Bug 13315 - Not all artwork is shown - Look for new and changed music
: Not all artwork is shown - Look for new and changed music
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Scanner
: 7.6.0
: PC Windows XP
: -- normal with 6 votes (vote)
: 8.0.0
Assigned To: Michael Herger
Depends on: 8303 9919
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Reported: 2009-08-10 04:03 UTC by ehrlacher
Modified: 2014-08-06 09:52 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

See Also:
Category: Bug

scanner.log (1.54 KB, text/plain)
2009-08-12 14:43 UTC, ehrlacher

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Description ehrlacher 2009-08-10 04:03:20 UTC
Not all artwork is shown - for some albums there is:
- no artwork in the library while browsing (Web Interface + Controler (Duett))
- if You put an album into the playlist, artwork is shown for every song but the first one!

Artwork is saved as "Folder.jpg" and "AlbumArtSmall.jpg" in the albums' folder, "Folder.jpg" is named as default filename in SC.
My options are "No caching" and "Resizing, no rendering" (but tried with "caching = on" as well.

Seems, the bug occurs with albums added while using last weeks' nightlies - with the recent nightly, new albums are shown, but old ones after update scan show the behaviour mentioned above.
Comment 1 ehrlacher 2009-08-10 10:04:41 UTC
I tried to add some more album art and found out a few more things:

There is NO dependency when the album was first added.
I can put a Folder.jpg in my albums' folder and it is shown immediately when I click on this album (I know the issue that You mostly have to click on the album before the art shows up) - BUT:
Clicking on the album doesn't bring up the cover art in the library,
clicking on songs brings up the cover art for every song but the first...
Comment 2 James Richardson 2009-08-10 12:20:12 UTC
Please do a Clear and Rescan.  There were changes that may affect Cached artwork.

Feel free to re-open the bug if that does not solve the issue for you.  Attach a log file with Artwork = Debug
Comment 3 ehrlacher 2009-08-12 14:27:36 UTC
I did a clear rescan and all artwork was back there. no i added some albums, did an update scan - and the problem happens again. Artwork is NOT shown in the library and with the first song, but on all other songs starting with the second.

I'm using the latest r28159 now so I can't tell You definitively, if the problem had been fixed and came again with the new nightly or if it's been never fixed. I think, it's not a solution to do a clean rescan every day (lasts a few hours and slows down the system).
Comment 4 James Richardson 2009-08-12 14:37:07 UTC
Please attach a log file when you are able to replicate the issue.
Comment 5 ehrlacher 2009-08-12 14:43:55 UTC
Created attachment 5611 [details]

hm, imho nothing to be ssen...
Comment 6 ehrlacher 2009-08-12 14:45:29 UTC
Server.log has only one row from today in it:

[09-08-12 20:08:00.1252] main::init (318) Starting Squeezebox Server (v7.4, r28159, Wed Aug 12 04:02:32 PDT 2009) perl 5.010000
Comment 7 Jim McAtee 2009-08-12 14:58:26 UTC
FWIW, I've noticed increasing trouble with new & changed scans in picking up artwork.  It seemed that for a significant period (six months?) new & changed was finding all artwork, but now it's only about 50%.  I have a very straightforward library configuration, with one folder per album and only cover.jpg being used for covers.
Comment 8 ehrlacher 2009-08-13 12:38:06 UTC
One question:
Does 'Target Milestone:  8.0  ' mean, the problem won't be solved in 7.4?

IMHO shwoing artwork is a MAIN feature of SC - concerning myself, the main reason to buy an (expensive) SB Duet instead of SB Classic to be able to view the artwork. But with 7.4 in recent version(s) it's not possible to do, for it's missing with the first song and therefore not shown in the library. So it should be solved before the final release I think.
Comment 9 ehrlacher 2009-08-16 16:14:29 UTC
meanwhile I could find out "how the bug works":

- If the album cover is already added, when album is scanned ("Look for new and updated files") for the first time.

- If the album cover is added later, when the album is already in your database, artwork is only added for every file BUT the first.

Seems to me, the scanner works perfect if there is a new album, he looks for artwork and adds it to the database.

BUT - if there is no new album, it ignores the new artwork ("folder.jpg") and doesn't add anything.

