Bugzilla – Bug 16758
Napster: "My Library" doesn't show all items
Last modified: 2012-02-22 07:07:17 UTC
It's said to only list a maximum of 50 items per list.
== Auto-comment from SVN commit #9701 to the network repo by mherger == == http://svn.slimdevices.com/network?view=revision&revision=9701 == Bug: 16758 Description: use higher count parameter for My Library items
The maximum of 50 items per list ist not the issue I'm experiencing. With the old squeezebox gateway and with the napster client on my pc i have 78 albums in my library. Within the new squeezebox gateway i only get 26 listed. Same issue within the artist list.
Would be great if you could mail me your account/password so I can check what is wrong with those lists. Thanks!
Sent via mail. Hopefully this helps to find the cause.
== Auto-comment from SVN commit #9739 to the network repo by agrundman == == http://svn.slimdevices.com/network?view=revision&revision=9739 == Bug 16758, set limit for tracks/artists/albums/playlists at 500 items
seems to be resolved now...thanks for the fix
For me it has not been fixed: Using my squeezebox, I'm only seeing 21 of my albums, using the napster windows client I'm getting 76 albums (same amount as with the old squeezebox gatewax). Even newly added albums (via napster windows client) are not being showed within my library on any squeezebox i use. Restarting the squeezebox service on my NAS also has no impact on this issue. So, Napster is unusable for me at this time...
Hi, I'm seeing the same sort of issue. I have about 75 artists on the Napster web interface (direct on their site) and I used to see the same via MYSB and squeezeserver until last week or so. I am now only seeing 11 artists via my duet and booms and 12 albums which rather makes the napster interface via the duet a bit pointless as I now have to search for almost anything. If it did have everything then the new interface does look better in principle but it is useless at present.
Christian - I verified your issue, and I can confirm that Napster is returning only the 21 artists you're seeing in the SB UI. Unfortunately we can't fix this. But when verifying your issue I realised that Napster's US web app is totally different from the German web site. I wasn't even able to log in to the US site using your credentials, or to log in to the German site using my test credentials. I must assume they're totally independant implementations. To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if they were not using the same API internally either... I'll raise this issue with our partners. Graham - I see you're in the UK. Might indeed be the same issue. Would you mind sending me a screenshot of your "My Library" page (Napster's implementation, not ours)?
== Auto-comment from SVN commit #9812 to the network repo by mherger == == http://svn.slimdevices.com/network?view=revision&revision=9812 == Bug: 16758 Description: use country code as returned by the login response. Unfortunately this does not fix the issue seen by some of our EU users.
Created attachment 7079 [details] Napster Screen Shot As requested napster library screenshot
> As requested napster library screenshot Thanks Graham. It looks as if Napster/UK was using the same web UI as Germany.
Quick update: after extensive testing using one of your real life accounts, we've discovered that even without the SBS involved I was able to get "corrupt" data using napster.com alone. We've reported the issues to Napster and have meetings set up to investigate them.
News from Napster: "We've investigated this and found that is an API issue with content filtering. In instances where a song that is added to the library has the same ID across territories, the artist does correctly appear. However, if the song has a different id in US than in the territory of the account to which it was added the artist does not appear. Napster will resolve this on the API side."
Napster plans to roll out a fix for this issue next week. Keep fingers crossed.
*** Bug 16765 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
That would be very fast. I was much more pessimistic as i read that it has something to do with wrong generation/handling of unique id's. Great to hear this news. I'm going to test it intensively as soon as Napster tells us that the fix has been implemented (or i recognizes it by myself). Thanks for your effort, Michael!
My Napster library displays fine using the Napster application, and the Napster web interface. The only place where most of it is missing is on my Squeezebox. I have > 1000 albums (from > 400 artists) in my Napster library, am I going to be hitting any limits when this is fixed? Thanks, Peter
Just tested it, but nothing has been changed as announced. Any news from Napster regarding this issue?
Unfortunately the only news is that they haven't fixed it yet (see bug 16762 too)
Just got this note from Napster's engineering: "We have been able to play streams with CA accounts and verify via multiple accounts that all content is appearing in libraries. Please verify this on your side as well." Can anybody confirm?
Issue not solved: From 76 artists (listed in the web interface) only 36 are listed under "my napster" on my squeezebox. Before this "fix" it were only 22. So things got better but far away from being solved!
Argh.... thanks for the quick feedback. I've forwarded it to Napster.
Yes, can also confirm that while there has been an increase in the number of Artists showing, it doesn't reflect what is there on the web client. I have 55 artists showing out of approx 105 in the web client, more than before but still not correct.
Hi, I can also confirm similar findings. Of 110 or so artists on the web interface I only see 40. Interestingly I'm seeing a much better fit if I look at the album option on squeezebox. There I'm seeing 120+ entries (the mismatch coming from the way albums retreat where they have various artists appearing on them). In fact on a quick eyeball check there only seems a handful of artists not showing up via the album list. Gut feel would say 5 or so. So what we have is artists not showing in that view but they then do show in the album view. As an example, Bon Jovi are not listed as an Artist but the Best of Bon Jovi is in the albums. However, John Coltrane does not appear as an Artist and Blue Train is not in the albums. So a huge leap forward to the point where the interface is almost useable via the album filter but still off the mark on the artist list. For me, given the new approach where the artist selection now shows an extended list of albums rather than the one in the library, I suspect I'll mostly be using the album approach in any case. Hope that gives you some more detail.
Update from Napster: "we've discovered the issue that is impacting these users and a solution is in the works. However, it's requiring some database migration to ensure that the solution is implemented in a way that doesn't impact performance. This work is happening behind the signs and doesn't require any changes to the API or your application. I estimate it will take approximately 2 weeks to complete."
