Bugzilla – Bug 10599
Scanner hangs on Merge Various Artist on SqueezeCenter 7.3.1
Last modified: 2009-01-08 07:31:46 UTC
Ticket #080816-000506 Environment: SqueezeCenter 7.3.1 and Nightly 7.3.2 clean installs Windows XP Itunes Music on Local drive IE 7 and Firefox Symptom: When Running music scan, stopped on merge various artist. Initial issue what that Itunes Artwork was not showing in SC 7.2.1 Troubleshooting: Performed Clean install of 7.3.1 and 7.3.2 When it stopped on merge various artist (for over 10 minutes) -Closed SC interface -Stopped SC Server -Restarted SC Server -Rescanned Music Library for New and changed music -Checked Scanning Process - I had gone further, but not very -1st initial time stopped at 30 out of 657 -Stopped/Started SC Server - Cleared library and rescanned -2nd time stopped at 1 out of 657 -Stopped/Started SC Server - Rescanned Music Library for New and changed music -3rd time stopped at 35 out of 657 -Stopped/Started SC Server - Rescanned Music Library for New and changed music -4th time stopped at 55 out of 657 -Stopped/Started SC Server - Rescanned Music Library for New and changed music -5th time stopped at 82 out of 657 Peformed this 4 or 5 times, and each time it got a little further, on different albums Performed clean install of 7.3.2 Stopped at merged various artist 1 out of 657 Please see log file [09-01-07 22:42:33.7656] Slim::Schema::Storage::throw_exception (70) Error: Error executing 'SELECT me.id, me.url, me.content_type, me.title, me.titlesort, me.titlesearch, me.album, me.tracknum, me.timestamp, me.filesize, me.disc, me.remote, me.audio, me.audio_size, me.audio_offset, me.year, me.secs, me.cover, me.vbr_scale, me.bitrate, me.samplerate, me.samplesize, me.channels, me.block_alignment, me.endian, me.bpm, me.tagversion, me.drm, me.musicmagic_mixable, me.musicbrainz_id, me.lossless, me.lyrics, me.replay_gain, me.replay_peak, me.extid, contributorTracks.role, contributorTracks.contributor, contributorTracks.track FROM tracks me LEFT JOIN contributor_track contributorTracks ON ( contributorTracks.track = me.id ) WHERE ( ( ( contributorTracks.role = ? ) AND ( me.album = ? ) ) ) ORDER BY contributorTracks.track': DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Can't create/write to file 'C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\#sql_f3c_0.MYD' (Errcode: 13) at /<C:\Program Files\SqueezeCenter\server\scanner.exe>DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm line 771. [09-01-07 22:42:33.7669] Slim::Schema::Storage::throw_exception (70) Backtrace: frame 0: Slim::Utils::Log::logBacktrace (/<C:\Program Files\SqueezeCenter\server\scanner.exe>Slim/Schema/Storage.pm line 70) frame 1: Slim::Schema::Storage::throw_exception (/<C:\Program Files\SqueezeCenter\server\scanner.exe>DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm line 773) frame 2: DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_execute (/<C:\Program Files\SqueezeCenter\server\scanner.exe>DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm line 826) frame 3: DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_select (/<C:\Program Files\SqueezeCenter\server\scanner.exe>DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Cursor.pm line 79) frame 4: DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Cursor::next (/<C:\Program Files\SqueezeCenter\server\scanner.exe>DBIx/Class/ResultSet.pm line 703) frame 5: DBIx::Class::ResultSet::next (/<C:\Program Files\SqueezeCenter\server\scanner.exe>Slim/Schema.pm line 1373) frame 6: Slim::Schema::mergeVariousArtistsAlbums (/<C:\Program Files\SqueezeCenter\server\scanner.exe>Slim/Music/Import.pm line 375) frame 7: Slim::Music::Import::runScanPostProcessing (scanner.pl line 235) frame 8: main::__ANON__ (/<C:\Program Files\SqueezeCenter\server\scanner.exe>DBIx/Class/Schema.pm line 584) frame 9: (eval) (/<C:\Program Files\SqueezeCenter\server\scanner.exe>DBIx/Class/Schema.pm line 572) frame 10: DBIx::Class::Schema::txn_do (scanner.pl line 235) frame 11: (eval) (scanner.pl line 235) frame 12: main::main (scanner.pl line 363) [09-01-07 22:42:33.7700] Slim::Schema::throw_exception (229) Error: Carp::Clan::__ANON__(): Error executing 'SELECT me.id, me.url, me.content_type, me.title, me.titlesort, me.titlesearch, me.album, me.tracknum, me.timestamp, me.filesize, me.disc, me.remote, me.audio, me.audio_size, me.audio_offset, me.year, me.secs, me.cover, me.vbr_scale, me.bitrate, me.samplerate, me.samplesize, me.channels, me.block_alignment, me.endian, me.bpm, me.tagversion, me.drm, me.musicmagic_mixable, me.musicbrainz_id, me.lossless, me.lyrics, me.replay_gain, me.replay_peak, me.extid, contributorTracks.role, contributorTracks.contributor, contributorTracks.track FROM tracks me LEFT JOIN contributor_track contributorTracks ON ( contributorTracks.track = me.id ) WHERE ( ( ( contributorTracks.role = ? ) AND ( me.album = ? ) ) ) ORDER BY contributorTracks.track': DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Can't create/write to file 'C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\#sql_f3c_0.MYD' (Errcode: 13) at /<C:\Program Files\SqueezeCenter\server\scanner.exe>DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm line 771. [09-01-07 22:42:33.7709] Slim::Schema::throw_exception (229) Backtrace: frame 0: Slim::Utils::Log::logBacktrace (/<C:\Program Files\SqueezeCenter\server\scanner.exe>Slim/Schema.pm line 229) frame 1: Slim::Schema::throw_exception (/<C:\Program Files\SqueezeCenter\server\scanner.exe>DBIx/Class/Schema.pm line 606) frame 2: DBIx::Class::Schema::txn_do (scanner.pl line 235) frame 3: (eval) (scanner.pl line 235) frame 4: main::main (scanner.pl line 363)
Created attachment 4574 [details] From ticket 080816-000506
Please ask the user to have is antivirus product ignore *.my* files. This is a _very_ well known issue eg. with McAfee