problems connecting to F5D7231-4
13224 : Add mw (max width) param to image proxy
13225 : Make different calls to imageproxy depending on which Now Playing skin is being used
13226 : When turning volume all the way down (muted), sound effects are still audible
13227 : no local control when SBS goes away
13228 : Firmware r6896 screen off screen saver stays backlit
13229 : Define/implement new ip3k menu structure
13230 : Message upgraded users after menu structure changes
13231 : Baby offers upgrade even after it's been upgraded when connecting to hidden SSID network r6895 MP
13233 : Random Mix does not update
13234 : Baby will not connect using WPS to a Netgear WNDR3300, WNR3500 consistently
13235 : Squeezebox Alarm Display does not display choice from SqueezeNetwork
13237 : DNS issues persist after removing OpenDNS
13238 : firmware r6896 breaks audio out
13239 : Player does not update Artist/Track/Album Art on Fast-Fwd
13240 : Pandora Album Artwork is Wrong
13241 : Pandora track progress bar runs slow
13243 : Can't browse albums
13244 : Scanner doesn't see debug options
13245 : Artwork import segfaulting
13246 : Make it easier/faster to switch from an unavailable library
13247 : Add capability to pop to a certain page on the menu stack
13248 : Change presets to be per-player, separate from favorites
13249 : Controller suspends as playback finishes
13250 : Can't add an album to the playlist (in BMF). worked in 7.3
13251 : Should not play 'startup music' when booting up after hard power cycle
13252 : Downgrade DBD::mysql back to 3.0002
13253 : AAC from RadioTime
13255 : fails to install/upgrade with Perl510.dll error
13256 : custom.jive.bin doesn't display version number and prompts when it shouldn't prompt
13257 : baby doesn't connect consistently to netgear WPS routers with mp r6926
13258 : Home Button on Baby Boom turns it off
13259 : baby doesn't connect to some routers with ssid broadcast disabled consistently
13260 : shows up twice on home menu
13261 : Sound tone changes randomly
13262 : Scroll direction changes when using knob in letter entry
13263 : Wording: Run Cleanup dialog...
13264 : If sleeping at end of song, don't start crossfading the next track
13265 : Since rename to SqueezeboxServer the init.d script can't stop server
13266 : SLT translation that comes back for BB_ENCORE_RED needs to be transferred to ENCORERED
13267 : REQ: slideshow for pictures stored on computer/NAS
13268 : For WPS routers, can we remove the "PIN Method" from the list of options?
13269 : Battery Icon shows up on PB2 when no battery is installed
13270 : AAC playback does not function, causes ALL audio file types to not play
13272 : baby and jive skins have different specs for thumbnail size, 41x41 v. 39x39px
13273 : Factory Test - Display will cause kernel crash
13274 : Remove mentions of "RadioTime" from standard internet radio menus
13275 : Red Baby will switch to Black Background with 7.4 6945
13276 : fails to start (to compile) because of order of bootstrapped modules
13277 : TextArea + Item screens don't get a waiting spinny
13278 : new jive skin, esp RGB 179 text, extremely dim on device, esp. at angled viewing
13279 : final clocks in baby
13280 : Battery Icon does not change state
13284 : Composer in artist list, while not chosen in SC
13285 : Wrong Error dialog - can't connect to library
13288 : SC Scanner is using directory paths to sort songs, even when tags exist...
13290 : Why do these 2 songs get put into different albums?
13291 : Keyboard test can allow multiple keys to be pressed at the same time and pass
13292 : Text entry is missing an "I'm done" key/option
13293 : Corrupted Display
13294 : Add "Please Wait" text at the bottom of the "Factory Settings Restored" screen
13295 : Playlist issue when using third party application on a local machine is used if music is stored on a network hdd
13296 : Missing Scandinavian characters in alphabetic list
13297 : Default Home menu has only My Music, Image Viewer, and Settings
13298 : entering IP, back arrow doesn't delete
13299 : msp430 has some internal pull-up or bus holder enabled on POWER_SW signal
13300 : Incorrect collate on playlist_track table
13301 : Can't get trackinfo for currently playing song in 7.4 on Controller
13302 : Lots of missing info on Controller (trackinfo)
13303 : + on playlist screen removes wrong track
13305 : Slacker has a movable progress slider
13306 : Jive 7.4 update from SD card is broken
13307 : SqueezeCenter can't resolve IP Addresses when configured for Autostart
13309 : need sleep icon in fab4
13310 : Clearing playlist stops playback of current track. That's annoying.
13311 : Mac partition tables not supported
13312 : Apps: double-tapping quickly can lead to menus being pushed twice
13313 : Player Name lost after power out
13314 : CLI Displaystatus Does Not Display Horizontal Menu Transitions for Slimp3 or Squeezeslave Players
13315 : Not all artwork is shown - Look for new and changed music
13316 : SC 7.4 doesn't return track, album, artist etc. counts with serverstatus query
13317 : Mac OS X update notif w/open panel requires closing panel
13318 : Build Flickr app on SN
13319 : App Setup menus don't work with SC web UI
13320 : Link song title on songinfo page to a basic search for the string
13321 : WiFi icon shows in center of bar - over time
13322 : Inhibit LED when SBR manually switched off
13323 : WMA 9 Lossless support
13324 : WMA 10 Professional support
13325 : Baby should have Stopped icon when stopped
13326 : Implement RTC support in MCU driver
13327 : SqueezeBox Server fails to start up on x86-based ReadyNas Platforms
13328 : Cosmetic - Dot Matrix Clock wallpaper missing
13329 : jive-alsa daemon taking 100% of cpu
13330 : adjust viewing angle
13331 : Choose Player menu does not scroll
13332 : Enable battery charging for MP, disable battery discharging for MP.
13333 : Old artists are not removed when scan for new and changed is run
13334 : station art missing
13336 : Setup DUET fails when upgrading from 7.3x to 7.4
13337 : On-screen visual indicator needed when press volume button to mute
13338 : Now Playing should look more similar to screen depicted on box
13339 : SBC 7.4.0 r7016 reboot loop
13340 : Shorten boot time
13341 : Pre-installed applications on home menu
13342 : Icon for Internet Radio "No Artwork Available" is incorrect
13343 : move "image viewer" to "settings" menu
13344 : Unable to delete 2 players from my SN account...
13345 : player with non-latin characters in their name aren't correctly named in the player tabs
13346 : Upgrade from 7.3 to 7.4 lost settings
13347 : security: Facebook config should use https URLs for Connect authentication
13348 : playlist index ?<LF> does not return an index
13349 : Squeezecenter does not allow PC to hibernate
13350 : r7026 crash loop
13351 : Redirect users to MySB for App Setup menus
13353 : Load Previous Firmware consistency
13354 : Can't get TrackInfo for Current Track
13355 : Debian build doesn't shut down/start server on update
13356 : /sbin/poweroff does not work
13357 : Unable to login to SN: Invalid username or password.
13358 : Screen Off screensaver does not bring back screen on exit
13359 : color default Art for music & stations
13360 : Now Playing Progress Bar missing for Napster streams
13361 : Napster always repeats the same track
13362 : Napster tracks won't play
13363 : Splash screen - "Free Your Music" artwork incorrect
13364 : Need to remove misc. Wallpapers from old skin
13365 : Add screens to end of Setup to direct user to App Gallery
13366 : Baby Push Button Method does not work on Netgear WNR2000
13367 : Make email/text entry more usable on all devices
13368 : Potential latchup issue with WLAN module
13369 : No change when changing Now Playing Artwork Size
13370 : Clock - digital font size adjust to fit 24:00
13371 : Baby Pin Method does not work on Netgear WNR200
13372 : How does user know what features are available if no connectivity?
13373 : Determine how users properly eject USB/SD devices
13374 : Can't delete player
13375 : Settings is no longer the last item in home
13376 : Now Playing text is missing drop shadow
13377 : Rhapsody required feature Tracks section under library
13378 : Rewmoving Rhapsody playlist does not work
13379 : Rhapsody Spec. requires and Artist Channel
13380 : sync not working / breaks with vorbis files
13381 : Digital bitstream pre-emphasis bit mis set on fab4?
13382 : Battery Connector pins are too long
13383 : bring Fab4 Now Playing up to spec
13384 : Remove built-in Flickr applet
13385 : Password reset dialog missing
13386 : Fix layout of power amplifier to inductor traces
13387 : protect the rotary encoder pullups from batt_measure
13388 : protect atheros part from MSP if atheros not pulled up
13389 : Screensaver window stays on stack if hit a key such as "now playing"
13390 : Need a success message after 7.4 firmware upgrade
13391 : Need a page explaining 7.4 upgrade to users
13392 : Need a home-page module directing users to new interstitial page
13393 : 7.4 update prompt is broken
13394 : add support for meta title, meta description
13395 : add auto-generated sitemap.xml based on CMS
13396 : Single IR event causes multiple volume up steps
13397 : Need "Install App on all players" button
13398 : Turn off power amplifier when in 'off' state, and perhaps when no action on UI for a long time
13399 : ssh no longer works on controller
13400 : Need to define and implement hardware requirements for apps
13401 : have an option for JUST a clock (no date info)
13402 : Keyboard - text input window bkgrd asset incorrect
13404 : Default Max-bitrate Setting for Wireless-only clients?
13405 : Improve IR acceleration algorithm (reproduce Boom's idea)
13407 : Capture Windows Installer log output
13408 : update installer stats opt-in
13409 : News Ticker icon incorrect
13410 : Radio Networks - App Gallery Category icon incorrect
13411 : Scroll Bar - alignment off
13412 : Don't engage SS when windows are changing
13413 : SLCD driver
13414 : Song Progress Bar-fill asset is not centered vertically
13415 : Double press sound efffect when selecting playable items
13416 : Track title text should have a MAX and MIN length based on the length of X of Y
13417 : radio and checkbox assets are NOT centered vertically for highlighted state
13418 : cannot connect tot existing account
13419 : When inserting the phone plug into the headphone jack, the sound from the speaker should be turned off.
13420 : No way to rate music
13421 : The controller starts by itself when you have turned it off!?
13422 : Problems with "Sub out" line (volume too low?)
13423 : Firmware update 7084 shows 101% complete on download
13424 : "Downloading update" et al. messages truncated
13425 : Controller: Icons + larger font = truncated menus
13426 : Investigate watchdog failures
13427 : Stuck in reboot loop with language set to German
13428 : When disconnected player is renamed, it will revert after reconnecting
13429 : MusicIP can't mix file paths with non-ASCII characters
13430 : New look controller UI has no menu option for turning players on/off
13431 : don't show web based wizard on Windows/OSX
13432 : can't update from 7.3r5580->7.4
13434 : Integrate BBC iPlayer app into firmware
13435 : Integrate BBC iPlayer app with SN
13436 : Need a UI for "line in" on baby
13437 : need a context menu on the nowplaying screen
13438 : Finish context menu behavior
13439 : SBC stuck after setting up player
13440 : Add service provider logos ("headers") in title bars of select apps
13441 : Status bar across bottom of display during factory display test
13442 : display dims during factory test
13443 : Display test aspect ratio
13444 : test
13445 : Context Menu Design Issues
13446 : NP track progress time incorrect when server is down
13447 : Can't stop playback when direct-streaming
13448 : Can't put player into power-off mode
13449 : Song time remaining incorrect
13450 : Favorites can't be reordered
13451 : Update notification does launch Growl & PrefPane, temporarily blocking playback
13452 : System error reporting gets stuck
13453 : screen brightness slider not to spec
13454 : Scanner doesn't pre-cache placeholder artwork due to missing Slim::Web::HTTP::getStaticContent()
13455 : Jive setup seem to never really register fully on SN
13456 : not working following updates to 7.4/change to
13457 : SN offers 7.3 software update to 7.4 Contorller
13458 : Alarm missing when connected to SN
13459 : add "All Apps" category in app gallery
13460 : Cosmetic - titlebar text needs to move up 1-2px to be centered vertically
13461 : Popup for transport controls (play, pause, etc.) not to spec.
13462 : touch-to-play needs to style and push correctly to now playing for correct XMLBrowse items
13463 : Press and Hold BACK button to break out of events is broken
13464 : Firmware Upgrade Loop -
13465 : Napster randomly drops
13466 : Add AAC decoder
13467 : Move Image Viewer Settings
13468 : No audio or visual change after momentarily pressing Power Off
13469 : Shorten Power Off delay
13471 : add ability to render bolded text
13472 : Albums template font size and placement incorrect
13473 : Setting sleep time on Boom can skip 30-minute mark
13474 : Can't get past the "Enter Password" screen when setting up Controller
13475 : Volume goes to "0" when "muting" is activated on player synced with a player set to fixed volume
13479 : Power button usage is very flaky, and does not operate properly. (blank ss doesn't turn off lcd)
13480 : Screen off screensaver does not operate properly
13481 : Changing player name updates web UI only after refresh
13482 : Version information missing on web ui
13483 : Alllow Screensaver to have optionally have mouse activity forwarded to the SS window
13484 : Slider templates are not to spec.
13485 : rpm build for latest 7.4 is broken on ClarkConnect 4.2 Linux
13486 : Scanner crashes on m4a file (7.4~28225)
13487 : Don't display overlays when an action moves into Now Playing
13488 : Remove second My Music from "Customize Home Menu" and possibly do better organization.
13489 : Bootloader (Logi logo) is not current
13490 : On jive, CM window with scrollbar has to short scrollbar
13491 : Information Browser doesn't display an icon
13492 : when hitting + on NP screen, as one choice show "Current Playlist"
13493 : Installer unable to overwrite files when transcoded file was playing
13494 : Default to Visualizer (spectrum analyzer) when no artwork is available.
13495 : MP7022 fails to upgrade firmware - Rev 4 boards
13496 : Provide a clear list of what works and doesn’t work when the network/router is down
13497 : playlist will not progress to next track
13498 : no player on/off
13499 : Center Button does Play not Enter
13500 : Add IR support for selecting Line In during manufacturing
13501 : Add software to support DSP
13502 : "Press to play" behavior should work on all apps
13503 : Correct in-store demo audio to assume audio DSP in path
13504 : Center Button or Now +
13505 : Add 5 tone FQC test to firmware
13506 : Text Scrolling in Song Info
13508 : Album art zoomed in / pixellated
13509 : Invalid login or password message
13510 : Prompt for library even if only one
13511 : Can only skip songs or go back one song
13512 : Fix bleed over at bottom of CM when scrolling on Touch
13513 : Change Soundcheck script to support Bug 13500 changes
13514 : Provide a method to exit from the spinny
13515 : Can't use wheel for volume or seeking
13516 : Home button is dead in sleep menu
13517 : Rework App Gallery/My Apps
13518 : Provide a postpone option for firmware upgrade
13519 : Define search button behavior (IR remote) for Squeezeplay devices
13520 : Convert ip3k players to the App Gallery/My Apps menu structure
13521 : Pause Icon displayed if player is turned off
13522 : Presets can not be modified in SC
13523 : SBS r28225 RPM broken on Fedora 11 (packaga/folder renaming problem?)
13524 : Duet fails to connect to SN when SBS goes away
13525 : Image Viewer as Screensaver issues - Ordering, sequential
13527 : Windows installer strings broken in Russian/Czech/Polish?
13528 : Black bkgrd disappears during software update
13529 : Confusion starting network test from Controller
13530 : No way to add when browsing from new Context Menu
13531 : Need stop asset for showbriefly popup.
13532 : UI for 'Add New Library' not friendly
13533 : Power button is broken
13534 : After selecting German, choice listed are Player and Administrator in English
13535 : wlan kernel oops (was sometimes baby UI is painfully slow)
13537 : Display update notifications only when idle
13538 : Display hardware version on Diagnostic screen
13539 : Update UI that tells the user if his device is plugged into a half duplex hub
13540 : invalid player ID when trying to access my apps
13541 : Text runs together for Players, Adminstrator, and Remote Control
13542 : Not getting automatic firmware update notifications
13543 : Can't choose player language of Polish or Russian
13544 : Power On/Off Player is back but no icon
13545 : Wiedergabeliste Art
13546 : gap between scrolling song title and number out of (x/yz)
13548 : Turn Off "Player" icon not being used on Home Screen
13549 : "On Pandora" and "On Slacker" are missing
13550 : Context Menu hidden options below popup border can be seen while scrolling items up towards bottom.
13551 : Context Menu push left transition items can be seen outside defined window (white pencil border)
13552 : Default language isn't correctly initialized
13553 : Changing Accounts on - following "continue to" does not show correct account (SC web UI)
13554 : Controllers soundeffects broken
13555 : FW 7177: Brightness adjustment coarse
13556 : Repository has to be present for plug-in to show up/uninstall
13557 : Can't add more than one favourite from a search
13558 : Some menue items not initally translated for Russian
13559 : Language settings not updating correctly
13560 : love this track is missing from new context menu on Controller
13561 : Software update sometimes fails
13563 : Finish new home page
13564 : Support ALL functions of (Handle Brightness button on) old IR remotes
13565 : Handle Size button on old remotes
13566 : Connecting to a network without DHCP fails ?
13567 : Browse button on IR remote is ignored
13568 : "Love this track" item in trackinfo menu causes request to fail
13573 : CLI Pandora Create a station issue
13575 : Jive r7210 - Can create MusicIP playlist, but not play it...
13584 : When Baby tries to switch to, it prompts for a PIN...
13586 : Jive 7.4 - When local SBS is no longer available, switching to fails with IP3K player
13588 : Unable to add music accounts from Baby front panel
13589 : "Remote Controll" in does not work with boom or sb3
13594 : main nav broken on *nix
13595 : 7.4 install over 7.3.3 doesn't work in Ubuntu
13596 : back cover is shown instead of front cover
13597 : controller effect volume
13598 : Wake on LAN is flaky 7.4r7210 / 7.4-28235
13599 : won't allow login (neither app nor Music Service), should respect server settings
13600 : Non-western characters incorrectly sorted
13601 : Playlist X of Y is missing
13602 : Alarm snooze options
13603 : My Apps > RadioTime is a loop, just returns me back to My Apps
13604 : After download of r7177 brightness was so low I could not read screen
13605 : After download of r7177 baby powered off.
13606 : cannot tune internal shoutcast stream
13607 : Shuffle and Repeat icons are reset in Now Playing
13608 : Switching from test.squeezecenter with the controller crashes the server
13609 : Factory reset should cause an MSP erase
13612 : Periodic ~1kHz tone when listening to radio paradise
13613 : Do not automatically close installer window when finished
13614 : review/fix messaging problems in SBS windows installer
13615 : If SB server isn't running, Tray Tool keeps claiming an update is available
13616 : Don't recreate Squeezebox Server folder in Start > Programs
13617 : Menus contain erroneous "add" command in 7.4
13619 : Another tweak for _getCDDBTags parsing in
13620 : need way to access context menu in now playing
13621 : Enable RAWI on Squeezebox hardware
13622 : playlist has entries such as file:///fullpath/to/directory/ instead of artist-album
13623 : Internet Radio missing from browse page
13624 : Scrolling does not show background letter, only square block
13625 : Too much padding in title on NP, users get to see less as a result
13626 : play icon for REW and FWD shown
13627 : Last FM menu's on controller don't work anymore 7.4r7227
13628 : Search in new Web Remote doesn't work
13629 : Please put periods at the end of "Get more out
13630 : Settings not sticky (resetting to default) following a reboot/power cycle
13631 : *players - > menus* can't be customized
13632 : Restarting services on can result in menu items being in another language
13633 : We should have a hotkey sequence to set brightness to high
13634 : r7177 keeps backlight activated even in "screen off" screensaver
13635 : No extended info for currently playing song
13636 : wont sign in
13637 : Screen not off when set to 'off' (back light still on)
13638 : play icon and album info at the same time
13639 : 7.4 r7227 Bridged mode not functioning
13640 : item_info style needs adding to WQVGA skins
13641 : Don't deliver menu items for apps that aren't in "My Apps"
13642 : Napster free trial returns error
13643 : Add menu option to connect to SC (if present) if no connection to SN can be made
13644 : Loud 'popping' sound during playback
13645 : Sony Erickson SE PC Suite conflicting with SqueezeCenter
13647 : Implement scrobbling setting for
13648 : No-Touch does not respond properly to IR Power button
13649 : Implement Parental Control settings for SIRIUS
13650 : No visual indicator that player is On with Remote Control
13651 : I have ghost players on
13652 : setup UI point to sn while player UI points to
13653 : itemplay style needs to have small spinny for locked state
13654 : Activation mail with "notnat" domain sent out
13655 : Add supporting text to sign-in screens
13656 : Upon server reconnection, volume bumps until I go into a browse item
13657 : Deb package installs as unreadable
13658 : get aggregate data regarding # of Squeezecenter-only users
13659 : Cosmetic alignment - song progress text + bar is too low/too close to bottom edge
13660 : add UI and "uninstall" buttons for all apps in "my apps"
13661 : Remove Sirius and RadioIO from Internet Radio menu
13662 : Woofer does not appear to be driven with MP r7260
13664 : rpm build does not autostart after an upgrade (or an install ) on all systems.
13667 : Implement new menu structure for SC web UI
13668 : Design/implement pagination controls for overflow text on "text + options" screens
13669 : Add "edit playlist" behavior
13670 : Adjustable "Autodim" settings
13671 : Screenshots are not saved on the sd-card
13672 : Effect volume slider out of frame
13673 : Now Playing selection not on home menu
13674 : Putting app on home menu does not put app on home menu
13675 : mysqld.exe kills my vista computer
13676 : Playing goes into Current Playlist when playlist is empty
13677 : Service logins fail
13678 : Radiotime via home menu
13679 : Deezer service not listed in App gallery
13680 : WMA mono plays only through left channel
13682 : App Descriptors show CMS Descriptor error
13683 : Default library doesn't open directly
13684 : After a long sleep SBC forgot IP Subnet & IP Gateway Setting
13685 : Selecting Mediafly channel does not show list of podcasts
13687 : needs Alice testing
13688 : language select broken on some pages
13689 : "edit playlist" feature
13690 : wallpaper is black during setup after factory reset
13691 : NP context menu should be able to remove items without munging the menu list callbacks
13692 : This track has been loved is shown twice
13693 : Controller resets after coming out of sleep
13694 : Can't break out of screen saver with the wheel
13695 : Squeezbox Server Web Control Page icons are not correct
13696 : Info boxes aren't closed when new one opens
13697 : Touching the screen does not wake it up from "off" state
13698 : Send old radio menu to <= 7.3 SC
13700 : Use line-in volume curve from Boom
13701 : Use SB2 volume curve - will need to create per-device curves.
13702 : complete showBriefly audit
13703 : Randomly loses network connectivity
13704 : After Deezer made available it remains available after switching back to US region
13706 : remove smaller image from "my music" screen
13708 : Image Viewer default - should NOT be show additional information
13709 : Need way for user to move App from Home menu
13710 : Need a way to add an App to all players in account
13711 : Automatically add App into My Apps for pre-7.4 accounts
13712 : Display Sirius, RadioIO and More Radio on pre-7.4 players
13713 : Provide sync option for Radio and Audioscrobbler accounts in 7.4
13714 : Uptime no longer displayed
13715 : Uptime not displayed on device UI
13716 : SBC needs to reboot to get new firmware notification
13717 : SBC r7275 fails DNS due to missing ip (no DHCP client daemon running)
13720 : Minor revision information not shown (like MAC)
13721 : Please test OSX installer and PrefPane localization
13722 : Build optimized ExtJS library for MySB use
13723 : homepage slideshow
13724 : Choosing language for UI changes language on player
13725 : Revise All Showbriefly transitions on screen to fade in
13726 : SBC does not remember SN accont data after factory reset
13727 : Unable to pass login information to
13729 : Icon bar showing up in factory test
13730 : Volume level is reset on firmware upgrade
13731 : Fab4 - FW r7275 - No longer will not turn on by Touch screen when off
13732 : Player setting page stuck displaying Russian
13733 : On-Device & Web account creation does not accept some valid email addresses
13734 : 7.4 - r28243 breaks albums (and later version) Version: 7.4 - r28304
13735 : Overlay with track info not working at properly from now playing screen
13736 : When battery very low, unit will reboot OK and abruptly shut off; then it will automatically reboot
13737 : style favorites and text showBriefly UIs to spec
13738 : Can't configure SN
13739 : Volume controll is broken in 7.4r7275
13740 : crash on factory reset with sd card that has "log" dir
13741 : Last.FM Love this track for currently playing local track does not work
13742 : no Love this Track item on ip3k for currently playing local track
13743 : Screen doesn't clear or turn off after pressing long Power Off
13744 : Pandora gets a blank context menu
13745 : Must hold Power button down long time to turn unit ON (Battery only)
13746 : Facebook App should allow "scrolling" through photos...
13747 : äöü wrong
13748 : Audio cuts out
13749 : Missing /etc/resolv.conf due to full file system (was DNS fails due to missing /etc/resolv.conf)
13750 : Add 1px divider lines btwn menu items in all cases.
13751 : Volume muted between knob clicks if volume below approx 18
13752 : Please create Page for -
13753 : Reboots occasionally - towards end of songs
13754 : Redirect Request - Troubleshooting Page - from Bug 13752
13755 : need support links for each region / product
13757 : Goodbye screen doesn't appear during auto power down after Battery Low screen
13761 : Very little or no warning before battery-only unit automatically turns off
13762 : alarm volume
13763 : Under My Apps - sub menu heading states "App Gallery"
13764 : "press-to-play" and context menu behavior needs to be supported in SC playlists
13765 : No Backup Alarm for Baby Boom when network connection is lost
13766 : No audio playback on baby.
13767 : Non-square artwork on NP screen should anchor to top
13768 : time input widget needs rework to support fab4
13769 : Move Podcasts up/down
13770 : Can't connect to SN/SbS library as a player
13771 : translation maybe wrong?
13772 : Firmware update freezes on "Restarting" screen
13773 : Can't enable players to scrobble
13774 : Adding to "Zapped Songs" playlist seems to have been lost
13775 : Improve performance of status query
13776 : bug in jive/utils/log.lua
13777 : Controller playback: crackles / very short dropout
13778 : executable in /opt/bin not found by SqueezeCenter Plugin
13779 : Can't navigate lists using the IR remote's letter buttons
13780 : Restart required right after initial startup
13781 : Alarm Clock needs backup alarm
13782 : WMA decode often gets a segmentation fault at track start
13783 : Implement frontpage animation
13784 : Can't start a Last.FM station
13786 : Add Track time to within album templates
13787 : Now Playing context menu should not include Play/Play Next
13788 : URLs passed to image proxy need to be escaped
13789 : problems with utf-8 filenames/tags
13790 : Boom’s presets do not save Pandora station properly.
13791 : Apps featuring iconlist formats should crop photos to square format
13792 : Dropdown supporting text should be FS Medium font in ALL cases with padding on left/right edges
13794 : Facebook: 612: stream requires the read_stream extended permission
13795 : Alarm UI enhancements
13796 : Menu templates - bottom menu bar not aligned properly at end of list
13797 : Receiver loses connection to server and switches to blue light
13799 : Facebook photo screensavers come up as blank items in settings menu
13800 : Immediate reboot when using DSBridge(Spotify)
13801 : Support usage of local SC when setting up SBC and SBR
13802 : playlist and x/y not updated if next song is same (trackid) as previous
13804 : "Delete pref file" does nothing in Mac Control Panel
13805 : If you manually delete Pref file, Control Panel displays wrong library path
13807 : Server status prematurely indicates "server is running"
13808 : Switching wireless network no longer prompts for password; must factory reset
13809 : Search doesn't ignore extended characters anymore
13810 : Extended characters not correctly sorted on controller
13811 : Search doesn't ignore umlauts anymore
13812 : Brightness IR code not working for Babyboom
13813 : player-side fade-out/fade-in associated with pause/unpause
13814 : Implement synchronized unpause
13815 : Dropped icon on shutdown, low power, etc screens
13816 : Need love/hate/ban icons for music services
13817 : Screen stuck on Goodbye when power OFF pressed
13818 : Controller battery life is reduced with firmware r7084 and higher
13819 : Last-FM can not be used from the "Remote Control"
13820 : context menu is does not always work from the NP screen on test.squeezenetwork
13821 : Firmware updated, battery low text
13822 : Able to play U.S. services even if country chosen is not U.S.
13823 : Baby Now Playing could be more like Controller
13824 : RadioTime Station plays in SqueezeCenter, but not on SqueezeNetwork
13825 : Can't open some items under settings menu
13826 : Offer direct SN switch
13827 : Opera (version 10) - zoomed does not show complete webpage
13828 : alarm "set time" needs title text
13829 : SqueezeCenter 7.3.4 doesn't start on OSX 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
13830 : Tray app disappear when clicked
13831 : Provide button shortcut for play next functionality
13832 : Track listing screen is missing right-hand action icons
13833 : Random mix doesn't work
13834 : Not able to access the console from the keyboard.
13835 : Current Playlist screen has right-hand action icons
13836 : Fix SN registration to add/update player database entries
13837 : In store demo does not survive a power cycle with 7.4 firmware
13838 : baby controlling different player does not show indication of local alarm
13839 : no local alarm notification to AlarmSnooze applet when controlling remote player
13840 : alarm popup window not to design spec
13841 : Downgrade by SD needs *.bin file
13842 : Receiver should always start playing when pressing the front button.
13843 : Controller reboots coming out of suspend sometimes
13844 : SP should not connect slimproto to SN or issue menu requests until registered
13845 : Test.SN doesn't translate many menu items on player UI
13846 : Can't play US station when switch country from US->France->US
13847 : Alarm UI flow can be confusing as to what options are available
13848 : Improve audio startup time
13849 : "music scan terminated unexpectedly (Merge Various Artists)"
13850 : Need better organization like the Rhapsody site
13851 : Circular (Chiral) scrolling no longer works
13852 : No default 'transmitter' icon for internet radio stations without artwork
13853 : Settings - Shuffle state "Song" in question
13854 : Playing from Music Folder doesn't go to Now Playing
13855 : No context menus in Music Folder
13856 : Write Comet protocol client and test suite
13857 : Disabled plugins don't work properly via My Apps
13859 : cannot open UTF-16 character set cue sheet
13860 : Alarm menu item no longer on Settings menu
13861 : Variious Slacker, Pandora strings display after CM are truncated
13863 : Whole sync-group stops when I turn off baby/Fab4
13864 : Installs as wrong user on Macintosh
13865 : lame transcoding yields incorrect progress/timing information
13878 : No sound out of SC 7.3.3 - QNAP
13879 : Units won't synch
13880 : Add Pandora to My Apps Only Work on and Not Baby UI
13881 : Battery-only Baby won't turn on if left OFF overnight
13882 : Line-In Synchronization Between Players
13883 : Playback Speed Less Than Normal
13884 : Baby & Fab4 cannot play all sample-rates
13885 : Default skin can't set favorite with parser
13886 : 1 and 0 keys on remote have no alternative labels
13887 : 1 and 0 keys on remote don't initially enter 1 and 0
13888 : Long-touch Back button caused unexpected context menu
13889 : Player images for Radio and Touch are missing
13890 : Baby & Fab4 ALSA configuration not robust
13891 : Don't require uninstalling SC before updating on WHS
13892 : Can't store music folder with non-latin characters
13893 : Update log isn't created in --logdir
13894 : Adding Napster and starting immediately results in NAPSTER_ERROR_102
13895 : Audio cuts out, when driver is re-opened
13896 : Inconsistent use of the 'play' button (FW7433)
13897 : Playing an album is very complicated in 7.4 (FW7433)
13898 : Switching from internet radio to play a song from local library doesn't work as expected (FW7433)
13899 : text wrapping in popup-boxes (i.e. add a playlist item) (FW7433)
13900 : replace concatenated "x to y from z" string with non-concatenated version
13901 : Line In Applet (also make sure line in option appears at startup)
13902 : Additional Browse and Search IR codes not working for Touch or Baby
13904 : Add limiting to speakers to prevent shutdown
13905 : Synchronization results in odd display playing line-in
13906 : iTunes playlists not being scanned
13907 : Cannot switch connections between squeezebox server and
13908 : Playing Radioio immediately after adding with player UI App Gallery doesn't play station
13909 : Installing third party applet on Baby and Touch
13910 : Adding Napster and starting immediately results in function 0x5f5fb0
13911 : Adding BBC from Radio Networks menu and starting immediately brings up
13912 : Backing up from Installation Complete menu brings up different service to install at second time
13913 : Logitech Logo does not link to Logi WEB page
13914 : Newsletter Language Selection not formatted correctly
13917 : Ability for SqueezeCenter to play Album if only one song is chosen
13918 : SqueezeCenter 7.3.3/7.3.4 will not stay started on ReadyNas
13919 : Apps failed to show up on SBS
13920 : Line-in Audio Stops after 20-30 minutes of inactivity. Touching Knob wakes it up?