Today my napster library on the squeezeboxes showed about 95% of all the titles listed when using the napster client on windows. So it seems napster is on the right track...
Any update on this? I'm still missing lots of artists from my Napster library when viewing on Squeezebox.
Also, why have we lost the ability to add albums to Napster library via Squeezebox? That was an extremely important and useful feature. Is it planned to return or have Napster removed it from their new API?
> Any update on this? I'm still missing lots of artists from my Napster library > when viewing on Squeezebox. Can you quantify "lots" (percentage)? > Also, why have we lost the ability to add albums to Napster library via > Squeezebox? Only Napster knows. Ask them.
About 40 out of 200 artists are missing. When you say "Only Napster knows", do you mean that option is completely missing from their new API? I don't know to what extent they are involved in Squeezebox development, i.e. do they determine the menus and options within the "My Napster Library"? I have tried to get answers from Napster in the past, but technical support always tell me the Napster app is entirely Logitech's responsibility. What is the truth of the matter? Can you provide contact details for the department / people responsible on the Napster side? Because as a fee-paying Napster subscriber I feel entitled to at least make enquiries and requests to them.
Ah, I thought I must just be looking in the wrong place for the remove from library function (in fact I was about to ask on the forums) but I'm guessing from the above this has now disappeared - I always tended to add items via the web.
(In reply to comment #29) > Also, why have we lost the ability to add albums to Napster library via > Squeezebox? That was an extremely important and useful feature. Is it planned > to return or have Napster removed it from their new API? I don't know about you, but ever since Napster changed their website (and API) I can't add an album to my Napster library even using the Napster website. It's possible to save a "playlist" of an album, but the old way of adding an album to my Napster library is gone, whether it's via Squeezebox or directly on Napster. Fwiw, this is in the US (a lot of Napster behavior appears to be country-specific).
I can confirm that on the uk site you can still add an album using the + icon and choosing add to library. Must admit I'm now struggling to work out how to then remove an album or track from the library...
Ok, now found that I can easily delete tracks via the desktop application. Sorry, risk here that this thread is being hijacked by a discussion on Napster failings but it is interesting to reflect how inconsistent Napster's own software and website are and whether this might explain why the API to squeezebox is equally inconsistent.
(In reply to comment #34) > I can confirm that on the uk site you can still add an album using the + icon > and choosing add to library. Must admit I'm now struggling to work out how to > then remove an album or track from the library... Oops, I take back my earlier comment about this not working. This also worked for me just now on the US site. It says it's adding a playlist with all the album's tracks, but it seems to add both playlist and album.
Ok, latest news: "The batch process and verification is complete – all users should now be able to see all artists. Specifically for the users below we have this additional detail: The customers [graham] and [c.noack] was impacted by invalid tracks in their collection. Thus gcall was shown 105 and 111 artists and cnoack1970 was shown 64 out of 67 artists. The new procedure in place gives all artists so this should be not an issue. The invalid tracks were ones which either have become unlicensed in the region or have changed id’s – therefore the associated artists weren’t appearing but the tracks remained in the collection. This has been corrected so that the artists will appear. Unlicensed content, as designed, only plays 30 second clips." Can you confirm?
This is still not fixed, I still have large numbers of artists missing. A Camp - missing A Perfect Circle - missing Adele - missing Al Green - on the list Alanis Morrisette - missing .. etc etc You get the picture, lots and lots of missing artists! Who is the Napster contact for this issue please? I would like direct communication with them as a Napster customer.
Without doing a full map across I can't say for certain but initial examination would point to the issue being resolved and certainly the mismatch that I used as an example is now resolved.
(In reply to comment #38) > This is still not fixed, I still have large numbers of artists missing. > > A Camp - missing > A Perfect Circle - missing > Adele - missing > Al Green - on the list > Alanis Morrisette - missing > .. > etc etc > I'm the PM for Napster working with Michael on the Logitech products. I'm sorry that the missing artists problem is continuing to affect your account. I'd like to work with you to investigate further - please feel free to reach out to me at wanbar@napster.com. If there are other folks on this thread who are continuing to experience issues I'm happy to help.
The list of artists on Squeezebox is now consistent with the list of artists on the Napster web interface. It is not consistent with the artist list on Napster client, but that is an issue with the Napster client failing to sync its local library cache correctly on occasion. The outstanding problem is now that the albums listed under any given artist (on Squeezebox) are not the albums in my library. Instead, they are the top x (around 10) of the full list of albums available by that artist. For artists with only a few albums, that is fine. But for artists with many albums, that sometimes results in albums which *are* in my library being omitted from the list.
Can we consider the "My Library doesn't show all items" issue fixed? Please do not reply if you see other issues, open a new bug instead. Thanks!
The "My Library doesn't show all items" issue is greatly improved but not completely fixed, because there are still albums in my Napster library which don't appear in "My library" on the Squeezebox, as I described in Comment 41. I don't think this is "off-topic", it's part of the problem with the "My library" access on Squeezebox. Thanks for listening! Peter
I can confirm Peter's statment. Seeing a lot of albums when sorting by artist which i never added to my library and which are not shown on the napster web site under my library.
Peter - the album list you get for an artist has nothing to do with your favorite albums. It's just that artist's list of albums.
Michael - Yes, but surely that is wrong for the "My Library" section? Before Christmas (old API), the albums displayed *were* the albums in my Napster library. Waleed Anbar said they are working on a resolution to this problem over the next few months. I'd like to be able to track progress on that somehow, and this bug seemed an appropriate way to do that. Please let me know if you would like me to open another bug for the issue. Thanks, Peter
Any news on this? Does anybody monitor these bugs? Is there any plan to display the albums a user actually has in their library rather than all the albums by that artist?
RIP Napster.