Bug 14465 - Initial scan after upgrade shows 0 Artists, upgrade from 7.3.x -> 7.4.x
: Initial scan after upgrade shows 0 Artists, upgrade from 7.3.x -> 7.4.x
Status: NEW
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Scanner
: 7.4.0
: PC Windows Home Server
: -- normal (vote)
: Investigating
Assigned To: Squeezebox QA Team email alias
Depends on:
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Reported: 2009-09-30 23:34 UTC by Arnon Meshoulam
Modified: 2011-06-30 17:35 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---

Log Files (467.48 KB, application/zip)
2009-10-07 00:54 UTC, Arnon Meshoulam
Server Logs (3.14 KB, application/x-zip-compressed)
2009-10-18 11:11 UTC, Pascal Hibon

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Arnon Meshoulam 2009-09-30 23:34:46 UTC
Initial scan completed and 0 Artists found.
Summary line shows: Your music library contains 781 albums with 7820 songs by 0 artists
Home-> Artists shows now artists, just header line: 781 albums with 7820 songs by 0 artists 
Search finds no artists
Comment 1 Andy Grundman 2009-10-01 08:36:17 UTC
Hard to know what the issue is without more info.  Can you possibly upload 1 track that we fail to pull an artist out of?
Comment 2 James Richardson 2009-10-01 08:45:35 UTC
Arnon: I am unable to reproduce this, can you please turn on Scan Logging then attach the log to this bug
Comment 3 Arnon Meshoulam 2009-10-01 09:35:43 UTC
this was an upgrade from version 7.3.3 on an existing library
I have hit "delete all and do a full rescan" and all the artists were pulled in.
Comment 4 James Richardson 2009-10-06 16:04:10 UTC
I have still not been able to reproduce this issue.

Do you feel like doing some additional testing for us? or are you happy that this issue is resolved for you?
Comment 5 Arnon Meshoulam 2009-10-07 00:54:47 UTC
Created attachment 6046 [details]
Log Files

Log files
Comment 6 Arnon Meshoulam 2009-10-07 00:55:38 UTC
The issue is resolved for me, but I would be happy to do additional debug if it will help. Attached are my log files, perhaps they show something.
Comment 7 Blair 2009-10-09 11:34:32 UTC
I have seen this issue as on mac os 10.6 (as AIFF files) as well as on windows xp (as MPEG files).
Comment 8 James Richardson 2009-10-09 11:42:17 UTC
Blair: Can you please post your scanner and server log
Comment 9 James Richardson 2009-10-18 09:26:56 UTC
*** Bug 14817 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 10 Pascal Hibon 2009-10-18 11:11:05 UTC
Created attachment 6162 [details]
Server Logs

This bug is still unresolved in my system. I’m happy to run some additional tests for you if that can help. (See also bug 14817). 
Apart from the 0 artists, the scanner also has a different result in terms of number of songs compared to iTunes. I have put the scanner logging to info and forced a new scan. The logs are attached. 

Total Tracks: 6,734 -> iTunes has 6812 tracks
Total Albums: 991 -> iTunes has 857 Albums
Total Artists: 0 -> iTunes has 431
Total Genres: 122 –> same as iTunes
Total Playing Time: 437:43:14
Music Scan DetailsPlaylist Scan   (5  of  5)   Complete  00:03:29
iTunes Import   (6812  of  6812)   Complete  00:14:36
iTunes Playlist Import   (27  of  27)   Complete  00:15:52
Merge Various Artists   (663  of  663)   Complete  00:04:21
Artwork Scan   (6  of  6)   Complete  00:00:12
Database Cleanup #1   (6753  of  6753)   Complete  00:02:28
Database Cleanup #2   Complete  00:04:31

The server has finished scanning your music collection.
Total Time: 00:45:29 (Sun 18. Oct 2009 / 19:59)
Comment 11 Pascal Hibon 2009-10-18 13:08:45 UTC
Okay, so I’ve rescanned my library, but this time I selected “Clear Library and rescan everything”. That did the job; I have my artists back. So it seems that 7.3 database is not compatible with 7.4. 

Total Tracks: 6,734	--> iTunes has 6812
Total Albums: 991	--> iTunes has 857
Total Artists: 2,245	--> iTunes has 431
Total Genres: 122	--> Same as iTunes
Total Playing Time: 437:43:14
Music Scan DetailsPlaylist Scan   (5  of  5)   Complete  00:03:47
iTunes Import   (6812  of  6812)   Complete  00:55:02
iTunes Playlist Import   (27  of  27)   Complete  00:13:31
Merge Various Artists   (991  of  991)   Complete  00:06:15
Artwork Scan   (991  of  991)   Complete  00:23:01

Although I have my artists back, there are still big difference in what iTunes has and what SBS finds. Why is that?
Comment 12 srybicki 2011-06-30 17:35:51 UTC
I have also seen this with Squeezebox Server 7.5.4 (Version: 7.5.4 - r32171 @ Thu Apr 14 09:19:34 PDT 2011). It did not happen immediately after upgrading the server, but after I did the following in iTunes (10.2.1):

Select all tracks
Check box next to Album Artist name with Edit control empty
Check box next to Part of a Compilation and select No
Click OK

This is the output from the scan:

Directory Scan    Complete  00:00:03
Playlist Scan   (15  of  15)   Complete  00:00:07
iTunes Import   (98523  of  98523)   Complete  00:15:21
iTunes Playlist Import   (14  of  14)   Complete  00:01:50
Merge Various Artists   (202  of  202)   Complete  00:00:21
Database Cleanup #1   (2380  of  2380)   Complete  00:00:11
Database Cleanup #2    Complete  00:00:06

The server has finished scanning your music collection.
Total Time: 00:17:59 (Thursday, June 30, 2011 / 7:31 PM)

Server displays: 215 albums with 2380 songs by 0 artists.

I have since tried:

Clear library and rescan everything- no difference
Uninstall and reinstall Squeezebox Server - no difference

Given that I seem to have a reproducible case here, are there any other experiments (e.g. directions to manually clean database), logging, etc. I can do to help diagnose?