Bugzilla – Bug 9934
Podcast tracks not shown on Duet controller
Last modified: 2011-01-13 09:06:16 UTC
I added three podcasts to my SqueezeCenter. All podcasts show individual tracks in the Squeezecenter interface. On the Duet interface only one of these podcasts shows the individual tracks. The other two podcasts are playable, but only can play all tracks. Using the squeezecenter as controller, individual tracks will be played. For your reference. This PODCAST URL works file: http://tros.nl/index.php?id=podcast&podcastID=1 These two do not work properly: http://feeds.feedburner.com/bommel http://feeds.nps.nl/kunststof Ican stream them perfectly well from the Squeezecenter, but not from the Dute, so I think someting is wrong in the communication between the Duet end the server. Note: I tested both using the Squeezecenter on Windows Vista and on Linux Ubuntu Please, send me an email if you need more information or if you need any help.
Verified with 7.2.1 r3191 Ben: would this be yours to address?
sure, I'll look
Changing target to next release
with only these exceptions, my bug list is being retargetted for 8.0 for 7.3.2 (very soon): https://bugs-archive.lyrion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7186 Browse albums/artists/genres/ years should remember previous state for 7.3.3 (later, but before 8.0): https://bugs-archive.lyrion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7139 Add editable "Network Settings" page https://bugs-archive.lyrion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7502 Add setup mode to set Static IPs (even if DHCP is present) https://bugs-archive.lyrion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7829 Jive menu broken if BLOCK_SIZE == list count + 1 and "Pla... https://bugs-archive.lyrion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8878 Party Mode https://bugs-archive.lyrion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10064 SqueezeCenter doesn't always auto-generate playerstatus w... (which will fix 8300) https://bugs-archive.lyrion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6334 add applet for network diagnostics (currently assigned to Tom)
Moving to the product SqueezePlay because this bug appears to apply to any player based on that application code. Feel free to move it back if it's specific to the single original product.
this is an administrative shuffle on priority fields to help make better judgment on the top end of the priority list. P4->P5, P3->P4, and P2->P3.
debug.dump of the chunk response to squeezeplay from http://feeds.nps.nl/kunststof the warning at the bottom of this appears to be useful debug { --[[table: 0x16db1d70]] id = "10", ext = { --[[table: 0x17845820]] priority = "", }, data = { --[[table: 0x1784a0c0]] offset = "0", count = 10, title = "NPS | Kunststof - Podcast", window = { --[[table: 0x17811e40]] windowStyle = "text_list", }, base = { --[[table: 0x1784a0e0]] actions = { --[[table: 0x1784a100]] ["set-preset-8"] = { --[[table: 0x16dcb630]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x16d8a3d0]] "jivefavorites", "set_preset", "key:8", }, itemsParams = "params", player = 0, }, ["set-preset-2"] = { --[[table: 0x178077d0]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x17807e90]] "jivefavorites", "set_preset", "key:2", }, itemsParams = "params", player = 0, }, more = { --[[table: 0x17811e20]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x17812ff0]] "myapps", "items", }, itemsParams = "params", window = { --[[table: 0x17812980]] isContextMenu = 1, }, player = 0, params = { --[[table: 0x1780c1d0]] menu = "myapps", }, }, ["add-hold"] = { --[[table: 0x16d8a440]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x16dcb160]] "myapps", "playlist", "insert", }, itemsParams = "params", player = 0, params = { --[[table: 0x16d8a410]] menu = "myapps", }, }, ["set-preset-9"] = { --[[table: 0x178076c0]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x178077b0]] "jivefavorites", "set_preset", "key:9", }, itemsParams = "params", player = 0, }, ["set-preset-4"] = { --[[table: 0x1785b280]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x17807790]] "jivefavorites", "set_preset", "key:4", }, itemsParams = "params", player = 0, }, ["set-preset-3"] = { --[[table: 0x178508f0]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x17850980]] "jivefavorites", "set_preset", "key:3", }, itemsParams = "params", player = 0, }, ["set-preset-7"] = { --[[table: 0x178509a0]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x16dc54d0]] "jivefavorites", "set_preset", "key:7", }, itemsParams = "params", player = 0, }, ["set-preset-1"] = { --[[table: 0x17865ed0]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x17865f10]] "jivefavorites", "set_preset", "key:1", }, itemsParams = "params", player = 0, }, ["set-preset-6"] = { --[[table: 0x17850960]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x1781c010]] "jivefavorites", "set_preset", "key:6", }, itemsParams = "params", player = 0, }, ["set-preset-0"] = { --[[table: 0x17865ef0]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x16dd83a0]] "jivefavorites", "set_preset", "key:0", }, itemsParams = "params", player = 0, }, ["set-preset-5"] = { --[[table: 0x1784b4e0]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x1782cfc0]] "jivefavorites", "set_preset", "key:5", }, itemsParams = "params", player = 0, }, go = { --[[table: 0x1782cfa0]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x178508b0]] "myapps", "items", }, itemsParams = "params", params = { --[[table: 0x17850520]] menu = "myapps", }, }, play = { --[[table: 0x16d8a3f0]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x1782cf80]] "myapps", "playlist", "play", }, player = 0, nextWindow = "nowPlaying", itemsParams = "params", params = { --[[table: 0x17809f70]] menu = "myapps", }, }, add = { --[[table: 0x16dcb180]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x16dcb610]] "myapps", "playlist", "add", }, itemsParams = "params", player = 0, params = { --[[table: 0x16dc5b40]] menu = "myapps", }, }, }, }, item_loop = { --[[table: 0x17811e60]] { --[[table: 0x17813d00]] playAction = "go", style = "itemplay", text = "30-09: Jan Paul Schutten - schrijver", window = { --[[table: 0x1785a2f0]] titleStyle = "album", }, actions = { --[[table: 0x17813d20]] ["add-hold"] = { --[[table: 0x17822600]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x17827600]] "myapps", "playlist", "insert", }, itemsParams = "params", player = 0, params = { --[[table: 0x17822620]] item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.0", }, }, go = { --[[table: 0x1783e250]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x17854030]] "myapps", "playlist", "play", }, player = 0, nextWindow = "nowPlaying", itemsParams = "params", params = { --[[table: 0x17848570]] item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.0", }, }, more = { --[[table: 0x17827620]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x17841b50]] "myapps", "items", }, itemsParams = "params", params = { --[[table: 0x1783e0d0]] menu = "myapps", item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.0", }, }, add = { --[[table: 0x1782ca20]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x1782bd80]] "myapps", "playlist", "add", }, itemsParams = "params", player = 0, params = { --[[table: 0x1782bd40]] item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.0", }, }, }, icon = { --[[table: 0x17813d40]] "http://www.omroep.nl/nps/gfx/nps_home.gif", "http://nl.sitestat.com/klo/nps/s?nps.programma.kunststof.podcast.home&category=kunststof&thema=kunstencultuur&ns_webdir=kunststof&ns_channel=kunst_cultuur", }, }, { --[[table: 0x1783e0b0]] playAction = "go", style = "itemplay", text = "29-09: Anya Koek - scenarioschrijfster", window = { --[[table: 0x16d26a20]] titleStyle = "album", }, actions = { --[[table: 0x17854050]] ["add-hold"] = { --[[table: 0x178614a0]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x17863cf0]] "myapps", "playlist", "insert", }, itemsParams = "params", player = 0, params = { --[[table: 0x178614c0]] item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.1", }, }, go = { --[[table: 0x16d0a860]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x17842360]] "myapps", "playlist", "play", }, player = 0, nextWindow = "nowPlaying", itemsParams = "params", params = { --[[table: 0x17842320]] item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.1", }, }, more = { --[[table: 0x17863d10]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x16de5350]] "myapps", "items", }, itemsParams = "params", params = { --[[table: 0x16de5330]] menu = "myapps", item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.1", }, }, add = { --[[table: 0x16de52b0]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x16ddb900]] "myapps", "playlist", "add", }, itemsParams = "params", player = 0, params = { --[[table: 0x16ddb8c0]] item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.1", }, }, }, icon = { --[[table: 0x17854070]] "http://www.omroep.nl/nps/gfx/nps_home.gif", "http://nl.sitestat.com/klo/nps/s?nps.programma.kunststof.podcast.home&category=kunststof&thema=kunstencultuur&ns_webdir=kunststof&ns_channel=kunst_cultuur", }, }, { --[[table: 0x16d80690]] playAction = "go", style = "itemplay", text = "28-09: Rikkert Zuiderveld - liedjesschrijver / dichter", window = { --[[table: 0x16de4300]] titleStyle = "album", }, actions = { --[[table: 0x162f83e0]] ["add-hold"] = { --[[table: 