Bugzilla – Bug 4941
New music limit not working
Last modified: 2008-12-18 11:12:53 UTC
I set the new music limit to 5, added a lot of music, and it still shows up to 100 of the new tracks. Easily reproduced.
Are you seeing the same effect if you don't add music, but change from 100 down to 5? I've done this and the limits do seem to work. What did you do after adding music? BMF to add, or scan new and changed?
Yes I see the same behavior, I didn't add any new music, simply changed New Music Limit to 5 and browsed to new music, it lists: 4 albums with 29 songs by 2 artists.
The new music list is a list of albums, so you should expect to see 5 albums if the limit is 5. What does the log show with d_mysql and d_sql? I am getting the right limit in the list, but the counts are off at the top line. Counts are often off in various modes.
Created attachment 1917 [details] d_sql d_mysql
Where does it say anything about albums? Server settings -> behavior -> new music limit says "Choose the number of tracks to display when browsing for new music. Default is 100" When changing the limit to 5, it should only display 5 tracks.
The description is wrong. The view in New Music is a list of albums, also having the option to display in gallery view. the url is: http://phobos:9000/browsedb.html?hierarchy=age,track&level=0 Level 0 is "age", level 1 is tracks. the "age" level is generated from the Slim::Schema::ResultSet::Age, which is subclassed form albums like so: use base qw(Slim::Schema::ResultSet::Album); the fix would therefore be this: Index: strings.txt =================================================================== --- strings.txt (revision 11832) +++ strings.txt (working copy) @@ -5131,14 +5131,7 @@ ZH_CN 新进音乐数量显示限制 SETUP_BROWSEAGELIMIT_DESC - CS Vyberte počet zobrazovaných skladeb při pocházení novinkami. Defaultně je nastaveno 100. - DE Geben Sie an, wie viele Lieder die Liste der neuen Musikstücke enthalten soll. Vorgabe ist 100. - EN Choose the number of tracks to display when browsing for new music. Default is 100 - ES Elegir el número de temas a mostrar cuendo se examina Música Nueva. Por defecto es 100 - FR Spécifiez le nombre d'éléments à afficher dans la rubrique Nouveautés. Le nombre par défaut est 100. - IT Scegli il numero di tracce da visualizzare quando sfogli la musica recente. Di default sono 100. - NL Kies het aantal te tonen liedjes bij "Bekijk nieuwe muziek". Standaard waarde is 100. - ZH_CN 请指定浏览新进音乐时显示歌曲的数量限制。缺省为100。 + EN Choose the number of recent albums to display when browsing for new music. Default is 100 SETUP_ANIMATIONLEVEL CS Animace
That makes a lot more sense! Chris is this something we want to change for 6.5.2?
It's an extremely safe change, but it's also one that I feel no pressre to fix for 6.5.2 at all. I'll set it for 7.
committed to trunk at change 11848, defunct localisedd strings removed so that proper new translations can be made. Please reopen if there are any remaining issues.
This bug is being closed since it was resolved for a version which is now released! Please download the new version of SqueezeCenter (formerly SlimServer) at http://www.slimdevices.com/su_downloads.html If you are still seeing this bug, please re-open it and we will consider it for a future release.