Bug 5548 - Boot sound is cut when sound set to none
: Boot sound is cut when sound set to none
Product: SB Controller
Classification: Unclassified
Component: UI
: unspecified
: All Other
: P3 minor with 1 vote (vote)
: 7.0.1
Assigned To: Richard Titmuss
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Reported: 2007-09-23 04:20 UTC by Fred
Modified: 2009-09-08 09:20 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Fred 2007-09-23 04:20:21 UTC
If the setting is to have no sound at all, the startup sound stops short in the middle (at the point in the boot sequence when the sound setting is loaded, presumably)
Comment 1 Richard Titmuss 2007-10-05 14:27:25 UTC
It is. I'm not sure how best to fix this.
Comment 2 Spies Steven 2007-10-05 15:48:34 UTC
Would it be possible to not have the boot sound at all if the user has selected None under Sound Effects?  Or possibly add Startup Sound to the Sound Effects menu?
Comment 3 Blackketter Dean 2007-12-28 11:38:18 UTC
*** Bug 6480 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 4 Blackketter Dean 2007-12-28 11:40:27 UTC
I agree, there should be a "Power" choice in the sounds menu that will allow you to disable the power on/off sounds.
Comment 5 John Gnagy 2008-01-14 17:50:58 UTC
Add me as an additional voter for being able to disable the startup/shutdown sounds. My feeling is that when sounds are set to none, that should be inclusive of startup/shutdown sounds. I would also be ok with an additional setting specifically for those sounds, though I personally feel an extra setting would unnecessarily clutter the interface.
Comment 6 KDF 2008-01-15 10:39:10 UTC
the startup sound is located at /usr/share/jive/splash.wav on the jive unit.  If you enable remote access to the jive, you can ssh to the remote and delete it.

Comment 7 Blackketter Dean 2008-01-18 09:27:28 UTC
*** Bug 6596 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 8 Doug Williams 2008-01-19 06:44:21 UTC
There is also a problem if the volume is set to something other than the default or nothing - it changes volume oddly in the middle of the sound bite.  Not correctible unless you totally remove the sound file, I guess.  This case was noted in bug 6596.
Comment 9 Richard Titmuss 2008-03-12 04:53:29 UTC
Reset priority
Comment 10 Richard Titmuss 2008-04-11 15:29:44 UTC
Fixed in SqueezePlay 7.0.1 r2223. The startup sound can now be disabled, and any volume changes are applied before the sound is played.
Comment 11 sbjaerum 2008-04-12 14:32:52 UTC
I don't see a 'Power' entry in the 'Sound Effects' screen.
Is it supposed to be a separate choice for disabling sound at power up/down?
Comment 12 James Richardson 2008-05-06 11:07:24 UTC
Controller r2409 solves the issue of the boot up sound being cut off when set to NONE via Settings > Advanced > Sound Effects = NONE

Marking this bug as verified.

As for the Sound Effects (enable/disable) options, currently there is:

I opened a new Enhancement bug 8076 to add other enable/disable options.

Please add any other sound effects options you want to that bug
Comment 13 James Richardson 2008-05-15 12:26:27 UTC
This bug has recently been fixed in the latest release of SqueezeCenter 7.0.1

Please try that version, if you still see the error, then reopen this bug.

To download this version, please navigate to: http://www.slimdevices.com/su_downloads.html