Bug 15788 - Error screen when first use in morning of Squeezebox Server
: Error screen when first use in morning of Squeezebox Server
Product: SqueezePlay
Classification: Unclassified
Component: SB Server
: 7.5.x
: PC Windows XP
: -- normal (vote)
: 7.5.x
Assigned To: Mickey Gee
Depends on:
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Reported: 2010-02-26 08:56 UTC by Mickey Gee
Modified: 2011-01-14 09:52 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---

Photo of Radio with error message on screen (33.33 KB, image/jpeg)
2010-02-26 08:57 UTC, Mickey Gee

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Description Mickey Gee 2010-02-26 08:56:11 UTC
Maybe a dup of 15633, but wanted to document just in case it is not.

Turned on Radio first thing in morning and selected Internet Radio->Local. Immediately saw error message. Photo enclosed of message. 

Problem Connecting

Error reading headers: Server closed connection without sending any data back at <Windows Squeezebox Server path>Net/HTTP:Methods.pm line 306.
...propagated at <path>Net/HTTP/NB.pm line 32.

I pressed left to go back and tried it again. Worked fine second time.

Firmware 7.5.0 r8445
Squeezebox Server 7.5.0 r30169
Comment 1 Mickey Gee 2010-02-26 08:57:42 UTC
Created attachment 6572 [details]
Photo of Radio with error message on screen
Comment 2 Alan Young 2010-02-26 23:18:25 UTC
I doubt that this is a dup of 15633. Do you have the server log for this incident?
Comment 3 Mickey Gee 2010-02-28 00:50:33 UTC
Happened to me again. Jive with r8694 firmware, SbS r30277 Sat Feb 27 2010. Moving to SqueezePlay category.

Here's the log. There's nothing at the time it occurred except the following:

[10-02-28 00:40:10.9848] Slim::Networking::Discovery::Players::_players_error (145) Unable to get players: Connect timed out: Bad file descriptor
[10-02-28 00:40:18.6683] Slim::Formats::XML::gotErrorViaHTTP (332) Error: getting http://opml.radiotime.com/Browse.ashx?c=local&partnerId=16&formats=aac,ogg,mp3,wmpro,wma,wmvoice&serial=c4c807eab254ad4f8f0d48609c94da5d
Error reading headers: Server closed connection without sending any data back at /<D:\PROGRA~1\SQUEEZ~1\server\SQUEEZ~3.EXE>Net/HTTP/Methods.pm line 306.
	...propagated at /<D:\PROGRA~1\SQUEEZ~1\server\SQUEEZ~3.EXE>Net/HTTP/NB.pm line 32.
[10-02-28 00:40:18.6695] Slim::Control::XMLBrowser::_cliQuery_error (1353) Error: While retrieving [http://opml.radiotime.com/Browse.ashx?c=local&partnerId=16&formats=aac,ogg,mp3,wmpro,wma,wmvoice&serial=c4c807eab254ad4f8f0d48609c94da5d]: [Error reading headers: Server closed connection without sending any data back at /<D:\PROGRA~1\SQUEEZ~1\server\SQUEEZ~3.EXE>Net/HTTP/Methods.pm line 306.
	...propagated at /<D:\PROGRA~1\SQUEEZ~1\server\SQUEEZ~3.EXE>Net/HTTP/NB.pm line 32.
Comment 4 Mickey Gee 2010-02-28 00:53:33 UTC
Above happened with similar circumstances: Just updated to latest SbS on Windows XP system, started it up, then updated Jive to 8594, and tried to connect to Local radio stations (RadioTime).
Comment 5 Alan Young 2010-02-28 01:23:32 UTC
Andy, any ideas?
Comment 6 Spies Steven 2010-03-04 09:35:27 UTC
Assigned back to Mickey.
Comment 7 Mickey Gee 2010-03-06 15:28:16 UTC
It happened again a few days ago. Exact same scenario but with Controller instead. Same error message too. Not sure how to track it down further.
Comment 8 Mickey Gee 2011-01-14 09:52:03 UTC
Haven't seen this at home in a long time. Swapped out PC and reconfigured SBS, so that might have fixed it.