Bug 10946 - Need a "Set up networking" item in settings
: Need a "Set up networking" item in settings
Product: SB Touch
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Settings
: unspecified
: PC Other
: -- normal (vote)
: MP
Assigned To: Weldon Matt
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Reported: 2009-02-03 08:44 UTC by Blackketter Dean
Modified: 2009-09-08 09:27 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Category: ---


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Description Blackketter Dean 2009-02-03 08:44:14 UTC
That takes you through the wizard again, like on SB3.
Comment 1 Ben Klaas 2009-02-03 15:04:35 UTC
mostly fixed in r4039. remaining issue is having the user dropped to the proper window after connecting, esp. in the wired case.
Comment 2 Ben Klaas 2009-02-04 14:14:09 UTC
fully fixed in r4042
Comment 3 Richard Titmuss 2009-02-05 07:31:00 UTC
Dean, is this the right thing to do?

The way I left the UI the 'Wireless Networks' (yes it needed renaming) showed all the wireless and the wired network on one screen. This allowed you to easily switch between the different networks _and_ review the network settings _and_ forget an existing network.

As you've had Ben change it it's fine for switching to other networks, but not the other functions on that page.

Some conversation I had with Ben on the subject:

(3:22:01 PM) Ben Klass: if you want to connect to wired, why would you first scan for wireless?
(3:22:21 PM) Richard Titmuss: but i don't understand why we need to ask, at all.
(3:22:34 PM) Richard Titmuss: the way i left it one screen had both wired and wireless choices.
(3:22:46 PM) Richard Titmuss: now it's difficult to switch between different networks.
(3:23:14 PM) Ben Klass: I wish I could say I agreed :-/
(3:23:42 PM) Richard Titmuss: sorry, you agree with me or dean?
(3:23:53 PM) Ben Klass: i agree with dean. let's take specifically the wired case
(3:24:16 PM) Ben Klass: you've hooked up a cable, you want to be wired. then you're presented with your wifi network and your 5 neighbor's wifi networks, and ethernet
(3:24:26 PM) Ben Klass: how is that simpler than selecting "wired"?
(3:25:18 PM) Richard Titmuss: ok, fine. but how do you review your ip address and connection state for your wired network while your talking to support?
(3:25:28 PM) Richard Titmuss: and how do you find out what encryption settings your have.
(3:25:46 PM) Richard Titmuss: and if you have multiple networks configured, how do you forget the network settings.
(3:25:46 PM) Ben Klass: have you tried it? after you connect to wired it immediately puts you to the network status page for wired
(3:26:33 PM) Richard Titmuss: but that's wrong, if you want to switch to wired, you just want to switch, not see the settings.
(3:26:40 PM) Richard Titmuss: i think they are different functions.
(3:27:00 PM) Richard Titmuss: well i'll reopen the bug, and paste in this IM and get some feedback from Dean.
(3:27:00 PM) Ben Klass: okay. reopen.
Comment 4 Blackketter Dean 2009-02-06 10:39:31 UTC
Here are a couple of thoughts:

1.  Set Up Networking (note the space between set and up) should walk the user through a wizard that ends up back in settings being connected.  Right now it can stop at a settings/status page

2.  Having ethernet be an explicit separate step is ok, but I'd rather just see ethernet work immediately upon plugging in.  the best UI is no UI.

3. We're still missing a Network Status screen where you can go to view the status on your current network setup.  wireless vs ethernet, SSID, encryption, signal strength, IP address, etc.  

4.  we need a place to turn on bridging, let's make it checkbox on the network status page, available if the user has a wireless connection available.

How's that sound?
Comment 5 Blackketter Dean 2009-02-23 20:49:33 UTC
Matt: is the current implementation ok with you?
Comment 6 Weldon Matt 2009-02-24 13:39:24 UTC
The implementation will (should) be a subset of the final flow for fab4 initial setup.  We are still finalizing a couple error screens, but I agree completely with the general strategy.

This is "on the list..."
Comment 7 Richard Titmuss 2009-03-26 03:29:55 UTC
Fixed already.