Bug 2156 - case sensitive playlist names a problem on Windows
: case sensitive playlist names a problem on Windows
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Playlists
: 6.2.0
: PC Windows XP
: P2 normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Dan Sully
Depends on:
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Reported: 2005-09-20 02:21 UTC by James Craig
Modified: 2008-09-15 14:39 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description James Craig 2005-09-20 02:21:39 UTC
SlimServer is case sensitive so allows you to create playlists which would have
the same name on a case insensitive system (ie Windows). When they're saved to
disk they overwrite each other. 
Also a problem in the save playlists plugin I guess?

Solutions could be to make playlist names case insensitive (upsetting *NIX users
I'd imagine?) or add some sort of unique identifier on Windows?
Comment 1 KDF 2005-09-20 09:16:07 UTC
so upsetting unix users a solution, while simply not using the same filenames in
windows (regardless of case) not a solution?

perhaps the check for an existing file could be case insensitive when OS eq
'win'.  Oddly, I'd have expected that the OS would report a match on -e
regardless of case  if the OS/filesystem is case insensitive
Comment 2 KDF 2005-09-20 13:19:21 UTC
hmm, looks like there is no -e test or warnings from the player UI side.  I
don't  know the CLI all that well, but perhaps the playlist "save" command
should check and return $p0=undef if the playlist file already exists?
Comment 3 KDF 2005-09-21 08:57:41 UTC
*** Bug 2163 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 4 Dieter 2005-09-21 09:04:52 UTC
Copied from bug 2163 which has been marked as a duplicat of this bug:

Moreover, the playlist plugin uses small letters as default when saving a
playlist. The first letter is shown as "A" but all further letters are small
letters when pressing right. If you overwrite the first "A" with another
character then this new character is also a lower case letter per default. All
other lists which use this kind of input (e.g. the "Search for" lists) use
captital letters as default input values.
Comment 5 Blackketter Dean 2005-10-13 13:40:04 UTC
Not going to be able to fix for 6.2...
Comment 6 Dan Sully 2006-04-28 15:22:56 UTC
I believe this is fixed in 6.2.2 and later.

Can someone confirm?

Comment 7 Dan Sully 2006-06-09 17:00:35 UTC
This should be fixed.. please reopen if it's not.
