Bug 7570 - RadioIO (with premium account) in SqueezeCenter not playing commercial free
: RadioIO (with premium account) in SqueezeCenter not playing commercial free
Product: MySqueezebox.com
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Internet Radio
: Prod
: PC All
: P2 normal (vote)
: Hotfix
Assigned To: Julius Dauz
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Reported: 2008-03-20 13:45 UTC by Julius Dauz
Modified: 2008-05-17 07:00 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Julius Dauz 2008-03-20 13:45:21 UTC
I tested this for a customer. If connected to SqueezeNetwork, playing RadioIO with a premium account will play commercial free and the "For commercial-free..." message is gone. When you connect to SqueezeCenter, the "For commercial-free..." message is still there and you get commercial filled stream.
Comment 1 Spies Steven 2008-03-20 15:14:36 UTC
Andy, would this be one for you?  
Comment 2 Andy Grundman 2008-03-25 12:01:31 UTC
Were you able to reproduce this with SC7?  If so, can you include a debug log with network.squeezenetwork,network.asynchttp?
Comment 3 Julius Dauz 2008-04-08 16:22:31 UTC
I just spoke to another customer that is experiencing this issue while connected directly to SN. I also connected my player to his account and got commercials. I am testing this on SC 7 now and will report my findings.
Comment 4 James Richardson 2008-04-18 10:27:59 UTC
Ping Julius for a log
Comment 5 Pete 2008-04-28 06:20:24 UTC
(In reply to comment #4)
This used to work fine in SC version 6.5.  Now it appears broken in SC 7.0.

Is there an expected time frame for this fix?  I purchased the commerical-free service from Radio IO and would like to take advantage of this feature.  Also, since I'm blind, I rarely connect to SN using the remote since it is difficult to use if one is visually impaired.  Thus, I rely on SC.

If this will take a long time to fix, perhaps I should downgrade to version 6.5?  Is this possible or will there be ramifications for the firmware on the SB?


-- Pete
Comment 6 Andy Grundman 2008-04-28 06:57:11 UTC
I am still waiting to hear how it's broken... did you enter your RadioIO account on SN, and enter your SN account in SC?
Comment 7 Pete 2008-04-28 07:27:27 UTC
(In reply to comment #6)
> I am still waiting to hear how it's broken... did you enter your RadioIO
> account on SN, and enter your SN account in SC?
Yes.  I think this bug has been verified in SC 7.0.

In more detail, here is the situation:

1.  When connected to SN, my commercial-free subscription to Radio IO works fine.  I've entered my subscription info as required.

2.  In SC 6.5, there was a place to enter one's user info for Radio IO.  This I did, and Radio IO worked fine with 6.5 and I was able to get the commercial-free stream.

3.  With SC 7.0, I believe that the settings link for entering one's Radio IO info was inadvertently forgotten when putting together the UI.  Thus, there is no way for me to enter user info for Radio IO in SC 7 and, therefore, no way for me to listen to the commerical-free stream through SC 7.

4.  In SC 7.0, you will see many services listed for which one can enter one's user info via the "settings" link.  Unfortunately, although Radio IO is listed in the list of services, there doesn't appear to be any "settings" link associated with Radio IO (although most of the other services do have an associated "settings" link).

In either case, I think Julius and others have verified this problem independently and I would hope that it could be fixed soon.

Thanks.  If you need any more info, let me know.

-- Pete

Comment 8 Andy Grundman 2008-04-28 07:39:26 UTC
Did you read my last message?  You now need to enter your RadioIO details in SN like most other services, and then enter your SN account in SC.
Comment 9 Pete 2008-05-02 20:16:33 UTC
> Did you read my last message?  You now need to enter your RadioIO details in SN
> like most other services, and then enter your SN account in SC.

Yes again.  My Radio IO username and password have been entered in SN and my SN account and password entered in SC 7.  Nothing has changed in that regard.

As I stated, it appears that Julius has verified this bug already.