13921 : Scanner fails on UTF16 names.
13922 : Volume adjustment needs refining
13924 : Touchless UI issue
13925 : Last.FM is broken with Baby?
13926 : Rotary encoder didn't work after upgrading to R7453
13927 : device turns on unexpectedly when wall adapter is unplugged (battery installed)
13928 : Disable charging when volume > 90
13930 : Line In Sense fails using amixer and bsp:getMixer()
13931 : Context menu callback commands broken for local music throughout Squeezeplay
13932 : Sounds & Effects missing for alarm sounds
13933 : Slacker needs whitelisted on CXR server
13934 : names missing from credits
13935 : names missing from credits
13936 : fab4 firmware update fails consistently over 128Kbps ISDN
13937 : Artwork doesn't work on streams from local network
13938 : CLI "connect" doesn't work with SqueezeNetwork
13939 : SB3 will not play a wav file
13941 : Internet Radio fails to connect
13942 : Internet Radio shows as Capital with "_" and not Alpha Sorted
13943 : Napster fails to stream properly
13944 : Classical fails to stream properly
13945 : MP3Tunes fails to parse error message
13946 : MediaFly error when attempting to select
13947 : Podcast Ally 10 newest error
13948 : Music Services do not show properly - Nokia Skin
13949 : Channel swap
13950 : Network List does not refresh when AP is powered off
13952 : Facebook not showing as option in Track Info
13953 : Favorites Web UI
13954 : Add feature to Diag
13955 : RadioTime ASX containing MP3 stream fails
13956 : Message UI on ip3k players needs work
13957 : Gives extras-menu an icon
13958 : audio stops while playing from Napster
13959 : Propose add "spinning widget" inside context menus for extended load times
13960 : Facebook doesn't display properly in WebUI player window
13961 : Need desktop version of SP with Baby skin to make screencasts
13962 : Don't show Flickr anywhere on ip3k
13963 : Indicate controller type in addition to player type to SN
13964 : Line In selection with checkbox on home menu immediately after firmware update
13965 : Test compatibility with new iTunes 9
13966 : allow itunes playlist sync only
13967 : On Boom: Short podcasts (and perhaps other media types?) repeat bits.
13968 : Losing network connection causes alarm to fail, disables snooze
13969 : Context Menus are absent in many XMLBrowse items
13970 : Some podcasts play, some don't
13971 : When player is powered off using clock screen saver pressing the knob once displays titlebar + status bar
13972 : App Gallery shouldn't clutter home menu
13973 : Default icon for "no internet radio"
13974 : Intermittent failure of encoder knob and/or ambient light sensor test in MP2
13975 : Need more padding at end of text screens
13976 : Customer Feature Reques: Artwork Scan
13977 : Mac::FSEvents does not work on Snow Leopard
13978 : Design audit of Context Menus
13979 : "continue" selection during setup on device already registered with SN does not work
13980 : directory scan gets caught in a recursive symlink loop
13982 : Missing Headphone toast
13985 : Add board rev 0005
13986 : Facebook strings have improper grammar
13988 : mysqueezebox Facebook page needs content
13989 : on Flickr: locks up now playing screen
13990 : Detect HD-AAC files correctly as lossless
13991 : Line-In music listening comments
13992 : Problems connecting in bridged mode to Netgear WNR3500 (Squeezebox Duet)
13993 : SqueezeCenter backup alarm does not loop on SP devices
13994 : Support tiled wallpaper
13995 : unhandled pointer error inside Format::readTags results in scanner hang
13996 : Player name appears saved but resets when set on SBR
13998 : Charge Battery screen on Baby prompts user to put remote back in charger
13999 : squeezeboxserver-7.4-28494-noCPAN/lib/AnyEvent/ check logic wrong.
14000 : RadioTime - Slimdevices staff picks etc.. not showing under Internet Radio tab
14001 : Sound effects stop playing until track or stream is played again
14002 : Flickr screensaver won't disappear if I use knob
14003 : Need an accessible skin for 7.4 controller.
14004 : Multi level custom menu
14005 : Now Playing screen loses title bar text
14006 : Volume control numbers as ##.909090909091
14007 : Cannot intercept IR button presses programatically
14008 : Preset-setting broken in a few places (using IR Remote) and a suggestion
14009 : AAC stream crashes Radio
14010 : Seperate Preset button configuration for each player in Network
14011 : Line In icon appears when it should not
14012 : Battery charging animation appears on unit with low battery and not plugged into AC
14013 : Extras needs an icon
14014 : discrete power commands (power_on, power_off) should act immediately
14015 : Napster error message "Problem Connecting -- failed to parse"
14016 : Add Fast Forward & Fast Rewind to SC
14017 : Resuming a paused stream from music service sometimes result in loud initial chirp
14018 : Long Power OFF doesn't work if Baby is off and Flickr screensaver is displayed
14019 : Missing track from playlist
14020 : 7.4/28505 doesn't start on OSX 10.4
14021 : Verify SBC SBR setup scenarios
14022 : "Use iTunes" by default scans top level directory
14023 : Audit SC Server Control Panel
14024 : Importer Scan failing- playlists missing
14025 : PrefPane locks up when accessing Squeezebox Control Panel
14026 : Playing a Pandora station should not launch a showbriefly
14027 : Touch pressed menu item not responding, needs to time out
14028 : Support page on must be accessible without login
14029 : update new account e-mail text, english only
14030 : Touch skin- advanced settings option when pressed show icon to left
14031 : Apps failed to show up on device
14032 : SBS will not register new players to SN
14033 : Creating 30 day trial account for Napster results in Password: Empty screen
14034 : Newly created 30 day trial Napster account not on My Apps tab
14035 : Front panel knob doesn't work on battery-only Baby
14037 : Add flickr artist slideshow option to "now playing" screensaver list
14039 : Enhancement Request: Alarm Volume Selector Bar
14040 : backlight does not go off when blank screen screensaver is chosen
14041 : Power up on battery only causes MSP to go not function.
14042 : Need way to add an app to home menu after installation (on-device)
14044 : "Do you want to switch to..." Dialog doesn't tell where to switch to in German Localization
14045 : Excessive volume changing on top of clock SS can crash jive with OOM error
14046 : Context Menu "Remove from playlist" does not work
14047 : Battery-only Baby goes into OFF immediately after being left OFF overnight
14048 : Napster Artist Albums returns Function call
14049 : Years not displayed from WMA LossLess tags
14050 : Close button fails to close Adv. Settings
14053 : Battery Icon on rev 4 & 5 when no battery installed
14054 : No way to remove account info
14056 : getModel() returns incorrect value on Fab4 and Baby
14057 : Too much bass in baby dsp
14058 : Touch skin- App Account screens do not default to "email" keyboard template
14059 : Battery code into CXR build
14060 : Unable to add 12:00 PM alarm
14061 : XMLBrowse CMs should work like Local Music CMs
14062 : REW/PAUSE/PLAY buttons should not play bump sound
14063 : "What's New" page on must be accessible without login
14064 : Excessive mid-woofer speaker excursion on some tracks
14066 : "Home" button should take user to root (top item) of home menu
14067 : Navigation into Now Playing should "bump" if current playlist is empty
14068 : Installer should pause longer when shutting down SqueezeTray
14069 : Some apps appear in trackinfo menu even if not added
14070 : Rhpasody browsing MusicGuide - Genre - Top Tracks isnt consistent
14071 : Improve low battery UI
14072 : If battery is very hot (i.e. in car or outside), and empty, charging may terminate early.
14073 : Volume control erratic on r7578.
14074 : PVT Baby on AC power shutting itself down due to watchdog
14075 : Ambient light sensor becomes unresponsive in absolute dark. Need periodic updates
14076 : Add more diagnostics to the diagnostics
14077 : Preference Pane won't stop itself during auto update on PowerPC (iMac)
14078 : When entering info in "Settings" and using defaults presented by Firefox, SC auto-commits wrong information
14079 : Remove hardcoded SN ip address in Player.lua
14080 : Last.FM stations do not play
14081 : Dead Baby after playing tracks with battery-only and volume = 100
14082 : firmware update not showing correct information (*)
14083 : polish letter ż doesn't exist
14084 : menu scrolling is to laggy on baby/controller
14085 : Customer feature request
14086 : If Internet connection is lost, SC can block
14087 : add "Free" apps category in pull-down
14088 : Unable to add a station to Favorites via CM
14089 : Analog Clock crashes baby with OOM after about an hour
14090 : enhancement: ability to re-order items on Home Menu
14091 : visual indication when +/More physical buttons pressed even if no options to show
14092 : No proxy support!
14093 : If changing language while scan is running, SC would fail changing the collation
14094 : Replace existing SC settings code with XMLBrowser-type system for all UIs
14096 : Baby fails to reconnect to SC if SC restarted while playing
14097 : Flickr On Device account = Failed to Parse
14098 : Baby presets don't survive FW upgrade
14099 : Last minute: Change SC's SN hostname back to production
14100 : context menu actions leave trail of bad screens
14101 : Design system for storing/searching Baby crash reports
14102 : battery always appears to be charging even after 24 hours
14103 : No messaging when music is playing + (ehternet) connection lost (Rhapsody)
14104 : installed apps still valid to install
14105 : Queen album playback should have full "press-to-play" behaviors
14106 : Add page titles for different pages on mysb
14108 : Push right after connecting to local SbS for My Music
14109 : add Google Analytics event tracking
14110 : iTunes 9 may have changed Sound Check
14111 : Battery keeps charging indefinitely, sometimes
14112 : Can't continue with software update after "Please attach AC power ..." message
14113 : pressing play on a Pandora genre station immediately plays but does not push to Now Playing
14114 : off-network alarm on squeezeplay is same as demo mp3
14115 : Double press sound effects
14116 : test - please ignore
14117 : Sync streaming can consume lots of memory when one player connection slow
14118 : When refreshing a menu after digging into details and backing out, the descending option changes erroneously
14119 : Playing music via SB Server plays, but Radio thinks nothing is playing
14120 : Hold down Power button 20 seconds to turn ON hibernating battery-only Baby
14121 : Alarms don't work with Baby and
14122 : Need placeholder to fill artwork space while loading artwork
14123 : Choose Player menu item is in the wrong place on the home menu
14124 : Batteries sometimes think they're charging when they are not.
14126 : SBC displays 'problem connecting' after SBS upgrade to 7.4
14127 : Factory Fresh duet prompts with PIN when connecting to
14128 : Persistent Visual indicator that SP device is MUTED
14129 : Internet Radio>>Nascar leads to 24 radio stations
14130 : Apps are not removed from My Apps when uninstalling from App Gallery via SBRadio
14131 : When on MySB, add shortcut to home menu does not work
14132 : On Snow Leopard (OS 10.6) server updates do not download while firewall is ON
14133 : Squeezebox Server fails to start on some versions of Windows
14134 : App Gallery menu refresh breaks ip3k menu (curDepth not defined?)
14135 : Make "refresh" a parameter in the window field of a menu in SqueezePlay
14136 : 7.3.3 to 7.4 Duet connecting to SBS Controller fails: problem connecting
14137 : Inability to enter wifi password when using the 'play' button instead of knob for right.
14138 : No log files written to SD card - Jive reboots after suspend if has SD card with logs dir
14139 : Battery icon continues charging animation after AC unplugged
14140 : Knobs stop working after a while
14141 : add nextWindow params to other thumbs up/down type items
14142 : Add nextWindow parent param to showBriefly items
14143 : menu items with no context menu should bump
14144 : '$query 'playlist insert' command does not work to do a play next on a rhapsody/napster album
14145 : XMLBrowse CMs should be richer
14146 : Extras / InfoBrowser gone missing
14147 : Now Playing info lags by one song if players switched
14148 : Brightness icon missing on home screen.
14149 : FB app, my photos shows 5 then blanks out
14150 : When using power to turn off screen, it comes back on a few minutes later
14151 : power_toggle fails after power_off sent to Baby/Radio, Fab4/Touch
14152 : Attempting to delete a playlist goes to Now Playing screen
14153 : Pandora CM broken
14154 : Visual Feedback on NP for playing a new local track (play, next, prev) takes much longer than on ip3k
14155 : In auto-brightness mode, sometimes I get pulsating brightness
14156 : Resume does not continue from the place where paused.
14157 : Baby with battery won't turn on
14158 : Battery Connector Keying is Too Small
14159 : Power on after Emergency Automatic Shutoff leaves wireless networking inoperable
14160 : Hibernating Baby won't turn on
14161 : Battery icon display scheme -- % full, battery empty
14162 : Volume up/down at NowPlaying screen
14164 : Automatic plugin update should indicate which plugin(s) are new
14165 : SC download page broken again - doesn't work on IE
14166 : SC Hangs for several minutes then recovers
14168 : "touch to play": go on current playlist for rhapsody track takes you to track info rather than play it
14169 : Could battery level be shown in screensaver mode?
14170 : Demo mode not working properly
14172 : This sequence causes problems
14173 : Track Info from SN not consistent with track info from SC
14174 : Plugin to browse and play Youtube audio
14175 : IE8 click on text
14176 : Baby with battery shut down with no warning
14177 : Create App Photo/Image missing icon
14178 : Using My Apps with a player assigned to another SN account gives a bad error message
14179 : Folder should show count of items
14180 : Mute displays nan, baby goes into connecting->NP->connecting endless loop
14181 : cannot turn off / power off Baby or Fab4 if chosen screensaver no longer present
14182 : Pressing volume knob 2-3 times quickly to mute results in Slacker-SN infinite loop
14183 : Banning song with CM during Slacker custom radio results in Ban Song screen
14184 : Title in the field Title in the Favorites section is not translated
14185 : Miss-aligned content in Alarms tab
14186 : host perl dependencies (Wx et al.) for Win32 builds in subversion
14187 : FishboneCB skin failed to update Softsqeeze display
14188 : SB3 and Boom randomly start playing when switched off
14189 : Scanning locks up on FLAC file
14190 : Kernel/redboot should detect dead battery and display dead battery splash screen instead of regular logitech logo
14191 : Deezer usually doesnt play the first song
14192 : When powering up from shutdown state, if headphones are plugged in, sound comes through speakers
14193 : Turn music off with low battery, and make the screen appear longer.
14194 : license screensavers and other appropriate code under BSD
14195 : Network diagnostics on screen instructions not correct
14196 : Controller connected to SN-only doesn't permit retrying connection to SN when wireless icon is blue
14197 : Can't see wireless networks immediately after upgrade from 7.3.3 r6038 firmware
14198 : Adding artwork doesn't work since 1 month, Scanner only scans new folders/albums for cover artwork
14199 : Squeezebox sometimes can't connect to
14200 : Applications not going in the home menu
14201 : Long touch and short touch not interpreted consistently
14202 : Control Panel UI design needs to be conformed across Windows and Mac OS
14203 : Selecting "Frequently Asked Questions" from Help menu produces error
14205 : Stuck in My Music when local SbS is down
14206 : Switch Library should always display a menu
14207 : needs tweaks to match remaining layout
14208 : Need a "One-Time Alarm" feature
14209 : Fab4 sends "power 1" and "mixer volume" commands every two seconds
14210 : Classic/Boom need to use the same logic when adding/changing alarms as SP based players
14211 : Pandora's skip, i like, & don't play for a month option shows blank screen
14212 : Play button should bump if no action can be taken
14213 : Now playing dimms and the brightens up
14214 : Browse Musicfolder into non-latin file path fails on classic/boom
14215 : wallpaper changes to "Encore" when scrolling through "choose player" screen
14216 : Unable to switch to when local server goes away
14217 : Exit power saving mode when music starts
14218 : Boom's bass and treble self reset to maximum
14219 : Setup Flow spec is no longer accurate - need an audit/revision
14220 : Baby should stay off unless Power, Play, or presets buttons pressed (clock screensaver)
14221 : Feature Request: Add option to disable album artwork from Jive
14222 : Undefind preset should not push into Now Playing or Current Playlist
14223 : UUID/MAC mismatch - bad Duet Hardware
14224 : "connect" command should allow fab4/jive/baby sn hostnames and route to test or prod appropriately
14225 : Add Radio to Pandora deviceModel values
14226 : Jive and option
14227 : Problems switching Music Libraries from after update to FW 7671
14228 : Lua/C bindings to make SetupTZ, etc cleaner
14230 : Pause, play, starts a new track. Intermittent
14231 : Napster bulk metadata fetch is slow
14232 : Pandora 'Create new station from artist' show spinny forever
14233 : Audio in product Demo cuts out after short time
14234 : While in Demo mode, there is no way to factory reset if on battery
14235 : Gnarly string is displayed as a menu option in "My Apps"
14236 : Songs sometimes not getting posted to facebook
14237 : iTunes plugin is disabled by default
14238 : Alarm Icon disappears and does not show back up even if new alarm is set
14239 : No ability to set Alarm sound during process when adding a new alarm
14240 : Facebook CM style window is visually broken when scrollbar is visible
14241 : Crashes while seeking in FLAC file; must restart Squeezebox Server
14242 : Playlist containing Napster tunes fails after rescan
14244 : Style on current track in current playlist is wrong when doing CM
14245 : Infinite loop when adding SN account because duplicate radio plugins are generated
14246 : Commercial players display "messages" menu item
14247 : Remote control pop-up on won't allow selecting a player
14248 : Napster Album Art not Showing
14249 : Power Button weird behavior
14250 : If language on Device is different from Server Language, App Tags are not loaded
14251 : Extension downloader - does not support applets in logitech or recommended repos
14252 : Setup Receiver (menu item) not working properly
14253 : User account language overrides Accept-Language header
14255 : Soma FM missing text
14256 : Front page slideshow needs localization
14257 : Perl API says Radio has a digital output although it does not
14258 : Radio will not power up using power supply after battery dies
14259 : Ambient light sensor gives spurious 65535 readings
14260 : No "Albums" option in "My Napster Library" menu
14262 : Updating jive on with mp firmware fails to recconect back to network
14263 : Lost SN connection
14264 : Can't back out of setup
14265 : Log warnings
14266 : Many browse menus don't work in the web remote
14267 : FW7745: Clock off by 5 hours
14269 : Cleanup: don't make functionality dependant on player model
14270 : need beta area for MySB to replace LogiSB area
14271 : Change SN hostnames for all products
14272 : Baby won't turn on
14274 : Baby should have detailed clock as default "when off SS", no default "when stopped" SS
14275 : Mute: sometimes sound comes back briefly, then stays muted
14276 : Reduce Clock SS startup time
14277 : soft_reset (long hold back) broken, leaves user in bad state (NP doesn't update)
14278 : Use version to dynamically construct SN hostname (SP & SbS & ip3k?)
14279 : Line in mutes after approx 11 mins
14280 : Set 'automatic brightness' as default
14281 : Allow serv command to take a hostname
14282 : Jive not being offered firmware update during setup on
14283 : Upgrade 7.3.3 -> 7.4 Jive does not call SN registration
14284 : Time should always be centered on clock screensavers
14285 : New Duet setup on SN may not create power pref and cause serverstatus failure
14286 : 7.x->7.4 "you upgraded" screen can appear over and over if old fw contained "73" in it
14287 : "Switch Library" warning message should not appear after I've switched networks
14288 : When using remote, UI for setting Alarm time is broken
14289 : Pressing Alarm button multiple times repeatedly creates recursive menus you need to back out of
14290 : Removing APP from home menu on device does not change the setting on MySB
14292 : SP devices are missing setup tabs
14293 : Alarm sounds should be 'previewed' when selecting
14294 : Squeezebox Radio missing "Favorites" on alarm sound list
14295 : Wrong time on controller
14296 : After deleting alarm, the Home button fails to take you to Home menu
14297 : Faster Factory Reset-Boot time
14298 : Un Registered SP device should offer SN registration at server failure
14300 : "New Sb Server available" balloon stays up a long time
14301 : Update to Latest Squeezebox Server version on My Music tab
14302 : Jive shows Return to Setup menu item
14303 : Ray does not connect to new account properly
14304 : Can't adjust alarm volume with remote
14305 : Deleted applications aren't fully cleaned up
14306 : Delete Cache and prefs dialog box during upgrade
14307 : Home menu does nothing
14308 : Mute not working for Pandora custom stations
14309 : Rhapsody plays wrong track
14310 : Controller will not connect to SBC without Music Library Named after upgrade from SC 7.3.3
14312 : Missing support news links
14313 : Unable to play MP4/AAC podcasts
14315 : Playlist reverts on server restart when players are synced
14316 : On the sign-in page, I can't use 'enter' to sign in
14317 : Backup Alarm goes off when it shouldn't have
14318 : One-time alarm does not disable after going off
14319 : Can't add radio station as favorite on controller
14320 : Play other songs in album broken in web interface
14321 : Applet Installer shows duplicate entries
14323 : "Remote Control" doesn't work in some cases
14324 : Admin: large lists of users or players are slow as Christmas
14325 : Now Playing controls lost
14326 : Facebook/Flickr photo saver gets stuck
14327 : UnInstall APP from SBC fail
14328 : Need useful error messages when artwork fails
14329 : Line-in selected and playing, selecting other sources not working right.
14330 : Recent Searches appears between App Gallery and My Apps
14331 : Upgrade 7.3 to 7.4 SBC forced to SN from SC
14332 : squeezebox Server 7.4 will not start on XP/Vista with Norman Security Suite
14333 : Choosing My Music leads to blank Libraires screen when no local server is available
14334 : No Mute showBriefly when using LineIn
14335 : No Pause/Play icon when using LineIn
14336 : Controller fails to get IP/DNS information after update to 7.4 firmware
14337 : Controller just says "squeezebox" with spinny while receiver updates its firmware (r7760)
14338 : 7.3.3 to 7.4 SBS on ubuntu can't click continue at "currently registered" account screen
14339 : Re-enabling Line-In sometimes hangs UI, sometimes kills all sounds
14340 : missing strings? on controller
14341 : Auto brightness dims too aggressively
14342 : Auto dim/undim should be smoother
14343 : Pressing Mute button doesn't mute audio volume for very long
14344 : Choosing Internet radio stream doesn't provide choice of if SbS recently turned off
14345 : Baby loses ability to use menus intermittently on SqueezeNetwork (DNS-related)
14346 : Jive's 'date' subscription fails on SN if not connected as a player
14347 : Software Updates run extremely slowly, then hang @ 99%?
14348 : Restarting paused podcast on Mediafly jumps to next podcast
14349 : Baby Wifi Performance not as good as Boom
14350 : Baby won't stay muted
14351 : Unable to mute audio on Line In if volume setting pop-up on screen
14352 : Synchronization Failing
14353 : power off does not silence Baby if SBS down
14354 : require holding power button for more time before shutting down
14355 : Wallpaper changed for no reason
14356 : My Apps page empty in IE
14357 : Repopulate email field when login fails
14358 : Playing from TrackInfo menu doesn't work
14359 : SBC cannot connect to SBS or MySB
14360 : Controller will not handle a large playlist
14361 : Squeezecenter will not start.
14362 : There should only be *one* squeezeboxserver package for ReadyNas. Not two..
14363 : When switching networks, Radio does not forget WiFis that are no longer available
14364 : Diagnostic page should include WiFi diags...
14366 : Fix jived to support multiple SP firmware types
14367 : Alarms do not always honor preferences or configured values
14368 : Jive 7.4 loses WiFi signal extremely quickly.
14369 : Gestures should be properly documented
14370 : Apps should be uninstallable on-device
14371 : Apps with skip limits should have a "helper number" available
14372 : Sleep timer on synced players only fades volume for one player
14373 : Shuffle and repeat touch controls broken
14375 : Reboots when Factory Test tones are played
14377 : Facebook logo not showing up on touch main menu
14378 : Rhapsody albums/playlists should not have "play all" menu item
14379 : Home page, My Music link styles are incorrect
14380 : App names appear in ALL CAPS on the Home menu
14382 : Setup: Can't go "back" out of Squeezebox Account "help" menu during upgrade
14383 : Newsletter success page has all the page layout of inside the frame
14384 : Implement JS/CSS caching/hashing
14385 : Logged in state incorrect on Support page
14386 : Scanning and playback broken on flacs with file names containing certain character combinations
14387 : Can't play a Rhapsody album using web remote control
14389 : Queen content does not play or display when connected to Squeezebox Server
14390 : Local Radio in wrong place
14391 : Internet Radio menus not localized in French on SC 7.4.0/debian
14392 : Connect always moves whole sync group
14393 : Idea for alarm clock - giant snooze button
14394 : wrong icon and player type displayed
14396 : SBS doesn't show Squeezeplay based players connected to MySB
14397 : Button Highlight error with FF 3.5.x
14398 : Remove News Ticker from App Gallery
14399 : Rethink delivery of InfoBrowser/RSS feeds
14400 : Moving players between SBS and MySB changes Sync Assignment
14401 : Make it obvious which players are connected and which are not
14402 : Track position sometimes gets messed up
14403 : Add reason to uploaded crash reports
14405 : Sending a query for Playlist Title returns no response
14406 : Presets not fully migrated
14407 : Add a "continue" button to bottom of "what's new" page
14409 : "Local stations" actually rather distant
14410 : Audio playback locally through the headphone jack on SB Controller
14412 : An album as a preset can fail in certain cases
14415 : Warnings when starting Squeezebox server
14416 : Favorites.OPML link not in MySB.COm
14417 : Move pref migration code to classes loaded on-demand
14418 : Mute should stay muted unless there is user volume intervention
14419 : PrefPane started right after a clean install of 7.4 will show blank Music Library fields
14420 : Show mute state in status bar
14421 : SB Radio connects and plays music from 7.3.3 server
14422 : Admin tool does not allow us to see new generated passwords
14423 : IR play command handled twice
14424 : RadioTime Presets Not Logging In
14425 : Radiotime Error - Problems Connecting Forbidden 403 Error on Squeezebox Controller
14426 : Missing Assets
14427 : Can't make Digital Input a Preset
14428 : Apps: Suppress player settings for incompatible player models
14429 : Alarm Snooze screen saver/applet should show what's playing
14430 : Power button doesn't turn player off when displaying Queen app's photo album
14431 : Can't add favorite from Favorites page
14434 : Syncing more than two zones is sluggish and counter intuitive
14435 : Adding Radio Network Apps doesn't show up until reboot
14436 : Power saving wakeup causes the display to brighten on track change
14437 : LocalPlayer.lua:214: attempt to index field 'slimproto'
14438 : Non-Default skins lack My Apps menu item
14439 : Warning: Firmware: Failed to download (404 Not Found)
14440 : fonts are too big for Duet controller
14441 : Controller not listet in SqueezeNetwork since FW Update 65.
14442 : calls wrong version of Audio-Scan
14443 : Trouble running SBS on ReadyNAS
14444 : Cannot View music folder with Traditional / Simplified Chinese folder name
14445 : Unable to set Alarm Volume - on device UI
14446 : controller ui r7990 - fonts are too big for Duet controller
14447 : SBC Prompted with 'software upgrade (complete)' message every boot
14448 : (MSB) volume control weirdness
14449 : Allow IR command to select digital input
14450 : Home button not working properly
14451 : New install of Squeezebox Server 7.4 on ReadyNAS NV+ creates 2 instances of SBS
14452 : Only 1 account is available for 'Enable/Disable Scrobbling Per Player'
14453 : Home menu conconsistent: App Gallery precedes My Apps on SP, but follows on IP3K
14454 : Large playlist stops working after a while in several ways ?
14455 : Can no longer access Favorites on SN due to menu changes in 7.4/INXS
14456 : empty album list for artist on controller
14457 : Now Playing wrong with Pandora
14458 : rethink options for small v. large UI skins
14459 : Make volume adjustment finer
14460 : Rhapsody Issue: can't play playlists
14461 : Slacker not functioning properly under
14462 : Music scan terminated unexpectedly (Directory Scan)
14463 : Fresh Install Cannot Continue
14464 : Audit of 10' UI skin for SB Touch
14465 : Initial scan after upgrade shows 0 Artists, upgrade from 7.3.x -> 7.4.x
14466 : segmentation fault on startup (sql helper related)
14467 : Podcast confusion: vs. SBS
14468 : iTunes import crashes on REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_GAIN for remote tracks
14469 : update controller to 7.4 - "updated software" message remains
14470 : Scan crashes on MusicIP (Windows) import when encountering non-latin path/file names
14471 : Can't open Control Panel if SBS is password protected
14472 : music_services
14473 : Support for clearing Playlist but keep the current song playing.
14474 : Music Folder browsing ignores non-alphanumeric characters in it's sorting algorithm
14475 : "Error: missing string QUEEN" -- Issue with new Queen App?
14476 : Scanner fails when files contain very large artwork
14477 : SqueezePlay can't connect to SBS when password is active
14478 : Browse history should not be lost unless switching server ( for a given player)
14479 : Music scan terminated unexpectedly (Directory Scan)
14480 : Unaccessible content of MEDIA FOLDER when using Russian directory and files naming
14481 : No streaming audio from Baby left sleeping overnight
14483 : After successful upgrade, Boom or Duet cannot play audio
14484 : Up & Down keys On SqueezePlay on WinXP
14485 : After 7.4.0, IR doesn't work
14487 : SBC fails to reconnect to network when recovering from suspend
14488 : Transporter will not play 24 bit 96kHZ with firmware 80
14489 : Touch/Baby reboots sporadically, in relation to WMAs
14492 : Music plays but MyApps->spinny, CM blank
14494 : Playing Mediafly podcast track will eventually jump to beginning
14495 : Incorrect link to Rhapsody trial signup
14496 : Player display goes blank after upgrading to 7.4
14497 : Scanner crashes in 7.4 when using iTunes
14498 : Extras-Menu Gone on Controller (FW 7816)
14499 : Pressing "+" on Queen slideshow displays empty context menu!!!
