Bugzilla – Bug 11635
Connectivity issues with SqueezeNetwork
Last modified: 2009-09-08 09:27:18 UTC
Jive loses connection with SqueezeNetwork due to bugs that are exacerbated with higher latencies. There could be other issues involved, such as turning off routers, etc. Issue described as follows: ... I picked it up from the cradle and it had a menu on screen as if it were connected to my Boom, but when I selected Internet Radio, it began trying to connect to Boom and could not update. I hit the "try again", it failed, I tried to connect to squeezenetwork, it failed and I tried to connect to squeezecenter on my desktop, it failed. I updated the software and it rebooted, but this time it still did not connect. My network was up the entire time and the desktop was on with SC running. Richard: Since you have a log of this issue and can reproduce, can you outline a series of steps which allow this bug to be reproduced?
Richard wrote this: Two of the problems Robin reported are fixed, QA need to confirm this. 1. A connection problem between the Controller and SqueezeNetwork. To recreate have an ip3k player connected to SqueezeCenter, and that player chosen on your Controller. Turn off your Controller. Move the player to SN. Turn on the Controller. The Controller now won't connect to SN until it's rebooted. You'll find this error in the log when this happens: Apr 2 22:01:47 SqueezeboxController user.warn jive: (Task.lua:74) - task error SocketHttp {SqueezeNetwork_Chunked}(W): /usr/share/jive/jive/net/SocketHttp.lua:330: attempt to index field 't_httpSendRequest' (a nil value) Any customers that regularly use both SC and SN would experience this bug, and I agree this is a show stopper, and in my opinion likely to be the cause of the majority of recent complaints. The problem was caused by a socket being closed during an asynchronous DNS request, this cause the http connection used to communicate with SN broken. Fixed in 7.3 r5141 and 7.4 r5143. 2. Once that problem was fixed I found that the Controller did not follow the player correctly when it was moved between SC and SN (it did work moving between SN to SC). If on the ip3k player UI you switch between SC and SN then the Controller should follow, and automatically connect to the other server. I know with certainty that this used to work, and suspect a recent change in SC has exposed a minor bug in the Controller software.
Dean: What firmware / SC version should these bugs be verified against? You marked them as fixed but didn't write down what version to verify against.
They should be verified against the target of 7.3.3
Verified fixed in: SqueezeCenter 7.3.2 r26187 Controller 7.3 r5339 Transporter r75 SqueezeNetwork r6251/r25920
This bug has been fixed in the 7.3.3 release version of SqueezeCenter! If you haven't already. please download the new version from http://www.logitechsqueezebox.com/support/download-squeezecenter.html If you are still experiencing this problem, feel free to reopen the bug with your new comments and we'll have another look.