Bug 3403 - Slimserver crashing when trying ot play mp3/any audio (BSOD)
: Slimserver crashing when trying ot play mp3/any audio (BSOD)
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Streaming From SlimServer
: 6.2.2
: PC Windows Server 2003
: P1 critical (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Chris Owens
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Reported: 2006-05-10 04:08 UTC by Puc Covelli
Modified: 2009-09-08 09:29 UTC (History)
0 users

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Category: ---


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Description Puc Covelli 2006-05-10 04:08:20 UTC
Every time I try ot play audio, the slimserver gives me a BSOD or crashes.

There has been no hardware changes at all. I am using Quicktime 7.04 (this has caused problems like this before with slimserver).

If there are debug settings I can/should enable to help fix this, please let me know.

The event log gives this error.

The description for Event ID ( 0 ) in Source ( Application ) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. You may be able to use the /AUXSOURCE= flag to retrieve this description; see Help and Support for details. The following information is part of the event: Slim::DataStores::DBI::Track can't SELECT id, multialbumsortkey, thumb, age, remote, ct, audio, titlesort, album, tracknum, url, tag, title, disc, fs
FROM   tracks
WHERE  url = ?
: DBD::SQLite::st execute failed: database disk image is malformed(1) at dbdimp.c line 419 at C:\Program Files\SlimServer\server\CPAN/DBIx/ContextualFetch.pm line 51.
 at /PerlApp/Slim/DataStores/DBI/DBIStore.pm line 1327
Comment 1 KDF 2006-05-10 08:56:41 UTC
find slimserversql.db and delete it.  Let the server rescan.  The error mesage is reporting that the file is somehow damaged.
Comment 2 Puc Covelli 2006-05-10 09:39:51 UTC
OK, I did that. Then it rescanned and when I went to play a track from the web interface it gave me a BSOD.

What now?
Comment 3 KDF 2006-05-10 11:13:31 UTC
this isn't really a support forum, so without new/more details, there isn't anything I can suggest or fix.  I'll have to leave it for Chris, or you can consider contacting support@slimdevices.com for some support options and they may already know the problem or can help diagnose the bug.
Comment 4 Blackketter Dean 2006-05-12 11:15:47 UTC
Dan: have you seen this error before?
Comment 5 Dan Sully 2006-05-12 11:19:25 UTC
I have not. BSOD often indicates a memory error.

Also - we should probably have a Win2003 Server instance somewhere to test.
Comment 6 Blackketter Dean 2006-05-12 11:26:04 UTC
Puc: Please get in touch with support@slimdevices.com.  Apart from a bad installation of Windows or Slimserver, if you are seeing a BSOD, I suspect a problem with your hardware (disk or memory).

Chris: can you please try to reproduce on your Windows 2003 setup?

Comment 7 Puc Covelli 2006-05-12 11:27:56 UTC
Hey guys,

The problem was I was tring to run an AAC (mp4) file.

Everytime you do this with win 2003 it BSOD' s. Maybe you guys should look in to this.

For now though it works with mp3's so its ok again.
Comment 8 Chris Owens 2006-05-24 17:00:40 UTC
Well the good news is I've got Windows Server 2k3 all set up for future testing.

The bad news is I can't reproduce this problem.  If anyone is continuing to see this issue, please feel free to re-open it.  I abused it pretty well I think, playing all our supported formats.