14500 : Darken the background of the Digital Clock screensaver
14501 : Custom Wallpaper
14502 : Volume set to strange decimal values after adjustment using Remote Control
14503 : Browse by Music Folder broken
14504 : 7.4.1 not available as a dist
14505 : After upgrade SBS to 7.4.1, cannot display asian characters at SB3
14506 : Control panel does not show information on password protected server
14507 : Titles in some albums are "Title / Title / Title / Title / Title"
14508 : Schema::_preCheckAttributes() should be called for remote tracks
14509 : FRA- text on button is cutoff
14510 : "Unable to retrieve track for Radio"
14511 : SliMP3 shows up on but lacks any further information
14512 : Missing code to support squeezebox-scanner.db
14513 : Music Folder
14514 : Music Folder
14515 : Switching local player to new server (SbS or mySB) loses sync groups
14516 : Scrolling Text on Now Playing Screen Slows to a Crawl (running 7.4 upgrade)
14517 : 'stop' play mode icon
14518 : Enable Shortcuts Applet used on Touch to controller and baby
14519 : Debian installer doesn't migrate settings from old squeezecenter
14520 : ReadyNAS - starting with wrong locale information
14521 : Save Playlist (on current playlist screen) causes reconnecting screen
14523 : Touch freezeing and rebooting when playing Rhapsody
14524 : Reports of error 401001 Not logged in reported on MP3tunes
14525 : SBS has no access to MY APPs if not using default skin
14526 : Navigation in some menus doesn't wrap around
14527 : Add screensaver preview capability in settings
14528 : Bug in AppletManager._evalMetas
14529 : JSON query for player alarms fails with Query Error: Unknown in dispatch table
14530 : Remote Control has numerous functionality and design issues
14531 : TrackInfo menu is broken from Playlist
14532 : Player name shows weird characters
14533 : accent characters broken when posted to Facebook
14534 : Deleting songs out of the "Zapped Songs"
14535 : Radio streams mixed up
14536 : Deleting tracks out of the "Zapped Songs" playlist renders it unreadable, web UI hangs
14537 : SB Radio successfully connects to but does not offer firmware update
14538 : Long Date format doesn't use correct locale
14539 : Software Update screen doesn't provide update/reinstall option
14540 : Alarm display broken after hitting snooze
14541 : Podcast issue
14542 : Scanner misses new albums & wrong artist information
14544 : playlistcontrol command doesn't work
14545 : A Better Favorites Page
14546 : Can't play Shoutcast streams from web remote
14547 : Information Browser not translated into Swedish
14548 : Flickr pic viewer interrupted by Volume change (adjust or mute)
14549 : cannot parse some opml file with bad characters
14550 : Web UI for MySB doesn't select properly with
14551 : Queen app description is wrong on MySB
14552 : WAV-PCM Native causing white noise / popping between tracks
14553 : Wallpaper selection not shown (missing bullet) both Radio & Touch
14554 : Plugin tab: Pressing settings for a plugin does not switch tab
14555 : Wrong sorting when using Danish caracters
14556 : No way to enter lowercase letters for Facebook password.
14557 : Song Info page is blank
14558 : Controller display extremely dim
14559 : Controller doesn't wake from sleep
14560 : Superbug: General UI readiness
14561 : Audible click at start of AIFF tracks streamed natively
14562 : CLI command "playlists tracks" shows Jive tags
14563 : Scanner crashes with huge memory (?) request on AIFF file
14564 : server.log file has zillions of "Couldn't retrieve objectForUrl:" lines
14565 : Weird Chinese & Japanese Text in track metadata database of Squeezebox Server 7.4
14566 : JS error in Web Remote when item has ' in it's name or title
14567 : synching didn't work properly 7.4; does 7.33
14568 : Different album art on Controller and Web UI for compilations
14569 : Danish characters in Windows XP make scanning fail
14570 : Apple Dual-Band Airport seemingly incompatible with SqueezePlay-based Squeezeboxes
14571 : Define feature set and design improvements needed for improved "remote control" design
14572 : Redesign Web Remote Control
14573 : iTunes import crashes on DISCC for remote tracks
14574 : iTunes import crashes on discc for remote tracks
14575 : Review and spec design of grid home menu
14576 : Review and update design specs and behaviors for TinySC
14577 : iTunes import crashes on DISCC for remote tracks
14578 : "turn off alarm" should not stop playback
14579 : Can't set favorite from the new Web Remote
14580 : Cannot playback apple .m4a / AAC files
14581 : Podcast - Error no items found in playlist
14582 : My screen saver doesn't turn on since I upgraded to the new FIrmware on my Duet
14583 : 7.4.1 r28775 beta - incorrect controller firmware update URL
14584 : Trial accounts not working correctly
14585 : 7.4.1 is not auto-updating to the new nightly builds
14586 : Squeezebox outputs loud white noise and crashes when streaming OGG/Vorbis
14587 : Duplicate albums due to MuiscBrainz tags
14588 : Scanner reports 'File not found' for non-ASCII characters
14589 : Rhapsody - CM 'add to end' does not work
14590 : ServiceManager should treat Windows 7, 2008 et al. like Vista
14591 : unable to load apps when using winamp as client
14592 : Don't send Wake On LAN magic packets at power-on
14593 : 7.4 server fails to start after upgrade or clean install.
14594 : No FFwd and Rwd in Napster Tracks
14595 : Some binaries have rpaths compiled into them causing RPM build to fail
14596 : Log error during boot
14597 : AAC to MP3 fails because of bug in convert.conf file.
14598 : Web Interface StartUp Behavior
14599 : Control Panel Opens When Starting Squeezebox Server
14600 : Squeezebox Server doesn't switch duet to when shutting down
14601 : Various localization issues spotted on production server
14602 : Control panel not using web proxy setting
14603 : Choice of skins for Duet controller
14604 : incorrect numerical comparison is breaking textarea display on SP
14605 : old upgrade message in Slim::Control::Jive::menuQuery is using camel case textArea
14606 : Pandora Menu Reorganization...
14609 : Hide libmad
14610 : File could not opened
14611 : " Unable to find track" message if player paused for over 14 hours
14612 : WMA Lossless on radio
14613 : option to apply Radio's wallpaper choice to ALL players controlled by Radio
14614 : Interleave time with photos
14615 : Radio controlled other player: add player name to top of screen
14616 : Problems with synch, menus, and sound
14617 : Can't add album to library through Playlist context menu in iPeng
14618 : Implement full-screen album artwork in Now Playing
14619 : Baby sometimes will continually restart if alarm is on
14620 : Should we have a 3rd option in the snooze/alarm menu that's 'continue playing' or something like that?
14621 : Define new default slide show animation behaviors
14622 : Provide useful captions for Queen photos
14623 : During uninstall, Squeezetray starts and stops repeatedly
14624 : MySB, not possible to set 24-hour clock for alarms on Receiver
14625 : change name on download page
14626 : Duet and 2xboom don't sync with flac or radio streams
14627 : No News Reader App on
14628 : During 7.3.x -> 7.4 upgrade, registration process may finish too early due to connected SC
14629 : Review options for isolated fab4 time/alarm issues
14630 : Audit/define final design of fab4 Now Playing screen
14631 : RadioIO listings in MySqueezebox.Com is outdated and doesn't match the listings on
14632 : Button plays Favorite submenu items but they have >
14634 : Problem with Music Indexing correctly after Update to 7.4
14635 : IE7: Changes to Player menu ignored by both player and MySB
14636 : AlienBBC not playing
14637 : Control panel displaying "failed" message when verifying credentials
14638 : Flickr setup
14639 : SBC cannot access the podcasts from SBS in 7.4
14640 : Radio controlling another player, add that player name to the Volume splash screen
14641 : Cannot playback doublebyte files from Favourites
14643 : Google Analytics broken since launch
14644 : Scan crashes on Wav File
14645 : Finer Volume control required
14646 : options for NP screen shortcuts: "where I touch the screen offers different information"
14647 : Add two touchable buttons/icons to NP screen
14648 : Local playlists with remote URLs missing title
14649 : Unable to scan -- scanner.log does not even get created
14650 : Anwendungsgalerie missing on web interface
14651 : Link to E-Mail Formular in german support page leads to download page
14652 : Design improved song-sharing for Facebook app
14655 : h1 and h2 are the same size / weight
14656 : paragraphs have insufficient bottom margin/padding
14657 : Extension Downloader doesn't show latest version
14658 : error in signess in mp4 code in Audio::Scan
14660 : Don't assume zip code setting in RadioTime is US user
14662 : Playing a specific track while track shuffle is enabled will play another track
14663 : Directory scan fails
14664 : Loud static sound between songs
14665 : Implement final design of Fab4 NP screen
14666 : Default Samba to off, use Advanced Setting option to enable it
14667 : User interface for Samba settings
14668 : udev notification support
14669 : Scanner progress screen needed
14670 : Support SB3, Radio, Boom, Transporter players
14671 : Display error message if read-only storage attached
14672 : The locale, libraryname, language and SqueezeNetwork account information, both initially and upon subsequent changes, need to be passed from SP
14673 : user friendly "test" in SBS for MySB connectivity
14674 : Change default for double clicking task bar icon
14675 : Alarm clock: Can't set every hour in 24 hour mode.
14676 : connect to mysqueezebox
14677 : test
14678 : Controller does not show the correct Czech translation
14680 : Remote Control issues
14681 : Selecting a playlist in Remote Control doesn't work, but do from the player interface
14682 : Screensaver stops working after a long pause
14683 : Synced players all pause when Radio displays low battery warning
14684 : Radio rebooted and all synced players stopped
14685 : Jive cannot direct Ray to connect to when Jive is on 7790 and Ray is on 7.2 fw
14686 : Admin Tool - add an option to force move player from SBS to
14687 : Volume resets after playing an album
14688 : Reboot if internet radio stream is selected
14689 : Playback audio on the controller broken with version 7.4
14690 : Couldn't call Slim::Plugin::Extensions::Plugin->initPlugin: Not a HASH reference
14693 : "Line In" times out in 30 seconds or so when not connected to network
14695 : Add "User Wallpapers" section to Wallpapers menu
14696 : Intermittent failure to play Live365 stream ("Unable to play file type")
14697 : Now playing frozen after playing Queen app
14698 : User can't create an account if they try (and fail) to log in to an account
14699 : WOL no longer works after updating to 7.4 (WHS & Lights Out)
14700 : Update to ALAC 0.2.0
14702 : Alarm menu shown at power on after power off is used to stop alarm
14703 : going from plugged in to battery, wont reconnect to network
14704 : pressing PLAY on an alarm sound should allow preview
14705 : iTunes ID3v2.4 tags read by SBS 7.4.0 => Miles Davis is no artist.
14706 : Alarms always shown in 12h mode
14707 : First day of week always Sunday when editing alarm
14708 : Show next alarm time close to alarm icon
14709 : Embedded Album art is not shown
14710 : Do not migrate SC server/plugins prefs on SBS server removal/upgrade but on first SBS installation
14711 : No possibility to add/delete favorites on Controller
14712 : Scanner doesn't start if no music folder is defined, but iTunes or other importer only
14713 : quadrupled album title in some flac file
14714 : Alarms should support BBCiPlayer favorites with a parser
14715 : Alarm Button should function when powered off
14716 : Please add labels to alarms
14717 : Add a urlmd5 field to the tracks table
14718 : no "Remote" page for Radio on SBS Settings > Player menu
14719 : Alarm popup doesn't disappear after alarm timeout
14720 : Dimming changes when cross fading between songs
14721 : control panel: browse dialog for music shows title "playlist"
14722 : Rescan fails on MusicIP Mixer
14723 : Genre>Various Artists>Play All. Creates the same playlist whatever genre is chosen.
14724 : Shutting down local server puts Duet into unusable state
14725 : Pause icon appears as solid white square
14726 : The menu "recent searches" does not show any artwork if you searched by song
14727 : --audiodir and --playlistdir command line parameters crash SBS
14728 : After update to 7.4 some mp3's appear with chinese characters
14729 : the folder selector for audiodir et al. doesn't handle non-latin folder names
14730 : Service runs at 50% CPU of server
14731 : Playlist's radio entries disappear totally from the listing or become unidentifiable.
14732 : id3v2.3 with UTF-8 characters scanned incorrectly
14733 : now playing track title doesn't update when song changes (Pandora)
14734 : inconsistancy between products
14735 : SB3 degrading University network performance
14736 : The first trip through a 'scroll' item should bump the screensaver often enough so it does not activate
14737 : Rename inputs
14738 : Boom ir remote repeat (press and hold) not working after some time
14739 : CNET review -- no sound when playing audio on Squeezebox Radio
14740 : SBS becomes unresponsive when switching from streaming radio to FLAC (SqueezeSlave)
14741 : CNET review: Spontaneous reboots with Squeezebox Radio
14742 : When headphones plugged in, alarm should come through main speaker
14743 : Internetradio menu not translated to Dutch
14744 : Alarm menu issue
14745 : Wrong Date on Squeezebox Classic when in standby (german)
14746 : ReadyNAS Control Panel still reads SqueezeCenter
14747 : MP3tunes service on a Squeezebox Boom - trial automatically expired
14748 : UI for MP3tunes service - has Hello Last Name - instead of Hello First Name
14749 : MP3tunes service - e-mail address for existing members only have access to upper case letters
14750 : Partially created account (Bug from partner)
14751 : Slimtray context menu enhancements and changes
14752 : Formatting and sign-in button is gone (Pandora sign-in process)
14754 : Player cancels the current song and plays a new one & skip limit
14755 : Button reaction time is slow -
14756 : Dansk: Album Sort Method not translated
14757 : Pogo distro should use the OpenPogo ipkg
14758 : Music not mixable if no music folder, but only iTunes import is enabled
14760 : Playing a music-service already-playing item should not restart it (go to Now Playing instead)
14761 : Volume knob doesn't work while in SLEEP view
14762 : new bug appeared in v28847 - Cyrillic encoding is broken
14763 : Playlists should go back to start if repeat is off
14764 : Receiver update message does not scroll
14765 : Advanced automatic display dimming for Squeezebox Radio
14766 : Wrong behavior when preset button is pressed during alarm
14767 : Search results no longer offer means to play all results
14768 : SoX does not use the best available quality to resample
14769 : Auto-dimming no longer works in manual brightness mode
14770 : Squeezebox Server will not connect to External Drives without enter IP
14771 : playlist name being changed
14772 : Ignore embedded artwork that is not JPG/PNG/GIF
14773 : Ogg Vorbis stream crasher
14774 : Preamp Volume Control is not working anymore
14775 : Fails to connect to Squeezebox Server
14776 : Shortcut to open SBS does not open Web Interface
14777 : SqueezePlay installer defaults to wrong folder
14778 : SP build fails, svn 7852.
14779 : jive-checkins not sending emails for trunk updates
14780 : readdir() and other Lua methods are not cross-platform, particularly with windows
14781 : Implement gestures via mouse
14782 : Info on Radio station kbps is not consistant between player and web interface.
14783 : WAV -> FLAC on OSX fails: SOX error
14784 : Alarm Volume Control
14787 : Menu pointer doesn't go to current playing track when entering current playlist
14788 : Scanner crash on WMA file
14789 : don't connect to SC/SBS instances that are not supported (password protected server)
14790 : Preference Pane hangs on Mac OSX 10.6 Snow Leopard
14791 : Alarm length too short
14792 : Consider doing full gc before rebooting due to "memory usage too high"
14793 : Jazz 91 (San Mateo, CA)
14794 : Soft power sometimes does nothing (via touch or IR) - work: fallback to default SS if SS can't be found
14795 : A radio stream fails on baby/desktop that works on SB3
14796 : /sbin/ifconfig eth1: Cannot allocate memory
14797 : WHS MSI package fail to install
14798 : Problem playing the next song
14799 : Playlist is almost unreadable in 7.4, due to overlapping info between songs in list
14800 : Sorting not done correctly with Swedish characters - Controller FW 7.4
14801 : Cover art is worse in 7.4 than in 7.3.3 ???
14803 : Feature Requst to support A2DP streaming.
14804 : QVGA Landscape Skin displays only one line in NP title bar
14805 : Windows uninstall fails to remove settings
14807 : No 100% fixed volume setting
14808 : Add Rhapsody Similar Albums menu
14809 : Define and design remaining context menus/content
14811 : Remove invalid audio settings for Squeezebox Radio
14813 : Rhapsody Items in Playlists in 7.4 are blank
14814 : Jpeg album art of 180x180 resolution doesn't appear on Squeezebox Radio Now Playing
14815 : synched boom line out plays when powered off and other player on
14816 : Backup tone or melody when Radio loss connection to SqueezeNetwork
14817 : Artists Empty - after initial scan
14818 : Squeezebox Control Panel Dies
14819 : Preset buttons get lost
14820 : Add the option to use the inbuilt speaker for alarms
14821 : Unable to select Fade In for alarm
14823 : Always have to hit power button twice to turn off
14824 : Reciva Internet Radios claim to support Icy-MetaData, but then glitch on metadata packets
14825 : Allow multiple streams from the same IP address by specifying player=id_string in query string
14826 : MPC files being skipped after a few secs
14827 : Not possible to search on "forreign" characters
14828 : Not always possible to make a quick search in FLAC files
14829 : "Play" command ignored for MP3tunes playlists, artists, and albums
14830 : Clearing Library takes forever
14831 : Allow option to "Auto-hide" info bands at top and bottom of screen in "Now Playing"
14832 : variousArtistsString & libraryname prefs don't handle non-latin characters correctly
14833 : Radio doesn't use it's player name in DHCP conversations
14834 : Radio always shows as "Squeezebox" in list of DHCP server clients.
14835 : Connecting to an old server version using a non-default port should show useful error
14836 : Memory leak in Surface zoom function
14839 : Scanning iTunes the Music scan terminates d unexpectedly
14842 : Missing CLI Information
14843 : MP3tunes bitrate select box was removed
14844 : Squeezebox Server - Customer iTunes integration requests
14845 : remove ellipsis from slimtray right click menu
14846 : Radio does not use correct alarm volume after playing music
14847 : add parametrized CMS keys output for test server
14848 : Rhapsody menus don't add single track through SqueezePlay
14850 : when scrolling with touch scrollbar, menu header widget text does not leave the screen
14851 : Can't re-connect to
14852 : Choppy scrolling with the new color display
14853 : Can't browse music folder while scan is running
14854 : Awkward Intermediate menu in Rhapsody playlists
14855 : UI design for playlist limit
14856 : SkyFM does not stream via (but does via SBS)
14857 : Pandora "I like this song" doesn't work in Playlist Context Menu
14858 : Bringing back Bonjour
14859 : Radio Power Button Bouncing
14860 : Scanner excluding function is not working.
14861 : SBS preventing HDD shutdown ?
14862 : Links in footer point to instead of
14864 : Scanner fails to scan WMA files
14865 : Audit/re-propose list of alarm sounds
14866 : Need conformation screen when alarm has been set
14868 : OPML info link is blank
14869 : need more explicit release instructions for ReadyNAS download
14870 : Alarm doesn't work reliably
14871 : Player without name nor model showing up
14872 : Problems with TitleFormat in and internet radios
14873 : podcast causes device to hang
14874 : Alarm settings - changing weekdays or activation-state doesn't update player display
14875 : Comet should accept single messages
14876 : Not all apps are returned by the "apps" cli command
14877 : Add flexibility to Now Playing artwork layout based on source data
14878 : Remote v Touch interface implementation
14879 : add global search to UI
14880 : UI for SD/USB management
14881 : Radio streams don't work with proxy
14882 : "Power On" screen should have time/date/alarm time
14883 : audio_size needed for WAV and AIFF files.
14884 : Support@slim address is being retired -- Need code search for all instances
14885 : Firmware: Fatal error downloading
14886 : No indication that 'run cleanup' did anything
14888 : Alarm time gets confused with Timezones ?
14889 : Firware-upgrade to 7.4.1 7915 doesn't work due to checksum error
14890 : Alarm volumes need to be scaled 0 to 100
14891 : Header widget Textarea does not smooth scroll
14892 : Impossible to log on
14893 : No audio when sync'd to another player
14894 : Unable to scan FF or REW when playing Podcast
14895 : Instant freeze, crash, and reboot when playing any Sirius channel
14896 : SqueezePlay blocking mac Screensaver or Power Save modes
14897 : Service should install with recovery options set to restart upon failure
14898 : Startup UI confusing
14899 : Selecting Thumbs Up/Down when playing Pandora station doesn't display any message
14900 : Scanner dividing album to two albums
14901 : iTunes Art mix ups
14903 : SBS update check should take revision number into account, even when a current version (but earlier build) is being run
14904 : Flickr Favorites Screensaver Option is Missing from SBC in 7.4.x
14905 : Squeezebox server 7.4 and 7.5 not compatible with Kubuntu 9.10 due to mysql 5.1 dependency
14906 : Browse music folder: Wrong folder sort order
14907 : MP3Tunes login failure
14909 : Chiral Motion - Visual Indicator?
14910 : Unable to set 6:00 as alarm time via controller
14911 : Meta-bug for scalability / player redirect
14912 : Basic player / SC redirection code.
14913 : Scanner can't calculate bitrate for surround-sound flac files
14914 : Mediafly service needs to ALSO be added to the Custom Radio category
14915 : My Apps missing from Classic interface when using Fedora 11 (and other Linux flavors)
14916 : Alarm sounds through headphones when connect, not speakers
14917 : Sleep function
14918 : Facebook Plugin feature enhancements/requests
14919 : Powering on a player causes a WOL packet to be sent
14920 : My Applications Icons and others have bad quality when connected to SqueezeServer as opposed to
14921 : Give database some room to breathe
14922 : Incorrect progress display in WHS console
14923 : no access to from home menu
14924 : Can't get SB Desktop player to work
14925 : Can not add folder to playlist from controller.
14926 : Some combination of pressing the preset button when assigned to an album, clears the albumtitle in the database
14927 : Radio missing in "Choose Player" drop down on SBS
14928 : Fails to install on Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala)
14929 : Pressing + button in 'Music Folder' on a folder does not queue it's contents
14930 : Favorites and Preset fail when international characters are in album name
14931 : Can't save preset 0 on SB3
14932 : SC / SBR starts to play wrong track when searching into compilation albums
14933 : scanner only includes one comment per song
14934 : Now Playing status does not update correctly
14935 : Duet Controller not showing all album art
14936 : Linux repositories lag behind manually downloadable upgrades
14937 : add Slim Devices IR code for mute (at least toggling mute state)
14939 : SqueezeBoxServer does not start - Uninitialised value
14940 : Scanner crashes with floating point exception on small ogg file
14941 : Add Mediafly service to the "On Demand" catergory
14942 : Cannot change password if using IE 7 or IE 8
14943 : Rhapsody - Songs won't start playing when entering Rhapsody from sub menus
14944 : My local radio is now Mott ND
14945 : SBC is rebooting (unknown cause)
14946 : random black diamond with white question mark symbols
14947 : Playlist context menu shows genre items
14948 : No alarm menu shown with as alarm after several hours (soft) off
14949 : WMA crashes Touch and Radio
14951 : Unicode search in Web UI broken
14952 : Can't add Album as a Favorite using iPeng in 7.4.1
14953 : Need to add hort. divider lines btwn menu items for large (aka 10ft) skin
14954 : Feature Request from enduser: Change shuffle behavior
14955 : Scan / Look for new and changed music takes forever
14956 : Implement more scan modes
14957 : Scan new and changed music does not pick up changes if only certain tags are changed
14958 : Touch support for Timeinput widget
14959 : Transporter showing the wrong information about the Bit Rate,
14960 : Transporter, missing data on the More Info menu
14961 : Supporting Text dropdown bkgrd asset missing from skin.
14962 : Quartet wallpaper is incorrect
14963 : Squeezeplay players unable to play Aiff from ReadyNAS
14964 : CM fix padding of close icon
14965 : CM remote skins remove hort. divider lines
14966 : CM remote skins selected menu item asset incorrect
14968 : CM need to add back button to touch menus with multiple pages
14969 : NP template touching album artwork launches "full screen" album artwork view
14970 : Possibility for third party alarm popup/screensaver
14971 : Default My Music browse menus can no longer be overridden/removed
14972 : SBC unable to WOL server after 7.4.x upgrade (when SBR was moved to
14973 : Virtually all playlist created in Napster have tracks missing when played through SB
14974 : Server can block if no internet connection
14975 : Scanner needs to be faster, smaller and more-reliable for TinySC
14976 : Use standard .deb-packages changelog format for .deb
14977 : Run with no user extensions ("safe Mode ") is broken
14978 : Scanner crash during merge various artists
14979 : Scanner skipping majority of tagged wav file, used to work fine with SC 7.3.3
14981 : svn 29033 breaks settings pages
14982 : Bring back zeroconf in 7.4
14983 : Make it possible to launch SlimBrowser applet from third party applets
14984 : Mediafly entries break Playlist functionality
14985 : can't see playlist item names in 7.4.0 - 7.4.1
14986 : auto-dimming won't kick in when radio is switched off (soft switch off)
14987 : sleep starts to fade out if pressed less than a minute before the end of a song.
14988 : Entering Napster Login Account Info on SB server does not work
14989 : Squeezebox Radio doesn't detect wireless networks
14990 : Configurable Option to restore '+ to add' (enhancement request)
14991 : 7.4.2 r29073 installs but does not initialise mysql on Ubuntu 9.10
14993 : Loss of favorites after installation of 7.4.2 build 29030
14994 : AAC+ streams on Shoutcast
14995 : Radio won't connect to Squeezebox Server
14997 : Allow internal beep to be specified as alarm sound.
14998 : Wrong song plays when listening music from albums entitled Greatest Hits or of artists with albums entitled Greatest Hits
14999 : Master CFBundleVersion field not being updated
15000 : Current layout of "Now Playing" dialog is useless for bedside radio
15001 : Save playlist plugin locks SB classic UI
15002 : Add bitrate limiting to device UI
15003 : Way to soft reboot the SB Touch & SB Radio
15004 : Presets do not save when returning to internet radio from Slimserver or other source
15005 : I can enable username/password without confirming the password
15006 : Can't connect to 7.5.0 server w/ credentials when more then 1 server present
15007 : DI.FM and SKY.FM Apps not working with User account
15008 : Redundant "Save to Favorites" song action
15009 : Missing link to license agreement
15010 : internet radio menu showing entries in wrong language
15011 : Player Control Interface
15012 : Right-to-left Track Names Appear Left-to-Right
15013 : Facebook password limited incorrectly
15014 : Scanner should prefer Vorbis tags for FLAC files
15015 : Albums with over 10 cds do not display in the proper order
15016 : Manually trigger download of server update
15017 : Option for IR numeric buttons to operate as per SB3
15018 : Press hold ir number buttons behavior - support presets?
15019 : tell the user to enable cookies if they're disabled
15020 : Add on screen notification when preset button selected on front panel
15021 : Auto power off after inactivity timer reached
15022 : Selection of "auto start" in Squeezebox Server Control Panel does not stick.
15023 : IP3K players lost "Go Right to Add to Favorites" -- Needs to be put back
15024 : Add Mediafly service to categories - on demand & custom radio
15025 : bad proxy setting causes "connect timed out" message (was: Unable to login to through squeezeserver)
15026 : Library showing duplicate albums - Dlink NAS - after upgrade to SB Server 7.4.1
15027 : Need informative user error message if TinySC fails to complete scan or start
15028 : Specifications needed for where and how music library lives on USB or SD card
15029 : Add localhost to default allowedHosts list
15030 : Make Cover art resizing introduced in 7.4.1 configurable
15031 : Display current time with alarm time when alarm snoozes
15032 : NP title text being layered below titlebar alpha overlay
15033 : Selection of single Napster tracks
15034 : Cannot build luasocket-2.0.2 on x86_64 machine.
15035 : Devices screen shows "none" for USB and SD card
15036 : Napster playback stops at end of track
15037 : No error message if USB drive or SD card with unsupported format plugged in or inserted
15038 : More powerful headphone output
15039 : Can't stop or start from System Tray w/ Password Security Enabled
15040 : backup alarm playing instead of internet radio station, internet connection up and runnning
15041 : r29126 change to Audio-Scan 0.46 breaks playing a WMA stream
15042 : Remove Screen flickers test applet
15043 : More Info and Artist items missing from context menus
15044 : No "Switch to" option on Networking menu
15045 : Inguz Buggers my .cue + .wav, .flac files
15046 : Pausing track for over 2 hours results in "unable to find track" message
15047 : Scans USB drive with tracks for awhile but library is never ready to browse
15048 : Uninitialized Linux date and time results in incorrect date/time in logs, wrong time displayed on connected players, failure to scrobble etc.
15049 : Scanner crashes with non-ascii title
15050 : Remote Login screen displays incorrect IP address
15051 : Add Replay Gain Information and Replay Gain ON-OFF in the Player Display
15052 : Album favorites with non-latin characters are broken
15053 : #slim:noscan=1 makes a stream not playable
15054 : Reboot after attempting to listen to C-SPAN radio
15055 : Selecting image viewer settings menu from the Screen Saver menu causes Crash
15056 : Display changes and mixes languages
15057 : Mediafly service - "trial expired" cases are still happening
15058 : Screensavers not working on devices
15059 : NP text press state should be color change NOT scale down
15060 : NP Song progress bar should extend full length of screen for "Text only" versions.
15061 : Changes in Power management settings are not saved
15062 : BMF: Cannot add additional music folders to ad-hoc playlist since v7.4, but can add individual tracks.
15063 : Artwork scan failed resulting in no cover art on Now Playing, playlist screens
15064 : Repeat OFF graphic on Now Playing does not look obviously OFF
15065 : SBS wont start, if not installed in default path
15066 : Custom Wallpapers not showing up in Controller/Radio UI
15067 : Support for third party now playing screen/styles
15068 : Tracks without ALBUM tags not in browse menus
15069 : Audio::Scan needs recompile for powerpc-linux
15070 : broken radio
15071 : Can't click on selected tab in SbS settings pages
15072 : "Customize Controller" needs renaming
15073 : Need aliasing for library paths in iTunes logic for Squeeze Server.
15074 : Audio::Scan module fails unit tests on Synology DS407, using SSODS and ELDK compile tools
15075 : Language selected in installer isn't used for SBS
15076 : consistency: do not show ">" on lines of items where right/touch = play
15077 : 7.4.x - Cue Problems
15078 : Add ability to browse by "Album Artist" field
15079 : Software conflicts SBS with Windows Defender
15080 : Squeezebox Server Now playing screen not working properly
15081 : When changing language the Internet Radio Menu is diffrent
15082 : Don't wipe out previous log file(s) at reboot time
15083 : Alarm does not go off
15084 : Reduction in sound quality
15085 : NP touch skin icons should be "grayed out" or disabled when not available
15086 : r29204 doesn't log anything
15087 : Lazysearch dosent show up in plugin list
15088 : Screen dimming behaves differently depending on player's state
15089 : Internet Radio > Search help text info is incorrect
15090 : add Recent Searches to Internet Radio > Search
15091 : safety feature for accidental touch/press overriding Playlist
15092 : Foreign key constraint error when rescanning
15093 : Admin tool should set authorized=1
15096 : Status bar charging icon and wireless icon missing
15097 : replacing title group widget with a different group widget does not work
15098 : title bar not getting style from window but from global
15099 : Remote Control won't play Napster playlists
15100 : Controller setup: "Skip this step" not working
15101 : Album Art displaying too large in Now Playing section
15102 : Capability incorrect for streaming player
15103 : Incorrect capabilities for signalstrength
15104 : using IR remote menu items will not loop from top item to last item
15105 : NewScanner for 7.4+ intolerant of bad FILE value in embedded cuesheets
15106 : Time input in touch mode will display h-1:m-1
15108 : Squeezebox Boom changes from German to English on by itself
15109 : Auto-switch design
15111 : Won't play track -- scanner error
15112 : SqueezePlay desktop builds broken
15113 : Debian package needs another dependency to work on minimal 64-bit systems
15114 : save playlist from SB3 menu confusion
15115 : Scanner crashes on ID3 LINK frame
15116 : Incorrect collate on tracks_persistent after changing language
15117 : Squeezebox server 7.4.1 does not save audio settings correctly on Transporter
15118 : Various Clock layout issues
15119 : SB Server should resample unsupported sample rates
15121 : Duet Receiver consistently going blue light and not able to connect to network
15122 : Squeeze Play won't work
15123 : Squeeze Play won't work
15124 : Add networking info back into diagnostics
15125 : If device turned off the display sometimes backlight turns on again
15126 : Mysb assumed that my player/Boom had the name of my username.