Could it be that this is a Radio IO problem?  I don't know if you have changed anything on your servers, but here is my recent experience (after your last post):

1.  Connected to SC 7 I was getting the commercial stream of Radio IO.

2.  Using the remote, I switched to SN.  The commercial stream of Radio IO came out.  This is the FIRST time this has happened when connected to SN - I have always had the non-commercial stream when using SN and Radio IO.

3.  Next, I connected to SC.  surprisingly, the non-commercial stream came out - I thought you had fixed the problem!

4.  Next time I connected to SC, however, I got the commercial stream.

Now, as I said, I don't know if this is a Radio IO problem (although this has been verified by Julius), but I don't understand why all of a sudden SN started playing the commercial stream and SC SOMETIMES plays the non-commercial stream but (mostly) plays the commercial stream.  Something seems flakey.  I haven't changed my logins on either SN or SC.

Do you have any idea what is going on or whether the problem is SN, SC, and/or Radio IO?

-- Pete 
Comment 10 Andy Grundman 2008-05-02 20:52:08 UTC
Well I'm stumped, I can't reproduce this at all.  I connected a player to your account on SN and it shows the proper commercial-free streams.  BTW, I am not actually listening to the streams to verify this, just looking at the stream URLs returned.  Can you check the URL for 70s Rock and see if it's changing?  If the URL contains ".../streams/3/..." it is the stream with commercials.
Comment 11 Pete 2008-05-07 07:43:34 UTC
(In reply to comment #10)
> Well I'm stumped, I can't reproduce this at all.  I connected a player to your
> account on SN and it shows the proper commercial-free streams.  BTW, I am not
> actually listening to the streams to verify this, just looking at the stream
> URLs returned.  Can you check the URL for 70s Rock and see if it's changing? 
> If the URL contains ".../streams/3/..." it is the stream with commercials.
I shouldn't have confused the issue by spekaing about SN.  I only had the problem with SN once, and I'm willing to believe this was a fluke or that I thought I was connected to SN when I was really connected to SC.

The REAL problem is (and has been) that every since upgrading to SC 7 I've been unable to hear the non-commercial stream of Radio IO Acoustic Cafe.  Actually, ONCE SC 7 did seem to properly play the non-commercial stream, but I haven't been able to replicate that.

I am now listening to Radio IO Acoustic Cafe on SC 7 and hering commercials.  The stream address is:
 When I log directly into Radio IO via IE7, log in and listen, I hear different music (i.e., the non-commercial stream).

As I indicated, this was not a problelm with SC 6.5.  I have again verified that my SN name and password have been entered into SC 7 and SC is linked to SN.

The real problem seems to be with SC 7.  This problem appears to have been verified by Julius and at least one other user (see the previous notes near the beginning of this thread).

Also, as long as I have you here ... I can't figure out how to delete an entry from my Favorites in SC 7.  How is that done?  When I bring up a station from my Favorites and play it, the only options are to "Add to Favorites" or "Add to Playlist".  I clicked "Add to Favorites" and a link came up to "Delete From Favorites" - I clicked on "Delete From Favorites" but the station is still in my Favorites.  This is a confusing interface.

Anyway, hopefully we can get this issue resolved with SC 7 not playing the commercial-free streams.


-- Pete

Comment 12 Andy Grundman 2008-05-07 08:09:45 UTC
I don't get it, can you email me a debug log with the following enabled?  (Don't post it here.)

Comment 13 Andy Grundman 2008-05-08 09:30:27 UTC
Pete now has his stream working... I am going to mark this as works for me.  Please reopen if you still have this problem.
Comment 14 Pete 2008-05-17 07:00:54 UTC
(In reply to comment #13)
> Pete now has his stream working... I am going to mark this as works for me. 
> Please reopen if you still have this problem.


Thanks for working through this with me.  After testing this for several days with a number of RadioIO non-commercial stations using SC7, everything seems to be working fine.  I guess the problem was a bad URL stuck in the cache.

Also, Michael's suggestion to use the handheld skin with the screen reader JAWS was an excellent suggestion - This skin works quite well for me.

Thanks all!

-- Pete (another satisfied customer!)