Bug 17769 - Single album FLAC + cue files are not recognized
: Single album FLAC + cue files are not recognized
Status: NEW
Product: SB Touch
Classification: Unclassified
Component: SB Server
: 7.7.0
: Macintosh MacOS X 10.7
: -- major with 4 votes (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Unassigned bug - please assign me!
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Reported: 2011-11-17 23:20 UTC by Ken
Modified: 2015-02-06 08:50 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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Category: ---


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Description Ken 2011-11-17 23:20:10 UTC
With v7.7, the Logitech Media Server does not appear to properly scan or recognize FLAC + cue file combos. A clean and complete scan of the music folder will properly add any single track FLAC files, but fails to add single album FLAC + cue file combos. After the scan completes, I'm able to navigate to the album using the library Album or Artist links, and the album artwork and album duration appear correctly. The contents, however, are simply presented as "Empty". I have several hundred flac + cue file albums, and all are shown this way.

If I navigate to the album using the Music Folder link, the flac and cue files are displayed, but are not presented as links (and cannot be clicked). The "add to favorites" icon is shown, and will add the cue file to favorites list, but clicking that link results in an error (below).

All of this was working properly in 7.5 with the same music files.

A scan with the scanner logging set to "debug" yields the following entries when scanning a flac + cue album:

[11-11-17 22:07:39.5544] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::new (811) Handling new playlist file:///Volumes/Data%202/Music/Music%20For%20Server/FLAC/Albert%20Ayler/Spirits%20Rejoice/Albert%20Ayler%20-%20Spirits%20Rejoice.cue
[11-11-17 22:07:39.5567] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::scanPlaylistFileHandle (1083) Will scan file:///Volumes/Data%202/Music/Music%20For%20Server/FLAC/Albert%20Ayler/Spirits%20Rejoice/Albert%20Ayler%20-%20Spirits%20Rejoice.cue, base: file:///Volumes/Data%202/Music/Music%20For%20Server/FLAC/Albert%20Ayler/Spirits%20Rejoice
[11-11-17 22:07:39.6925] Slim::Music::Artwork::findStandaloneArtwork (153) Using /Volumes/Data 2/Music/Music For Server/FLAC/Albert Ayler/Spirits Rejoice/folder.jpg
[11-11-17 22:07:39.7540] Slim::Music::Artwork::findStandaloneArtwork (153) Using /Volumes/Data 2/Music/Music For Server/FLAC/Albert Ayler/Spirits Rejoice/folder.jpg
[11-11-17 22:07:39.7925] Slim::Music::Artwork::findStandaloneArtwork (153) Using /Volumes/Data 2/Music/Music For Server/FLAC/Albert Ayler/Spirits Rejoice/folder.jpg
[11-11-17 22:07:39.8253] Slim::Music::Artwork::findStandaloneArtwork (153) Using /Volumes/Data 2/Music/Music For Server/FLAC/Albert Ayler/Spirits Rejoice/folder.jpg
[11-11-17 22:07:39.8309] Slim::Music::Artwork::findStandaloneArtwork (153) Using /Volumes/Data 2/Music/Music For Server/FLAC/Albert Ayler/Spirits Rejoice/folder.jpg
[11-11-17 22:07:39.9252] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::scanPlaylistFileHandle (1159) Found 5 items in playlist:
[11-11-17 22:07:39.9254] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::scanPlaylistFileHandle (1163)   file:///Volumes/Data%202/Music/Music%20For%20Server/FLAC/Albert%20Ayler/Spirits%20Rejoice/singlefile_2006_9_19_20h11m42s.flac#0-699.76
[11-11-17 22:07:39.9256] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::scanPlaylistFileHandle (1163)   file:///Volumes/Data%202/Music/Music%20For%20Server/FLAC/Albert%20Ayler/Spirits%20Rejoice/singlefile_2006_9_19_20h11m42s.flac#699.76-832.333333333333
[11-11-17 22:07:39.9257] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::scanPlaylistFileHandle (1163)   file:///Volumes/Data%202/Music/Music%20For%20Server/FLAC/Albert%20Ayler/Spirits%20Rejoice/singlefile_2006_9_19_20h11m42s.flac#832.333333333333-1312.29333333333
[11-11-17 22:07:39.9259] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::scanPlaylistFileHandle (1163)   file:///Volumes/Data%202/Music/Music%20For%20Server/FLAC/Albert%20Ayler/Spirits%20Rejoice/singlefile_2006_9_19_20h11m42s.flac#1312.29333333333-1640.82666666667
[11-11-17 22:07:39.9260] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::scanPlaylistFileHandle (1163)   file:///Volumes/Data%202/Music/Music%20For%20Server/FLAC/Albert%20Ayler/Spirits%20Rejoice/singlefile_2006_9_19_20h11m42s.flac#1640.82666666667-1975.2
[11-11-17 22:07:39.9266] Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::updateProgress (398) Notify to server: [
   "progress:1321596314.64765||importer||/Volumes/Data 2/Music/Music For Server|directory_new||7062||27803||",
[11-11-17 22:07:39.9293] Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::updateProgress (422) Notify to server OK
[11-11-17 22:07:39.9296] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::new (773) Handling new audio track file:///Volumes/Data%202/Music/Music%20For%20Server/FLAC/Albert%20Ayler/Spirits%20Rejoice/singlefile_2006_9_19_20h11m42s.flac

Clicking the cue file link in the Favorites section yields this error:

There was an error loading the remote feed for : (Cannot request non-HTTP URL 
Comment 1 Ken 2011-11-20 08:08:46 UTC
The same problem seems to exist in 7.6.1. Works fine with 7.5.5.
Comment 2 Ovidiu 2012-01-08 01:05:21 UTC
same behaviour on Linux Debian (I suppose any other) server.
same behaviour with mp3 + cue sheet (internetradio rip).

see also my comments on https://bugs-archive.lyrion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17404

Cue Sheets ARE important! (concert, mix rips) Please treat them as such! I grow frustrated, because there were times in the past when SqueezeBox treated them better.
Comment 3 Michael Herger 2013-06-24 10:53:28 UTC
*** Bug 17938 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 4 Michael Herger 2015-02-06 08:50:41 UTC
I just committed a larger change to the CUE sheet handling to 7.9. Could you please give tomorrow's build a try?