Bug 1958 - Library Scanning Problem with duplicate roles in SlimServer 6.2b1
: Library Scanning Problem with duplicate roles in SlimServer 6.2b1
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Database
: 6.2.0
: PC Windows XP
: P2 normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Dan Sully
Depends on:
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Reported: 2005-08-10 22:15 UTC by Gordon Harris
Modified: 2008-09-15 14:36 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Category: ---

Observations on svn 3973: (140.77 KB, text/plain)
2005-08-15 11:45 UTC, Gordon Harris
Query results for svn 3980 (44.19 KB, text/plain)
2005-08-15 20:32 UTC, Gordon Harris

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Gordon Harris 2005-08-10 22:15:01 UTC
If an MP3 file has ID3v2 tags and if both the ARTIST and the V2_TCOM (composer) 
tags are equal, SlimServer only records the composer role and ignores the 
artist role. 


This file (without a V2_TCOM tag) is Genre->Artist->Album browse-able in 

[CODE]C:\Recordings\Music\a_Medieval\Anonymous\La Vi�le M�di�vale\01 - 
Rotundellus (Galicia, Cantiga 105).mp3
Format:  MPEG 1 Layer 3, Stereo
Details: 44100 Hz Stereo, 179 kbps, playtime 04:29
Tags:    ID3v1, ID3v2
Title:   Rotundellus (Galicia, Cantiga 105)
Artist:  Anonymous
Album:   La Vi�le M�di�vale
Track:   01
Genre:   a_Medieval
Comment: La Lira D'Esp�ria: La Mi�le M�di�val
Jordi Savall, Lira, Rebab, Vi�les
Pedro Estevan, Percussion[\CODE]

If one adds a V2_TCOM tag to the file�

[CODE]C:\Recordings\Music\a_Medieval\Anonymous\La Vi�le M�di�vale\01 - 
Rotundellus (Galicia, Cantiga 105).mp3
Format:  MPEG 1 Layer 3, Stereo
Details: 44100 Hz Stereo, 179 kbps, playtime 04:29
Tags:    ID3v1, ID3v2
Title:   Rotundellus (Galicia, Cantiga 105)
Artist:  Anonymous
Album:   La Vi�le M�di�vale
Track:   01
Genre:   a_Medieval
Comment: La Lira D'Esp�ria: La Mi�le M�di�val
Jordi Savall, Lira, Rebab, Vi�les
Pedro Estevan, Percussion

..and rescans the library, the album can no longer be browsed to via Albums, 
Artists, Genres or Years.  If one browses the music folder, one can select one 
of the tracks in the (otherwise non-browse-able) album and see that 
COMPOSER=anonymous is listed, but no ARTIST is listed.

If one performs the following SQL query to select the track in question:

[CODE] SELECT genres.name AS GenreName, UTF8ToAnsi([albums].[title]) AS 
AlbumTitle, tracks.tracknum, tracks.title AS TrackTitle, contributor_track.role 
AS ContribRole
FROM ((((genres INNER JOIN genre_track ON genres.id = genre_track.genre) INNER 
JOIN tracks ON genre_track.track = tracks.id) INNER JOIN albums ON tracks.album 
= albums.id) INNER JOIN contributor_track ON tracks.id = 
contributor_track.track) INNER JOIN contributors ON 
contributor_track.contributor = contributors.id
WHERE (((albums.title) Like "La V*") AND ((tracks.tracknum)=1)); [\CODE]  

�only one row is returned with this data:

[CODE]GenreName:	A_Medieval
AlbumTitle:	La Vi�le M�di�vale
tracknum:	1
TrackTitle:	Rotundellus (Galicia, Cantiga 105)
ContribRole:	2[\CODE]

Shouldn't Slimserver record TWO contributor_track records for this track, one 
for ARTIST and one for COMPOSER???
Comment 1 Michael Robinson 2005-08-11 02:17:48 UTC
Please also see https://bugs-archive.lyrion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1913 where I 
describe a related problem which looks like a different symptom of the same 
cause, where Slimserver is assigning the contributor role only based upon 
Composer rather than Artist.  I have also seen the problem described in this 
bug and have provided additional info in bugid 1913.
Comment 2 Dan Sully 2005-08-12 14:00:14 UTC
Yes - SlimServer should, and this is very similar to a bug that I fixed yesterday.

There appears to be a problem with the regex that I'll fix shortly, but this may already work for you.

Comment 3 Dan Sully 2005-08-12 23:45:12 UTC
Fix checked in as subversion change 3956.

