Bugzilla – Bug 8825
Admin UI, player never goes unconnected, can't delete player
Last modified: 2008-08-15 14:47:07 UTC
My Transporter is locked as well
For some reason, when I reset my transporter to factory, then attached it to test.sn, it "auto" assigned it's self to support@slimdevices.com and now I can't delete it from that account
I looks like players that fail to disconnect properly, get orphaned and then auto assigned to support@sd.com, instead of released. To test this, I attached a player with a valid account, then disconnected it from the player web ui. It wouldn't disconnect or delete properly. So, using the /admin interface, I attempted to delete the player. First it showed the player attached to my user account. Once I selected delete/disconnect from SN, it switched the user account to support@sd.com
Unable to reproduce locally or on Test. Connect player, pull power, player is disconnected within around 1.5 to 2 minutes.
10:04:20:10:01:1b test that mac address Notice that you can't delete it from SN
Does this happen with every player you try, or just some, or just some of the time?
So far, it happened to my Transporter FW 50 and my Ray FW 35 but not to my Jive or SB2 / SB3
I haven't been able to reproduce again
This bug is being closed since it was resolved for a version of SqueezeNetwork which is now released! If you are still seeing this bug, please re-open it and we will consider it for a future release.