Bug 15681 - Scanning progress web ui bugs
: Scanning progress web ui bugs
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Web Interface
: 7.6.0
: PC Windows XP
: P2 normal (vote)
: 7.6.0
Assigned To: Michael Herger
Depends on:
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Reported: 2010-02-10 17:36 UTC by Jim McAtee
Modified: 2011-05-12 10:11 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Category: ---

Screen capture during discovery pass of a new & changed scan (9.01 KB, image/jpeg)
2010-02-10 17:36 UTC, Jim McAtee
Screen capture following new & changed scan (15.91 KB, image/jpeg)
2010-02-10 17:40 UTC, Jim McAtee
Progress displayed during a new & changed scan (5.43 KB, image/png)
2010-04-12 13:26 UTC, Jim McAtee
Progress display after new & changed scan (6.57 KB, image/png)
2010-04-12 13:40 UTC, Jim McAtee
New & changed scan where new content is added to library (7.41 KB, image/png)
2010-04-12 14:45 UTC, Jim McAtee
SQLite progress table (7.98 KB, image/png)
2010-04-12 22:40 UTC, Jim McAtee
SQLite progress table (6.27 KB, image/png)
2010-04-14 11:27 UTC, Jim McAtee
32398 log (7.00 KB, image/png)
2011-05-12 10:10 UTC, Bradley D. Wall

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Jim McAtee 2010-02-10 17:36:36 UTC
Created attachment 6508 [details]
Screen capture during discovery pass of a new & changed scan

During any type of scan, the times displayed for any given pass are incorrect,
usually showing some oddly formatted negative number.  When the pass is
finished, the correct times are then shown.
Comment 1 Jim McAtee 2010-02-10 17:40:52 UTC
Created attachment 6509 [details]
Screen capture following new & changed scan

Here's another screen capture showing the correctly formatted time after the new & changed scan is finished.  Another small problem shown in this capture is that after the scan, the last file scanned remains displayed.  If you leave the page and return, this isn't shown any longer.
Comment 2 Jim McAtee 2010-02-11 16:54:46 UTC
I don't think a 7.5.0 target should be set for any 7.5 embedded branch bugs.  It's my understanding that this branch will be released as 7.6 or 8.0.
Comment 3 Michael Herger 2010-02-11 22:20:34 UTC
Thanks Jim, correct. That's not that important for 7.5.
Comment 4 SVN Bot 2010-04-12 07:29:21 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #30553 to the slim repo by mherger ==
 == http://svn.slimdevices.com/slim?view=revision&revision=30553 ==

Fixed Bug: 15681
Description: make Total display the current Done value if there's no total
Comment 5 Jim McAtee 2010-04-12 13:26:55 UTC
Created attachment 6758 [details]
Progress displayed during a new & changed scan

No, still seeing the same thing at r30558.  This screen cap shows progress during a new & changed scan.  Look at the line 'Discovering files' (the three lines above are left over from, I guess, the most recent clear & rescan run last night).
Comment 6 Jim McAtee 2010-04-12 13:40:16 UTC
Created attachment 6760 [details]
Progress display after new & changed scan

Here again is a screen cap of the progress screen following the completion of the new & changed scan.


- During the 'discovering' pass, the elapsed time displayed is negative and doesn't grow.  It's corrected when the scan completes.

- During the 'discovering' pass, the progress line is displayed in all black and doesn't move.

- Status lines from the passes from a previous clear/rescan are shown both during and after the new & changed scan.

- After completion, the elapsed times from that previous scan are added into the total time displayed for the new & changed scan.  In this example the total time should be approximately 50 seconds, not 17:57.

- After completion, the path of one file remains displayed below the 'Discovering files' status bar.

Let me know if you'd like any other bugs opened for any of this.  Progress for a clear/rescan has similar, but different problems.
Comment 7 Jim McAtee 2010-04-12 13:41:00 UTC
Comment 8 Michael Herger 2010-04-12 14:02:19 UTC
*** Bug 15682 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 9 Michael Herger 2010-04-12 14:02:57 UTC
Those issues are why I left 15682 open. But if you prefer this one, I'll keep it open :-P
Comment 10 Jim McAtee 2010-04-12 14:45:16 UTC
Created attachment 6762 [details]
New & changed scan where new content is added to library

Sorry for the confusion.

