Bug 17963 - New and changed doesn't handle changed files
: New and changed doesn't handle changed files
Status: NEW
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Scanner
: 7.8.0
: PC Windows 7
: -- critical with 5 votes (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Unassigned bug - please assign me!
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Reported: 2012-05-19 09:30 UTC by ehrlacher
Modified: 2014-05-12 22:39 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description ehrlacher 2012-05-19 09:30:01 UTC
In this thread I'll try to describe some of the bugs in "Look for new and changed" files - I think this is more useful than creating many single bugs - for I think, there is ONE BIG bug ;-)
And to say it clearly - it is NOT limited to the known "Cover art bugs".

I've made the experience that it ONLY works good for NEW files - it doesn't recognize CHANGED files (properly) and it doesn't always delete DELETED tags.

Three examples:


I've had some miss-spellings in my library like

"Maroon5" and "Maroon 5"
"Amy Macdonald" and "Amy MacDonald"

both of them shown as 2 separate artists (or at least 4 ;-))

- I corrected and harmonised spelling
- did a "new and changed" scan


But nothing has changed!

There are still TWO different artists for each name - and if I click the "miss-spelled" one (that actually isn't in my database anymore) it lists ALL the albums he WAS on BEFORE the rescan.

If I click the single albums, 
- some are shown as "empty"
- some show the files with the "new" (correct) spelling

If I now click the files and get BACK to the album
- the album NOW is empty...

This leads me to the conclusion, that "new and changed" hasn't read the tags from this files at all.

By changing the artists name, it got a new timestamp - and it has been listed in the "new music" section.

So it leads me to another conclusion:
- The "new and changed scan" sees the file
- it recognizes the file as "changed"
- in SOME cases it reads the new tags and deletes the old
- in SOME cases it doesn't read the new tags 
- in EVERY case it doesn't remove the "old spelling" from database


I bought a single from itunes - later on itunes informed me, the whole album is available and I downloaded the "missing" tracks only.
I put them in a new folder - but forgot to change the "ALBUM" tag.

So it's been like

Track 01 .... album tag = ALBUM
Track 02 .... album tag = ALBUM
Track 03 .... album tag = ALBUM
Track 11 .... album tag = SINGLE

After I saw this, I corrected "track 11" so it was 

Track 11 .... album tag = ALBUM

... and did the rescan ...

The result has been, there were still
in my database - BOTH listed under "new music" but with the "old" album tag.

So it leads me to once again conclusion:
- The "new and changed scan" sees the file
- it recognizes the file as "changed"
- it DIDN'T read the changed tags and didn't do any changes to my database...

and once again:
By "clicking" the file, it reads the new tags and shows it.

BIG conclusion:
"new and changed" doesn't do what it should do - it doesn't read changed files and changes the database.

The only way to really change files in the database is to add EVERY file manually (by "folder browsing") and/or clicking EVERY new/changed file.

This isn't usuable at all - I think - it's not usuable for "the freaks" for they have to many new files and changes
and it's not usuable for the "everyday" user who expects some comfort...

I think the usual user will have his library, scan it once - add some new albums, do a rescan and expects "everything to be fine".

There of course is


The third thing, I described before, that if you add new tracks to an existing album, they are shown as SEPERATE album with the same name ...


I think, "new and changed" needs a big re-work...

see also:
Comment 1 Mikael Nyberg 2012-05-19 12:12:27 UTC
*** This bug has been confirmed by popular vote. ***
Comment 2 Michael Herger 2014-02-07 17:09:26 UTC
Is this still an issue? Could you please test with the latest 7.8 nightly build?
Comment 3 ehrlacher 2014-02-09 23:23:37 UTC
Sorry, didn't have the time to test all of this on weekend, I hope I can do tomorrow.

But I tried Part "A" it's still there!

I did the followeing:
I use ";"  as a separator.

I have a duet from artists AA and BB and I misspelled "AA: BB"

Then I correct it intro "AA; BB" and rescanned.

If I search for "AA" it gives me 2 results:

If I now clock on AA: BB LMS shows me the album where the formerly misspelled song is included.

If I now click the song, it shows me 3 (!) 3 artists of the song
AA (new)
BB (new)
AA: BB (old - not deleted)

If I click the name "AA: BB" and after that step back - it still shows me the album but now with "empty" - including no song from "AA: BB".

If I then do ANOTHER rescan - the "AA: BB" entry is gone and it now answers a search for "AA" with 1 result only ("AA").

So my conclusion is: 
"rescan" deletes an artist entry from database, if it finds no referring song anymore.
But it doesn't "kill" the misspelled entry in a recan but only adds the new right-spelled one(s). So it doesn't see, that it's "empty".

But it doesn't kill the referrence
Comment 4 ehrlacher 2014-02-10 22:19:08 UTC
So, I just tested with r1391769631 and have to correct myself:

"a)" and "b)" are fixed and gone - many thanks to Michael

only "c)" still exists.

Thanks for caring :-)

Comment 5 Michael Herger 2014-02-11 06:52:48 UTC
Thanks for the update.

WRT. c.): what you describe in this bug report is not exactly what you described in the forum thread (doesn't mean there's no problem :-)). You were "adding" new tracks by deleting the old album and put a new in place. Did you use the exactly same folder name? Folders are part of how we distinguish albums. Eg. you could have two albums of the same name for the same artist, as long as they're not in the same folder.
Comment 6 Dennis Mutsaers 2014-02-11 06:54:39 UTC
I just changed a track title downloaded from iTunes, converted to .flac.

After I've changed the album title from "Album title feat. featured artist - single" to "Album title", LMS still shows "Album title feat. featured artist - single". So a new and changed file scan doesn't pick up this change... :-(
Comment 7 ehrlacher 2014-02-11 19:35:07 UTC
Ok, Michael, You're right, it's a little confusing so I try to explain steph by step what I did:

1. I an an album "Euopra" from "LaBrassBanda" with 14 tracks (1 year ago)

2. Now there is a "Premium Edition" with 2 additional tracks. I added these 2 tracks as Nos. 15 + 16 in the SAME folder. I harmonized all album-specific tags (year, (album) artist / band, cover, copyright, even "comment" ...) - but i "forgot" to change the "album" (name). It was still "Europa - Premium Edition"

3. I ran a "new and changed" scan

4. Now there were 2 Albums in my database - 
- Album "Europa" with 14 tracks 
- Album "Europa - Premium Editions" with 2 tracks (track 15 + track 16)

5. I changed the album tag from track 15 + track 16 to "Europa" - so ALL album specific tags were harmonized

6. I ran another "new and changed" scan

7. After that there are still TWO albums in database
- Album "Europa" with 14 tracks 
- Another album "Europa" with 2 tracks 

All files are - see above - in the same folder...

So i conclude, the scan recognized the change in "album" tag - but it didn't merge those two albums with the same name, same artist and lying in the same folder...

Many thanks again for caring! :-)
Comment 8 Dennis Mutsaers 2014-03-01 07:59:32 UTC
I also can confirm that changing tags creates multiple albums, each with the songs with the changed tags. A clear library and rescan merges these albums to one album entry again.