Bug 11426 - allow multiple params of input/keyboards for a single cli command callback
: allow multiple params of input/keyboards for a single cli command callback
Product: SB Touch
Classification: Unclassified
Component: UI
: unspecified
: PC Other
: -- normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Unassigned bug - please assign me!
Depends on: 11573
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Reported: 2009-03-20 12:04 UTC by Ben Klaas
Modified: 2009-09-08 09:27 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---

patch of work-in-progress for multiple input/keyboard entry for single cli callback (11.80 KB, patch)
2009-03-20 12:05 UTC, Ben Klaas
Details | Diff

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Description Ben Klaas 2009-03-20 12:04:51 UTC
I had to temporarily table this work, so I'm just using this bug to not lose my patch to bring my work-in-progress back :)
Comment 1 Ben Klaas 2009-03-20 12:05:40 UTC
Created attachment 4954 [details]
patch of work-in-progress for multiple input/keyboard entry for single cli callback
Comment 2 Ben Klaas 2009-03-25 12:17:00 UTC
patch not necessary to apply now

the upshot of what it was doing was applied in r4943

multiple param input still not supported, but r4943 lays the foundation for adding it.
Comment 3 Ben Klaas 2009-03-27 13:22:21 UTC
*** Bug 11487 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 4 Ben Klaas 2009-04-08 15:57:23 UTC
the critical need for this bug is post-MP, as it will be post FW update in setup. punting to target = CRX

FYI, there is some work to do in SlimBrowser yet to support this before getting SN changed to request multiple-param input. Bug still very much in my court.
Comment 5 Ben Klaas 2009-04-15 12:49:59 UTC
*** Bug 11811 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 6 Ben Klaas 2009-04-15 12:50:08 UTC
*** Bug 11812 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 7 Ben Klaas 2009-04-15 12:50:14 UTC
*** Bug 11813 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 8 Ben Klaas 2009-04-23 14:05:05 UTC
Just an update, this bug (as well as the tightly related 11573) have proven to be extremely difficult to fix due to the convoluted nature of SlimBrowserApplet. SlimBrowser is built for a request/response model and is sorely not suited for pushing multiple windows for a single cli request. The current code for pushing one interim keyboard window before sending the request is a bit of a hack. I've tried a number of approaches thus far for multiple params with no positive results.
Comment 9 Ben Klaas 2009-05-20 10:09:08 UTC
This bug came up in the Fab4 meeting and I mentioned that I'd intended to punt on it. unassigning myself from it to reflect that.