Bugzilla – Bug 7502
Add setup mode to set Static IPs (even if DHCP is present)
Last modified: 2016-11-27 21:10:39 UTC
Customer Support has been getting a surprising number of calls from users who are frustrated that you cannot set Duet up with Static IPs if a DHCP server is present. We may need an additional mode (adv. mode) or a means to set Static IPs after initial setup in our Advanced menu. Support is watching this issue closely and will report here.
So far we've gotten 4 calls on this in the first week of calls.
I haven't called but I am frustrated. Static IP makes it much easier to manage and debug my network, and eliminates the question of reliable lease renegotiation from the equation of keeping connections up long term. And it makes using ssh access to jive easier since I can give my controller a name in /etc/hosts. DHCP is obviously the right default - but people who know how want static, I think. As far as I'm concerned, configuring static via the web after establishing DHCP connections would be just fine, although from a support point of view I suspect you want to be able to do it from the controller for cases where things just don't seen to work. By the way, when I set up my controller, it took a couple of reboots before it managed to aquire an IP address from my router. (Wireless, Linksys WRT54G-2).
(from a customer on april 13th) Good day, Please add me to the list of those who need this issue fixed. With my previous versions of Squeezebox, I had to assign my Squeezebox’s to static IP addresses because their attempts to use DHCP kept walking over in-use DHCP addresses. PC’s that were working all of a sudden would get IP Conflict messages and stop working. My solution was to force the offender (the Squeezebox’s) to use static IP addresses. That was easy to do in those Squeezebox unit’s setup menus. This week I obtained the Duet. Yesterday I set it up in the home office where my wife and I work. Within 30 minutes my wife returned to her laptop and said she was getting IP Conflict messages. NOTE: my wife’s laptop was connected to the network first and she was wired, not wireless! This issue is extremely frustrating and I am amazed that someone considered the option to assign static IP’s to the Duet during setup as unnecessary. This fix should not be relegated as a maybe; it is a must. Sincerely (a bewildered Duet user),
I've got a Mac Mini with both wireless and wired interfaces. With older squeezeboxes, I plugged 'em directly into the wired interface (autosensing, so no need for a crossover cable), and told the Mac to share my wireless connection with machines on the wired network. On this side of the network, there was no DHCP involved at all. The Mac and the Squeezebox both had static IP addresses, and I could stream music at high bitrates without generating wifi traffic, or I could connect to Squeezenetwork and/or internet radio stations as desired. This setup does not work with the Duet receiver. In other words, I'm not convinced that the presence of DHCP is a factor here. I was unable to setup a static IP address even on a network without a DHCP server, and was thus dead in the water.
The Duet set up is unpredictable. It never ask for any fixed IP address although my wifi used fixed IP. I tried half day going through the menu. I tried taken the batery out over night hoping that it will behave like it should be as per manual. It did not. The first attempt it ask me for WEP key and I input the key and it seems to find my network all right but it stuck there. It also finds the receiver, but it never went into fixed IP address set up. Somehow after endless tries, the menu somwhow (don't really know why) changed to allow me to set fixed IP. However, when it ask for DNS IP address. The default DNS server is When I try to input my DNS server IP address the first digit is locked only allow me to choose only either 0 or 1. My DNS IP starts with 2. So I leave it as default IP. I thought the first batch of Duet is full of bugs and I should update the firmware, so I went into advance menu and update software. THe screen shows "Copying Update" for the past half hour. I don't know when it will stop. Duet is full of bugs.
Will contact user from Comment#5 via Support.
Hi, I'm seconding the comments here, having spent a frustrating number of days trying to set up new Duet. I gave up with the wireless connection as this seemed to get the wrong IP addresses with DHCP on, with it off it wouldn't connect at all, which is expected, it never asked me for a wireless IP address setting? So using the WIRED connection: When I had DHCP on, the duet kept getting ip addresses that were in a completely different range from my internal network. When I turned DHCP OFF, I was expecting to be asked for my IP Address settings for the Controller, but this didn't happen, instead I got yet another weird set of IP addresses automatically assigned to the controller. I then rebooted the controller again (with DHCP OFF) and magically without asking, it aquired an address in the correct range then it updated itself firmware wise, but its still very flaky, requiring frequent resets/restarts which doesnt happen with my SBS3 Classic. I'd like to be able to set my IP address manually, no matter if there is a DHCP router on the network, as this seems to be the standard setup with SB3 and it works fine with the Duet Controller. Cheers kantblue
is it possible you have two dhcp servers on your network? Richard: would it be possible to detect this case and put up a warning?
punting to 7.3
I have a duet on its way to me and I was reading up on how to configure it. I have my network set up so that only my laptops, which may be taken out of the house, are configured to use DHCP. Everything else, including my 2 SB3 boxes, are configured with static IP addresses. I'm disappointed to see that there is no easy way to configure the controller and player to use static IP addresses. Though they should work in my network using DHCP, I'd rather have things consistent and have static IP addresses for my duet components. I'd like to see this changed to easily allow static IP addresses to be assigned.
