Bug 4425 - Alarm "snoozing" anamoly
: Alarm "snoozing" anamoly
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Misc
: 6.5.2
: Macintosh MacOS X 10.4
: P2 normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Chris Owens
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Reported: 2006-10-26 08:35 UTC by Julius Friede
Modified: 2007-05-25 20:33 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Category: ---

slimserver pref file (12.89 KB, application/octet-stream)
2006-10-31 15:59 UTC, Julius Friede

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Description Julius Friede 2006-10-26 08:35:25 UTC
Ever since the v6.5.x series, my alarm clock has intermittently exhibited a snooze feature. When the alarm activates in the morning, I syop it by hitting power off on the remote. Sometimes, however, the Squeezebox (initially a 2, now a 3) will start playing again. Sometimes it is a 10 to 15 minute delay, sometimes an hour, sometimes longer. I have also hosted the SS on two different computers (Mac G4, Mac Pro). I don't actually mind having a snooze feature, I would just like some handles to it for some measure of control. Is there something you would like me to check?

Comment 1 KDF 2006-10-26 14:05:14 UTC
The snooze feature exists in the alarm plugin, and always has.
It is not in the main alarm clock.  Which are you using?
Comment 2 Julius Friede 2006-10-26 18:32:48 UTC
I have always used the Alarm menu in the player's settings. I use the ingividual days, not everyday. Is that the plugin? In any case, the behavior is inconsistent.
Comment 3 KDF 2006-10-26 19:47:19 UTC
something similar was reported as bug 3910.

check your prefs file. make sure that you don't have any odd alarm settings in there.  otherwise, I've never seen this, nor have any possible cause that I can think of.  taking this off of the plugin group, just so that it can be clear this is the built in alarm.  In this case, the alarm simply triggers a play command, powering off is the same as if you powere off after manually playing a track. no snooze function.
Comment 4 Julius Friede 2006-10-26 23:31:04 UTC
In Server Settings:Plugins, there is no alarm listed. Likewise in Player settings:Menu, there is no alarm plugin listed, just Plugins as a group. At any rate, I trashed ~/Library/SlimDevices/slimserver.pref and ~/Library/Preferences/com.slimdevices.slim.plist and reset my alarms. Just out of curiousity, is there a way to control the snooze function? I didn't see any handles for it anywhere.
Comment 5 KDF 2006-10-27 08:34:33 UTC
Only the alarm plugin includes a snooze function.  Since you do not have this installed, there is no snooze function to be controlled.
Comment 6 Chris Owens 2006-10-31 14:11:01 UTC
So, it sounds like the bug is 'After I turn off the alarm, it turns back on for no good reason' :)

I tried setting an alarm to use the current playlist for 12:35pm.

The playlist played as expected.  I let it play until 12:37pm, then powered the player off.  Playback stopped and the player appeared to behave normally, showing me the time and date I expected for the power off screensaver.

As of 12:55 it hasn't started playing again.

I just got back from a meeting at 2:12pm and it's not playing.

Julius, are you sure you don't have multiple alarms set up? :)

Perhaps I could get you to attach your slimserver.pref file?  On a mac, it's located at /Users/username/Library/Slimdevices/slimserver.pref

Perhaps that file has gotten corrupted and is tricking Slimserver into this odd behavior.

I'll also Ross from our support team to see if he has any additional ideas.
Comment 7 Ross Levine 2006-10-31 15:28:28 UTC
Julius let us know how it goes after blowing away the .pref file. I've heard of something similar to this in the past, but I've never been able to reproduce it. 
Comment 8 Julius Friede 2006-10-31 15:59:30 UTC
Created attachment 1683 [details]
slimserver pref file
Comment 9 Chris Owens 2006-11-02 15:10:37 UTC
The prefs file looks as though you've got an alarm set on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at 6am, and the alarm is associated with the player whose MAC address ends in e3:5c (printed on bottom of the unit).  Is that right?

It's the Slimserver application of course that starts the Squeezebox playing at the assigned time, and Slimserver gets the time from the PC clock.  You don't have any strange applications running on the PC, do you, that might be altering the PC clock time?

Are you using power-saving on your PC?  It occurs to me that if there is some sleep or hibernation event it might be somehow confusing Slimserver into thinking it has not yet played the alarm.
Comment 10 Julius Friede 2006-11-02 20:21:54 UTC
The alarms are set as you noted. There are no "funny" apps running on the machine, and the machine never goes to sleep, just the drives and display. I have noticed that if the machine does sleep, Slimserver doesn't wake it for the alarm. Hence, no sleep.
Comment 11 Julius Friede 2006-12-30 09:28:26 UTC
Just wondering if this anamoly has been looked at recently. I have been installing v6.5.1 nightlies about once a week to see if this behavior goes away, but it hasn�t. The player starts playing sometimes four or five times a day. For review, I have a Mac Pro, OSX 10.4.8, Slimserver v6.5.1_12-21-2006. Is there anything further I can, log, adjust, or send that might help track this behavior down?

Thanks, and have a happy new year.
Comment 12 KDF 2006-12-31 12:15:46 UTC
if it is starting up 4 or 5 times a day, are you sure it's the alarm?  do you see the short message for alarm playing?
check the "power on resume" setting in player settings.
Comment 13 Julius Friede 2006-12-31 17:48:55 UTC
I�m not usually looking at the display when it starts playing again. I�ll be in another room or I�m just coming home and the music will be playing. The �power on resume� setting is set to pause/pause.
Comment 14 Julius Friede 2006-12-31 17:53:43 UTC
One more thing, The player never starts playing by itself if no alarm was set for that day. Only when an alarm was activated and then stopped does the player start playing. The 4 -5 times a day is rare and was reported by my wife. I haven�t personally experienced that frequency, but I have turned it off twice after the initial stoppage many times.
Comment 15 Chris Owens 2007-05-25 16:55:55 UTC
Have you tried in the forums to see if anyone else is seeing similar symptoms?  I tried again today to reproduce this and couldn't manage to.
Comment 16 Julius Friede 2007-05-25 19:43:49 UTC
As mysteriously as the problem appeared, it seems to have gone away. At least, at least it hasn’t happened in a while. I’m guessing you can call this one solved.
Comment 17 KDF 2007-05-25 20:33:35 UTC
thanks.  we'll call it a 'works for me'.  Please reopen if it starts happening again.