15127 : Song Scanner Behaves poorly for short moves.
15129 : Music IP Integration on Windows Home Server provides wrong url with Seed song to API
15130 : Scrobbling issue in certification -
15132 : SBC does not show genres properly
15133 : Synchronized playback stops when skipping songs
15135 : Radio does not charge battery in OFF state
15136 : alarm enhancement suggestion
15137 : Server fails to start when configured as a service
15138 : NP elasped time text turns black after cycling through various views
15139 : Playing from My Music gives empty playlist
15140 : Automatic skin switching to default skin after timeout
15141 : Unable to install on a PPC
15142 : Add UTF-8 locales for TinySC
15143 : Only 2 seconds of alarm sound, then "nb alloc failed in slimproto" and a reboot
15144 : Remove unused zoneinfo files
15145 : Implement Slim::Utils::OS::SqueezeOS::getSystemLanguage to return language set in SetupLanguage.lua
15146 : Settings->Advanced->USB & SD Storage->Devices screen takes awhile to appear if running TinySC
15147 : MP3tunes updated URL for their user experience on device
15148 : Separate sound effects settings for remote vs. touch/front panel interfaces
15149 : decode.c build problems on 64-bit machine
15150 : My Apps not supported via SbS should switch player to mySB
15151 : Alarm results in display and buttons freeze (7.5)
15152 : Continuous playing of same playlist eventually results in reboot
15153 : Night mode option for Radio and Boom
15154 : PowerOn ALL & PowerOff ALL
15155 : Sync all & Unsync all
15156 : Discrete IR codes for Stereo XL modes
15157 : Display Time full screen with IR commands
15158 : Need library stats display
15159 : Music Structure enhancement Request
15160 : "Thanks for installing" screen - copy change with new URL
15161 : Trial expired screen - copy change & new URL
15162 : These Rhapsody screens need to be deleted -
15163 : Selected locale for the Touch UI is not passed to players connected to the the Touch
15164 : REW and FWD (skip) no longer work on Music Services
15165 : Audio doesn't start: permission denied when getshm of alsa
15166 : didn't launch correctly jive
15167 : Handling Year for Album and Tracks
15168 : Display selected language (French) return automatically to English
15169 : Internet radio station name can not be display while connected to
15170 : Plugin Modules list.... separate/show Installed plugins instead of just listing all available plugins
15171 : Playing when switching On
15172 : Bottom row buttons on Fab4 remote are not mapped correctly
15173 : Code names are displayed for Radio & Touch models in info
15174 : Menu to change player brightness on Boom broken
15175 : can't Sign Out of MySB UI, clicking Sign Out does nothing
15176 : Radio doesn't reconnect to wireless network when rebooted
15177 : Music Scan Terminated Unexpectedly (MusicIP Import)
15178 : fab4 doesn't connect to its own TinySC instance, if libraryname is changed
15179 : SP based players don't keep their names, but always accept whatever was stored on the connecting server
15180 : Genres with only VA artist are 'Empty'
15181 : Don't hide menu when player is turned off
15182 : Make a dedicated desktop skin
15183 : MP3 Track starts from beginning when trying to seek through the song
15184 : Some Stations on Baby Require you to press FWD to play
15185 : Headphones not working when plugged in
15186 : Scanner doesn't stop when server is stopped
15187 : Automatic scan when server is run
15188 : Plugins can be updated even when automatic plugin updates is turned off
15189 : /media/*/.Squeezebox directories are being written on unmounted paths
15190 : File Types page shows active option for WMA Lossless/Pro
15191 : ext3 drives can't be mounted because they are reported as vfat by vol_id
15192 : Unable to use Touch as a standalone music player without network
15193 : Touch Power Button does not work
15194 : My Music menu not updated when switching server
15195 : bunch of Remote Control bugs
15196 : Problems with multiple tags
15197 : Wrong bitrate and track length for 64 kbps MP3
15198 : Hour display format change without reason
15199 : Radio IR Remote problems are back with Volume
15200 : r8121 Sleep symbol (eyebrow) is cut off on right side
15201 : SB Radio Back-up alarm doesn't trigger on lost Internet Connection
15202 : Internet Radio playback breaks up every 10-20 seconds
15203 : AAC Playback can not be synced with ip3k players
15204 : Some tracks return absolute file path for artwork
15205 : Multiple genre tags not read in id3v2.4 tags
15206 : Various bugs with WinXP on embedded
15207 : SB Radio won't connect to after factory reset
15208 : Embedded branch: Server spawns redundant scanner processes
15209 : Embedded branch: Music not found if UNC path defined
15210 : Alarm Enhancement
15211 : Backlight not always off for screen off
15212 : Cannot delete Pandora station
15213 : When internet radio stream halts attempt to retry the stream
15214 : Write scan progress during file find phase
15216 : Squeezebox Radio reboots when playing Kool 97.3
15217 : My Apps ordering
15218 : Make the radio independent from
15219 : Left to right swipe-loop-NP (when non default)
15220 : [UTF8 Encode/Decode][Perl 5.10] "except iso8859-1" (CJK?) MBCs missconvert to iso8859-1
15221 : Exception during automatic music library rescan
15222 : Fab4 Remote's buttons are incorrectly assigned in SBS when used with Classic/Boom etc.
15223 : Touch skin isn't aware of remote skin's power state and vice versa
15224 : Some songs from iTunes (Korean and Chinese characters) do not appear in SqueezeCenter
15225 : Pandora URL on device must be
15226 : Issue with this stream
15227 : Unable to save Pandora stations to Favorites on MySb.Com
15228 : Can't set alarm time to PM
15229 : Cosmetic display issue when setting Alarm Time
15230 : unable to play Apple Lossless files
15231 : Preview alarm volume on SqueezePlay UIs
15232 : Command separated tagged values should be encoded
15233 : compilation album - wrong track number played
15234 : Choose Player no longer works
15235 : Sync not working
15236 : - Remote Control does not play Pandora Playlists
15237 : (Rhapsody) Crashing the device - select My Library, My Playlists, scroll down
15238 : Control Panel Diagnostics not reporting correct information
15239 : Alarm starts with loud volume, then drops to the alarm starting volume
15240 : Stale menu items aren't removed when server changes
15241 : Internet Radio->Music->Classical->Stations (50+)->WCPE doesn't play
15242 : On IE7, 'Sign out' doesn't work
15243 : player table has NULL deviceid and model
15244 : Account is invalid - message on setting up account
15245 : Performing a firmware update should stop TinySC
15246 : Layout glitch in Album/Artist context menu
15247 : TinySC: Scrobbling not enabled, and can't be
15248 : r8176+: can't switch server
15249 : homepage position incorrectly requests title
15250 : iTunes artwork displays on the Server UI, but not the Controller
15251 : WAV files not listing in track order, but in alphabetical order since updating to SBS 7.4.1
15252 : TinySC logs should be available via Samba
15253 : Squeezeboxserver continually fails to start
15254 : Slacker "Search" - "Play Artist Station" via "Remote Control" broken
15255 : [Patch] Update to latest version of Class::XSAccessor and eliminate use of private APIs
15256 : unexpected power offs of the Radio after a couple of hours
15257 : Sound Check conversion to db doesn't match iTunes
15258 : SBServer doesn't start
15259 : Controller does not send WOL when reconnecting with server from
15260 : All Songs under artist are by 'Various Artists'
15261 : Sync not working correct for Radio set to russian language
15262 : Unable to scan some MP4 files encoded by Nero
15263 : Back-button, +button and previous-button not working in 7.4.1 r7915
15264 : Squeezebox Server - Intermittent Random Mix issues with files displaying "Cannot Play File"
15265 : Battery discharges while on external power
15266 : Live365 account fails to work
15268 : Server wont start has bad permissions
15269 : (SIRIUS) will not connect to the appy gallery
15270 : Playback stops, track skips (connection reset by localhost)
15271 : Radiotime station which have aac with mp3 and/or wma stream fail on ip3k players on ReadyNAS
15272 : Cannot parse my apps
15273 : Random Mix for Genres is Cumbersome, Proposed Changes.
15274 : Auto-scan doesn't pick up content added to renamed folders
15276 : Bug in FLAC 24/96 DECODER
15277 : When rescanning - artwork scan remaining time overflows
15278 : 7.5 scanner does not pick up playlists
15279 : Browsing music excludes artwork
15280 : Ignoring album and artist metadata in FLAC files after update to SqueezeboxServer 7.4.1
15281 : Some stations missing on
15282 : Japanese fonts appear badly aliased
15283 : Does the Queen app need to be removed?
15284 : alphabetic keys for jumping do not work for radioio
15285 : Can't add to the Internet Radio list
15286 : Global Search doesn't work when connected to
15287 : APE files missing when scanning music
15288 : 7.5.0 main branch doesn't start with SQLite preferences from embedded branch
15289 : playback skips badly at the start of Ogg Vorbis files
15290 : Scanner fails to scan lots of ogg files
15291 : Noise when no digital input
15292 : No or wrong fault handling by Radio for loss of MYSB connection
15293 : playing station "SCFA Control Scanner (Fire)" stops the server
15294 : Boom or Classic powered off by SqueezePlay controller will not power on with IR remote
15295 : seems to alter my alarm settings for my boom ?
15296 : Napster and Now Playing
15297 : SB Radio named 'Radio' appears as 'Internet Radio' on info page
15298 : renaming Touch/Radio should be specific to which server it is on (SBS or MySB)
15299 : Editing Favorites
15300 : Use of > to indicate menu advancement is misleading
15301 : Add context menus to the add button on folders in Music Folder
15302 : Scanner stops scanning when an mp3 file is empty
15303 : Progress dot goes away on Napster playlist
15304 : "Play Other Songs In Album" doesn't work for "All Songs" of an artist
15305 : backlight comes on while off with "Screen off" as screensaver
15306 : Unable to allocate from the system nonpaged pool because the pool was empty
15307 : Uptime is wrong
15308 : Shuffle on SB Controller does not work with Rhapsody Playlists
15309 : Mediafly menus show German titles when Mediafly account not set
15310 : Issues re-sampling WAV files with sample rates higher than what we natively support
15311 : keep more, larger syslog files if using /media/*/log/ directories
15312 : Scanner perl crashes on DirScanning on one file
15313 : CLI queries used by iPeng are very slow in TinySC
15314 : SqueezePlay 7.4.x consumes too much CPU
15315 : Remove "Beta Features" option in Settings->Advanced per CX Team
15316 : Squeezebox Server error "Playlist full over 500 songs" (Playlist Limitation)
15317 : Deezer: no sound
15319 : Alarm doesn't work
15320 : squeezeboxserver won't install
15321 : Factory reset with drive attached results in blank screen
15322 : Issue with streaming Flac (transcoded to PCM) from sparc ReadyNAS to SB1
15323 : Server becomes CPU-bound
15324 : APE Tags don't show genre
15325 : ImageViewer fails to show URL lists
15326 : Guess File Tags - database problems
15328 : CLI artists query should respect Accept-Language header for the Various Artists item when called via Comet
15329 : luajson doesn't encode arrays with nil values properly
15330 : Logging page needs a defaults button
15331 : Extended ASCII in filename won't scan
15332 : MySQL dependency issue when installing SB Server on Ubuntu 9.10
15333 : Menus aren't in correct language sometimes
15334 : Pandora: Thumbs should be disabled on shared stations
15335 : Pandora: Thumbs should show up on previously rated tracks
15336 : Pandora: Skip limit reached should show appropriate error message
15337 : Pandora: After creating a station, UI should go straight to the now playing screen.
15338 : Pandora: if a suspended user tries to log in, show appropriate error
15339 : Pandora: Buttons on the remote don't work properly
15340 : Pandora: + context menu doesn't highlight when using remote.
15341 : Pandora: new stations don't show up in the station list
15342 : Pandora: station sort ordering does not change sort order immediately
15343 : Pandora: stations rename/delete menu caching
15344 : STMs (track started) can be sent with old elapsed seconds data
15345 : Pandora: Pandora needs a beta-pointed build to test important features
15346 : Command-Q does not quit the application
15347 : ImageViewer HTTP should point to some "official" photo stream
15348 : ImageViewer stops looping when hitting an invalid image object
15349 : Auto-rescanner needs to ignore SD-card log directory
15350 : Snow screensaver creating numerous warning messages
15351 : 7.4 does not sort (or show) åäö correctly
15352 : Failed when running main scan
15353 : ImageViewer crashes fab4 (or any SP) if using a large folder structure as source
15354 : Wrong language showing up while looking for internet radio
15355 : Controller loading every song with that has no Album tag
15356 : Changes made to content from the Napster website do not transfer to SN right away
15357 : Permit password protection only for the Server Settings area
15358 : Squeezebox Server crashes due to perl crash
15359 : protectURI is deprecated
15360 : Memory use slowly increases while looping on song
15361 : Can't play 24/48 or 24/96 flac without stutter and rebuffering
15362 : normalize_location changes each path twice, so iTunes playlists fail
15363 : Selecting gives no way out, back to local server
15364 : Add graphical UI for TinySC status screen
15365 : SB2 with blank "off" display does not show firmware upgrade message, appears dead
15366 : Pause not reliable when screensaver is engaged
15367 : ImageViewer: needs to rotate images based on EXIF data
15368 : Odeo 'Arts' section Fails to Parse
15369 : album art cycles ON/OFF when in Art only NP screen
15370 : SB Classic language setting Finnish is not stored over power down/up of 15 minutes
15371 : Play or Add a Genre Does Nothing
15372 : When in Genre playing an artist or album plays all songs irrespective of genre
15374 : Players on another SBS are not visible when using Web ui
15375 : Switching Libraries does not update My Music selections properly
15376 : "Love/Ban Song" behavior differs on SB Server and
15377 : Continue playing when physical file has been replaced
15378 : Enhancement request for advanced network troubleshooting
15379 : Play all functionality
15380 : Slim/Web/HTTP: return the proper stream Content-Type
15381 : flac problems after upgrade from 7.3.3
15382 : "Power On Resume" setting is not used
15383 : some Live Music Archive sources report "Error: Unable to parse ASF audio stream."
15384 : Squeezebox Radio should allow all buttons to be remapped by plugins
15385 : CLI titles query needs optimized
15386 : Enhancement Request for Sirius Canada
15387 : Firmware update that includes an addition of settings for 'accessibility options' or 'universal access'.
15388 : Pandora on squeezebox - invalid pandora login information
15389 : Alarm -- Backup requested from wrong IP on dual-homed host
15390 : customisation for SSODS et al. (e.g. server restart)
15391 : Too much whining after months of beta, startup and refresh of server
15392 : MySB repeats same song on Napster Radio
15393 : FYI: Strange SELinux report
15394 : music scan terminated unexpectedly
15395 : Pandora sort order doesn't work when set from MySB web UI
15396 : SBS Can't fetch SqueezePlay clients back from
15397 : SB Radio loses connection to and fails to reconnect (California)
15398 : Make volume button 'alarm off' and navigation wheel 'alarm snooze'
15399 : No way to play podcasts via local SBS from the Radio
15400 : AAC playback unreliable
15401 : My Music is empty after physical server reboot
15402 : MP4 handler needs extension for 'm4ae' box
15403 : Artwork from HD-AAC files not always used
15404 : no sound from streams on & unable to connect Boom/SB3 directly to
15405 : TinySBS should gracefully recover from "malformed db image" problem
15406 : Make Favorites lists shareable between MySB users
15407 : continuing to play audio after selecting "turn off alarm" is not desired
15408 : Radio does not function properly on TinySC (My Apps, Favorites, Internet Radio)
15409 : scanner fails with 7.4.2 r 29707 but ok with r29089 with no apparent reason
15410 : Alarm does not detect issues with network streaming, and remains silent
15411 : Alarm starts at normal volume instead of alarm volume or fading in
15412 : No context menu for Facebook app to put the now playing song on my Facebook wall
15413 : Facebook app does not show up under my apps in WEB-UI of sbs
15414 : Problems with playback using Squeezeslave
15415 : No Save Changes button on when changing music sorting for Pandora
15416 : Power on / Power off and Idle brightness
15417 : Ability for muliple users to Connect to the Same Library
15418 : Controller frequently disconnects with the occasional reboot
15419 : unit un mutes after rebuffering
15420 : Standby function not working after battery depleted from trickle down
15421 : APP request - for
15422 : No "song info" when clicking on a radio station name
15423 : ImageViewer crashes player/interrupts playback when using local media
15424 : SBS 7.5 embedded (TinySC) needs GD update on ReadyNAS/Sparc
15425 : ImageViewer should be available from main menu
15426 : Applets must be reinstalled after firmware upgrade
15427 : squeezebox3 remote stopped working after upgrade
15428 : Controller reboots every 3 minutes
15429 : Playlist on repeat, audio drops random interval for ~minute
15430 : Let the user assign the function of the center button of the SBC
15431 : Now Playing state getting confused: getting idle screensaver while playing
15432 : Proxy settings not reset
15433 : Keyboard Up/Down keys not working
15434 : will not read presets with non-latin characters
15435 : Skip foward button does not work on Rhapsody
15436 : The Radio Needs Tone Controlls
15437 : English language: Netzwerktest remains in German
15438 : wireless symbol 'animation'
15439 : Localize time format defaults depending on the system language
15440 : scrollbar position in selection menus
15441 : date format, where used?
15442 : screen saver additional information to be displayed
15443 : FWD dos not work on first press
15444 : Radio loses connection to - Preset Buttons don't work
15445 : button layout
15447 : SBC fails to find all songs when searching
15448 : Apps doesn't return ALL available options..
15449 : Radio stations stop when restarting server
15450 : battery life on new rechargeable
15451 : Request for plugin to receive streams from
15452 : 7.5.0 embedded doesn't run on ubuntu server 8.04
15453 : Silly temperature reading when no battery is installed
15454 : 7.5: Window.noLayout isn't working anymore
15455 : No Wake-On-LAN sent when changing from MySqueezebox to server
15456 : Album Artist/Track Artist
15457 : Music before Alarm
15458 : Can't change MySB account
15459 : SB Radio: Radio will not save presets with special characters.
15460 : Track with Extended ASCII in directory name fails to appear in Browse Music Folder
15461 : Bigger "Now playing Information" clock
15462 : "Now playing Information" clock option not selectable by sb3 remote
15463 : Special characters ignored by iTunes importer
15464 : MP3tunes accounts must be deleted and re-added to work again
15465 : Digest emails appearing in forums
15466 : Server won't start for 7.4.0 and up on Windows 7 64
15467 : Add support for auto rotating images based on EXIF data
15468 : Danish translation error in slideshow settings
15469 : Volume control during fade in causes fall-back-alarm
15470 : MF - Bugs from Mediafly
15471 : Issues connecting to this router with WEP128 configured, Hamlet HNWS254_R and it is running the lates firmware available (v4.
15472 : MusicIP mix can't be played when controlled through SqueezePlay or web UI
15473 : Now Playing screensaver not displaying anything
15474 : Playing radio station, turning on an additional player in sync-group causes skip in playlist
15475 : Inclusion of a default tag delimiter in TinySC
15476 : Alarm screen shows on power-up
15477 : New track stream can get (superfluous) packets from old stream
15478 : Enhancement Request for adding Albums to Favorites
15479 : Internet Radio metadata works intermittently/inconsistently
15480 : Increase screen dim delay
15481 : Squeezebox 3 v.130 won't play mp3 stream
15482 : SBS does not support multiple accounts
15483 : Scanner falls over when ReplayGain tag are invalid
15484 : MusicIP importer is not run in embedded scanner
15485 : Short interruption from takes two attempts to reestablish chunked connection
15486 : Songs in MusicIP Mixes with accented/international characters fail to play
15487 : Pandora stops playing
15488 : Compatibility for the visually impared (Screen Readers)
15489 : Slim/Web/HTTP: return the proper stream Content-Type during transcoding
15490 : Gapless playback broken for PCM on SB1 since SB Server >=7.3
15491 : Playlist Issue
15492 : Not displaying AAC presets
15493 : Clearing the current playlist can leave touch stuck on an empty playlist
15494 : Digital chirp when playing stream on Reciva-based internet radio
15495 : Pop Channels not there
15496 : Mediafly: Forward button doesn't function (greyed out)
15497 : Repeat button has no function
15498 : Some shows have progress bar, some do not
15499 : metadata persists from previous show
15500 : info " + " button works `sometimes` - ie 50 % of the time it does nothing.
15501 : Displays weird time left during scan
15502 : Strange Status of Connection After DSL Force Reconnect
15503 : Squeezebox Radio - Switching apps from context menu may cause Hang.
15504 : One track playlists in NP, IR right and + button broken
15505 : SB Server causes NIC on Win 7 x64 to lock when streaming to PCH A-110
15506 : don't see artwork on SP if running from embedded branch
15507 : scanner doesn't appear to follow symlinks (7.5.0-embedded r29836)
15508 : Content on SD card always requires retry
15509 : Losing presets
15510 : Selecting Pandora Genre station using Knob causes Boom to go blank
15511 : embedded scanner fails on directory names ending in space
15512 : Display total time of a playlist
15513 : SBS check-ins not sending emails for trunk or branch updates
15514 : My Squeezebox can't play these stations
15515 : Alarm icon not always reflecting correct state in clock screensaver
15516 : Make it easy to learn "when will the alarm ring next"
15517 : MySB alarm tab breaks when adding/editing alarms for SB Radio
15518 : Remote Control window too small in Google Chrome
15519 : "Now Playing Nothing" pop up when actually starting a preset
15520 : MusicIP mix for a genre seed not correct
15521 : Genre filtering - wrong track played
15522 : Firmware upgrade process sometimes hangs at 99% installation
15523 : Fedora & like OSs, SBS 7.4.1 and above: squeezeboxserver service cannot be stopped or restarted after a 'internal' restart
15524 : Remote stream ShowBriefly are not shown any more
15525 : Playtime count turns black after one hour
15526 : DHCP-supplied gateway cannot be overridden
15527 : Alarm days update delay
15528 : app not shown for users in Poland
15529 : Don't prompt for firmware update when music is playing
15530 : Automatic brightness goes to minimum in very bright environments
15533 : Message that "... Squeezebox Server (not) running" shown when it is running
15534 : Fallback alarm should fade in
15535 : Preamp Volume Control does not work
15536 : Search results doesn't display number of items found
15537 : Special character é (accented e) in file path name prevents playing
15538 : Repurpose Repeat and Shuffle buttons
15539 : Continuous playback of tracks eventually stops because Touch can't find local Squeezebox Server
15540 : Display "not ready try again later" when attempting to browse music on USB drive during scan
15541 : RTC alarm timer for next alarm does not get set when rtc alarm is in progress and server returns
15542 : Pressing (+) on now playing track removes it from playlist
15543 : Repeat Playlist enabled state shown as PLAYLIST_SHORT
15544 : Squeezebox Server fails to start with certain characters in server.prefs
15545 : Browse Genres All Albums missing context menu and Play-ability
15546 : Deezer: similar artists in smart radio doesn't return anything
15547 : SBR won't connect to Server over Wi-FI
15548 : Can't browse New Music using IR remote
15549 : Embedded: changing tag separator does trigger new scan, but doesn't use the new prefs value
15550 : Player UI needs a "remove from MySB" menu item
15551 : Music services context menu should be rearranged/enhanced
15552 : Pandora: Rename/Delete Station leads to a strange screen
15553 : Album missing on Squeezebox Radio (album artist or composer but no artist)
15554 : Alarm settings from alters Alarm sound settings in sbs for boom
15555 : Bitrate Limiting not working with international letters like åäö.
15556 : DHCP client doesn't check if IP address is already in use
15557 : Scrolling issue: line is horizontally split in two, not scrolling in sync
15558 : duplicate showBriefly messages when hitting sleep on IR remote
15559 : receiver stops playing internet radio, have to reboot receiver
15560 : Suggestion for future hardware enhancement - wordclock input
15561 : Very long words in text labels can cause squeezeplay to crash
15562 : Play Next does work. Jive 8426 / Server7.5.0 r29960
15563 : Logging is no longer persistent in SB Server7.5.0 r29960
15564 : "+" menu of a song in the current playlist not shown correctly
15565 : Modify Random Mix to allow source playlist
15566 : Power Management settings beeing automatically reset
15567 : Log messages truncated in /var/log/messages
15568 : Report deviceID/serial on all calls
15569 : Include RadioTime options
15570 : scrolling broken in Facebook app
15571 : Pandora delete doesn't
15572 : Pandora play ,play , next add to end are redundant
15573 : "+" function does not function after Pandora station touch and hold
15574 : Fine Tuning of UI flow for TinySC
15575 : When I do a full delete/rescan I can't see all my playlists
15576 : Crash after 15-20 mins of Mediafly podcast playback
15577 : more info is empty
15578 : Baby as controller for another player switches itself off
15579 : can't shut off another device without shutting down local controller too
15580 : Tiny SC save playlist does not work
15581 : "Start as service" UI on Windows control panel doesn't work any more when user/password is entered
15582 : Apps without accompanying plugin can't be added to the ip3k based players' home menu
15583 : Enhancements for the Album Info Context Menu
15584 : Context menu shows double entries and only one set is working
15585 : alarmState='none' should be sent when alarm times out
15586 : and arent showing new stations that are offered
15587 : Squeezebox Server not scanning Ape file tags after update to 7.4.1
15588 : Squeezebox server does not start automatically on Windows Home Server
15589 : frequent playback interuption when synced to another touch
15590 : Context Menu doesn't appear when you press the "+" button
15591 : Touch won't upgrade from firmware 7.4 r6269
15592 : Unable to add stream to Favorites from Now Playing
15593 : UTF8 in track name cannot be searched
15594 : Some resizing/text alignment needs to be done
15595 : SBC g-sensors too sensitive interrupting black screen
15596 : Now playing broken in 7.5.0 r29966 / r8443
15597 : (Facebook) Ensure of not storing username and password on the device
15598 : (Facebook) Scrolling news feed doe not work correct
15599 : (Facebook) no way to view an individual photo or manually advance the photo
15600 : (Facebook) use the generic profile pic image when profile pic is missing
15601 : (Facebook) viewing news feed, status updates w/pages as the subject come up blank
15602 : (Facebook) Use Facebook icons for front screen options
15603 : (Facebook) when selecting friend, remove "view"
15604 : Provide a Browse Compilations browse mode
15605 : Now playing disappears from home menu
15606 : Support system administration messages like Squeezebox Classic or Boom
15607 : Suspected occasional register corruption (s20) on context switch
15608 : Some m4a files encoded by Nero crash fab4
15609 : Add a "index:<track#>" parameter to playlistcontrol
15610 : player settings overwrite *all* SBS settings in *all* players...
15611 : uninstalling Apps very slow to remove from my Apps
15612 : Choose player shows Jive Icon
15613 : ejected SD from one touch second got stuck looking for first
15614 : Eject SD card no response
15615 : After removing SD card, options suffer long delays
15616 : Invalid local library should prompt user to switch library
15617 : Switching from touch to remote skin killed Squeezebox Server
15618 : "Skip Back" button isn't ungreyed after playing
15619 : After having been attached to touch tinySC now playing gets confused
15620 : Searchng MY Music on SD card unit got stuck
15621 : Sound effect "charging" gives no result
15622 : unused setting for Touch
15623 : playlists not found on SD card
15624 : Pressing FWD button twice on remote skips to next track
15625 : Internet radio stopped playing when Squezebox server started
15626 : Unable to authorize Flickr on Touch
15627 : Local player difficult/impossible to connect to new source after current server is made unavailable
15628 : No content on Live Music Archive
15629 : Extra solid vertical line at right edge when displaying Dot Matrix clock screensaver
15630 : Invalid characters in comment tags can break the scanner
15631 : Stopping slide show from Image Viewer not obvious
15632 : Availability of Context Menu not obvious when playing your tracks
15633 : cannot switch to SD card content without network
15634 : USB eject function missing under certain condition
15635 : Changing date format setting doesn't change date format used in clock screensavers
15636 : Grammar issue with USB eject error message
15637 : LCD brightness increases when non-Squeezebox IR remote controls used
15638 : Poor audio quality (only once)
15639 : tries connecting to squeezebox server when it should know it can't
15640 : German language prompt seen after choosing English
15641 : Doesn't switch to OFF screensaver if other screensaver already shown
15642 : No user notification that FWD in Rhapsody is disallowed
15643 : No audio playback until unplug/plug in power cord
15644 : Unable to complete firmware update
15645 : Prompts only to connect to Squeezebox Server even if OFF, should allow
15646 : OFF screensaver of Image Viewer won't go away when press Play
15647 : Choppy audio while streaming from Internet (lots of incoming packets)
15648 : Screen blinks every 15 minutes or so
15649 : Incomplete translation in Crossfade menù
15650 : Incorrect priority on SqueezeCentre components are contributing to buffer underruns
15651 : Image Viewer crashes with thousands of files in the root of the storage media
15652 : BIOD seen by players after running for a day
15653 : Rotating knob clockwise in NP screensaver causes transition to next song
15654 : Black screen immediately after setup
15655 : Radio Sync menu option missing
15656 : Parse bits_per_sample from alac box
15657 : CLI enhancement: getexternalvolumeinfo notification
15658 : Have "Charging" item in Touch's sound effects
15659 : Playlists not working as intended in Squeezebox Server Web UI
15660 : User notification when TinySC stops
15661 : Seeking support for MP4 (AAC & ALAC) without transcoding
15662 : Alarm-Volume-Level with synchronised Booms
15663 : Radio doesn't wake up SBS via WOL early enough to get the server up in time
15664 : Stream connection progress shows URL instead of title
15665 : Move to external-csl2009q3 toolchain
15666 : Use of scroll-bar in Albums list can result in placeholder art which does not get updated
15667 : Set screensaver to none still shows clock
15668 : Add "category" tag to globalsearch
15669 : Install and Reboot breaks Mac OS X Server
15670 : fw 8467 has no content without local server
15671 : Enable syncing with any player regardless of server.
