Bug 11025 - Rebuffering - with .M4A transcoding
: Rebuffering - with .M4A transcoding
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Transcoding
: 7.3.2
: Infrant ReadyNAS RAIDiator x86
: P1 normal with 1 vote (vote)
: 7.4.1
Assigned To: Squeezebox QA Team email alias
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Reported: 2009-02-10 05:00 UTC by Thomas Birch Forstberg
Modified: 2009-10-30 15:12 UTC (History)
5 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---

debug log (4.54 KB, text/plain)
2009-03-21 20:00 UTC, David Mason
retry debug log (1.01 KB, text/plain)
2009-03-22 07:43 UTC, David Mason
buffering problems (7.85 KB, text/plain)
2009-03-22 07:47 UTC, David Mason

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Thomas Birch Forstberg 2009-02-10 05:00:38 UTC
All I want to do is listen to my music without constant interruptions and problems. I have done this for a long until I used 7.3.2.

Please fix this issue ASAP. I think it have to be your most importen issue right now. The bacis function has to work.
Comment 1 James Richardson 2009-02-10 07:57:42 UTC
Thomas: We will need a bit more information from you before we can properly diagnose this issue.

1) What Hardware are you running
2) What is the source of the stream
3) What is your connection type to the Internet
4) What Router are you using; Make, Model, FW version
5) Do you have more then one SqueezeBox on your network
6) If so, are they all have this re buffering issue
7) Can you provide logs of the problem you are seeing
8) Does this re buffering happen all the time, or only at particular times of the day

Have you tried contact our support department yet regarding this issue.
Comment 2 Thomas Birch Forstberg 2009-02-10 09:12:32 UTC
1) What Hardware are you running -> ReadyNAS Duo + Squeezebox duet
2) What is the source of the stream -> FLAC and MP3
3) What is your connection type to the Internet -> ADSL
4) What Router are you using; Make, Model, FW version -> Belkin, F5D7231-4, FW:4.05.03 
5) Do you have more then one SqueezeBox on your network -> No
6) If so, are they all have this re buffering issue
7) Can you provide logs of the problem you are seeing -> How do I do that?
8) Does this re buffering happen all the time, or only at particular times of
the day -> All the time

Have you tried contact our support department yet regarding this issue. -> No
Comment 3 Spies Steven 2009-02-10 11:39:01 UTC
This sounds to me that your SqueezeCenter may have been misconfigured during the upgrade process.

To fix this I suggest doing a clean install of SqueezeCenter on your ReadyNAS.  To do this you can follow the instructions on our wiki at http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.php/SqueezeCenter_on_ReadyNAS

Bug 10519 also covers SqueezeCenter upgrade issues on the ReadyNAS.
Comment 4 Thomas Birch Forstberg 2009-02-11 07:13:35 UTC
Ok, I will try to follow your suggestion.
But before I do that - I have found out that, when I play FLAC then everything is OK. But when I play .m4a flies then I have the problem.
When I play a .m4a files will it rebuffer occasional (1-5 time/min)

Do you still think SqueezeCenter has been misconfigured during the upgrade process?

Which SqueezeCenter version should I upgrade to - the latest release or?

Would you also recommend that I wire my Squeezebox to my router?
In SqueezeCenter can I see that I have a signal of around 90%.
Comment 5 Spies Steven 2009-02-12 09:28:57 UTC
(In reply to comment #4)
> But when I play .m4a flies then I have the problem.
So you only have this issue when playing .m4a?  This helps quite a bit.

I suspect this has something to do with transcoding on the ReadyNAS.  I'm hoping you can create a log and attach it to this bug.  To do this open the web interface and click on Settings -> Advanced tab.  On the Advanced page select logging on the drop down menu.  On the Logging page set player.source to Debug.  Now play some of your .m4a that exhibit this issue and then attach the resulting log to this bug.
Comment 6 David Mason 2009-03-21 18:26:41 UTC
I am seeing the exact same thing on a Mac - iMac 24" Intel Core Duo 2 2.8Ghz w/ 4G Ram - this has been constant since I upgraded to 7.3 - any mp3 files I have play fine but all my apple lossless (the majority of my 18,000+ tracks) rebuffer constantly. I upgraded to 7.4 via a suggestion on the forums but it still happens. 

This bug should be raised in importance - quite a few people are seeing this on the forums.
Comment 7 David Mason 2009-03-21 20:00:11 UTC
Created attachment 4957 [details]
debug log
Comment 8 David Mason 2009-03-22 07:43:02 UTC
Created attachment 4958 [details]
retry debug log

I think I got that other debug log wrong - this one might be correct, except all it seems to show is that it is looking for my players - perhaps this one isn't right either. The log interface isn't exactly user-friendly.
Comment 9 David Mason 2009-03-22 07:47:23 UTC
Created attachment 4959 [details]
buffering problems

sorry - I think I got the right log now
Comment 10 James Richardson 2009-09-15 18:34:58 UTC
Please re-test with 7.4 are you still able to reproduce this?

Comment 11 James Richardson 2009-09-17 10:12:11 UTC
(In reply to comment #10)
>> Please re-test with 7.4 are you still able to reproduce this?
I meant the Latest 7.4 version(s)
Comment 12 James Richardson 2009-10-30 15:12:17 UTC
Thomas: have you been able to test 7.4.1 yet?  are you still seeing this issue with that version.

If so, please attach a new log and reopen the bug