Bug 6904 - Add dropdown box for "Profiles" to Settings >Advanced > Logging
: Add dropdown box for "Profiles" to Settings >Advanced > Logging
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Web Interface
: 7.0
: All All
: P2 enhancement (vote)
: 7.x
Assigned To: Dan Evans
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Reported: 2008-02-01 08:54 UTC by Dan Evans
Modified: 2009-07-31 10:16 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Dan Evans 2008-02-01 08:54:05 UTC
Currently, the Logging page is dense with options and very intimidating.  Frequently we need customers to go in here and flip on a few items.  It's hard to describe to them what they need to do because of all the repetition in logging feature names.

I propose an additional UI feature on this page:  a dropdown labeled "Profiles" or "Log Sets"

This dropdown would have pre-set groupings of logging features that would be turned on.  The default set could be included as "Default".  Profiles or Sets that Support could use are:

 * Server debugging
 * Scanner debugging
 * Transcoding debugging
 * Radio debugging

These profiles would turn on the appropriate settings to "Debug" and allow us to get relevant logs.  Which settings they turn on would be a discussion for Engineering to dictate based on what they want in the logs when we're gathering data from a customer for these issues.
Comment 1 Mark Miksis 2008-02-01 09:38:55 UTC
Related to bug 6020
Comment 2 Blackketter Dean 2008-02-01 11:02:21 UTC
Will look at this post-7.0.
Comment 3 Michael Herger 2008-06-10 07:58:39 UTC
An enhancement which won't make it for 7.1. To be reviewed for a future release.
Comment 4 James Richardson 2008-09-08 12:18:16 UTC
We should also add a "Default all 'error'" or "reset to default" at the bottom of the page or as a "set"
Comment 5 Michael Herger 2008-09-23 04:22:34 UTC
Dan - what options would you like to see grouped under those categories?
Comment 6 Michael Herger 2008-09-23 06:23:37 UTC
change 23245 - adding loggin groups plus a "reset to default" options. The latter will default all logging to ERROR or whatever was defined in S::U::Log.

I've defined server, scanner, transcoding and radio logging groups as follows:
			'server'                 => 'DEBUG',
			'server.plugins'         => 'DEBUG',
			'formats.audio'          => 'DEBUG',
			'network.asyncdns'       => 'DEBUG',
			'network.squeezenetwork' => 'DEBUG',
			'player.source'          => 'DEBUG',
			'player.streaming'       => 'DEBUG',
			'scan'                   => 'DEBUG',
			'scan.scanner'           => 'DEBUG',
			'scan.import'            => 'DEBUG',
			'artwork'                => 'DEBUG',

Please verify these settings and tell me what needs to be added/removed from those groups.
Comment 7 Dan Evans 2008-09-23 11:59:26 UTC
Michael, that looks fantastic.  Thanks!

Are those lists easily editable?  In case we need to add to an existing set, or add a new set?
Comment 8 Michael Herger 2008-09-23 23:15:41 UTC
Adding more categories to a group is simple, but it has to be done in the code. That's why I asked you to verify I haven't forgotten anything ;-).

Oh, and once you've enabled a group you can of course still enable additional categories by selecting them from the advanced logging list.
Comment 9 James Richardson 2008-09-24 14:17:46 UTC
The 'logging' set drop down box should be persistent, in that it should show you what "state" is currently set.

Currently after clicking on 'close' or 'apply' the drop down will revert to "Please select log set..."

Just from a usability stance, it would be good to know what state my log is currently in. 

We may even add 'custom' when the user has selected non-set loging.
Comment 10 Michael Herger 2008-09-25 03:36:06 UTC
Dan, James - 

Could you please do a rough (but complete ;-)) design of the functionality and features you want? Otherwise we risk to go in circles. 

The current implementation is basically a short cut to setting some set of logging options. They're not states of their own.
Comment 11 James Richardson 2008-10-02 09:48:54 UTC
Thanks for the information, I was confused as to what it should be.

The implementation looks good the way it is, I'll leave the addition of other "log set" up to TS.

Re-Closing as fixed.
Comment 12 James Richardson 2008-11-19 17:14:18 UTC
Verified fixed in

SqueezeCenter 7.3.0 23961
Comment 13 James Richardson 2008-12-15 12:36:45 UTC
This bug has been fixed in the 7.3.0 release version of SqueezeCenter!

Please download the new version from http://www.slimdevices.com/su_downloads.html if you haven't already.  

If you are still experiencing this problem, feel free to reopen the bug with your new comments and we'll have another look.
Comment 14 Chris Owens 2009-07-31 10:16:38 UTC
Reduce number of active targets for SC