15672 : Logging failing at logrotate... (7.5.0-embedded, maybe other trees)
15673 : Fab4 clock not always set - possibly if SP using remote SbS
15674 : connection problem prompts for chose player
15675 : sleep at end of song not applicable for internet radio
15676 : FF at end of Channel throws "Problem: Can't connect to server"
15678 : Pandora: pressing DONE in Pandora > Search starts playing
15679 : FF at end of Channel throws "Problem:Can't connect to server"
15680 : UI flow missing screens 5-8 from spec
15681 : Scanning progress web ui bugs
15682 : Scanning progress: Discovering files progress bugs
15683 : toast_popup inter-line spacing is to small
15684 : Song progress when SBS stopped
15685 : Cannot remove my mediafly account via device UI
15686 : Starting a MusicIP Mix from a genre
15687 : Don't ring this time, but ring next time
15688 : Player UI (SB 3/Classic) clock gets stuck - does not update after a WOL
15689 : Feature Request: Better Now Playing management
15690 : Pandora: menu items are different than all other Touch menu's
15691 : Audio::Scan is out of date and buggy in the 7.4.1 build
15692 : Facebook news feed screensaver only shows profile photo, not news
15693 : Spurious AC voltage readings
15694 : USB & SDcard libraries are displayed in a confusing manner
15695 : SB Touch must fail when connecting to 7.4 or earlier
15696 : Stopping server during startup scan gets stuck 'scanning'
15697 : Easy alarm for tomorrow
15698 : NP Screen: touch screen BACK functions differently than using IR remote
15699 : Analog clock crashes due to jive surface and tile C changes in r8498
15701 : Songs in MusicIP Mixes with accented/international characters fail to play
15702 : Menu elements naming inconsistency
15703 : Non-playing .m4a files coded from ffmpeg (Radio firmware won't decode natively)
15704 : Empty VA albums when browsing by genre
15705 : "Now Playing" item on main menu after switching from touch to remote UI and back
15706 : RadioTime: the new "track info" is great, but is lacking a KEY aspect
15707 : Lyrics tag in wma files not scanned in 7.4.1
15709 : Have a Tag function
15710 : Rhapsody Playlists Intermittent
15711 : Image Viewer: settings are incorrect
15712 : Samba should be started at device boot up
15713 : Scrobbling form is missing
15714 : Jive process runs at 100% when playing live flac streams
15715 : layout bug in icon-based popup icons on Radio
15716 : Last.FM QA cannot connect to their account
15717 : Sleep at end of song feedback not shown using IR
15718 : Alarm Volume Setting Broken in 7.5
15719 : Folder Name Issues / Scanner Heirarchy?
15720 : Scanner doesn't start using Perl 5.10.1
15721 : alarm doesn't work when disks are spun down
15722 : Sleep graphic pop-up not centered
15723 : wrong Icons showing up for my Apps and Apps gallery and more
15724 : Errors when switching between music libraries
15725 : Duplicate albums appearing
15726 : SD card eject failure message
15727 : Skip to end of episode = timestamps are off, "rebuffer error" + playback hangs
15728 : Certain text is much to small to be read easily
15729 : sudden volume increase crashed the unit
15730 : Question ref #091015-000641 re Favorites
15731 : Don't run if custom external MySQL server is too old
15732 : Image Viewer: Add image info (resolution, etc..) to context menu
15733 : Image Viewer: Add a pause function while IV is running
15734 : Image Viewer: Simpler path selection to choose which folder to use for IV pics
15735 : SBTouch Setup - "Account Created" Screen advances without user intervention
15736 : Playlist Name Changes by Itself
15737 : Add Squeezebox to from web interface.
15738 : Favorites.opml on USB does not work
15739 : UTF-8 characters in M3U playlists don't scan correctly
15740 : Applet Installer fails in windows squeezeplay
15741 : media ejection SD and USB unreliable
15742 : detecting SD card unreliable
15743 : Music cut off
15744 : Debian install/init.d script can't stop server
15745 : Upgrade to Wirelss N and 24 bit/ 192K File transmit via Wireless
15746 : Image Viewer cannot show images in root folder of SD card
15747 : Alarm options
15748 : SBS sees track on ReadyNAS Pro but not on Windows XP
15749 : CLI Commands 'show' and 'display' do not consider parameters duration/brigthness/font/charset/centered
15750 : The seeking functionality doesn't work for HD-AAC bs
15751 : Add ADTS or similar streaming mechanism for AAC/MP4 files
15752 : suggested cleanup of showBriefly handling in squeezeplay
15753 : Tile:loadImage() should return nil when the file path is non readable
15754 : does not accept non alphanumeric characters in the name portion of e-mail addresses.
15755 : alarm notification not generated when an alarm is changed
15756 : skin switching on desktop squeezeplay has regressed
15757 : escaped chars passed in playlist from mip->sb->server improperly unescaped
15758 : Menu highlight on context menus without scrollbar too large
15759 : EMEA support page has broken email link
15760 : on skin switch, dynamically change to a properly scaled wallpaper
15761 : Need info that pw is to short
15762 : Polish translation for "Sign In" and "Sign Out" confusing
15763 : Pandora: After track skip limit is reached, relaunching the station restarts track
15764 : Updating software to 7.4.2 stuck at 99% on Radio
15765 : Falls into reboot circle when playing some .m4b files
15766 : optimize calls in ClockApplet
15767 : Rhapsody Channels - Cannot Play Other Tracks from Album/Artist for Currently-Playing Song on Rhapsody Channel
15769 : Clearing cache from the WHS Console clears the wrong cache
15770 : Last FM Skip Track not Working
15772 : poor server status message
15773 : Put Current Song Name (Using Title Format) as SB Server's Page Title
15774 : Display Current Song Name (Using Title Format) as Notification from SB Server's Tray Icon
15775 : Must retry 3-4 times before connecting to local music library
15776 : 7.4.x scanner is confused by multiple versions of same album
15777 : Empty screen flicking by when updating firmware
15778 : Battery charging animation seen when Radio isn't charging
15779 : Optimize performance of statusQuery/_addJiveSong
15780 : Random custom items appear on Home Menu
15781 : Squeezebox Server starts before MySQL
15782 : wake Radio every 4 weeks to keep battery in good shape
15783 : SB Server starts up before MySQL and fails
15784 : frequent re-buffering with synced players
15785 : #EXTINF title info in M3U playlist file is discarded.
15786 : Server based screensavers (flickr, facebook) fail when switching music source
15787 : Memory leak in ImageViewer when screensaver source server is gone
15788 : Error screen when first use in morning of Squeezebox Server
15789 : Plugin page no longer displays
15790 : Controller '+' button can't add FOLDER to playlist (but it can add ALBUM to playlist)
15791 : Controller frequent reboots at wakeup and also spontaneously
15792 : Squeezebox Server unforgiving about missing music folder
15793 : Eject SD Card item still on home menu after improper eject of SD card
15794 : Squeezebox Server is hogging CPU time after playlist is completed, but only if Web GUI open
15795 : No error message when trying to save a playlist and no playlist folder is configured
15796 : Touch running TinySC seems less responsive than with previous builds
15797 : Misleading error message when attempting to access unaccessable receiver
15798 : Same album appears many times
15799 : When M3U playlists are written unicode characters in filenames are mangled
15800 : Connection lost (and "blocked") when using Controller playback
15801 : install 742-30215-whs get not enough disc space error
15803 : Battery charge level indicator cycles between 75% and 100%
15804 : Can't add a Favorite to current playlist with 7.4.2
15805 : Artists sorting incorrectly on 7.5-embedded SQLite (r30259)
15806 : Unable to connect to music library or music service if controlled player is powered OFF
15807 : Password reminder with new password not sent out
15808 : Squeezebox 3 not sending WOL packet if previously shutdown to
15809 : MP4 (AAC) file encoded with ffmpeg may not play because of use of unsupported encoding type
15810 : Squeezebox duet controller continually reports firmware updates, crashes, noise
15811 : Wrong Logo on Dallas Texas station
15812 : Support new Vorbis comment METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE
15813 : hasToneControl() capability test needed for Player classes
15814 : Display can show time and progress-bar advancing when not (yet) playing
15815 : Now Playing information can alternate previous-next-previous-next at track skip
15816 : OGG Vorbis seek/pause issue with embedded cover art
15817 : Odeo reporting 'Connect Timed Out: Bad File Descriptor
15818 : Windows Home Server: disable iTunes Integration in default installation
15819 : Frequent freezes during reboot
15820 : Layout issue in "Problem: file not found" popup
15821 : Network interruption would leave "sticky" "File not found" message
15822 : Improve streaming error messages for SP
15823 : Alarm-in-operation popup cannot be cancelled
15824 : Favourites context-menus broken
15826 : Need volume up / down events to be sent to SC even if at min or max
15827 : present options after inserting first removable media
15828 : Squeezebox Server crashes and errors report another instance is already running.
15829 : Wipe and rescan fails with "Local music service has been stopped due to a problem"
15830 : FAB4 intended Behavior when using SD and USB drives
15831 : BBC string undefined
15832 : Sequential alarms sometimes fail, especially with snooze
15833 : UPNP DLNA support
15834 : SMB support
15835 : Progress bar doesn't move and then catches up; Elapsed time not displayed until bar catches up
15836 : Initial scan does not find playlists in all subdirectories
15837 : Consider caching to reduce excessive DBIC class instantiation for simple relationships
15838 : After updating Music Folder and Playlists Folder, partial list of previous albums/artists is retained
15839 : ALAC M4A Transcoding Broken
15840 : Squeezeplay-based players may sometimes fail with MP4 files (AAC-LC, HD-AAC or ALAC)
15841 : DeleteFile error when upgrading from 7.4.2 to 7.5.0
15842 : SB Touch player name changed to "nil" during SBS upgrade
15843 : Embedded SBS fails to set time on fab4
15844 : Server takes 10 minutes to start up, pins cpu
15845 : No stream info on Now Playing screen after firmware upgrade
15846 : USB drive disconnects during stress testing
15847 : The scanner does not pick up WM/AlbumSortOrder
15848 : Improve synchronization user interaction - Managing devices
15849 : Improve synchronization user interaction - Managing volume control
15850 : Improve synchronization user experience – Alarm handling
15851 : Radio & Touch: Add Odeo and Podcast Player to Settings > Home Menu
15852 : SELinux is preventing /usr/libexec/mysqld "unlink" access on /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/squeezebox-mysql.sock
15853 : Request - Add options to disable / adjust volume of backup alarm
15854 : You can exit "Mounting..." spinny, causing SP _not_ to add the "Unmount" item
15856 : Radio FW will not update
15857 : RadioTime - offer now playing options
15858 : RadioTime use 2-line browse
15859 : Update now playing info from RadioTime
15860 : Tiny SC shutdown breaks access to
15861 : SetupStorage applet doesn't validity check values, potentially crashing SP
15862 : Momentary BIOD and audio pause on second player when accessing local database on first player
15863 : Need an "Eject..." item in the "USB & SD Storage" applet
15864 : UI image don't display
15865 : Disallow playing of any music until scanning of attached music files is done
15866 : Exclude subfolder not possible ! Please Help !
15867 : Support for surround sound formats
15868 : While playing songs from the USB if I switch between the songs the old song title re-appears for several seconds.
15869 : Icons for My Apps and App Gallery missing
15870 : Too many ports opened in Windows' firewall
15871 : Unable to start RadioTime stream during TinySC scan
15872 : 7.4.2 Radio firmware is not being pushed
15873 : Incorrect screensaver when stopped when "none" is the selected option
15874 : Proxy authentication with user ID and password
15875 : MP4 files with multiple leading mdat boxes have wrong bitrate/offset
15876 : problem with selecting image viewer screen saver without Image source
15877 : Reset hostnames in 7.5 to production MySB before release
15878 : 500 Internal Server Error when selecting My Apps or App Gallery
15879 : FF/RW doesn't work unless...
15880 : SB Radio does not send WOL before alarm
15881 : Mac: default music library name -apostrophe displays incorrectly
15882 : Non-ASCII character in device name incorrectly displays in TinySC library name
15883 : Now playing displays wrong info after Tiny SC favorites selection
15884 : Unicode CUE playlist broken since 7.4.x
15885 : Search completely broken
15886 : Mac: Sys pref must quit & re-open each time the SB pref-pane is accessed
15887 : Mac: Account tab shows ' <NULL> in email field, w/ password
15888 : Fab4 remote operation with Radio
15889 : Auto-rescanner not working with windows shortcuts
15890 : Mute indicator inconsistent when playing from line in
15891 : Silent Radio
15892 : Scanner silently ignores some files
15893 : FFW-RWD does not work on Touch
15894 : Timezone gets out of synch on server and radio causing alarm to go at wrong time
15895 : Fails to scan some songs (Unable to read tags from file)
15896 : Missing metadata information
15897 : Kubuntu /Debian: Cannont install mySQL-server-5.0
15898 : Fedora: library settings - 'browse' can get to 'music' folder
15899 : French translations missing
15900 : Improve logging robustness of Radio
15901 : Backup alarm may sound and cannot be cancelled
15902 : Network Interfaces in Norwegian: "Light" should be lightweight, not illuminated
15903 : Duet Controller is unable to add songs/albums to Rhapsody playlist
15904 : Backup sometimes takes over normal alarm
15906 : clientConnectCommand may attempt to switch non-capable player and forgetClient not called as intended
15907 : Genre context menu items do not work.
15908 : Sorting favorites on fails in IE8
15909 : Cannot Delete Pandora Stations from Squeezeplay interface
15910 : Alarm screensaver setting does not work
15911 : Embedded scanner craps out on divide by zero error
15912 : Case-sensitive handling of HTTP response headers causes network timeouts
15913 : Investigate ARM-optimized Tremor patch
15914 : WMA files do not show conductor tag in SqueezeBox
15915 : Out of memory error and crash after running ~15 hours with 4+ players
15916 : Plugging in SD card creates 2 Squeezebox folders even if it contains no tracks
15917 : Editing, adding or deleting RSS feeds on
15918 : Volume control bug with mini remote, can only adjustvolume in increments off 1.
15919 : Cannot connect to "POST body too large" error, (max=51200)
15920 : Images on local storage (like SD card) are not auto-rotated to correct orientation
15921 : Inconsistent minimum requirements for password on players versus
15922 : ImageViewer: remove Auto-rotate option from all but Jive
15923 : Embedded scanner continuously retries the scan if some files can't be scanned
15924 : scanned_files table is not emptied of records when library mounted at different mount point
15925 : ImageViewer: remove "Auto-rotate" option from all devices but Controller
15926 : which Now Playing "views" should be user configurable
15927 : Unable to like or dislike songs from Pandora application
15928 : rhapsody not showing newly added playlists.
15929 : Applet Installer fails to automatically reinstall after upgrade with TinySC
15931 : Multiple players encounter PROBLEM: CAN'T OPEN FILE FOR: and then TinySC kills itself
15932 : Automatic scanner causes frequent drop-outs
15933 : Radio does not wake up for alarm if powered down manually
15934 : handshaking problem with transporter and macintosh
15935 : can't read bitrate/duration from MP3 URL
15936 : Alarm fails to fire on Boom
15938 : Music folder tags different between SBS and the device
15939 : Front Panel on SB Boom is disabled when player is connected to
15940 : BMF non-recursive rescan is broken
15941 : Touch has issues to find HD-AAC files
15942 : Unsupported Disk Format error message seen when attaching external USB hard drive with specific steps
15943 : 'ghost' fallback alarms in SqueezePlay >7.4.2
15944 : Cover Art Request fails on embedded if requested size = original size
15945 : ImageViewer: showing large images can lead to out of memory situations
15946 : Ejecting USB immediately after attaching USB drive jumps back to Important Notice screen
15947 : Embedded SBS is started even if media inserted is read-only
15948 : Always get fallback alarm instead of playlist or radio...
15949 : Adding >100 tracks from remote source (OMPL) makes blank entries in NP on SP and WebUI
15950 : Poor response controlling players Radio and Touch with Jive controller
15951 : when ssh is enabled, display the help text with the IP address when entering the window
15952 : Out of memory error -- unable to start Sb Server
15953 : Scanner gets stuck and never stops if disk is full
15954 : Second retry always needed to eject 16GB SD card
15955 : receiver stops playing my local music, have to reboot
15956 : radio doesn't display re-buffering message but controller does
15957 : "Local music service stopped" isn't shown when ImageViewer is causing out of memory situation
15958 : Global Search enhancements
15959 : Cannot play My apps from another device while on
15960 : App Gallery: 'Return to Gallery' breaks app install
15961 : Browse by Album not working
15962 : Embedded: umlaut problem with genres
15963 : Endless looping trying to find next podcast.
15964 : Problem with detection of locale
15965 : Replaygain tags are ignored on FLAC files with embedded cuesheet
15966 : Can't select account to be used to scrobble
15967 : MP4 parser errors: large boxes (64-bit size field) and flags
15968 : SbS give up too quickly with a couple of bad tracks in playlist
15969 : Can't open file error
15970 : scanner in 7.5 e is missing some files with corrupted file names that 7.5 trunk picks up
15971 : Scans forever on previously ejected SD card
15972 : Boom: "Line-in" menu item won't add to Home Menu (only under extras)
15973 : Napster playlist set as a favorite does not play back.
15974 : Cannot connect to mysqueezebox
15975 : Logging drop-down menu is confusing
15976 : SBS causes sleep issues on Macbook
15977 : Out of Memory: TinySC stops by itself if simultaneously playing tracks from USB drive on Touch and running photo screensaver from SD card
15978 : 7.6 has dependencies still set for mysql
15979 : Players not updating to correct time when connected to local server WITHOUT outside connection
15980 : Intermittent connectivity when connecting through Powerline/Homeplug network
15981 : Transporter Volume control can't be defeated
15982 : Fallback alarm should respect "alarm volume" setting
15983 : character sets: Allmost working.
15984 : Another alarm issue
15985 : Add support for Transfer-Encoding: chunked to HTTP client
15986 : Set hidden directory attribute on .Squeezebox on Windows formatted media
15987 : 'ignoredarticles' ignores the entire album if article is 'a'
15988 : SORT fields should not be subject to Articles to Ignore
15989 : scrolling through NP screens and visualizers causes TinySC to crash
15990 : Support For domain name in remote library
15991 : Support for RTL languages in GUI
15992 : ReplayGain info in APE tags not picked up for all mp3s
15993 : Songs won't play more than 37 seconds
15994 : Missing strings LASTFM_ACCOUNT and FLICKR
15995 : Default skin's panel width resets after 7 days
15996 : Some FLAC files cause albums track browse queries from SqueezePlay
15997 : Album tracks queries consistently fail from SP clients when using MySQL DB Backend
15998 : Squeezebox Alarm goes to Backup alarm too quickly.
15999 : faad error
16000 : Extras menu must be added if plugin is adding menu item
16001 : resume from pause for alarm using current playlist
16002 : Scanner ignores WAV RIFF chunk tag "itrk" when in lowercase
16003 : scanner/sbs deadlocks on tracks_persistant
16004 : FW 7.4.2-r8423 - Network ID <> SB Radio name
16005 : Albums not merged during rescan when title changes
16006 : Ogg & some MMS streams metadata not updated on SqueezePlay UIs
16007 : PreferencePane doesn't start on OSX 10.3
16008 : Forced firmware upgrade to same firmware version doesn't do anything
16009 : Firmware upgrade leaves empty directories
16010 : Screensaver (clock) inactive during alarm mode.
16011 : Beta Playback Always Uses Controller Speaker
16012 : Power button does not shut off the Boom when Alarm is playing, it just stops the alarm.
16013 : Controller buttons become unresponsive after volume adjustment
16014 : I am having problems playing files downloaded off napster
16015 : layout issue with remote skin and visualizers
16016 : Radio "when stopped" screensaver "none" choice no longer works
16017 : alarm must be fool proof, cant be late to work!
16018 : enchanced sleep function
16019 : favorites too sensitive
16020 : I have to ask, Why does it need a server for network files?
16021 : Display bitrate, etc in trackinfo for RadioTime streams
16022 : Selecting other source with line-in active results in the complete loss of all audio until reboot
16023 : Screensaver prevents sleep from turning off SB Radio (7.5.0)
16024 : preset buttons on Touch remote no longer work
16025 : apple lossless crashed faad.exe
16027 : Full bleed artwork disappears until after first power OFF
16028 : Wrong content type returned when falling back to default artwork
16029 : Make Global Search a menu item on MySB web UI
16030 : Sync option missing on TinySC
16031 : Search/My Music/Songs doesn't work on SP
16032 : Problems Getting SB Server To Recognise MPC And Lame Binaries
16033 : Searching for an artist within a genre is broken
16034 : Music folders with foreign characters are displayed on the controller as empty
16035 : TinySC Enhancement Request to support configurable Title Formats
16036 : There is no way to "save to favorites" a streaming radio station, etc. from the "Now Playing" context menu.
16037 : Music isn't found if playlist folder is the same as the music folder
16038 : Scanner stops streaming radio
16039 : My Apps shows all apps
16040 : Squeezebox Server Playlists fail to get track data from Rhapsody
16041 : Power doesn't turn off Radio and Touch when idle
16042 : Rhapsody->Account link goes to, not test
16043 : Native ALAC playback broken on Radio
16044 : Repeated connects to remote library
16045 : Switching between close and far ui can be messy
16046 : SB Radio stops playing while listening to slacker
16047 : Controller will not find squeezeboxes on a Linux server
16048 : self:string() localization method does not work when used in QVGA child skins
16049 : Error on accessing corrupt library file should be clearer (Unsupported Disk Format message)
16050 : SB Radio & SB Controller randomly attempts to switch between music sources
16051 : Web Interface display/UI glitches on iPad
16052 : Some stations fail to play in 7.5, but play fine in 7.4 (bad stream headers)
16053 : Change tooltip for X buttons from 'Delete' to 'Remove from Current Playlist'
16054 : Alarm fade-in don't work if the radio just continues the last playlist.
16055 : Applet Installer fails unless SP is run as administrator (elevated privs)
16056 : This file will not scan and causes entire library scan to fail
16057 : Firewall issue during "serverdiscovery" Opening ports as suggested in manual is not enough
16058 : MSP430 program issue
16059 : "When Stopped" Screensaver Error
16060 : New & changed scan doesn't clean up genres
16061 : Podcast UI broken across local/mysb and SP/ip3k
16062 : Settings page in Classic skin broken
16063 : Podcast Shortcut only displays default podcasts on IP3K
16064 : Messages via CLI
16065 : Network test does not go above 2000kbps on Touch
16066 : Playing Pandora Stream for >2 hours usually results in stopped playback
16067 : Now Playing time bar has issues when playing Pandora
16068 : Seek is wrong for virtual tracks from CUE sheet
16069 : Disable digital audio outputs when off option.
16070 : Alarm Clock: no volume fade in anymore // connected to
16071 : Alarm Clock: timeout doesn't work in some cases (unreproducable)
16072 : If I set my music path from a local folder to a mounted volume, SBS crashes
16073 : Check for undefined tag values to avoid scanner.log spam; Better Perl style
16074 : Virtual cue tracks don't inherit parent track content-type
16075 : Keep losing server connection to players in 7.5.0/7.5.1
16076 : Request - Add ability to modify Wake-on-Lan function
16077 : Touch crashes when connected to Linksys WAG54GP2 Firmware V2.01.06
16078 : SSH setup doesn't work any more after device had been running for a while
16079 : Another Audio::Scan Segmentation fault: 11 (core dumped)
16080 : Scanner broken in recent 7.5.1 builds
16081 : Version: 7.6.0 - r30653 don't see any playlists (with "Disabled Audio File Extensions=m3u,pls")
16082 : Deezer timeout problem
16083 : Debug Playback screen appears broken when using Black wallpaper
16084 : Using the SB Touch to control the volume of SB3 with IRBlaster will not increase volume
16085 : buggy #define in config.h of msp430 fw
16086 : PluginDownloader needlessly running on TinySC
16087 : Alarm can not be set to 00:xx - Shows 24:xx instead but don't keep the time.
16088 : Installer wipes out menu preferences
16089 : If I have Touch or Radio as player, the playlist handling in server gets very sluggish
16090 : USB drive with 1 logical NTFS partition gets "This USB device is using an unsupported format. Supported formats are FAT, FAT32, NTFS, or ext2."
16091 : No queue song from Favorites
16092 : Slacker often stops after song finishes playing
16093 : Now Playing button on remote should toggle NP/Home
16094 : conversion of (hi res flac and apple lossless) --> pcm
16095 : Scanner fails for some FLAC+CUE files
16096 : Alarm fadein does not work in 7.5
16097 : player control is showing all apps instead of only those available in the user's country etc.
16098 : Controller alarm fails after sleep when connected to mySB
16099 : Clock sometimes has a graduated background
16100 : Sound comes from headphones although Radio is set to use speaker
16101 : Sideways scrolling text flickers
16102 : Audio stops track length goes to 60 minutes and counts down w/ 7.5.1
16103 : alarm deactivate settings affect two booms.
16104 : Cover Art not changing with Albums that have different Artwork per Song
16105 : Unable to see My Apps or App Gallery contents if running TinySC
16106 : AutoRescan misses album art
16107 : Multiple repository copies are inconsistent
16108 : repeat songs #15392
16109 : Squeezebox Duet cannot be set up in bridge mode on WRT610N router
16110 : Intermittent change in volume and bass after pressing back or home
16111 : missing string
16112 : Postpone scanner until after mapped network drives and USB drives are mounted
16113 : National characters in folder names
16114 : Radio shows blue wireless icon, UI sluggish
16115 : Problem with alarm every morning : backup alarm starts playing
16116 : Need ability to remove "Now Playing" screens from the rotation
16117 : Need ability to set default "Now Playing" screen per skin
16118 : Add option for "wrap long lines" in Now Playing screens
16119 : Text input arrow keys need auto repeat
16120 : Better highlighting for currently selected menu item in remote skin
16121 : Option to turn off album art in browse for remote skin
16122 : No "go to top" key on remote in New Music browsing
16123 : Screen title on browse screens should be smaller
16124 : Expose all settings knobs for Touch in SbS web UI
16125 : "Shuffle current playlist" functionality
16126 : Need better off-axis LCD performance
16127 : U3 USB flash drives currently not suppported
16128 : shuffled playlist is saved unshuffled and unaltered
16129 : Radio loses "play" indicator on screen
16130 : TinySC won't play a stored Favorite from music service
16131 : connected players lose their player settings
16132 : wrong link to
16133 : Can't delete Favorite saved from a music service
16134 : Rhapsody Channels Stop Playing
16135 : Player > Settings > Music Source > TinySC not listed
16137 : Napster App returns 'EMPTY' result.
16138 : Query error
16139 : Napster playlist doesn't progress
16140 : Library stats reporting fails for album within Genre > Various Artists
16141 : Napster playlists empty after library rescan
16142 : Scanner crashes repeatedly during directory scan, "Music scan terminated unexpectedly" error
16143 : Clock loses time after power down
16144 : ALAC playback on Linux 64 bit
16145 : Pandora plays one song and then stops -
16146 : During the inter-track skip, the Touch seems to revert to 44.1
16147 : Squeezebox Remote selects wrong song if more that 200 tracks exist on a CD
16148 : Blank screen SS does not work on SB Touch as fallback whenOff SS when clock is not set
16149 : Please honor timeout setting for backup alarm
16150 : Scanner crash on Freebsd 8
16151 : Scanner should add ALBUMARTIST and TRACKARTIST role records to the db for VA cuesheets
16152 : Radio MP v. 4 Front Panel gets confused on battery power
16153 : No station banner appearing
16154 : If an internet radio stream fails, you can't replay the stream without first playing another stream.
16155 : CFZM AM 740 Not Supported
16156 : Backup alarm heard sometimes instead of selected alarm sound
16157 : Unable to enter hexadecimal WPA-PSK key
16158 : Squeezeplay Beta - 7.5.1r8732 - "unable to play file type for: mms ...." - affects most of "local" NZ stations
16159 : small bug in audio_helper (v 7.6)?
16160 : Radio freezes on certain internet radio station
16161 : Slacker truncated songs issue
16163 : Lyrics (cosmetic)
16165 : Volume change speed is half of previous SB devices with remote control
16166 : Wrong device Icon in choose player menu
16167 : sometimes plays like a 78 record on a 33 or a 33 record on a 78
16168 : Add alsa USB driver to Touch
16169 : Audio output is faulty
16170 : SB Radio Internet Radio streaming stops unexpectedly
16171 : Audio::Scan - Incorrect "bad picture block" on valid flac file
16172 : scrolling text on "starting squeezebox server" too long, skips and stutters
16173 : Interaction between SB and SBS has very long pauses
16174 : Pressing empty preset should do nothing
16175 : SBRadio mixes languages (french and english)
16176 : Playlists limited to 500 songs
16177 : MSB stops responding the radio
16178 : Switching between internet radio and USB/SD play does not work
16180 : Files with UTF-8 filenames not showing up.
16181 : Error trying to remove Last.FM
16182 : Controller registration is difficult to change
16183 : Pandora genre stations causes blank screen and player gets unresponsive (due to SbS error)
16184 : Favorites Menu Missing options when Connected to Squeezebox Server
16185 : Error message needed if user connects USB drive that is constantly spinning up and down
16186 : ALAC transcoding support broken for ReadyNAS Sparc
16187 : Radio sleep UI - too easy to disable instead of snooze
16188 : scanner effectively removes custom protocol URLs from scanned playlists
16189 : Search do not function at all for non English characters in all player UI's
16190 : Fallback alarm sounds too often
16191 : ALAC Songs being cutoff before they end.
16192 : Only date displayed when off, even though I chose date and time.
16193 : Implement pause/unpause-associated fade in player
16194 : Crossfade option: start new song at 100%
16195 : Spectrum Analyzer should use logarithmic frequency bands
16196 : Request for Audio Feedback during Setup (for Sight Impaired users)
16197 : DHCP-supplied gateway cannot be overridden
16198 : Internet radio artwork not updating properly on only
16199 : Incorrect character spacing in 24h digital clock
16200 : Disable analogue out, volume, and transcoding for digital "passthrough" files
16201 : Same artwork for all albums by same artist
16202 : koh does not work
16203 : Alarm always play backup alarm...
16204 : MP3 file crashes Squeezebox Server 7.5.x with perl 5.8.8
16205 : No extras menu in the SB Controller
16206 : skipping
16207 : Audio skips when playing podcasts
16208 : make switching server via media management menus more efficient
16209 : Players menu wrong player Icons displayed
16210 : Radio alarm plays 1 second of unexpected rock song instead of current playlist, then stops
16211 : remove from playlist does not scroll initially
16212 : CPU Usage
16213 : Quit (Command-Q)
16214 : Alarm plays static
16215 : Behavior change in IR commands
16216 : Touch crashes when playing hi res files
16217 : SB Radio alarm inconsistent
16218 : Saved playlist with service-provider tracks fails to scan
16219 : Not playing entire playlist
16220 : No longer plays .wma files from MP3tunes
16221 : SB Touch doesn't gracefully handle network disconnects
16222 : Enable clock to be visible during playback
16223 : Make it easier to move sliders using touch screen
16224 : SB Touch turns itself "on" and "off" (goes to screensaver) spontaneously
16225 : Progress bar sometimes disappears
16227 : Some drop-outs buffering when playing 24 bit / 96 kHz on Touch
16228 : Touch not able to play 24 bit / 96 kHz from USB using internal SBS
16229 : Permanent scanning, can't turn it off
16230 : Backup Alarm fails if SBRadio is on Battery and it automatically turned itself OFF
16231 : Alarm fade in completely broken when using SBS - Works on
16232 : Pressing Play button on the transporter after it has finished playing a selected song does not work
16233 : mp3 stream with Xing header is handled wrong when proxied
16234 : SB Radio changes the state it is in by itself. It is out of control.
16235 : TinySC shuts down when external usb harddrive spins down.
