Bug 13353 - Load Previous Firmware consistency
: Load Previous Firmware consistency
Product: SqueezePlay
Classification: Unclassified
Component: --
: unspecified
: PC Windows XP
: P3 normal (vote)
: Future
Assigned To: Squeezebox QA Team email alias
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Reported: 2009-08-12 07:21 UTC by James Richardson
Modified: 2009-10-26 15:11 UTC (History)
6 users (show)

See Also:
Category: Task


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Description James Richardson 2009-08-12 07:21:28 UTC
ALL SP based devices need to have a way to load a previous firmware, incase a bad firmware gets out into the wild, there has to be a single consistant way to get the previous good firmware back onto the device.

Currently, there is no unified method.

On Controller you hold the VOL UP button during boot
On Baby you hold down REW during power cycle
On FAB4 you have to use the IR VOL UP during power cycle

Please make them ALL the same method
Comment 1 Richard Titmuss 2009-08-13 03:05:31 UTC
It's not possible to make them all the same, for example baby does not have a VOL UP button. This would require a bootloader change, and that's not going to happen on jive any time soon (if ever). I tried to make this consistent, but without the foresight of future hardware it's hard. This just need documenting some place.
Comment 2 James Richardson 2009-08-13 08:50:34 UTC
Anoop / Dan: 

Please add this information to the WIKI as well as TS FAQ system.
Comment 3 Ben Klaas 2009-08-26 07:53:36 UTC
this is an administrative shuffle on priority fields to help make better judgment on the top end of the priority list. P4->P5, P3->P4, and P2->P3.
Comment 4 James Richardson 2009-10-06 13:22:41 UTC
Please close the bug once the FAQ is in place
Comment 5 Anoop Mehta 2009-10-08 11:47:23 UTC
Dan & Laron,

Is there a FAQ in place for this?

If not can we get one created?
Comment 6 Walker LaRon 2009-10-23 19:10:04 UTC
Hey James,

I was unaware of this, however I do see that I am cc'd on the bug.  I will speak with Dan on Monday, and get see how he wants me to proceed.  This FAQ should be simple.  


Comment 7 Dan Evans 2009-10-26 15:11:37 UTC
I'll add this to our list of FAQs for evaluation and creation.

Closing this bug as WONTFIX.