Bug 1710 - bogus center text on screen during animation
: bogus center text on screen during animation
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Player UI
: 6.1.0
: Macintosh All
: P2 normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Adrian Smith
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Reported: 2005-06-24 14:35 UTC by Blackketter Dean
Modified: 2008-09-15 14:37 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Blackketter Dean 2005-06-24 14:35:52 UTC
If you browse into the SlimTris game on SB2, you'll see some garbage on the screen where the centering 
isn't done properly.  ONce there's a screen update this goes away.  Triode:  is this in your scope?
Comment 1 Adrian Smith 2005-06-25 04:27:08 UTC
Yes - problem introduced in r3463.  I changed renderOverlay to return a parts 
hash to avoid the splits in parseLines.  However this did not cater for a 
lines function that set center via the old string escape sequences and when 
renderOverlay was run on it [as currently happens with 

I've committed a patch which handles the case of centers text [3554], but does 
use splits which was what I was trying to avoid..  This fixes the bug.

I think this caters for the cases I missed first time - if we find another 
problem we can revert to the original renderOverlay.  [actually I think we 
would be better replacing renderOverlay with parseLines]

Will also look at changing SlimTetris to return parts hash in its lines 
function as this would avoid some extra work being done.
Comment 2 Chris Owens 2006-06-16 14:41:20 UTC
There are 536 bugs in the database with targets of '---' that were fixed prior to new year 2006.  I am setting them to targets of 6.2.1 to keep them from showing up in my queries.