Please let me know if it's fixed for you. A wipe & rescan will be needed.
Comment 4 Gordon Harris 2005-08-13 12:53:19 UTC
Sorry, version 3958 is still exhibiting this problem (though with one 
exception.)  Could I email you my (very small) test mp3s and my 
slimserversql.db files so you can see for yourself?
Comment 5 Dan Sully 2005-08-13 12:58:58 UTC
Yes - please do.
Comment 6 Dan Sully 2005-08-14 16:44:49 UTC
Ok - this should be fixed as of subversion change 3968, and will be in the 2005-08-15 nightly.

Thanks for the files!
Comment 7 Gordon Harris 2005-08-14 17:07:41 UTC
Yes, version 3868 seems to have solved the problem as far as MP3s go.  Now, how 
about FLACs?  I'm still seeing the problem when scanning my flac library. When 
ARTIST==COMPOSER, it appears that only the very 1st scanned flac track within 
each genre gets both roles.  All the rest get contributor COMPOSER only.

I'll put together some FLAC test files like the MP3s I sent you so you can test 
them.  It will take me about an hour to get them together.  Thanks.
Comment 8 Gordon Harris 2005-08-14 18:32:40 UTC
OK, it looks like the problem is only with FLACs with embedded metadata 
cuesheets.  I'm still working on some test files for you.
Comment 9 Gordon Harris 2005-08-15 11:45:17 UTC
Created attachment 725 [details]
Observations on svn 3973:

Using the Music_Beta library that I sent to Dan:

For track-per-file tracks, both mp3s and flacs:
	Where ARTIST_tag==COMPOSER_tag:
		Each track is getting 3 records in contributor_track:
			roles 2, 5, 6 -- mapping to
				Composer, AlbumArtist, TrackArtist:
					the AlbumAritst pointing to:
					Various Artists in the Contributors
	This is incorrect behavior, yes?

For Album-per-file flacs, both external and embedded cuesheets:
	where ARTIST_tag==COMPOSER_tag for all tracks:
		Track 1 gets 4 records in contributor_track:
			one Artist record and THREE Composer records
		Every subsiquent track in the album gets 3 contributor_track
			one Artist and TWO Composer(s)

		For these Albums, only the 1st track can be browsed to via:

The query I used to perform this analysis is:

SELECT genres.name AS GenreName, utf8toansi([albums].[title]) AS AlbumTitle,
tracks.id AS TrackID, utf8toansi([tracks].[title]) AS TrackTitle,
tracks.tracknum, contributor_track.role, contributor_role.rolename,
utf8toansi([contributors].[name]) AS ContribName, tracks.url, tracks.ct
FROM (((((tracks LEFT JOIN contributor_track ON tracks.id =
contributor_track.track) LEFT JOIN contributor_role ON contributor_track.role =
contributor_role.id) LEFT JOIN contributors ON contributor_track.contributor =
contributors.id) LEFT JOIN albums ON tracks.album = albums.id) LEFT JOIN
genre_track ON tracks.id = genre_track.track) LEFT JOIN genres ON
genre_track.genre = genres.id
ORDER BY genres.namesort, albums.titlesort, tracks.tracknum,
contributor_track.role, contributors.namesort;

It uses one table not included in the current schema: contributor_role: 

CREATE TABLE contributor_role (
  rolename varchar UNIQUE NOT NULL

There are six records:
id	rolename
1	Artist
2	Composer
3	Conductor
4	Band
5	AlbumArtist
6	TrackArtist

This table is used to clarify roles in the query.

The query also uses a function: UTF8toAnsi() to display the results in a
compatible char set.
Comment 10 Gordon Harris 2005-08-15 13:24:42 UTC
SVN 3975: The track-per-file entries now seem to be getting the correct records 
in contributor_track: 1 artist role and 1 composer role.

Album-per-file flacs with embedded and external cuesheets still exhibiting the 
problem where: only the 1st track of each album where ARTIST_tag==COMPOSER_tag 
can be browsed to.

Comment 11 Gordon Harris 2005-08-15 20:30:45 UTC
svn 3980:

No problem browsing to MP3s.

No problem browsing to track-per-file flacs.

No problem browsing to album-per-file flacs with external cuesheets.

Problem remains with album-per-file flacs with embedded metadata cuesheets:
  Only the 1st track of any album is visible or browse-able.

slimserversql.db Query output for test flacs with embedded cuesheets attached

Comment 12 Gordon Harris 2005-08-15 20:32:07 UTC
Created attachment 732 [details]
Query results for svn 3980
Comment 13 Gordon Harris 2005-08-16 08:55:35 UTC
Well, I think that this bug, as originally described, is fixed.  I'm still 
having problems (as of svn 3981) with browsing to whole-album flacs with 
embedded metadata cuesheets, but I think that that should be a new bug.