Bug 2234 - Artwork display problems
: Artwork display problems
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Skins
: 6.2.0
: PC Windows XP
: P2 normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Dan Sully
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Reported: 2005-10-02 15:34 UTC by Philip Meyer
Modified: 2009-09-08 09:22 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Category: ---

1 of 3 cue sheets for music on 3-CD compilation album (1.80 KB, text/plain)
2005-10-06 14:06 UTC, Philip Meyer

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Description Philip Meyer 2005-10-02 15:34:25 UTC
Using the Fishbone skin, I have noticed the following:

1. Artwork not displayed when browsing an album with many tracks.
If I browse an album that has over 50 tracks, the album artwork is only 
displayed on the second (perhaps only last?) page.

eg. An album with 53 tracks displays the first 50 tracks on page one, but no 
artwork.  Navigating to the 2nd (in this case last) page displays the last 
three tracks and the album artwork.

I think it would be more appropriate to display the artwork on every page of 

2. Large album artwork is scaled down nicely to fit in a page.  However, if I 
navigate to song info, the large unscaled album artwork is still displayed.  I 
also get an error reported on line 36 "Object doesn't support this property or 
Comment 1 Philip Meyer 2005-10-02 16:00:43 UTC
I have discovered more information to report on part (1):

I have just stumbled across another album where the artwork is displayed on 
both pages of tracks.  I think the problem I had with artwork not being 
displayed is something to do with cue sheets.  I have an album ripped to a 
single mp3 file and tracks defined using a cue sheet.  When I browse to the 
album, it displays the physical track containing the whole CD, followed by the 
individual songs.  The artwork is for some reason not associated with the 
complete CD track, only the individual songs.
Comment 2 KDF 2005-10-02 18:04:06 UTC
artwork and cue sheets is not skin dependant.  please confirm the issue using
other skins.  I have a feeling that this is a dupe, but I can't actually find it.
Comment 3 KDF 2005-10-02 18:31:32 UTC
#2 should be fixedd for Oct 3 build.  
Comment 4 Blackketter Dean 2005-10-05 14:51:12 UTC
Phil: Please check the latest nightly and see if it's resolved.  If you are
still having an issue, please reopen the bug.  Thanks!
Comment 5 Philip Meyer 2005-10-06 01:15:30 UTC
Still doesn't work in build 4551 (05-oct nightly).  Will try with today's 
nightly when it is available.
Comment 6 KDF 2005-10-06 10:06:31 UTC
Please check other skins on the cue sheet issue.
When you say "still doesn't work" are you referring to #1 AND #2?
can you attach the cue sheet or whatever it is for this 50-track album
Comment 7 Philip Meyer 2005-10-06 14:06:42 UTC
Created attachment 893 [details]
1 of 3 cue sheets for music on 3-CD compilation album

The "Chilled Ibiza Gold" album is a 3-CD compilation, where tracks are nicely
cross-faded.  Therefore I have the CDs ripped as 1 mp3 per disk, and used cue
sheets to define the index points.

When I browse the album, I see the three mp3 files, followed by the information
extracted from the cue sheets (ordered by track number, not disk+track number).

The first page doesn't have artwork, the second page does.
Comment 8 Philip Meyer 2005-10-06 14:07:22 UTC
Sorry, I meant #1 still doesn't work (I confirmed with KDF a while back that 
#2 was fixed for Fishbone skin).

I still only see the artwork on page 2, not page 1.
Comment 9 KDF 2005-10-06 14:10:22 UTC
and, where is the artwork stored for this one?  id3 tag or cover.jpg file in the
same folder? 
Comment 10 Philip Meyer 2005-10-06 14:16:16 UTC
The artwork is in folder.jpg, in the same directory as the mp3 and cue sheet 
Comment 11 KDF 2005-10-06 14:33:45 UTC
I'm really clueless as to how the server is handling cue sheets, so I apologise
for all the questions.  Somewhere along the way, the main file was supposed to
be dumped when multiple files exist from a CUE.  If this is still the case,
there would be no entry in the DB to which to tie a cover image.  

I'll see if I can somehow set up a test case with this info.  I dont have any
long files to work with, so we'll see.  If you feel up to it, a section of a
d_scan d_info log and a section of a d_artwork log might help.  In both cases,
the section that mentions these files/album would be what I'm after.  The
d_artwork might also show something useful as you try to load the browse album
page for this album.
Comment 12 Philip Meyer 2005-10-07 12:21:31 UTC
Now that bug 2242 is resolved, I can see that the disc number is not being 
picked up from the tag in the cue sheet.  I'm wondering if I should try to 
resolve this issue to see if it helps with the association to the album 

Actually, I just noticed that if I click on any individual song, I get the 
artwork in the song info display, but not if I click any of the 3 mp3 files 
(which contain all songs for the disk combined).

I assume the album association isn't working for these, and that the page only 
displays the artwork associated with the first listed track.  If the combined 
track files weren't listed (no need to), this would solve the issue.

I guess this is what you were talking about in comment #11, para 1.
Comment 13 KDF 2005-10-07 12:34:47 UTC
right.  I think at this point, it needs to go back to dan.  aorry :(
Comment 14 Philip Meyer 2005-10-07 12:37:44 UTC
Thanks for your help KDF.  At least I can understand a bit better what is 
happening now.
Comment 15 KDF 2005-10-07 13:50:46 UTC
d_artwork should still tell you everything that is going on when the server
tried to retrieve artwork.  Thumbnails are done as part of the rescan, but cover
art in browse albums should be live.  you'll be able to see what the server is
using for the references to call up artwork on any given page.

lines like this:
005-10-07 13:49:22.9654 Retrieving artwork (cover) for:
005-10-07 13:49:22.9668 Found cached cover file: D:\mp3\cover.jpg

and it will show failed steps as well.
Comment 16 Philip Meyer 2005-10-07 14:30:31 UTC
I can see the following entry in the log for each individual track, but not 
for the combined .mp3 files:

2005-10-07 22:20:32.1432 Retrieving artwork (cover) for: file:///M:/Music/Phil%
2005-10-07 22:20:32.2121 Found cached cover file: M:\Music\Phil's 
Music\Various Artists\Chilled Ibiza Gold\folder.jpg
Comment 17 Blackketter Dean 2005-10-13 13:54:40 UTC
KDF:  What do you think here?
Comment 18 KDF 2005-10-13 14:33:14 UTC
no more thoughts.  see above.  I gave up on this one since it seems to be cue
sheet related. the handling of cue sheets never made sense to me. either the
combined file has to be properly handled, or properly ignored.  
Comment 19 Philip Meyer 2005-10-25 01:27:57 UTC
Another bug report has fixed cue sheet support, such that the base file is not 
listed under the album, only the songs that it contains.

This has fixed part 1 of this bug - artwork is now displayed.
Comment 20 KDF 2005-10-25 08:56:47 UTC
cool, so that now has this one covered.