Bug 2911 - asx playlist pointing to mms stream won't play on sb2/3
: asx playlist pointing to mms stream won't play on sb2/3
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 3383
Product: SB 2/3
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Audio
: 29
: All Other
: P2 normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Richard Titmuss
Depends on:
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Reported: 2006-02-01 11:10 UTC by Kevin Pearsall
Modified: 2008-12-18 11:38 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Kevin Pearsall 2006-02-01 11:10:50 UTC
url is:  http://www.wuftfm.org/WUFT-FM.asx

just says it's playing but doesn't play anything...
d_directstream and d_source looks like this:

2006-02-01 11:10:11.7372 00:04:20:06:2f:a4: Switching to mode stop from playout-play
2006-02-01 11:10:11.7535 00:04:20:06:2f:a4 New play mode: stop
2006-02-01 11:10:11.7574 Stopping and clearing out old chunks for client 00:04:20:06:2f:a4
2006-02-01 11:10:11.7597 Resetting song queue
2006-02-01 11:10:11.7607 Song queue is now 0
2006-02-01 11:10:11.7621 00:04:20:06:2f:a4: Current playmode: stop
2006-02-01 11:10:11.7635 Adding song index 0 to song queue
2006-02-01 11:10:11.7644 Clearing out song queue first
2006-02-01 11:10:11.7652 Song queue is now 0
2006-02-01 11:10:11.8007 Trying to open protocol stream for http://www.wuftfm.org/WUFT-FM.asx
2006-02-01 11:10:11.8020 Found handler for http://www.wuftfm.org/WUFT-FM.asx - using Slim::Player::Protocols::HTTP
2006-02-01 11:10:13.2524 00:04:20:06:2f:a4: Switching to mode stop from stop
2006-02-01 11:10:13.2594  Already in playmode stop : ignoring mode change
2006-02-01 11:10:13.2608 Adding song index 0 to song queue
2006-02-01 11:10:13.2616 Clearing out song queue first
2006-02-01 11:10:13.2624 Song queue is now 0
2006-02-01 11:10:13.2635 00:04:20:06:2f:a4: Switching to mode play from stop
2006-02-01 11:10:13.2650 openSong on: mms://XRA00.jou.ufl.edu/WUFT_HighStream
2006-02-01 11:10:13.5610 00:04:20:06:2f:a4 New play mode: play
2006-02-01 11:10:13.5645 This player supports direct streaming for mms://XRA00.jou.ufl.edu/WUFT_HighStream as mms://XRA00.jou.ufl.edu/WUFT_HighStream, let's do it.
2006-02-01 11:10:13.5687 setting up direct stream (2162403092:80) autostart: 3.
2006-02-01 11:10:13.5699 request string: GET /WUFT_HighStream HTTP/1.0
Accept: */*
User-Agent: NSPlayer/
Host: XRA00.jou.ufl.edu
Pragma: xClientGUID={2a6db376-496c-f358-857d-97d563ee3aae}
Pragma: no-cache,rate=1.0000000,stream-time=0,stream-offset=0:0,request-context=1,max-duration=0
Connection: Close

2006-02-01 11:10:13.5739 00:04:20:06:2f:a4: Current playmode: play
Comment 1 Kevin Pearsall 2006-03-03 19:44:55 UTC
here's another asx -> mms stream that doesn't play on squeezenetwork...


(customer reported--can someone take a look at this?)
Comment 2 Blackketter Dean 2006-04-21 20:14:06 UTC
Looks like a server that doesn't support HTTP streaming
Comment 3 Dan Evans 2006-05-02 12:10:10 UTC
Another user is unable to play mms streams on the Squeezebox.  Here are the URLs he's trying to play:



(reference support ticket 2892)
Comment 4 Dan Sully 2006-05-02 15:24:03 UTC
Quick fix for Windows users - disable built in WMA

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 3383 ***