Bug 17741 - When updating from SBS, LMS installer can't be launched from the PrefPane
: When updating from SBS, LMS installer can't be launched from the PrefPane
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Mac Installer
: 7.7.0
: Macintosh MacOS X 10.6
: P1 normal (vote)
: 7.7.1
Assigned To: Michael Herger
Depends on:
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Reported: 2011-11-09 02:29 UTC by Michael Herger
Modified: 2011-12-12 08:57 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---

purge cache on startup (778 bytes, patch)
2011-11-09 04:00 UTC, Michael Herger
Details | Diff

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Description Michael Herger 2011-11-09 02:29:32 UTC
...as the installer's file name is hard coded in to the script, but the older SBS doesn't know about the new LMS name.
Comment 1 Michael Herger 2011-11-09 04:00:35 UTC
Created attachment 7551 [details]
purge cache on startup

We always had code in place to run a purge cycle on startup, but it was buggy, skipping that initial purging. Subsequent tasks could have been skipped after a bunch of circumstances. In particular users who never shut down their players could easily end up with thousands of cached items.

This change make sure we do run an initial purging at startup, and reduces the interval from 24h to 6h, in order to reduce the risk of having the purge cycle be executed always at the same time, when a player was in use.

Please note that the first purging of such a large file cache could potentially delay startup by several minutes. Under normal circumstances it shouldn't take longer than a few seconds.
Comment 2 Michael Herger 2011-11-09 04:01:19 UTC
Comment on attachment 7551 [details]
purge cache on startup

Oops... wrong bug
Comment 3 SVN Bot 2011-11-09 06:45:17 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #33674 to the slim repo by mherger ==
 == http://svn.slimdevices.com/slim?view=revision&revision=33674 ==

Bug: 17741
Description: on OSX 7.6 and older server installations come with a hard coded installer name of "Squeezebox Server Installer". This fails with the renamed product. Keep a hidden link of that name in place for backward compatibility, and add a new, hidden and generic link for future releases
Comment 4 SVN Bot 2011-11-09 21:44:18 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #33678 to the slim repo by mherger ==
 == http://svn.slimdevices.com/slim?view=revision&revision=33678 ==

Bug: 17741
Description: create branch off 7.7.0 for the OSX installer fix.
Comment 5 SVN Bot 2011-11-09 22:28:05 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #33679 to the slim repo by mherger ==
 == http://svn.slimdevices.com/slim?view=revision&revision=33679 ==

Bug: 17741
Description: port OSX installer changes to 7.7.0x branch