0x1780be00]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x1786e8c0]] "myapps", "playlist", "insert", }, itemsParams = "params", player = 0, params = { --[[table: 0x17854cc0]] item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.2", }, }, go = { --[[table: 0x17858040]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x16de42e0]] "myapps", "playlist", "play", }, player = 0, nextWindow = "nowPlaying", itemsParams = "params", params = { --[[table: 0x17867540]] item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.2", }, }, more = { --[[table: 0x16dc34d0]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x17807b50]] "myapps", "items", }, itemsParams = "params", params = { --[[table: 0x17807b00]] menu = "myapps", item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.2", }, }, add = { --[[table: 0x16dc3520]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x178071d0]] "myapps", "playlist", "add", }, itemsParams = "params", player = 0, params = { --[[table: 0x1786e8e0]] item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.2", }, }, }, icon = { --[[table: 0x162f8400]] "http://www.omroep.nl/nps/gfx/nps_home.gif", "http://nl.sitestat.com/klo/nps/s?nps.programma.kunststof.podcast.home&category=kunststof&thema=kunstencultuur&ns_webdir=kunststof&ns_channel=kunst_cultuur", }, }, { --[[table: 0x16d80670]] playAction = "go", style = "itemplay", text = "25-09: Gerda Verburg - minister van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit", window = { --[[table: 0x16dbf890]] titleStyle = "album", }, actions = { --[[table: 0x17807210]] ["add-hold"] = { --[[table: 0x16de70b0]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x16db1de0]] "myapps", "playlist", "insert", }, itemsParams = "params", player = 0, params = { --[[table: 0x16de70d0]] item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.3", }, }, go = { --[[table: 0x1629fde0]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x16dbf870]] "myapps", "playlist", "play", }, player = 0, nextWindow = "nowPlaying", itemsParams = "params", params = { --[[table: 0x1629fe00]] item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.3", }, }, more = { --[[table: 0x16db1e00]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x1782f850]] "myapps", "items", }, itemsParams = "params", params = { --[[table: 0x1782f800]] menu = "myapps", item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.3", }, }, add = { --[[table: 0x16d5f030]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x1786fe10]] "myapps", "playlist", "add", }, itemsParams = "params", player = 0, params = { --[[table: 0x16d5f050]] item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.3", }, }, }, icon = { --[[table: 0x1780bdc0]] "http://www.omroep.nl/nps/gfx/nps_home.gif", "http://nl.sitestat.com/klo/nps/s?nps.programma.kunststof.podcast.home&category=kunststof&thema=kunstencultuur&ns_webdir=kunststof&ns_channel=kunst_cultuur", }, }, { --[[table: 0x17846ad0]] playAction = "go", style = "itemplay", text = "24-09: Jean-Pierre Geelen - schrijver / redacteur", window = { --[[table: 0x16de8ee0]] titleStyle = "album", }, actions = { --[[table: 0x1786fe50]] ["add-hold"] = { --[[table: 0x162d2700]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x178273a0]] "myapps", "playlist", "insert", }, itemsParams = "params", player = 0, params = { --[[table: 0x162d2720]] item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.4", }, }, go = { --[[table: 0x16db8b90]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x16de8ec0]] "myapps", "playlist", "play", }, player = 0, nextWindow = "nowPlaying", itemsParams = "params", params = { --[[table: 0x16db8b30]] item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.4", }, }, more = { --[[table: 0x1782a6e0]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x16db2fd0]] "myapps", "items", }, itemsParams = "params", params = { --[[table: 0x16db2fb0]] menu = "myapps", item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.4", }, }, add = { --[[table: 0x1782a700]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x17827400]] "myapps", "playlist", "add", }, itemsParams = "params", player = 0, params = { --[[table: 0x178273c0]] item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.4", }, }, }, icon = { --[[table: 0x16de7070]] "http://www.omroep.nl/nps/gfx/nps_home.gif", "http://nl.sitestat.com/klo/nps/s?nps.programma.kunststof.podcast.home&category=kunststof&thema=kunstencultuur&ns_webdir=kunststof&ns_channel=kunst_cultuur", }, }, { --[[table: 0x17814260]] playAction = "go", style = "itemplay", text = "23-09: Ted van Lieshout - kinderboekenschrijver/dichter", window = { --[[table: 0x1783ff90]] titleStyle = "album", }, actions = { --[[table: 0x16df3c60]] ["add-hold"] = { --[[table: 0x1780d530]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x17817360]] "myapps", "playlist", "insert", }, itemsParams = "params", player = 0, params = { --[[table: 0x16db5060]] item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.5", }, }, go = { --[[table: 0x1782cb20]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x1783ff70]] "myapps", "playlist", "play", }, player = 0, nextWindow = "nowPlaying", itemsParams = "params", params = { --[[table: 0x1782cac0]] item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.5", }, }, more = { --[[table: 0x17817430]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x16d2fe20]] "myapps", "items", }, itemsParams = "params", params = { --[[table: 0x16d2fe00]] menu = "myapps", item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.5", }, }, add = { --[[table: 0x17817450]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x178173c0]] "myapps", "playlist", "add", }, itemsParams = "params", player = 0, params = { --[[table: 0x17817380]] item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.5", }, }, }, icon = { --[[table: 0x17850720]] "http://www.omroep.nl/nps/gfx/nps_home.gif", "http://nl.sitestat.com/klo/nps/s?nps.programma.kunststof.podcast.home&category=kunststof&thema=kunstencultuur&ns_webdir=kunststof&ns_channel=kunst_cultuur", }, }, { --[[table: 0x17854400]] playAction = "go", style = "itemplay", text = "22-09: Ton Anbeek - schrijver", window = { --[[table: 0x17870cc0]] titleStyle = "album", }, actions = { --[[table: 0x162dbbf0]] ["add-hold"] = { --[[table: 0x1784fad0]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x17833d50]] "myapps", "playlist", "insert", }, itemsParams = "params", player = 0, params = { --[[table: 0x1784faf0]] item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.6", }, }, go = { --[[table: 0x17867a60]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x17870ca0]] "myapps", "playlist", "play", }, player = 0, nextWindow = "nowPlaying", itemsParams = "params", params = { --[[table: 0x17867a80]] item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.6", }, }, more = { --[[table: 0x17833d70]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x178678f0]] "myapps", "items", }, itemsParams = "params", params = { --[[table: 0x178678a0]] menu = "myapps", item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.6", }, }, add = { --[[table: 0x1785f650]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x17866470]] "myapps", "playlist", "add", }, itemsParams = "params", player = 0, params = { --[[table: 0x1785f670]] item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.6", }, }, }, icon = { --[[table: 0x16df2910]] "http://www.omroep.nl/nps/gfx/nps_home.gif", "http://nl.sitestat.com/klo/nps/s?nps.programma.kunststof.podcast.home&category=kunststof&thema=kunstencultuur&ns_webdir=kunststof&ns_channel=kunst_cultuur", }, }, { --[[table: 0x1786bbd0]] playAction = "go", style = "itemplay", text = "21-09: Ramón Gieling - filmmaker", window = { --[[table: 0x17815d70]] titleStyle = "album", }, actions = { --[[table: 0x178664b0]] ["add-hold"] = { --[[table: 0x1786f190]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x16de5420]] "myapps", "playlist", "insert", }, itemsParams = "params", player = 0, params = { --[[table: 0x1786f1b0]] item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.7", }, }, go = { --[[table: 0x1783ed20]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x17832c10]] "myapps", "playlist", "play", }, player = 0, nextWindow = "nowPlaying", itemsParams = "params", params = { --[[table: 0x1783bab0]] item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.7", }, }, more = { --[[table: 0x16de5440]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x17873140]] "myapps", "items", }, itemsParams = "params", params = { --[[table: 0x6e7f10]] menu = "myapps", item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.7", }, }, add = { --[[table: 0x162a9d60]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x17871d60]] "myapps", "playlist", "add", }, itemsParams = "params", player = 0, params = { --[[table: 0x162a9d80]] item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.7", }, }, }, icon = { --[[table: 0x1784fa90]] "http://www.omroep.nl/nps/gfx/nps_home.gif", "http://nl.sitestat.com/klo/nps/s?nps.programma.kunststof.podcast.home&category=kunststof&thema=kunstencultuur&ns_webdir=kunststof&ns_channel=kunst_cultuur", }, }, { --[[table: 0x17871d80]] playAction = "go", style = "itemplay", text = "18-09: Roel van Dalen - documentairemaker", window = { --[[table: 0x16df2db0]] titleStyle = "album", }, actions = { --[[table: 0x17871da0]] ["add-hold"] = { --[[table: 