Bugzilla – Bug 14551
Queen app description is wrong on MySB
Last modified: 2009-11-30 15:55:00 UTC
From MySB app description: " With Queen and Squeezebox you can Preview Queen’s upcoming album, Absolute Greatest Listen to band commentaries on tracks from Queen's Absolute Greatest* " The actual album is not playable on Boom or SB3. Commentary is playable on Boom and SB3. MySB.com suggests just the opposite (if I'm reading the * exceptions correctly).
I adjusted some of the copy to reflect the Queen experience. - Only Squeezebox Radio can preview the upcoming album before the November release - Only Squeezebox Radio, Touch and Duet can see exclusive photos - The entire Squeezebox family can listen to the commentaries on track and listen to Queen Radio
Maybe the changes have not been placed on MySB.com yet, but it still says the opposite of your corrections. :)
The changes have been made in CMS for mysqueezebox.com. Matthew Martin will need to review it and have it go live.
Laura, to be clear, what is the title of the App you edited? I show several in the CMS: Title Content Type Queen - post album launch MySB App Gallery Content Queen + Queen Radio MySB App Gallery Content Queen - post album launch MySB On-device Content Queen + Queen Radio MySB On-device Content Queen MySB App Gallery Content Queen MySB On-device Content "Queen + Queen Radio" shows the edited asterisk as you described, but "Queen" shows the content as-is on MySqueezebox.com Can you clarify which content is supposed to appear and when? Obviously "post album launch" should show up after the album launches, but what's the difference between Queen and Queen + Queen Radio ?
Matthew - I went into the Queen CMS and made the change. This should be live in 1 hour for me to check. We should be good.
This bug should be closed.