When You click on the album - doesn't mind if via web-interface or controler - it is added - but NEVER to the first song (for what reaason ever)
Comment 10 Jim McAtee 2009-08-20 16:01:39 UTC
I think this is worth mentioning, although I'm not certain it's relevant to this bug: Since the merge, SqueezeCenter has completely lost the ability to catalog a piece of artwork when you enter the album view (track listing) in the web interface.  Previously (in my experience) even if a new & changed scan missed an image, this would always pick it up and it would then be available anywhere the image was called for.
Comment 11 vagskal 2009-10-02 05:03:52 UTC
I just updated from 7.3.4 to 7.4.1, now on r28740, and artwork for all existing music was scanned and shown as expected. But then with 7.4.1 r28693 I added a couple of albums via scan for new or changed music and the artwork for the new albums was not picked up. The artwork was not shown in lists in the web UI or on the SBC (nor in iPeng).

The added albums were a mix of MP3 and Flac files. One folder per album and a folder.jpg in each folder. The artwork was also embedded in the MP3 files (but not in the Flac files). All artwork .jpg (some rather large).

SBS is running on Win XP and the files resides on an internal disc (Flac) or a usb disc (MP3) on the PC running SBS. I do not have the scanner log any longer.

I think the severity and target milestone for this bug should be upgraded since missing artwork, especially for new music which the user is likely to want to browse and listen to immediately, ruins the user experience.
Comment 12 Erik Reckase 2009-10-08 10:57:12 UTC
Same issues as vagskal.  On a full library scan, all album art is picked up as expected, but on a 'new and updated music' scan, art from new albums is not added to the db.  The log has nothing to indicate that the files are even seen.  I use folder.jpg for all album artwork, and one folder per album.
Comment 13 Till 2009-10-14 05:58:21 UTC
(In reply to comment #12)
> Same issues as vagskal.  On a full library scan, all album art is picked up as
> expected, but on a 'new and updated music' scan, art from new albums is not
> added to the db.  The log has nothing to indicate that the files are even seen.
>  I use folder.jpg for all album artwork, and one folder per album.

There is a thread about this: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?p=470832#post470832

I will post on it that this bug is registered and being discussed here.
Comment 14 KDF 2009-10-16 18:52:48 UTC
see also bug 4565
Comment 15 Jim McAtee 2009-10-16 19:17:49 UTC
I'm really surprised that this hasn't been given a 7.4.x target, even a 7.4.1 target with high priority, as it's being widely reported and is a regression from past behavior.  The dependencies shown above are wrong, unless it's planned to allow this to be broken until the database is completely redesigned.

Yes, this is a duplicate of bug 4565, but I don't understand how that one remained open, as artwork scanning in New & Changed scans was working quite well in 7.3.3 and prior releases.

It's broken.  The 7.4.0 release broke it.  It needs fixing.
Comment 16 Jim McAtee 2009-10-16 20:46:48 UTC
Can everybody having this problem give it another try with the latest 7.4.1 nightly?  I just gave it a quick test and it seems to be working for me now.  There have been a lot of changes in 7.4.1 to fix problems reading file paths, so maybe they have fixed this problem as well.
Comment 17 Erik Reckase 2009-10-18 19:02:16 UTC
(In reply to comment #16)
> Can everybody having this problem give it another try with the latest 7.4.1
> nightly?  I just gave it a quick test and it seems to be working for me now. 
> There have been a lot of changes in 7.4.1 to fix problems reading file paths,
> so maybe they have fixed this problem as well.

It's now working for me.
Comment 18 ehrlacher 2009-10-19 12:59:12 UTC
> It's now working for me.

I can't see any improvement - Version: 7.4.1 - r28913.

Still added artwork in folder is NOT recognized by the scanner.
Just if I change the id3-TITLE tag of the file also ít is SOMETIMES scanned and added (but couldn't find out any rule when it is added or when not)
Comment 19 Till 2009-10-25 04:12:55 UTC
(In reply to comment #17)
> (In reply to comment #16)
> > Can everybody having this problem give it another try with the latest 7.4.1
> > nightly?  I just gave it a quick test and it seems to be working for me now. 
> > There have been a lot of changes in 7.4.1 to fix problems reading file paths,
> > so maybe they have fixed this problem as well.
> It's now working for me.

I just installed 7.4.2 - r29001, and, as opposed to latest 7.4.1 version, again it does not even show the artwork scan in the progress indicator, and in the log, it says "starting artwork scan" and "artwork scan completed in 0 seconds" despite of having added new files with artwork included in ID3. Again: a regression in functionality. DUH.
Comment 20 ehrlacher 2011-07-18 15:00:07 UTC
Bug still extists in 7.6 / lms-7.7
Comment 21 Michael Herger 2014-08-06 09:52:11 UTC
AFAIK all known artwork issues are fixed in 7.8+.