16236 : iheartradio
16237 : Default when stopped screen saver is not none when none selected
16238 : iTunes plugin does not scan ALAC properly
16239 : Update toolchain to 2010q1
16240 : Internet radio synchronization no longer shares streams
16241 : Controller 7.5.0-r8673 shows "Empty" for Interpret browsing in case of samplers
16242 : Occasional sync problems at the beginning of tracks
16243 : AIFC (AIFF little-endian) files no longer play correctly
16244 : Eject USB on Settings / Advanced / USB & SD Storage
16245 : Fast Forward on Radio goes to beginning of track, not next track on playlist
16246 : Sound output not to preferred USB DAC
16247 : Unable to listen to Clear Channel internet radio stations
16248 : "Music scan terminated unexpectedly."
16249 : Shortcuts on home menu not working
16250 : Line In Always On not working
16251 : Display remains on after Boom powers off
16252 : Remote Control not working consistently
16253 : Interpreted Squeezebox Server cannot load YAML::Syck module on 64-bit Perl running on Win32-x64
16254 : Radio art is missing when adding to favoritesq
16255 : Externally powered HDDs lose connection to Touch
16256 : "Fade out" and "Fade in and out" cause audio glitch when fade-out starts
16257 : "When Stopped" screensaver ignores "None" option
16258 : Blue wireless icon after streaming internet radio station for 36+ hours
16260 : Front panel buttons inoperative while playing some Deezer tracks and showing Now Playing screen
16261 : Strange alarm behavior
16262 : i386 Linux binaries incorrectly executed on x86_64 platform
16263 : Wipe & Rescan not working with 7.5.1
16264 : Bug/Feature Request: Press and Hold number on remote to get favorite
16265 : Random Mix - Years causes Radio to disconnect from TinySC
16266 : Two different albums with similar tags are treated as one
16267 : Remote control of 'My Music' library
16268 : Progress dot disappears and reappears on Now Playing screen
16269 : No error reported for defective battery
16270 : stations now inaccessible
16271 : Radio stops streaming and goes off
16272 : Radio reverts to default screen saver (grey)
16273 : radio stop refreshing the stream’s infos
16274 : InfoBrowser plugin does not work on SB Touch
16275 : Rebuffering on 1st track
16276 : Excessive logging on startup from TranscodingHelper
16277 : 8dot3 filenames in playlists create duplicate album entries
16278 : Local characters in filenames/foldernames results in not displaying songs
16279 : Wireless not working after power on (AC)
16280 : Ambient light sensor: Max value instead of 0 LUX at night
16281 : Scanner stops updating progress, leaving it in a "scan in progress" state, though it finishes normally
16282 : Maintain (and make selectable) a history of played items
16283 : presets disappearing
16284 : server wakes up straight after going into standby.
16285 : Instability issues of SBS with WHS
16286 : WOL-Signal all over the time
16287 : Avoid use of pcm_route ALSA plugin for Fab4
16288 : Squeezeplay-based testing client
16289 : Alarm played on wrong player
16290 : Can't get to context menu for an item within a context menu
16291 : Clicks on Touch/Squeezeplay, not present in SB3
16292 : Playing 5.1 (or any >2 channel / multichannel / surround) FLAC hangs hardware.
16293 : "Rebuffering fails" error message when streaming flac tracks and flickr Now Playing enabled
16294 : Can't compile for ARM (maemo) decode_portaudio.lo error
16295 : SB Radio changes state & display on its own.
16296 : Deezer playlist limited to 10 tracks and the same track plays continuously
16297 : Can't play Napster Albums
16298 : Could not turn off alarm
16299 : Could not turn off alarm
16300 : Loading icon displayed between each picture when using flicker as screen saver
16301 : backup alarm issue
16302 : Playlist parsing fails on foreign characters
16303 : Cannot set up Duet receiver with 7.5.1 r8837 controller firmware
16304 : Naigat
16305 : Navigating by composer hangs at the album level
16306 : Line-in gain adjustment (like the Boom has) is missing
16307 : protect method calls in NetworkThread.notify
16308 : All MySqueezebox apps ignore Shuffle setting
16309 : Menu gets Stuck, No Buttons work to get out, Only Power Off helps
16310 : alarm icon should be different between no alarm and "no alarm for today"
16311 : should be possible to setup an alarm to specifically play internet radio
16312 : The alarm window shows a far too small clock
16313 : Internet radio metadata (including artwork) not updated when program changes
16314 : SB Radio - Napster streaming stops unexpectedly
16315 : Pandora playback shuts off inexplicably
16316 : Touch hangs on soft reboot due to confused I2C bus
16317 : wrong icons for some controllers on players tab
16318 : Cant install, cant de-install
16319 : Some files won't play -- depends on name of file
16320 : The Music Scan splits Albums & Truncates Playlists
16321 : Cannot add MusicIP Mix Playlist to existing playlist
16322 : Broken link for no-coverart graphic
16323 : Pausing Internet Radio causes player to Stop and switch to Off mode
16324 : Albums from different artist but with same title are combined in one album
16325 : Power button does not work when alarm is sounding
16326 : Track length information wrong
16327 : Unable to play KAPA radio station from Hawaii
16328 : Unable to play Native FM from Hawaii radio station -- plays ad endlessly then crash
16329 : Enabled alarm doesn't ring at all
16330 : RadioIO Audiophile account
16331 : Battery charge beeps randomly coming on
16332 : Proximity: Disable not used IR LEDs
16333 : Display does not change when selecting new presets
16334 : Use context menus for adding/removing items from home menu
16335 : New Music replaces new music with old music.
16336 : Scrambled characters after setting up alarm sounds
16337 : Any SlimBrowse item should be addable to the Home Menu in squeezeplay
16338 : Unable to change repeat from playlist to none while on Slacker
16339 : Alarm rang, stream heard for brief moment and then stopped
16340 : Internet radio streams stop playing when connection to is lost
16341 : Need support for FLAC to AIFF transcoding
16342 : Pandora constantly stops playing
16343 : restart server can't work with --user/--group
16344 : depend on mysql-server-common
16345 : Customer gets the error "Can't request non-HTTP URL" from Now Playing with Rhapsody.
16346 : Cannot stream to a software player
16347 : Server Choose Player drop down menu missing connected player
16348 : Server crashes while scanning mp3 files
16349 : iTunes Playlist import is limited to 500 entries
16350 : Squeezeplay for Windows no longer works when on different subnet
16351 : mysql unable to start: unknown option '--innodb'
16352 : self-muting
16353 : Playback broken when album folder name contains non-latin character
16354 : Backup / Fallback Alarm Play inappropriately
16355 : Switching to Touch as server wipes out existing other player's preferences
16356 : 7.6.0 r8937 Touch - reboots on crossfade
16357 : Station Not Supported
16358 : Unsupported Station
16359 : Not Supported
16360 : Imageviewer delay >= screensaver delay = memory leak
16361 : Slacker search = no Now Playing screen
16362 : Now Playing display for compilation albums
16363 : MSP430 does not respond to i2c commands during power up
16364 : Redboot does not boot up Linux properly
16365 : There are i2c command failures during the run time
16366 : Alarm Fallback Sound no longer sounds
16367 : Alarm does not work
16368 : brief power up then powers down when preset used
16369 : Server no longer works in OpenSUSE 11.3
16370 : XMLBrowser search - does not work with periods/dots in search term
16371 : Can't add track as favorite if album is a favorite
16372 : Problem with Wake on Lan on SB3
16373 : month on digital clock shows string placeholder
16374 : "Music folder" for large library shows up as "Empty" other library views are ok
16376 : alarm clock does not work
16377 : user specified samba account name doesn't work
16378 : Alarm in WEB interface won't allow to choose am or pm
16379 : aac->pcm using faad is wrong at non-44.1 samplerates
16380 : RadioIO subscriber should be receiving 192K streams
16381 : RadioIO URL formatted incorrectly
16382 : Context Menus on Genre Playlists broken in Pandora
16383 : Music keeps on playing when Alarm is turned off
16384 : This American Life podcast feed stalls at buffering 5%.
16385 : synchronization between touch and radio: not in sync by 0.? seconds
16386 : No internet radio connections possible anymore
16387 : changing radio station mutes sync'd squeezeboxes
16388 : minimal main menu after power loss
16389 : wireless highly placement sensitive
16390 : vertical scroll bar too thin
16391 : Better status information on screen
16392 : my music unusable without network connection
16393 : power down not possible without network connection
16394 : switching between local and remote skin
16395 : disappearing station logo
16396 : current played track 'invisible'
16397 : touch as server --> no squeezeboxes visible anymore
16398 : Alarm timeout should turn Radio off
16399 : what is the memory and CPU usage on SB Radio?
16400 : unsync'd after power up
16401 : Alarm sounds based on time
16402 : fallback alarm after snooze can be erroneously dismissed
16403 : Dependencies for debian package incomplete or incorrect for x86_64
16404 : invalid JSON from server
16405 : jive on new-setup branch doesn't prompt for choose player before pushing to home menu
16406 : alarm_snooze_seconds from incorrect
16407 : Rhapsody playlists not showing album artwork or track information
16408 : Network connectivity functions clean up (Diagnostics, Status bar, etc.)
16409 : Playlists menu should show album/artist
16410 : FW MP candidate 8977 has update issue
16411 : receiver setup with 7.5.1 r7996 broken
16412 : pull-down on ALS pin is not disabled by als_init()
16413 : USB Drive mounted read-only on Touch
16414 : listen 1 command not working
16415 : 8977 MP candidate has different initial setup behavior current version
16416 : Need better control over sorting mechanism
16417 : 7.6 has periodic hangs if a SC 7.3.3 server is on the same network
16419 : CLI "textkey" attribute not working
16420 : Screen blank after rescan
16421 : Links to other volumes not working anymore
16422 : 'Turning off / Snooze Alarm' function mostly broken
16423 : Browse Music Folders triggers the scanner to early.
16424 : Add original track filename to download url
16425 : [Enhancement Request] Add the App Name to Now Playing
16427 : new delivery of MyApps: not all apps are flagged with isApp from server
16428 : Track and display lost connections to players.
16429 : RTC corruption when setting the time (msp430 bug)
16430 : Alarm clock pauses
16431 : controller stuck in crash loop; would not boot properly until factory reset
16432 : button release for infrared digit not detected in screensaver
16433 : Deezer SmartRadio doesn't work correctly
16434 : synchronizing not possible
16435 : Error message flood: no SDL surface available
16436 : Factory test tones turn off unexpectedly
16437 : Battery state is wrong
16438 : Setup can get in unregistered state
16439 : Power down conditions cause boot issue.
16440 : new Battery insertion does not initiate charging while Baby running
16441 : XMLBrowser search - does not escape utf8 strings in url correctly
16442 : Choice of rolloff filter
16443 : URL to repositories page has changed
16444 : Artist / album queries consistently fail from SB & Touch
16445 : Piece of Crap
16446 : Alarm switches to backup alarm sound after 1 minute
16447 : Add ARM support to debian repo
16448 : Internet Radio "Now Playing" Station Artwork Does Not Display & Station Info from Prior Station Remains at Top
16449 : Screeen filled with more than one screen content
16450 : system powers down unintentionally after cold boot
16451 : Battery disabled state remembered
16452 : forward slashes in artist and track names after import
16453 : Second snooze period only 1 minute long if button pressed during first snooze period
16454 : palylists tracks fails if playlist contains a radio station
16455 : Where 'hides' the synchronize menu item
16456 : wrong port being used when double-clicking on tray icon
16457 : After about 15 minutes, audio is dropped..
16458 : Lot of "Handling deleted track file.." errors
16459 : Scan progress time display showing negative seconds
16460 : Scanning with MySQL is very slow
16461 : Scanner frequently freezes when scanning music files
16462 : Radio not displaying metadata
16463 : IE8 doesn't show players.
16464 : FW54 - Snooze and preset buttons do not work properly
16465 : The defalt alarm snooze is 1 minute
16466 : Can't browse via composer in 7.6.0 on Touch
16467 : All Off
16468 : Reconnection to wireless AP can take up to 30 seconds
16469 : resynchronization when already synchronized
16470 : Samba not starting up due to stale PID file
16471 : making non-Sb clients permanent
16472 : After firmware update to r9037 front panel partially unusable
16473 : Boom FW 54 - Alarms will only work at the top of the hour
16474 : recent 7.6 firmware kills IR and Touchscreen
16475 : Touch Firmware > 8837 kills Touch Screen and IR
16476 : Alarm stays on
16477 : Time format of device in Alarm Clock screen not matching time format of device
16478 : Alarm Set time screen not matching Alarm time when Radio is in 24Hr mode
16479 : duplicate customHome items showing up on home menu
16480 : Volume get set at 100% when player is selected by Controller or Touch
16481 : Screensaver setting "None" persists even after changing setting
16482 : When streaming radio the screen does not update with current programme
16483 : Turning on radio and playing last tuned station
16484 : Boombox and Squeeze V3 are crashing while scanning for WLANs
16485 : When switching to Touch doesn't show My Apps menu any more
16486 : Jive firmware >r9068 breaks buttons
16487 : navigation arrow keys no longer working on desktop squeezeplay
16488 : Update NAME/TITLE columns when new value is encountered
16489 : Loading Chicago All stations fails and reboots the device
16490 : Alarm Function needs better controls
16491 : artwork for podcasts no longer available in NP screen
16492 : Imageproxy on breaks radiostation logo KINK FM
16493 : Touch screen visibility
16494 : Feed not playing on radio, does play on the web
16495 : Now Playing 'expand' function is broken
16496 : Radio turns itself back ON after setting alarm close to current time
16497 : Super cap backup of real time clock unreliable
16498 : 7.5.1: SB remote doesn't autoconnect to last used player and library
16499 : Factory test first pass failure
16500 : Standby mode of squeezebox touch
16501 : last FM switching lstations to German
16502 : resets to new battery condition after power down
16503 : Real Time clock forgets time
16504 : Crash during file scanning when encountering some hebrew ID3 tags?
16505 : Internet Radio -> Music shows in French on Squeezebox Radio
16506 : Squeezebox Server fails to scan directories it does not own
16507 : Lose connection when turned off and restarted
16508 : Set USB base folder for rescan of music files (as for diashow)
16509 : SBServer does not work after Suspend/Resume cycle of WHS
16510 : Allow playing from remote zip file
16511 : Allow downloading of music from remote sourced directly to music folder
16512 : Alarm cuts off after 1 minute replaced by fallback alarm
16513 : Controls lost function after using web remote while on battery
16514 : 7.5.1/2
16515 : 7.5.2: Receiver gets message "unable to connect" to Jazz FM in UK in the evenings
16516 : 7.5.2 - Sync issues
16517 : 7.5.2 - Scanner crashes
16518 : Unable to set "now playing" when playing and RSS feeds live.
16519 : Alarm replaces as radio-station by a melody
16520 : SB2 brightness automatically reseting after connecting to
16521 : Current Playlist truncated
16522 : Stream in app for is not complete
16523 : Baby alarm snoozes for 1 minute after terminating with Power button
16524 : FMR: Please include sox v14.3.1 in the Linux(/all) server distribution(s)
16526 : Multi-disc albums aren't played together
16529 : No description on WiMP page in App Gallery
16530 : WiMP account still associated with player after deleting WiMP account from app
16531 : WiMP icon not showing on Fab4 main menu
16532 : White Noise when streaming Aiff
16533 : Log in to WiMP screen text cut off on Fab4
16534 : Add option to enable streaming digital audio to USB port
16535 : Cannot switch to
16536 : Searching on special characters @, {, }, [, and ] returns error
16537 : Favorite Playlists throwing an error
16538 : Distorted audio with one 128kbps station
16539 : Erroneous error message "Cannot communicate with Server"
16540 : First setup does not allow you to skip network setup
16541 : Alarm played through headset only
16542 : Full functionality of WiMP service not available through app
16543 : Display on home menu not working when device is connected to SBSserver
16544 : WiMP not showing up in My Apps on SBServer
16545 : alarm runs twice and does not turn SB to standby after timeout
16546 : UI on the controller works slow with non-english languages
16547 : WiMP not working from Home Menu when no WiMP account is configured in
16548 : Push to power on requirement is different
16551 : Implement support for reportPlayDuration()
16552 : Beta 7.6.0 R9113 Stops local USB playback without network attached
16553 : Radio with MX253 processor forgets real Time Clock with every reboot
16554 : of multiple artists in tag 'artist' only one shown on controller nowplaying screen
16555 : No validation when entering WiMP account info
16556 : Error when Removing a WiMP account while in the app on a device
16557 : Windows Firewall Inbound Rules
16558 : Squeezebox Server adds additional song to end of playlist but it's "Save to Favorites"
16560 : Random reset to new battery condition
16561 : enhancement request to enable Now Playing window, useful for Classical Music
16562 : ShoutCast menu results disappear
16563 : iTunes scan broken with Perl 5.8? (Causing OSX 10.5 and possibly 10.4 not to work)
16564 : Enable turn off autoscanning on tinysc
16565 : "Connection Reset by Local Host ...." error seen
16566 : Favorite Radio is not being played as alarm
16567 : Dead link on WiMP app page on
16568 : Player Presets is not editable in the web-UI
16569 : Stream Naming Functionality
16570 : Stream randomly going mute, moving either dial seems to bring sound back.
16571 : Alarm do simply nothing
16572 : Configurable time for full off when running on battery
16573 : Enhancement: Add single song to playlist on TinySC
16575 : Blue connection icon
16576 : Current track doesn't display album/artist
16577 : OGG Podcasts
16578 : Love Radio FM 103.7 can't play
16579 : FM 101.7 can't play
16581 : UNC path is not supported for audio storage path
16582 : Playback may stop at end of first track when one synced player is off
16583 : Corrupt MAC address message pushed away by create account message
16584 : ambient light sensor readout broken
16585 : Auto-dimming is broken with firmware 7.60 r9135
16586 : Song info "sticky" after long pause on Radio/Touch
16588 : SB3 7.5.[0-1] unresponsive, log : assert line 83
16589 : Blue network led on SBController but connected to SBServer
16590 : Most transcoding is broken in 7.6.0 - r31401
16591 : Controller's battery indicator unreliable
16592 : Menus items in wrong language
16593 : Boots up to black screen and appears dysfunctional
16595 : Fade-in from local media not really a 'fade'- just 4 huge steps.
16596 : Alarm set to ring in 1970
16597 : Go directly to artist when selecting single artist search result
16598 : Player selection not intuitive
16599 : Player controls not centered in landscape mode
16600 : Landscape Submenu screens load in a scrolled stated if referring menu was scrolled
16601 : "Loading" graphic not centered in landscape mode
16602 : Cannot change players if screen is scrolled
16603 : Volume and track control "hot spots" are too small/close
16604 : No way to back up to previous menu
16605 : Pandora like button - no indication that it worked
16606 : App performance very poor on Edge network
16607 : Software update text wrong in Norwegian
16608 : "Header" not staying in place when scrolling on Samsung Galaxy
16609 : 7.6: ALAC not working on PowerPC
16610 : So unreliable (alarm)
16611 : Fresh install downgraded players
16612 : Easy to screw up the screensaver URL
16613 : COVERART b64 support broken with new 7.6 scanner code
16614 : Impossible to edit/add/remove RSS feeds when Squeezebox connected to
16615 : .m3u crashes server
16616 : add Radionomy to Global Search
16617 : Controller (SqueezePlay) may never reconnect fully to after connection loss
16618 : Some stations no longer working
16619 : Presets remembered on re-registered radio
16620 : SBS 7.6, new artwork resizing, "F" option doesn't seem to work
16621 : Text scrolling on older player platforms is broken
16622 : SqueezePlay (desktop version) won't let Mac sleep
16623 : My internet radio will not get MPR (KNOW-FM) out of minneapolis mn
16624 : SB3 fails to play some Rhapsody tracks properly
16625 : displaystatus always hides artist and album metadata on Touch
16626 : Support for MOG streaming service
16627 : invalid JSON from server (2): 'nan' is not a valid JSON-number
16628 : Will not play headphones
16629 : WiMP is missing from the SBS web interface
16630 : Player remains synced after changing registration
16631 : Apps not filtered by country
16632 : Functions that are disabled on a per app basis should be greyed out
16633 : Apps not filtered by country in web remote control
16634 : Albums with tracks > 200
16635 : Press and hold at power up behavior is different
16636 : Unit will sometimes not boot after being in ULP
16637 : Album Sort Method is not applied when browsing artists
16638 : Scanner segfaults on some mp3's
16639 : Convert.conf specifies wrong .ape to .mp3 transcoding
16640 : Date/Time gets lost with the new processor
16641 : Channel Status Word not set for 24 bit in SPDIF output
16642 : Radio stream produce high CPU load in Touch/Nokia770 skin
16643 : squeezeboxserver crashes attempting to output memory usage when loglevel is set to DEBUG
16644 : Alarm turns itself again after 1 min
16645 : Blue Icon while continuing to play
16646 : WAVE file tagging information is no longer read correctly
16647 : Incorrect credentials can lead to thousands of connections attempts
16648 : Squeezebox Server won't run on Perl 5.12
16649 : Unpause at end of track does nothing
16650 : No Audio - Not Buffering in Rhapsody
16651 : Battery not fully recharging after use
16652 : Line-in not adjustable when not connected to a network
16653 : Audio from particular MP3s is hanging
16654 : Malformed Discovery response: SB3 and Duet Receiver don't reconnect automatically
16655 : Major Expansion of Squeezebox User Market
16657 : Artwork on album page should be no smaller than set thumbnail size
16658 : alarm can sometimes not be silenced due to OOM error when checking if headphones are connected
16659 : no locked treatment in s.text_only style, all skins
16660 : Basic Settings page doesn't indicate the type of scan in progress
16661 : Scanner causes perl interpreter to dump core when traversing certain valid files
16662 : Incorrect UTF8 encoding returned by CLI
16663 : Maybe an easy fix for the very strict fallback alarm
16664 : unprotected wma cover art is not scanned in sbs 7.6.0
16665 : Power on Brightness reset
16666 : Squeezebox Radio unexpectdly rebooted during night due to system error
16667 : Rhapsody code 110, code 111, code 112 errors during playback
16668 : home menu items for apps can double up after customizeHomeMenu changes
16669 : Stops playing WiMP unexpectedly
16670 : Touch crashes when in "off" state
16671 : preset_data loop in playerstatus may have broken playerstatus updates for some players
16672 : Expose LastFM loved status
16673 : No Alarm Icon without network connection
16674 : Embedded ID3 artwork not showing on TinySC
16675 : Noise when listening on webradio
16676 : Format list items in Remote Control
16677 : Rhapsody tracks fail and skip
16678 : Mediafly podcast appears to play but no audio heard
16679 : Alarm rings when "All Alarms" says Off
16680 : "Invalid username or password" error in 64-bit Macs
16681 : "Invalid username or password" error in 64-bit Macs
16682 : Playlist with Napster songs lags behind by one track
16683 : Non-ASCII characters in file and directory names
16684 : Server won't start in Windows 7 pro
16685 : Now playing stops scrolling
16686 : Alarm Time timeControl has 0 width on webUI when adding alarms
16687 : Sounds drops after some time, then squeezeserver cannot be ping anymore
16688 : I need to be able to access my music when the mac goes to sleep
16689 : reported problem with playlistTracksQuery() and embedded URLs
16690 : Inconsistent capitalization of 'Now Playing'
16691 : Napster "Failed to Parse" error
16692 : Slacker - Playing one song and then stopping
16693 : Pandora - Plays one song and stops
16694 : Can't see all the favorite album list
16695 : missing stations
16696 : NP screen does not update during an alarm
16697 : isContextMenu flag implemented differently in base v. item
16698 : Refreshing SqueezePlay's menu fails, if menu has >200 items
16699 : Boom: no sound playing Rhapsody with Firmware 51 SBS 7.5.2~31603
16700 : Sorting of non-ASCII characters broken on Windows
16701 : begin last played content upon power on
16702 : pre-install free app gallery apps that are most popular, by region
16706 : SBS should support TXXX BAND tags
16707 : Large images has disappeared for some flac albums
16708 : Internetradio Search doesn't work in non-Default skins
16709 : Spotty WiFi playback and general operation on Touch with recent 7.6 firmware
16710 : 320kbps CBR files: Blips occurring at end of song
16711 : Please add to MySqueezeBox applications
16712 : Squeezebox Boom temporarily locks up when trying to play a Pandora station
16713 : Napster album stopped playing after 24 hours
16714 : Can't play alarm sound if alarm created on
16716 : Disable queries for lastRescanTime when auto-rescan is disabled
16718 : ShoutCast "unable to parse"
16737 : The RadioIO "shortcut" from the main menu it doesn't work
16738 : Debian package does not restart correctly when plugins are installed
16739 : Very slow scan of collection stored on readyNas Duo though samba
16741 : Songs get cut off near the end and missing artwork
16742 : Device connected at first, but no longer can connect with the server
16743 : Radio should stop playback a while before it's shut down due to low battery
16744 : ICU Errors
16745 : Playing of stream stopped unexpectedly
16746 : No audio for stream after playback stopped unexpectedly
16748 : Nodes added by JiveMain to home node are showing EN string regardless of locale
16749 : Font in "now playing" too small
16750 : Audio drop out at the beginning off an album or playlist
16751 : Scrolling only works when connected to MSB.COM
16752 : ethernet diags coming up erroneously during setup of wireless
16753 : AccuRadio has "500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR"
16754 : Albumartist, Conductor,... roles don't work correctly in 7.6
16755 : WMA playback stutters with audio.* logging at DEBUG
16756 : Extension Downloader settings screen does not appear in Web UI
16757 : wishlist: increase playlist limit of 100 tracks
16758 : Napster: "My Library" doesn't show all items
16759 : Can't add tracks/albums to "My Library" any more
16760 : 24/96 files on Transporter can cause popping during scrolling/vis
16761 : Line-In audio is dropped when changing audio sources
16762 : Error message "Track is available for download only. Playing 30s preview." seen erroneously
16763 : Error message "Napster down for maintenance" erroneously displayed
16764 : Intermittently skips playback of next track on playlist
16765 : Unable to play user-created Napster playlists
16766 : radio list is outdated
16771 : SB Boom's not responding after updating to 51
16772 : Squeezebox Classic go Blank when connecting to after updating to 131
16774 : Classic Squeezebox Unable to connect to SqueezeNetwork
16776 : Device does not switch Napster Account as indicated in
16777 : Upgraded to Squeezebox Server 7.5.2 & Transporter 81, and lost flac & ogg
16778 : SB Radio unable to connect via WiFi to ActionTec GT704WG
16779 : "Continue" item after registration of new player does not push to home menu
16781 : Shuffle setting fails on single songs
16782 : SB won't reconnect to hidden SSID after power cycle or reboot
16783 : (Controller in cradle) Backlight turnes itself on when playing musik via WebUi
16787 : Upgrading from SBS 7.5.2 to SBS 7.5.3-31713 retains 7.5.2 Firmware
16788 : Napster Trial broken on MySqueezebox - "Logitech are aware of this error"
16789 : Controller does not show playlist larger then > 200
16791 : No tracks listed on compilation albums with an 'Album Artist' tag, but without a 'Compilation' tag, when browsing the artists menu using SB Controller (or iPeng
16792 : 'Various Artists > No Album' shows ALL Artists w/ No Album
16795 : SB3 periodically disconnects from SBS after upgrade to version 132
16796 : Boom periodically disconnects from SBS after upgrade to V52
16798 : Napster: Getting "Audio Stream failed, skipping to next track" - more and more often now
16799 : Squeezeplay needs MMAP-able ALSA, prevents use with pulseaudio + PATCH
16801 : Firmware nag blocks entering credentials
16802 : Display of selected alarm sound not present on device
16803 : Displaying picture with non-asci characters broken
16804 : "Ran out of decoder data memo" error
16805 : Difficult to set alarm time for new alarms
16807 : MP3 file crashes scanner AND server
16808 : Spotify plays back in mono (7.6 only)
16810 : Alarm sound does not copy from player to correctly
16812 : Cyrillic characters in Artist name can corrupt display while browsing
16814 : No artwork when using UNC audio path
16818 : Repeated "Connection reset by remote host..." failures
16820 : Always refresh a menu if it is set to forceRefresh
16821 : Diagnostics > Server Info showing
16822 : Crossfade broken
16826 : Remove use of tolua++
16827 : SB should reach local servers through local DNS
16829 : During reprogramming alarm, the pre-set time is one hour low
16830 : CLI returns double-encoded UTF-8 for metadata when locale not using UTF-8 encoding
16831 : Handling favorites of entries with similar names
16832 : TinySC misreads folder names during rescan
16833 : List as choice on "Switch Library" menu
16834 : Remove 'charset' parameter from CLI
16838 : Scrolling always resumes when grfg frame is sent, even with scroll once and stop enabled
16840 : Update just woks for Administrator
16841 : Problems with RadioIO application use
16842 : Some songs can no longer be found after upgrading SBS
16843 : Alarm sound dropdown can push days out of the screen
16844 : Single FLAC/embedded CUE albums not playable by folder browsing
16845 : Single FLAC/embedded CUE albums not scanned, not playable
16846 : "Scroll once and stop" is not working
16847 : Receiver skips end of tracks with FW67.
16849 : Scrobbling reported not working with Duet connected to only
16851 : No playback from folders with Cyrillic folder names
16859 : Blank screen but backlit after going to sleep
16870 : Somehow duplicate accounts can get created
16872 : "Ran out of decoder data memo" error with Rhapsody
16873 : iTunes integration with 7.5.3
16874 : SBS Crashes (CPU spin) after update to 7.5.3
16875 : IR In cli
16876 : 7.5.3 Regression - Connected players no longer shutdown after server shuts down
16877 : Skip and ffwd does not work with WMAL in hires 24/88.2 player goes silent
16881 : Sync is less tolerant of network or server interruptions in 7.5.3 - r31792
16889 : Radio turned off to standby clock screen, turns itself back on to station pause screen
16890 : RandomPlay can fail to add new songs when multiple songs skipped
16891 : SB unresponsive to user commands; keeps playing
16892 : sirius not playing
16898 : Classics lose connection frequently after update to 7.5.3 - r31792
16901 : SBS fails to generate MusicIP mixes
16902 : Long track title displays unrecognizable characters at end of title
16903 : ALAC 24-bit for Squeezeplay
16904 : Major errors after reinstalling 7.5.3 on a new Windows 2003 deployment
16905 : WHS CPU utilization pegs at 100 by SqueezeSvr.exe
16906 : Wrong sort order when displaying a list of music folders that contain Unicode characters
16908 : ALAC fixed at 44100/2/16 & poor error handling
16909 : Alarm issue
16910 : Update toolchain to 2010q3
16916 : inconsistent snooze time
16918 : Could not change alarm settings just after an alarm
16921 : Server restart fails from web UI if was launched with --user
16922 : AudioScrobbler plugin repeatedly writes to prefs/plugin/audioscrobbler.prefs preventing disk spindown
16926 : Switch library menu item should include as a selection
16935 : Internet Radio not available without account credentials
16944 : "Can't connect to server"
16946 : Album art not showing on mp3 files after a full rescan of a USB hard drive.
