Bug 7347 - Turn power off on SBC doesn't stop music playback
: Turn power off on SBC doesn't stop music playback
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Controller
: 7.0
: PC Fedora
: -- normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Squeezebox QA Team email alias
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Reported: 2008-02-27 14:15 UTC by Eric Koldinger
Modified: 2009-09-08 09:18 UTC (History)
0 users

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Category: ---


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Description Eric Koldinger 2008-02-27 14:15:27 UTC
When playing music on a SB2 this morning, I used the SB Controller and went to the "turn power off" menu item.
The SB went into it's "power off" mode, and displayed the clock, but music continued to play as if nothing happened.
Using the SBC to turn power on caused the SB to reenter it's on mode, and music continued to play.

The SBC seemed to think that it had paused music on the SB, displaying the "paused" icon (two vertical bars).

Once power was put on, hitting pause on the SBC would cause the player to pause very briefly (sort of a hiccup) and continue playing.  A second hit of the pause button would cause a real pause.  At this point it seemed to have resynced with the actual state and be good.

Seen with yesterday's nightly build:

Will check again tonight with the latest build.
Comment 1 Blackketter Dean 2008-02-27 20:17:47 UTC
Eric, I can't reproduce this.   What kind of Squeezebox were you controlling?
Comment 2 Eric Koldinger 2008-02-27 20:57:14 UTC
I'm seeing it occur on a SB2, but not on an SB1.
One thing to note, I'm using digital out (Coax) on the SB2 where it's happening, but not on the SB1.
It's 100% repeatable for me.

I let in run a bit longer to see if it was just the buffer draining or something, but when it reached the end of the song,
it went on to the next.  I was watching the web UI at that moment, and when it changed songs, the web ui indicated that power switched on (the power icon went from dim to bright on the right hand side), and the SBC also indicated that power was on again.  The display on the SB2 also went into power-on playback mode.
Comment 3 Eric Koldinger 2008-02-27 21:08:47 UTC
Ok, reclassify this.  An errant plugin is apparently causing it.
My ResetVolume plugin is invoked whenever power mode changes (via subscribe for power events), and does:
        $client->execute(["mixer", "volume", $volume]);
Apparently this is somehow keeping the SB2 going.

Disabling the plugin fixed it.

Still, a bug, but obviously much lower priority.  I don't think that executing the mixer command on a powered off player should continue playing.

This is also different between the SB1 and SB2, as both were attempting to execute this command, and the behavior was different.
Comment 4 Blackketter Dean 2008-02-28 09:22:30 UTC
Please get in touch with the plugin author to address.