Bugzilla – Bug 17380
second squeezebox radio not showing up in squeezecenter-webinterface
Last modified: 2011-07-31 03:33:31 UTC
After upgrading from 7.5.x (latest) to 7.6.0 today (using official debian packages from your repository), my second radio isn't showing up in my squeezeboxserver-interface (on my network). I had one labeled "slaapkamer" which dissappeared. I'll be upgrading to 7.6.1 nightly because nothing works at this moment (other bug I'll post, but the firmware-upgrade isn't working ...). Michel
Hello, I upgrade my squeezeboxserver from 7.5.x (latest) to 7.6.0. I have 2 squeezebox-radio's on my network (one recent). Both are not upgrading their firmware. The firmware-screen appears, but the firmware-upgrade is failing (not even starting) on both, which blocks them completely as I can't proceed to the normal menu's. I'll try to install to the upgraded 7.6.1 which is hopfully ok as 7.6.0 is not working for me. Personal opinion: It feels like it hasn't been properly tested if I look around the forums. As I alsways found that the quality-software was one of the important points of the squeezeboxes, I hope this will importve again. I know a lot has changed in this version (upnp, ...), but I hope this will be fixed quickly (officially). Thank you and kind regards, Michel
This comment was for a new bug. Sorry for this mistake. So, you may ignore the comment. Kind regards, Michel
Hello, the second radio is showing up in the gui know. I canceled the playlist-scanning before it, but I'm not sure it had something to do with it ... Not sure if I can say fixed, but at leasy fixed for now ... So, you may close the bug already. Michel