Bug 10703 - Music Library/New Music no response after > 5 minutes
: Music Library/New Music no response after > 5 minutes
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: CLI
: 7.3.2
: PC Windows XP
: -- normal with 1 vote (vote)
: 7.3.3
Assigned To: Squeezebox QA Team email alias
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Reported: 2009-01-14 18:19 UTC by Moonbase
Modified: 2009-03-16 06:42 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

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Category: ---


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Description Moonbase 2009-01-14 18:19:14 UTC
SC7.3.2-24638/Win and SP 2009-01-14/Win:

"Music Library" -> "New Music" -> RIGHT spins the right arrow for longer than 5 minutes, nothing happens. In this state, an accidental mouse movement also moves the highlight bar (including the spinning right arrow) to where the mouse is, probably confusing.

Has to be aborted by pressing ESC.

Interestingly, pressing ENTER instead of RIGHT on "Music Library" -> "New Music" usually works. When doing this AGAIN, RIGHT also seems to work.

I THINK I've also seen this RIGHT/ENTER inconsistency in some other places, but can't remember. This might confuse users.

(I tend to use the keyboard instead of the mouse for SP.)
Comment 1 Michael Herger 2009-01-14 21:42:28 UTC
What hardware are you using and how does the folder you wanted to enter look? Please also upload server.log from around when this happened.
Comment 2 Moonbase 2009-01-15 15:41:41 UTC
I could re-try that. Would it make sense to enable debugging on anything special for the log?

Folder was "New Music" (whatever the content, but probably many albums since testing requires regular rescanning...). Current library is ~25k tracks.

Machine WAS at that time my Win/XP Home+SP2 (it’s now SP3 but same problem), 1.8GHz P4, 1GB RAM, music on external USB2 disc, SC running on same machine.
Comment 3 James Richardson 2009-01-16 07:00:36 UTC
Moon: is bug 10663 related to your bug?
Comment 4 Moonbase 2009-01-16 18:24:57 UTC
I'd say "no" — Sue talks about SC becoming unresponsive, which I can't see (apart from it's slowness rebuilding or displaying cover art over and over again).

It's the SP UI that doesn't do anything. I have the feeling it might be some timeout problem, because I start seeing it in other places as well (album list, Create MusicIP Mix from song, etc.). Maybe SP doesn't get some answer from SC back in time or the like, especially when the system is loaded or the number of entries quite big (thousands in albums, ~25k songs total)?

It often can be made working by hitting ESC to abort, then ENTER or RIGHT again.

What's also funny: When I run SC and SP side by side (same machine, same display), I can see that SP will often not show cover art that is shown in SC. Interestingly, when SP's playlist or "Now Playing" display comes up only AFTER SC had time enough to create a thumbnail (?), it will usually also show up in SP. Maybe coincidence.

In any case I would say it's a SP problem (or SC/SP communication issue), since on the same machine SoftSqueeze or Winamp run without a glitch. (Currently 1.8GHz P4, 1GB RAM, Win/XP Home+SP3, SC7.3.3-24684, SP 2009-01-16.)

Oh, and since Markus was talking about it: I'm also looking for a job ;-)
Comment 5 Michael Herger 2009-01-18 23:36:48 UTC
> It's the SP UI that doesn't do anything. I have the feeling it might be some
> timeout problem

Very likely from the symptoms, yes. BMF is a bit slow, but it shouldn't time out on a PC.

> Create MusicIP Mix from song, etc.). Maybe SP doesn't get some answer from SC
> back in time or the like, especially when the system is loaded or the number of
> entries quite big (thousands in albums, ~25k songs total)?

How many entries does your top level folder have? Or the folder where you're encountering this issue?

> It often can be made working by hitting ESC to abort, then ENTER or RIGHT
> again.

Caching helps not to time out on the second try.

> In any case I would say it's a SP problem (or SC/SP communication issue), 

It's very likely the CLI command not returning in time.

Comment 6 Moonbase 2009-01-19 04:56:11 UTC
Well, "New Music" should come from SC's database and "Create MusicIP Mix" through the MMM API.

My "M:\Music" folder currently only holds 3 links for SC:
"Music" -> M:\MP3\Music (32 subfolders like "0..Z")
"Tagged" -> M:\MP3\Tagged (3,573 "artist" subfolders)
"Verknüpfung mit MusicIP" -> D:\Temp\Testdaten\MusicIP (no subfolders, 18 files)

The total # of playable files is around 25,000 (FLAC,OGG,MP3, and one WMA).
Comment 7 James Richardson 2009-02-10 17:10:53 UTC
Moonbase: are you still seeing this issue with 7.3.3 and later builds?
Comment 8 Moonbase 2009-02-11 01:43:02 UTC
Actually yes, only didn’t have time to play with SqueezePlay for a few days.

Last version in use here: SC7.4-24852 (svn) Windows, Perl, but only gave it a quick try (i.e., I aborted after about 2 mins). Seems the same with nightly builds vs. svn versions and running with Perl.
Comment 9 Moonbase 2009-03-09 20:16:03 UTC
(In reply to comment #7)
> Moonbase: are you still seeing this issue with 7.3.3 and later builds?

Been running 7.4-25192 for a while, now at 25416. Haven’t seen it for a while now, will do further testing.
Comment 10 Jordan Hirsch 2009-03-11 11:59:04 UTC
Could this be the same issue as 10341?
Comment 11 Moonbase 2009-03-16 06:42:31 UTC
I’ve been using and trying "New Music" with SC 7.4-25192 and greater (currently at 25502) for some weeks now. (Using Win/XP+SP3, 1.8GHz P4, 1GB RAM, external USB2 disc, library ~26k files.)

Worst timing (after a "MusicIP Library Cache has changed"-initiated rescan of new files, with Erland's CustomScan/CustomBrowse plugins installed): > 30s for "New Music" on the Web UI (because probably nothing was cached), no losses or timeout.

Regular timing: between 5 and 8 seconds on "real" SBC (r4154), same on SqueezePlay.

For the time being, I’d consider this "RESOLVED/WORKSFORME" for 7.4. We could always re-open it if issues arise. Agreed?