Bug 12348 - Errata ENGcm06474 from freescale imx25 should be investigated.
: Errata ENGcm06474 from freescale imx25 should be investigated.
Product: SB Radio
Classification: Unclassified
Component: OS/Bootloader
: Include FW version in comment
: PC Other
: P5 normal (vote)
: MP
Assigned To: Richard Titmuss
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Reported: 2009-06-11 11:24 UTC by Caleb Crome
Modified: 2009-09-08 09:27 UTC (History)
0 users

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Category: ---


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Description Caleb Crome 2009-06-11 11:24:55 UTC
Errata ENGcm06474 from https://svn.slimdevices.com/repos/player/trunk/hardware/babyboom/docs/datasheets/cpu/i.MX25/PrelimErrata_MX25.pdf should be investigated.
Comment 1 Richard Titmuss 2009-07-20 07:57:04 UTC
At the moment we don't use two channel operation, so this Errata does not apply. I future patch from Freescale may enable this, so it needs to be considered in the future.