Bugzilla – Bug 2641
Windows EXE stops (crashes) when scrolling artist names in UI
Last modified: 2008-09-15 14:37:04 UTC
Windows executable file (not running as a service) stops running as a result of scrolling through artists names in the squeezebox UI. Log : 2005-11-18 14:33:14.5061 iTunesUpdate: initialising 2005-11-18 14:33:14.5067 iTunesUpdate: hookiTunesUpdate() engaged, iTunes Updater activated. 2005-11-18 14:33:20.7703 iTunesUpdate: Creating new PlayerStatus for SB1.Lounge (00:04:20:05:34:98) 2005-11-18 14:33:20.8167 iTunesUpdate: Creating new PlayerStatus for SB1.MasterBed (00:04:20:05:47:70) <B>2005-11-18 14:33:44.7533 Offset outside string at /PerlApp/Slim/Networking/Select.pm line 160.</B> 2005-11-18 14:33:44.9151 disablePlugin() is deprecated! Please use shutdownPlugin() instead. (Plugins::iTunesUpdate::Plugin) 2005-11-18 14:33:44.9155 iTunesUpdate: disabling 2005-11-18 14:33:44.9157 iTunesUpdate: unHookiTunesUpdate() engaged, iTunes Updater deactivated. This occured approx 50 artists through 498, quick scrolling (i.e. holding down the down button on the remote and quickly scrolling through the list).
This happens for me too on Linux, revision 5753, playing files from a local disk.
Chris - Does this happen for specific files or any file. Jon - For the display scrolling - which type of display does this happen on?
Afraid I don't have a way of reproducing this or any view other than as discussed on the list. Best to pass back as I think Dan has a way of reproducing..
It happens on an unmodified SB1 (2 in fact). It relates to artists names containing non-standard characters, specifically in my case Bjork and Royksopp as two examples, both of whose names contain umlauts (Bj�rk and R�yksopp). I do not know whether it is the TAG or the FILENAME causing the issue.
A fixed has been checked in - please try the 2006-01-28 nightlies.
After I upgraded to revision 5902, this hasn't occured again. Hopefully this works for TallChap as well!
There are 536 bugs in the database with targets of '---' that were fixed prior to new year 2006. I am setting them to targets of 6.2.1 to keep them from showing up in my queries.