Bug 17296 - Buffer overflows during scan
: Buffer overflows during scan
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Scanner
: 7.5.x
: PC Other
: -- normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Unassigned bug - please assign me!
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Reported: 2011-06-28 14:25 UTC by Simon Lambourn
Modified: 2011-09-29 04:31 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Simon Lambourn 2011-06-28 14:25:54 UTC
I have a library of ~ 16k songs in mp3 format, of which about 150 cause scanner errors - the scanner skips this entry and continues to the next.   The songs are mostly tagged with MusicBrainz Picard and tags can be read OK on other music players including Amarok, Rhythmbox, and iTunes when copied to Windows.

Here's an extract of the log:
[11-06-28 14:30:03.9856] Audio::Scan::scan (64) Warning: buffer_get_ret: trying to get more bytes 4 than in buffer 0 at /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/CPAN/Audio/Scan.pm line 64.
[11-06-28 14:30:03.9863] Slim::Formats::readTags (178) Error: While trying to ->getTag(/srv/share2/music/Various Artists/The Best Sixties Album In The World...Ever! II (disc 1)/24 - The Mamas & The Papas - Dedicated To The One I Love.mp3) : buffer_get_int_le: buffer error at /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/CPAN/Audio/Scan.pm line 64.
[11-06-28 14:30:03.9872] Slim::Formats::readTags (178) Backtrace:

   frame 0: Slim::Utils::Log::logBacktrace (/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Formats.pm line 178)
   frame 1: Slim::Formats::readTags (/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Schema.pm line 1204)
   frame 2: Slim::Schema::updateOrCreate (/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Plugin/iTunes/Importer.pm line 425)
   frame 3: Slim::Plugin::iTunes::Importer::handleTrack (/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Plugin/iTunes/Importer.pm line 634)
   frame 4: Slim::Plugin::iTunes::Importer::handleEndElement (/usr/share/squeezeboxserver/CPAN/XML/Parser/Expat.pm line 469)
   frame 5: XML::Parser::Expat::parse (/usr/share/squeezeboxserver/CPAN/XML/Parser.pm line 187)
   frame 6: (eval) (/usr/share/squeezeboxserver/CPAN/XML/Parser.pm line 186)
   frame 7: XML::Parser::parse (/usr/share/squeezeboxserver/CPAN/XML/Parser.pm line 233)
   frame 8: (eval) (/usr/share/squeezeboxserver/CPAN/XML/Parser.pm line 232)
   frame 9: XML::Parser::parsefile (/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Plugin/iTunes/Importer.pm line 184)
   frame 10: Slim::Plugin::iTunes::Importer::startScan (/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Music/Import.pm line 568)
   frame 11: Slim::Music::Import::runImporter (/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Music/Import.pm line 405)
   frame 12: Slim::Music::Import::runScan (/usr/sbin/squeezeboxserver-scanner line 305)
   frame 13: (eval) (/usr/sbin/squeezeboxserver-scanner line 299)
   frame 14: main::main (/usr/sbin/squeezeboxserver-scanner line 454)

The failures occur (on the same songs) whether doing an iTunes import or a direct scan of the files on Ubuntu.  I've been running 7.5.4 on Ubuntu 11.04 and just tried with the latest nightly build of 7.5.5 - r32554 with the same results.   Previous versions of SBS have had the same problems.
Comment 1 Simon Lambourn 2011-06-28 14:34:59 UTC
I tried to attach one of the offending mp3 files (3.9Mb in size) but every time I try I get a "connection reset by server" error.   If you need to see the file please let me have an email address and I can send it.
Comment 2 Simon Lambourn 2011-09-29 04:31:34 UTC
Now using version 7.6.1 - r33110  and I get a different error, but scan is still failing for 100+ tracks in my library, which have been tagged with Musicbrainz Picard and can all be read by other music library products (see below)

The new message is as follows:
[11-09-22 09:43:31.3038] Audio::Scan::scan (64) Warning: APE: [Ran out of tag data before number of items was reached] /srv/share2/music/Various Artists/Now That's What I Call Music! 71 (disc 2)/14 - Keane - Spiralling.mp3

Any ideas please?