Bugzilla – Bug 18110
Cue Files: request for 'artistsort' and 'albumartistsort' to be implemented
Last modified: 2014-08-13 14:55:09 UTC
It is great that albumartist has been implemented for cue files but that raises the issue of how artistsort and albumartistsort are treated in the cue files. Currently the situation is: REM ALBUMARTISTSORT is ignored, whether in the cue file header or in the cue file tracks REM ARTISTSORT is ignored if it appears in a cue file track but used if it appears in the cue file header section. BUT if REM ARTISTSORT appears in the cue file header - it is then used for the PERFORMER artists in BOTH the cue file header and tracks. I.e. if there are different artists specified in the PERFORMER lines in the header and one of the tracks - the REM ARTISTSORT is used for both: e.g. In a cue file with- Header: PERFORMER "First Second;Third Fourth" REM ARTISTSORT "SECOND FIRST;FOURTH THIRD" ....... ....... and Track: TRACK 01 AUDIO TITLE "Track Title" PERFORMER "AN Other;Fred Bloggs" INDEX 01 00:00:00 etc, etc Both "First Second" and "AN Other" would have "SECOND FIRST" in the namesort field in the contributors table. Both "Third Fourth" and "Fred Bloggs" would have "FOURTH THIRD" in the namesort field in the contributors table. My request: That albumartistsort is implemented (presumably as REM ALBUMARTISTSORT in the header section) for artists appearing in the cue file header (i.e. on the header PERFORMER line). That artistsort is implemented (presumably as REM ARTISTSORT in the track data) for artists appearing in the cue file track data (i.e. on the track PERFORMER line).
Could you please post some sample file(s) I could test with?
(In reply to comment #2) > ping? Sorry, I've been tied up with other things for a few days - will get back to this tomorrow (Friday) and post sample files.
I apologise for the long delay in getting back to this. I've done some further testing and what I have found is: In the cue file header: ================== ALBUMARTISTSORT - ignored REM ALBUMARTISTSORT - ignored ARTISTSORT REM ARTISTSORT Both these are picked up and appear to set contributors.namesort field for all PERFORMER lines in the cue file (whether they are in the cue header or in any of the cue track sections). Assuming that there can be muliple 'artists' separated by ";" in the PERFORMER and ARTISTSORT/REM ARTISTSORT cue lines: If there is one 'artist' in the ARTISTSORT line it will set that in the contributors.namesort for the first 'artist' in all the PERFORMER lines (whether they are in the header or in the track sections). If there are two 'artists' in the ARTISTSORT line (separated by ";") it will set the first two artists in all the PERFORMER lines, whether they are in the header or tack sections of the cue file. If there are artists in the PERFORMER lines that don't have a corresponding ARTISTSORT entry (say the ARTISTSORT contains 2 artists and a PERFORMER line contains 3 artists) the contributors.namesort is set, as normal, to a capitalization of the artist. In the cue file track sections: ============================== All these seem to be ignored: ALBUMARTISTSORT REM ALBUMARTISTSORT ARTISTSORT REM ARTISTSORT My thoughts: ============ For albumartistsort and artistsort to be effective in cue files I think that, in an ideal world, think they should work as follows: Cue file header: ALBUMARTISTSORT or REM ALBUMARTISTSORT should be picked up as the "namesort" for artists in the PERFORMER line in the header section only. Cue file tracks: ARTISTSORT or REM ARTISTSORT in any track section of the cue file should be picked up as the "namesort" for the artists in the PERFORMER line of that particular track section of the cue file. This is a link to a zip file containing a cue file and a m4a file (a relatively small one that I had to hand): https://app.box.com/s/8or2honkbydp3dbtcqqy The file was too large to upload here. Let me know whether there are any problems with using a m4a file and I will convert it to mp3 or FLAC
Thanks, got the files.
Commit 767d0466e9bf43551a6da284f0535c20b44f700e
(In reply to comment #6) > Commit 767d0466e9bf43551a6da284f0535c20b44f700e Thank you!!! I'll try out tonight's nightly.