Most devices on my network are configured with static IPs, but I run a DHCP server for visiting laptops. Really need an easy way to set the Duet to static IP.
I would like add my vote for the ability to add static IP (and would love to know what the rationale was for not including this in the advanced option in the first place). I have a static IP with my Transporter that works flawlessly but my Duet (wired) loses the network, the controller wakes up slowly or not at all, etc. I have to try to set it up multiple times a week. I get really tired of my Duet trying to appropriate in use IP addresses. Thanks.
I just would like to join this list. i just cant believe that i cant setup an static ip to the duet (remote and receiver). I, like many others here have dhcp but i have all my equipments grouped by ip ranges (ip cameras are 50, sequeeze boxes are 60, etc). i try turn my dhcp off but just the remote control was able to set the static ip, the receiver was unreachable. please, i really would like to be able to choose either dhcp or static in both devices (remote control and receiver) thank you in advance PC
This won't make 7.3. Ben this should be included in the work with bug 7139.
Just had a call from Wifimedia.nl that needed this feature for a customer.
Changing target to next release
I am disappointed to see this bug pushed out yet again. I hope it will finally get resolved in 7.3.3 and I hope that 7.3.3 is set to be released soon.
We met with one of our best resellers who deal a lot with pro installers and this was a big deal for them. Just another datapoint.
We are now planning to make a 7.3.3 release. Please review your bugs (all marked open against 7.3.3) to see if they can be fixed in the next few weeks, or if they should be retargeted for 7.4 or future. Thanks!
Since there's now a planned 7.3.3 release, bugs which won't make the cut-off are being moved to the next target out. If you feel that this bug needs to be addressed more (or less) urgently than the 7.4 release, please cc chris@slimdevices.com and leave a comment in the bug to that effect so we can review it. Thanks.
And this request is still being ignored...
just to be clear, here's what i'd like to see: 1. ability to setup static IP on the SBC no matter what 2. ability to setup static IP on the SBR no matter what 3. ability to setup a SBR from scratch WITHOUT needing a SBC at all for those looking for some help with this... i have had some success with using my router to "reserve" a set IP in the dhcp range for each specific device, but this is something your router needs to support.
comment on #24 : Actually IP reservation via DCHP on the router is good. But historically the SBC have had problems with it's DHCP functions, IP reservation would still utilize the DCHP functions in both SBC and SBR giving similar problems as DHCP usually does. For now everybody needs turn of the DHCP to get a fixed IP possible also use net-udap in some extent for ie when you got a blue SBR and have to tell it where SC is. To add to #24 4 it should be possible to alter a random setting without factory reset "forgetting" networks or going trough the wizard again. Example changing DNS or turn on bridging.
Moving to the product SqueezePlay because this bug appears to apply to any player based on that application code. Feel free to move it back if it's specific to the single original product.
Assigning to Weldon to discuss localization strings
This isn't gonna make the SLT deadline, removing that tag.
Reset priority before triage.
(In reply to comment #24) > just to be clear, here's what i'd like to see: > > 3. ability to setup a SBR from scratch WITHOUT needing a SBC at all And that part is why I voted for this bug. The second that's officially available, I'll be buying at least one SBR.
my Duet now works pretty well after having successfully applied static settings. But getting back to the static IP setting procedure I believe is vitually impossible and totally unpredictable: it popped up once, I had the chance to set it up correctly so that at the end it's usable but I was never able to replicate again the procedure from scratch (reset, etc etc). Still a miracle for me. Definitely vote for an easier way in the setup to fix Static IP. DHCP is not reliable enough (continuous stop, searching, connection lost...).
I'm new to Squeezebox, love the sound and HATE the network problems. Please, please, please give me an easy way to set static IP addresses for the Squeezebox Duet and Controller. I am a music lover, PC aware, and not a programmer able to delve into Perl, net::udap, and all those other completely incomprehensible things. Please do this soon - before the Squeezebox goes on eBay.
I have my squeezebox duet for 3 days now and had to reset it 3 times to get the controller paired with the receiver. As my wifi goes off at night (avoid radiation while im am sleeping) and because I want to avoid cluttering my wifi bandwidth with streaming data I would really appreciate an easy way to switch to wired ethernet with static IPs. Why is that so difficult to do?
