Bug 7158 - SC7 debian fails to start on amd64
: SC7 debian fails to start on amd64
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Platform Support
: 7.0
: PC Debian Linux
: P5 normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Matt Wise
Depends on:
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Reported: 2008-02-15 03:20 UTC by Patrick Dixon
Modified: 2008-12-18 11:12 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Patrick Dixon 2008-02-15 03:20:48 UTC
Please see Bug 6995 for details
Comment 1 Blackketter Dean 2008-02-16 11:28:08 UTC
Matt: what needs to be done here for us to release 7.0?
Comment 2 Matt Wise 2008-02-16 15:55:14 UTC
We need some code to disable using the mDNSREsponder if the system is 64bit and linux... unfortunately, I'm just not sure where to put that code. I could spend a few hours messing around with it ... but it might be faster for someone more familiar with the inner workings of the software to make that change. 
Comment 3 Mark Miksis 2008-02-16 16:28:33 UTC
(In reply to comment #2)
> We need some code to disable using the mDNSREsponder if the system is 64bit and
> linux... 

Note that as discussed in the forums, it's not broken on all 64 bit Linux.  I'm running the RPM on x86_64 Xeon under CentOS and mDNSResponder starts and runs fine.  I really don't know what's wrong here, but I don't think it's a debian packaging issue.  My guess is it's either a difference between how AMD64 vs. Xeon run 32-bit code or a difference between how Debian and Red Hat support multilib.

Note also that the reason this hasn't come up before is because the old Debian builds for SlimServer completely removed the Bin directory.  This seems like overkill (and will remove things we'd like to have such as alac).  If no other fix presents itself, I'd suggest just removing mDNSResponder from the Deb.  Does anyone know how many people really use this?

Comment 4 Patrick Dixon 2008-02-17 01:44:17 UTC
As I posted on the thread:-

It looks like ubuntu use avahi rather than mdnsresponder - so there is no mdnsresponder built for ubuntu.

(I have no idea what I'm talking about here, but this is what I surmise from trying to install mdnsresponder on feisty and then googling when it wasn't available).
Comment 5 Mark Miksis 2008-02-17 08:27:20 UTC
(In reply to comment #4)
> As I posted on the thread:-
> It looks like ubuntu use avahi rather than mdnsresponder - so there is no
> mdnsresponder built for ubuntu.
CentOS 5 also ships with the Avahi daemon installed and set to start by default.  It's presence seems to have no effect on the ability of either mDNSResponder or SC to start and run on my x86_64 box.

Comment 6 Patrick Dixon 2008-02-17 11:38:16 UTC
I found this:-


which lists mdnsresponder as a conflict with avahi on Ubuntu feisty (amd64)

I am not sure what this means ...
Comment 7 Matt Wise 2008-02-17 11:45:47 UTC
Fixed in checkin #17601. This is a temporary fix that removes the mDNSResponderPosix from the install for Debian. It wasn't there in the past, so this shouldn't affect any users. Long term, some logic should be put in place to launch the binary if it can, and if it fails, to not crash SqueezeCenter completely. 

Comment 8 Chris Owens 2008-03-07 09:04:44 UTC
This bug is being closed since it was resolved for a version which is now released!  Please download the new version of SqueezeCenter (formerly SlimServer) at http://www.slimdevices.com/su_downloads.html

If you are still seeing this bug, please re-open it and we will consider it for a future release.