Bug 11840 - Fab4 fails to connect if apostrophe is in SSID name
: Fab4 fails to connect if apostrophe is in SSID name
Product: SB Touch
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Networking
: unspecified
: PC Windows XP
: -- normal (vote)
: MP
Assigned To: Felix Mueller
Depends on:
Blocks: 11847
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Reported: 2009-04-17 17:32 UTC by Spies Steven
Modified: 2009-09-08 09:25 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Spies Steven 2009-04-17 17:32:10 UTC
Thanks to Matt Cuson, James and I was able to determine that Fab4 will fail to connect to a network with an apostrophe in the SSID name.  This was with a Apple Airport Extreme.  His other slim devices products did not have the issue including 

I have not tried this with other access points and other characters yet myself but I plan to.  I can also get a wire shark capture if needed.
Comment 1 Spies Steven 2009-04-17 17:33:52 UTC
That was supposed to read: including Boom and Controller.
Comment 2 Felix Mueller 2009-04-18 14:25:33 UTC
Verified. I guess we need to do some special handling before using SSID's with special chars.
Comment 3 Blackketter Dean 2009-04-18 15:17:26 UTC
I'd like to consider this for MP.  Felix:do you have a fix?
Comment 4 Felix Mueller 2009-04-21 05:45:38 UTC
Fixed in r5399. SSID now can contain special chars, i.e. "'" or "(" etc.
Comment 5 Felix Mueller 2009-04-21 05:47:41 UTC
*** Bug 11847 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 6 Felix Mueller 2009-04-21 08:13:45 UTC
Sorry, committed to the wrong branch - didn't know there is a special fab4-MP branch.

Fix is in for r5406.
Comment 7 andrew 2009-04-21 10:52:33 UTC
Has this made it out to an installable build? 

I just did an upgrade of my device and it does not work for me:

# cat /etc/version 

7.4 r5316
root@x86-ubuntu-build Wed Apr 15 21:08:30 PDT 2009

i guess not, since you are talking of r5406.
Comment 8 andrew 2009-04-23 22:43:15 UTC
Just did an upgrade and now i can connect to my wireless network :-)

Vielen Dank Felix