/*************Duet Remote***************\ To get a static IP on the duet *Remote*, I turned off DHCP on my router via web panel (shouldn't drop any of the IPs to your DHCP devices if they already have an IP during this time), turned off the remote, turned the remote back on, and had to reconnect to my network. The Remote shouldn't be able to connect and you will be able to assign a static IP. Once done, turn DHCP back on the router. /*************Squeezebox Classic***************\ Unplug the power to the device and wait 15 seconds. Plug the device back in and reconnect to your network. It should allow you to setup a static IP address even if DHCP is enabled on your router. I would definately agree there should be a wizzard to setup the IPs much easier via the device or Squeezebox server. Hope this helps! Bob
just fyi: i was able to get a SBR to use a new router with different settings WITHOUT using a SBC. i used Squeezeplay instead. not sure if this means you can now setup a SBR from scratch without a SBC, but i wouldn't be surprised if you could.
Moving Matt Weldon bugs
Future, I disagree, 7502 and 7139 is really important. (it will also get 7198 & 9024). 7502 depends on 7139 who i turn has other depended bugs with target 8.0.0 and 8.1.0 7198 and 9024 So these 4 bugs should all get 8.0.0 ?
After on month of frustrating trying to get my Squeezebox duet to connect wired and not wireless I almost sent it back, thinking I must have a unit with a faulty ethernet port. When suddenly my controller brings up the option "connect ethernet or wireless"... I did nothing different, it just popped up. I hope Logitech looks into this when making firmware upgrades in the future. It should NOT be this difficult! I almost sent my unit back, although it was functional the whole time.
(In reply to comment #40) > After on month of frustrating trying to get my Squeezebox duet to connect wired > and not wireless I almost sent it back, thinking I must have a unit with a > faulty ethernet port. When suddenly my controller brings up the option "connect > ethernet or wireless"... I did nothing different, it just popped up. > > I hope Logitech looks into this when making firmware upgrades in the future. It > should NOT be this difficult! I almost sent my unit back, although it was > functional the whole time. This has nothing to do with static vs DHCP ? wireless vs ethernet is another issue You must be in the wrong bug ? DHCP and Staic IP addressing applies regardless of connection type Maybe this one aplies https://bugs-archive.lyrion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7139
If this is truly that big a deal to implement (and I'm surmising it is due to its age), *PLEASE* release note or FAQ a readily available workaround! As a developer I ask: Why is that such an insurmountable task??
There is a workaround, and it is documented. Please see this FAQ: http://logitech-en-amr.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/logitech_en_amr.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=16721 Short version: disable your DHCP server in your router, set up Squeezebox using static IPs, enable your DHCP server again.
(In reply to comment #43) > There is a workaround, and it is documented. Please see this FAQ: > http://logitech-en-amr.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/logitech_en_amr.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=16721 > > Short version: disable your DHCP server in your router, set up Squeezebox using > static IPs, enable your DHCP server again. But ? thats exactly was the bug is about you do not understand ? clearly. The bug is named "...set static ip (even if DHCP is present)" Why is that ;) So the bug is about *not* having to turn of DHCP or resort to one of the other documented workarounds ? It is a bug not to be able to select the networking one want's during normal setup. It is about being able to select static networking as a natural part of network setup even if your DHCP is running. Normal networking things have this ability. It's an UI design flaw to just assume that "everybody uses dhcp" Everybody knows that you can turn off DHCP in the router. But thats a situation many want's to avoid. The way the ip3k players do setup is an example of an god UI so you don't have to reinvent anything at all, you know how to do it already. Your are faced with the choice "optain IP automatically" or "Specify a static IP adress" followed by Q of gateway dns etc. Why is it so incredible hard to implement this on the Squeezeplay based players ? This bug is utterly bizzare because. 1. You have omitted a natural part of any device's network setup. 2. Nobody ? realized this during the design phase( it can not be a deliberate design decision it's to stupid). 3. Nobody at Logitech realizes that this is a problem ? I can appreciate that you don't "like" to be told how to do your job by us users. But this yet another shortcoming this product line don't need.
(In reply to comment #43) > There is a workaround, and it is documented. Please see this FAQ: > http://logitech-en-amr.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/logitech_en_amr.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=16721 > > Short version: disable your DHCP server in your router, set up Squeezebox using > static IPs, enable your DHCP server again. Yes, I understand there's a workaround...in fact, thanks to a forum poster, I've learned that it's also possible to do the same thing by connecting the player to a laptop without a DHCP server or even just disconnecting the switch the player is connected to from the router. But really...why? I mean, I know we're not talking about world hunger here, but I just don't understand why setting a static IP isn't a standard option on these devices. Giving users the ability to network it according to their preferences seems like a pretty standard option.
Unassigned bugs cannot have a priority.
Why is this depending on 7139 that is not really necessary and nowadays we have only Radio and Touch who have their own UI's making it moot.
Put my foot in it again, can we please have the perfectly normal and expected option to assign static ip to this device ?
Please also see bug 17462. There's something flaky in the DHCP code for the Receiver anyway, so this further adds weight for the requirement to be able to set them up with static IP addresses.