Here's a cap from a new & changed scan where two new albums were added to the 
library.  It's a bit different from a new & changed scan that discovers no new files.

- Passes are displayed in the wrong order - discovering files should be first.

- Does not display passes from a previous scan.

- Total time is calculated correctly.
Comment 11 Michael Herger 2010-04-12 21:05:53 UTC
Andy - the web UI is simply pulling this data from the progress table afaik. Is the old data correctly removed when a new scan starts?
Comment 12 Jim McAtee 2010-04-12 22:40:02 UTC
Created attachment 6766 [details]
SQLite progress table

In the last example, if the order of the passes is displayed incorrectly, it suggets that the records aren't being sorted properly.  Sorting them by ID should fix it it.

Here is a view of the SQLite progress table following a new & changed scan with two new albums.  The records appear to be in the correct order.
Comment 13 Jim McAtee 2010-04-12 22:43:56 UTC
Ah, I think I see the problem.  Take a look at that last attachment.  The third record shows a start time that precedes the other three records.  I'm not sure how that can happen, but if you're sorting them by start time then it would explain why they're out of order.
Comment 14 Michael Herger 2010-04-12 22:51:05 UTC
The existing code is sorting by start,id:

my @progress = Slim::Schema->rs('Progress')->search( $args, { 'order_by' => 'start,id' } )->all;

Looking at your snippet I see that the  playlist scan is the oldest (judging from the start timestamp), which makes me think the table isn't wiped on new scans.
Comment 15 Andy Grundman 2010-04-13 04:35:53 UTC
OK, I probably forgot to put in a call to Slim::Utils::Progress->clear for all types of scans.
Comment 16 Michael Herger 2010-04-14 05:38:59 UTC
Jim - do you see this only when triggering a rescan from the web UI or in (m)any cases?
Comment 17 SVN Bot 2010-04-14 06:14:59 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #30582 to the slim repo by mherger ==
 == http://svn.slimdevices.com/slim?view=revision&revision=30582 ==

Bug: 15681
Description: scan progress fixes
- don't overwrite file discovery with playlist discovery
- reset progress when triggering a rescan manually
- replace redundant Slim::Music::Import->clearProgressInfo with Slim::Utils::Progress->clear
Comment 18 SVN Bot 2010-04-14 06:15:41 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #30583 to the slim repo by mherger ==
 == http://svn.slimdevices.com/slim?view=revision&revision=30583 ==

Bug: 15681
Description: add missing strings for new playlist discovery step
Comment 19 SVN Bot 2010-04-14 06:22:02 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #30584 to the slim repo by mherger ==
 == http://svn.slimdevices.com/slim?view=revision&revision=30584 ==

Bug: 15681
Description: fix active flag handling when running external scanner
Comment 20 Michael Herger 2010-04-14 06:23:38 UTC
Jim - I've fixed a few issues related to the scan progress. But I still can't reproduce the negative time. Do you still see it? If so - do you have simple steps to reproduce it?
Comment 21 Jim McAtee 2010-04-14 11:27:32 UTC
Created attachment 6773 [details]
SQLite progress table

Yes on the negative time.  In this instance I'm running a new & changed scan from the web interface with no new content.  Stays at -3 seconds and doesn't change during the course of the discovery pass.  See the attached shot of the SQLite table during the scan, which may help explain it - it's the data, not a formatting error.  The finish time is correct (1271269007, 54 seconds) only when the discovery pass completes.

Will do more testing.
Comment 22 Jim McAtee 2010-04-14 11:59:53 UTC
I just ran a test 'new & changed' scan, with new content.  No negative times, but a similar problem during the discovering_directory pass.  What I'm seeing is that with the directory_new (scanning new files) and precacheArtwork passes, while they're active the finish time remains NULL and is only populated when the pass finishes.  That's not the case with the discovery_directory pass, which has the finish time populated with either a time preceding or equal to the start while it is active.
Comment 23 Michael Herger 2010-04-15 00:33:06 UTC
Jim - what do you see in the UI? If the display is correct, then we don't have to bother about what's in the db. From your two last comments I'm not sure you're still seeing anything wrong.
Comment 24 Jim McAtee 2010-04-15 05:20:49 UTC
(In reply to comment #23)
> Jim - what do you see in the UI?

