Bug 1455 - FLAC: Block sizes 8192 and 16384 not supported
: FLAC: Block sizes 8192 and 16384 not supported
Product: SB 2/3
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Audio
: unspecified
: All All
: P5 trivial (vote)
: Future
Assigned To: Unassigned bug - please assign me!
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Reported: 2005-04-27 10:07 UTC by Sean Adams
Modified: 2010-05-07 10:52 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Sean Adams 2005-04-27 10:07:26 UTC
Even though the reference encoder does not use the larger block sizes, they are in fact part of the FLAC 
subset format, with the exception of the largest size, 32768 samples.
Comment 1 Alan Young 2010-05-07 10:52:59 UTC
All new Squeezebox products are likely to be based on the SqueezePlay platform.
We do not plan to implement any further enhancements to the ip3k firmware or
which are targeted specifically at ip3k-based products.