Bugzilla – Bug 13057
Support XMLBrowser type=radio in SlimBrowser
Last modified: 2011-11-06 23:23:37 UTC
applies to any/all applications (SC, SN, MySB, web UI, all players) ShoutCast bitrate limiting works just fine! (thank you for this BTW) But, there is no way to determine on SC or SN or any SB player which bitrate limit is currently selected after initial selection. Maybe a bullet? "Current setting = xx bitrate"? "xx kbps or higher <=== This is your current selected bitrate filter"
Correction: current Bitrate limit setting IS displayed on players SB3 and Boom via ShoutCast > Settings > Bitrate Limiting > *shows bullet* But current lected Bitrate Limit is not displayed on Baby or SN or SC.
Another option: On the ShoutCast Settings menu add the current selected setting right next to the menu item. Have this on SC ShoutCast menu and displayed on the player. ex: Station Sort Order (Alpha) Bitrate Filtering (128k) or: Station Sort Order (none) Bitrate Filtering (128k)
Matt: what do you think of this feature?
That's a good suggestion for displaying the current value in parens like that, I will implement that. That still leaves this issue though which is that we need the correct radio button UI for changing the value. Unfortunately this is probably a lot of work. We also don't have it in the SC web UI.
Hmm, I'll need to revisit this/ask Andy some questions once we get closer to 7.4 release, not sure I'm up-to-speed on what exactly is being proposed here.
Don't worry, it's not really a design issue, just a longstanding bug. Go to Pandora -> Account -> Sort Order with an ip3k player, the player UI is the only place the radio button UI is implemented. The other UIs don't support it, so it's just a standard menu choice and is a bit weird to use.
Andy, exactly! In your same Pandora example, display next to "Explicit Content Filter" what is currently selected, which would be either: Explicit Content Filter (Enabled) -or- Explicit Content Filter (None) Adding this (if possible) at that menu location to show current selected settings on both SC and SN and on **ALL** players resolves several issues: - SC and SN would now reveal current selected / saved settings (does not do this now) - player screen would show current selected settings (SB3 & Boom do reveal this info, but requires further menu drilling per setting) - at a glance review of all selectable settings per service provider
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