I'm seeing the negative times during the discovery pass when there's no new content.  And when there is new content then the elapsed time during the discovery pass stays at zero.
Comment 25 Michael Herger 2010-04-15 05:50:17 UTC
Are you using MySQL or SQLite? Is this a rather large or small collection? How long would the discovery step take?
Comment 26 Jim McAtee 2010-04-15 11:57:50 UTC
SQLite, 27k FLAC files.  The discovery step generally takes from 50 to 55 seconds.
Comment 27 Jim McAtee 2010-04-15 14:44:11 UTC
Here's a fix that only uses the finish time if the pass is active, otherwise it uses the current time.  Obviously, it doesn't fix the problem with the scanner putting bad data into the progress table for the discovering_directory step.

Line 47 of server/Slim/Web/Pages/Progress.pm

#my $runtime = ($p->finish || time()) - $p->start;
my $runtime = ((!$p->active && $p->finish) ? $p->finish : time()) - $p->start;
Comment 28 Jim McAtee 2010-04-15 19:07:22 UTC
Is a total file count no longer found before the discovery step?  This would be the 'of Y' value when displaying 'X of Y'.  If so, that's fine, but IMO the numbers should be displayed differently when the total is unknown and you're simply counting.  Instead of '(1 of 1)', '(268 of 268)', '(4773 of 4773)', '(30815 of 30815)', etc. it should display (1), (268), (4773), (30185).

Lack of a total also presents a problem of what to do with the progress bar.  It can't really be used properly without a total count, but right now is displayed all black during the discovery step.  IMO it should be either all gray or maybe 1/2 gray and 1/2 black while the step is active.
Comment 29 SVN Bot 2010-04-15 23:47:23 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #30652 to the slim repo by mherger ==
 == http://svn.slimdevices.com/slim?view=revision&revision=30652 ==

Bug: 15681
Description: improve scan progress display. Don't show "x of y" values unless there's an y value.
Comment 30 SVN Bot 2010-04-16 00:04:19 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #30653 to the slim repo by mherger ==
 == http://svn.slimdevices.com/slim?view=revision&revision=30653 ==

Bug: 15681
Description: need to convert progress values to integer before comparing them. Hide progress bar if there's no Total value
Comment 31 Jim McAtee 2010-04-19 23:53:42 UTC
I'm still seeing the left over text showing a file path after the completion of a 'new & changed' scans.  Have not seen this following a clear/rescan.
Comment 32 SVN Bot 2010-08-29 21:22:37 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #31271 to the slim repo by mherger ==
 == http://svn.slimdevices.com/slim?view=revision&revision=31271 ==

Fixed Bug: 15681
Description: hide Info element if it's empty in the current data set. This should hide the left over path information when the scan has finished without any new file found.
Comment 33 Jim McAtee 2010-08-30 00:43:11 UTC
A couple of minor string issues in the English translation.  Not all of the verbs are in progressive tense.  I'm not sure how many are actually in use, but may as well fix them all.  Corrections below:

	EN	Remove deleted files       => Removing deleted files

	EN	Scan new files             => Scanning new files

	EN	Remove deleted playlists   => Removing deleted playlists

	EN	Scan new playlists         => Scanning new playlists
Comment 34 Jim McAtee 2010-08-30 00:47:47 UTC
Another minor issue that someone recently mentioned in the forums: When there are no playlists to be found, the 'Discovering playlists' phase displays (1 of 1) when finished instead of (0 of 0), or just (0).
Comment 35 SVN Bot 2010-09-01 01:14:57 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #31275 to the slim repo by mherger ==
 == http://svn.slimdevices.com/slim?view=revision&revision=31275 ==

Fixed Bug: 15681
Description: use progressive tense for all progress information
Comment 36 Bradley D. Wall 2011-05-12 10:10:33 UTC
Created attachment 7276 [details]
32398 log
Comment 37 Bradley D. Wall 2011-05-12 10:11:20 UTC
Comment on attachment 7276 [details]
32398 log

No negative time displayed on 7.6.0 32398.