16947 : Playlists are missing "Delete Playlist" and "Add to Favorites" items
16948 : Artist - Title information not available via CLI for Sirius plugin
16956 : Searches do not match characters with diacritics (SQLite)
16960 : PANDORA APP stops playing
16961 : PANDORA skips the end of a song
16962 : CLI volume setting not reflected in local display
16963 : Sync is broken in 7.6
16964 : Sirius Radio on Softqueeze clients
16967 : Napster Integration isssues
16970 : French assistance page link point to download page
16971 : Spotify password field interpolate '%' char
16973 : New Releases page not working
16974 : Missing album art
16975 : Error message should not be displayed
16976 : Multi-artist albums duplicated in album view
16977 : Slow response time
16978 : Network Test Download Speed
16981 : Server will not play files with non-ASCII file names
16989 : Add lxp support to windows build
16990 : Shortcuts in Music Folder cause Internal Scanner to Loop
16991 : Compilation tags in WMA files are ignored/not functionally recognized by SBS / the scanner
16992 : Rhapsody erratic on Duet
16993 : TinySC hangs when devices navigating lists of streams
16996 : Default skin does not load in web interface (Windows 7 SP1)
16997 : Sync works beautifully with radio boom & slave when playing My Music; playing Internet Radio it doesn't
17000 : Artist - Title information for Sirius XM not provided to SBS CLI
17002 : Spotify app search returns tracks for wrong region
17003 : Native support for Moodagent
17005 : No output after switching from mysqueezebox
17006 : Controller navigation malfunctioning
17011 : Alarm button not functional at times
17013 : Players continuously attempt to "connect" (SBS 7.5.3)
17014 : SBS to sync causes new SBS users to appear to lose presets and others
17017 : Radiotime streaming to Squeezebox radios
17018 : RHEL6 x86_64: Can't locate Slim/ in @INC ...
17022 : "scroll rate" and "scroll pixels" settings no longer control ticker style scrolls
17023 : Loving Track in Context Menu brings up nearly blank screen
17024 : Text encoding crashes Perl & freezes the computer
17025 : Coffee Break French and Spanish podcasts "Failed to Parse"
17028 : SBS 7.5.4 r31939 - Malformed UTF-8 character (fatal) error
17029 : Networking::SqueezeNetwork::Players:: disconnect_player() broken for SP-Hardware players
17030 : menustatus updates broken
17031 : ENH: user defined strings could classify tracks as being Compilations [comps] to SBS
17032 : SlimServer freezes the computer
17033 : Pandora doesn't refresh now playing screen
17036 : [PATCH] Adding
17037 : [PATCH] Adding atheros-ar6-module-bin_1.0.patch
17040 : 4-Way Handshake timeout when connecting baby to WPA/WPA2-PSK accesspoint
17042 : Very large HTTP responses are not gzipped correctly
17043 : Changes requested for ReadyNAS version
17044 : Suggested Scanner behaviour change: don't omit files/folders with System (only) Attribute
17048 : Artwork not displayed when playing BBC radio with BBC App
17050 : After finishing track X in an X length playlist, playlist should jump back to track 1 and stop
17053 : Alarm settings show in 24 hr time
17054 : Second alarm turns Radio off / silent
17055 : Resume on power-supply power on using
17056 : clock in new alarm UI garbles after several minutes on screen
17059 : App for Wolfgang's Vault Concert Audio
17061 : Adding App for streaming from MOG
17063 : CLASSICAL_ERROR_PARSE accessing my or shared playlists
17066 : After an update to SB server to V 7.5.3 and later 7.6.0 squeezbox boom won't work
17068 : Lost Artwork playing radio stations
17071 : Radio does not offer full channel range in non-US Regulatory Domains
17072 : add support for a type = 'alertWindow' over displaystatus that brings up a persistent window
17073 : Playlist edit drag-and-drop only works for first page
17074 : arrayRef_artist on CLI result
17075 : no screensaver after random mix
17077 : Invalid third preset state
17078 : incorrect station artwork display
17079 : iPeng needs a marker for playlists in "Apps"
17080 : Scanner misses folders created from extracting archives
17081 : change VA category setting to not be blank, ie. use/show the default and improve text
17082 : Spurious track at end of active playlist, once ended
17083 : Podcast Player not working
17084 : Radio station buffer default?
17085 : Random Mix 1.0 misbehaves when told to "stop adding albums"
17087 : Unable to play Rhapsody from Eastman
17089 : Changes to scrolling speed do nothing on the player
17090 : WMA seeking fails if file does not contain an ASF_Index object
17091 : Allow user to skip entry of credentials
17092 : Request for option to manually specify server IP and port
17093 : Long titles munged
17094 : Now Playing screen doesn't update when switch between two phones to control one player
17095 : Deezer Premium + account playing playlits
17096 : Turn on/off on controller menu isn't working
17097 : squeezeboxserver-7.6.0-32163-noCPAN perl Audio::Scan problem
17098 : Lock to Portrait selection requires exit app to take effect
17099 : Internet Radio Errors do not show in Eastman
17100 : Unable to play track from Playlist Panel Context Menu
17101 : Alarm Settings missing
17102 : Screen Layout settings are confusing
17103 : Password protected servers can't be controlled
17104 : bottom of icons in icon_list are truncated
17105 : Switching players does not update NP screen with new data
17106 : Station artwork lost when alarm snoozed
17107 : volume adjustment before snooze can result in silent post snooze alarm
17108 : NP Panel not updating when using more than one player on Touch Server
17109 : Eastman unhappy when not connected to internet
17110 : Sticky password input field
17111 : Bitrate limiting re-encodes lower bitrate files
17113 : Player lost name after FW update
17114 : /update/firmware/7.5.4 contains old firmware
17115 : Radio artwork not advancing when using Tiny SC
17117 : wishlist: show clock on Now Playing screen
17118 : "Scanning media for music files, please wait..."
17119 : Please recognise Quodlibet Albumartist tags in .mp3 files
17120 : Unexpected Alarm pop up window
17121 : Current playlist not available from alarm settings
17123 : Pause button dismisses alarm pop up
17124 : French Localisation : missing translations
17125 : Top artistes gives "Failed to parse"
17127 : Rhapsody Not Working Properly After Sqeezebox Touch Update - 7.5.3 r9377
17128 : Input for station artwork problem
17129 : Some screens not localized
17130 : Possible to coerce volume to 100 by tapping vol up/down keys back and forth
17133 : Player unresponsive and screen blank instead of showing prompt to upgrade firmware
17135 : Charset problem (UTF-8)
17136 : Alarm pop up not occurring after previous alarm dismisses with back button
17137 : trigger raising of CMs when isContextMenu flag is in the action
17138 : in a dark room screen's light cycles from high to low
17139 : Hide autorescan options on Windows servers
17140 : Non-square cover art issue
17141 : SB Radio & Jive: Connecting to TinySC prompts for FW downgrade (to
17142 : Controller losing connection to receiver
17143 : Can't log into authenticating server with Android App
17144 : Web Interface indicates and controls wrong player after using back button
17150 : Volume slider should not be adjustable for SP players with 100% fixed volume
17151 : Firmware up date issues for 7.5.4
17152 : Customer requests alarm function enhancement
17153 : Update waiting interrupts alarms
17154 : homeMenuText no longer used in jive.ui.HomeMenu
17155 : Move 3rd Party Apps from Settings->Advanced->Applet Installer to App Gallery->3rd Party Apps
17156 : SP switches to NP screen on playlist update even if screensaver is disabled
17157 : Sirius Radio error: "Stream stopped, you are no longer authorized to listen."
17158 : Keep getting Growl notification after update
17159 : Napster search missing results
17161 : Hebrew strings displayed in reverse
17162 : Cover/Album Art only displays the first tracks ID3 Cover Art for all tracks in the said album
17163 : 24/96 AIFF Files do not play only hiss
17164 : Clock runs slow using internal SB touch server
17165 : Server can't find artwork when resizing is required
17166 : 7.6.0 Mini SB Server unable to see contents of second folder
17167 : Sirius plays audio from wrong channel
17168 : IP3K devices unable to update firmware from Mini SB Server
17169 : Touch doesn't recognize External HDD after power down
17170 : Now playing display settings revert every time settings entered
17171 : Facebook photos not opened from FB app
17172 : My Apps menu disappears when connected to My
17173 : Music Scan Terminated Unexpectedly (Directory Scan)
17174 : Title info doesn't update correctly when multiple SBs are playing same station
17175 : All radio buttons are selected in text size setting
17176 : Radio stays on after the alarm is finshed
17177 : Unable to browse folder link to by file link (shortcut)
17178 : music library scan crashes in v 7.54 WHS
17179 : User interface settings should be stored permanently, not cleared with browser history
17180 : "502 proxy error" on accessing Artists of Rhapsody library
17181 : Page titles and breadcrumbs cut off at ampersand
17182 : Favorites pointing to local items are no longer functional
17183 : hardware volume buttons not working correctly
17184 : ShoutCast only returns errors
17185 : Can't add albums from music services to the current playlist
17186 : Plugins unavailable - PLUGIN_MY_APPS_MODULE_NAME shown in menu
17187 : 8 bit wavs don't play correctly
17188 : Web search box does not accept cyrillic/unicode characters
17189 : Modified tag data is ignored
17190 : 7.6 does not start on x86 ReadyNAS
17191 : iTunes scan fails a few minutes in, consistently.
17193 : Connectivity issues with MP3tunes service
17194 : No Internet radio and Apps without Squeeze Box Server
17195 : Proper support for upnp:class derivedfrom search query
17196 : Return upnp:album in video and image dlna item requests
17197 : Support auto-rescan on Windows
17198 : t1.aac - Scanned as mono, should be stereo
17199 : Add documented version of 'jiveplaytrackalbum" command
17200 : Squeezbox
17201 : Can't stream M4A/AAC podcasts
17202 : Missing string: SLACKER_RADIO
17203 : Alarm UI: am/pm option graphic can go 'out of bounds'
17204 : Can't connect SB Receiver to LAN
17205 : Artists with accented characters not correctly sorted in pagebar
17206 : Add audio/mpeg3 to convert.conf
17207 : Artwork scanning fails when a clear & rescan has been initiated
17208 : Search broken with 7.6.0 - r32390 web interface ?
17209 : user reports back and home buttons can stop working when on NP screen
17210 : Log actual transcoding command line
17211 : Division Error Prevents Streaming MP3 Files to Browser
17212 : Transcoding on download URL fails with error 'Can't call method "push_write" on an undefined value'
17213 : Error message installing SBS 32398 on Ubuntu 11.04
17214 : Mac: Unable to save new Playlists folder location
17215 : Search for genres is missing
17216 : Adding flc-ogg transcode breaks flc-flc native streaming
17217 : can't connect to Windows 7 Homegroup network?
17218 : Alarm Clock
17219 : Scanner crashes on "clear and rescan" - each time at a different file
17220 : Control Panel: Music Lib stats missing from status pane
17222 : Aironet Router - Recognizing WPA2-AES as WEP 64
17223 : Radio randomly drops wifi connection
17224 : Add CLI command to post info on Facebook
17225 : Wrong link (?) when clicking on album title from search.
17226 : Now playing doesn't work on Touch and Controller (Squeezeplay) after a server restart.
17227 : saved favorites from 7.5.x do not work in 7.6.0/r32413
17228 : Missing favorites button (heart) in album view
17229 : The server expires unexpectedly
17234 : Strange volume indication
17237 : It seems player control buttons ( Repeat & Shuffle) are not working properly.
17238 : New & changed scan doesn't consolidate multi-disc albums
17239 : Compilations with large number of contributor artists cannot be played
17240 : Scanner randomly crashes whilst Scanning new files phase
17241 : Search results in SqueezePlay or ip3k-UI has no 'All songs' link when searching songs
17242 : Perl modules in CPAN/arch not Wheezy-compatible (needs use64bitint)
17243 : Boom (and IR-activated) preset saving broken
17244 : Squeezeboxserver fails on Perl module YAML::syck
17245 : iPad/iPhone App crashes on large libraries.
17247 : Squeezebox hangs when starting webradio when Spotify is running
17248 : SLIMP3 doesn't advance to the next song
17249 : Some Amazon ID3 tags show up with Asian characters instead of English
17250 : Artwork not found for tracks ripped by Windows Media Player (hidden file)
17251 : Web ui search shows erroneous results when clicked upon.
17253 : Connection to does not recover after DSL reconnect
17254 : Squeeze Network doesnt pass Artist - Song title to CLI
17255 : Screensaver term(s) are being used in Now Playing?
17256 : WFUV streams stop after initial 15 second promo announcement
17257 : Napster: Error on playback - "Invalid Session Key"
17259 : Squeezebox 2 shows "nb alloc failed in slimproto" when playing FLACs and then reboots
17260 : Implement Napster API v1.2
17261 : Implement new navigation hierarchy as per's request
17262 : Flickr app menus broken
17263 : Now Playing screensaver not activated when on Idle screensaver
17264 : Fedora: Install error - permission of setuid helper is not correct
17265 : Scan doesn't seem to find artists in compilation albums
17267 : Play after switch library displays normally but produces no sound
17268 : Hidden Login Button and the links when the Keyboard is up in Landscape mode
17269 : Some folders are displayed "empty"
17270 : Can't play any CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Company) stations since they switched to new URLs
17271 : Since 7.5.2 network speeds much lower for IP3K
17272 : 502 Bad Gateway error if viewing Spotify Starred tracks and list is empty
17273 : Radionomy is broken
17274 : Scanner indicates new files if there are m3u files in music folder
17275 : Synchronize not possible, but player selectable
17276 : touch mutes when previously synched radio is switched on
17277 : Only part of the song is played from library
17278 : FFWD works only on second press
17279 : Pause, pauses all synchronized players
17280 : share invisible
17281 : Support Slacker Premium Features
17282 : end sync does not return to previous shuffle/repeat settings
17283 : Constraint violation in scanner after reverting file name change
17284 : Radio and Touch reboot when playing Sirius stream with builtin app
17285 : Playlist scanner does not honor special chars like umlauts
17286 : Scanner crashes with MySQL error
17287 : SB Server fails to start on Debian testing
17288 : No smooth transition of components while switching over from normal view to split view
17289 : Scrolling through artist list is slow and stuttering, should be smooth
17291 : Does not stream via HTTP (DLNA/UPnP URL): no data send
17292 : Error - missing string SPDR in Advanced Search web page
17293 : Fast navigation in artist/album browsing no longer possible
17294 : Squeezebox Server stops with "Perl interpreter failed" error
17295 : Required Perl version in installation notes is out of date
17296 : Buffer overflows during scan
17297 : Does not retain "powered off" state after power loss
17298 : Filtering by artist is broken when playing an album
17299 : Selecting RadioTime app times out. Request not dispatchable
17300 : Every scan crashes
17301 : Sirius Radio plugin "Artist" and "Title" metadata not showing in CLI
17302 : Forget this player broken in classic view
17303 : Album listing no long alphabetical after Cover Scan
17304 : Composer and Band tags with non-ASCII characters slip in to Artist listing.
17305 : Artist not changing on web page with song information
17306 : SB Touch playing at odd Pitch and Tempo
17307 : Synchronize Power is not working power on/off seperatly has no effect.
17308 : Show Artwork displayed behind currently playing artwork
17309 : 7.5.5 on Fedora 14/OpenSUSE 11.4 is broken
17310 : Artists not sort correctly
17311 : SB Touch gets "ON" while NAS SB server restarts
17312 : IP is cached on the server, changes to IP not respected
17313 : Cannot play radio station on Boom but can on Radio
17314 : Segfault on Debian Wheezy/ARM/5.12.4
17315 : 7.5.5 Receiver looses it's network connection
17316 : Connecting to does not work
17317 : SBT will not remain powered off when synced to other SB devices in 7.6 (SBS)
17318 : Spotify search returning unavailable tracks
17319 : Desktop Icon isn't really recognizeable
17320 : Rhapsody does not work if using WiFi bridging
17321 : perl 5.14 required
17322 : Leading and trailing spaces in names should be trimmed and not significant
17323 : Scanner crashes when music is on NFS mounted directory
17324 : LMS scanner doesn't seem to detect images in sub directories
17325 : "M" icon in web interface links to detail page, not MusicIP mix.
17326 : server crashing on Lion
17327 : problems after firmware 7.5.1
17328 : unable to update with debian stable and
17329 : Play button obscures message
17330 : wrong player switches on when clicking on playlist
17331 : The "M" more icon isn't shown in the Classic skin
17332 : Flickr app doesn't shown any images in Classic skin
17333 : Frequent ip_rt_bug WARNINGs generated in syslog with linux-3.0.0
17334 : Artwork tooltips are incomplete
17335 : Symlinks can't always be browsed through unless renamed.
17336 : Search results fail to display artist and album names
17337 : All Songs fails to include tracks from compilation, guest albums
17338 : apt repository broken
17339 : Selection in large list error - next item is played instead of selected item
17340 : Display track artists per song, not in album info
17341 : U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR in server.log after initial scan
17342 : A lot of deprecated warnings in log when saving playlist
17343 : Problem with album cover due to %FILE deprecation + SQLite lock
17344 : Slacker Premium services don't work on SB
17345 : Missing Favorite, Additional Playlist Buttons on album page
17346 : Only ONE NAME shown on controller panel, touch pannel, web UI either one artist or one composer or one album artist
17347 : Can't play tracks in multiple sub-folders using Browse Music Folder
17348 : Some MP3/CUE files may not be scanned properly
17349 : SB Server 7.6 plays no subfolders
17350 : Only One iTunes Music Directory Scanned with 7.6
17351 : Lost advanced feature to play subfolders
17352 : Null item contained in empty playlist
17353 : cli-command SHOW
17354 : Scan can fail due to SQLite locking
17355 : Some cover art not appearing when using WMA lossless format
17356 : Artwork is not appearing for music files with VBR
17357 : Converting from a "contextmenu" menu to an "*info" menu doesn't carry forward connectionID
17358 : Importers (MusicIP, iTunes) are only run on full wipe & rescan
17359 : "Play" icon blocks view of error message
17360 : Scan hangs with 7.6
17361 : Server side artwork scaling with one dimension omitted does not work
17362 : Sometimes 404 Not found is returned instead of default artwork for unknown track id's
17363 : Alarm-Clock link is not working
17364 : Songs with empty "Album" mp3-tag do not appear for Artist
17365 : Won't show some artwork
17366 : The database is suddenly case sensitive
17367 : Create a .skipindex file in a given directory to prevent the scanner from indexing it
17368 : Local Music Stopped due to a problem
17369 : No direct link to album on albuminfo page
17370 : Songs with no album tag do not appear within "No Album" any more
17371 : Scanner-related support calls for 7.6
17372 : TuneIn Radio app - Error when using the "TuneIn Radio Options" (F/W 7.6.0-r9458)
17373 : playing or adding "All Songs" after searching with a search term including a period is broken
17374 : TinySC Touch not working with 7.6
17375 : Scanner duplicating album entries (Win32 drive letters vs. UNC playlists)
17376 : Artwork problem with WMA files remains after 7.6.1.r32935
17377 : CLI show duration argument not working for jive players
17378 : With Additional Playlist Buttons enabled there is no Play Next button in track view
17379 : Scanner progress not reported correctly for shortcuts or links
17380 : second squeezebox radio not showing up in squeezecenter-webinterface
17381 : firmware-upgrade failing on 7.6.0
17382 : Artwork size incorrect when browsing into a playlist
17383 : Empty playlists are not scanned into music library
17384 : 192/24 passthrough
17385 : Podcast player fails to play podcast listed in opml file
17386 : "Handheld" skin no longer supported since SBS7.6 release - smartphone use as remote control now n/a
17387 : Broken image in playlist when displaying album cover (7.6.1-32935)
17388 : Huge directory wont play
17389 : Upgrade script does not respect username set in /etc/default/
17390 : Jump to title in Rhapsody "My Library"
17391 : SB Touch and SB Radio turn on unexpectedly after 7.6 update
17392 : No cover art with AIFF files after scan
17393 : My radio turn self on after the 24h disconect
17394 : iTunes playlist integration has disappeared.
17395 : Support for /music/current/cover.jpg lost
17396 : No cover art with WMA files after scan, after upgrading to 7.6.1
17397 : Scanner in 7.6.0 crashes with mp2/cue files
17398 : Cannot turn alarm off with jog wheel
17399 : AAC Presets not displaying
17400 : AlbumInfo menu handler called with invalid album object
17401 : Media::Scan Picture scanner crashes on Linux
17402 : Certain controls are not visible
17403 : Can't play 192Khz/24Bit
17404 : Cue-mp3, Cue-FLAC problems when navigated to via Music Folder, etc
17405 : Downloaded/Transcoded files have no tag
17406 : iTunes importer seems to ignore the NAS media path
17407 : playlist display inconsistent when "Title Format" set to TITLE
17408 : "Unable to read tags from file"
17409 : Third party menus ordered incorrectly
17410 : The MusicIP Mood Mix menu is sorted incorrectly in web interface
17411 : UNIX SBS bad pathname translation of playlist paths containing backslash
17412 : Scanner won't pickup artwork
17413 : Sirius Radio error: "Stream stopped, you are no longer authorized to listen."
17414 : Players out of sync
17415 : Interface; not possible to shift back to default
17416 : Tray app shutsdown when right clicked
17417 : Long path names for song files are producing errors -> albums get split into 2 pieces
17418 : Alarm did not sound on both Radios
17419 : Backup alarm sounds after correct alarm has sounded
17420 : Bad czech translation for "August"
17421 : Artist, Album and Genre Favorites broken when saved from Squeezebox
17422 : Artist, Album and Genre Favorites with non-latin characters don't work from Player UI
17423 : Slacker ads are scrobbled
17424 : Problems with SBS 7.6.x in Mac OS X 10. 7
17425 : 'Scanning' status not reported on the main screen
17426 : Artwork resizing fails on PPC Mac OSX 10.4
17427 : Hebrew not displaying properly since 7.6
17428 : XSPF Image from Webradio not displayed
17429 : Switches from Date & Time screensaver to previous menu (now playing, etc)
17430 : On initial start after a clean installation, Music Browse menus would not be initialized
17431 : browseagelimit not sent in serverstatus
17432 : Random artwork chosen for album
17433 : "muddy" audio since upgrade
17434 : Remotes unable to connect to SBS running 7.6.0
17435 : Players come out of standby at night
17436 : BMF fails while scanner is running
17438 : New & changed scan removes only 1/2 of deleted tracks
17439 : Fishbone not supported/removed from skin options
17440 : SBS can not be stopped and it always runs as "perl" not squeezeboxserver
17441 : mp2/cue files don't play at all in 7.6.1 33073 (server.log errors)
17442 : Use Text only/Small Artwork/Large Artwork setting only for album lists
17443 : No Audio on Channel 103
17444 : Playlist management navigation
17445 : Problem navigating out of RSS Newsfeed screensaver
17446 : Artwork size is wrong in song lists in Search
17447 : "wrong" icon displayed for missing artwork in "Neighbours" display
17448 : radio "Your Recent Stations" displays "stacked" artwork
17449 : Pressing Play on "empty" links in the web-UI causes server to use 100% for several minutes
17450 : MusicIP import fails due to upper/lower case differences in the file path (Windows)
17451 : LMS Scanner does not find any pictures in Aperture Library
17452 : 7.6.1-r33094 (aka RC1) internal scanner broken when deleting tracks
17453 : new radio doesn't see SBS (discovery broken?)
17454 : unable to delete playlists with playlist rescan
17455 : System is scanning all music in itunes, even unchecked tracks.
17456 : Persistent database adds new entries instead of updating existing
17457 : Import actions failing on case insensitive filesystems (Windows)
17458 : Failed fetching filters from MusicIP
17459 : Rhapsody channels and radio are not scrobbled
17460 : SB Touch "Play other songs in album or directory" setting does not work in web UI
17461 : "Uninstall" on Mac does not stop running SBS processes
17462 : Ethernet-cabled Receiver doesn't acquire DHCP IP address after reboot - requires factory reset
17464 : Basic search fails with search string containing single quotes
17465 : Double quotes aren't being escaped in text fields
17466 : scanner doesn't say which file it's croaking on
17467 : Small change to STATUS.HTML
17468 : Discovering phase takes much longer on a UNC path, even if local
17469 : Alarm clock issues with default alarm
17470 : Invalid progress information in TinySBS
17471 : TMPDIR environment variable isn't passed to external scanner when --user switch is used
17472 : Erratic playing of AAC stream on IP3K players.
17473 : Clicking on artist in album list shows all compilations
17474 : Can't browse music folder during scan
17475 : Some files cause Error: Unable to read at least 10 (or 16) bytes from file.
17476 : Composer/conductor not linked from song information
17477 : Loosing Presets on FW 57
17478 : Zero artists reported in library statistics after a scan
17479 : Aborting a wipe scan doesn't kill the external scanner process
17480 : Transporter crashes when playing Rhapsody streams in 7.6 and 7.6.1
17481 : 2 accounts for Deezer
17482 : CLI: "info total tracks/albums/artists" counts are not coherent with actual music database
17483 : When browsing by Genre, same album title with different artist mixed up together
17484 : Shoutcast app is broken returns 404 for almost all menus
17485 : "Connecting to server" bug...
17486 : Unable to set alarm time through web interface
17487 : Attempt to access "3rd party apps" hangs or breaks Squeezeplay
17488 : Scanner not removing empty artist entries during rescan
17489 : Artists containing ')' characters break a few things
17490 : random mix doesn't know the db is empty
17491 : nothing shown in playlist information
17492 : no breadcrumbs (panel header) in playlist entry information display
17493 : cannot access playlist information when using stream.mp3 client
17494 : SBS fails at logfile rotation
17495 : BBC World Service "no program" message
17496 : Squeezebox Boom turns itself on.
17497 : Display output on SB3 broken since update to 7.6.1
17498 : AutoRescan causes server outage
17499 : blank browser frame after "loving" track on
17500 : Artwork slow to appear in playlists
17501 : id3tag disc number handling for single disc albums
17502 : consider a different icon for App Gallery->3rd Party Apps
17503 : QVGA volume slider looks 1 px off vertically in the middle section
17504 : Random Mix playlists & settings should survive SBS restart
17505 : scanning messages being mixed languages
17506 : Provide a network interface to "Front Button" functionality
17507 : Unable to like/dislike on IP3K
17508 : "Scanning music library..." notification not updated when scan has completed.
17509 : High CPU hyperthreading P4
17510 : Album Art always partly obscured by baddly laid out controls.
17511 : "Playlists" gone from "Home Menu Customization" in SBS web-UI
17512 : rescanning: information link (default skin): make permanent
17513 : Podcast plugin does not show up in Squeezeplay
17514 : Error when wanting to listen the album from which is the track played
17515 : First line of podcast listing is blank in SB Classic - should show "About this feed"
17516 : LMS dies on ReadyNAS SPARC RAIDiator 4.1.7
17517 : Home menu suddenly shows only 3 items every few hours
17518 : Touch and Radio lose connection since 7.6.1
17519 : Vista 64 bit, error message starting LMS
17520 : Music is folder not available while scanning but no scan in progress.
17521 : Music is folder not available while scanning but no scan in progress.
17522 : Data for BMF in UPnP is missing pv:modificationTime
17523 : Squeezebox Radio
17524 : Large blank album icon above artist search results
17525 : No CLI response for items with coderefs
17526 : Push any firmware found in cache/updates to players
17527 : Artist search does not work correctly
17528 : window/list scrolling is horribly broken in 2.3 gingerbread
17529 : In 7.6.2 Now Playing screen is displayed at various "odd" times
17530 : iTunes Plugin on Linux can fail to find files with Unicode paths
17531 : ignore_dirs doesn't work with Media::Scan
17532 : Scan aborts when reading certain files
17533 : Squeezeplay connection to my apps
17534 : server won't start
17535 : Removal of the ScreenReader skin has made the web interface inaccessible to a large degree
17536 : trying to get more bytes N+1 than in buffer N
17537 : Sorting of 'Various Artists' in album browsing is wrong
17538 : Scanner failes with DB constraint errorr
17539 : wrong Czech translation for week days in alarm menu
17540 : "Some settings have changed" dialog "No" choice does not exit current screen
17541 : Problem with MP4 playback
17542 : Albums not credited to Album Artist
17543 : UPnP Problem - Korean character does not display correct.
17544 : stream.mp3 constantly rebuffering
17545 : Touch with USB HDD should provide a "browse folders only" mode
17546 : SB Server should provide a "browse folders only" mode with Windows 7 explorer
17547 : Playing 24bit/48khz WMA Losless file on SBR only gives a 'pink' noise signal
17548 : Can't log in via web API, but can via browser
17549 : Automated scanner process interrupts playback
17550 : squeezebox server continues to open system preferences
17551 : WebInterface unreachable when running IPV6
17552 : Logitech Squeezebox Favorites Organization
17553 : Not adding to Play list
17554 : when New radio channel is selected its clearing the already added play list.
17555 : TinySBS on Touch crashes when there are GIF files in a music folder
17556 : m4a files with some non-audio content hang SBS on Windows
17557 : Resizing portrait mode images returns invalid aspect ratio
17558 : Cannot make playback resume automaticaly at startup
17559 : Browse By Artwork missing in Classic UI 7.6.1
17560 : A cover embedded in a FLAC file is not shown / extracted
17561 : Pre-caching artwork crashes SBS
17562 : Scanner crashing on long file paths
17563 : Look for New & Changed Music Scan Does Not Work with iTunes Integration
17564 : Scanner crashes on path names > 250 characters
17565 : Info Browser not appearing or not working
17566 : Problem with album titles
17567 : Context menu is overlapping
17568 : Tablets: switching between portrait and landscape not working
17569 : Auto display dimming broken
17570 : Scanner hangs when searching incomplete mp4 file for image
17571 : SBS loses connection to MySB whenever the internet connection is temporarily lost
17572 : Can't log into facebook anymore
17573 : Very wide image is locking up the scanner
17574 : Media Scanner leaking memory when scanning images
17575 : While typing content in search bar, search bar will disappear
17576 : Playback problem from iPeng folder view
17577 : Strings stored in sort tags should not be modified
17578 : Custom artwork setting doesn't work anymore for files in parent directory
17579 : No Audio from Rhapsody on IP3K
17580 : Alarm doesn't start if you don't check it
17581 : server.prefs fails to load sometimes
17582 : "Update" to older jive firmware
17583 : Display stays on after alarm is ended
17584 : Overlap when browsing through music library
17585 : Need a Directory for Data
17586 : Type 'mov' has been removed but is still in the code for MP4 podcasts.
17587 : Current repeat mode setting is not displayed in icon bar at bottom of screen
17588 : Scan for new+changed music does not report progress correctly
17589 : Scan for new+changed music incorrectly changes an album to a Compilation
17590 : When alarm using very large playlist goes off, SB Server crashes
17591 : iTunes integration broken with iTunes 10 and SBS 7.7
17592 : can not upgrade to 7.7. From 7.6 must remove old package and start all over
17593 : 7.7.0 RC2 Doesn't work on my SPARC ReadyNAS
17594 : Typo in template for interface settings page
17595 : Impossible to add directories for scanning
17596 : Scanner doesn't scan soft links over samba
17597 : LMS doesn't run in Fedora 16
17598 : Installer hangs during automatic uninstall of earlier version
17599 : "New and changed" scan hung forever at "Pre-caching artwork"
17600 : Full rescan after upgrade install aborted without any reason
17601 : Playlist saved as Favorite starts always at Song 1
17602 : error installing v7.7.0 build 512
17603 : Alarm melody infects other alarms
17604 : 32-bit file size limitations for video files
17605 : logBacktrace in needs to be removed
17606 : Transporter goes completely off
17607 : Creationdate on pictures is random
17608 : Photo album is empty
17609 : Database is locked when accessing library while scanning
17610 : Channel lists of the apps for and Digitally Imported aren't up to date.
