Bug 18137 - Playing album crashes Squeezeserver on Netgear ReadyNas
: Playing album crashes Squeezeserver on Netgear ReadyNas
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Scanner
: 7.8.0
: Other Linux (other)
: -- major (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Unassigned bug - please assign me!
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Reported: 2015-05-31 16:04 UTC by erik
Modified: 2015-08-10 04:42 UTC (History)
0 users

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Category: ---


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Description erik 2015-05-31 16:04:27 UTC
1) Download the album (zip file) linked to from http://bootiemashup.com/blog/2015/05/bootie-top-10-aprilmay-2015.html

Direct link:

2) Unzip and put in media files repository on ReadyNas

3) Navigate to "Music folder" in the Squeezeserver web ui

4) Select the folder containing the downloaded files

5) Observe how the web ui gets unresponsive and the squeezeserver process crashes.

6) Observe the following line in the log file:
/c/.squeezeboxserver/log/server.log:2015-05-31 17:59:16 Logitech Media Server died. Restarting.
Comment 1 Mikael Nyberg 2015-08-10 04:42:11 UTC
did you try a "scan for new and changed" instead .

The tagging in these files is a bit of mess many tracks have both id3v1.1 and id3v2.3 tags and some tracks id3v2.4 

So i would use mp3tag or pudletag to adjust the file tags to something reasonable before using the files in LMS .

That said it should not crash anyway only give bad results .

The first part is normal when you navigate to directory with new content LMS finds it and want to scan , then it can become unresponsive for some seconds ,but the crash is not normal . you may have to click twice in some of the music folder menus .

It does not crash on my server i tried the unedited files I only removed the _MACOSX folder within the album folder (it contaisn hidden links to the files that only works in OSX). So the bug may be limited to the readynas version.

What server version do you have . maybe it is fixed already ?

My server .

Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.0 - 1438234070 @ Sun Aug 2 04:00:59 UTC 2015 for 
OS: Red Hat - EN - utf8
Platform: i686-linux
Perl Version: 5.10.1 - i386-linux-thread-multi
Audio::Scan: 0.95
Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.34_01 (sqlite