Bug 15702 - Menu elements naming inconsistency
: Menu elements naming inconsistency
Status: NEW
Product: SB Radio
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Menus
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Assigned To: Unassigned bug - please assign me!
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Reported: 2010-02-14 01:22 UTC by Piotr Domagalski
Modified: 2011-11-06 23:24 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Category: ---


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Description Piotr Domagalski 2010-02-14 01:22:31 UTC
7.4.2-r8423, English UI

I have some minor remarks regarding menu elements naming.

1. Settings->"Audio Settings" should be renamed to "Audio" simillary to other elements. Everything in this menu concerns settings... (almost all, excluding Advanced).

2. Almost all the menus seem to be capitalized (i.e. every word in it), these are the places which seem inconsistent:

Settings->Audio Settings->Crossfaed
Settings->Advanced->Last.fm Audioscrobbler
Settings->Sleep (not sure if "Sleep At End Of Song" looks OK...)
Settings->Advanced->Networking->Choose Network - also, even if you decided not to capitalize every word there, Ethernet should be capitalized. Sorry to mix this in this bug report, but Help in Choose Network uses different names, ie. "wireless" and "wired" - there are no such options. I'd also suggest removing the "Connect" word so that there'd be no need for scrolling.

3. Settings->Screen->Image Viewer Settings. Oh my, this is horrible:

- firstly, just as in 1., please rename it to just "Image Viewer",
- please fix capitalization in this menu (all the submenus),
- "Additional info about picture" - this is way to long, not to mention how the entries in this menu look like, i.e.: "Show additional info about picture" and "Hide additional info about picture". This menu is so much in contrast compared to all the other.
Comment 1 Alan Young 2011-11-06 23:24:15 UTC
Unassigned bugs cannot have a priority.