Bugzilla – Bug 2164
Use ARTISTSORT values where appropriate for display text for browse lists
Last modified: 2011-11-06 23:23:12 UTC
I use FLAC and make use of the ARTISTSORT tag to enforce consistent sorting but I like to keep the ARTIST tag to display the "traditional" name for an artist so that this shows correctly on "Now Playing". For instance, for my David Bowie collection I have ARTIST="David Bowie" and ARTISTSORT="Bowie, David". The above scheme works perfectly in enforcing the correct sort order but, when I am browsing the collection, I only see the display names (i.e. the ARTIST tag values) so this isn't always so easy for the user to immediately identify the alphabetic order (see my thread on the SlimDevices forum in the General board in the thread entitled "Artist/Artistsort tags not what is really needed" for more details). The solution suggested is that when browsing an ordered list that has been sorted with reference to ARTISTSORT tags then there should be a SlimServer option to override the display names in the list with the value of the ARTISTSORT tag when it is set rather than the value of the ARTIST tag. The above does make conceptual sense to me. If SlimServer has delivered a sorted list to the client and has used ARTISTSORT values to sort the list then it does seem obvious that the text fields that it delivers for the sorted list should be the text fields that were used for the sort, i.e. not just all the ARTIST values but rather the ARTIST values but with the appropriate ARTISTSORT replacements. I guess it would make sense to make this a server-settable option to make sure noone gets upset by the an enforced change in behaviour. It might also make sense for consistency to provide a similar option for the ALBUM/ALBUMSORT behaviour although for this one I think it would be absolutely essential for it to be an option because for my useage I do want to keep the current behaviour, i.e. only ever display the ALBUM tag value and keep ALBUMSORT hidden at all time. This is because I currently use ALBUMSORT to enforce chronological ordering of my albums so for ALBUM="Young Americans" I have ALBUMSORT="Bowie, David, 1975". Clearly this would be a disaster if the ALBUMSORT value overwrote the ALBUM value in a display (although I do hope to be able to dispense with ALBUMSORT tags when the option for chronological ordering of albums is introduced into SlimServer). Finally, please note that this suggestion for ARTIST/ARTISTSORT might help with the issue being discussed in bug 616. - Julian
why is it not a solution to set ARTIST tags to what you want displayed? It seems to me that *** is the display tag and ***SORT is a backend tag. It is up to you what data goes into them, and confusing if slimserver starts changing them around arbitrarily. 'optional' at this level adds a huge hit since it means shuffling data around the tables
The problem with your suggestion (set ARTIST to what I want displayed) is that there are two different things that I want displayed depending on whether it is for the browse artists list or for the "Now Playing" display. When I am viewing the "Now Playing" display then I would like to see the artist name as it is traditionally written. Noone says "I'm playing the latest Bowie, David album" but rather "I'm playing the latest David Bowie album" so for the Now Playing display I would like to see the artist name as "David Bowie" (i.e. the ARTIST tag). When I am browsing artists however I would like to see the artist name in its "alphabetically optimised" form, e.g. "Bowie, David" (i.e. the ARTISTSORT tag) so that it is much easier to immediately see the alphabetical sorting (seeing a list "Black Eyed Peas", "David Bowie", "Jeff Buckley" isn't quite as obviously alphabetical to the brain as "Black Eyed Peas", "Bowie, David", "Buckley, Jeff"). I don't know the code of course but I'm a bit suprised that this would be a "huge hit" implementation wise. One thing I find interesting is the behaviour of the Telcanto client which I assume is using the defined SlimServer client server protocols. When I browse artists with Telcanto then the list I get on screen (which must have been delivered to the Telcanto client as the result of a request to the server) has clearly been sorted with reference to my ARTISTSORT tags but the list of names delivered to the Telcanto client are the values of the ARTIST tags. If the server code has done a sort using ARTISTSORT then surely the ordered list (or array) of the sort keys at the end of the sort is exactly the result that I am asking to be delivered to the client as the list of display names and in fact the current behaviour of delivering the list of ARTIST tag values involves the extra step of putting back in the ARTIST tags instead of the ARTISTSORT tags where a replacement was made for the sort. - Julian
One issue: The values for ARTISTSORT are stored in all upppercase, with punctuation characters removed, so won't be very attractive as display strings. I never really understood why that is, unless either SQLite is case- sensitive, or it's a throwback to when everything was done in Pearl hashes, perhaps for speed optimization.
It sounds like you want the original ARTISTSORT tag to be used when displaying an artist in the context of a sorted list of artists. It's not unreasonable, but we'll have to look at this post 6.2.
Thanks Dean for considering this, that is exactly what I am requesting. I should just add 2 clarifications though. 1) If Jim's observation about the ARTISTSORT tags being stored all uppercase is still valid post-6.2 then that kind of kills the whole idea because as Jim says, it would look terrible. 2) Just being pedantic (for clarity)... when you say "<I> want the original ARTISTSORT tag to be used when displaying an artist in the context of a sorted list of artists" I mean use the ARTISTSORT tag when it is set for an artist, if an ARTISTSORT tag is not set then it should just use the ARTIST tag (i.e. exactly the substitution algorithm applied for sorting). (Although if this complicated the implementation for some reason then it wouldn't be a big deal to make sure the ARTISTSORT field was set for all tracks.) - Julian
Possible unintended consequence: My ARTISTSORT tags (for example) do not necessarily contain the same data as my ARTIST tags. Using sorting tags for display purposes could cut out useful data, or add confusing data. For example (from my collection): ARTIST => ARTISTSORT The Dave Brubeck Quartet => Brubeck, Dave Elvis Costello => Costello, Elvis Elvis Costello and the Attractions => Costello, Eric Jie-Bing Chen, Bela Fleck, V.M. Bhatt => Fleck, Bela Harold Budd, Elizabeth Fraser, Robin Guthrie, Simon Raymonde => Cocteau Twins Maceo & The Macks => Parker, Maceo In other words, sorting tags are best for sorting, display tags are best for display. If two types of display are needed, a second alternate display tag should be used.
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