Bugzilla – Bug 13404
Default Max-bitrate Setting for Wireless-only clients?
Last modified: 2009-08-14 10:20:09 UTC
Our new(ish) streaming code is very sensitive to network latency/bandwidth. Although better in most situations, its not better in all of them. If you try to stream FLAC to a wireless client it sucks up alot of your overall network bandwidth. Worse, if you sync two players (say two Booms) wirelessly playing FLAC you can literally use ALL of your available bandwidth. In this situation, Jive can stop working properly, and random dropouts/sync failures occur. I propose a default max bit rate setting for wireless clients of 320kbps -- that is only in effect for wireless clients. Perhaps this setting is limited to Boom (since there's no way you can hear the difference between Lossless and 320kbps on Booms little speakers) to start with -- but I believe this would improve peoples overall experience with the product and reduce the likelihood of buffering/syncing/ui problems when playing high bitrate music.
Not possible, we can't ship LAME. Also, it would cause endless confusion among new users who wonder why their lossless music sounds bad.