Bug 13481 - Changing player name updates web UI only after refresh
: Changing player name updates web UI only after refresh
Product: MySqueezebox.com
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Web UI
: Test
: PC Windows XP
: P1 normal (vote)
Assigned To: Mickey Gee
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Reported: 2009-08-19 09:45 UTC by Mickey Gee
Modified: 2009-10-05 16:44 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Category: Bug


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Description Mickey Gee 2009-08-19 09:45:13 UTC
When I change the name of my player, I can see the result in the list of players shown vertically on the left only after I hit the browser's refresh button.

Suggest refreshing automatically if that field is changed.
Comment 1 Michael Herger 2009-08-19 22:06:50 UTC
What browser have you been using?
Comment 2 Michael Herger 2009-08-20 02:59:35 UTC
Mickey - I've tested this again with Opera, Safari, FF, IE7 and IE8 - all working fine. Could you please test again?

Please note that the update might take a second or two to be processed.
Comment 3 Mickey Gee 2009-09-02 16:31:37 UTC
Looks great. Checked on FF 3.5, IE7.
Comment 4 James Richardson 2009-10-05 16:44:22 UTC
This bug has been fixed in the latest release of MySqueezebox.com (formally known as SqueezeNetwork)!

If you are still experiencing this problem, feel free to reopen the bug with your new comments and we'll have another look.