0x1783fb00]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x17826980]] "myapps", "playlist", "insert", }, itemsParams = "params", player = 0, params = { --[[table: 0x17826920]] item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.8", }, }, go = { --[[table: 0x17807fc0]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x16df2d90]] "myapps", "playlist", "play", }, player = 0, nextWindow = "nowPlaying", itemsParams = "params", params = { --[[table: 0x17807680]] item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.8", }, }, more = { --[[table: 0x178514d0]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x16dc2880]] "myapps", "items", }, itemsParams = "params", params = { --[[table: 0x16dc0730]] menu = "myapps", item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.8", }, }, add = { --[[table: 0x16d4e6b0]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x1785f190]] "myapps", "playlist", "add", }, itemsParams = "params", player = 0, params = { --[[table: 0x16d4e6d0]] item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.8", }, }, }, icon = { --[[table: 0x17815dc0]] "http://www.omroep.nl/nps/gfx/nps_home.gif", "http://nl.sitestat.com/klo/nps/s?nps.programma.kunststof.podcast.home&category=kunststof&thema=kunstencultuur&ns_webdir=kunststof&ns_channel=kunst_cultuur", }, }, { --[[table: 0x16dc06f0]] playAction = "go", style = "itemplay", text = "17-09: Geen uitzending i.v.m. Europees voetbal", window = { --[[table: 0x17845a80]] titleStyle = "album", }, actions = { --[[table: 0x16dc0710]] ["add-hold"] = { --[[table: 0x17814240]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x1780c350]] "myapps", "playlist", "insert", }, itemsParams = "params", player = 0, params = { --[[table: 0x1780a510]] item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.9", }, }, go = { --[[table: 0x16da8650]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x17845a60]] "myapps", "playlist", "play", }, player = 0, nextWindow = "nowPlaying", itemsParams = "params", params = { --[[table: 0x1780c700]] item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.9", }, }, more = { --[[table: 0x1781b7c0]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x162f2530]] "myapps", "items", }, itemsParams = "params", params = { --[[table: 0x17845860]] menu = "myapps", item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.9", }, }, add = { --[[table: 0x17816bb0]] cmd = { --[[table: 0x17816b60]] "myapps", "playlist", "add", }, itemsParams = "params", player = 0, params = { --[[table: 0x1780c370]] item_id = "798ccbbd.5.4.9", }, }, }, icon = { --[[table: 0x1780a4d0]] "http://www.omroep.nl/nps/gfx/nps_home.gif", "http://nl.sitestat.com/klo/nps/s?nps.programma.kunststof.podcast.home&category=kunststof&thema=kunstencultuur&ns_webdir=kunststof&ns_channel=kunst_cultuur", }, }, }, }, channel = "/4f1e7caf/slim/request", } 20091001 20:57:33.088 WARN squeezeplay.ui.draw - jiveL_update_screen:616 error in update_screen: ...eplay/src/squeezeplay/share/jive/slim/SlimServer.lua:1023: attempt to concatenate local 'iconId' (a table value) stack traceback: ...eplay/src/squeezeplay/share/jive/slim/SlimServer.lua:1023: in function 'fetchArtwork' ...play/share/applets/SlimBrowser/SlimBrowserApplet.lua:465: in function '_artworkItem' ...play/share/applets/SlimBrowser/SlimBrowserApplet.lua:657: in function '_decoratedLabel' ...play/share/applets/SlimBrowser/SlimBrowserApplet.lua:2 20091001 20:57:42.803 INFO applet.ScreenSavers - ScreenSaversApplet.lua:243 activating Clock screensaver
Rudolf - are you still seeing this? If so: using the plugin in SBS or the mysqueezebox.com podcast app?
Thanks for all the good work you did. I really appreciate that. unfortunately I still have Podcast trouble. I use the plugin, Squeezecnter version 7.4.2 on Unbuntu Linlux (latest version, I always keep my system up-to-date). The podcasts are displayed correctly on the PC interface of the server. But, not all of them play correctly. This also holds for the default podcasts. I tested in one case to invoke the reference to the MP3 file directly. The podcast was palyed OK on Windows media player. On the Duet screen, I cannot find the podcast menu item back. I has been there, but it vanished, I think since I use version 7.4.2 So still lots of trouble with the podcasts, which really is a pity. Let me know if you need any help to solve this problem. Regards Rudolf
> On the Duet screen, I cannot find the podcast menu item back. I has been > there, but it vanished, I think since I use version 7.4.2 It should be in the Extras menu, which you'll have to add to the main menu using Settings/Home Menu (or similar). Or you install the app and use that instead.
7.4.x milestone is in the past