Bug 12782 - Transporter/Rhapsody error "A max of three streams are allowed at one time"
: Transporter/Rhapsody error "A max of three streams are allowed at one time"
Product: SB Transporter
Classification: Unclassified
Component: SqueezeNetwork
: 77
: Infrant ReadyNAS Other
: -- minor (vote)
: Investigating
Assigned To: Squeezebox QA Team email alias
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Reported: 2009-07-10 15:13 UTC by Walker LaRon
Modified: 2009-10-01 14:03 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Walker LaRon 2009-07-10 15:13:19 UTC
Ticket #090704-001294

Transporter (however, we have reports of this on all IP3K devices)
ReadyNas Pro using SqueezeCenter 7.3.3
Directly connected to SqueezeNetwork

Please see the following forum link:



Customer receives the following message when playing Rhapsody through SqueezeCenter 7.33 or SqueezeNetwork (after initial error).  

"not a valid session id...Invalid playback session. A max of three streams are allowed at one time"

This occurred when switching back and forth listening to music in his library, internet radio and Rhapsody. Customer stated that when he tried to play any Internet Radio, the Rhapsody error pops up again.Stated when this happened, he was not able to play Rhapsody at all.

I did verify that:

-No one else has access to his Rhapsody account
-He does not stream Rhapsody from any other device than the Transporter

****Important Information****
The customer was initially having a problem with his ReadyNas not being able to connect to Rhapsody at all.  He found that SqueezeCenter was using port 80 TCP and port 53 UDP to talk to SqueezeNetwork/Rhapsody over the internet.So those ports had to be open between the ReadyNAS and the Internet to work.

Per QA, had try the following:

1.  Try power cycling your modem and router by unplugging them for about 15 seconds, and plugging it back in.  Once your modem and router is back up, try playing Rhapsody, and see if the issue still exists.  

2.  Log into your SqueezeNetwork account and delete the Rhapsody information, and re-add it.

3.  Try factory resetting Transporter, re-setting it up, and seeing if the issue still exists.  

The customer did try the above, and he was able to play Rhapsody, along with other Internet Radio Stations again.

Per Dan, creating bug due to the customer should not have to do this to play Rhapsody.


Comment 1 James Richardson 2009-10-01 14:03:57 UTC
This issue should have been addressed in the recent release of 7.4.  Please retest with that version, if you still see the issue, please reopen the bug and include log files for Rhapsody