Bugzilla – Bug 14173
Track Info from SN not consistent with track info from SC
Last modified: 2013-10-11 13:51:28 UTC
SN does not show "more info" that includes all the track specs. Also, the SN track info includes (still) "on flickr" which is a beta feature not to be included in this release.
You really still want to remove On Flickr? Changing all SN services to have a More Info item is way too much work for this release, and doesn't really make that much sense since there isn't as much info available as for local tracks.
I have 2 issues with "on flickr". First, it should link with the main Flickr app. That means it should only be installed when someone installs the flickr app. As it is, we force people to navigate past it whether they want to see flickr or not. Second, we don't have any method for a user to control what appears on the track info screen. It would be nice to be able to enabled/disable items you want on that screen. We have the same problem with Amazon Cd store. It shows up independently of whether the user has installed it. Actually, there's a 3rd point. Facebook has official band/musician pages that have approved high quality images. Flickr doesn't have the same type of "sanctioned" photos. I would argue that we'd get a better match with high quality images if we used Facebook or Myspace music rather than flickr. The on flickr concept is very cool and we should have it. However, it needs to be implemented with the whole user experience in mind and we should do it in such a way as to generalize how a user specifies the option in the track info menu and how we configure screen savers. I personally would love a screen saver for the now playing mode that grabbed the band images. But only officially released ones -- not blurry user photos taken from a mobile phone during a concert from the back row. Please keep the fun ideas coming. Then let's stack 'em up and put 'em in -- in an organized way.
That bug has been fixed. "On" menus only appear if you have installed the associated app. If you remove the menu now I don't expect it will ever come back, because there is no way to do what you want (get 'official' images in an automated way).
"official images" might be difficult but if we can do a more focused search within flickr, fbook, or myspace by searching only within the artist page, or fan groups, we up our chances. The real key is to allow the users to enable a screen saver mode for the app only when the app is installed. Then they run the risk of getting goofy photos but at least it was based on a service they choose. And it WILL get back because it is a great delighter feature. I wonder if Fbook API gives you the ability to narrow the search focus and get higher value results (apply filters for "musician" for "band" for example. But this is ALL to be done after the release. We're too late in this release to make such wholesale changes. Welden and Schulte will have to get involved.