Bug 7410 - No way to connect to SqueezeCenter from SN web interface
: No way to connect to SqueezeCenter from SN web interface
Product: MySqueezebox.com
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Web UI
: unspecified
: PC Windows XP
: P5 enhancement (vote)
Assigned To: Andy Grundman
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Reported: 2008-03-04 12:36 UTC by Anoop Mehta
Modified: 2009-09-08 09:30 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

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Category: ---


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Description Anoop Mehta 2008-03-04 12:36:16 UTC
I have a customer who uses the Nokia 770 to control his SqueezeCenter. There is no way to bring up the default skin on the Nokia ,so he cannot use SqueezeCenter to disconnect his player from SqueezeNetwork and connect to SqueezeCenter. 

On the web UI for SqueezeNetwork there is no way to connect your player to SqueezeCenter. 

So we either need to get the default skin working on the Nokia or add a way to connect your player to SqueezeCenter via the SN web UI.
Comment 1 KDF 2008-03-04 15:50:32 UTC
How can 7.0 be the target if 7.0 is already released?
Comment 2 Anoop Mehta 2008-03-04 15:52:44 UTC
Good question.....Sorry that was my fault.

Ill get someone to change it. 
Comment 3 Spies Steven 2008-03-04 16:25:26 UTC
One could always use http://severip:9000/skinname/ in the browser to specify a skin other then default when connecting.  For example I would try http://severip:9000/Nokia770/ or http://severip:9000/Handheld/ for the Nokia770.

Wait, do you mean he cannot control SqueezeNetwork with his Nokia770?
Comment 4 Ross Levine 2008-03-04 17:21:18 UTC
Jim I hope you don't mind but I'm adding you to this bug, perhaps you can help us clarify your specific request. 

Steven, Jim is trying to have his player disconnect from SqueezeNetwork and connect to his Squeeze Center, he's trying to trigger this from a Nokia770. 770 CAN control SN.com, but there is no longer a link there to send a player back to SC. Originally this was added for blind users with screen readers. One solution for Jim would be to simply bring this back. 

Another solution, which it sounds like Anoop is suggesting, is to add the "switch player to SqueezeCenter" option to the nokia 770 skin. 
Comment 5 Blackketter Dean 2008-03-04 17:37:25 UTC
Of course, you can always use your remote control (or Controller) to switch back and forth...
Comment 6 Anoop Mehta 2008-03-04 17:38:30 UTC
Dean very true....but from the customers words....he cannot do it when he is in his backyard by his pool.
Comment 7 Ross Levine 2008-03-04 17:43:54 UTC
Right from Squeezebox remote and Squeezebox Controller, switching between works great. It just doesn't work from the Squeeze Network web interface (useful for blind users with screen readers) or from the Nokia 770 skin. 

This bug is filed as an enhancement targeted for 7.01; community is welcome to comment and vote. In some ways this bug resembles bug 3087. 
Comment 8 Andy Grundman 2008-03-14 08:37:04 UTC
We removed this feature on purpose, do we want to put it back?
Comment 9 Andy Grundman 2008-03-14 09:13:04 UTC
Re-targetting SN 7.0.1 bugs to ABBA release.
Comment 10 Andy Grundman 2008-03-21 15:57:00 UTC
Dean: should we put the link back where users can disconnect a player from SN?
Comment 11 Blackketter Dean 2008-03-21 23:07:23 UTC
The problem is that if you disconnect from SN using the web UI, you can't pull it back if it's stuck in limbo (i.e. the server is gone away).

Anoop/Ross:  how common is this issue?

Comment 12 Anoop Mehta 2008-03-24 11:54:35 UTC

I have only 1 customer with this issue. 
Comment 13 Ross Levine 2008-03-24 12:24:01 UTC
The only concern I have is for blind users which rely on screen readers. 
Comment 14 Dan Evans 2008-04-14 14:30:39 UTC
I agree with Ross' comments.  We get periodic calls from sight impaired users that rely on screen readers.  I just took a call today where the user asked where this function went.  I apologized and explained it was gone.  He was polite but disappointed.  

If it's possible to add back in, I think it would benefit some percentage of our user base.
Comment 15 Andy Grundman 2008-04-16 11:15:48 UTC
I've added this option back to the main Players list, next to Settings and Delete.
Comment 16 James Richardson 2008-04-16 13:07:39 UTC
Verified addressed in ABBA
Comment 17 James Richardson 2008-05-15 12:28:50 UTC
This bug has recently been fixed in the latest release of SqueezeCenter 7.0.1

Please try that version, if you still see the error, then reopen this bug.

To download this version, please navigate to: http://www.slimdevices.com/su_downloads.html