17611 : Wimp unable to save albums or playlists to favourites since update to 7.6.1
17612 : Synchronizing devices with Deezer
17613 : Add support for third party UPnP menus
17614 : Add possibility to scan individual media folder
17615 : Cannot browse UPnP library
17616 : View tags funktion does not show double spaces between names in tags.
17617 : The music scanner reads a few of my music files, then quits.
17618 : Wrong adduser parameter (typo) in ReadyNAS package
17619 : App for Wolfgang's Vault Audio Streaming
17620 : Alarm silent for backup alarm
17621 : Misleading "No Library Configured" message when lib. permissions are wrong
17622 : LMS deb installer improperly preserves squeezeboxserver user account when installed over SBS 7.6
17623 : Wrong directory in postinst script
17624 : LMS 7.7 does not serve mkv or avi in playable way to Samsung series "c" TV's
17625 : LMS 7.7 can not go "back" when in folder with valid video file in it
17626 : Network drives are not available in web UI
17627 : LMS 7.7; Aborting scan doesnt abort
17628 : Unable to register SqueezePlay on
17629 : Some Vorbis files with large comments still crash player
17630 : Player seen on network both wired and wireless
17631 : Reverse proxying does not work due to absolute URLs
17632 : general enhancement request
17633 : Browse Music Folder crashes the server when browsing a folder that contains a folder with new tracks
17634 : Random art represents an album as cover art, if there is track art avaible
17635 : Search results have album art instead of track art
17636 : The NP Screen of ip3k player freeze when playlist are cleared from the controller app
17637 : App. does noy scroll properly
17638 : Artists count totally wrong
17639 : Rescan buttons scans the wrong folder
17640 : please make Alarm on/off opticaly more visible in the WebUI.
17641 : No pop up context menu for an album in most cases
17642 : Controller app not updated after BMF scan finds a new album
17643 : Displayed playlist not refreshed on repeat with reshuffle
17644 : Squeezebox database and logfiles fill up OS-partition
17645 : Scan Stalls on media files
17646 : "+" button in web UI does drill down instead of add an item to the playlist
17647 : "Generic OPML Browser" plugin needs to be forced enabled
17648 : Search option on IP3K players when set on main menu is broken
17649 : "Recent Searches" includes duplicates
17650 : MOG track duration is lost when skipping back and forth
17651 : LMS 7.7 doesn't install on WHS due to VC redistributable package
17652 : MOG seeking is broken
17653 : SBS:- change Languages on SBS is reflecting on squeezebox boom device.
17654 : Squeezebox Server died. Restarting.
17655 : Scanning stops
17656 : Include TS M2TS file types
17657 : Scan for playlist only does a scan for new and changed music
17658 : Cannot stop alarm in progress
17659 : Cannot stop alarm in progress
17660 : Cannot stop alarm in progress
17661 : Cannot stop alarm in progress
17662 : Cannot stop alarm in progress
17663 : Faulty button behavior with SB Radio with all LMS 7.7 RC builds
17664 : Podcasts stop every 5-10 minutes
17665 : System crashed during long run playback
17666 : Playing track is not get resume after snooze/turnoff the alarm
17667 : From Home, Go to My Music -> Playlist, playlist always Shows Empty, cant customize it
17668 : MOG: moving tracks up and down a playlist is not working
17669 : On Android tablet, 'Now playing', 'My Music', 'Extras' are missing
17670 : On Android tablet, Only playing radio is getting reflected to my SB radio
17671 : The Traditional Chinese song names are displayed as English phonetics
17672 : FreeNAS/SlimNAS - nightly 7.7 does not finish scanning
17673 : No option to delete the track from Favorite
17674 : Segmentation fault after separate rescan of music folder but only if you have images or video enabled
17675 : Image resizing behaviour should be configurable
17676 : WHYY TuneIn links will not play.
17677 : alarm is completely buggy
17678 : Device do not provide system update information after firmware upgrade.
17679 : seek bar not aligned properly with
17680 : General install issue of LMS on ReadyNAS Pro (ends up with an install error)
17681 : volume control is not working
17682 : Windows vista 32/64 and XP is not listing in SB Boom
17683 : Navigation is not smooth
17684 : downgrade firmware is not successful.
17685 : MOG: Delete from favorites option in MOG playlist
17686 : SB Receiver crash during FFWD in mp3 file
17687 : MOG: No option to create new playlist instantly from now playing list
17688 : MOG:Menu list atre not updates / refreshed after addding/deleting the tracks from Playlist or Favorite.
17689 : MOG: MOG favorite/Plalist option is not available from Album menu list
17690 : MOG: Delete from Favorite need to changed as "Delete from Playlist" from My Playlist menu.
17691 : MOG: In charts menu "Top Album" list is 49 albums while top songs and top artist display list is 50
17692 : Stream proxy capability for SqueezePlay
17693 : Accented characters fail to import.
17694 : On Android tablet, 'Internet radio' is not listing any options
17697 : "New Music" should be listed by creation/added date, not by modified/changed date
17698 : add the "Just For You" and the "Inspired by your Friends" lists
17700 : Browse Music Folder fails when there's a linked file
17701 : all stations report cannot resolve ip address
17702 : WHS after install does not auto select Video / Photo directories
17703 : Playlist can no longer be added to the home screen on the Squeezebox Devices.
17704 : software update was completed but still shows software update are available.
17705 : Connect Radio to Server remotly using DNS name not IP-address
17706 : 'Kohina' (ogg vorbis) rebuffers during switch of track
17707 : App Gallery application not accessible from touch device.
17708 : squeezecenter_safe does not wait for squeezecenter-binary to die
17709 : m3u playlist is not playing
17710 : player continues to play from RCA when headphones plugged in
17711 : Wrong link when clicking on artist from 'browse artists'/'artist' if artist is featured on a compilation album
17712 : CLI musicfolder returns wrong Count if the folder contains a Windows shortcut
17713 : uses obsolete timezone database
17714 : UTF-8 being "Normalized" to ?Unicode
17715 : Page down action in menu operates incorrectly - skips items in some skins
17716 : Patch Installer does not find any patches
17717 : Support of Audio Books
17718 : Searching genres using "browselibrary items mode:genres" does not work
17719 : Now Playing playlist doesn't show correct metadata for remote music services
17720 : Sounds no longer available for alarm via device UI
17721 : Media Server Options: "Player -> Basic Settings -> Play Other Songs In Album" has no effect
17722 : Select multiple songs in playlist
17723 : Scanner crashes squeezeboxserver if mp3 file tag has year set to 0000
17724 : If NAS is shut down during 'scan for new', then next scan considers media files as deleted
17725 : DLNA server - not working for endpoints
17726 : Windows Control Panel can't authenticate to password protected server
17727 : playback issues with mp3 + cue sheets combination
17728 : Web GUI Jumps to Track More Info on Playlist Play
17729 : Fedora service control fumbles after server restart
17730 : Server daemonizes repeatedly when restarting
17731 : Playlist scanning does not appear to be working
17732 : Third party title formats no longer supported in browse menus
17733 : LMS quits iTunes when finishing scan
17734 : install stalls on windows due to huge FileCache folder
17735 : Fails to play audio after wake on LAN takes too long
17736 : When running the update from the tray icon, MS VC libraries are not installed
17737 : LMS can deliver ridiculously HUGE main menus
17738 : Scanner never stops, according to web UI
17739 : Service doesn't start on Windows 2000 SP4
17740 : UPnP/DLNA server will not start
17741 : When updating from SBS, LMS installer can't be launched from the PrefPane
17742 : Buffering status wrong for players that decode while buffering
17743 : Logitech Media Server - web interface - volume control intermittantly non-functional
17744 : mobile app not pair with squeezebox radio.
17745 : Unable to proces some podcasts
17746 : MOG icon is blank
17747 : Unable to connect to password protected servers
17748 : Feature Request: Want to use Logitech Media Server as DLNA control point
17749 : Database upgrade scripts missing for mysql
17750 : there is no "On MOG" menu option in the context menu
17751 : Squeezeplay Synchronization feature interrupts
17752 : OSX PrefPane is missing translations
17753 : There is no indication to the user that the "Run Cleanup" operation is started, in progress, or finished
17754 : Please use Net::IPv4Addr instead of Network::IPv4Addr
17755 : MySQL fails on Windows with DBD::mysql not found
17756 : MOG recent search doesn't work
17757 : My squeezebox boom changes language
17758 : Pop up symbols linger too long on the screen
17759 : no screensaver when player off
17760 : Rtmp listen again streams stop at end rather than moving onto next item in playlist
17761 : Scanner crashes Perl on Mac in 7.7.0 on rescan
17762 : Control Panel Doesn't Open after Entering Credentials
17763 : App is stuck in landscape mode on some smartphones
17764 : Embedded LMS fails to switch between sources
17765 : mobile app unable to select SBR line input
17766 : Logitech Media server 7.7.0 causes DLNA client to crash
17767 : Remove MySQL configuration directory
17768 : LMS 7.7.1 does not scan for playlists in it's designated folder, it scans the media folders instead
17769 : Single album FLAC + cue files are not recognized
17770 : DISC and DISCC TAGS in cue sheets are not recognized
17771 : Implement a MusicIP replacement in the server
17772 : Crossfade broken
17773 : Some M4A files on my LMS will not play on my SB Radio.
17774 : Socks Proxy Support
17775 : Netgear neo TV 350 and Movies: audio languages cannot be changed
17776 : Firmwareupdates
17777 : New & changed scan does not scan playlists
17778 : Playlist scan does not remove deleted playlists
17779 : When an internet radio station has an intro, the bit rate display does not update
17780 : Squeezebox server gets started twice (Logitech Media Server died. Restarting)
17781 : Full wipecache is run when adding new folder with media type exclusion
17782 : Rescan after modifying embedded cover art corrupts track metadata
17783 : Missing 'forget network' functionality
17784 : CLI requests use wrong encoding
17785 : Visibility to queue in
17786 : Artist not showing on media server
17787 : Non-functional repeat/shuffle buttons, and missing images
17788 : When two mobile clients connected to a SB, they miss the sync sometimes
17789 : [rare occurrence] When Wi-Fi connectivity is lost on SB, mobile app sometimes hangs and needs a force close
17790 : "Artist Radio" doesn't work from
17791 : Large libraries have severe performance problem.
17792 : Local devices not found when clicking "Go".
17793 : Browsing through folders, wrong content displayed
17794 : Please add support for rdio streaming services
17795 : Missing cover blocks real artwork from being found
17796 : Bug reports have outstripped your ability to address them
17798 : MySB unstable from Hong Kong
17799 : Use a separator such as 'Also appears on' when viewing the albums by an artist
17800 : Invalid artwork regex leads to scan failure
17801 : MOG Radio doesn't work from WebUI
17802 : Invalid UTF-8 chars can be returned in tags
17803 : Not able to add a track in existing playlist
17804 : Playlist option is missing from the MyMusic list
17805 : A VOID: Need a new product to replace the Squeezebox BOOM
17806 : Squeezeboxserver simply stops after scan
17807 : Windows installer is showing German messages if no localization is available
17808 : Playing some FLAC files crashes the player
17810 : Not able to see added playlist under the "Playlist" option available in device
17811 : Internet Radio / Streaming Provider Nacamar / special station RADIO LEVERKUSEN
17812 : Settings Lost After Upgrading Media Server on ReadyNAS
17814 : Display is dark (not showing clock screensaver) when off
17815 : Backup Configuration Function Enhancement
17816 : RE: Logitech Media Server
17817 : Warning: Firmware: Failed to download...
17818 : logitechmediaserver breaks apparmor in Ubuntu
17819 : Squeezebox folder is breaking ReadyNAS Samba configuration
17820 : 7.7.1 created a new cifs share on Readynas Duo
17821 : Not able to switch player to local musich using Android/ios controller app
17822 : LMS does not find/display all sub-folders with photo content
17823 : Log file created as root:root, server cannot write to it and exits
17824 : duet controller update toggles between V.7.7.1 r9557 and r9546
17825 : Track number does not change while going forward on album until song is selected
17826 : using the Network sub menu in diagnostic resets the network settings
17827 : Obvious & easy way to export (backup) your Favorites list (and also Logitech Media Server settings).
17828 : Scanning dies after a few tracks
17829 : "No Album" and "No Artist" song added to playlist from BMF cannot then be loaded from playlist
17830 : Cannot rearrange Favorites list in IE9
17831 : Unable to get players from SN
17832 : Scanner crashes when scanning gif (animated)
17833 : Alarm broken with 7.7.2
17834 : Scanner throws error on rescan
17835 : playlistcontrol cmd:load ... play_index:yyyy doesn't work with folders
17836 : Statistics based dynamic playlists.
17837 : Browse Music folder fails if a file of unwanted/invalid type is in a folder
17838 : Windows shortcuts to folders being reported as "type:unknown" by CLI and don't work in Web UI
17839 : Translation error (swedish)
17841 : directory traversal vulnerability
17842 : Host Logitech Squeezebox Controller App on Amazon marketplace
17843 : renaming /c/squeezeboxserver/ to /c/.squeezeboxserver/
17844 : More than 6 preset buttons would be very appreciated
17845 : LMS packages for QNAP NAS
17846 : sound quality
17847 : Unable to play podcasts as alarm.
17848 : LMS service does NOT install on Windows 7
17849 : LMS Scan on my DUO Only 3,500 of my Files; Will Not Scan Any Additional Files
17850 : Unable to create MusicIP mixes using remote
17851 : SB Radio won't play NRK AAC stream
17852 : Support for new ReadyNAS Duo and NV+ V2 devices
17853 : Like on Boom V57 Blanks Display
17854 : iheart radio stream from KOA Denver
17855 : Only enable single output channel mode if actively synced
17856 : LMS 7.7.1 not serving M4A, AIF or WAV files to Linn DS
17857 : Last "composer" tag gets returned as "artist" in CLI/JSON interface
17858 : Web UI shows red X instead of artwork for "local" remote streams
17859 : Adding WiMP favorites
17860 : v7.7.x Broken code in Slim::Player::Protocols::HTTP
17861 : Password can't be set on my music collection
17862 : Static when streaming Aiff natively to Touch.
17863 : No display of "Comment" Tag when special characters are used
17864 : Mediafly has announced it is stopping service in March, 2012 - we need a replacement
17865 : Player Forgot presets and alarms
17866 : stream.mp3: transcoding of flac to mp3 not starting
17867 : Guest artists on non-compilations never appear in artist list
17868 : Custom Artwork for MannuallyAdded Radio URL Streams
17869 : LMS tries to get an IP address before Windows finished booting.
17870 : Playing a file directly via "Browse Music Folder" changes its track title to file name
17871 : iheartradio app
17872 : "Random Mix" in SBT not so random.
17873 : Not able to repeat search without going back
17874 : Not able to repeat search without going back
17875 : Slider in alarm volume screen not working
17876 : Unnecessary items in context menu for current-playlist tracks
17877 : Resume after underrun broken for synchronized (ip3k) players
17878 : Music Folder shows Empty
17879 : Audio glitches on rtmp streams
17880 : Local music service has been stopped due to a problem.
17881 : BMF scan corrupts dB replacing title with file name
17882 : error in mime-type
17883 : Rhapsody New Music menu stopped working
17884 : DLNA ContentsFeatures missed Media Profiles
17885 : MM CMS:GetProtocolInfoRules: http_get and DLNA media profiles first
17886 : SB Touch IR Blaster issue when controlled from SB Controller
17887 : Album info display is incorrect
17888 : Web interface blank for TuneIn stations in playlist
17889 : Most context menus are no longer working
17890 : Performance issues depending what scanner module is run
17891 : 7.7.2 doesn't play ALAC
17892 : SB Receiver bright white light and not able to connect to SB server
17893 : Unnecessary push into current playlist when stopping playback - ip3k
17894 : urlmd5 column in tracks table aren't set correctly for FLAC + CUE images
17896 : scanner doesn't work with files stored using git annex
17897 : Wrong album marked as favorite
17898 : Album marked as favorite instead of track
17899 : Track favorite has 'Song Info (...)' in title
17900 : Issues after adding tracks from cue/image to playlist
17901 : Some settings were changed. Do you want to save them?
17902 : IR network broadcast
17903 : No alarm when programed
17904 : *.mp4 video in music folder crashes scanner
17905 : Blank SB server section in Readynas Admin interface
17906 : Skipping to next track with Duet Controller takes too much time
17907 : CLI: Playlists edit cmd:add perform a rescan
17908 : Minimum brightness "now playing"
17909 : EULA needed during DOWNLOAD of LMS - WebPage change
17910 : No sound on any song in Spotify
17911 : Radio will not turn OFF at first try
17912 : Presets are unreliable - need to store on device or implement LMS/ failover
17913 : Request for an option to disable menu icons
17914 : New Music list stalls out after extended periods of non use.
17915 : Playlist end, return to first track function is broken
17916 : IsScreensaverActive returns false for Now Playing screensaver
17917 : DNS failures get cached -- resulting in persistent "Couldn't resolve IP address for" errors
17918 : Squeezescrobbler 3rd party plugin installation failure
17919 : 7.7.2 prevents Disc 'spin down'
17920 : TuneIn Radio Options Context Menu - Results returned are unnecessarily limited and frequently 'not available'
17921 : Incorrect swedish translation for updates in right click menu
17922 : Display brightness for off mode set to 0 - server updates still flash with brightness > 0
17923 : After 1-Mar-2012 Outage - BBC Radio App fails for non UK users.
17924 : ip3k - Save Playlist plugin - Backing out of save playlist breaks use via extras menu
17925 : LMS 7.7.2-33893 - UPnP - download of pictures and videos don't work
17926 : Sirius stream garbled
17927 : No battery voltage check for charging up
17928 : nextwindow => 'refresh' closes menu in iOS app
17929 : Server crashes when trying to scale to 1536x1536
17930 : New artists missing on new and changed scan
17931 : Global alarm on/off setting missing in player alarm UI
17932 : Random Mix playback "confuses" shuffle mode
17933 : Slim::Formats::Playlists::M3U::read fails with relative paths
17934 : UPNP & ALAC files - Server transcode to aif error
17935 : 38901 Server crashes at startup
17936 : Audio / Media scan fails to scan cuesheet COMMENT tags that contain diacritics
17937 : Now Playing information can alternate between station and current-track titles at track skip
17938 : Single file FLAC + external CUE sheet not displaying correctly in Album list
17939 : Live Music Archive Domain Change
17940 : Show which plugin(s) that is updated and need a restart
17941 : Slacker: Unable to retrieve next track
17942 : BOOM: volume "1" is too loud to fall asleep
17943 : LMS not running in 32-bit mode? System Preference must quit and reopen pop up window appears
17944 : Artwork doesn't work on streams from local network
17946 : issue with 'random' playlist when encountering a track from .ape /.cue disc image file
17947 : Radio stops and the display doesn't show the screen save I have chosen
17948 : Black screen on SB Touch while Off
17949 : backligth comes on if server disconects while player is off
17950 : %w macros (stream seconds duration) returns negative value
17951 : errors and does not play any streams
17952 : Time and progress bar update is delayed on track change
17953 : Wrong transcoding settings to MP3 in default install
17954 : Please provide non-64bit-int powerpc Perl arch modules
17955 : Music stops when listenning
17956 : Radio sometimes fails to charge battery
17957 : VA album sort method
17958 : v7.8.0, r33951: Slim::Schema::Storage::throw_exception (122) Error: DBI Connection failed: DBI connect
17959 : Screen display can 'freeze' when 'flicking' through an information browser item display
17961 : Sound Effects Connection Reset
17962 : CBC app no longer works
17963 : New and changed doesn't handle changed files
17964 : No one has permissions to download tarball *.tgz and *.bin files
17965 : Loud noise during a specific song
17966 : All Tracks have duplicate entries
17967 : Updated Debian service control script
17968 : artist list too detailed (artist instead of album artist)
17969 : Not scanning video or photos
17970 : Scan of external disk while copying new data
17971 : IP is toggling between different server every 2 seconds Started by Mnyb, Yesterday 23:15
17972 : Squeezeplay build failure under gcc 4.01 - unrecognized command line option "-Wno-unused-but-set-variable"
17973 : Selecting New Music from the menu is very slow - often crashes server
17974 : live 365 app is broken possibly an API change
17979 : Local radio shows only AM stations. If I do a search for Austin I get a complete list though.
17980 : Can't remove song from playlist which has just 1 song
17982 : Songs fails import after normalize runs twice
17983 : TinyLMS need robust and flexible way to exclude directories on attached storage
17984 : Certain buttons don't work with Perl 5.16
17985 : Add support for Perl 5.16
17986 : logitechmediaserver not working on Fedora 17 for ARM
17987 : CUE files containing äöüéèà etc. are not recognized by Media Server.
17988 : Endless loop while scanning pictures or video
17989 : Albums and singles are not separated in WiMP
17990 : Cannot play aac streams on 64-bit linux
17991 : unnatural sort order
17992 : Squeezeplay won't play under OSX 10.8 Mountain Lion. 7.7.2r9599
17993 : Unable to access plugins
17994 : Live Music Archive no longer works!
17995 : Add support for armhf
17996 : Cannot stop server and process cannot be killed
17997 : Missing menu leafs in certain applications
17998 : plugin display glitch?
17999 : Spotify will very often only play music after rebooting the squeezebox radio
18000 : MusicBrainz Track IDs in .m4a files
18001 : Wrong log level for blocked IP address
18002 : squeezeboxserver does not honor ACLs
18003 : Sirius HTTP/1.0 401 unauthorized
18004 : LMS asks for Class::XSAccessor 1.05+ but it comes with 0.35
18005 : Spotify plugin doesn't handle spotify-folders
18006 : Qobuz application support
18007 : Add "On Demand" capability to SiriusXM app
18008 : decomposed Unicode file names are not recomposed when read from the music_path preference
18009 : itunesupdate cannot access itunes
18010 : Squeezebox app stucks on license agreement
18011 : squeezeboxserver running at 100% CPU
18012 : Spotify causes reboot when controlled via remote controll app
18013 : transporter scan
18014 : Squeezeplay doesn't connect on Windows 8
18015 : When adding all albums for an artist to the playlist albums/tracks are not added in the same order as the UI sort order
18016 : 'Songs' not sorted when searching in LMS or on the Controller
18017 : Unable to use volume control voor Denon AVP/AVR plugin when output volume is fixed at 100%
18018 : Buttons and Knobs and Bar not working
18019 : Alarm not always working
18020 : Duet receiver will not init with UTF-8 wifi SSID
18021 : m4a decoder error (Decoder does not support file format, code 0). File plays in iTunes.
18022 : No scrobbling to when streaming music from deezer due to invalid metadata handling for artist/album
18023 : Use of MOG creates Time-out errors
18024 : Does not detect modules
18025 : Scanner Log File shows server.log file content
18026 : Show command hangs on squeezebox receiver
18027 : Artwork not showing when browsing Artists, if no compilation album is in that listing!
18028 : Artwork not showing when browsing Artists, if no compilation album is in that listing!
18029 : LMS does not recognize special characters (Umlaute) in .cue files since version 7.6
18030 : Playing a specific track while track shuffle is enabled will play another track
18031 : Rescan failed with disk i/o error, sqlite: 'delete from scanned_files..'
18032 : Playlist plays first item
18033 : Wrong TPE2-Handling with FLAC files causes "Missing Artist" problem
18034 : If your wireless access point changes it's WiFi channel the SB Radio will refuse to connect.
18035 : Last FM love track for song doesn't work
18036 : Cometd client manager fails to purge dead clients (e.g. iPad/Android apps) causing memory leakage
18037 : DLNA client does not play flac files as flac.
18038 : DLNA client does not play flac files as flac.
18039 : DLNA client does not play flac files as flac.
18040 : MOG Genre playing option missing
18041 : Server crash when playing podcast
18042 : when scanning a video file without audio scanner segfaults
18043 : urlmd5 column in tracks table not set properly for new playlists
18044 : Album playback error of VA flacs with embedded cuesheets
18045 : Additional Playlist Buttons not shown in search results
18046 : Perl 5.18 breaks functionality in
18047 : i386 versions of flac etc don't work on a x86_64 GNU/Linux
18048 : Links to log files Logitech-Media Server Log File and Scanner Log File point to the same file
18049 : Warning Slim::Schema::_preCheckAttributes (2469) Warning: Use of each()
18050 : Duration is not shown correctly
18051 : inability to play 24bit 192khz
18052 : Setting the Rescan Timer is broken in ip3k interface - Patch attached
18053 : Once a connected SB has "played", Server does not sleep even if SB is turned off (soft off)
18054 : Add support for 'Set Subtitle'/'Disc Subtitle' (ID3v2.4 TSST/ID3v2.3 TIT3)
18055 : Google Music not supported in app
18056 : Bug in .../Slim/Display/Lib/
18057 : MOG web interface improvement
18058 : test
18059 : The WIKI is down !
18060 : Clock screensavers misbehave if Player is booted before the server
18061 : is being attacked by bots
18062 : Scanner crashes when attempting to get tags from certain WAV files
18063 : AAC-Files are not played gapless although tagged correctly
18064 : Play MPC-Format natively from USB/SD on Squeezebox Touch
18065 : Add hfs+-support to SBT-Firmware
18066 : Title information from M3U files are not saved
18067 : When treating multi-disc sets as one album, two different single disc albums with same title by same artist are combined.
18068 : Sqeezebox Radio cannot connect to logitech Media server
18069 : Bad repository - Couldn't resolve IP address for:
18070 : Random Mix fails to play following full clear and rescan
18071 : 7.7.4 Won't accept network network paths/drives for media folder locations
18072 : 7.7.x Install Pkg missing Audio::Scan include - fails to run
18073 : Direct search entries in the Home Menu
18074 : Playing MP2 fast forward crashes Logitech Media Server not accesssible for other devices
18075 : Playing MP2 fast forward crashes Logitech Media Server not accesssible for other devices
18076 : MusicBrainz Track not scanned in wma files
18077 : Musicbrainz tags not stored for album artists
18078 : All files seen as changed after Daylight Saving time change (Windows only)
18079 : history
18080 : LMS 7.8 nighlies don't include builds for perl 5.18 for different architectures other than x64
18081 : AnyEvent/ does not work in debian/ubuntu like systems without /etc/resolv.conf
18082 : Allow custom input to Database Memory Config
18083 : support please
18084 : Live 365 pause function don’t stop meta data update
18085 : Live 365 search is broken
18086 : The Live 365 menu my presets menu is broken
18087 : New 64 bit linux helpers need newer glibc than 32-bit
18088 : LMS won't start
18089 : "View Tags" for the file without any tags breaks the web UI
18090 : Override language preference with URL parameter
18091 : Squeezebox Classic v3 reboots frequently
18092 : albums command with sort:new included returns no entries
18093 : LMS 7.9 & Internet Explorer 9/10/11: Pulldown menu broken
18094 : Forum code boxes wrap long lines
18095 : new test issues
18096 : Support COMPOSERSORT and other contibutor sort tags
18097 : web issues using 5.20 dropdowns/file browsers not populating due to Compress::Raw::Zlib incompatibility
18098 : Directory scan finds no songs
18099 : Basic search fails to find playlists
18100 : Basic search finds no artists when Browse Artists is set to two separate artist lists
18101 : Basic search fails to find Various Artists
18102 : Album named "+" saved in playlist makes playlist unviewable
18103 : Settings pages do not display
18104 : Missing and broken buttons on album info page
18105 : LMS 7.9 scanning problem on a Synology DS713+
18106 : M button missing in MusicIP mix view
18107 : Various Artists not include among Album Artists when separate Album Artists and Artists lists are enabled
18108 : Alphapagebar contains accented characters not ordered the same as the list
18109 : Composer browse by album bug (7.9)
18110 : Cue Files: request for 'artistsort' and 'albumartistsort' to be implemented
18111 : Problem with "Various Artists" play controls
18112 : Tracks with double DATE tags get the wrong year assigned by the scanner
18113 : "Remove from playlist" does not clear/update the playlist panel if the playlist comes empty
18114 : Issue with "Defeat destructive touch to play" and Squeezebox Radio when using App
18115 : LMS fails to start after Control Panel "Clean cache"
18116 : Scanning is aborted
18117 : JazzRadio app
18118 : Save random mix genre selection as preset
18119 : iTunes playlist import broken
18120 : Scanner won't stop repeating scans over and over again
18121 : Crossfade no more working with online sources
18122 : Error in scanner
18123 : Door bell functionality
18124 : Radio station highlighting does not work on web UI with "Text only" or "Small Artwork" mode
18125 : Bass/treble sliders don't work correctly for SLIMP3
18126 : New & changed scan does not update comments correctly
18127 : Wrong cover art for multi disc album with different cover for each disc
18128 : Scanner loops
18129 : Serial podcast not working
18130 : Album artists from compilations aren't listed under Album Artists
18131 : Bug #3096 returns
18132 : Additional Browse Mode menus
18133 : Volume constantly changing, preset buttons stop working, squeezebox turns itself on
18134 : Request: Better user experience for paired Radios
18135 : urgent message Elizabeth thornburg click on the attachment to secure device your mobile device is threatened
18136 : warning your device detects a threat open now to clean
18137 : Playing album crashes Squeezeserver on Netgear ReadyNas
18138 : LMS unable to access media stored on NAS share after reboot
18139 : BBC Podcast OPML listing fails to parse
18140 : squeezebox1 gapless pcm broken - patch idea included
18141 : Artist shows as Various Artists after album change and rescan for new music
18142 : Cannot play multiple track single FLAC files with cue sheets using the browsing features
18143 : Missing tracks, even though search seems to know about them
18144 : Add subfiles and subfolder at the same time, subfiles forgotten
18145 : Allow FLAC (VORBIS) ENSEMBLE tag to be a contributor for Additional Browse Modes, equivalent to BAND
18146 : logitech media server fails to start after upgrade to perl 5.22
18147 : Modify Slacker plugin (or other) to support 320 kbps audio streams
18148 : LMS WebUI playlist gets out of sync
18149 : Ickstream support
18150 : Scanner always sets DISCNUMBER to 1 for FLAC files
18151 : Podcast XML listing failure using HTTPS protocol
18152 : Podcast XML HTTPS download fails: Connect times out
18153 : Duplicated album/contributor names appearing in DB - Unicode NFC vs NFD
18154 : login field is not visible.
18156 : 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO' wrong?
18157 : logitechmediaserver fails to start in Ubuntu 17.10 Artful Aardvark
18158 : Can no longer receive WBZ or KDZR
18159 : (One) search is broken: LMS web UI: Radio / Search (click on it for a new pane)
18160 : LMS does check the U**X permissions only when accessing music library
18161 : There is no app for iHeart radio available, not allowing me to access WBZ am
18162 : UPnP/DLNA Plugin does not resend alive packets for server - client lose connection after 30 min
18163 : Can't edit links in wiki because reCAPTCHA is broken
18164 : sync command doesn't work as advertised
18165 : Changing audio volume on unsynced player causes volume change on other players.
18166 : Youtube integration not working - invalid country code
18167 : Loss of functionality
18168 : SYS V start script in RPM distribution does not work for openSUSE 15.0