Bug 3543 - Slim Tray stalls on 'Slimserver Starting' on new Windows install
: Slim Tray stalls on 'Slimserver Starting' on new Windows install
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Windows Installer
: 6.5b1
: PC Windows XP
: P2 normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Dan Sully
Depends on:
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Reported: 2006-06-14 03:46 UTC by Patrick Dixon
Modified: 2008-12-18 11:11 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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Category: ---


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Description Patrick Dixon 2006-06-14 03:46:22 UTC
XP / 6.5b1 14 June Nightly

Installing on a machine that has never had any version of slimserver on it before, on first start the process stalls continuously showing 'Slimserver Starting'.

Killing SlimTray and restarting it results in the same behaviour.

However, re-running the install from the exact same downloaded file starts slimserver correctly.  So I'm guessing something doesn't get initialised/created in the right order or something.  I've seen this before, and seen reports before, so I reckon it's a bug that's existed for sometime, but is generally ignored because people put it down to finger trouble the first time around.

Probably a PITA to find as I'm guessing that you need a fresh XP box to test each time.
Comment 1 Dan Sully 2006-06-14 12:27:07 UTC
Should be fixed in change 7973
Comment 2 Chris Owens 2006-06-16 13:47:16 UTC
Leaving this assigned to me so I can actually test it when I have a minute.
Comment 3 Grant 2006-06-18 09:09:34 UTC
(In reply to comment #2)
> Leaving this assigned to me so I can actually test it when I have a minute.

I have precisely this problem. Reinstall fixes it. Then next boot-up the program hangs on "starting" but never starts. I have just bought a squeezebox and haven't been able to get it to find slimserver, so I haven't even had it working for one second yet. Could someobody tell me now to actually fix this? Thanks.
Comment 4 Max Spicer 2006-09-08 12:41:42 UTC
I just installed the latest 6.5 nightly on my Windows XP laptop and had exactly this problem.  After running the installer and telling slimtray to start slimserver, it just sat there saying that slimserver was starting.  Closer examination showed that slimserver had not even been installed as a windows service.  By manually running "slim.exe -install", closing slimtray.exe then "net start slimserver", I was able to get it going.  When I had installed slimserver I unticked the start slimserver automatically checkbox.  I suspect this is what caused the service to not get installed.  Obviously, slimserver can never start if it hasn't been installed as a service so this is far from desirable.
Comment 5 Chris Owens 2006-09-08 13:49:48 UTC
Grant, please contact support@slimdevices.com for help getting up and running.
Comment 6 Ross Levine 2006-09-11 13:28:29 UTC
This is what we recommend when this issue occurs:

If it isn't, to install it as a service:
- click start
- click run
- type in:  "C:\Program Files\SlimServer\server\slim.exe" -remove
NOTE: type in everything after type in:, including the quotes!
- type in:  "C:\Program Files\SlimServer\server\slim.exe" -install
- hit enter, and reboot

If its of interest to anyone, I seem to be able to reproduce this bug more than 50% of the time I install SlimServer on my Dell PC. 
Comment 7 Chris Owens 2006-09-12 10:32:39 UTC
Setting the target to 7.0, still assigned to me to nail down how to reproduce.  I'm hopeful I can use perl win32::guitest to reproduce this very consistently.
Comment 8 Chris Owens 2006-09-26 10:09:30 UTC
Dan is working on a solution to this issue.  I've seen a preliminary version and it looks good so far.
Comment 9 Dan Sully 2006-09-26 10:55:32 UTC
The new SlimTray.exe is in the 6.5.1 builds
Comment 10 Marc Auslander 2006-09-26 14:58:40 UTC
I've seen this problem in 6.5.0 not related to install.  Doing a server stop (using slimtray) followed by a start sometimes gets what's described.  If you open services, you see that the server is stopped.  You can start it with the start button in services, and then slimtray notices that it's started.  So it appears to me that slimtray sometimes silently fails to start the service and then waits for it to start.  Possibly because the service hasn't really stopped yet?
Comment 11 Dan Sully 2006-09-26 21:25:08 UTC
Marking this as fixed - please use a 6.5.1 build.
